ROH TV Recap: Christmas Surprise 10-Man Tag Features Brother Versus Brother, Bouncer Versus Bouncer

December 29, 2020


“Ring of Honor Wrestling” #484
Airdate: Weekend of Dec. 26, 2020

Host Quinn McKay welcomed viewers to the show and wished everyone a happy holiday before throwing to Jay Briscoe, one of the team captains for the Christmas Surprise 10-man tag match. Briscoe unwrapped four packages, each one containing the name of an ROH star who will be on his team. Later, his brother, Mark, followed the same procedure to select the members of his team.


ROH Dojo students Joe Keys and Dante Caballero sit-down interview


ROH Dojo students Eric Martin and Ken Dixon sit-down interview


ROH Dojo Challenge Tag Team Match: Eric Martin and Ken Dixon vs. Dante Caballero and Joe Keys

Caballero and Martin squared off to begin the match, and Caballero used chain wrestling to gain the advantage. Later, Caballero applied a crossface to Dixon, but Martin made the save. Dixon hit a snap powerslam out of nowhere on Caballero for a near fall. Dixon then hit a pumphandle slam on Caballero and made a cover. At that same moment, Martin scooped up Keys, but Keys shifted his weight and they tumbled onto Dixon, which broke up the pin.

Keys applied a single leg crab on Dixon, but Dixon made it to the ropes to break the hold. Keys then locked on the Lion Tamer on Dixon. Caballero prevented Martin from making the save, and Dixon tapped out.

Christmas Surprise 10-Man Tag Match: Jay Briscoe, Flip Gordon, Brawler Milonas, John Walters and PCO vs. Mark Briscoe, Beer City Bruiser, Dak Draper, Tracy Williams and Dalton Castle

Brian Johnson invited himself to join Ian Riccaboni and Caprice Coleman on commentary for the match. The winners of the bout would receive a sizable Christmas bonus.

A few minutes into the match, The Bouncers (Bruiser and Milonas) found themselves as the legal men in the ring. Milonas had no interest in fighting his best friend, so he turned to his corner looking to tag out. Suddenly, Draper came up behind Bruiser and pushed him into Milonas. That angered Milonas, who assumed his partner blindsided him, and he and Bruiser started slugging it out. After both men simultaneously went for a cross body, they tagged out.

Later, it was brothers Jay and Mark Briscoe engaging in a slugfest with each other. The other eight competitors entered the ring and started brawling. After the action spilled to the floor, PCO hit a moonsault off the top rope onto a group of wrestlers outside the ring, including members of his own team. Minutes later, there was a rapid series of high impact moves from several competitors. Williams applied a legbar to Walters, and while Walters was trapped in the hold, Bruiser flattened him with a frog splash. PCO made the save, then went on to hit a moonsault on Draper for the victory.


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