The leader of SAnitY answers Jeff Hardy’s open challenge, but wherever Eric Young goes, chaos follows. With Shinsuke Nakamura unable to compete in his scheduled United States Title Match against Jeff Hardy tonight due to...
The Irish Lass Kicker looks to continue her winning streak against Sonya Deville. After Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose antagonized Becky Lynch earlier in the day, The Irish Lass Kicker faced off against Deville on...
With so much pent-up aggression to unleash, Daniel Bryan did not hesitate to throw down with Harper in the main event of SmackDown LIVE. Fighting freely, smartly and ferociously, The “Yes!” Man took the fight...
The bad blood between The Lucha House Party and the trio of Drew Gulak, The Brian Kendrick & Gentleman Jack Gallagher boils over in a wild Six-Man Elimination Tag Team Match. Despite suffering a defeat...
Lio Rush makes his incredible WWE 205 Live debut against Dewey James. The incredibly fast and agile Lio Rush made his highly anticipated WWE 205 Live debut, taking his sweet time to enter the ring...
From this moment on, Kevin Owens can say he did it! Yes, after weeks of anticipation, Owens not only saw Shania Twain in concert, but joined the iconic musician on stage during her set. In...
Looking to stake their claim among the Cruiserweight division’s elite competitors, Akira Tozawa and Tony Nese square off in singles competition. Looking to prove they are amongst the elite contenders in WWE 205 Live, Tony...
Still incensed after feeling disrespected by The Empress of Tomorrow last week, James Ellsworth arrived on SmackDown LIVE this week with one intention: To call out Asuka. However, his summoning of The Empress led to...
Because of the chaos that closed out the Jeff Hardy vs. Eric Young match, SmackDown LIVE General Manager Paige declared that the bout would be restarted as a Six-Man Tag Team Match. With emotions running...
[unable to retrieve full-text content]Article source: BGB Media StaffPublishing articles on film, television, and pop culture articles inclusive entertainment ...
After her interview is interrupted by Mandy Rose & Sonya Deville, Becky Lynch challenges either one of them to a match on SmackDown LIVE tonight. Becky Lynch will look to continue her winning streak tonight...
NEW YORK and STAMFORD, Conn. – USA Network and WWE (NYSE: WWE) today announced a five-year extension for WWE’s flagship program Monday Night Raw. The new agreement for the live, weekly three-hour block which commences in...
NEW YORK and STAMFORD, Conn., June 26, 2018 – For the first time, every Friday night beginning October 4, 2019, FOX broadcast network will air WWE’s flagship program SmackDown LIVE as part of a new...
Shinsuke Nakamura is unable to compete vs. Jeff Hardy for the United States Championship tonight on SmackDown LIVE. However, The Charismatic Enigma will still defend his title in a United States Championship Open Challenge. A...
Eddie Edwards has spun out of control. At this point reporting on Eddie almost feels irresponsible, we should be spending our time looking for help for Eddie. After what he went through this past week,...
The highly-anticipated IMPACT Wrestling debut of Rich Swann is set for this Thursday night when Impact! originates, for the first time ever, from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. But before we see Swann in the IMPACT ring...
Very few have achieved as much in the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Division or women’s wrestling as a whole as Madison Rayne. The 5 time Knockouts Champion and 2 time Knockouts Tag Team Champion is back...
Continuing his quest to put an end to The Lucha House Party and establish a better WWE 205 Live, Drew Gulak battles Lince Dorado in singles competition. Tonight on WWE 205 Live, the heated rivalry...
Revealing that he feels disrespected by being left out of two Cruiserweight Tournaments, Lio Rush is ready to prove he’s at the right place at the right time. Lio Rush, one of the most exciting...
This Thursday night we will see the Desi Hit Squad compete as a team. Now, this isn’t the first time for Rohit Raju and Gursinder Singh to enter battle as a team, they are the...