ROH Recap: Brody King Scores Statement-Making Victory Over Dalton Castle

November 10, 2020


“Ring of Honor Wrestling” #477
Airdate: Weekend of Nov. 7, 2020

Host Quinn McKay welcomed viewers to the show and threw to the finish of Jonathan Gresham’s victory over Tracy Williams in the finals of the ROH Pure Title Tournament on last week’s episode.

Jonathan Gresham’s post-match comments

Dak Draper sit-down interview

Brian Johnson sit-down interview

Pure Rules Match: Brian Johnson vs. Dak Draper

This match pitted the two alternates for the ROH Pure Title Tournament. Johnson used his one allowed closed fist to the face immediately after the opening bell. Johnson went on the attack, hitting a suicide dive, flying clothesline off the top rope and another clothesline for a two count. Draper survived the initial onslaught and grabbed Johnson, who escaped Draper’s clutches by using his first of three allotted rope breaks 1:20 into the match.

Draper used his one allowed closed fist to the face. Draper hit a superplex followed by a Doctor Bomb for a near fall. Johnson used his second rope break. Johnson hit a draping cutter for a near fall. Johnson landed a springboard clothesline and made a cover with his feet on the ropes, but the referee caught him and charged him with his third and final rope break. Johnson hit a neckbreaker, and Draper used his first rope break. Johnson was about to punch Draper in the face again, but he remembered it would cause him to be disqualified. Draper took advantage of Johnson’s hesitation and hit Magnum KO for the win. 

Brody King sit-down interview

Dalton Castle sit-down interview

Brody King vs. Dalton Castle

This was just the third singles match in ROH for King, a former ROH World Tag Team and ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion who has set his sights on the ROH World Title. Castle, a former ROH World Champion, is looking to get back into the world title picture, so this was an important match for both of them.

Castle took control early, but King halted his momentum with a crossbody as Castle was charging at him in the corner. King punished Castle with a neck vise and heavy blows to the chest. Castle rallied with a DDT, exploder suplex and running knee to the face for a near fall. Castle hit a German suplex and set up for Bang-a-Rang, but King countered with a piledriver for a near fall.

The action spilled to the floor and King tossed Castle over the barricade. After they returned to the ring, Castle hit Denouement for a near fall. King answered with a Black Hole Slam for a near fall. King hit a snap German suplex and a clothesline followed by the Gonzo Bomb to secure the biggest singles victory of his two-year ROH career.

Next week
Kenny King vs. Shane Taylor
Soldiers of Savagery (Moses and Kaun) vs. Jay and Mark Briscoe


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