Rebellion: Full Metal Mayhem for the World Tag Team Titles

April 20, 2019

LAX spend 2018 breaking records. They became 3x World Tag Team Champions, they also spent more time as World Tag Team Champions than any team in history. Santana and Oritz became household names and they solidified themselves as one of the greatest teams in IMPACT history.

However, they are not World Tag Team Champions. The title are around the waist of the Lucha Bros! Pentagon Jr. and Fenix.

These two teams know each other very well and at Rebellion they will get to know each other even more when they meet in Full Metal Mayhem. Anything goes in this match and the winners will be bloodied, battered and bruised, but they will be World Tag Team Champions when the dust settles. Also, what is Konnan thinking about this rivalry now?

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