Vince McMahon Thought Steve Austin Was Not A Main Event Level Star

November 6, 2020

WWE Hall Of Famer “Stone Cold” Steve Austin is still one of the most popular WWE Superstars in the company’s history. His merchandise continues to sell great. It seems Vince McMahon did not initially think much of Austin.

Jake Roberts recently spoke to Premier Live TV, where he mentioned a conversation he had with Vince McMahon. While writing television with McMahon, Roberts told him that Steve Austin had what it takes to become a main event level star. Then McMahon revealed what he really felt about Austin at that time.

“When Steve Austin came to WWF, I was helping write television, and I watched him, and I said, ‘This motherf*cker got it, man. He’s got that ‘it’ factor and he don’t even know he’s got it.’”

“I’m starting to scoot him into places. Sort of as an afterthought so nobody was watching. Well then one day I told Vince [McMahon], I said, ‘That guy right there is gonna be your next super, superstar.’ ‘You kidding me Jake?’ He said, ‘That guy, he’ll never make it past fifth, sixth match. He’s not a main-eventer.’ I said, ‘The f*ck he ain’t.’ He said, ‘Do you think so?’ I said, ‘Yeah I think so,’ and we tried the thing and I guess it might’ve worked huh?”

In the end, McMahon decided to give Steve Austin the push and he went on to become one of the biggest Superstars in WWE. His contributions to the business will forever be remembered and it seems Jake Roberts already saw the potential in Austin before anyone else.

h/t to Post Wrestling for the transcription.

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