The O.C. def. Raw Tag Team Champions The Viking Raiders

December 17, 2019
Viking Raiders vs. O.C.

For a while now, The O.C. have had two main talking points when it comes to their superiority as a tag team: That shiny Best Tag Team in the World trophy, and the fact that they’re the only team to beat The Viking Raiders. And just one night after it was starting to look like that win might have been a fluke, the good brothers went and did it again.

Erik & Ivar now have two losses since coming to Raw, both of which coming at the hands of the official, the original and the only club that matters. And this one was even more demoralizing, as it didn’t come at the end of a Tag Team Turmoil Match, and the champs just got beat. Despite a furious comeback at the tail end of a long, brutal fight, Gallows & Anderson dispatched Erik from the apron, hoisted big man Ivar up for the Magic Killer and let ‘er rip, scoring the 1-2-3 with no chicanery and no tricks involved. The win left the Raiders furious and looking more than a little energized, though they would do well to add a little more strategy to the fight this time around. After all, they’ve suffered two losses: That’s past a fluke and past coincidence. If they want to stay champions, they’ll need to stop it from becoming a trend.
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