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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair walked down the ramp at the start of the show, accompanying Sting and Darby Allin for the opening match!

Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Workhorsemen—JD Drake & Anthony Henry!

Anthony Henry blindsided Darby before the match began. Sting pursued Henry, but JD Drake tried to hit Sting in the back with a chair. Sting turned around and smacked the chair back into Drake’s face, only for Flair to chop Drake! Flair sent Drake ping ponging the other way into a lariat from Sting!

Anthony Henry swept out Darby’s legs on the apron. After wiping out Sting, Henry splashed Darby against the barricade. Henry powerslammed Darby and then Drake splashed Darby off the top turnbuckle for a near fall. 

Henry tagged in and nailed Darby with a backstabber. Drake grabbed a tag and chopped Darby. JD Drake cut off Darby from making a tag to Sting. Drake muscled over Darby with a belly to belly suplex. Darby dodged a moonsault and tagged Sting. Drake got splashed by the Stinger. Darby nailed Henry with a Coffin Drop from the top to the arena floor! Sting finished off Drake with a Scorpion Death Drop and pinned Drake!

Continental Crown Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Trent Beretta!

Kingston chopped at Trent and then battered him with kicks to the spine. Trent fired back with a tornado DDT. Trent snap suplexed Kingston. Eddie charged at Trent and blasted him with rapid fire chops. Eddie chopped Trent in the face and then got an earful from the ref. Trent may have suffered a broken nose as the blood began to pour. Kingston hit a suplex on Trent on the arena floor, not letting up at all. 

Trent’s mom, Sue, was sitting in the front row, concerned for her son. Trent stunned Kingston with a jumping knee strike. 

“Sometimes the taste of your own blood fires you up,” said Nigel.

Trent smashed Kingston with forearms. Kingston was on wobbly legs. Trent dropkicked Eddie, sending Eddie out of the ring. Trent flew out of the ring with a tope. Trent power bombed Kingston back in the ring for a near fall. Eddie came back with an Exploder and then a DDT for a two-count! The blood was flowing freely down Trent’s face.

Trent rocked Eddie with three consecutive German Suplexes! Trent crushed Eddie with a charging knee strike. Trent spike Kingston with a Gotch style piledriver for a near fall! Trent tossed Eddie with a half-and-half. Eddie retaliated with an exploder suplex. Kingston pinned Trent after a stalling Northern Lights Bomb!

Footage aired from an interview earlier in the day that Tony Schiavone conducted with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander!

Tony Schiavone asked about the interest that Stokely Hathaway has been paying to them, especially to Statlander.

Willow: “You noticed that too, right, Tony? That was weird. Moving on, let’s focus on what we are excited about. In 2024 I’m only focusing on the hot start we’ve had. We had a victory last night. Let’s keep it rolling!”

Kris: “You’re right! Not only was 2023 huge for the both of us, you won the Owen Hart Cup Tournament, I won the TBS Title, and we’re just gonna keep that going. 2024 is going to be bigger and better than ever because we are two of the best wrestlers in AEW!”

Footage played of FTW Champion HOOK, who was issuing a challenge!

Hook: “My winning percentage in this company is second to none. I think it’s time to get after another championship. Samoa Joe, I’m coming for you and your World Title.”

ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground Match!

Undisputed Kingdom (c.)—Mike Bennett & Matt Taven (with Roderick Strong)


Komander & “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

Bennett walloped Komander with chops and then rammed him into a turnbuckle. Taven tagged in and crushed Komander with a back breaker. Komander had his first flurry of offense with a hurracanrana to Taven. Bryan Keith tagged in and booted Taven in the face.

Bennett entered the fray and slugged the Bounty Hunter. Bennett and Taven used their tandem offense on Keith. Taven face planted Keith. Taven connected with a leg lariat. Bennett charged at Keith but Keith suplexed Bennett into the turnbuckles. Komander grabbed a tag and rocked Taven with a spinning DDT. Taven climbed to the top but Komander superplexed Taven from on top of Keith’s shoulders!

Keith flipped Komander overhead, with Komander flying over the ropes and landing on the Undisputed Kingdom on the floor! Keith grabbed underhooks on Taven, but Bennett ran and rocked Keith with a lariat. Bennett spiked Komander with a piledriver. Taven smacked Keith with the Just the Tip knee strike! After double teaming Keith, Taven pinned Keith!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Bullet Club Gold— “Switchblade” Jay White and Austin and Colten Gunn!

AEW Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass interrupted the interview!

Billy: “We were walking by, and I couldn’t help but overhear you saying how your dad had to save you again.”

Jay White: “Guys, this is none of your business. The whole thing started with Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom laying their hands on me. So, we’re going to be the ones who handle this and bang bang finish it.”

Caster: “We could put our hands on you right now if you want.”

The Gunns asked how well that worked out for them last time.

Bowens: “First off, don’t say it’s none of our business because they threw me through glass. But everyone calm down. It pains me to say this, and it may be a very crazy idea considering everything we’ve done to each other in the past, but I’ve been thinking about this the last two days. One thing I’ve learned since being in AEW is the only way to get to the top is through factions. I mean, Jay, look what you did with the Bullet Club in Japan. And look at a guy like Billy. Billy knows a thing or two about big factions. All I’m saying is I know it’s crazy. Think about it.”

They all went their separate ways, but not before Austin Gunn looked at Renee and said, “I mean, it made sense.”

“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland came to the ring!

Adam Copeland: “So in case all of you missed Worlds End, Christian Cage and I beat the living hell out of each other. And I beat him for the TNT Championship. But this past Wednesday on Dynamite, I saw Christian Cage say that Adam Copeland goes to the back of the line.

“I think he’s forgetting that as former champion, I get an automatic rematch. But it’s okay. For our entire careers, he’s said that I’ve been handed all of my opportunities. I’ve had a rocket strapped to my back. Really what the issue is, I just work harder than him. You should be on your hands and knees kissing Killswitch’s ass. So, he wants me to earn my title shot, right? I am going to start doing that right here tonight. I’ll start from the very back. I don’t care. Because like I said, I work hard. I’m here in my gear. I’m ready for a fight. We’re gonna make this an open challenge. We can call it the Cope Open. I’m going to stand here in the middle of the ring and wait for someone to step up.”

Maria Kanellis walked onto the ramp with Cole Karter and Griff Garrison!

Griff Garrison: “I am Griff Garrison! And a lot of you may be asking who is Griff Garrison. Griff Garrison is a guy that steps up to the plate against a hall of famer! Hey bud, I’m over here. How about you look at me and show me some respect, since I’m the one who accepted your open challenge.”

Copeland: “Griff, you know I like you. You remind me a lot of me when I was your age. I appreciate you coming in here. But dude, you are stepping up below sea level to Mount Everest here.”

Garrison slapped Copeland in the face!

Copeland: “You know what, Griff? Strangely that makes me like you even more. But now I am going to have to beat your ass.”

Garrison was smiling but Copeland booted him right in the kisser! Copeland lit up Griff’s chest with stinging chops. Copeland backdropped Griff. Cope smacked Garrison with a running clothesline. Maria grabbed Copeland’s ankle, distracting him. Cole Karter tripped Copeland. Garrison took advantage of the distraction and cracked Copeland with a boot to his face.

Garrison used a hammer throw, sending Copeland hard into the corner. Garrison suplexed Copeland. Adam Copeland ducked a lariat attempt. Copeland climbed to the top turnbuckle and connected with a big cross body for a near fall. Copeland charged in, looking for the spear, but Garrison countered with a discus shot! Garrison climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Copeland hammered him. Copeland wore out Garrison with repeated head butts. Copeland superplexed Garrison! Copeland applied a submission and forced Garrison to tap out!

Cole Karter dropkicked Copeland from behind. Karter went for a 450 splash, but Copeland moved out of the way! Copeland speared Karter!

“Nature Boy” Ric Flair was backstage with Darby Allin and Sting!

Flair: “Next week, a really big week in Jacksonville! It’s where Sting returned to wrestling. AEW, his first match in six years. It’s where Sting and Darby united and became this entity that’s unbeatable.”

Darby: “26 and 0!”

Flair: “After next week, 27 and 0! Stinger, Darby, and the Nature Boy at Daily’s Place!”

Sting: “Yeah, I’m ready! I’m on my way to Jacksonville, Florida and Daily’s Place, and I’ve got a smack talking guy talking about how he’s gonna take us out! Don’t think, Don Callis and company, that the Stinger is just gonna coast his way through the last few weeks. No! That ain’t the case! I’m coming to Jacksonville and the only thing for sure about Sting is that at Daily’s Place, it’s gonna be showtime!”

Skye Blue vs. Kiera Hogan!

They locked up and Skye tripped Hogan. Skye applied a side headlock. Hogan pushed her off but Blue rammed Hogan’s head into the mat. Skye missed a slap, but Hogan connected with a slap of her own. Hogan hip attacked Skye.

Skye grabbed Hogan by the hair and then cracked her with an elbow shot to the back of the head. Skye stomped on Kiera Hogan, showing off more of her demonic side. Skye jumped off the turnbuckles with Kiera countered with a thrust kick, perfectly timed. Hogan dropkicked Skye. Hogan followed up with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Skye Blue trapped Hogan in the ropes and rocked her with a thrust kick. Blue used a fall away slam and then transitioned into a dragon sleeper, forcing Kiera Hogan to tap out!

A vignette aired showcasing the comeback of Serena Deeb, who is returning imminently!

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Andrew Everett!

Before the match, Claudio challenged “Hangman” Adam Page to a match this Wednesday on Dynamite!

Claudio hoisted up Everett and body slammed him. Claudio choke slammed Everett. Claudio put Andrew in the Giant Swing and hurled him halfway across the ring! Claudio whipped Everett into the turnbuckles. 

Andrew sent Claudio to his knees courtesy of a Pele kick. Andrew jumped off the ropes, but Claudio dodged him and spiked him with a piledriver. Claudio clobbered Andrew with a King Kong lariat and pinned Andrew Everett!

“See you on Wednesday Hangman Page!” said Claudio to the camera. 

Lexy Nair was backstage with the AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Starks: “I know that everybody at Daily’s Place are waiting for the return of Ricky Starks. And how fitting that I made my debut there. And while I wasn’t successful, I return there as one half of the AEW World Tag Team Champions. And Sammy, all the history that we have, that goes out the window next week when I destroy you and cut the legs out from under you.”

Big Bill: “It’s Saturday night and neither of you are here. Next Saturday night, Norfolk, Virginia, for the AEW World Tag Team Titles, at Battle of the Belts, it’ll be ‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks and Big Bill defending against Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho in a street fight! That is, Sammy, if you make it past Wednesday.”

Main Event Time!

FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood 


House of Black’s Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black!

Matthews pointed at Harwood’s daughter, who was sitting at ringside. Harwood didn’t take this lightly, to say the least! Harwood chopped at Matthews. Dax grabbed a tax and Buddy took him down with a wrist lock. 

Dax hit a drop toe hold and tagged in Cash Wheeler. Malakai Black entered the ring. Dax blocked a kick from Malakai. Dax flipped off Black. Malakai connected with a sliding dropkick. Cash came in and clubbed Black with a forearm, and then delivered a European Uppercut to Matthews. Malakai Black moonsaulted off the second turnbuckle and landed on Cash, who was on the arena floor!

Matthews and Black doubled teamed Cash Wheeler in the corner. Cash sent Black hard into Buddy. Cash crawled to make the tag, but Buddy cut him off with a kick! Dax tagged in and cleaned house…on the House of Black! Dax nailed Black with a brain buster for a near fall!

Black back elbowed Dax, after some assistance from Buddy. Black cracked Dax with a knee. Dax pulled Black down hard onto the turnbuckles as Black was climbing. FTR hit the power and glory suplex and splash on Black! Dax covered Black, but Matthews mauled Cash with the meteora, knocking Cash into Dax and breaking up the pin attempt!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Cash went for a tope, but the House of Black blasted him with stereo knees and then hurled him onto the announcer’s desk! Black grabbed a steel chair and brought it into the ring. Black was staring at Dax’s wife and daughter in the front row. While Black was taunting them, Dax drilled Black with a stiff shot, and then hit Matthews! FTR rocked Buddy with the Shatter Machine, but Black broke up the pin attempt they had on Buddy!

FTR spiked Black with a package piledriver on the apron! Brody King walked down the ramp, but Daniel Garcia chased after him, waffling Brody with a steel chair, helping FTR!

“What a standup guy Daniel Garcia is,” said Kevin Kelly.

As Dax was entering the ring, Buddy curb stomped him. Buddy power bombed Dax and went for the cover, but Dax countered with a pin of his own and scored the victory! After the match, the House of Black triple teamed FTR and Daniel Garcia! Buddy curb stomped Cash on the steel chair. Brody held a chair against Dax’s face and Black hit him with a spin kick, right in front of Dax’s family! TBS Champion Julia Hart rang the bell over and over.

“The bell tolls for thee,” said Kevin Kelly. 

“That was a ten bell salute from Julia Hart. Is this the death of FTR?” wondered Nigel.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Homecoming on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL featuring:

-AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Sammy Guevara!

-AEW World Champion Samoa Joe will be in the house!

-Claudio Castagnoli vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

-Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Coming out of ,,WORLDS END and kicking off 2024, All Elite Wrestling began a new chapter with Samoa Joe taking the helm as AEW World Champion and the revelation that Adam Cole had been The Devil in MJF’s life the whole time. Those two elements changed the landscape of AEW moving into the new year, and then there was the arrival of Deonna Purrazzo on the heels of Mariah May’s in-ring debut, but at least some things remain the same, like Orange Cassidy still AEW International Champion after his fight with Dante Martin Wednesday night, and Wheeler Yuta still ROH Pure Champion after Friday’s fight with Komander.

The new era for AEW continues this Saturday with 2024’s first COLLISION, but it comes with a mix of something old and something new! The rivalry between The House of Black and FTR has been simmering for months, and will explode in tag team warfare this Saturday night while Eddie Kingston defends his Continental Crown for the very first time against Trent Beretta! It comes with AEW’s return to the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC this Saturday night for COLLISION, live on TNT, begin at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT! Get prepared for the night’s festivities by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as moments from WORLDS END 2023, plus the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. The House of Black (Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black)

On the October 7th edition of COLLISION, Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood were decimated by Big Bill and Ricky Starks resulting in the loss of the AEW World Tag Team Championship. It was a heartbreaking, physical dissection of the defending champs, one that left FTR still feeling the bruises on October 21st when they returned to in-ring competition. Just a minute into that tag team match the lights in the arena went out, and when they returned Malakai Black stood opposite Cash and Dax. Before either could react, the lights were doused once again, and this time when they flared back to life, it wasn’t just Malakai standing there, he’d been joined by Buddy Matthews and Brody King, leading to a 3-on-2 assault on FTR.

It seemed a similar scenario would play out a week later when, after Starks defeated Dax in singles competition, the lights went out once more and The House of Black, who’d been watching the bout from a distance, appeared inside the ring. It was only the arrival of LFI that balanced the scales, leading  to the most unlikely of temporary alliances between FTR and LFI, but one that was destined to be short-lived as FULL GEAR 2023 put FTR, LFI of RUSH and Dralistico, as well as Brody King and Malakai Black, in a Ladder Match against Big Bill and Ricky Starks with the AEW World Tag Titles hanging in the balance.

Starks and Bill would retain, the end coming when Starks smashed one of the hanging belts into the skull of Cash Wheeler, but that did nothing to quell the fires burning between FTR and The House. Malakai and company were on the spot to make verbal allusions after FTR beat The Righteous, and when FTR came to fight The House after they defeated Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels, Cash and Dax were instead subjected to, first, an offer to join The House, and then a brutal assault they left both unconscious in the ring.

Then it got personal; three weeks ago, the December 16th edition of COLLISION, Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black put Dax’s wife and child into the conversation, burning a picture of the three of them, and telling FTR that The House was their family now. The challenge for this tag team fight was finally made when Cash and Dax came to the aid of Daniel Garcia and Matt Menard following Garcia’s victory over Brody King. 

So it all comes down to this Saturday night as former 2-Time AEW World Tag Champions FTR meet The House of Black as honored by Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews; the tension, the animosity, the vitriol between these two units has reached a fever pitch, and it will explode live on COLLISION come Saturday night! With as personal as their issue has gotten, the AEW official tasked with maintaining order is going to have their hands full… 


Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Trent Beretta

This is a match full of firsts; not only is it the first defense of the Continental Crown since its creation at WORLDS END last Saturday night, it is also the first time Eddie Kingston and Trent Beretta will step into the ring for a fight! They stood on the same side of the ring at ALL IN: LONDON in Stadium Stampede, and both were part of the ALL OUT 2020 Casino Battle Royale, but this will be the first time they’ve ever been foes in a traditional match.

But this isn’t just a match is it? This is Eddie Kingston fighting for his life’s work, something he already put at risk when he laid the ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Title on the line to create, along with the AEW Continental Title, this Continental Crown. Every fight Kingston had during the Continental Classic Tournament put his status as a double champion at risk, but “The Mad King” persevered through adversity and loss to win the Blue League, capping it off with a victory over Jon Moxley in the Finals at WORLDS END.

There is no way Kingston will let this crown slip off his head easily, Trent Beretta is going to have to utterly incapacitate Eddie in order to win this match, but there’s just something about Beretta as of late that makes it seem like he’d be willing to go to such lengths. Fans have seen the man get down and dirty in Parking Lot Brawls before, so they know Trent Beretta is capable of the violence it may take to put Eddie Kingston down.

The thing with Eddie though is that he knew the second he beat Jon Moxley, he’d become a target for any individual striving for championship success. It’s not a matter of shattering a dream, Kingston isn’t a dreamer, he’s a fighter and one who knows that as long as he laces up the boots, the fight will never end. Every day someone will be gunning for him, after all he’s a man hoarding three different championships from three different companies, making him a target for people from every single one. Trent Beretta just happens to be the first, and even if Kingston makes it past him, there will be another and another and another waiting to take their shot at the Continental Crown upon The Mad King’s head!


Darby Allin & Sting vs. The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

Ahead of their fight with The Don Callis Family on ,,DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024 in Jacksonville, Darby Allin and “The Icon” Sting will be in tag team action this Saturday night! It’s a huge opportunity for The Workhorsemen of Anthony Henry and JD Drake, facing Darby and Sting, given the amount of respect and admiration the pair have for “The Icon”, but it’s also so much more than that. See this night at Bojangles Coliseum will be Sting’s last fight in Charlotte, a wrestling city synonymous with his career, where he’s fought Eddie Gilbert, battled inside War Games, as well as fought the likes of Sid Vicious, Cactus Jack, and yes, Ric Flair, for championship gold!

In fact, the last match Sting had in Charlotte took place at the Bojangles almost five years ago to the day, and featured him defending a World Championship! So now he returns to Charlotte, with both Darby Allin and Ric Flair at this side, to bid farewell to the fans of the Queen City, and give The Workhorsemen the kind of wrestling lesson that can only be given by someone with his experience! Join AEW this Saturday night in Charlotte as we continue on the Road to ,,REVOLUTION 2024 and Sting’s final professional wrestling match.


At WORLDS END 2023 Adam Copeland managed to experience ultimate triumph and catastrophic tragedy within minutes of one another. In a vicious No DQ Match with Christian Cage, Copeland defeated “The Patriarch” to become the new TNT Champion but taking advantage of the situation, Killswitch brutally assaulted Copeland in hopes of using the TNT Championship match contract he’d earned during ZERO HOUR. Unfortunately for the former Luchasaurus, he was convinced by Christian to hand over the contract, and the ex-champion took back the TNT Championship he’d lost only moments earlier.

Well the world heard what Christian Cage had to say about the situation this past Wednesday on DYNAMITE, basically denying he ever lost the title and this is one continuous run, so this Saturday night we will hear from the other half of that equation! Adam Copeland has to have a lot on his mind about this situation, and we will get a piece of it on COLLISION!

All Elite Wrestling is back in Charlotte, NC at the ,,Bojangles Coliseum this Saturday night with the first COLLISION of 2024! In one of the most anticipated tag matches in recent memory, FTR will finally fight The House of Black as honored by Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black, and Eddie Kingston will defend his Continental Crown for the very first time against Trent Beretta after that Best Friend won DYNAMITE’s Four Way bout! Those two stellar contests, and more, are set to come your way when COLLISION kicks off at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT. All you need to do is get prepared by dropping in on the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from this week’s editions of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as events from WORLDS END 2023, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

Trios Match!

Mark Briscoe & The Hardys—Jeff & Matt


Kip Sabian, The Butcher & The Blade!

Mark Briscoe locked up with Kip Sabian. Mark escaped a wrist lock and then applied a side headlock to Kip. Kip Sabian hit Mark with a shoulder block and then taunted the Hardys. The Hardys double suplexed Kip after a quick series of tags.

Blade ate a boot from Jeff Hardy. Butcher and Matt Hardy tagged in for their respective teams. Matt slugged away at Butcher and then rammed Butcher’s head into the turnbuckles. Matt splashed Butcher from the ropes, but Butcher kicked out at the one-count. Butcher escaped a Twist of Fate attempt with a huge lariat. 

Mark Briscoe tagged in and cleaned house on the Butcher and the Blade with his redneck Kungfu. Briscoe scored with a dropkick on the Blade. Butcher swept out Mark’s leg and then planted him face first on the ring apron. Kip followed up with a moonsault onto Mark. Butcher bit down on Matt Hardy’s head. Meanwhile, back in the ring, Mark Briscoe was triple teamed by the opposition. 

Butcher blasted Briscoe with a half nelson backbreaker for a near fall! Mark scored a neck breaker on the Blade. Both men tagged out. Jeff Hardy and Kip Sabian came in, and Hardy hit a double leg drop on Sabian. Hardy used a diving splash for a near fall on Sabian. 

Matt shocked Sabian with a Side Effect. He was looking for the Twist of Fate, but the Butcher and the Blade blindsided Matt. Mark Briscoe saved Matt Hardy. Matt Hardy smashed Sabian with the Twist of Fate. Jeff followed up with a Swanton bomb. And Mark pinned Kip after the Froggy Bow!

“Tremendous fit for Mark Briscoe and the Hardys,” said Ian.

“If I’m the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass, I’m taking notice of Mark and the Hardys,” replied Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara!

Renee mentioned how they still have the tag team championship opportunity in the future, however, next week, it’ll be Sammy against Ricky Starks one-on-one. Sammy already has a victory over Ricky from Worlds End. Renee was wondering how Sammy felt ahead of this competition.

Sammy: “I feel great. Like you just said, we picked up a big pay-per-view win. That’s the past. Now we look to Dynamite. Myself versus Ricky Starks. This is what AEW is about. This is restoring the feeling. Ricky, you and I are a lot alike. No matter what the world wants to throw at us, we always overcome it. Next week, only one of us can be the winner. So, you might be good, some might say great, but you’re not better than the best ever.”

Jericho: “And Big Bill, if you try and get involved, I’m going to stop you. You’re twice my size, sure, but you’ve got half my brainpower. And if you try and get involved, I’m going to take out my proverbial ax and chop you down inch by inch until we’re face to face. Then I’m going to poke you in the eye and knock your teeth down your throat. And Uncle Joe is going to cry. We’ll see you on Dynamite, boys.”

Next, Renee Paquette interviewed Anna Jay backstage, who was accompanied by Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager!

Anna Jay said she felt stagnant but that it was a time for a change this year. “This is my year. And tonight, I’m going to beat Shida, and I think I need to do this by myself, ok?”

Harley Cameron interrupted, saying she wanted to introduce herself. She said she wanted to help all of them, and then whispered into Parker’s ear. He replied, “You would actually do that?” Harley made a cat noise and walked off. Menard told Parker that Harley seemed like a nice girl. Parker downplayed it and said it was not what it looked like. 

Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale vs. Notorious Mimi & Kennedi Hardcastle!

Stokely Hathaway told Justin Roberts that he’d make the ring introductions for this match. Stokely went out of his way to really hype up Kris, and barely put any effort into his introduction for Willow.

Kris and Willow used quick tags to work over Mimi, while Tony Schiavone speculated that Stokely was perhaps smitten with Statlander. Willow double suplexed Hardcastle and Mimi. Kris tagged in and ran over both opponents. Statlander powerslammed Hardcastle and then planted Mimi on top of Hardcastle. Willow scored the pin after a spinebuster!

After the match, Stokely jumped into the ring, but Willow forced him out, and away from her friend Statlander. 

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Matt and Jeff Hardy!

Jeff: “We’re feeling great! We just got a huge win on Rampage. Somebody needs to get us on AEW Dynamite so we can boost those ratings, you know what I’m saying?”

Private Party interrupted them! 

Isiah Kassidy: “Congratulations, fellas.”

Matt Hardy: “Thank you. We’re very happy to pick up that W, but we’re also very happy for you, and I’m proud of you. Because Marq Quen is back, he’s healthy. You guys got this. Because you have sat underneath the tree of the tag team GOATS. Of the living legends, the Hardys, the greatest tag team to ever do it.”

Marq Quen: “No lies detected.”

Matt Hardy: “They say if you love something, you have to let it go. And it’s time for you guys to be your own men, to be your own team. I was proud of you for calling people out. I heard you call us out there too.”

Matt said he had gifts for Private Party, and they tossed two ring worn Hardy shirts at them. Matt said the Hardys were their childhood, but they’re also going to be their adulthood, and they’re going to see them real soon. The Hardys walked away, and Marq Quen looked at Isiah and said he wanted to kick their asses.

Anna Jay vs. Hikaru Shida!

Shida scored with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker. She followed up with a knee lift on Anna Jay. Shida pulled a steel chair from out beneath the ring and set it up. Shida tried to jump off the chair but Anna side stepped it. Anna whipped Shida into the steel guardrail. 

Anna Jay rocked Shida with a thrust kick for a near fall. Shida and Anna Jay traded forearms in the center of the ring. Shida battered Anna Jay down to the mat. Shida smashed Anna in the jaw and followed up with a delayed brain buster!

Anna Jay connected with a pendulum kick. Shida rocked Anna with the Falcon Arrow, but Anna countered with the Queen Slayer. Shida rolled out and nailed Anna Jay with a knee for a near fall. Shida climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit the meteora right on target. Shida finished off Anna Jay with the katana kick and pinned Anna Jay!

Sonjay Dutt invited the camera crew into the locker room of Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, and Karen Jarrett.

Dutt: “We need to make sure we get back on the same page, and if it doesn’t happen today, we’ll work every week until we get back on the same page. I got us a big tag team match coming up because I want us to get back to our winning ways.”

Lethal: “A tag match? How does that get us back on the same page?”

Karen: “Start with a name? I’ve been here nine months, and our team doesn’t even have a name.”

Jeff: “Maybe we should involve loser in that name, because of this guy Jay Lethal.”

Lethal: “Who the hell you talking to?”

Jeff: “Jay, just how many matches have you won recently? You know how many I’ve won this past year? I’ve beat Jeff Hardy, I’ve beat Dax, hell, I beat Eddie Kingston in a Memphis Street Fight, and look where that guy is now. He’s on top of the mountain.”

Lethal: “Now wait a minute! You wouldn’t have won any of those matches if it weren’t for me. So, you didn’t win s—t!”

Jeff: “You’re trying to tell me that I need you to win? Why don’t you get out of here and start your own winning streak?”

Lethal got into Jeff’s face!

Karen: “Hey, this is the opposite of what we wanted to happen.”

Dutt: “C’mon, we’ll try it again next week.”

Main Event Time! ROH Pure Championship Match!

ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta vs. Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Jimmy Jacobs, Christopher Daniels, and Pat Buck were the judges.

Yuta trapped Komander with a double wristlock. Komander exhausted his first rope break, as Yuta left him with no choice. Komander applied a single leg crab and Yuta used his first rope break.

Komander blocked a lariat with a kick. Yuta clocked Komander with a strike and then drove Komander’s shoulder down on the arena floor. Back in the ring, Komander had an inside cradle for a near fall on Yuta. Komander jumped off the ropes and transitioned into a dropkick to Yuta. Komander spiked Yuta with a DDT for a two-count.

Yuta put Komander in a double wrist lock again, grounding Komander. Komander used his third and final rope break here. Yuta was smiling ear to ear. Komander caught Yuta off guard with a hurracanrana. Yuta nailed Komander with a bridging German Suplex. Yuta pounded Komander with the hammer and anvil elbows. Yuta put Komander in the double wrist lock again, and with no rope breaks remaining, Komander had no choice but to tap!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC featuring:

-FTR vs. The House Of Black!

-Continental Crown Match: Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Trent Beretta!

-Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Workhorsemen!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Kicking off the first Dynamite of the new year… “The Devil” Adam Cole came to the ring to explain his shocking betrayal of MJF!

Cole was accompanied by Roderick Strong, Wardlow, and the ROH World Tag Team Champions—The Kingdom—Mike Bennett and Matt Taven.

Strong: “Everybody shut up and listen to my best friend Adam!”

Cole: “You guys don’t have sympathy for me? I find it ironic that so many people were shocked by what happened at Worlds End, which means you’re all stupid, and you don’t know right from wrong. You think we’re the bad guys because we betrayed MJF? The guy who has run his mouth about everyone in the locker room and all of you fans? If that makes me the devil, then buy me a first class ticket straight to hell.

“MJF is a narcissist. The only person that MJF cares about is MJF. And he’s had his claws hooked in AEW for far too long. And I think it’s a time for a change. Someday most of that locker room will thank me. Hell, someday Tony Khan will thank me because MJF is gone and he’s never coming back.

“There’s a lot of reasons why I did what I did. MJF would have done the same to me, I just beat him to the punch. Adam Cole never needed MJF. MJF needed Adam Cole. I sacrificed everything for that friendship. That’s how I broke my ankle. I’m the one that lost something! Not him!

“MJF needed Adam Cole. None of you would have been cheering for MJF without Adam Cole. Better Than You BayBay—that’s me. In the beginning this was all about the AEW World Championship. But then it turned out to be something more. This is about ripping out a man’s heart and bringing him to his knees. MJF is dead!

“I’ll tell you who is very much alive. That is the Undisputed Kingdom. And aside from our disdain for the guy who doesn’t work here anymore, that is to win championship gold. We have the ROH World Tag Team Champions The Kingdom. My real best friend Adam Cole who is going to go after the International Championship. And Wardlow, finally with a group who respects him, he will go after the AEW World Championship. And when the time is right, Wardlow will forfeit the AEW World Championship and give it to me.

“And speaking of that, congratulations to Samoa Joe. It was a real pleasure doing business with you. It was a pleasure to take out Hangman Adam Page. And by the time Wardlow is ready, I hope you are not the AEW World Champion, because it would suck to hurt you as a friend. AEW needed change and we gave it to you. The Undisputed Kingdom starts a new era, and the devil is here to stay, baybay!”

“Switchblade” Jay White walked onto the ramp!

Jay White: “My good friend Adam Cole, baybay. Or as we now know you to be, the Devil, huh? I’m glad to see you haven’t lost your edge after all. What I don’t like is being collateral for your cause and for making me the catalyst when you had your friends jump me. And I’m not alone.”

Colten and Austin Gunn came out and the Gunns and Jay White jumped into the ring and began brawling with the Undisputed Kingdom! Bullet Club Gold were outnumbered until The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass charged to the ring! The Undisputed Kingdom retreated!

“The Acclaimed came to the aid of Bullet Club Gold is not how I expected to begin this year,” said Excalibur.

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin!

Dante and Orange exchanged pinning combinations at the start of the match. They continued to chain wrestle. Dante remained composed despite facing the veteran Cassidy. Dante applied a deep cradle for a near fall, and then Orange slid out of the ring to slow down Dante’s momentum. 

Cassidy baited Dante to the outside and then followed up with an elbow suicida. Orange rammed Dante into the steel barricade. Cassidy ran towards Dante Martin and dropkicked him. Dante reversed a suplex attempt and nailed Orange with a snap suplex onto the arena floor. Dante flew at Cassidy with a tope suicida, pushing the pace. Dante followed up with a springboard crossbody press for a two-count.

“When Dante gets up in the air it’s almost like time stops for a moment,” said Taz.

Dante began to play mind games with the champ, brushing him with light kicks and strikes. Cassidy had enough and connected with a thrust kick. Cassidy stomped at Dante in the corner, the intensity picking up with each subsequent strike. Cassidy spiked Dante with a DDT for a near fall!

“That was a crazy landing on that DDT! Talk about an exclamation point,” said Taz.

Orange blasted Dante with a diving DDT, driving Dante’s head down into the mat, good for another near fall. Dante ducked an Orange Punch. Dante escaped the Beach Break and then rocked Orange with a knee strike to the face! Dante hit a senton to Orange’s back. Dante climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Cassidy rolled, trying to get out of the ray. Dante walked the ropes and flew across the ring, splashing Orange! The champ moved out of the way of a senton. Orange crushed Dante with the Orange Punch and then pinned Dante!

FTW Champ Hook and Danhausen came down to check on Orange Cassidy, while Action Andretti and Darius Martin came to collect Dante. Orange offered his hand to Dante and shook it, showing good sportsmanship. 

Private Party—Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen made their returns!

Marq Quen: “Allow me to reintroduce ourselves! We’ve been keeping tabs on the tag division. The tag division has been missing some flavor! And most importantly the tag division has been missing Private Party!”

Isiah Kassidy: “We’re putting every tag team on notice. That means all of you, FTR, the Young Bucks, and the Hardys. We say new year, new champs!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and Luther the Butler!

Toni: “This isn’t New York. This is New Jersey. I belong on Broadway. So, I’m going to call it a night. I’m not going to watch Mariah May’s debut. She needs to pay her dues, and what better way than wrestling in New Jersey!

Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews accepted FTR’s challenge! 

The House of Black said if they beat FTR, Cash and Dax would need to disown their family and walk back with their new family—the House of Black! It’s set for this Saturday live on Collision!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland!

Prince Nana: “Daniel Garcia is a respected competitor, but does he know he’s getting into the ring with the boss of bosses?”

Swerve: “Earlier tonight Daniel was talking about big pressure. It’s not about making diamonds with us, it’s about making pain. And in 2024 I’m looking for championship gold. So, I guess it’s up to you, Samoa Joe, so be ready!

Mariah May vs. Queen Aminata!

Mariah May blasted Queen Aminata with an open palm strike. Mariah chopped at Aminata. Mariah followed up with a solid dropkick. Aminata was tied up in the ropes and Mariah May blasted her from behind with another running dropkick!

Queen Aminata fired back with a few slaps to Mariah’s face. Aminata kicked Mariah in the spine and then followed up with a running knee strike. Mariah May exploded out of the corner with a sling blade. Mariah finished off Queen Aminata with the May Day and pinned Aminata!

Renee Paquette interviewed Mariah May in the ring after the match.

Mariah May: “I can’t believe it! I won my AEW debut! I’ve wanted to be a wrestler since I was a little kid, so the fact that I’m in this ring on AEW is surreal to me. And I hope Miss Toni Storm is watching wherever she is. This is the first Dynamite of the New Year and it’s all about Mariah. But my only regret is we had to do this in New Jersey.”

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo walked down to the ring, upstaging Mariah May!

Deonna: “Renee, I’m sure you know this but I’m from New Jersey! And if Toni Storm doesn’t want to be here, then trust me, we all don’t want her here either. But Mariah, I have a message that you can pass along to Miss Storm. It doesn’t matter where she runs or hides, I will find her because Mariah I am All Elite! And we are in the Age of the Virtuosa!”

Mariah May: “Okay, well, Deonna, I’m not the messenger so tell her yourself!”

Mariah May slapped Deonna and Deonna slapped back, knocking Mariah off her feet!

2x TNT Champion Christian Cage gave his 2024 State of The Union!

Christian Cage came to the ring with Shayna Wayne, “the Prodigy” Nick Wayne, and Killswitch!

Shayna Wayne took the microphone from Tony Schiavone and addressed the fans. “You boo me? You boo a mother? How dare you? I demand you people get on your feet right now and pay respect to the greatest TNT Champion that ever lived, our father, “the Patriarch” Christian Cage.”

Christian Cage: “Tony, it has been 200 days since I won this championship on the very first episode of Collision. It has been an historic run for sure. And if you interrupt me again, I’m going to have Mother Wayne put you across her knee and discipline you.

“I went through a war at Worlds End and there are a few people I need to thank. First of all, Mother Wayne, for understanding the vision. A mother’s work is never done. Secondly, I’d like to thank my pride and joy, the apple of my eye, Nick Wayne, who put his body on the line. Adam Copeland tried to put Nick’s career to an end at the age of 18. I just want to say I love you, Nick. 

“And lastly, I’d like to thank the man that sealed the victory at Worlds End, the man that put the final nail in the coffin that is Adam Copeland. I would like to thank myself!”

The fans chanted “Luchasaurus! Luchasaurus!”

Christian Cage: “I’d like to address Adam Copeland for the final time. I’ve beaten you twice. It’s to the back of the line and there’s no more title shots for you. I could make fun of you and say you grew up without a father. Or I could mention how your mother is no longer with us. But all I need to say is Christian Cage is superior to you. I’d like to think we left a little bit of our souls in the ring at Worlds End, but the difference is, one of us doesn’t have a soul. And that’s why I stand before you as the TNT Champion.

“So, this is a warning for anyone that has eyes for my TNT Championship. What happened at Worlds End is just a glimpse at what I’ll do to hold onto my title! This is the most important championship in this company. And I will remain the TNT Champion for as long as I want until I decide to hand off this title to Nick Wayne to carry on my legacy. We are the faces of AEW, now and forever!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Harley Cameron, Saraya, and Ruby Soho!

Ruby thanked Harley for her help this past Friday. 

Harley: “I’ll do anything!”

Saraya: “I said she’d do anything. I didn’t say she’d be sane.”

Saraya warned Harley to cool it. Renee wondered what was going on before the Outcasts walked off.

Darby Allin vs. The Don Callis Family’s Konosuke Takeshita!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

Takeshita grabbed Darby and planted him hard on the mat. Takeshita went for a wheelbarrow suplex, but Darby landed on his feet. Takeshita hit Darby with a big back body drop, with Darby arcing high into the air before crashing hard.

Darby rocketed out of the ring with a tope, but Takeshita countered with a wicked knee strike! Takeshita nailed Darby with a rolling German Suplex on the ramp! Darby managed to get to his feet and fly out of the ring with a tope like a human battering ram at Takeshita!

Takeshita countered the Code Red, planting Darby for a near fall. Takeshita was looking for a running knee strike in the corner, but Darby escaped the ring. Takeshita charged at Darby, but Darby dodged it, sending Takeshita crashing into the guardrail. Darby connected with a Coffin Drop on the outside!

“Darby will throw caution at the wind. He doesn’t care,” said Taz.

Darby was waiting for Takeshita as Takeshita entered the ring. Darby blasted Takeshita with a Code Red for a two-count. Darby went for another Coffin Drop but Takeshita lifted his knees, blocking the move and punishing Darby at the same time. Takeshita made Darby eat a lariat, dropping Darby. Don Callis signaled for Takeshita to finish it. Takeshita rocked Darby with a running boot in the corner. Takeshita hoisted Darby up on the top rope and followed up with an avalanche German Suplex! Takeshita connected with the power drive knee and then pinned Darby!

“A statement victory for the ‘Alpha’ to start the New Year,” said Excalibur.

After the match, Don Callis made a challenge! Callis invited Sting and Darby Allin to face Takeshita and Hobbs at Daily’s Place!

Continental Title Eliminator Match!

Trent Beretta vs. ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion Brian Cage vs. “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith vs. AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo!

The winner fights Eddie Kingston on Collision.

Danhausen was watching from ringside. 

Brian Cage plowed into Trent and Bryan. Vikingo connected with a tope suicida to Cage. Keith clobbered Trent with forearms. Keith connected with a high boot to Trent’s jaw. Vikingo used a big arm drag on Bryan Keith.

Brian Cage blocked a hurracanrana from Vikingo and then Cage hurled Vikingo overhead. Trent jumped over the top rope and landed on Cage with a cross body on the arena floor. Cage stunned Trent with a brain buster on the floor!

Vikingo dropkicked “the Machine” from the top rope. Vikingo climbed to the top, but Bryan Keith stopped him with a jumping headbutt. Cage kicked Keith in the midsection. Trent threw Cage with a release German Suplex from the top and then connected with a running knee strike. 

Cage power bombed Trent for a near fall. Danhausen jumped into the ring and cursed Cage. Brian Cage picked up Danhausen but Keith and Vikingo landed thrust kicks and took down Cage. Keith charged at Trent with the diving battering ram head butt for a two-count on Trent. Keith was looking for a Tiger Driver, but Trent countered, planted Keith and pinned him!

Trent has earned a shot at Kingston’s Continental Crown Championship this Saturday at Collision!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Daddy Magic to interview him when they were interrupted by “Hangman” Adam Page!

Adam Page: “A few weeks ago Samoa Joe had a bunch of goons put me through a car windshield. So, I am here tonight to beat somebody’s ass! And if I can’t find the World Champion, it’ll be Adam Cole. If it’s not Adam Cole, it’ll be you. I dare somebody to give me a reason!”

Main Event Time!

Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) vs. Daniel Garcia!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the broadcast team for this match.

Swerve knocked Garcia to the mat with a shoulder block. Swerve rolled up Garcia for a near fall. Garcia sent Swerve spilling to the outside with a jumping knee strike. Garcia whipped Swerve into the barricade. Garcia and Prince Nana had a dance off! Garcia heard Swerve coming up from behind, but Garcia was waiting for him and rammed him into the ring post. 

Prince Nana grabbed Garcia’s boot. Swerve booted Garcia and then drilled Daniel Garcia with a Death Valley Driver on the ring apron! Swerve created distance with a European Uppercut. Garcia pounded Swerve down to the mat. Garcia dropkicked Swerve. Garcia grabbed a near fall after a stalling suplex on Swerve.

Swerve nailed Garcia with a back breaker. Swerve got into Daddy Magic’s face. Garcia bulldozed Swerve. Garcia put Swerve in the sharpshooter on the announcer’s table. Swerve managed to escape as they both rolled off the table and onto the floor. 

Garcia superplexed Swerve back into the ring. Swerve hung on and served up a suplex of his own! Swerve had the upper hand, but just barely. Garcia grabbed Swerve by the wrists and yanked him right into a knee strike. Swerve lured Daniel into a flatliner! Swerve connected with the House Call, but Garcia kicked out at the two-count!

Swerve climbed to the top and crushed Garcia with the Swerve Stomp for another near fall! Garcia rolled up Swerve with a crucifix for a near fall. Swerve cracked Garcia with the House Call and finished off Garcia with the JML Driver, pinning Garcia!

“Is 2024 going to be the year of Swerve Strickland? He put AEW World Champion Samoa Joe on notice,” said Excalibur.

Swerve offered his hand to Garcia, and as Garcia went to accept, Prince Nana clocked Garcia with a low blow! Daddy Magic had enough! Daddy Magic began to bludgeon Swerve with strikes until Swerve kicked him low. “Hangman” Adam Page stormed to the ring with purpose!  Page struck Swerve and they began to brawl, both men throwing bombs! Security tried to separate the two men! Page broke free and jumped on Swerve! Page was peeled off Strickland. Then Swerve broke free and lunged at Page until they were pried apart again!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, OH!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION: Fyter Fest was broadcast live from Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

Caprice Coleman and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

The FTW Championship Retirement Ceremony with FTW Champ Jack Perry opened the show!

Jack Perry: “These things are never easy. As the greatest FTW Champion who ever lived, I felt a personal responsibility to come out here and say a few nice things about this title. It was a good title. It had its ups and downs.

“This thing has grown near and dear to my heart. Because in a 100 years when they look up FTW in the history books, there’ll be a picture of my face. What a beautiful legacy that will be left behind for this title thanks to me. And you know what, I think that it’s finally time that we send this title to a better place.”

Jack Perry pulled out a sledgehammer. Jack Perry was about to smash the title when Hook appeared on the screen. “I’ll be back for what’s mine,” said Hook on a voiceover.

When the video of Hook was over, Hook appeared in the ring, behind an unsuspecting Jack Perry! Jack swung the sledgehammer at Hook, but Hook dodged it and T-bone suplexed Jack Perry! Hook followed up with a T-bone suplex to Perry through the table!

“Whoa, that’s FTW style!” said Kevin Kelly.

Hook: “Wembley, Sunday!”

Trios Match!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Penta El Zero Miedo, & NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston


The Butcher, The Blade, & Kip Sabian!

Sabian shoved Penta El Zero Miedo. Butcher and Kingston rammed each other with shoulder blocks. Blade and Butcher double teamed Kingston. Penta tagged in and hit Blade with a thrust kick. Penta threw Blade on top of Butcher in the corner.

Kip pulled Penta’s legs from outside the ring, crotching Penta on the ring post. Orange Cassidy took offense to this and connected with a tope suicida to Kip Sabian. Cassidy cracked Kip with a thrust kick. Kip distracted the ref long enough for Butcher and the Blade to double team Orange.

Blade nailed Orange with a swinging neck breaker. Blade held Cassidy while Kip jumped off the top rope with a double stomp to Cassidy. Penta tagged in and cleaned house on Butcher, Blade, and Sabian.

Butcher and Kingston clobbered one another with lariats. Sabian tagged in but Kingston fired off machine gun style chops. Kingston blasted Butcher with a spinning back fist. Sabian jumped from the top turnbuckle, but Kingston caught him with an Exploder suplex. After Cassidy hit the Orange Punch for good measure, Kingston used the sliding lariat to pin Kip Sabian!

After the match, the Best Friends got in the ring. Trent said at Stadium Stampede, they were seeking revenge for Sue’s van.

The Blackpool Combat Club, along with Santana and Ortiz, appeared on the stage screen from backstage.

Moxley: “Eddie Kingston, I want you to calm down and remember that you made the challenge for All In and for Stadium Stampede and that we could pick the partners we wanted. So why are you surprised?”

Santana: “Wembley Stadium, are ya’ll ready to walk through the fire?”

Kingston left the ring to chase down the BCC!

Kingston: “You want a message? I’m not surprised Santana and Ortiz. I’m not surprised you turned. I get it. But it doesn’t mean I’m not gonna gut you up at Stadium Stampede. Jon, get out of my way. Yuta, I’m gonna bury you. But Claudio, I’m gonna leave you for last. I’m gonna burn you. I’m gonna make sure you’re scarred forever.”

Dark Order’s John Silver & Alex Reynolds


Action Andretti & Darius Martin!

Action reversed a wrist lock from Silver, but Silver shoved Action into the Dark Order’s corner. Reynolds tagged in and worked over Action Andretti.

Darius tagged in and he and Action used their tandem tactics on Reynolds. After a blind tag, Silver power bombed Action onto Reynold’s knees.

Darius was able to tag in and he regained momentum for his team. Darius nailed Reynolds with a brain buster, and Action, the legal man, followed up with a 450 splash for a near fall. Dark Order had enough though, and used their flurry of tandem offense, including a German suplex and then Reynolds scoring the victory with the jackknife pin!

Footage aired from an interview that Darby Allin and Nick Wayne had with Lexy Nair from last Wednesday after Dynamite.

AR Fox interrupted the interview!

Fox: “Nick, I’m sorry. 16 years, man. It took me 16 years to get here, and I never thought I’d make it. When I lost that match to Orange Cassidy, I just thought everybody lost faith in me. I just panicked, man.”

AR Fox offered his hand, but Nick Wayne walked off.

Darby Allin: “I know you’re sorry.”

Darby accepted AR Fox’s hand.

Big Bill (with “Absolute” Ricky Starks) vs. Vary Morales!

Big Bill picked up Vary and threw him halfway across the ring!

“A seek and destroy mission,” said Kevin Kelly.

Big Bill charged and splashed Morales in the corner. Big Bill rocked Vary with a massive boot to the face. Big Bill planted Vary Morales with a chokeslam and pinned him!

After the match, Ricky Starks grabbed a microphone and said Vary reminded him of a young Ricky Steamboat. He proceeded to whip Vary with the same belt he whipped Steamboat with.

Lexy Nair was backstage with The Outcasts’ Ruby Soho!

Ruby Soho: “Kris Statlander, I challenge you for your TBS Championship in Chicago at All Out. And I’m going to beat you once again. You may be more than a woman, but you’ll always be less than an Outcast.”

Willow Nightingale vs. Robyn Renegade (with Charlotte Renegade)!

Willow escaped a headlock, but Robyn connected with a solid right hand shot. Willow fired back with a splash for a near fall. Willow took down Robyn with two snap suplexes. Robyn tripped up Willow and planted her on the ring apron.

Willow clobbered Robyn with a clothesline. She rocked Robyn with a spinebuster for a near fall. Mercedes Martinez and Diamante were watching the match on a monitor backstage.

Robyn dodged a cannonball from Willow and followed up with a missile dropkick. Willow was almost double teamed outside the ring, but she was able to double suplex the Renegade sisters on the arena floor. Willow power bombed Robyn in the ring and pinned her!

Lexy Nair interviewed TBS Champion Kris Statlander!

Statlander: “I am the TBS Champion, so if you want to call me out, I will see you Ruby, at All Out!”

“Limitless” Keith Lee vs. Zicky Dice!

Keith Lee ran over Dice with a lariat. Keith Lee pounced Dice! Keith Lee hit the powerbomb and pinned Zicky Dice!

“That is a decisive victory,” said Caprice.

Main Event Time!

All In All-Star 8-Man Tag!

Jay White, Swerve Strickland, Luchasaurus, & Brian Cage


AEW “Real World Champion” CM Punk, Darby Allin, Sting, & Hook!

Ring of Honor World TV Champion Samoa Joe was on commentary for this match.

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team to provide his main event analysis.

Swerve mocked CM Punk after taking him down. Jay White tagged in and said he wanted Sting! Punk turned around to tag in Sting but Jay White blindsided Punk. CM Punk answered back with knife edge chops. Punk suplexed “Switchblade” and then tagged out to Hook. After some grappling, Hook tagged in Darby. Darby held the wrist lock on Jay White and tagged Punk back into the match.

Punk was going to tag Sting in, but Jay White retreated and tagged Luchasaurus. Darby slapped Luchasaurus in the face. Darby blind tagged Sting. Darby and Sting splashed Luchasaurus in the corner.

Hook battered Swerve in the corner. He hurled Swerve overhead with a suplex. Jay White distracted Hook and Swerve hit Hook from behind. Brian Cage came in and stomped Hook in the corner. Hook suplexed “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Punk and Jay tagged in for their respective teams. Punk cleaned house on the opposition. Punk used a running bulldog. He body slammed Jay White. Punk hit the Macho Man elbow drop on “Switchblade.”

Hook came in but Luchasaurus choke slammed him. Brian Cage ate a roundhouse kick from Punk. CM Punk lifted up Cage and nailed him with the GTS, the whole time staring down Samoa Joe who was sitting at the commentary booth. Punk locked on Samoa Joe’s finisher and forced Brian Cage to tap out!

Samoa Joe ran into the ring! He and Punk began to brawl! Samoa Joe headbutted CM Punk. Jack Perry sprinted to the ring and blindsided Hook! CM Punk whipped Samoa Joe into the guardrail. Sting hit Swerve with a kendo stick! Samoa Joe smashed CM Punk with the Real World Title!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

Be a part of history! This Sunday order All In: London from Wembley Stadium, live on pay-per-view at 6pm BST / 1pm ET! Zero Hour begins at 5pm BST / Noon ET / 9am PT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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