A Dose Of Colemanism: Intentional Isolation

December 10, 2020


By Caprice Coleman

This week I’m writing from inside the #ROHBubble. We are doing TV tapings and we are all being quarantined.

We take a COVID-19 test before we come, when we arrive, and before we leave. These tests are to ensure that no one has the virus, and if anyone does, it can be caught before it spreads to any other members of our company. This has proven to be effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Every member of our team at these tapings is voluntarily isolating themselves for a purpose. The purpose being to create a product during these challenging times.

To isolate, you separate someone or something from its group. You can be isolated for being sick or you can isolate yourself from others that might be sick. You can also isolate the idea of a sickness even existing. In most cases, the intention of isolation is to preserve, whether it’s one’s self or a group.

I am trying to use this time of isolation to really clear some thoughts in my mind. It’s valuable to be in a place where all you can do is think. I genuinely believe this is the effect prison was intended to have.

I  believe everybody needs a little isolation from time to time to separate yourself from the noise that often fills our minds. We need to make time to process everything we deal with on a daily basis.

Think of your mind as a room. It’s the equivalent of doing stuff in the room every day but never taking the time to clean it up. Obviously, it’s much easier to find things in a room that has been cleaned. Your mind is the same way. There needs to be time set aside to clean, clear and organize your thoughts.

Think about the time many of us have to ourselves now. Wouldn’t it be beneficial to take some of this time of isolation to work on ourselves?

Just something to think about. I call it a dose of Colemanism.

Caprice Coleman is ROH’s color analyst and has been wrestling for more than 20 years. He also is an ordained minister and motivational speaker. A Dose of Colemanism appears every Thursday.



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