John Cena def. Kane (No Disqualification Match)

March 27, 2018

With each passing week that The Undertaker fails to respond to John Cena’s WrestleMania challenge, The Cenation Leader’s attempts to goad The Deadman out of the void have flown dangerously close to blasphemy. That led Kane to defend his brother’s honor, but even as Cena occupied himself with The Devil’s Favorite Demon in a No Disqualification victory, he made it abundantly clear who he was fighting in his head.

Not only did Cena sit bolt upright in the style of The Phenom after Kane busied himself with exposing the turnbuckle, he landed a vicious Chokeslam on The Big Red Machine. After his victory — via a savage Attitude Adjustment through a table — the 16-time World Champion expressed open shock that The Demon of Death Valley hadn’t made his presence known at any point during a No Disqualification Match.

Once again stoking the WWE Universe’s love of The Undertaker into “Do Something” chants, Cena implored The Deadman more forcefully than ever to deliver a response of any kind. Silence, he said, was an insult to himself, Kane and everyone who ever believed in The Undertaker.

“I hope for the sake of all that is good inside this ring I see you next week,” Cena said before he left. As one final jab to The Deadman, he unleashed one more mimic, performing Undertaker’s signature throat-slash motion straight into the camera as Raw went off the air. It was a striking note to end on, but as the clock continues to tick, The Deadman’s deafening silence may be all the response he’s going to get.

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