Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the H-E-B Center in Cedar Park, TX!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

FTR’s Dax Harwood vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley!

Moxley flipped off Dax, trying to get under Harwood’s skin. Moxley put his hands behind his back and invited Dax to hit him. Dax blasted Mox with stiff strikes and chops. Moxley hammered the jaw of Harwood with forearms. Moxley bit the side of Dax’s head.

Moxley applied a bulldog choke on Dax. Dax countered with a roll-up, but Mox kicked out quickly. Moxley kicked Dax with the heel of his boot, kicking upward at Harwood. Moxley whipped Dax into the barricade. Moxley catapulted Dax into the steel ring post!

Dax and Mox slugged it out back in the ring. After one last volley from each man landing flush on the jaw, they both fell to the mat. The fight moved to the top turnbuckle and Dax superplexed Moxley!

“A car crash in the center of the ring!” said Excalibur.

“Tough landing for both of them but Mox got the worst of it,” replied Taz.

Moxley changed levels, kicking Harwood in the leg and striking him in the head. Harwood dodged an arm bar attempt and countered with a sharpshooter on Moxley!

Justin Roberts announced that five minutes remained in the match.

Moxley escaped and back body drop Harwood. Dax fired back, spiking Mox with a piledriver for a near fall!

The fan chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Moxley rocked Dax with a cutter and then curb stomped him. Moxley nailed Dax with a piledriver, but Dax kicked out at the two-count! Dax countered a Paradigm Shift with a brain buster for a near fall! Justin Roberts announced there were two minutes remaining. Dax jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Mox countered with a rear naked choke and Dax tapped out!

Moxley wouldn’t release the hold! Cash Wheeler sprinted down, jumped in the ring and began to pummel Moxley. Claudio Castagnoli jumped into the ring and leveled Cash! Moxley put Dax in another sleeper while Claudio wrenched back on Cash Wheeler. 

Renee Paquette was backstage with Don Callis, Takeshita, and Powerhouse Hobbs!

Callis said they’re a victim of their own success because no one wants to wrestle Takeshita or Hobbs and the Revolution pay-per-view is coming up. Callis said he looked within the family and put together a match: “The Alpha” Takeshita vs. Will Ospreay! 

“The best part about this is the Don Callis Family wins and after Revolution you’ll all be talking about the Don Callis Family and the match of the decade!”

The Undisputed Kingdom’s Wardlow vs. Barrett Brown!

Adam Cole joined the commentary team for this match.

Wardlow hoisted up Brown onto the turnbuckle and then dropped Brown right into Wardlow’s own knee. Wardlow began posing and flexing, admiring himself on the big screen. Wardlow power bombed Brown and pinned him!

Footage aired from earlier in the day of EVPs the Young Bucks landing in a private jet, still wearing their white suits that were stained with the blood of Sting and Darby Allin!

“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Daniel Garcia!

Matt Menard joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Copeland missed a splash and Garcia rolled up Copeland for a near fall. Garcia brought Copeland down with a drop toehold. Garcia danced and stomped on both of Copeland’s knees. Garcia hammered Copeland’s head with elbows. Garcia jumped off the turnbuckles, but Copeland caught him and countered with a shoulder breaker.

Copeland baited Garcia into the corner and then wrenched on Garcia’s arm over the top rope. Garcia swept out Copeland’s legs. Garcia yanked Copeland down with a dragon screw leg whip! Garcia backed Copeland into the corner and stomped him down! Garcia connected with a running boot. Garcia worked on Copeland’s leg with another dragon screw. Garcia applied an STF on Copeland in the middle of the ring. Copeland countered into a front headlock. 

Copeland met Garcia on the top turnbuckle and rocked Garcia with an avalanche Impaler! Copeland went for the spear, but Garcia kicked Copeland in the head! Garcia jackknifed Copeland for a near fall. Copeland escaped and hung on to Garcia, putting Garcia in a cross face submission! 

The Patriarchy—Nick Wayne and Killswitch—jumped into the ring and began to beat down Copeland and Garcia. The match was thrown out. TNT Champion Christian Cage and Shayna Wayne walked down to the ring.

“Christian ordered that because he doesn’t want to face either of these men!” said Tony Schiavone.

Christian Cage pulled a chair from beneath the ring, but Matt Menard saw enough, got up and threated to whack Christian with his own chair! Killswitch ambushed Matt Menard from behind!

“Extinction from Killswitch! Daddy Magic never saw it coming!” said Excalibur.

Killswitch choke slammed Daniel Garcia in the ring! Nick Wayne and Killswitch set Garcia onto a chair, positioning him for a con-chair-to. Adam Copeland jumped into the ring with a chair of his own and cleaned house on the Patriarchy! Christian Cage and Adam Copeland swung their chairs at one another, but Christian dropped his chair upon impact! Christian Cage was down in the corner, begging off Adam Copeland, when Shayna Blazer snuck up from behind and hit Copeland with a low blow!

Nick Wayne rocked Copeland with the Wayne’s World! Killswitch hit Cope in the back of the neck with the Extinction! Christian Cage blasted Copeland with a con-chair-to!

“That was just disgusting,” said Taz.

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe came to ring ahead of his 3-Way Battle at AEW Revolution on March 3rd ring with “Hangman” Adam Page & Swerve Strickland!

Samoa Joe: “My name is Samoa Joe and I stand here proudly your AEW World Champion. But tonight, I come here with the spirit of apology. When I became champion, I reenacted a ranking system to insure that only the very best victims were served up in front of me to destroy. 

“Everything was going so well until last week when Hangman Adam Page and Swerve Strickland battled tooth and nail for thirty minutes to a draw. The AEW Championship Committee took a page out of the Texas playbook and made my match bigger and dumber. We reward mediocrity around here. Instead of telling these pretenders they don’t belong in a ring with me, at Revolution I find myself in a three-way match.

“Obviously a crime has been committed against me and now there must be repercussions. You send your two bright stars in the ring with me, and I guarantee I’m hurting one if not both of them. They may walk in, but I guarantee they will both limp out. Because I am Samoa Joe, I stand here the AEW World Champion, and there is nothing anything can do about that.”

Swerve Strickland’s music began to play! Swerve walked down to the ring with Prince Nana.

Swerve: “Joe, when we started this whole thing, like I said it wasn’t supposed to be personal. But as we get closer to Revolution and you run your mouth, I can’t help but feel it’s become personal. When you became World Champion, you said the new champion protocol, you show up with your reputation and you show up with your resumé. You also said hunger is what defines the great. Well, if you look at me, I’m on my way to becoming one of the greatest of all time. 

“No one outhustles me. No one outworks me. And no one out grinds me. So, check my résumé. 15 years I’ve been grinding so maybe one day someone will say Swerve you’ll go down as one of the greatest. And this year I proved that. Today is that day. I’ve gone toe to toe with former world champions and some of the best legends that AEW has to offer. And the same result every time. I’m the one left standing. At Revolution, nothing changes! Except for one difference, is the fact that I will be holding that championship above my head.”

Hangman Adam Page walked down to the ring!

Page: “Hold on, hold on! First, I want to set the record straight about last week’s match—I wasn’t mad. When you’re writing your Dynamite reports, don’t say I was mad. Last week was horses—t! Because I signed a contract for a match to determine the number one contender for the World championship. And the winner of that match became the number one contender. And he couldn’t do it. Swerve had 30 minutes and he couldn’t do it. 

“So, if it were up to me, Joe, at Revolution, the match would be between two men who value and respect that championship for everything it stands for. But unfortunately, I don’t make the matches and it looks like Swerve, you have been added to this match. Swerve I’m going to need to look you in the eyes and hear this. After everything that you have done to me, you don’t deserve one second of my time. You don’t deserve for me to give you five more minutes because you couldn’t get the job done. And you, Swerve, you don’t deserve to be in this championship match!”

Samoa Joe: “This walking domestic dispute ends tonight! As far as you’re both concerned, I’m Samoa Joe, and come Revolution, I’m whipping both your asses!”

Up next: AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm had the world premiere of her newest film, Wet Ink!

“What do you do when you can’t change the past? You kill it!” said Storm, as she had a dagger tattooed through the bird tattoo that she once shared with “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo!

Renee Paquette was backstage to get Deonna Purrazzo’s reaction!

Deonna: “Renee, Toni Storm talks too much. So, I’m going to keep this short and sweet. Toni, I’m going to break your arm!”

AEW EVPs Nicholas and Matthew Jackson—The Young Bucks, pulled up to the arena in a stretch limo!

The Young Bucks—Matthew & Nicholas Jackson


Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin!

Dante used an arm drag on Nick. Matt tagged in and gave a condescending fist bump to Dante. Dante and Darius battered Matt back and forth with strikes. Top Flight tried for sliding dropkicks but the Bucks dodged them.

Back in the ring, Top Flight concentrated on the arms of Matt Jackson. Matt shut down Darius and Dante after Nick got involved with a cheap shot. Darius kicked Matt in the back of the head with a guillotine like kick.

Dante tagged in and connected with a big springboard crossbody press on Matt for a near fall! Top Flight hit stereo sunset flips on the Bucks for a near fall. Matt caught Dante with a DDT! Top Flight got back in control and Darius launched off Dante and spiked Matt with a DDT! Nick broke up the pin attempt, but Dante drove him hard into the barricade with a tope! Darius nailed Matt with a Spanish Fly for a near fall!

Nick interfered to help Matt, and Matt put his foot on the ropes for leverage while trying to pin Darius. The ref saw Matt cheating and stopped him. As the ref was admonishing Nick (and Nick was using the opportunity to distract the ref), Matt kicked Darius between the legs! The Bucks smashed Darius with the EVP Trigger and pinned him!

Tony Schiavone interviewed the Bucks after the match.

Matt said they were undefeated this year, which makes them the top unbeatable team in AEW, in his opinion. “After beating a team like that, I think it’s safe to say we’re number one contenders!”

Matt said Tony Schiavone was under breach of contract by publicly disparaging the AEW EVPs. “That’s unprofessional. That is bush league, and you know it Tony,” said Matthew.

“That’s a $1000 fine! Do you have a problem with that? You heard me!” said Nick, as he shoved Tony, knocking him to the mat. 

Matthew apologized saying his brother was a bit of a hot head. They offered to help Tony up but were really putting him in position for the EVP Trigger. Darby Allin sprinted to the ring with Sting’s baseball bat and the Bucks retreated!

Darby: “Young Bucks, remind everyone what was the original mission statement of AEW! It was to change the world! You know when I was homeless and AEW first started, and I begged for a job. Yet you saw nothing in me, and I had to sit by and watch all your s—t friends get hired! And thank God at the time there was an EVP here with a sense of brains, and I’m not talking about Kenny Omega!

“You did a little interview last year why you re-signed with AEW. You said you re-signed because the travel schedule was light, the money was good, it was no longer about changing the world. The mission statement was dead. I thought this was All Elite Wrestling, but it looks like this is All Friendship Wrestling. Think about the first episode of Dynamite. Darby Allin wasn’t on it. You know who was? Brandon Cutler! What the—?

“You guys want to be Sting’s final match. I don’t think you guys understand what you guys got yourselves into. You’re talking about a man who’s got nothing left to lose. It’s showtime!”

“The match has been made for Revolution, March 3rd, Sting’s last match, when he and Darby Allin put the AEW World Tag Team titles against the line against the Young Bucks!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with the Bang Bang Scissor Gang!

Jay White: “What’s the goal for the Bang Bang Scissor Gang? We’re running smoothly. We have new merch. We still have yet to test our cohesiveness in the ring.”

Daddy Ass: “What about this Friday we have a twelve-man match on Friday?”

Anthony Bowens said it was a great idea!

Willow Nightingale (with Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway) vs. Skye Blue (with TBS Champion Julia Hart)!

Blue blasted Willow with a shotgun dropkick. Willow did a cartwheel and scooped up Skye and body slammed her. Willow sent Skye Blue to the outside with a pounce!

Skye Blue connected with a thrust kick, but Willow walloped Blue with a lariat! Willow used a hip attack in the corner. Willow nailed Blue with a spinebuster for a near fall! Willow avoided a kick from Blue and sent Blue spilling to the floor with a pounce!

Willow set up Skye on the top turnbuckle. Skye escaped and power bombed Willow off the top rope for a near fall! Skye rocked Willow with the Code Blue, but Stokely jumped on the apron to distract the referee! Willow clobbered Skye Blue with the Doctor Bomb and scored the pin, thanks to the big assist from Stokely!

Main Event! Texas Death Match!

AEW International Champion “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy 


ROH World Tag Champion Matt Taven!

The only way to win is by knockout or submission.

Taven chopped Orange in the corner. Taven knocked down Orange with a beautiful dropkick. Taven planted Orange with a Blue Thunder Bomb!

Cassidy whipped Taven into the guardrail. Orange baited Taven in and booted Taven in the jaw. They began to brawl into the crowd. Taven launched an elbow drop off the stage and landed on Orange who was on a table!

Taven propped up the partially broken table against the stage. Taven suplexed Orange against the table, breaking it in half! Orange’s head was busted open. Taven obliterated Orange with a running knee strike on the ramp!

Taven tossed Orange back into the ring. Taven spiked Orange with a DDT! Orange got to his feet before the 10-count. Taven pulled another table out from beneath the ring and propped it up against the broadcast booth. Cassidy jumped out at Taven with a tope!

Taven jumped off the turnbuckles and connected with a kick to Orange. Taven smashed into Orange with a dropkick. Taven ran and jumped over the top rope like a missile at Orange Cassidy, but Orange moved, and Taven went crashing through the table!

“What the hell did we just see?!” said Tony Schiavone. 

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Orange pulled a heart-shaped box of chocolates from under the ring. It had a tag that read: “To: OC, From Chuckie T. XOXO”. Orange opened the box, and it was filled with thumb tacks! Orange poured the thumbtacks onto the canvass. Taven shoved Orange from the turnbuckles right on top of the thumbtacks! Taven attempted to land a frog splash onto Orange, but Orange rolled out of the way and Taven landed right on top of the thumbtacks! Orange DDT’ed Taven into the thumbtacks!

Orange pulled a steel chain from beneath the ring. Mike Bennett ran down to the ring and smashed another heart-shaped box across the head of Cassidy! Bennett filled the ring with steel chairs. Trent walked down the ramp with a steel pipe! Trent swung the pipe right at Bennett’s head and it bashed into a steel chair, colliding into Bennett’s head! Taven hurled a steel chair at Trent’s head! Taven planted Trent face first into a steel chair! Orange was there, though, and drilled Taven with the Orange Punch! Orange planted Taven with a Beach Break on a chair on top of the tacks!

“There’s blood everywhere! My God!” said Schiavone.

Taven ripped at the pockets of Orange’s jeans. Orange wrapped the chain around his fist and smashed Taven with the Orange Punch! Roderick Strong ran to the ring and rocked Trent with a jumping knee strike! Trent had jumped in the way to protect Orange!

“Trent took the bullet for Orange,” said Excalibur.

Orange chucked Roddy out of the ring! Taven couldn’t get to his feet before the ref counted to 10 and Orange won via knockout! 

“Orange is lucky to have a friend like Trent,” said Excalibur.

“Yes, he is. Trent took the bullet for Orange. What a Texas Death Match! That was nuts,” replied Taz.

“That’s one of the craziest we’ve ever seen,” added Tony Schiavone.

**Special programming note: This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at the special start time of 7/6c on TNT featuring:

-Queen Aminata vs. Anna Jay!

-No DQ Match: Jeff Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the BOK Center in Tulsa, OK!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

This Wednesday night, All Elite Wrestling brings DYNAMITE back to the Austin, TX area and our home at Cedar Park’s H-E-B Center! This has been one of the prime stops on AEW’s calendar since February 2020, with the fans inside the H-E-B always among the best in the land, and that will no doubt continue this time around as AEW brings the greatest professional wrestling on the planet back to town! With each man on the hunt for the TNT Championship, Adam Copeland and Daniel Garcia will clash in singles competition, and we will also see two former friend go to battle when Skye Blue meets Willow Nightingale inside the squared circle!  In addition, we will hear from AEW World Champion Samoa Joe as well as his two REVOLUTION 2024 challengers, and The Young Bucks continue their goal of ascending the tag team rankings when they renew their rivalry with Top Flight!

With REVOLUTION 2024 fast approaching, everyone wants to be part of one of the sport’s most historic nights, and they are all chasing that opportunity this Wednesday on DYNAMITE! The night begings at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at ( for international fans, so be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel (, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, as well as the newest CONTROL CENTER, and more! Then, with no COLLISION this Saturday, we are back at it next Wednesday night in Tulsa, OK (–tulsa) for our debut at the BOK Center!

The TNT Championship Awaits…

(#3)Adam Copeland vs. Daniel Garcia

Having won all five of his matches in 2024, including four singles bouts, Adam Copeland is on the hunt for the TNT Championship, but more specifically the head of Christian Cage. As the third ranked competitor in the Men’s Singles division, “The Rated R Superstar” is right on the cusp of achieving his goal of one more match with his former tag partner and best friend. There’s only one problem blocking his path: Daniel Garcia!

See Garcia may not have the winning record of Copeland, he isn’t even in the rankings as of 2/10/24, but what he does have is momentum after winning four consecutive matches this year, including being the deciding force in the Escape The Cage match against The House of Black, topping Shane Taylor, and pinning Nick Wayne in the Trios Match against The Patriarchy. That final victory mentioned is the one spurring Garcia on towards a TNT Championship challenge, feeling that pinfall over Christian Cage’s “son” has given him reasonable justification for a championship bout.

Obviously this puts him at cross-purposes with Adam Copeland, and though Copeland respects Garcia’s ability and his gumption in wanting a TNT Championship match, he is adamant in showing Garcia he’s not on his level. Copeland’s may also be looking to use Garcia as an example for someone else looking to jump the line around the rankings. For both men, this match means a TNT Championship match at the expense of the other, and quite frankly, if Garcia wins, he should be wary of the consequences. Adam Copeland has proven throughout his career to not be the most stable of individuals when someone steps into his path, just ask Nick Wayne how his skull felt when he did it.

That being said, Copeland could also be impressed with what Garcia brings to the table if he proves victorious, and that’s not as big an “if” as it once was. Garcia is a former ROH Pure Champion, a man who holds a victory over Bryan Danielson, who learned under the tree of Chris Jericho, and now stands side-by-side with FTR. His growth since coming into AEW has been exponential, and this may be a case of perfect timing for Garcia to ascend to the next level of his career.

Will we see Adam Copeland earn his shot at vengeance, or will Garcia play spoiler to that goal and earn his own TNT Championship since January 2022?

Texas Death Match…

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy vs. ROH World Tag Champion Matt Taven

Orange Cassidy and Roderick Strong are destined to fight at REVOLUTION 2024; though the challenge was made by Roddy weeks ago, and though he deferred Cassidy’s offer to fight any time, it became official during the last week that the International Championship will be at stake on March 3rd live on pay-per-view! 

Though the fight is set in stone, that hasn’t stopped the Undisputed Kingdom from trying to take away Cassidy’s support system one man at a time. They started with Chuck Taylor, a man already recovering from injury, added Rocky Romero to that list, and then attempted to take out Orange ahead of the fight this past Saturday on COLLISION. With Cassidy worn down from his fight with Ishii, Taven and Bennett assaulted the International Champ, but thankfully “The Stone Pitbull” ran them off before the onslaught could get any worse.

Well Cassidy has had enough, and he aims to return the favor this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE when he clashes with ROH World Tag Champion Matt Taven in a Texas Death Match! We’ve seen Cassidy get down right violent in the past, just look at his fights with Jon Moxley or the Stadium Stampede last year, and Taven has been in his fair share of brutal bouts, like the Fight Without Honor against Action Andretti & Darius Martin, but neither has been in Texas Death before now!

Can Matt Taven help wear Orange Cassidy down for Roddy Strong as REVOLUTION 2024 draws near? Or will the ROH World Tag Champion follow the path of so many before him and fall before the winningest competitor in AEW?

Singles Match…

Willow Nightingale vs. (#4)Skye Blue

Over the last two years, Skye Blue and Willow Nightingale have been partners in tag and trios, but more than that they have been friends with one another. In fact after Julia Hart first sprayed her black mist into the face of Skye, it was Willow who stood by her side as support while Kris Statlander questioned where Skye’s head was at. So imagine the feeling of betrayal Willow felt when Skye gave into the darkness and chose TBS Champion Julia Hart over those who’d been her supporters.

What’s rather fascinating about this dynamic is that it’s Julia and Skye who sought this fight out, but neither Stat nor Willow were going to ignore the challenge, and that’s why the original NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion laid this out for Skye Blue! Their first one-on-one encounter will go down Wednesday night as part of another stacked DYNAMITE, but there’s no doubt this is just the beginning of a new chapter in this rivalry between the TBS Champion, Skye, Statlander, and Willow!


FTR’s Dax Harwood vs. (#4)BCC’s Jon Moxley

FTR and The Blackpool Combat Club do not mess around; all it took was Jon Moxley challenging anyone to rise up to their level, telling any team that stepped up that they’d get stepped on, and out came the former 2-Time AEW World Tag Champs to answer the challenge.

Very few words were exchanged, certainly no back-and-forth duel on the microphone, all it took to push this confrontation into a pull-apart brawl was Mox pie-facing Dax Harwood. Mox is a smart man, he knew it wouldn’t take much to push the hot-tempered Harwood over the edge, and knowing Mox’s predilection for fighting, there’s little question about his intent. Security, as well as members of the locker room, came to separate the combatants, but that just made them each potential targets in the melee before the four men were removed from ringside.

Suffice to say there was no hesitation in making this first-time match for Wednesday night pitting two of AEW’s roughest against one another! Moxley and Harwood were on opposite sides of a DYNAMITE tag two years ago, and opponents for a Trios Fight Without Honor at ROH FINAL BATTLE 2023 just two months ago, but they’ve never thrown hands one-on-one before. That changes on Wednesday, and given the love of the fight each man has, neither is going to stop until the other is broken down!

Chasing the Champions…

The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson) vs. (#3)Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin)

So The Young Bucks have decided to get back to work, throwing around their EVP status, and inserting themselves into the tag team championship picture once again now that Darby Allin and Sting are atop the division. It seems pretty clear that Matthew and Nicholas want to be the ones to end Sting’s run on a sour note at REVOLUTION 2024, but in order to get into that position, they’ve stated their willing to work up the rankings into a position of contention rather than play their EVP card to just slide into an AEW World Tag Team Championship Match on March 3rd. They started their journey up the rankings on Friday night’s RAMPAGE with a victory, but are taking a giant leap up in the quality of competition with a fight against some old rivals: Top Flight!

The last time these four men fought in tag team competition was just over a year ago, January 18th of 2023 to be exact, and it actually ended in a victory of the Martin Brothers. That, in turn, led to a pair of AEW World Trios Championship challenges for Top Flight & AR Fox, though neither resulted in the titles changing hands, and thus it’s been since February 17, 2023 that they’ve fought in any capacity. Overall the brothers Jackson hold a 2-1 lead over Dante and Darius in their head-to-head bouts, but there’s just been this whole new fire under Top Flight since Dante returned from injury at the end of November. They aren’t the unseasoned team of 2020 that The Young Bucks beat in Daily’s Place, they’re not even the duo the former AEW World Tag Champions beat on RAMPAGE in 2022, they’ve grown as individuals, as well as a team, and could very well disrupt the EVP’s plans the AEW World Tag Team Championship!

Champion and Challengers!

A week ago Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page, with a REVOLUTION 2024 World Championship opportunity at stake, engaged in one of the most memorable clashes in DYNAMITE’s four-plus year history. After thirty minutes of a breathtaking battle, the bout was ruled a time limit draw, and while Swerve Strickland was game for five more minutes, Hangman was content with being the man who blocked Swerve from a title bout with Samoa Joe. For Page it wasn’t a matter of winning the title match for himself, but rather about stopping The Mogul Embassy’s boss from getting the pay-per-view opportunity, and to Hangman a draw meant he was successful in achieving his goal.

Unfortunately for the former World Champion, AEW President Tony Khan had other ideas and ruled that as a result of the draw, both Hangman Page and Swerve Strickland would face AEW World Champion Samoa Joe at REVOLUTION 2024 in a Three Way Title Fight! It’s been nearly three years since the last time the AEW World Title was defended in a Three Way, and this Wednesday night we will hear from all three competitors involved in this situation!

Wet Ink…

All Elite Wrestling is back at the H-E-B Center in Cedar Park, TX with another awesome edition of DYNAMITE! For four years the Austin area has been a welcoming home to AEW, and this will doubtless continue this week when the AEW faithful watch The Young Bucks take on Top Flight, see Willow Nightingale clash with Skye Blue, and bear witness to Adam Copeland’s fight with Daniel Garcia! Plus, Toni Storm will premiere her latest film endeavor “Wet Ink”, and we will hear from all three men involved in the REVOLUTION 2024 World Championship match!

All that and so much more comes to you this week on DYNAMITE, just make sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest edition of the CONTROL CENTER!  There is no COLLISION this week, but we will be back at it next Wednesday night when All Elite Wrestling comes to Tulsa, OK and the BOK Center for the very first time!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from The Dollar Loan Center in Henderson, NV!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley


CMLL’s Esfinge & Star Jr.

Moxley took down Star Jr with a side headlock. Moxley grabbed Star’s hair. Star escaped and put Mox in a submission until Claudio came in and broke up the hold with a boot to Star. Moxley swung at Star, but Star ducked it and smacked Moxley in the mush. Star and Esfinge were about to go for stereo topes, but the BCC walked away. Esfinge and Star pumped the brakes. 

Claudio tagged in and hurled Esfinge with the Giant Swing! Moxley grabbed a tag but so did Star Jr. Star shoved Claudio into Moxley. Star jumped off the top rope and took down both Moxley and Claudio. Esfinge and Star jumped out of the ring with a tope and a tope con hiro onto both members of the Blackpool Combat Club.

Star tried for a springboard, but Claudio countered with a European Uppercut. Moxley whipped Esfinge into the steel guardrail. Esfinge clocked Claudio with a thrust kick and then hit a monkey flip on Moxley. Esfinge tried to apply an Indian Death Lock pinning combo on Moxley, but Claudio jumped in to break up the pin. Star wiped out Moxley with a running lariat and then followed up with a tornillo on Claudio!

Moxley nearly decapitated Esfinge with a King Kong lariat for a near fall. Moxley ate a kick and then a risking knee strike from Moxley. Claudio gorilla press slammed Star right into a cutter from Moxley!

Claudio smashed Esfinge with the Ricola Bomb! Moxley put Star in an arm submission and forced him to tap out!

Moxley: “Gracias, amigos. You take that message back to CMLL in Mexico, or anywhere else in the world, and you tell any team that if they want to step up, they get stepped on!”

FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler—came down to the ring!

FTR had a stare down with BCC! It quickly escalated and the two teams traded fists!

“It did not take long for the fisticuffs to fly here,” said Tony Schiavone.

The locker room emptied as wrestlers and security guards tried to separate the BCC and FTR and contain them!

Daniel Garcia vs. Shane Taylor Promotion’s Shane Taylor (with Lee Moriarty)!

Matt Menard accompanied Garcia and then joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Taylor was throwing haymakers, but Garcia dodged them. Taylor knocked down Garcia with a shoulder block. Garcia came back with a dragon screw leg whip on Taylor. Shane Taylor shoved Garcia out of the ring with his leg. Taylor rammed Garcia into the ring apron and then whipped Garcia into the front row guardrail. 

Garcia got out of the way of Taylor’s leg drop. Garcia dropkicked Taylor in the legs and then stomped him in the corner. Taylor retaliated with a pop up powerbomb and then a nasty right hand for a near fall.

Garcia escaped a package piledriver when Taylor’s leg gave out. Garcia locked on a kneebar, and Taylor tapped!

“Five in a row on Collision for Daniel Garcia,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Lexy Nair interviewed Continental Champion Eddie Kingston backstage!

Kingston: “First off, Young Bucks, what you did on Dynamite was disgusting. You stole Sting and Darby’s thunder. Just like you Bryan Danielson. When you stole the thunder from Bryan Keith. That kind finally got a contract, and you took away his moment to get under his skin. Well, you did, and now I’m going to challenge you to a match at Revolution. 

“Me and you, one on one, but I’m going to add a little stipulation. At the end of this match, after I beat you, you’re going to have to shake my hand. Because I know you don’t respect me. So now after I beat you again, you have to shake my hand and act like you respect me. And I know, and I pray, that that legit eats you up inside.”

“The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana) vs. The Outrunners—Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum!

“Chance”, the mascot of the Vegas Golden Knights, was ringside cheering on the Outrunners. 

Brian Cage hit a German release suplex on Truth. He double suplexed the Outrunners. Cage stepped on the head of Turbo and Turbo submitted! 

Chance did the Swerve dance with Prince Nana after the match. Brian Cage clubbed Chance from behind!

FTW Champion HOOK’s music began to play!

HOOK and Cage brawled on the ramp! The fight continued all the way to the back!

Lexy Nair was backstage with the Undisputed Kingdom and Tomohiro Ishii!

Taven: “I have a bone to pick with this goofy melvin right here. I used to be in Chaos and then one day I get knee surgery and no emails, no texts, no nothing from you Ishii!”

Roderick: “Ishii! None of that matters. The only thing that matters is if you win tonight, March 3rd at Revolution, I’m coming to beat you for the AEW International Title, and I’ve been waiting eight long years for this rematch. And I can’t wait to break you. So good luck.”

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

Schiavone: “4-0 in the Cope Open, I want to tell you this, as far as top contenders are concerned, as we know, at Revolution Samoa Joe has the two top contenders to deal with in that three-way match. You’re number three, which means you have your pick. We have the International Championship, we have a TNT Championship. What’s going through the mind of the Rated R Superstar right now?”

Copeland: “First off, if I had been at Dynamite, that wouldn’t have happened to Sting and Darby. So, Nicholas, Matthew, that’s a warning. Now you talked about the other championships that I can challenge for. There’s Christian Cage. There’s that TNT Championship that I won and had ripped out of my hands. So, I think you know where I’m leaning.”

Daniel Garcia’s music began to play, and Garcia came down to the ring.

Garcia: “Adam it sounds to me like you think you deserve a shot at the TNT title because you’ve been getting a lot of wins. And I could not agree with you more. I believe that championship opportunities should be rewarded through wins. But you’re not the only person that’s been picking up a lot of wins. Somebody else right in front of you has been on a hot streak. And I don’t mean any disrespect, but last week when I beat the Patriarchy, I looked at Christian Cage and saw that championship, and I thought maybe, just maybe I deserve a shot at the TNT title. The thing about me is I’ll fight through that line a million times over if it means I get to hold championship gold in AEW.”

Copeland: “Okay, and I can respect that. And you didn’t beat the Patriarchy by yourself. FTR helped you. But the FTR boys speak highly of you. And that’s enough for me. I respect you. But Daniel, if you’re saying you want a shot at the TNT Championship, I want a shot at the TNT Championship, I’ve got a proposal. Wednesday, Dynamite, you and I fight each other and the last man standing fights Christian. What do you say?”

Garcia: “I accept.”

Copeland: “Now I know you had a match tonight and that’s the only reason I’m not taking your face off right now. But make no mistake about it, you’re now threatening to take food off my family’s table, and that does not work for me. So, I am going to beat your ass next week.”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, and Stokely Hathaway!

Renee said she thought the addition of Stokely was working out for them, especially after their win last night against the Outcasts.

Stokely had words for Skye Blue and Julia Hart and said that there were only two bad asses that he knows in the AEW Women’s Division, and that’s the former TBS champion Kris Statlander and the first ever New Japan Strong Women’s champion Willow Nightingale. 

Willow said that she thought Skye would have been right there with them, but Skye chose a different path. Willow said that she and Skye had done a lot together, but they still hadn’t fought one another.

Mark Briscoe vs. The House of Black’s Brody King (with TBS Champion Julia Hart)!

Mark chopped away at Brody, but Brody hoisted up Mark and threw him half way across the ring. Brody blasted Briscoe with a cannonball in the corner. Brody followed up with a running senton for a near fall. 

Brody King battered Mark in the corner with a stiff chop and then a boot. Briscoe pulled Brody out of the ring. Mark jumped off the apron and nailed Brody with a neck breaker. Mark used a steel chair and launched himself off it to land on Brody with a tope con hiro!

Mark tried to pull a table out from beneath the ring, but the ref stopped him, admonishing Mark. Mark went for a plancha, but Brody caught him and slammed him onto a steel chair. Back in the ring, Brody planted Briscoe with a Bossman slam for a two-count.

Briscoe kicked Brody in the head, knocking Brody to the floor. Mark climbed to the top turnbuckle and connecting with a twisting moonsault, landing on his feet! Brody blocked a Death Valley Driver and then leveled Briscoe with a lariat!

Mark Briscoe climbed to the top, but Julia Hart jumped on the apron to distract Briscoe. Brody shoved Briscoe and sent Briscoe flying, crashing onto the table on the arena floor! Brody drilled Briscoe with a Gonzo Bomb and pinned Briscoe!

Brody held Mark back while Julia Hart hit Briscoe with a spike on the forehead! Mark was busted wide open!

“The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith was backstage with some strong words!

Keith: “It’s no secret that I’m all about my payday. So, when I came here to AEW, I’m looking to climb the ranks and collect my bounty, whether you’re good, bad, or ugly, you stand across the ring from me, you’d better be ready to pay up, sucker.”

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo vs. Kiera Hogan!

Deonna Purrazzo yanked at Hogan’s arm. Kiera fired back with a hip attack. Deonna dodged a charging Kiera. Deonna went back to working on Kiera’s arm. Deonna drilled Hogan with a backstabber for a near fall. 

Hogan caught Deonna with a thrust kick. Deonna blocked a piledriver attempt. Deonna applied the Venus De Milo and Hogan had to submit verbally! 

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm (with Mariah May & Luther the Butler) vs. Queen Aminata!

Toni had a headlock on Aminata. The Queen fought out of it and taunted Toni. Storm took down Queen Aminata with a Thesz Press. Toni Storm applied a full nelson. Toni Storm kicked Queen Aminata right in the face. Toni charged at Queen Aminata, but Aminata cradled Toni for a near fall!

Queen Aminata walloped Toni with a snap suplex. Toni spiked Aminata with a DDT but the challenger kicked out at the two-count. Queen Aminata retaliated with an Air Raid Crash for a near fall on the champ! “Timeless” Toni cracked Queen Aminata with a hip attack and then crunched Aminata with a piledriver for the pinfall victory!

Toni Storm: “Mister Schiavone, I know what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. But we’re in Henderson so stop looking at me like that. Darling, did you see that? Another fantastic technical show of brilliance. This week on Dynamite I will be releasing a brand new film!”

Main Event Time! AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii!

Ishii knocked Orange to the floor with a shoulder tackle. Ishii waffled Orange with chops to the chest!

“Orange Cassidy was freshly squeezed,” said Nigel.

Orange came back with a Stun Dog Millionaire and then a twisting DDT! Orange flew out of the ring with a tope suicida to Ishii. Orange spiked Ishii with another DDT for a two-count!

Orange jumped off the top rope and planted Ishii with a diving DDT! Orange stomped Ishii in the corner. Orange connected with a shotgun dropkick, but Ishii popped back up and pounced Orange!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Ishii blasted Cassidy with an avalanche brain buster and covered Orange for a near fall! Orange fired up but collapsed to the mat. Orange got up and went for the Beach Break, but Ishii reversed it and countered with a powerbomb! Ishii went for a sliding lariat, but Orange dodged it and cradled Ishii for a near fall. 

Ishii headbutted Orange but Orange caught Ishii with an Orange Punch! Orange drilled Ishii with a Beach Break, but Ishii lifted his shoulder in the nick of time! Ishii nailed Orange with a dragon suplex. Ishii hit the sliding lariat, but Orange kicked out!

Ishii attempted the vertical brain buster, but Orange escaped! Orange decked Ishii with the Orange Punch! Ishii wouldn’t go down! Orange tried for another Orange Punch, but Ishii blocked it! Orange rolled up Ishii in a small package and pinned Ishii!

The Undisputed Kingdom surrounded the ring after the match! Taven and Bennett spiked Orange with a stuffed piledriver! Ishii sprinted back to the ring and the Undisputed Kingdom retreated! Trent came down with a steel chair as reinforcement!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the H-E-B Center in Cedar Park, TX!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Coming off a red-hot RAMPAGE and a history-making DYNAMITE, this Saturday night All Elite Wrestling comes to Henderson, NV and the Dollar Loan Center for a stacked edition of COLLISION! After their fight on Wednesday, and the locker room clearing situation that erupted afterward, The Blackpool Combat Club of Claudio Castagnoli and Jon Moxley will take on CMLL’s Esfinge and Star Jr. in tag team action! Plus, AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm is in action once again, this time against the hard-striking Queen Aminata, Mark Briscoe takes on The House of Black’s Brody King, and Deonna Purrazzo will be in a fight with Kiera Hogan!

The night begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and the AEW faithful can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Orange Cassidy(c) vs. “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii

Despite his date with Roderick Strong on March 3rd, Orange Cassidy still plans to be a fighting champion on the road to REVOLUTION 2024, willing to take on any competitor, be it friend or foe, enemy or ally. That’s why this Saturday night on COLLISION, the AEW International Champion will take on one of his CHAOS allies in “The Stone Pitbull” Tomohiro Ishii!

This seems to be a bit of an issue for Trent Beretta, though he hasn’t outright said it, but it’s not as if OC didn’t give Beretta an opportunity during his first International Championship reign, it’s not as if Ishii is the first friend Orange has fought over the title, Rocky Romero had one too. In fact, in the eyes of Cassidy, it seems like giving “The Stone Pitbull” a title shot is the right thing to do because of the times he’s been there for OC and The Best Friends. 

It’s difficult to say is the toughest challenge of Orange Cassidy’s second reign as champion, after all he went to battle with Claudio Castagnoli and Jon Moxley in his first month, but Ishii is certainly one of the toughest of either run with the International Title, certainly one of the hardest hitting who will not hesitate to blister Cassidy the way he blistered Chris Jericho in their ROH World Championship bout back on Thanksgiving Eve 2022. Cassidy is going to have to fight for every inch in this meeting on Saturday, and do his best to avoid a striking situation as Ishii’s hands are like stone. If nothing else, getting hit by those hands will at least prepare Cassidy for what it feels like to get chopped by Roderick Strong…


AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm vs. Queen Aminata

Queen Aminata has had numerous opportunities over the past several weeks to fight the best AEW has to offer, the likes of Thunder Rosa, Mariah May, Serena Deeb, and Willow Nightingale to name a few, and though she’s looked impressive in each, Aminata has yet to secure victory in AEW singles competition. Seventeen singles losses since her April 2021 debut, six of those in 2024, and no matter how much you may hear commentary and fans sing your praises, and discuss your strong suits in the ring, it becomes frustrating to be so close to breaking through.

But that doesn’t mean stop, that doesn’t mean lay down and die, that means keep fighting until there is no fight left in your body, keep fighting until you break through to that next level, keep fighting until you’re standing on top of that mountain and prove all that praise was well-deserved. That is the path of Queen Aminata at this point, that is her struggle, and this Saturday night she has the biggest opportunity of her AEW career because it will be AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm standing across the ring.

This may not be a championship bout or even an Eliminator fight, but it is still a match with the World Champion and that means a victory will garner headlines, earn respect, and prove Queen Aminata belongs among the elite. Toni has her focus on Deonna Purrazzo at the moment, and their impending championship fight at REVOLUTION 2024, meaning she may be ripe for the picking by another foe, meaning this could be Aminata’s opportunity to rise up the ranks with a quickness. Can she finally get the “W” that’s eluded her in AEW thus far?


(#1) Deonna Purrazzo vs. Kiera Hogan

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander; if Toni Storm is going to be in action against a top tier opponent to stay tuned up for REVOLUTION 2024, than so too will Deonna Purrazzo! That is why Saturday night on COLLISION, “The Virtuosa” will go one-on-one with “The Girl on Fire” Kiera Hogan for the first time since October 2016!

They’ve fought in a handful of matches since that victory by Deonna, four way and three ways and multi-woman affairs, but nothing one-on-one until this evening in Nevada. Though her championship challenge is set for March 3rd on pay-per-view, each time “The Virtuosa” steps into the ring, she is putting her title opportunity at risk, as well as that #1 spot in the rankings. If she loses to someone like Kiera Hogan who, though a supremely talented a competitor she may be, is not a ranked combatant, will it play against Deonna’s championship opportunity? Or does it simply serve to slide Hogan into a better position for the aftermath of REVOLUTION 204 should Purrazzo defeat Toni Storm?

However it plays out, Toni Storm better keep as close an eye on this one as Deonna will keep on Storm’s Saturday night fight!


Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli & Jon Moxley) vs. Esfinge & Star. Jr

Esfinge is the current Mexican National Light Heavyweight Champion, Star Jr. is a former CMLL World Trios Champion with Volador Jr. and Atlantis Jr., and together they make their in-ring debut for All Elite Wrestling on Saturday night! In what appears to be their first tag team bout (though they are quite versed in trios competition together) these two CMLL representatives will take on two of AEW’s best in Claudio Castagnoli and Jon Moxley!

Coming off a RAMPAGE where Mistico was victorious over Matt Sydal, but a DYNAMITE where The BCC defeated Hechicero, Mascara Dorada & Volador Jr., this fight marks the latest in the ever-escalating battle between The Blackpool Combat Club specifically, AEW as a whole, and the CMLL contingent. 

Thus far, with Danielson’s victory over Hechicero as well as the aforementioned win on DYNAMITE, The BCC hold dominance over the luchadors from CMLL, and this will be an interesting test as you’ve got a BCC duo that’s 9-1 as a team versus a first-time tag pairing, though Star Jr. and Esfinge’s experience as trios allies may prove a boon for this bout.

Can the CMLL duo score their units first victory over The Blackpool Combat Club, and prove themselves equals to “the elite of the elite”, as Moxley referred to his unit? Or will this be The BCC continue to prove why they are the most dominating force in professional wrestling today?


Mark Briscoe vs. The House of Black’s Brody King

Mark Briscoe had every intention of being there for FTR against The House of Black, and he was more than willing to step inside that Steel Cage in Daniel Garcia’s stead after the assault perpetrated on Garcia put his status in doubt. The House of Black had different idea though, and made sure the 13-time former ROH World Tag Champion was taken out of the equation before anyone set foot inside the cage.

But if The House thought that would be the end of Mark Briscoe in their life, well they’ve got another thing coming, and Brody King absolutely should’ve known better. See Mark and Brody are no stranger to each other, from Ring of Honor to GCW to the NWA, these two men have gone into battle in tag team situations, as well as trios, and have fought over several different championships. They’ve taken the measure of one another with partners at their side, and as a result of all that, Brody King should’ve known Mark Briscoe wasn’t just going to fade away; he should’ve know a fight was coming, and coming fast.

That fight is here this Saturday night on COLLISION when Mark Briscoe and Brody King lock up in their very first one-on-one match! Each man went through it in the Continental Classic, and now they step back into singles competition as Mark aims to bring the battle right to The House’s front door!


Daniel Garcia vs. Shane Taylor

Daniel Garcia wants that TNT Championship, and even though he got the victory in the trios match last week, he’s going to need to build up his resume to get a shot at Christian Cage, and that begins this Saturday night on COLLISION with a fight against Shane Taylor!

Taylor, along with Lee Moriarty, are primed to ascend up the AEW ladder and take the respect they feel they’re owed. We all saw it with the fight they gave The Blackpool Combat Club, and Shane Taylor will throw those same blows at Daniel Garcia in their impending one-on-one battle! It’s a huge opportunity for both men to assert themselves in the singles ranks, a realm in which both previously had championship success under the ROH banner, but neither have managed to be a title holder in All Elite Wrestling as of yet.

Who will step up in the ranks on COLLISION, and who will be left frustrated in defeat?

This Saturday night, All Elite Wrestling brings some Saturday night fighting to Henderson, NV and the Dollar Loan Center! We’ve got The BCC fighting CMLL, “Timeless” taking on Queen Aminata, Orange Cassidy defending his AEW International Championship against CHAOS mate Tomohiro Ishii, Kiera Hogan fights Deonna Purrazzo, Mark Briscoe meets Brody King in singles competition, and more!

The night gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and the AEW faithful can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, TX!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Continental Crown Championship Proving Ground Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

Keith and Kingston traded shots, with Eddie rocking Keith with knees to the face. Both tried for suplexes but neither man budged. Kevin Kelly informed us that Bryan Keith just returned from a tour in Japan.

Keith stunned Kingston with a mule kick. Kingston was clutching his jaw. Outside the ring, Keith whipped Kingston into the barricade, with Kingston’s right arm and shoulder taking the brunt of it. 

“Bryan Keith is starting to show he’s got the goods,” said Kevin.

“Giving Eddie one hell of a fight,” replied Schiavone.

Keith headbutted Kingston, knocking Kingston off the turnbuckles and sending Kingston tumbling to the arena floor. Kingston got back up on the apron, but Keith connected with a pump kick. Keith followed up with a cannonball senton. 

Kingston fired back with an exploder suplex. Keith hit one of his own and then rocked Kingston with a Liger Bomb for a near fall. 

“Eddie Kingston is in trouble. You can see it on his face,” said Schiavone.

Eddie blasted Keith with a backfist and then a suplex for a two-count. Kingston blistered Keith’s chest with rapid fire chops. Eddie applied a sleeper and then spiked Keith with a DDT for a near fall. Eddie smashed Keith with the spinning back fist and pinned Bryan Keith!

Tony Schiavone entered the ring to interview Kingston.

Kingston: “Go talk to Bounty Hunter, not me.”

Tony Schiavone: “Starting tonight Bryan Keith is All Elite!”

Kingston hugged Keith.

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson’s music hit! Danielson made his way to the ring, and Nigel said Danielson was trying to steal Keith’s thunder. Kevin Kelly said Danielson was trying to provoke Kingston. Danielson held up Bryan Keith’s arm, congratulating him on joining the AEW roster.

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. CMLL’s Hechicero!

“Hechicero is the greatest technical wrestler to come out of Mexico in the last 20 years,” said Nigel.

Hechicero grappled Danielson to the mat. Both men were looking for leg locks. Danielson put Hechicero in a surfboard submission, but Hechicero escaped. Hechicero rolled Bryan around in a surfboard, but Danielson got to the ropes to force the ref to break the hold.

“Danielson looks frustrated,” said Kevin Kelly.

Danielson swatted Hechicero in the thigh with a leg kick. Danielson was stunned by a guillotine leg drop. Hechicero caught Danielson in a rear naked choke, but Danielson grabbed the bottom rope. Hechicero chopped at Danielson’s chest. Hechicero was one step ahead and cracked Danielson with a jumping knee strike in the corner. 

“Put this dragon to sleep!” said Nigel.

Danielson knocked Hechicero off the top rope with a headbutt. Danielson went for a diving headbutt, but Hechicero countered, tying up Danielson in a pretzel and cradling Danielson for a near fall. 

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Hechicero jumped over the top rope with a tope, crashing onto Danielson on the arena floor! Back in the ring, Bryan hit a double underhook suplex. Danielson applied the LeBell Lock. Hechicero escaped and locked up Danielson, but Danielson inched his way to the ropes. 

Danielson found his mark with round kicks to Hechicero’s chest. Hechicero picked up Bryan with a spinning hammerlock into a back breaker! Danielson took down Hechicero with a dragon screw leg whip. Hechicero cradled Danielson but Danielson reversed it and pinned Hechicero!

Hechicero attacked Danielson after the match! BCC’s Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring and forced Hechicero to retreat!

FTW Champion HOOK vs. The Outrunners—Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum!

Hook used a judo throw but was poked in the eyes when the ref was distracted. The Outrunners double teamed Hook. Hook double clotheslined them and sent them flying with overhead suplexes. Hook applied the Redrum to Truth and forced him to tap right out!

“It takes a lot of guts to fight two men,” said Nigel.

Tony Schiavone interviewed Mark Briscoe!

Mark: “I told FTR I’d be there for them last week. I came out to the aid of my blood brothers FTR and my good friend Danny Garcia. That’s what we do. I wasn’t five feet onto that stage when the House of Black threw me off like a sack of taters. But fast forward and it was FTR, Garcia and Briscoe with their hands held high. You knock us down and we get back up. 

“After 20 years of being one half of the baddest tag team on the planet, now all of a sudden, I’m flying solo. Everything didn’t go my way, but that’s alright. You shoot me, you’d better kill me. We fight until we can’t fight no more!”

The arena lights went dark!

The House of Black appeared on the giant screen!

Malakai Black: “Well Mark, that’s beautiful. That’s really touching. You like magic tricks? I love magic tricks. I specifically like the one where the magician makes people disappear. Because that is what we intend to do to you and everything you just spoke about. We are going to eradicate you from the history of professional wrestling, and it’ll happen just like this.”

Malakai Black snapped his fingers and the House of Black disappeared from the screen. The lights in the arena turned back on and Mark Briscoe was alone in the ring. 

Malakai Black: “See, it’s that easy.”

“Mind games from the House of Black,” said Nigel. 

Queen Aminata vs. “The Professor” Serena Deeb!

Deeb grappled Aminata to the mat, showing off why she is a technical tyrant. Deeb applied a half crab, but Queen Aminata reached the ropes. Queen hit a snap suplex on Serena Deeb. Serena Deeb used a guillotine neck breaker. Deeb disoriented Aminata and brought her down with a back slide. Aminata cracked Deeb with a head butt and then a hip attack. 

Deeb dodged a running knee strike from Queen Aminata. Deeb wrapped Aminata’s legs around the ring post and applied the figure four. Deeb applied the Serenity Lock and Aminata tapped out!

Out next: The #1 Contender for the AEW World Championship—Swerve Strickland with Prince Nana!

Swerve: “Hey Tony Schiavone, you know it’s Black History Month, right? I’m noble enough to show appreciation to all the people who paved the way for me to talk to you tonight. People like Ron Simmons. Kofi Kingston. How about Athena, what up sis? And very soon we’re going to add another name to that list. Who’s house? This Wednesday I’ve got an opportunity to become AEW World Champion.

“Now about Hangman Page, this is a man that’s in my way of my quest of becoming great. He has left scars on my body. He has shed my blood. This is a man I’ve beaten twice now. You know what they say, third time is a charge. But when I put him behind him, I become black history, and then I move on to Samoa Joe and I become AEW World Champion.

“Nana, you understand Mogul Embassy is family and it is business? Trust me, I want you there right by my side. No interferences. Because there’s going to be no more excuses. Is that right, Hangman Page? I’ll see you Wednesday. Who’s house?”

Red Velvet vs. Vertvixen!

Red Velvet took down Vertvixen with a leg lariat. Red Velvet planted Vertvixen with a bulldog. She blasted Vertvixen with body shots. Red Velvet smashed Vertvixen with a running knee strike, and then after stirring it up, she pinned Vertvixen. 

Trios Match!

The Patriarchy—TNT Champion Christian Cage, Killswitch, & Nick Wayne


Daniel Garcia & FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined commentary for this match.

Dax cracked Nick Wayne with a stiff chop. Christian Cage tagged in, but Dax grabbed an inside cradle for a near fall. Nick Wayne tagged back in and slapped Dax in the face! Garcia wanted in so Dax tagged him. 

Garcia hit Wayne with two shoulder tackles. Nick Wayne slapped Garcia in the face and taunted him by dancing. Nick Wayne charged at Garcia, but Garcia chucked Wayne over the top rope. Christian Cage entered the fray again and took some of the steam out of Garcia’s momentum. Christian Cage worked over Garcia in the corner. Garcia fought out of the corner and went for a sunset flip. Christian escaped and went for a diving headbutt, but Garcia rolled out of the way.

Cash Wheeler tagged in and cleaned house on the Patriarchy. FTR knocked down Killswitch with the high-low, but Killswitch wasn’t the legal man. Nick Wayne climbed to the top rope, but Dax met him up there. Dax superplexed Nick Wayne!

Killswitch came in and back body dropped Dax. Killswitch choke slammed Dax after interference from Christian Cage. Chrisitan went for the killswitch, but he and Dax collided heads, both men falling to the mat. Christian tagged out to Nick Wayne, and Daniel Garcia tagged in. 

Garcia tossed Wayne with a suplex. Garcia stomped Wayne in the corner and then pummeled him with strikes. Garcia opened up the ropes so Cash could fly out with a tope suicida on Killswitch! Garcia rocked Nick Wayne with a brain buster for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Nick Wayne hit a fisherman’s suplex for a two-count on Garcia. Daniel Garcia answered with a big swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Garcia climbed to the top, but Christian knocked him down, right into a Wayne’s World! 

Cash jumped in and powerslammed Nick Wayne! Killswitch was there to choke slam Cash! Garcia rammed Killswitch into the steel ring post. Garcia turned around and was flattened by a spear from TNT champ Christian Cage! Dax got back in the ring and applied the sharpshooter on Christian. Nick Wayne jumped off the turnbuckles and drilled Dax with the Wayne’s World cutter.

“Party time for the Patriarchy,” said Nigel.

Nick Wayne attempted to go for the spear, like father like son, but Garcia countered it with a jackknife pin and scored the victory!

“That’s two weeks in a row,” said Daddy Magic.

Garcia started at Christian Cage, who was standing outside the ring. Garcia taunted Christian Cage by doing his dance. Christian Cage eyed Daniel Garcia with a sour look on his face. 

“I think it’s a look of concern from Christian Cage. Daniel Garcia may have staked a claim for a title shot at Christian Cage,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Footprint Center in Phoenix, AZ featuring:

-Trios Match: The Stars of CMLL vs. Blackpool Combat Club!

-AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match: Toni Storm (c.) vs. Red Velvet!

-Chris Jericho vs. Konosuke Takeshita!

-AEW World Tag Championship Tornado Match: Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c.) vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

-Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Adam Page: Winner Gets a Shot at the AEW World Championship at Revolution!

-Plus, Tony Khan will have a BIG announcement!

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And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

RAMPAGE was wild night, especially with that main event win from the CMLL contingent, and All Elite Wrestling keeps the action going this Saturday night on COLLISION! Emanating from the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, TX, COLLISION will feature Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston battling a man who has made quite an impact on AEW and ROH over the last two months, “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith! And speaking of that CMLL contingent, ahead of their trios match on DYNAMITE, Hechicero will be in action against Blackpool Combat Club representative “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, plus Serena Deeb takes on Queen Aminata, The Patriarchy battles FTR & Daniel Garcia, and more!!! 

The night gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and the AEW faithful can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero

He is in the top three for longest reigning NWA World Historic Light Heavyweight Champions, reigned as CMLL World Heavyweight Champions for 409 days, and spent 245 days atop the CMLL Trios division alongside Los Infernales partners Eufora and Mephisto. He is Hechicero, and for twenty three years he has been competing inside the squared circle, primarily in Mexico, but he has competed in the United States for PWG, was part of the original ROH World Six-Man Championship tournament in 2016, and has stepped into the rings of New Japan Pro Wrestling during his career as well. He is known as “The Mad Scientist of CMLL”, “The Alchemist of the Ring”, and “The Man who was born to Wrestle”, and in facing Hechicero, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson is going to have his work cut out for him!

Stylistically, this is a sublime pairing, pitting two of the greatest technical wizards of the day against one another, but so too are both men capable of throwing down in a fight when the situation calls, the brazen assault Jon Moxley is proof enough of that.

The world knows Bryan Danielson is winding down his in-ring career, declaring 2024 to be his last full-time year of competition, but we also know he isn’t going out with a whimper. For Bryan this last year is a search for the best fights, the toughest competition, and opponents he never had the opportunity to fight over the years, perhaps even that personal dream match he has with CMLL’s Blue Panther. This battle with Hechicero qualifies as all of the above, with fans getting a glimpse at what he brings to the table just last night on RAMPAGE, and no doubt Danielson was paying close attention to that because, regardless of who wins here, The Blackpool Combat Club has a date with the CMLL contingent this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE! 


Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston vs. “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith

Ever since ROH’s FINAL BATTLE 2023 event, “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith has been building his reputation with the AEW faithful, as well as within the locker room. Orange Cassidy gave him an opportunity to fight for the International Championship on COLLISION: WINTER IS COMING 2023 based on his Survival of the Fittest 2023 performance, Keith competed in a Four Way for a shot at the Continental Crown on the first DYNAMITE of 2024, and less than a week ago, returned from his first trip to Japan where he fought for DDT Pro Wrestling, getting the opportunity to compete in historic Korauken Hall!

After eleven years busting his tail competing everywhere he could, it seems “The Bounty Hunter” is finally getting the eyes of the wrestling world upon him thanks to hard work, grit, and determination, and that is something the Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston can appreciate. That is why this Saturday night on COLLISION, though the championships are not at stake, “The Mad King” will step into the ring with the Bryan Keith for their first-ever meeting, and test the mettle of “The Bounty Hunter”! Should Bryan Keith defeat the Continental Crown Champion, it will no doubt boost his profile and the look he gets when it comes time for the next set of rankings to be reviewed. 

Can Bryan Keith knock the crown off Kingston’s head this Saturday night? Or will Eddie notch his eight consecutive singles victory on COLLISION?


Queen Aminata vs. Serena Deeb

It was a long, hard road back to the ring for “The Professor of Professional Wrestling” but Serena Deeb managed to overcome every bit of adversity thrown her way outside of the ring, so she could step back into the squared circle, and get back to showing the world why she is unquestionably one of the greatest competitors to ever lace up the proverbial boots. Robyn Renegade experienced it last Saturday night, and this week on COLLISION it will be the red-hot Queen Aminata who tests herself against the purveyor of Deeb’s Dojo!

Aminata had an excellent effort against Willow Nightingale on RAMPAGE last night, albeit a losing one, but today is another day and this is another fight, another chance to prove she deserves to dance with the best in the business, to be labeled as an Elite right alongside her contemporaries. Deeb is going to be tested by this fight, she’s going to get hit and get hit hard at that, just look at Aminata’s fights with Thunder, Willow, Shida, and others to see her willingness to throw hands. Will this be Queen Aminata’s night to finally score that big victory, the one that breaks her through to the next level? She was so close on Friday, can this fight be the one that makes her?


The Patriarchy (TNT Champion Christian Cage, Killswitch, & Nick Wayne) vs.

Daniel Garcia & FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

Daniel Garcia and FTR cannot possibly be feeling 100%, and we are not talking the general sub-100 that comes from being a professional fighter, we are talking the kind of pain that comes from taking part in a brutal Steel Cage Match against three of the nastiest fighters in All Elite Wrestling. We are talking the pain of being assaulted before the match even starts, and then pushing yourself through that feeling to get back in the fight alongside your friends. That’s what Daniel Garcia had to do last Saturday night when he was left laying backstage prior to the Cage Match, making his status for the fight questionable, but yet he pushed through it, and when they ended up the last two men in the cage, he went toe-to-toe with Malakai Black, and won the match for his trio!

Despite that, despite the aching Garcia, Cash Wheeler, and Dax Harwood have to be feeling deep into their bones, they are stepping back into the fight, and it is with good reason. When the rankings were released on January 31st, FTR and Garcia discovered they were the fourth ranked unit in the Trios Division, meaning a championship opportunity could be within their reach after a few more victories! So back to the grind they go, right back into the fray, and they are doing so against a trio that, while loaded with talent, has only fought together on one other occasion: The Patriarchy of TNT Champion Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, and Killswitch.

We know Adam Copeland is gunning for another shot at Cage, and the TNT Championship, but he’s willing to put in the work with these Cope Open Challenges to get there, but Christian Cage has other business to focus on, business such as building his Patriarchy up into viable trios contenders, and avoiding another fight with his former best friend at all costs. With Nick Wayne and Killswitch at his side, and Mother Wayne ringside, Christian Cage’s “family” is a very dangerous unit, and considering what Garcia and FTR went through in the steel cage, The Patriarchy may find themselves an easier fight than had this gone down two weeks ago. That’s not to say it will be easy, not by any means where these three are concerned, just that FTR & Garcia battered and bruised, potentially making them a little easier for The Patriarchy to take advantage of come COLLISION!

This Saturday night, All Elite Wrestling brings the action to the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, TX with an all-new COLLISION featuring Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston fighting “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith,The BCC’s own Bryan Danielson taking on CMLL representative Hechicero ahead of their Trios clash on DYNAMITE, The Patriarchy battling Daniel Garcia & FTR, and Serena Deeb taking on Queen Aminata!

The night gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and the AEW faithful can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the UNO Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, LA!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!


Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin (with Action Andretti)


Private Party—Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen!

“Both teams have an abundance of confidence and think they’re the best. You know what? Why not think it,” said Tony Schiavone.

Top Flight used tandem offense on Marq Quen. They isolated Quen in their corner. Darius swept out Quen’s leg and Dante hit Quen with a DDT, demonstrating beautiful combo offense. Quen pulled a dropkick out of midair and then tagged in Isiah.

Isiah rocked Darius with a stunner. Quen came in and drove Darius face first with a stomp. Quen rolled up Darius, holding the ropes, but Andretti caught him red handed and alerted the referee. Darius rocked Zay with a Pele kick and then tagged out to Dante.

Dante connected with a big cross body press on Zay for a near fall. Zay fought his way out of Top Flight’s technical prowess and planted Dante with the Silly String! Quen connected with a shooting star press on Dante, but Darius jumped in to break up the pin attempt. Dante stunned Quen with a thrust kick and then spiked him down on the mat, scoring the pin!

“I would love to see a rubber match between these two teams,” said Excalibur.

Top Flight extended their hands as a sign of good sportsmanship, but Private Party didn’t want any part of it.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Sammy Guevara!

Sammy: “Losing always sucks, but this loss against the tag champs in that Street Fight with Jericho feels different. We were this close to finally becoming the AEW World Tag Team champions, titles we’ve been chasing since 2019. Maybe this loss stings a little bit more because it’s not just about me anymore. I have a little girl at home that depends on me to go to work to provide a better future for her. 

“So those championships don’t just represent the best, they represent a better life. And Will Hobbs and the Don Callis Family took that away from me! My wife! My family! So now this is personal. I’m medically cleared now, but I’m not going to wait for a match. Will Hobbs, I hope you’re watching. You don’t know where, you don’t know when, but I’m coming for you.”

Sonjay Dutt was backstage with Jeff and Karen Jarrett, and Satnam Singh!

Sonjay: “Jay is late as always. Jeff, you think he wants us to really work out?”

Jeff: “Sonjay, I’m a two-time hall of famer. I damn sure ain’t getting in the ring today.”

Jay Lethal walked into the room.

Lethal: “All right, I made it. I’ve got some great drills I want to go over in the ring. Hey, why are you still in your suit, Sonjay?”

Sonjay: “I’m not working out, but Karen has her workout clothes on.”

Karen: “I’m not working out, but I narrowed down the team names and I put up a photoshoot for next week.”

Lethal: “Fine. Satnam, are we working out or not?”

Satnam: “Jay, I’m undefeated. You need to work out. You lost all your matches.”

Lethal: “Fine, no practice today.”

Jeff: “Jay, that’s the problem! I’m sick of it. You’re the problem of the team, and your problem is you’re too damn nice. What brought us together is that we were both ruthless SOBs. That’s what we gotta get back to. I’m running the meeting next week. I’ll tell you boys where and when.”

AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match!

“Absolute” Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c.)


The Dark Order—Alex Reynolds & John Silver!

Darby Allin joined the broadcast booth for this match. 

Silver and Reynolds got the jump on Starks and Bill. Evil Uno grabbed Big Bill’s leg from outside the ring. Silver power bombed Starks onto Reynolds’ knees for a near fall. Big Bill tagged in and bulldozed the Dark Order with a double clothesline.

Big Bill pummeled Reynolds with stiff shots. Evil Uno distracted Big Bill. Reynolds pushed Bill to the outside and followed up with a tope suicida, but Big Bill intercepted him. Silver rammed into Bill with a cannonball senton. 

Back in the ring, Big Bill spiked Reynolds with the Bossman slam. Starks grabbed a tag and clubbed Reynolds with forearms and then body slammed him. Ricky splashed Reynolds in the corner with a flying elbow. Starks was looking for a spear, but Evil Uno tripped him up. Starks got out of the ring and speared Evil Uno on the arena floor! 

Silver peppered Starks with kicks. Starks rallied back with the roshambo and pinned Silver! Darby stared at Starks from the broadcast booth. Big Bill screamed at Darby, taunting him ahead of their match this Wednesday on Dynamite. 

Renee Paquette was backstage with Powerhouse Hobbs and Don Callis!

Don Callis: “I feel sick to my stomach because I’m tired of hearing about Sammy’s family. Congratulations. You’re medically cleared, but you’re obviously not mentally cleared. Because if you were, you’d know that you’re not hunting Will Hobbs, Will Hobbs is hunting you.”

Powerhouse Hobbs: “You see, Sammy, I know exactly what I took away from you and Chris Jericho. But what you don’t realize is I always have a family. I have three mouths at home that depend on their daddy. You think this is the first time in my life that someone tried to hunt me? Check my track record, dawg, you’d just better hope I don’t see you first.”

Willow Nightingale (with Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway) vs. Queen Aminata!

Willow flattened out Queen Aminata with a big shoulder tackle. Aminata cradled Willow but Willow kicked out at one. Willow scoop slammed Aminata. Willow dropkicked Aminata from the turnbuckles. 

Queen Aminata swept out the legs of Willow as Willow was looking for a senton from the apron. Aminata headbutted Willow and followed up with a German Suplex. Aminata went for a hip attack, but Willow dodged it. Willow cannonballed Aminata and drilled her with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Willow hit the doctor bomb and pinned Queen Aminata!

Renee Paquette was backstage with The Best Friends—AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, Rocky Romero, & Chuck Taylor!

Orange: “I knew if I asked for this time that Roddy and his friends would come in and interrupt us. So, they’re probably going to do that in 3…2…1.”

Trent: “What if they don’t show up?”

Orange: “I didn’t think of that.”

Roderick Strong: “Orange!”

Roderick Strong interrupted the interview, and he had Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom in tow. 

Orange: “Roddy, I was looking for you because everyone knows you and I are going to fight each other March 3rd at Revolution for my International Championship. But you and your friends keep doing things that are making my friends really angry. So why don’t all of you guys get with all of us and then we fight each other?”

Adam Cole: “That’s a great idea. I’d recommend a four on four but ol’ Chuckie T is too injured to compete! So instead, I’m going to recommend a three on three. I’m talking about my best bud Roderick Strong, and Mike Bennett and Matt Taven against you Rocky Romero, you Trent, and you Orange.”

Roddy: “I love that idea. And how about we do it on Rampage next week?”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, and Stokely Hathaway!

They were interrupted by Saraya, Harley Cameron, and Ruby Soho.

Stokely: “Hey, last time I checked this was Rampage, not Dawson’s Creek.”

Saraya: “I don’t know what that means.”

Willow: “This was my time.”

Stokely: “Listen, if anyone is going to make fun of Willow, it’s going to be me.”

Willow: “Really, you mean that? Listen, Ruby, you’re insulting us, you’re taking up our time. If that’s what you want to do, we can settle this in the ring. Next week! So, we’ll see you there!”

Main Event Time! CMLL’s Hechicero, Mascara Dorada, Mistico, & Volador Jr.


“Cool Hand” Angelo Parker, “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard, “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, & Matt Sydal!

Sydal and Dorada began for their respective teams. Sydal took him down with a hurracanrana. Volador tagged in, but Matt Menard whipped him into the ropes. Volador connected with a thrust kick. 

Mistico and Daniels entered the ring. Mistico nailed Daniels with a big handspring elbow. Mistico kicked Daniels in the corner. Hechicero dropkicked Daniels. Volador planted Daniels with a lung blower. Dorada hit a running shooting star press on Daniels. 

Daniels planted Dorada with a heel trip and tagged out to Parker. Menard, Parker, and Sydal triple teamed Dorada with a flurry of offense. Sydal punished Dorada with a bow and arrow submission hold. 

Hechicero grabbed a tag and dropped Daniels with a running lariat. Hechicero locked on a sleeper on Daniels in the ropes. Hechicero blasted Daniels with a springboard forearm. Daniels retaliated with a flatliner. Things broke down as both teams entered and began to brawl! Volador took out Parker with a tope! Mistico jumped from the top and crashed onto Daddy Magic! Dorado wiped out Sydal with a tornillo into an arm drag. Dorado dived over the top and wiped out the pile! 

Back in the ring, Daniels was looking for the Angel’s Wings on Hechicero, but Hechicero countered with a back drop. Hechicero followed up with a rising knee strike in the corner. Herchicero cradled Daniels and pinned him!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, TX featuring:

-Queen Aminata vs. Serena Deeb!

-Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston vs. “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

-Trios Match: TNT Champ Christian Cage & The Patriarchy vs. FTR & Daniel Garcia!

– “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero!

-And so much more!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Footprint Center in Phoenix, AZ featuring:

-Trios Match: The Stars of CMLL vs. Blackpool Combat Club!

-AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match: Toni Storm (c.) vs. Red Velvet!

-Chris Jericho vs. Konosuke Takeshita!

-AEW World Tag Championship Tornado Match: Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c.) vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

-Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Adam Page: Winner Gets a Shot at the AEW World Championship at Revolution!

-Plus, Tony Khan will have a HUGE announcement!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Enmarket Arena in Savannah, GA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe kicked off the show, dressed in a business suit, and eager to speak his mind!

Samoa Joe: “I stand before you your undisputed, undeniable AEW World Champion. And tonight is a night of celebration because a new championship endeavor, we embark upon tonight. No more will AEW Championship opportunities be given. No, tonight, they must be earned. That’s why all your favorite AEW superstars are going to battle tooth and nail in this ring, all for an opportunity at my championship gold.

“I come here with a warning. You may think you’re getting an opportunity at a championship. But I’m here to tell you it’s going to be an opportunity to have the worst night of your life. Anyone that comes in here, I’m going to do them like I did Hook last week. I will take everything from you!”

FTW Champion Hook’s music began to play! Hook entered the ring with a microphone.

HOOK: “Last week you won, I lost.”

Hook extended his hand and offered it to Samoa Joe before they embraced.

Hook: “I don’t know when, and I don’t know where, but I will see you again.”

Samoa Joe: “I bet you will. Now if you excuse me, I came here to survey the field, so you can get to the back of the line. Security, get the unworthy out of my ring.”

AEW Security entered the ring but Hook suplexed them until Hook had enough and stormed off, defiantly scowling at Samoa Joe on his way out.

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)!

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe joined the broadcast team.

They began with a collar and elbow tie up. Page backed Penta into the ropes and then allowed for a clean break. It quickly escalated as both men brought heavy shots, blistering one another with chops. Penta connected with a thrust kick, but Page returned with a big boot of his own. Penta El Zero Miedo wiped out Hangman Page with a Sling Blade. Hangman retaliated with a fallaway slam and then a standing shooting star press for a near fall.

Penta El Zero Miedo hit a leg drop from off the bottom rope for a two-count on Page. They traded chops again. Hangman landed a thrust kick but then they knocked each other down with clotheslines, both men having the same idea.

Penta flew over the top rope with a tope con hiro and crashed onto Hangman Page outside the ring! Page dodged a double stomp and countered with a Death Valley Driver on Penta El Zero Miedo for a near fall. Penta planted Page in the center of the ring and nearly put away the former AEW World Champion. 

Hangman Page stunned Penta El Zero Miedo with a pop up powerbomb. They traded strikes on the ring apron. Hangman went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Penta blocked it and nailed Hangman with the Made in Japan for a two-count!

Hangman Page drilled Penta El Zero Miedo with a Dead Eye on the apron! Page connected with the Buckshot Lariat and pinned Penta El Zero Miedo!

“Boy, that’s a big win as far as rankings go,” said Tony Schiavone.

Page pointed at Samoa Joe and his championship and yelled, “I am taking that away from you!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW International Champion “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy!

Renee wanted to know Orange’s reaction to Roderick Strong’s challenge.

Orange: “My reaction to that is okay. I will wrestle you for my International Championship at Revolution on March 3rd. If you want to wait that long, fine, but I’m not going to wait. I’m going to keep wrestling because that’s what I do. I told Tony to put some of my friends and enemies in a match on Rampage and the winner of that will face me for my championship on Collision. So, I guess Tony is going to do it.”

The Young Bucks—Nicholas and Matthew Jackson, were walking backstage when Alex Marvez approached them, hoping to get a word with them!

Nicholas: “Our first plan of action as executives? Let’s talk about your first plan of action. By showing a little more respect to us. By calling us by our passport names of Nicholas and Matthew Jackson.”

Matthew: “Alex, as the last two remaining, surviving, EVPs, backstage chatter and buzz is through the roof. We fixed the catering problem. Did you have lunch? You’re welcome. Most importantly we’re just here to make sure the show runs smoothly. Let’s have a killer show.”

Top Flight—Dante and Darius Martin were walking down the hall past the Young Bucks.

Nicholas: “Look who’s showing up so late tonight.”

Matthew: “Did you guys just get here?”

Darius: “No, we’ve been here since one.”

Matthew: “Why aren’t you in your gear and where’s your dang credentials?”

Dante: “Credentials? You guys hired us.”

Nicholas: “Next time it’s going to be a fine, but we love you guys.”

Matthew: “Hey, we’re just kidding.”

The Undisputed Kingdom’s Wardlow (with Adam Cole, Roderick Strong, and ROH World Tag Team Champions Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)


Best Friend’s Trent Beretta (with Rocky Romero, Chuck Taylor, & AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy)!

Wardlow sent Trent for a loop with a big shoulder tackle right out of the gate! Wardlow hurled Trent halfway across the ring. Wardlow was looking for the Powerbomb Symphony, but Trent cradled him with a small package for a near fall. 

Wardlow charged at Trent, but Trent ducked him and then dropkicked Wardlow through the ring ropes. Trent went over the top rope, but Wardlow countered with a beautiful anti air forearm. Wardlow whipped Trent into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Wardlow headbutted Trent in the chest. Trent countered a lariat with a jumping knee strike. Trent connected with a tope suicida. Trent walloped Wardlow with a steel chair. Trent rocked Wardlow with a half and half suplex in the ring, followed by a DDT. Trent spiked Wardlow with a piledriver for a near fall!

Trent climbed to the top rope and went for a crossbody, but Wardlow caught him and powerslammed Trent! Wardlow power bombed a limp Trent and pinned him! After the match, Wardlow tried to grab Trent again, but the Best Friends saw enough and entered the ring. The Undisputed Kingdom called off the “War Dog”.

Excalibur announced that this Saturday on Collision it’ll be the “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs Yuji Nagata!

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm went face-to-face with “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo during an interview on the stage with Renee Paquette!

Luther the Butler and Mariah May joined Toni on the stage.

Toni: “I will speak first. Deonna, I believe you were recently body shamed. Which I think is ridiculous because there is so much more to shame about you. Yes, we do have history, but that doesn’t mean you can just waltz in here to get yourself a title shot! I have had many friends and all of them less talented than me. You may be the greatest technical wrestler in the world today but let me make one thing clear. If you step into that ring with me, I will twist your lips so hard you will need an epidural!”

Deonna: “This is insane. I didn’t come to AEW to make friends. I came to become the AEW Women’s World Champion. It just so happens, Toni, that the champion used to be my friend. But I have no problem earning a title opportunity and winning arm by arm. This isn’t the Toni Storm that I want to wrestle, this delusional sham. 

“I want to wrestle the Toni Storm that lived on dojo floors with me, that moved to America and lived in my house. That Toni Storm was arguably one of the best in the world. And that Toni Storm is the one I want to beat for the AEW Women’s World Championship. So, I’m begging you, dig down deep inside yourself and find that version of yourself. And if you need a reminder, take a look at your ankle, because I’m sure it looks a lot like mine.”

Deonna revealed she and Toni had matching ankle tattoos.

Deonna: “You might have everyone here fooled, Toni, but not me.”

Toni: “You know what, Deonna You can take your little tattoo and blow it right out of your bumhole!” 

Toni whipped a shoe at Deonna and Deonna threw a shoe right back at Toni! Deonna attempted to put Toni in the Venus De Milo but Mariah May grabbed Toni by the leg and yanked her away from Deonna’s grasp! Deonna pump kicked Luther in the face! Mariah May and Toni Storm were fleeing when Deonna took Toni’s World championship and hoisted it into the air!

“Could this be a vision of the future?” wondered Excalibur.

Jon Moxley was backstage!

Mox: “Since you first heard the words ‘Blackpool Combat Club’, do you know how many matches we’ve won. I don’t keep track, but trust me, it’s a lot. Do you know how many victory parties we’ve had? Zero. We don’t spend a lot of time patting each other on the back because we don’t have the time. There’s always another match around the corner. And that’s what it takes to be the best, to be elite.

“A lot of people come here, and they don’t know what elite means. In 2024 I will maim and torture anyone that can’t keep up in the ring! I’m going to do it every single time!”

Excalibur announced this Friday on Rampage it’ll be Jon Moxley against Shane Taylor Promotions’ Lee Moriarty!

Taya Valkyrie and Johnny TV requested a moment of our time!

Taya: “Let me reintroduce ourselves. I am Taya Valkyrie, and this is Johnny TV. The most TV-ready couple in AEW. Now I’ve been watching, and some things are really starting to piss me off. That girl that’s trying to jump to the head of the line? Deonna Listen, I’m not one of those girlies that don’t know who ‘the virtuosa’ is. I know her very well. So, I challenge you to a little match next week on Dynamite. And then after that you can get to the back of the line.”

Up next: Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) vs. Jeff Hardy (with Matt Hardy)!

Swerve used a side headlock takeover, looking to make a quick end to this, but Jeff escaped. Hardy rolled up Swerve, grabbing a handful of tights, but Swerve kicked out. Swerve nailed Jeff with a nasty back breaker. Swerve was going for an arm breaker, but Matt jumped on the apron and pointed at Swerve. As Swerve was distracted by Matt, Jeff kicked upwards at Swerve.

Jeff dropkicked Swerve in the back. Jeff used a Russian Leg Sweep. Jeff rammed Swerve into the top turnbuckle. Swerve swept out Jeff’s legs and then kicked him in the jaw. Swerve blasted Jeff with a neck breaker from the apron, as Jeff’s legs were hung up in the ropes. Swerve set up a folding chair and put Jeff on it. But Jeff got up and swept out Swerve’s legs. Jeff ran and leaped off the steel ring steps, crashing onto Swerve who was on the barricade!

Jeff knocked Swerve off the turnbuckles with a headbutt. Swerve climbed back up and clubbed Jeff with forearms. Jeff fought back, took flight and landed on Swerve! Jeff connected with a sling blade and then a Manhattan Drop. Jeff dropped an elbow, but Swerve kicked out at the two-count. 

Swerve shoved Jeff Hardy over the top rope. Swerve pulled Jeff into the steel ring post! Swerve pulled Jeff onto the steel ring steps but Jeff countered with a Twist of Fate, driving Swerve’s forehead into the steps! Jeff climbed to the top turnbuckle and went for the Swanton, but Swerve rolled out of the way. Swerve blasted Jeff with the House Call for a near fall!

“What a kick out! I thought he had Hardy dead right there,” said Taz.

Swerve was looking for a Twits of Fate of his own, but Jeff reversed it with a cradle for a near fall. Jeff stunned Swerve with a series of jawbreakers. Swerve lured Jeff in and planted him with a flatliner. Swerve nailed Jeff with a delayed vertical suplex. Swerve crushed Jeff with the Swerve Stomp and pinned Jeff Hardy!

After a commercial break, Renee Paquette interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page backstage!

Renee congratulated Hangman on being 3-0 in 2024, which, in her opinion, should be putting him pretty close to the top of the rankings once they drop at the end of the month. 

Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland interrupted Renee.

Swerve: “Why are you interviewing this man? Did you see what I just did out there to Jeff Hardy? I’m undefeated in 2024 as well. Another fun fact. Who is the last person that beat you, Hangman?”

Hangman: “It’s New Year, New Me, dumbass. So, I’m 3-0, and if I were a betting man, I would bet that someone is going to come along and knock you down these rankings before you get a whiff of the World title.”

Renee had some breaking news! “Next week on Dynamite both of you will be in Dealer’s Choice matches, choosing each other’s match,” Renee said. 

“Well, they choose each other’s opponent,” added Tony Schiavone on commentary. 

“Yeah, that’s definitely intriguing,” replied Taz.

Thunder Rosa vs. Red Velvet!

Thunder Rosa used a gator roll on Red Velvet until they reached the ropes. They got to their feet and traded arm drags. Red Velvet swept out Thunder Rosa’s legs on the ring apron. Red Velvet rocked Rosa with stiff chops. 

A slug fest broke out in the ring. Thunder Rosa connected with a running clothesline in the corner, and they drove her knees into Red Velvet. Thunder Rosa hit a Northern Lights Suplex for a near fall. Red Velvet stomped on Thunder Rosa’s midsection. Red Velvet followed up with a knee strike to the back of Thunder Rosa’s head. 

Thunder Rosa blasted Red Velvet with a shotgun dropkick. Thunder Rosa finished off Red Velvet with the Tijuana Bomb and pinned her!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Darby Allin and Sting!

Darby Allin: “I want to take a few seconds to talk about a few things. Everyone always asks me what it’s like to tag with “the Icon” Sting. I want to talk about the impact that Sting has had on my career. It started back in 2015 in my first year in professional wrestling, when I saw this man’s career essentially end early from a neck injury. I thought to myself, ‘What if that was me? What if my life’s work was cut short?’

“And then all these years later I hear that Sting is coming to AEW. And I don’t know exactly what for because I heard he’d never wrestle again. And you remember this part, Sting. I flew to your house in Texas, you had a wrestling ring in your garage, and we were rolling around in the ring. And within five minutes I looked at you and what did I say to you? I looked you right in the eyes and I said, ‘You’ve still got it.’ And I’m not lying to you.”

The Young Bucks—Matthew and Nicholas Jackson were showing backstage, wearing headsets and watching monitors!

Darby: “And I told you to get back in this ring and finish the career on your own terms! And now look at us, 27-0, undefeated. And the rankings are back so I think that puts us in the top spot as number one contenders against Big Bill and Ricky Starks for the AEW World Tag Team Championships. And we’d be kind of dumb asses not to take the opportunity. So, I’m going to look you in the eyes and say this one more time: ‘You’ve still got it.’ But I’m not alone this time. I think the fans agree that you’ve still got it!”

The fans chanted “You still got it! You still got it!”

Darby: “So what do you say, Sting? Do you want to end your career as AEW World Tag Team Champions? It’s all you, man.”

Sting: “Alright, I’m all in.”

After a commercial break, AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill responded to Sting and Darby Allin backstage!

Big Bill: “Sting and Darby Allin, thank you for finally having the respect to address us by name. Thank you for having the respect to address us as the AEW World Tag Champions. And as far as your challenge goes, we accept your challenge.”

Starks: “It’s kind of fitting, Sting, that you started your career with me and a partner of mine in your very first match back after six years. And it’s very fitting that now and the best partner I have will be the end of you. You are not making it to Revolution, so you might as well pay us the proper respect that we deserve. Lay down so we can walk right over you and Darby Allin.”

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens & Max Caster and Daddy Ass (c.) (with ROH World Six-Man Champions Bullet Club Gold)


The Mogul Embassy—Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, & “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Brian Cage rammed Caster in the corner with his shoulder. Caster dropkicked Cage. Bowens grabbed a tag and chopped Brian Cage. Bowens pounded Cage with elbows to the back of the head. 

Toa and Kaun doubled teamed Bowens in the Mogul Embassy’s corner, utilizing rapid tags. Bowens tried for a tag, but Kaun and Toa pulled Daddy Ass and Max Caster off the apron. Toa ate an elbow strike from Bowens. Daddy Ass finally got a tag and cleaned house on the Mogul Embassy!

Daddy Ass got pounced by Toa. Bowens rocked Toa with a thrust kick. Caster struck Brian Cage with a backhand. Kaun nailed Caster with a shotgun dropkick. Prince Nana slid a steel chair into the ring. The ref was distracted by Prince Nana. Bishop Kaun was about to whack Billy with the chair, but “Switchblade” Jay White yanked the chair out of Kaun’s hand!

“The Bang Bang Scissor Gang, they’ve got each other’s backs,” said Excalibur.

The Gunns power bombed Prince Nana through the timekeeper’s table! 

“They were right, perhaps there is strength in numbers. Bullet Club Gold the difference makers tonight,” said Excalibur.

Billy Gunn rocked Bishop Kaun with the Fame-Asser! Bowens blasted Bishop with the Arrival! Caster hit the Mic Drop and finished off Bishop Kaun for the pinfall victory!

Main Event Time!

“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Minoru Suzuki!

Copeland and Suzuki slugged it out in the center of the ring. Copeland got his bell rung and collapsed to the mat. Copeland got back up and Suzuki crumbled him again with a solid forearm on the jaw. Copeland backdropped his way out of an attempted piledriver.

Copeland booted Suzuki through the ropes. Suzuki pulled Copeland onto the floor, but Copeland shoved Suzuki through the barricade. Copeland and Suzuki barely made it back into the ring, but they were able to break the ref’s count just in the nick of time. 

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Suzuki and Copeland were on their knees but exchanged stinging elbows. They got to their feet and traded open hand palm strikes, both men knocking one another down. 

Tony Schiavone announced breaking news from Tony Khan! Two weeks away in Phoenix on Dynamite it’ll be AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill defending their titles against Sting and Darby Allin!

Suzuki had Copeland on spaghetti legs after more open palm strikes. Copeland spiked Suzuki with the Impaler! Copeland tried for a spear, but Suzuki countered with an arm bar! Copeland reached the ropes, forcing the ref to break up the hold. 

Copeland speared Suzuki but Suzuki kicked out at the two-count! Suzuki locked in a rear naked sleeper! Copeland was fading fast. Copeland got to his feet and smashed Suzuki into an exposed turnbuckle corner. Copeland cracked Suzuki with the Killswitch, sending a clear message to Christian Cage! Copeland covered Suzuki and scored the pin!

TNT Champion Christian Cage was seen watching on a monitor backstage. 

“Christian Cage looks discussed seeing that,” said Taz.

Copeland asked for a microphone.

Copeland: “I’ve never been hit that hard in my life. Suzuki, respect.”

Copeland offered his hand to Suzuki. Suzuki growled and walked away, not taking the loss easy.

Copeland: “I would have been disappointed if he did shake my hand. That was a war. The kind of war that Christian Cage knows nothing about. Christian, I am still coming for you!”

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the UNO Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, LA!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT featuring:

-Anna Jay vs. Ruby Soho!

-Konosuke Takeshita vs. Christopher Daniels!

-Jon Moxley vs. Lee Moriary!

-Freshly Squeezed 4-Way! Kip Sabian vs. Komander vs. The Butcher vs. AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo! Winner gets a shot at the AEW International Championship this Saturday on Collision!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Brookshire Grocery Arena in Bossier City, LA:

-AEW International Championship Match! Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. Winner of Freshly Squeezed 4-Way on Rampage!

-Serena Deeb’s First Match Since 2022!

– “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Yuji Nagata!

-Mariah May vs. Lady Frost!

-The Escape The Cage Elimination Match! FTR & Daniel Garcia vs. House of Black!

Tickets On Sale Now!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast from the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, MO!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley 


Shane Taylor Promotions’ Shane Taylor (with Lee Moriarty)!

Taylor jabbed at Moxley, taking the fight right to Mox. Jon Moxley fired back with kicks and chops. Taylor stunned Moxley with a stiff shot to the jaw. Moxley popped back up and both men traded forearms. Taylor whipped Moxley into the corner and then connected with a running lariat, leaving Mox gasping for air.

Moxley was looking for a piledriver, but Taylor countered with a backdrop. They began to brawl outside the ring. Moxley hurled Taylor into the steel ring steps. Taylor got back into the ring, but Lee Moriarty cracked Moxley with a pump kick. Taylor dropped Moxley with a side slam for a near fall. Taylor tried for a splash off the second turnbuckle, but Moxley rolled out of the way.

Moxley rocked Taylor with a cutter out of nowhere. Moxley battered Shane Taylor in the corner. Taylor retaliated with a side suplex, but Moxley came back with a suplex of his own. Moxley nailed Taylor with the King Kong Lariat. Taylor nearly decapitated Moxley with a Western Lariat.

Moxley and Taylor traded headbutts! Taylor planted Moxley but Moxley trapped Taylor in a triangle choke. Taylor deadlifted Moxley and slammed him back down, escaping the choke. It backfired and Moxley started pounding Taylor with the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Moxley clocked Taylor with a flying knee strike. 

Moxley applied a rear naked choke. Moxley bridged backwards and Taylor was out cold. Moxley won via ref stoppage!

Moxley: “Everybody watching hear this. Right now, I am pissed off. I am pissed off beyond belief. I am hungry beyond belief. From this moment on I am not taking any crap from anyone or anything. In the year of 2024 anyone who wants to step in the ring with me, anyone who calls themselves a colleague or teammate, you only have to do one thing: keep the hell up!”

The “Cope Open” Challenge Match!

“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin!

They shook hands before the match, showing mutual respect.

Dante took down Copeland with two big arm drags. Copeland tried for a cross body press off the second turnbuckle, but Dante dodged it. Copeland blocked a kick and then rammed Dante’s head into the turnbuckle. Copeland was trying to take away the equilibrium of Dante, going after Dante’s ear.

Dante clocked Copeland with a reverse question mark kick. Dante was looking for a springboard, but Adam knocked Dante off the top rope. Dante wiped out Copeland with a hurracanrana from the apron. Dante Martin followed up with a tope! Dante followed up with a crossbody press for a near fall on Copeland.

“Dante Martin is pulling out all the stops,” said Kevin Kelly.

Copeland stopped Dante in his tracks with a DDT. Copeland went for the spear, but Dante moved out of the way! Dante retaliated with a moonsault and covered Copeland, but Copeland’s boot touched the ropes, breaking the referee’s count. The crowd was stunned. Dante stunned Copeland with a sunset powerbomb off the top rope, but Copeland managed to kick out at two!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Dante springboarded off the top, but Copeland speared Dante midair! Copeland cranked on the Grindhouse and Dante Martin submitted!

“A standing ovation for Dante Martin!” said Nigel.

Tony Schiavone interviewed Adam Copeland in the ring after the match.

Copeland: “Tony, it gets harder and harder every week. What was I thinking with this Cope Open? I have to give all the credit to Dante Martin. I see all these young guys stepping up to take a bite out of me. I am going to keep coming out here, and working hard, and working hard, and working hard, just like Christian Cage said he was going to when he first came to AEW. 

“And Tony, God bless you, I’m going to keep working until I get the TNT Championship and bring it back to TNT. And get in here every Saturday so these people can see their championship, our championship, defended. The next time I set foot in this ring in this great city, I’m going to be your TNT champ.”

Lexy Nair was backstage interviewing Top Flight and Action Andretti when Private Party interrupted!

Private Party started taunting Top Flight because Dante and Darius lost to them when Private Party returned.

Action Andretti: “Sure, you guys got the W, but as far as we saw, Marq Quen grabbed the ropes to get that pinfall!”

Marq Quen: “Nah, I lost my balance. It happens.”

Isiah Kassidy: “Imagine what would happen if we partied with Adam Copeland? We both beat Dante and we’re both Rated R!”

Darius: “If you’re so confident, how about we run it back? I mean, unless you guys are afraid.”

Isiah: “We will, anytime.”

Thunder Rosa vs. Queen Aminata!

“It looks like Top Flight wants another match with Private Party, and I think they deserve it,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Thunder Rosa cracked Queen Aminata with a stiff chop. Thunder Rosa grabbed a side headlock. Thunder Rosa knocked Aminata down with a shoulder tackle. Queen Aminata nailed Thunder Rosa with a back breaker. 

Thunder Rosa rocked Aminata with a running dropkick. Aminata rallied back with a snap mare and then kicked Thunder Rosa in the back. Aminata walloped Rosa with a hip attack. Thunder Rosa dodged a second hip attack and then took the wind out of Aminata with a double knee strike. Thunder Rosa followed up with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. 

Queen Aminata headbutted Thunder Rosa and then blasted her with an air raid crash for a two-count! Queen Aminata climbed up, looking for the double stomp, but Thunder Rosa pulled her down. Thunder Rosa took Queen Aminata off her feet with a shotgun dropkick. Thunder Rosa planted Aminata with the Tijuana Bomb and then scored the pin!

Ring of Honor World Six-Man Tag Team Champions Bullet Club Gold— “Switchblade” Jay White, and the Gunns—Austin and Colten Gunn, came out to the ring!

Jay White: “We feel it, the people feel it, it’s a different vibe, with the Collision Cowboys back on Saturday night. But something is missing still.”

Austin pulled a cardboard cut out of Juice Robinson from beneath the ring and stood it next to them.

AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass stormed onto the stage!

Daddy Ass: “We’re just out here to congratulate you guys over your recent title win. And we are the AEW Trios Champions. But we can do so much more!”

Max Caster: “That’s right, Bang Bang Gang. It’s one thing to get to the top of AEW, but it’s another thing to stay there. Just think if we were a supergroup. Together we’d be unstoppable in the ring, unstoppable in the back, unstoppable where it counts—with all the people. And I know the people want to see Billy Gunn with some singles gold.”

The fans started chanting “Daddy Ass! Daddy Ass! Daddy Ass!”

Max Caster: “I know the people want to see the Gunns with tag team titles, and Jay, I know the people want to see you as the World Heavyweight Champion. Listen! This is not our ceiling.”

The fans now chanted “Bang Bang Scissor Gang! Bang Bang Scissor Gang!”

Anthony Bowens: “The Acclaimed—we’ve been given the runaround before and we’re not going to take it anymore. We want an answer now. You don’t just have to answer to us. You have to answer to St. Louis. Do you want to see the Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold unite?”

The fans chanted “Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Bowens: “Of course you do! Everyone loves the Acclaimed! Scissors up! Guns up! Guys, this could be us every single week! The Bang Bang Scissor Gang!”

The Bang Bang Gang and the Acclaimed scissored with their hands and the crowd erupted!

“The formation of the Bang Bang Scissor Gang!” said Kevin Kelly.

“What a moment and you saw it live on Collision on TNT,” added Tony Schiavone. 

Backstage footage aired from this past week’s Dynamite, with AEW Women’s Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm, Mariah May, and Luther the Butler addressing “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo!

Toni Storm: “Fine, I know who you are, Ms. Purrazzo. Yes, I remember our time very well, I remember our dojo days in the land of the rising sun. And as for me, I am cursed with this rampant sexuality. I will meet you, I will complete you, and then I will beat you!”

The House of Black’s Buddy Matthews (with Malakai Black & Brody King) 


Daniel Garcia!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Before the match began, FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler, walked down to the ring to corner Daniel Garcia.

Buddy Matthews shoved Garcia to the mat. Buddy followed up with a big shoulder tackle. FTR shouted words of encouragement to Garcia, telling Garcia to outwrestle Matthews. Buddy spiked Garcia with a DDT. Buddy walloped Garcia with a knee strike on the apron. Garcia rallied back with a piledriver on the apron!

“Guys, we may be getting a double count out here,” said Tony Schiavone.

Both men made it back into the ring just in the nick of time before the 10-count. Garcia stormed Buddy with fists of fire and then stepped on Buddy’s head. Garcia applied a figure four around the ring post, shades of the great Bret “the Hitman” Hart! Back in the ring, Garcia applied the sharpshooter! Buddy grabbed Garcia’s head and began bashing it against the mat, escaping the sharpshooter.

Buddy blasted Garcia with knee strikes! Buddy nailed Garcia with a deadlift jackhammer for a near fall! Buddy was looking for a powerbomb, but Garcia slipped out, and scored the surprise jackknife pin!

The House of Black and FTR and Garcia began to brawl! Referees and security tried to separate the two teams. The locker room emptied and rushed to the ring, trying to tear the teams apart! 

“I’m not so sure anyone can stop this! My God what are we watching!” yelled Schiavone.

“Only these six men can settle this!” added Kevin Kelly.

After a commercial break, Lexy Nair caught up with FTR and Daniel Garcia backstage for their comments!

Dax Harwood: “This has been going on for too long! I think we need to end it! Next week, six man tag, elimination style, inside a cage! Top guys out!”

The Undisputed Kingdom’s Roderick Strong (with ROH World Tag Team Champions Matt Taven and Mike Bennett) 


Matt Sydal!

Strong and Sydal chain wrestled, going hold for hold. Sydal connected with a spinning kick and then a plancha. Roddy caught Matt Sydal and drilled him with a perfect back breaker. Sydal took Roddy down with a hurracanrana. Sydal staggered Strong with a spinning heel kick. Sydal rocked Roderick with a meteora.

“Fans we have breaking news from Tony Khan! Next week Elimination Trios Steel Cage Match live on Collision! FTR and Daniel Garcia against the House of Black!” announced Tony Schiavone.

Sydal covered Roddy after an air raid crash, but Roddy escaped before the three-count. Roderick retaliated with a big knee lift. Roddy finished off Sydal with the End of Heartache and then pinned Sydal!

“Perfect strategy from Roderick Strong,” said Nigel.

Roddy looked into the camera and said, “Orange Cassidy, you see that?”

Main Event Time!

Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston & Ortiz


Blackpool Combat Club’s “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli!

Danielson took down Kingston and blasted Kingston in the spine with a kick. Kingston used a snap mare takeover and kicked Danielson in the back! Ortiz tagged in and he and Kingston double suplexed Danielson.

Claudio grabbed a tag and tore off Ortiz’s shirt. Claudio clubbed Ortiz with European Uppercuts. Ortiz fought off Danielson and Claudio until the numbers became too much for him. Claudio drove Ortiz back into the BCC’s corner with his power. Claudio hurled Ortiz around the ring with the Giant Swing!

Danielson tagged in and walloped Ortiz with kicks. Ortiz got to his feet and nailed Bryan with a clothesline.

Tony Schiavone announced he had breaking news from Tony Khan; the ranking system is returning to AEW, so every win is crucial!

Ortiz tagged out to Kingston, and Claudio tagged in. Claudio and Ortiz exchanged chops and forearms in the center of the ring, going back and forth. Claudio slapped Eddie in the face! Eddie answered with machine gun chops to Claudio’s chest! Kingston sent Claudio crashing and burning with an exploder suplex!

Claudio connected with a short arm clothesline for a two-count. Danielson tagged in and cracked Kingston with a flying headbutt, a move made famous by Kansas City’s own Harley Race. Kingston stunned Danielson with a DDT out of nowhere! Ortiz tagged in and he and Kingston dropped Danielson with tandem offense. Ortiz hit a tope on Danielson, and Kingston hit one on Claudio on the other side of the ring!

“Nobody has had the back of Kingston quite like Ortiz,” said Kevin Kelly.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson put Ortiz in the LeBell Lock. Ortiz reached the ropes. Danielson captured the wrists of Ortiz and began to stomp on his head. Claudio forced Kingston to watch the assault on Ortiz. Danielson nailed Ortiz with a running knee strike and pinned Ortiz!

After the match, Danielson told Kingston he would not hold his titles long and then spat at him! Danielson left the ring, smirking, while Kingston checked on Ortiz.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Enmarket Arena in Savannah, GA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

After an exciting RAMPAGE on Friday night, AEW is right back in the action with an all-new COLLISION, coming to you from the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis! Last night we saw an amazing clash between Jeff Hardy and Darby Allin, the continuing…something…with Kris Statlander and Stokely Hathaway, Anthony Henry give Penta El Zero Miedo a tremendous fight, and Chris Jericho get back to business in a bout with Matt Sydal!

The night begins with COLLISION at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, featuring a huge Grudge Tag match pitting Eddie Kingston and Ortiz against The BCC of Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson, Adam Copeland laying out another Open Challenge, Buddy Matthews and Daniel Garcia going head-to-head, and Jon Moxley back in the house after a wild trip through New Japan Pro Wrestling! Fans can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston & Ortiz


Blackpool Combat Club (Bryan Danielson & Claudio Castagnoli)

As if there wasn’t enough fuel to the fires that burn between Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston and The Blackpool Combat Club, last week during RAMPAGE: HOMECOMING 2024 Eddie beat ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta in a Continental Crown defense, leaving the young man battered and bruised.

So this Saturday night, with Bryan Danielson back on the scene after his New Japan excursion for WRESTLE KINGDOM 18 and NEW YEAR DASH!! 2024, and Claudio coming off a victory over Bryan Kieth Thursday night during ROH ON HONOR CLUB, The Blackpool Combat Club will reunite for tag team action against Kingston and his partner, friend-turned foe-and back again, Ortiz! When last we saw Ortiz and Eddie Kingston engage with one another, the former came to ringside at FULL GEAR 2023 to help the latter in his ROH World Championship match with Jay Lethal. That was on the heels of Sonjay Dutt trying to recruit Ortiz to their little unit, and given that Jeff Jarrett’s guitar ended up around Dutt’s head, that was a clear indication of where Ortiz stood. The question of whether or not that choice had anything to do with Kingston, or was just a response to Dutt, was answered fairly quickly when Ortiz and Eddie stood side-by-side in the ring; it was as if the Stadium Stampede at ALL IN: LONDON got the bad blood out of their system, and now they could move forward as friends.

Hopefully that is the case because Eddie and Ortiz will have to be on the same page when facing The BCC if they want any hope of leaving St. Louis with a victory. Claudio and Bryan are 2-1 as a duo with their last fighting being the bout with Orange Cassidy and Okada in October while Ortiz and Eddie are 9-2, but it’s been over a year since their last time teaming up. Will the bonds forged by The BCC in their time together prove stronger than the ones between Kingston and Ortiz that were so tested in the last year?


The House of Black’s Buddy Matthews vs. Daniel Garcia

Last Saturday night, in one of the many super trios matches AEW has produced, FTR and Daniel Garcia fell to The House of Black, the end coming after Buddy Matthews smashed Dax Harwood’s face into the canvas for the pinfall. It was an intense, chaotic, hateful battle, but the result doesn’t appear to have settled anything between these six men, or should that be seven given how The House pulled Matt Menard into the fray in the aftermath of their victory.

Garcia and FTR may have ran The House off before they could inflict too much damage, but all that means is the fight will continue in one form or another as long as all these men are still able to throw hands. The next form this explosive issue will take goes down this Saturday night on COLLISION when Buddy Matthews and Daniel Garcia meet in singles competition for the first time! Garcia has come so far in his career since debuting in AEW, and seems to have the number of House member Brody King, but will that success parlay over to Buddy as well? Or will Garcia be the next man whose face Matthews stomps into the mat?


Jon Moxley vs. Shane Taylor

Though Jon Moxley has not been seen in All Elite Wrestling since WORLDS END, that doesn’t mean he’s been inactive, sitting on the sidelines, watching the world pass him by. As a matter of fact, it has been quite the opposite as the former 3-Time AEW World Champion returned to New Japan for WRESTLE KINGDOM 18 where he vied for the NJPW Global Heavyweight Title against Will Ospreay and David Finlay. Finlay would be the one who ultimately walked away with the newly created crown, pinning Ospreay to claim the title, and sending Mox to NEW YEAR DASH!! 2024 empty handed. Unfortunately loss would follow Mox to his eight-man tag on that event as well, with TMDK’s Shane Haste pinning Moxley’s partner Tomohiro Ishii to get the victory.

Thankfully Moxley rebounded in his No Disqualification bout at NJPW’s BATTLE IN ALLEY 2024, scoring a victory over Shingo Takagi after twenty-six minutes of hard-hitting, violent action, and subsequently let new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion Tetsuyo Naito know that he had eyes on that prize, issuing a challenge for WINDY CITY RIOT 2024 on April 12th.  

But before Moxley gets to that potential championship challenge, he’s coming back home to All Elite Wrestling this Saturday night! And initially we wondered if he was coming for a fight, or was he simply making the trip to St. Louis to let the world know where he’s focusing his energy in the new year; but thanks to one social media follower in particular sharing an older video of Shane Taylor’s, we know now just what’s in store:

Just goes to show that sometimes when you ask for something, you get it, and boy are we all going to get it this Saturday when Shane Taylor throws down with Jon Moxley! These are two of the hardest-hitting, rough and tumble individuals in all of AEW, and Shane Taylor has proven in his fights with Samoa Joe and Keith Lee that he gives as good as he gets in a fight. Aside from the fight with Joe last year, this is Shane T’s biggest match since joining on with AEW, and he aims to leave an impression on the AEW fans, as well as on Jon Moxley’s face! There’s nothing more Mox loves than a fight, and he is now guaranteed to get one on COLLISION!


Adam Copeland vs. ???

Last week it was Shane Taylor Promotions’ Lee Moriarty who answered the call of the Adam Copeland Open Challenge, giving the Hall of Famer a fight he did not anticipate, but one he certainly appreciated, with Moriarty showing the world he’s got the potential down the line to stand with the greats in this business. But that time wasn’t last week, Copeland’s drive to earn himself another stab at Christian Cage is too strong, and it is going to take a very special individual to disrupt this man’s track to the TNT Championship.

Well with “The Rated R Superstar” set to appear on COLLISION for another Open Challenge, someone else will have that opportunity to play spoiler to Copeland’s quest, and given how the competition has escalated with each outing, it’s going to be very interesting to see just who answers the call this week in St. Louis!


It’s been awhile since her last singles match, an August 6, 2022 championship fight with Jamie Hayter during BATTLE OF THE BELTS III to be exact, but this Saturday night Thunder Rosa is back in action! We got a taste of “La Mera Mera” on the December 23rd COLLISION and on DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024, but those were in multi-person bouts, a singles match is a whole different story that could put the former AEW Women’s World Champion to the test! Who will step up to the fight with Thunder Rosa this Saturday in St. Louis?

COLLISION comes to St. Louis this Saturday night, with the action starting at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and showcasing a massive Grudge Tag Team fight pitting Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston and Ortiz against Blackpool Combat Club members Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson! Plus, Adam Copeland plans to lay out another Open Challenge while, after their tremendous trios bout last week, Buddy Matthews and Daniel Garcia will meet one-on-one! We haven’t seen Jon Moxley since WORLDS END as he’s been putting in work with NJPW, but he will be back home this Saturday night! Before showtime, be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!

Wednesday night’s edition of DYNAMITE was loaded up with one championship fight after another, capped off with FTW Champion HOOK giving AEW World Champion Samoa Joe everything he had in an attempt to snatch the crown from Joe’s head. HOOK survived more than anyone, even Joe, thought was possible, but ultimately he succumbed to the onslaught of the World Champion. One team that managed to add a championship to their ranks was BULLET CLUB GOLD when they dethroned The Mogul Embassy as ROH World Six-Man Champions, but Dustin Rhodes was not so successful in his bid to take the TNT Championship from Christian Cage. We heard from The Young Bucks, from Swerve and Hangman Page, and watched Roderick Strong challenge Orange Cassidy for REVOLUTION 2024! Now the eyes of the AEW faithful turn to Friday night…

This Friday RAMPAGE airs from North Charleston, SC and the North Charleston Coliseum, getting underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and featuring four tremendous contests! As seen on DYNAMITE, Matt Sydal has challenged Chris Jericho to meet him in singles competition, The Workhorsemen’s Anthony Henry will take on The Lucha Brothers Penta El Zero Miedo, Kris Statlander takes on a fight with Queen Aminata, and your the main event, in a rematch of the 2022 Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, Darby Allin will take on Jeff Hardy! Before the show begins, drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


Chris Jericho vs. Matt Sydal

On Wednesday night we heard Chris Jericho speak on the events of BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, and it certainly seemed like the original AEW World Champion was growing increasingly unhinged as he recounted the actions of The Don Callis Family. It was certainly unexpected to find Matt Sydal attempting to be the voice of reason, to talk Jericho down from escalating himself into a frenzy, but it was not a surprise that the end result of their conversation was a fight for this Friday night on RAMPAGE.

Now these two men are no strangers to one another; as a matter of fact, in another life Sydal scored six consecutive singles victories over Jericho, and actually holds an 8-2 record over Chris in their one-on-one encounters! While it has been over thirteen years since their last encounter, the memory remains, and perhaps that’s why Sydal was willing to challenge Jericho to this bout in North Charleston, SC.

Will this help Jericho refocus, to channel his rage into something positive rather than self-destructive, or will it be Sydal finding a way to recapture the magic he had in 2010 to score a seventh straight win over “Le Champion”?


Darby Allin vs. Jeff Hardy

On May 11, 2022, as part of the inaugural Owen Hart Foundation Tournament, something of a generational dream match went down, the kind of match no one ever thought they would get to see, but discussed how it would play out if it was ever possible. That bout was Darby Allin versus Jeff Hardy, and it became a reality at UBS Arena in the First Round of the 2022 Owen, one contested under No Disqualification Rules, and ultimately won by Jeff Hardy.

Fast forward twenty months to January 19, 2024 and this Friday’s edition of RAMPAGE; for the second time in their careers, Darby Allin and Jeff Hardy will go one-on-one in the main event of the night! Now the entire wrestling world knows Sting’s end is approaching, but on Wednesday night he and Darby made it clear they have a desire to end that run as AEW World Tag Team Champions, a goal that The Hardys share as they aim to rebound from a rather downward spiral in their tag team career last year. 

Will Darby march towards REVOLUTION 2024 with a victory over Jeff Hardy to his resume, evening the score for 2022, or will Jeff make it a second win over the former 2-Time TNT Champion as he and his brother look to make 2024 their year?


Kris Statlander vs. Queen Aminata

Though these two have met in the past, with Kris Statlander holding a June 7, 2021 victory over Queen Aminata, it is abundantly clear that neither woman is the same competitor she was at that point in their careers. Statlander stands before the AEW faithful a more confident competitor than she ever was in the past, a former TBS Champion, the woman responsible for ending the longest title reign in all of AEW history. Aminata, to her credit, has become a more seasoned competitor since that 2021 bout, one of her earliest in All Elite Wrestling. That experience has shown over the last several weeks in the Queen’s fights with Hikaru Shida, Mariah May, and Skye Blue, revealing her to be a particularly hard-hitting wrestler who enjoys going strike-for-strike with her opponents.

That’s the kind of fight Statlander needs, especially as she’s potentially distracted by all this nonsense with Stokely Hathaway and his desire to drive a wedge between Stat and Willow Nightingale. Though all that means this fight may be the perfect moment for Queen Aminata to score her first singles victory in AEW, and over a former champion no less!


Penta El Zero Miedo vs. The Workhorsemen’s Anthony Henry

Though Wednesday night’s tag team battle against AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and Trent Beretta did not go as hoped for Penta El Zero Miedo and Komander, the former AEW & ROH World Tag Team Champion has a second chance to make his week a positive one! This Friday night on RAMPAGE, Penta will go into singles competition against another man more conditioned to tag team competition in AEW, The Workhorsemen’s Anthony Henry!

Henry, though generally a tag team competitor alongside JD Drake, has had his share of singles matches under the AEW banner, and though none of them have ended in victory, the experience he’s garnered has been invaluable. Fights with Darby Allin, Trent Beretta, Orange Cassidy, and Miro, just to name a few, have toughened Henry up, and his desire to fight has never waned as a result.

That’s why this Friday night Anthony Henry will wade into battle against this multi-time Tag Team Champion and give Penta El Zero Miedo every ounce of fight in his body. After all, that’s what it means to be a Workhorsemen…

Coming your way from North Charleston, SC, this Friday’s edition of RAMPAGE begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and features Darby Allin colliding with Jeff Hardy, former TBS Champion Kris Statlander taking on the impressive Queen Aminata, Anthony Henry stepping up to a singles match with Penta El Zero Miedo, and Chris Jericho answering Matt Sydal’s call for a fight! Before the show begins, visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the North Charleston Coliseum in North Charleston, SC!

Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

TNT Championship Match!

“The Patriarch” Christian Cage (c.) (with Nick Wayne & Killswitch) 


“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes!

The fans chanted “Let’s go Dustin! Let’s go Dustin! Let’s go Dustin!”

Christian Cage hit Dustin with a cheap shot, kicking him in the abdomen. Rhodes fired back with a scoop slam. Christian rolled out of the ring, swept out Dustin’s legs, and was about to pull Dustin by the legs into the ring post. Instead, Dustin pulled back, sending Christian headfirst into the steel ring post. Dustin flew off the ring steps with a clothesline, taking the fight to the champion outside the ring.

Rhodes hit Christian Cage with a haymaker. Christian Cage took a huge risk and jumped off the turnbuckles and landed on Dustin Rhodes outside the ring. Back in the ring, Dustin strung together a flurry of offense and punctuated it with a bulldog for a near fall!

Dustin rocked Christian with a Code Red for a two-count! Christian played possum, begging off Dustin but then pulling him down onto the ropes. Dustin went for a tope, but Christian countered with a stiff strike. Christian connected with a frog splash for a two-count on Rhodes.

Christian grabbed his title from the timekeeper’s table. Christian was about to smash the title against Dustin’s head, but ref Aubrey Edwards grabbed it away. As the ref was distracted, Dustin rolled up Christian in a small package. Nick Wayne jumped in the ring and reversed the cradle attempt, rolling Christian on top of Dustin. “The Natural” managed to kick out!

“That was quick thinking by Nick Wayne. It didn’t work but it was smart,” said Taz.

Dustin slugged Christian. Dustin superplexed Christian Cage as more interference from Nick Wayne backfired. Dustin Rhodes rocked Christian with the Cross Rhodes for a near fall! Nick Wayne grabbed at Dustin’s ankle. Dustin met Wayne outside the ring while Christian distracted the ref. Killswitch diverted Dustin’s attention this time, and Nick Wayne climbed to the top turnbuckle. Nick went for Wayne’s World, but Dustin countered with a Canadian Destroyer on the arena floor!

Dustin got back into the ring and Christian speared him! Christian smashed Dustin with the Killswitch but Dustin kicked out at the two-count! Dustin got back up, but Christian connected with a second Killswitch and pinned Dustin!

“That spear was a direct message to Adam Copeland,” said Taz.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Swerve Strickland!

Swerve said not only did he have his eyes on the main event, but he also has his eyes everywhere. He said it didn’t matter if it was Samoa Joe or Hook who came out as champion. Swerve said he’s the most dangerous man going after the most coveted prize in the industry. Renee mentioned “Hangman” Adam Page, another man going after that prize. Swerve said, “Like I said, I’ve got eyes everywhere.” Swerve said he’s beaten Hangman twice now and he’s got no reason to prove it again.

Renee Paquette interviewed “The Ocho” Chris Jericho backstage!

Jericho said the Don Callis Family ripped those AEW World Tag Team championship belts out of his and Sammy Guevara’s hands at Battle of the Belts last Saturday. “Takeshita, Hobbs, you caused us to lose, and you injured Sammy. Now, even though I just beat you in Tokyo, Takeshita, suddenly that match doesn’t mean as much anymore. I’m going to seek and destroy your ass!”

Matt Sydal interrupted and questioned why Jericho was losing it over this defeat. “To get over this loss, you have to get back in that ring and you have to fight somebody who’s beaten you before, like me.”

Jericho: “You’re asking for a match? I respect you as a wrestler. Some would even say you’re born to do this. Maybe we need to do this match on Rampage, but I’ve got to warn you, I’ve got a lot of pent up aggression. So be careful what you wish for. I’ll see you on Friday.”

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy & Trent Beretta (with Chuck Taylor)


Komander & Penta El Zero Miedo (with Rey Fenix and Alex Abrahantes)!

Orange and Penta El Zero Miedo had a stare down in the center of the ring. Penta blasted Orange with round kicks. Orange attempted a DDT, but Penta countered with a massive thrust kick. Penta was about to fly out of the ring, but Trent cut him off. Komander tagged in and hit a missile dropkick on Trent. 

Trent suplexed Komander with a half-and-half and then returned Orange back to the ring. Orange covered Komander for a near fall. Komander took Trent over the top rope with his legs. Komander up kicked at Cassidy. Penta tagged in and stunned Orange with a sling blade, and then a second sling blade! Penta pulped Orange with the Made in Japan, good for a two-count!

Orange spiked Penta with a DDT. Trent tagged in and pie faced Komander. Trent hammered Komander against the ropes. Komander cradled Trent for a near fall. Trent chopped Komander, backing him up to his corner. Penta tagged in, jumped off Komander’s back, and walloped Trent with an assisted Canadian Destroyer! Komander walked the ropes and splashed Trent. Komander covered Trent for the pin, but Orange jumped in to break it up.

Komander climbed to the top turnbuckle and tried for the Phoenix Splash. Trent dodged it and returned fire with a knee strike! Penta popped up out of nowhere and nailed Trent with a thunderous thrust kick. Penta springboarded off the ropes but Orange jumped in, shoved Trent out of the way, and rocked Penta with the Beach Break! Cassidy cracked Komander with the Orange Punch! Trent hoisted up Komander, hit the Crunchy, and pinned Komander!

After the match, the Undisputed Kingdom walked onto the ramp and down to the ring!

Roderick Strong: “I know you’ve heard me say it to the fans and other people, but I came out here to say it to your face, Orange. So, take off your glasses and look me in the eyes! Orange, take your glasses off now! We can end you right now if we wanted to. 

“Listen, you have been a fighting champion, willing to take on anyone at any time, but tonight you decided to wrestle in a tag match and not defend the AEW International Championship. But why? Is it all becoming too much? Are you afraid you don’t have enough in the tank to keep it? Or are you afraid of me coming for it, and you can’t face it? It belongs to me and I’m coming for it. I’m here to make you face it!”

Orange Cassidy: “Alright, you know what. You got it. Let’s do it, right here, right now.”

Roderick Strong: “No, no, not right now. You, you’re going to have to wait until March 3rd, live on pay-per-view on Revolution. Because I want you for the next six weeks to live with that, to accept that, to wake up every day knowing that you’re just keeping my title warm for me.”

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview “Hangman” Adam Page!

Page: “If you think back on the past five years, you will not find another soul on the planet who cared more about the AEW World Championship than I have. Who treated it with reverence. Who needed it. But in 2024, not only will I win it, but I will also put my name on it and keep it there for as long as I can.

“Swerve seems to think about me a lot. I don’t think about him at all. If he says he can beat me, I would say it doesn’t matter. Because he’s not the World Champion. Samoa Joe is. I’ll be watching tonight. And if Hook wins, God be with you.”

Mark Briscoe walked onto the ramp to honor his brother, Jay!

The Briscoe family was in the front row.

Mark Briscoe: “I come to you tonight representing the baddest tag team in the history of this planet, the Briscoe Brothers. Tragically, one year ago tonight, my brother passed on in a car accident. He moved onto the next level of existence. My nieces were in the truck with him, and tragically they told my oldest niece she’ll never walk again. However, damn it, God is on the throne! We won’t stop because we can’t stop!”

Mark’s niece walked onto the stage!

Mark Briscoe: “We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!”

A tribute package aired honoring Jay Briscoe.


Renee Paquette had a sit down interview with the Young Bucks—Nick and Matt Jackson!

Nick: “I’m sorry to cut you off, but can you show us some respect and call us by our God-given names, Nicholas and Matthew? We’re executive vice presidents around here, and it’s time to take this job a little more seriously.”

Matt: “Good point.”

Renee: “We’ve heard about the public tantrums, the rumors…”

Matt: “Rumors, you want to go there? I think I know which rumor you’re talking about. You don’t believe the things they say or write about us, do you? None of those are true. Let’s say hypothetically some of those things were true. What would you do to preserve and protect your life’s work? What would you do to protect your baby? I know what I would do. So just think of that the next time you come at us with rumors again. And again, this is all hypothetical, but what would you be willing to lose?

“Also, would you be willing to lose your relationship with coworkers and your friends? How about your legacy and reputation, out the window. If you knew all that in hindsight, would you do all that if it meant there’d be a healthy, sustainable company called AEW? I’ll answer that. Hell yeah. And speaking of there being a company around, you got your paycheck this week, right? You’re welcome.”

Renee: “Switching gears, let’s talk Sting.”

Matt: “When we started AEW there in the beginning, you weren’t there, so you wouldn’t know. But we used to say, ‘Change the world.’ We were disrupters. We were changing the world and somewhere along the way, we lost our way. It’s like the culture shifted and toxicity crept into the locker room. It was just different. I think I know why. I think it’s because we started to lean on yesterday’s self-serving, cancerous superstars. 

“And you mentioned Sting. This isn’t about Sting. Sting is none of those things. Sting is great. Sting is a role model employee. I’m envious of the way they talk about Sting. Maybe they’ll talk about us like that one day. However, it’s what Sting represents. Sting is the last of that dying breed. And the image of Sting isn’t in line with what we wanted to do with AEW. We wanted to change the world. Unfortunately for Sting, we’re going to have to say goodbye to Sting and everybody like Sting. And we would never ask anybody to do anything that we weren’t willing to do ourselves.”

Nick: “Good point.”

Renee: “Is that an official call out to Sting at Revolution for his final match?”

Nick: “As EVPs, we’ll pull some strings.”

ROH World Six-Man Championship Match!

The Mogul Embassy (c.)—Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, & “The Machine” Brian Cage


Bullet Club Gold— “Switchblade” Jay White, and The Gunns—Austin & Colten!

Toa backed up Jay White. Toa tried for a chop, but Jay ducked it. Jay blistered up Toa’s chest with chops of his own. Toa retaliated with a heavy chop and then multiple knee strikes to Jay’s lower back. 

Bishop Kaun tagged in and continued the assault on White. Jay White landed a dragon screw leg whip and tagged out to Colten. Colten stomped on Kaun and then Austin tagged in. Cage grabbed a tag but ate some right hands from Austin. Brian Cage retaliated with a German Suplex. The Gates of Agony double teamed Austin, double teaming him.

Colten tagged in and cleaned house on the Mogul Embassy! Colten nailed Cage with a neck breaker. Toa ran in and sent Colten for a ride with a wicked pounce! The Gates of Agony hurled Colten into Cage and Cage power bombed Colten! Kaun connected with an Air Raid Crash, but Austin and Jay ran in to make the save and break up the pin.

Jay White shoved Cage into the steel ring post! Jay White lit up Bishop with heavy chops, sending thunderous echoes throughout the arena. The Gunns blasted Cage with the 3:10 to Yuma! Bishop Kaun split leg dropkicked the Gunns. Kaun distracted the ref while Prince Nana tripped up Jay White. Kaun hit a lung blower on Jay White for a near fall. Prince Nana jumped in the ring with the belt, ready to hit White while Kaun distracted the ref. Anthony Bowens sprinted to the ring and pulled the belt away from Prince Nana! Jay White rocked Kaun with the Blade Runner and pinned him!

And new ROH World Six-Man Champions…Bullet Club Gold!

AEW Trios Champs The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass came out onto the ramp and saluted Bullet Club Gold with the scissor hand gesture. 

“Could we be seeing the genesis of the Bang Bang Scissor Gang?” wondered Excalibur.

The Undisputed Kingdom’s Adam Cole and Wardlow were backstage!

Cole: “Wardlow hasn’t even scratched the surface of what he’s capable of, but now with the Undisputed Kingdom, this man will be unbeatable. This man will go down as the most dominant AEW professional wrestler of all time, I promise you that. And just wait and see until Wardlow continues to run over opponent after opponent after opponent until there is nothing left but the AEW World Championship, which will then be the property of the Undisputed Kingdom. Ain’t that right, big man?”

Wardlow: “Boom!”

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo vs. Anna Jay!

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm joined the commentary team for this match. She was flanked by Mariah May and Luther the Butler. 

Deonna hit an uppercut to Anna’s arm. Anna fired back with a neck breaker over the ropes on Deonna. Deonna rocked Anna with clotheslines. Deonna pump kicked Anna for a near fall. Anna cracked Deonna with a backstabber for a two-count.

Anna tried to lock in the Queen Slayer, but Deonna rolled through. They traded forearms. Deonna flattened out Anna, locked on the Venus de Milo, and Anna was forced to submit!

Renee Paquette interviewed Deonna Purrazzo in the ring!

Renee: “Toni Storm said she’d like to meet with you, but the champ is right there. Is there anything you’d like to say to her?”

Deonna: “Absolutely. Toni, I don’t know what’s gotten into you. We’ve known each other for a long time. We used to be like sisters. And it’s clear since I arrived at AEW that you’ve changed. But you know what? So, have I. You might have been friends with Deonna Purrazzo, but you have never met the greatest technical wrestler in the world, ‘the Virtuosa.’”

Toni: “Technical? You’re technical? Well technically speaking, you’re an artificially tanned hack. My past is none of your concern. I aught to march right in that ring and sock you right in that box! But we must go to commercial. So, chin up, t-ts out, and watch for the shoe!”

Mariah May threw a shoe at Deonna! Deonna threw it back!

Toni: “You’re toast! You’re going down!”

Luther carried Toni away on his shoulders.

Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin vs. Private Party—Marq Quen & Isiah Kassidy!

Kassidy and Darius exchanged a flurry of offense, each countering the other, going hold for hold! Dante and Marq grabbed tags. Marq Quen went after Dante’s ankle. Kassidy hit a big springboard crossbody on Dante. 

Marq Quen hit two planchas on both members of Top Flight! Quen went to the top turnbuckle and connected with a 450 splash, but Dante managed to kick out! Top Flight rocked Marq Quen with a quick combination. Dante cracked Quen in the nose with a knee strike. Isiah stunned Dante with a step over kick.

Private Party served up Gin & Juice on Dante! Darius ran in to make the save but Marq Quen rolled him up, and with the help of the ropes, scored the pin!

“Whoa a little highway robbery there,” said Taz.

Excalibur wondered if it was intentional or if it was just instinct. 

“Either way, Top Flight feeling like they were wronged here tonight,” said Excalibur.

A Sting and Darby Allin video package aired!

“This story is going to end with me and Sting as AEW World champions,” said Darby.

Sting: “It’s showtime.”

Main Event Time! AEW World Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. FTW Champion HOOK!

Hook charged into battle, peppering the champ with shots. Samoa Joe immediately sent Hook to the outside. Samoa Joe whipped Hook at the barricade, but Hook jumped onto the barricade and then jumped back at Joe with a shot!

Back in the ring, Samoa Joe sent Hook into the ropes and then drove him hard to the mat with a running back elbow. Samoa Joe jabbed at Hook with right hands! Samoa Joe pummeled Hook in the corner with more strikes. 

Samoa Joe walloped Hook with a kick and then an elbow drop for a two-count. Hook was looking for a T-bone suplex, but Samoa Joe stopped him with an elbow strike. Hook tripped Samoa Joe and then clobbered him with a wild ride hand from off the apron! Samoa Joe spiked Hook onto the announcer’s desk, and it collapsed under Hook!

Hook flipped off Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe power bombed Hook onto the ring apron! The ref had Doc Sampson examine Hook at ringside. Hook wouldn’t stay down; he shoved the doctor away and got back into the ring. Samoa Joe powerslammed Hook for a near fall!

“What is this man made of?” wondered Excalibur.

Samoa Joe nailed Hook with a Death Valley Driver for a two-count! Hook was still alive, despite being put through hell! Samoa Joe planted Hook with a muscle buster and Hook kicked out at the one-count!

Hook blasted Samoa Joe with three consecutive lariats. Hook sent Samoa Joe for a ride with a T-bone suplex! Hook tried to lock in the Red Rum, but Samoa Joe blocked it! Samoa Joe countered with his own submission. The ref raised Hook’s arm three times, but Hook didn’t respond. The ref ended the match, declaring Samoa Joe the winner.

“Hook wrestled the match of a lifetime. The good news for Hook is this is only the beginning. Hook has quite a career ahead of him,” said Ian. 

As Samoa Joe was leaving with his title, Hook yelled, “Is that all you got?”

Samoa Joe jumped back into the ring and kicked Hook between the legs! Samoa Joe planted Hook with another muscle buster! 

“Not after this match! Joe didn’t need to do this,” said Excalibur.

Hook was undaunted and got back to his feet, pointing at Samoa Joe who was outside the ring! Samoa Joe got back into the ring. “Hangman” Adam Page sprinted to the ring, having seen enough out of Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe finally left the ring, glaring at Hangman Page. Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana appeared in the front row! Swerve was smirking at Page and Samoa Joe. Hangman helped Hook to his feet.

“Hook put up a hell of a fight, but he came up short. That’s all right. He will be a world champion. That will happen,” said Taz.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Enmarket Arena in Savannah, GA!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Chaifetz Arena in St. Louis, MO!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

After a loaded week of AEW action featuring FOUR massive events, the week begins anew with AEW’s flagship program returning to South Carolia! This Wednesday night DYNAMITE will emanate from North Charleston for the very first time, featuring three championship matches, including Samoa Joe’s first AEW World Title defense, Christian Cage’s first TNT Championship defense of his second reign, and a huge ROH World Six-Man Championship fight! Plus Deonna Purrazzo makes her return to DYNAMITE when she faces Anna Jay one-on-one, and so much more on tap!

AEW DYNAMITE begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, just make a point to drop by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, as well as the newest CONTROL CENTER, and more!  Then we head to St. Louis and the Chaifetz Center for an all-new COLLISION on the road to REVOLUTION 2024!


Samoa Joe(c) vs. FTW Champion HOOK

When Samoa Joe fought his first professional match, HOOK was less than one year old, and when the current AEW World Champion first began his historic 645-day reign as ROH World Championship on March 22, 2003, HOOK was almost four years old. When “The Cold-Hearted Handsome Devil” had his first professional match, Joe had just began his twenty-second year in the sport, and yet despite those differences, in spite of his massive experience disadvantage, HOOK put himself out there as Samoa Joe’s first World Title challenger! 

HOOK may be a young man, just twenty-four years old, but he’s not a stupid one. He’s a man well aware of the advantages Joe has over him, very cognizant of the fact he’s coming into this bout as a massive underdog, but he’s also a man very confident in his own abilities. It isn’t luck that led HOOK to a twenty-five match singles win streak or his thirty-four consecutive wins overall, or brought him the FTW Championship two times over. It was hard work that brought him there, that put him behind only Orange Cassidy on that list of singles win streaks, and tied with Jon Moxley. It was that hard work that earned him the respect of the fans, and causes them to rise to their feet with the opening beats of “The Chairman’s Intent”. HOOK knows that he’s worked his tail off to get to this point, but it’s Samoa Joe he’s got standing across the ring from him on Wednesday night, and it’s going to take something extra to overcome that mountain. Perhaps that extra comes from the knowledge his father Taz holds from being rather close to Joe years earlier in their careers…

That knowledge isn’t experience though, that isn’t coming from someone who was in the ring with Samoa Joe and felt what it’s like to have him staring at you as you walk to the ring, or to have those roles reversed and be the one watching him heading your way. At no point was Taz an opponent of Joe’s, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t learn a few things about how the man ticks during his time with the AEW World Champion, knowledge he may have passed on to his son heading towards this showdown.

But once that bell rings, that knowledge has to be applied, application requires room to breathe, and Samoa Joe isn’t likely to let HOOK do that for very long. He will either look to end this quickly, or be the animal that plays with his food before devouring it, hoping men like Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page are watching to see the fate the AEW World Champion has in store for all who step to his title. Those are the moments HOOK needs to look for, the openings Joe might accidentally give, the spaces between that provide a moment to turn the tide; that is where HOOK will thrive, that is where he will find his successes. Create space, be relentless, and perhaps look for a roll-up victory given that Joe has proven susceptible to those throughout his career. HOOK may be an underdog, he may be the only one who believes he can pull this off, but self-belief goes a long way towards actualization, and given his track record of success in AEW to date, there is certainly a possibility we could be hearing the words “AND NEW AEW WORLD CHAMPION…” at the end of this contest!


“The Patriarch” Christian Cage(c) vs. “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes

TNT Champion Christian Cage sure knows how to make enemies, in fact all it takes to be labeled his enemy is to have any association with Adam Copeland, and “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes joined that field simply by teaming up with Copeland during DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024. Now Rhodes wasn’t the only one at Adam’s side, Orange Cassidy and Preston Vance were there too, but Dustin is the only one singled out by Christian, and perhaps that’s because he’s the one without allies by his side. Dustin doesn’t have Best Friends, Danhausen, and HOOK like “Freshly Squeezed” nor La Faccion Ingobernable like “Perro Pelligroso”, he stands alone that majority of the time, and that can’t be a coincidence for why Christian Cage chose to single him out.

But this numbers game the TNT Champion plays, the intimidation factor of Killswitch at his side, it obviously doesn’t faze “The Natural”, after all with 35 years spent lacing up his boots, there’s very little Dustin hasn’t experienced. He’s been the victim of that numbers game countless times, he’s been up and he’s been down, experienced life as both champion and challenger, and still comes back to the fight every day. Still, there are some things he hasn’t accomplished during his illustrious career and one of those is the acquisition of the TNT Championship. Dustin was part of the inaugural tournament back in 2020, defeating Kip Sabian in the opening round before falling to Lance Archer in the next, and he unsuccessfully challenged Mr. Brodie Lee on the September 9, 2020 edition of DYNAMITE. Dustin also tried to fill the role of Interim TNT Champion when he fought Sammy Guevara on the very first BATTLE OF THE BELTS, but the title eluded him that evening as well. 

So now the possibility of finally acquiring AEW gold is upon Dustin once more as he faces Christian Cage this Wednesday night in South Carolina! One of the biggest wins in Rhodes’ career took place in this very venue twenty-seven years ago, can he add another one to his North Charleston record with this TNT Championship fight on DYNAMITE?


The Mogul Embassy (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage, & Toa Liona)(c) vs.

BULLET CLUB GOLD (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, & Jay White)

On the heels of defeating The Righteous and “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer to retain the ROH World Six-Man Titles, Prince Nana actually stepped up to the plate and made the challenge himself for BULLET CLUB GOLD to fight The Mogul Embassy this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE! It wasn’t The Bang Bang Gang chasing after them, although they’ve definitely voiced those intentions, but the champions taking the first shot rather than potential challengers. 

“Switchblade” Jay White and The Gunns had no problem accepting the challenge, nor any qualms about mocking their opponents this week in South Carolina. While that may not be the smartest move, mockery is something in which The Bang Bang Gang is well versed, and frequently uses to play with their opponents before the big fight. These three members of BC GOLD have had a few weeks to rest up, something sorely needed by Jay White after his tour of duty in the Continental Classic, and are ready to bring some gold to their little clique, but to do that, they’ll have to survive three of the biggest, baddest monsters in All Elite Wrestling or Ring of Honor, as well as one of the craftiest managers pro wrestling has seen in the last twenty years!


At the close of the night last Wednesday in Jacksonville, Tony Schiavone posited the question to Sting of just who he would face at REVOLUTION 2024 in his final professional wrestling match. Before “The Icon” could even take a breath, the all-too familiar music of The Young Bucks kicked in, and out walked the former 2-Time AEW World Tag Team Champions. Matt and Nick Jackson had been absent from AEW programming since losing their guaranteed World Tag Team Championship opportunity to Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho at FULL GEAR 2023. Brandon Cutler, often disparagingly referred to as their stooge, even tweeted to respect their privacy as they took time away. Then again, perhaps disparagingly isn’t appropriate because Cutler also tweeted that high-fives and hugs erupted upon their return to AEW last week…

Anyway, given the timing of their return, it is quite evident that The Young Bucks are propping themselves up as the REVOLUTION 2024 opponents for Sting and Darby Allin, aiming to be the ones who put “The Icon” out to pasture with a devastating loss rather than triumphant victory. Well this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE we will hear directly from the brothers Jackson about their intentions with that interruption. It’s the first time Matt and Nick have been on AEW programming in two months, so they’ve likely got plenty to say!


“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo vs. Anna Jay


Last Saturday night two of AEW’s women had huge nights, but only one was successful! Deonna Purrazzo made her debut on COLLISION, defeating a very game Red Velvet, and sending a clear message to AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm about why “The Virtuosa” came to All Elite Wrestling; the title is what’s on her mind, and Purrazzo doesn’t intend to let anyone stop her from acquiring that championship!

Anna Jay, however, was less successful with her Saturday night fight as she came up short in a TBS Championship challenge opposite The House of Black’s Julia Hart. It was a very close call, alas not one that went Anna’s way, but that doesn’t mean she’s done striving for her first championship success! That’s why this Wednesday night, Anna Jay is getting right back into the fight and welcoming “The Virtuosa” back to DYNAMITE competition, her first since fighting Mercedes Martinez in May 2022, while the eyes of “Timeless” Toni Storm watch from commentary! 

As the AEW Women’s World Champion gives her unique perspective on this contest, will she also watch as her next challenger ascends to the top?

AEW World Champion Samoa Joe began his reign over AEW at WORLDS END, and will make his first defense of the title this Wednesday night when AEW debuts in North Charleston, South Carolina against FTW Champion HOOK! Plus, The Mogul Embassy will put their ROH World Six-Man Titles on the line against The Bang Bang Gang, Deonna Purrazzo and Anna Jay collide for the first time, and Christian Cage’s TNT Championship will be at stake when he faces Dustin Rhodes one-on-one for the first time since November 2009!It all begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so be sure to drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s numerous social media platforms, for highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, as well as the newest CONTROL CENTER, and more!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION and BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX was broadcast live from Chartway Arena in Norfolk, VA!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Open Challenge Match!

“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Shane Taylor Promotion’s Lee Moriarty!

Collision kicked off with the “Cope Open”!

Copeland whipped Moriarty into the turnbuckles. Copeland clubbed Lee with forearms. Copeland swept out Lee’s legs. Moriarty wrenched Copeland’s arm over the top rope and followed up with a dropkick.

Moriarty went for the Border City Stretch. Copeland powered himself to the ropes, reaching out and grabbing the bottom rope, forcing the ref to break the hold. Moriarty climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Copeland knocked Moriarty off balance. Copeland tossed Lee with an avalanche fallaway slam. Copeland was contemplating a spear, but Shane Taylor distracted him from the arena floor. Moriarty capitalized and booted Copeland. Copeland went outside and speared Taylor and, in the process, Moriarty torpedoed Copeland with a tope!

Back in the ring, Copeland pummeled Lee with stiff shots. Copeland cracked Lee with a backbreaker. Copeland applied the Grindhouse and made Moriarty tap out!

Copeland: “Just in case he forgot, Christian Cage I’m still coming for your scrawny ass!”

ROH World Six-Man Championship Match!

The Mogul Embassy—Bishop Kaun, Toa Liona, & “The Machine” Brian Cage (c.)


“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer, & The Righteous—Dutch & Vincent!

Archer and Cage shoved one another. Cage took down Archer with a vertical suplex. Archer wiped out Cage with a lariat. Cage came back with a German Suplex. The Gates of Agony used tandem offense on Vincent. Toa splashed Vincent after a drop toe hold. 

Bishop Kaun and Vincent slugged it out in the center of the ring. Things broke down quickly with both teams brawling around ringside! Archer choke slammed Kaun. Cage entered the ring and drilled Archer with a Death Valley Driver. Vincent jumped in but Toa hit a Samoan Drop. Vincent grabbed Toa and nailed him with the Bossman Slam and then flipped over the top rope, wiping out the champs!

Archer was looking for the Black Out on Kaun, but Prince Nana grabbed Archer’s boot. Jake “The Snake” Roberts knocked out Nana with one punch! The fans chanted “You still got it!” Archer was mad at Roberts for getting involved. 

Toa pounced Vincent in the ring! The Gates of Agony double teamed Vincent but Archer ran in to make the save. Cage nailed Archer with a twisting neck breaker. Bishop Kaun used his finisher and flattened Vincent for the pinfall victory!

Prince Nana: “Ladies and gentlemen, you’re looking at the greatest ROH Six-Man Champions of all time! And you know what? The boss, Swerve and I, we were watching those guys from the Bang Bang Gang complain about how they need more titles in their collection. More specifically, the ROH Six-Man Tag Titles. But you have a boss who couldn’t beat Swerve in the Continental Classic! But since we’re such great guys, this Wednesday, live on Wednesday, it’s Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony challenging you guys in the Bang Bang Gang!”

Lexy Nair was interviewing Preston Vance backstage when…

Roderick Strong and the Kingdom interrupted Preston. Preston Vance said this was his time, but after he was done with his match tonight, he’d beat Roddy next week!

“The Natural” Dustin Rhodes vs. Willie Mack!

Dustin arm dragged Mack to the mat. Dustin staggered Willie with a strike to the face. Willie Mack cracked Dustin in the head with a kick. Willie splashed Dustin with a standing moonsault for a near fall.

Willie Mack climbed to the top and went for the six-star frog splash, but Dustin dodged it. Dustin followed up with a Canadian Destroyer and then a power slam! Dustin planted Mack with the Cross Rhodes and pinned him!

“I think he’s catching lightning in a bottle. Message sent!” said Kevin Kelly.

Bullet Club Gold were backstage with an answer for Prince Nana and the Mogul Embassy!

“Switchblade” Jay White said the ROH Six-Man Titles would be going home with him and the Gunns after their match on Dynamite this Wednesday!

FTW World Champion Hook was shown arriving at the arena!

Renee Paquette tried to interview Dustin Rhodes backstage!

TNT Champion Christian Cage interrupted Rhodes and said he didn’t like the company that Rhodes kept. Dustin challenged Christian Cage to put his title on the line this Wednesday on Dynamite!

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. The Workhorsemen’s JD Drake (with Anthony Henry)!

Tony Schiavone mentioned how Page made a challenge to AEW World Champion Samoa Joe, but Hook has the first shot this Wednesday on Dynamite. 

Hangman used a side headlock takeover on Drake. Hangman chopped Drake in the corner. Hangman connected with a running moonsault. Page dropkicked Drake into Anthony Henry. JD Drake blasted Page with a big blow!

Hangman landed a top rope plancha on Drake. Page followed up with a crossbody press from the top rope for a near fall. Hangman hoisted up Drake and drilled him with a Death Valley Driver! JD Drake fired back with a belly-to-belly suplex and then a cannonball splash! JD Drake went for a moonsault, but Hangman got out of the way. Hangman blasted Drake with the Buckshot Lariat and pinned JD Drake!

“His first Collision match is a victory, and he earned it, too!” said Tony Schiavone.

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo vs. Red Velvet!

Red Velvet was looking for a thrust kick, but Deonna put the brakes on. Red Velvet snuck in a dropkick though. Deonna grabbed Red Velvet in a Fujiwara armbar, but Velvet grabbed the ropes. Deonna cracked Red Velvet with a baseball dropkick. 

Red Velvet shocked Deonna with a Japanese style arm drag. Red Velvet continued to work over Purrazzo’s arm. Deonna rocked Red Velvet with a big pump kick! Deonna grabbed Red Velvet’s arms and pulled back, forcing Red Velvet to tap out to the Venus de Milo!

FTW Champion HOOK vs. Kevin Matthews!

Matthews charged at Hook, trying to blindside him. Hook saw him coming and suplexed Matthews all over the ring. Hook hurled KM on the ramp with another suplex! Hook locked on the Red Rum and Kevin Matthews tapped out!

“Hook has momentum going into Wednesday!” said Tony Schiavone.

Hook looked into the camera and said, “Samoa Joe, I’ll see you Wednesday!”

Collision Main Event! Trios Match!

Daniel Garcia & FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


The House of Black—Brody King, Buddy Matthews, & Malakai Black!

Matt Menard joined the commentary team for this match.

Dax smashed Buddy with a guillotine leg drop. FTR hit a double catapult on Buddy. Cash followed up with a brain buster. Garcia tagged in but ate a boot from Buddy.

Malakai Black tagged in and took down Garcia with a big arm drag. Garcia ducked a roundhouse kick from Black. Black and Garcia taunted one another. Brody King entered the fray and FTR knocked him over the top rope with a lariat. The House of Black gathered outside the ring to rethink their strategy.

Back in the ring, big bad Brody and Dax the ax battled it out! Brody power bombed Dax. Malakai tagged in and Malakai and Buddy Matthews double teamed Dax, cutting the ring in half, preventing him from making the tag. The House of Black were relentless in their assault on Dax Harwood.

Harwood finally managed to make the tag to Garcia. Daniel Garcia had fists of fire, taking the fight right to Buddy and Malakai! Garcia held the ropes open and Cash flew out with a tope suicida onto the entire House of Black! Garcia spiked Black with a brain buster for a near fall!

FTR picked up Brody and Garcia jumped off the top rope and they spiked Brody with a triple team piledriver! Black rocked Garcia with a roundhouse kick!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Garcia put Black on his shoulders and Dax jumped off the top with a big bulldog for a two-count! Dax superplexed Black and Garcia jumped for the splash, but Black raised his knees in defense. Matthews tagged himself in. Matthews power bombed Dax twice for a near fall. Dax crunched Buddy with a piledriver for a two-count!

“This is incredible!” said Matt Menard.

Brody distracted the ref from the apron and Black nailed Dax with a round kick. Buddy curb stomped Dax and scored the victory.

“What we have seen tonight has been incredible and the House of Black rises to the top,” said Tony Schiavone.

“You know what they say. The House always wins,” replied Nigel.

Brody blindsided Matt Menard after the match! The House of Black had Daddy Magic surrounded. Black mauled Menard with a roundhouse kick. Garcia and Cash jumped into the ring with steel chairs. The House of Black were forced to retreat, despite winning. FTR and Garcia made a final statement by taking out Brody with the Shatter Machine!

The Battle Of The Belts IX portion of the night began!

AEW World Tag Team Championship Street Fight!

Big Bill & “Absolute” Ricky Starks (c.)


Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara!

Both teams were brawling outside the arena! Jericho cracked Starks in the head with a garbage can. Big Bill choke slammed Jericho onto the dirt. Sammy rammed into the champs with a golf cart!

Big Bill had a backpack with bricks inside. Big Bill threw a brick at Sammy, but Sammy moved. The brick broke a car windshield.  Jericho and Sammy suplexed Big Bill onto the hood of the car. Rhett Titus was outside with a crowd watching the fight. Titus yelled at Jericho, “That’s my car!” Jericho answered with a Judas Effect to Titus!

Starks and Jericho fought backstage. Starks put a plunger on Jericho’s face! Jericho retaliated with a traffic cone! Sammy and Big Bill traded strikes. Sammy sprayed Big Bill in the face with a fire extinguisher. He sprayed Ricky next!

Starks cracked Jericho in the back with a kendo stick. Jericho had a kendo stick of his own and began to whack Big Bill with it. Jericho picked up a table from ringside. He put two tables side by side. Jericho and Big Bill brawled on top of a crew case. Takeshita smashed Jericho with a kendo stick from out of nowhere. Big Bill power bombed Jericho off the crew case and down through the tables below!

Sammy climbed a lighting truss. Sammy was thirty feet in the air and went for a senton. Powerhouse Hobbs pulled Starks out of the way, and Sammy crashed and burned on the senton! Starks put his arm over Sammy and pinned him!

TBS Championship Match!

Julia Hart (c.) vs. Anna Jay!

Anna Jay stunned Julia with a running snap mare. Julia ducked a round kick. Julia yanked on Anna’s arm, and Anna’s shoulder collided with the turnbuckle. Anna was doing her best to fight with one injured arm. Anna connected with a backstabber for a near fall.

Anna applied the Queen Slayer, but Julia rolled out and put a choke of her own on Anna. Anna escaped and wiped out Julia with a flatliner. Julia locked on Heartless out of nowhere and made Anna Jay tap out!

Footage was shown from earlier in the day of Sonjay Dutt in a locker room with Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, and Jay Lethal!

Sonjay told them they needed to get on the same page. Jeff told Jay he had to leave the team. Satnam Singh entered the room and offered food to Jay Lethal, but Lethal shoved it away.

Main Event Time! AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. LFI’s Preston Vance (with Jose the Assistant)!

The Undisputed Kingdom walked down the ramp and sat on chairs watching from ringside.

Preston walloped Orange with a discus lariat. Orange fired back with an Orange Punch! Preston blocked the Beach Break. Preston shoulder tackled Cassidy from off the ropes. Preston connected with a pump kick, sending Orange spilling outside the ring, right in front of the Undisputed Kingdom.

Orange got his hands in his pockets and dropkicked Preston. Orange followed up with a tope suicida. Preston planted Vance with a spinebuster. Preston stomped on Orange in the corner. Orange rallied back with a thrust kick and stomps of his own, pummeling Preston to the mat. Cassidy drilled Preston with the Stun Dog Millionaire and then a spinning DDT for a two-count!

Orange jumped from the top turnbuckle, out of the ring, but Preston caught him! Preston used Orange as a weapon, throwing him overhead with a fallaway slam, taking out the members of the Undisputed Kingdom! Preston flipped off Roderick. 

Back in the ring, Preston locked on the full nelson. Cassidy stomped on Preston’s foot and broke free. Orange cracked Preston in the face with the Orange Punch! Orange pulped Preston with the Beach Break and pinned him, retaining the championship!

The Undisputed Kingdom got into the ring after the match. They stared at Cassidy. Jose the Assistant grabbed Roderick, but Roderick retaliated with a jumping knee strike. The Undisputed Kingdom threw Preston and Jose out of the ring. They turned their attention back to Orange Cassidy. Roderick pointed at Orange and said the clock was ticking for him. 

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the North Charleston Coliseum in North Charleston, SC!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Saturday night is loaded up with All Elite Wrestling action as we present three loaded hours of the best professional wrestling action on the planet between two back-to-back programs! For the first time since October 26, 2022, AEW returns to Norfolk’s Chartway Arena and with it comes both COLLISION and BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX! The former will feature “Hangman” Adam Page coming back to Norfolk for the first time since November 2021 where he arrived the new AEW World Champion, Adam Copeland laying out another Open Challenge as he fights towards another TNT Championship opportunity, The Mogul Embassy defending the ROH World Six-Man Championship against Lance Archer and The Righteous, and Deonna Purrazzo making her COLLISION debut against Red Velvet!

For the ninth edition of BATTLE OF THE BELTS, Chris Jericho will use the title opportunity he earned at FULL GEAR 2023 when he teams with Sammy Guevara to challenge Big Bill and Ricky Starks for the AEW World Tag Team Championship titles! Plus, after Anna Jay’s team defeat Julia Hart’s on DYNAMITE this past Wednesday night, “The Queen Slayer” will face “The Princess of the Black Throne” for her TBS Championship title, and Orange Cassidy will put his AEW International Championship on the line against LFI’s Preston Vance!

The night begins with COLLISION at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, followed immediately by BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, and fans can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!



Adam Copeland vs. ???

After being robbed of his TNT Championship triumph by Killswitch at WORLDS END, and then having to watch that monster turn his moment over to Christian Cage rather than capitalize on it himself, Adam Copeland is a very angry man. But as someone who understands taking advantage of opportunities when they present themselves, Copeland can’t fault the former Luchasaurus from trying to seize his moment, but he can look towards Christian Cage as the target of his rage. Copeland may be able to claim a rematch as the former champion, but he’s chosen to play the game “The Patriarch” has laid out, start from scratch, and work his way back towards another shot at Christian and the TNT Championship.

It began last week when a brave Griff Garrison slapped Copeland across the face in response to Adam’s first Open Challenge, and although it ended with Griff tapping out, it showed a more aggressive side to the young man than we’ve seen in the past. This week on COLLISION, Copeland will lay out another Open Challenge and wait to see just who answers the call for a fight! There are plenty of men in the AEW locker room who dream of using the Hall of Famer as their own personal stepping stone, but all they have to do is ask Griff Garrison just how different that dream can be from the reality!


The Mogul Embassy (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage & Toa Liona)(c) vs. Lance Archer & The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) 

What an unexpected treat this fight is going to be! Six of the roughest, toughest competitors in professional wrestling locking horns with the ROH World Six-Man Championship titles at stake this Saturday night on COLLISION! The Mogul Embassy are in the midst of their second reign with the titles, having defeated The Elite back on the November 1st edition of DYNAMITE, and sending The Gates of Agony off to New Japan’s World Tag League Tournament on a high note. 

Upon their return, Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona reunited with Brian Cage at ROH’s FINAL BATTLE 2023 event to make their first successful defense of this second reign over TMDK representatives Bad Dude Tito, Kosei Fujita, and Shane Haste. The trio were back in action together this past Wednesday night during DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024, only this time joined by a fourth man in Lance Archer, as they faced Preston Vance, Adam Copeland, Dustin Rhodes, and AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy. Communication broke down, Archer accidentally hit Toa Liona, which in turn led to Brian Cage and Lance Archer coming to blows, and the whole thing falling apart until Bishop Kaun got pinned by Vance.

So this Saturday night on COLLISION, the ROH World Six-Man Champions look to even the score with Lance Archer, but in order to do so they’ll have to put those titles on the line against the nascent team of The Righteous and “The Murderhawk Monster”! Under the guidance of Jake “The Snake” Roberts, they are a dangerous trio who could easily bring an end to The Mogul Embassy’s grip on this Six-Man Championship titles! Vincent and Dutch are familiar with them, having held the belts with Bateman for 224 days from FINAL BATTLE 2021: END OF AN ERA to DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR 2022, and would love to have them in their possession once again, especially with a behemoth like Lance Archer at their side!


“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo vs. Red Velvet

It was just over a week ago that “The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo crashed the in-ring debut of Mariah May, declared herself to be All Elite, and made it clear her sights were set on “Timeless” Toni Storm’s AEW Women’s World Championship! It was the first time Purrazzo had been in an AEW ring since her ROH Women’s World Title fight with Mercedes Martinez on May 4, 2022, but back then she was not a part of the AEW roster. This Saturday night on COLLISION, when she steps into the ring against Red Velvet, Purrazzo will be an official member of All Elite Wrestling, and thus beginning her own march towards the title coveted by all the women under the AEW banner. 

Eleven times in her career Deonna has worn a championship around her waist, including that ROH Women’s World Title and the AAA Reina de Reinas Championship, but her aim to make the AEW crown her twelfth could very well be stifled by Red Velvet with their mutual COLLISION debut! In November, Red returned from a nine month injury layoff hungry to get back into a title picture, but she has instead been frustrated by the competitors she has faced. This moment that Deonna Purrazzo aims to make her own could be the one Red Velvet steals to put the spotlight back on her own quest to become the top women in AEW.

It’s a tremendous opportunity for Red Velvet, but the pressure is certainly on Deonna Purrazzo to deliver in her debut as an official member of the All Elite Wrestling roster! Purrazzo has the experience advantage, ten years already under her belt at just 29 years of age, but AEW has been Red Velvet’s home for nearly four years, and she intends to remind everyone just who stirs it up around here!


Daniel Garcia and FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. The House of Black (Brody King, Buddy Matthews

Last week FTR defeated The House of Black, as honored by Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black, in their very first tag team contest, but the meatier story was all that surrounded Dax’s pinfall on Buddy. Prior to the end, Brody King made his way to ringside to help his brothers, but was instead cutoff by a chair-wielding Daniel Garcia, the young man serving as equalizer for The House’s attempt to tip the scales in their favor.

What followed was an all-out assault by The House perpetrated on Dax, Cash, and Garcia, while TBS Champion Julia Hart rang the bell in what can only be likened to a ten bell salute. The message was clear, as was The House’s intent to bury these three individuals, and it looks like the former AEW World Trios Champions will have their opportunity this Saturday night on COLLISION! Aside from a common foe, the only crossing of paths between Daniel Garcia and FTR was a superb HOUSE RULES: TUPELO fight between Garcia and Dax Harwood back in June. They are an inexperienced trio fighting former Trios Champions who hold the record for longest reign in the history of the titles; there’s no doubt FTR and Daniel Garcia are at a disadvantage from the standpoint of working together, but their hunger for a fight, and for revenge after last week, may just be the x-factor that carries them to victory in Saturday night’s fight!



Big Bill & Ricky Starks(c) vs. Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara

Chris Jericho and Sammy Guevara are no strangers to tag team competition, they netted their very first tag team victory on the second episode of DYNAMITE way back on 10/9/19, and unsuccessfully challenged for the AEW World Tag Titles a month later against Scorpio Sky and Frankie Kazarian. All told, the pair are 7-5 as team since the inception of All Elite Wrestling, but this championship bout on Saturday night comes after a strained relationship turned to betrayal which in turn led to a reunion only a few weeks ago. Jericho and Sammy lived through The Inner Circle together, through the Jericho Appreciation Society together, and even after The J.A.S. fell apart, it seemed Guevara would at least be the one who remained a Jericho-supporter. Yet shockingly, “The Spanish God” did betray Jericho to ally himself with Don Callis and even fought Jericho at WRESTLEDREAM 2023 with Takeshita and Will Ospreay as his partners.

But that match would ultimately tell Guevara everything he needed to know about the poor choice he had made in picking Don Callis, not to say that Jericho himself was a saint over the course of AEW, but neither was Guevara. See “The Spanish God” suffered a serious concussion over the course of that Trios fight in Seattle, and while he was absent from AEW competition, so too was he absent from the mind of Don Callis. No contact, no care, Callis showed not the least bit of concern for Guevara’s health, and that became abundantly clear when Guevara did finally return to AEW during Callis’ self-congratulatory Boxing Day Celebration.

Guevara ended up on the wrong end of an assault from The Don Callis Family, not that it was a surprise Callis sicced his dogs on “The Spanish God”, but what was a shock was Chris Jericho rushing to the aid of his former friend. An even bigger shock was the two men hugging after the fact, Sting and Darby Allin helping them out when an Ricky Starks and Big Bill launched an attack of their own, and the foursome actually beating Starks, Bill, Takeshita, and Powerhouse Hobbs at WORLDS END. 

With that victory it was clear that Guevara and Jericho were back on the same page, and that in turn led Chris Jericho to choose Sammy as his partner for this AEW World Tag Team Championship bout! The title shot came about from Jericho and Kenny Omega defeating The Young Bucks at FULL GEAR 2023, but when Omega was forced to step away from AEW to handle his diverticulitis, that left Jericho without a partner to take advantage of the championship opportunity. After all, given everything he’d done to the men in AEW, who would possibly want to team up with “Le Champion” even with a guaranteed title match as part of the deal?

To look towards the future, Jericho certainly had to repair the past, and apparently make amends for what he’d done to Sammy Guevara, and presumably “The Spanish God” also making his apologies for those actions taken several months ago. So now that they’re back on the same page, now that the bond of friendship has been reignited, can they topple Big Bill and Ricky Starks? Unlike Jericho and Guevara, the defending champions are not friends, their relationship is not contingent on being best friends, in fact sometimes it seems like they barely know one another outside of the time they spend fighting side-by-side. The important part to Big Bill and Ricky Starks isn’t a personal relationship, but rather a professional one that keeps the AEW World Tag Team Championship in their possession as long as humanly possible, and if the day comes that it ends, the two men will bid each other farewell and head back onto their own paths. 

So in some ways, this fight is a question of which method of conducting your business proves better? Is it the bonds of friendship that make for stronger tag team success, or the bond of business? Will the history of Sammy and Chris be their key to ending the reign of Big Bill and Ricky Starks, or will all their drama over the last five year be their undoing? We will see this Saturday night during BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX!


Julia Hart(c) vs. Anna Jay

This past Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, TBS Champion Julia Hart and Anna Jay were on opposite sides of an Eight-Woman Tag, with the latter competing in memory of her late-mentor Mr. Brodie Lee. Perhaps it was Lee’s memory, perhaps it was being back in Jacksonville at Daily’s Place, whatever the case may be, it motivated Anna Jay’s team towards victory, with “The Queen Slayer” herself scoring the deciding pinfall over Julia Hart!

Clearly it was a very emotional situation for Anna Jay, but that victory has catapulted her into this championship situation on Saturday night during BOTB IX! Riding on the motivation of that Wednesday night victory, Anna Jay has to remember that Julia Hart holds two decisive victories over her, one in a wild No Holds Barred Match back on May 10th of 2023. Conversely, Anna Jay has no wins over Julia, not directly at least, just this multi-man pinfall over a member of Hart’s team on Wednesday night. In addition, this match marks Anna Jay’s fifth TBS Championship bid since the title’s inception at the beginning of 2022, will it be the night she finally claims it as her own?


Orange Cassidy(c) vs. LFI’s Preston Vance

On Wednesday night, as part of DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024, AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and Preston Vance were on the same side of an eight-man tag bout, a match won by Vance when he pinned Bishop Kaun. As a reward for that victory, Orange Cassidy has offered Preston Vance an opportunity to vie for the International Championship this Saturday night during BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, coincidentally also the last championship Vance challenged for back in October 2022. That night it was as part of a Three Way bout with RUSH and then All-Atlantic Champion Orange Cassidy, with Cassidy in the earliest days of his historic championship reign, making his first defense after defeating PAC a week prior.

Fast forward some 15 months and these two competitors will meet again, only now in a singles bout, their first since September 30, 2020, and with the International Championship at stake! Can Vance take that next step in his career and rise to championship status? Or will Cassidy continue on in his goal to surpass the records he set with his previous title run?

The night begins with COLLISION at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, followed immediately by BATTLE OF THE BELTS IX, and fans can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more! Between the two events, we’ve got an AEW World Tag Team Championship match, a ROH World Six-Man Championship Match, a TBS Championship fight, Adam Copeland in action, Hangman Page returning to Virginia, and so much more! Do not miss out on this loaded night featuring the premiere professional wrestlers of All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair walked down the ramp at the start of the show, accompanying Sting and Darby Allin for the opening match!

Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Workhorsemen—JD Drake & Anthony Henry!

Anthony Henry blindsided Darby before the match began. Sting pursued Henry, but JD Drake tried to hit Sting in the back with a chair. Sting turned around and smacked the chair back into Drake’s face, only for Flair to chop Drake! Flair sent Drake ping ponging the other way into a lariat from Sting!

Anthony Henry swept out Darby’s legs on the apron. After wiping out Sting, Henry splashed Darby against the barricade. Henry powerslammed Darby and then Drake splashed Darby off the top turnbuckle for a near fall. 

Henry tagged in and nailed Darby with a backstabber. Drake grabbed a tag and chopped Darby. JD Drake cut off Darby from making a tag to Sting. Drake muscled over Darby with a belly to belly suplex. Darby dodged a moonsault and tagged Sting. Drake got splashed by the Stinger. Darby nailed Henry with a Coffin Drop from the top to the arena floor! Sting finished off Drake with a Scorpion Death Drop and pinned Drake!

Continental Crown Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Trent Beretta!

Kingston chopped at Trent and then battered him with kicks to the spine. Trent fired back with a tornado DDT. Trent snap suplexed Kingston. Eddie charged at Trent and blasted him with rapid fire chops. Eddie chopped Trent in the face and then got an earful from the ref. Trent may have suffered a broken nose as the blood began to pour. Kingston hit a suplex on Trent on the arena floor, not letting up at all. 

Trent’s mom, Sue, was sitting in the front row, concerned for her son. Trent stunned Kingston with a jumping knee strike. 

“Sometimes the taste of your own blood fires you up,” said Nigel.

Trent smashed Kingston with forearms. Kingston was on wobbly legs. Trent dropkicked Eddie, sending Eddie out of the ring. Trent flew out of the ring with a tope. Trent power bombed Kingston back in the ring for a near fall. Eddie came back with an Exploder and then a DDT for a two-count! The blood was flowing freely down Trent’s face.

Trent rocked Eddie with three consecutive German Suplexes! Trent crushed Eddie with a charging knee strike. Trent spike Kingston with a Gotch style piledriver for a near fall! Trent tossed Eddie with a half-and-half. Eddie retaliated with an exploder suplex. Kingston pinned Trent after a stalling Northern Lights Bomb!

Footage aired from an interview earlier in the day that Tony Schiavone conducted with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander!

Tony Schiavone asked about the interest that Stokely Hathaway has been paying to them, especially to Statlander.

Willow: “You noticed that too, right, Tony? That was weird. Moving on, let’s focus on what we are excited about. In 2024 I’m only focusing on the hot start we’ve had. We had a victory last night. Let’s keep it rolling!”

Kris: “You’re right! Not only was 2023 huge for the both of us, you won the Owen Hart Cup Tournament, I won the TBS Title, and we’re just gonna keep that going. 2024 is going to be bigger and better than ever because we are two of the best wrestlers in AEW!”

Footage played of FTW Champion HOOK, who was issuing a challenge!

Hook: “My winning percentage in this company is second to none. I think it’s time to get after another championship. Samoa Joe, I’m coming for you and your World Title.”

ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground Match!

Undisputed Kingdom (c.)—Mike Bennett & Matt Taven (with Roderick Strong)


Komander & “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

Bennett walloped Komander with chops and then rammed him into a turnbuckle. Taven tagged in and crushed Komander with a back breaker. Komander had his first flurry of offense with a hurracanrana to Taven. Bryan Keith tagged in and booted Taven in the face.

Bennett entered the fray and slugged the Bounty Hunter. Bennett and Taven used their tandem offense on Keith. Taven face planted Keith. Taven connected with a leg lariat. Bennett charged at Keith but Keith suplexed Bennett into the turnbuckles. Komander grabbed a tag and rocked Taven with a spinning DDT. Taven climbed to the top but Komander superplexed Taven from on top of Keith’s shoulders!

Keith flipped Komander overhead, with Komander flying over the ropes and landing on the Undisputed Kingdom on the floor! Keith grabbed underhooks on Taven, but Bennett ran and rocked Keith with a lariat. Bennett spiked Komander with a piledriver. Taven smacked Keith with the Just the Tip knee strike! After double teaming Keith, Taven pinned Keith!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Bullet Club Gold— “Switchblade” Jay White and Austin and Colten Gunn!

AEW Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass interrupted the interview!

Billy: “We were walking by, and I couldn’t help but overhear you saying how your dad had to save you again.”

Jay White: “Guys, this is none of your business. The whole thing started with Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom laying their hands on me. So, we’re going to be the ones who handle this and bang bang finish it.”

Caster: “We could put our hands on you right now if you want.”

The Gunns asked how well that worked out for them last time.

Bowens: “First off, don’t say it’s none of our business because they threw me through glass. But everyone calm down. It pains me to say this, and it may be a very crazy idea considering everything we’ve done to each other in the past, but I’ve been thinking about this the last two days. One thing I’ve learned since being in AEW is the only way to get to the top is through factions. I mean, Jay, look what you did with the Bullet Club in Japan. And look at a guy like Billy. Billy knows a thing or two about big factions. All I’m saying is I know it’s crazy. Think about it.”

They all went their separate ways, but not before Austin Gunn looked at Renee and said, “I mean, it made sense.”

“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland came to the ring!

Adam Copeland: “So in case all of you missed Worlds End, Christian Cage and I beat the living hell out of each other. And I beat him for the TNT Championship. But this past Wednesday on Dynamite, I saw Christian Cage say that Adam Copeland goes to the back of the line.

“I think he’s forgetting that as former champion, I get an automatic rematch. But it’s okay. For our entire careers, he’s said that I’ve been handed all of my opportunities. I’ve had a rocket strapped to my back. Really what the issue is, I just work harder than him. You should be on your hands and knees kissing Killswitch’s ass. So, he wants me to earn my title shot, right? I am going to start doing that right here tonight. I’ll start from the very back. I don’t care. Because like I said, I work hard. I’m here in my gear. I’m ready for a fight. We’re gonna make this an open challenge. We can call it the Cope Open. I’m going to stand here in the middle of the ring and wait for someone to step up.”

Maria Kanellis walked onto the ramp with Cole Karter and Griff Garrison!

Griff Garrison: “I am Griff Garrison! And a lot of you may be asking who is Griff Garrison. Griff Garrison is a guy that steps up to the plate against a hall of famer! Hey bud, I’m over here. How about you look at me and show me some respect, since I’m the one who accepted your open challenge.”

Copeland: “Griff, you know I like you. You remind me a lot of me when I was your age. I appreciate you coming in here. But dude, you are stepping up below sea level to Mount Everest here.”

Garrison slapped Copeland in the face!

Copeland: “You know what, Griff? Strangely that makes me like you even more. But now I am going to have to beat your ass.”

Garrison was smiling but Copeland booted him right in the kisser! Copeland lit up Griff’s chest with stinging chops. Copeland backdropped Griff. Cope smacked Garrison with a running clothesline. Maria grabbed Copeland’s ankle, distracting him. Cole Karter tripped Copeland. Garrison took advantage of the distraction and cracked Copeland with a boot to his face.

Garrison used a hammer throw, sending Copeland hard into the corner. Garrison suplexed Copeland. Adam Copeland ducked a lariat attempt. Copeland climbed to the top turnbuckle and connected with a big cross body for a near fall. Copeland charged in, looking for the spear, but Garrison countered with a discus shot! Garrison climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Copeland hammered him. Copeland wore out Garrison with repeated head butts. Copeland superplexed Garrison! Copeland applied a submission and forced Garrison to tap out!

Cole Karter dropkicked Copeland from behind. Karter went for a 450 splash, but Copeland moved out of the way! Copeland speared Karter!

“Nature Boy” Ric Flair was backstage with Darby Allin and Sting!

Flair: “Next week, a really big week in Jacksonville! It’s where Sting returned to wrestling. AEW, his first match in six years. It’s where Sting and Darby united and became this entity that’s unbeatable.”

Darby: “26 and 0!”

Flair: “After next week, 27 and 0! Stinger, Darby, and the Nature Boy at Daily’s Place!”

Sting: “Yeah, I’m ready! I’m on my way to Jacksonville, Florida and Daily’s Place, and I’ve got a smack talking guy talking about how he’s gonna take us out! Don’t think, Don Callis and company, that the Stinger is just gonna coast his way through the last few weeks. No! That ain’t the case! I’m coming to Jacksonville and the only thing for sure about Sting is that at Daily’s Place, it’s gonna be showtime!”

Skye Blue vs. Kiera Hogan!

They locked up and Skye tripped Hogan. Skye applied a side headlock. Hogan pushed her off but Blue rammed Hogan’s head into the mat. Skye missed a slap, but Hogan connected with a slap of her own. Hogan hip attacked Skye.

Skye grabbed Hogan by the hair and then cracked her with an elbow shot to the back of the head. Skye stomped on Kiera Hogan, showing off more of her demonic side. Skye jumped off the turnbuckles with Kiera countered with a thrust kick, perfectly timed. Hogan dropkicked Skye. Hogan followed up with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Skye Blue trapped Hogan in the ropes and rocked her with a thrust kick. Blue used a fall away slam and then transitioned into a dragon sleeper, forcing Kiera Hogan to tap out!

A vignette aired showcasing the comeback of Serena Deeb, who is returning imminently!

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Andrew Everett!

Before the match, Claudio challenged “Hangman” Adam Page to a match this Wednesday on Dynamite!

Claudio hoisted up Everett and body slammed him. Claudio choke slammed Everett. Claudio put Andrew in the Giant Swing and hurled him halfway across the ring! Claudio whipped Everett into the turnbuckles. 

Andrew sent Claudio to his knees courtesy of a Pele kick. Andrew jumped off the ropes, but Claudio dodged him and spiked him with a piledriver. Claudio clobbered Andrew with a King Kong lariat and pinned Andrew Everett!

“See you on Wednesday Hangman Page!” said Claudio to the camera. 

Lexy Nair was backstage with the AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Starks: “I know that everybody at Daily’s Place are waiting for the return of Ricky Starks. And how fitting that I made my debut there. And while I wasn’t successful, I return there as one half of the AEW World Tag Team Champions. And Sammy, all the history that we have, that goes out the window next week when I destroy you and cut the legs out from under you.”

Big Bill: “It’s Saturday night and neither of you are here. Next Saturday night, Norfolk, Virginia, for the AEW World Tag Team Titles, at Battle of the Belts, it’ll be ‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks and Big Bill defending against Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho in a street fight! That is, Sammy, if you make it past Wednesday.”

Main Event Time!

FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood 


House of Black’s Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black!

Matthews pointed at Harwood’s daughter, who was sitting at ringside. Harwood didn’t take this lightly, to say the least! Harwood chopped at Matthews. Dax grabbed a tax and Buddy took him down with a wrist lock. 

Dax hit a drop toe hold and tagged in Cash Wheeler. Malakai Black entered the ring. Dax blocked a kick from Malakai. Dax flipped off Black. Malakai connected with a sliding dropkick. Cash came in and clubbed Black with a forearm, and then delivered a European Uppercut to Matthews. Malakai Black moonsaulted off the second turnbuckle and landed on Cash, who was on the arena floor!

Matthews and Black doubled teamed Cash Wheeler in the corner. Cash sent Black hard into Buddy. Cash crawled to make the tag, but Buddy cut him off with a kick! Dax tagged in and cleaned house…on the House of Black! Dax nailed Black with a brain buster for a near fall!

Black back elbowed Dax, after some assistance from Buddy. Black cracked Dax with a knee. Dax pulled Black down hard onto the turnbuckles as Black was climbing. FTR hit the power and glory suplex and splash on Black! Dax covered Black, but Matthews mauled Cash with the meteora, knocking Cash into Dax and breaking up the pin attempt!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Cash went for a tope, but the House of Black blasted him with stereo knees and then hurled him onto the announcer’s desk! Black grabbed a steel chair and brought it into the ring. Black was staring at Dax’s wife and daughter in the front row. While Black was taunting them, Dax drilled Black with a stiff shot, and then hit Matthews! FTR rocked Buddy with the Shatter Machine, but Black broke up the pin attempt they had on Buddy!

FTR spiked Black with a package piledriver on the apron! Brody King walked down the ramp, but Daniel Garcia chased after him, waffling Brody with a steel chair, helping FTR!

“What a standup guy Daniel Garcia is,” said Kevin Kelly.

As Dax was entering the ring, Buddy curb stomped him. Buddy power bombed Dax and went for the cover, but Dax countered with a pin of his own and scored the victory! After the match, the House of Black triple teamed FTR and Daniel Garcia! Buddy curb stomped Cash on the steel chair. Brody held a chair against Dax’s face and Black hit him with a spin kick, right in front of Dax’s family! TBS Champion Julia Hart rang the bell over and over.

“The bell tolls for thee,” said Kevin Kelly. 

“That was a ten bell salute from Julia Hart. Is this the death of FTR?” wondered Nigel.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Homecoming on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL featuring:

-AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Sammy Guevara!

-AEW World Champion Samoa Joe will be in the house!

-Claudio Castagnoli vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

-Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Coming out of ,,WORLDS END and kicking off 2024, All Elite Wrestling began a new chapter with Samoa Joe taking the helm as AEW World Champion and the revelation that Adam Cole had been The Devil in MJF’s life the whole time. Those two elements changed the landscape of AEW moving into the new year, and then there was the arrival of Deonna Purrazzo on the heels of Mariah May’s in-ring debut, but at least some things remain the same, like Orange Cassidy still AEW International Champion after his fight with Dante Martin Wednesday night, and Wheeler Yuta still ROH Pure Champion after Friday’s fight with Komander.

The new era for AEW continues this Saturday with 2024’s first COLLISION, but it comes with a mix of something old and something new! The rivalry between The House of Black and FTR has been simmering for months, and will explode in tag team warfare this Saturday night while Eddie Kingston defends his Continental Crown for the very first time against Trent Beretta! It comes with AEW’s return to the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC this Saturday night for COLLISION, live on TNT, begin at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT! Get prepared for the night’s festivities by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as moments from WORLDS END 2023, plus the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. The House of Black (Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black)

On the October 7th edition of COLLISION, Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood were decimated by Big Bill and Ricky Starks resulting in the loss of the AEW World Tag Team Championship. It was a heartbreaking, physical dissection of the defending champs, one that left FTR still feeling the bruises on October 21st when they returned to in-ring competition. Just a minute into that tag team match the lights in the arena went out, and when they returned Malakai Black stood opposite Cash and Dax. Before either could react, the lights were doused once again, and this time when they flared back to life, it wasn’t just Malakai standing there, he’d been joined by Buddy Matthews and Brody King, leading to a 3-on-2 assault on FTR.

It seemed a similar scenario would play out a week later when, after Starks defeated Dax in singles competition, the lights went out once more and The House of Black, who’d been watching the bout from a distance, appeared inside the ring. It was only the arrival of LFI that balanced the scales, leading  to the most unlikely of temporary alliances between FTR and LFI, but one that was destined to be short-lived as FULL GEAR 2023 put FTR, LFI of RUSH and Dralistico, as well as Brody King and Malakai Black, in a Ladder Match against Big Bill and Ricky Starks with the AEW World Tag Titles hanging in the balance.

Starks and Bill would retain, the end coming when Starks smashed one of the hanging belts into the skull of Cash Wheeler, but that did nothing to quell the fires burning between FTR and The House. Malakai and company were on the spot to make verbal allusions after FTR beat The Righteous, and when FTR came to fight The House after they defeated Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels, Cash and Dax were instead subjected to, first, an offer to join The House, and then a brutal assault they left both unconscious in the ring.

Then it got personal; three weeks ago, the December 16th edition of COLLISION, Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black put Dax’s wife and child into the conversation, burning a picture of the three of them, and telling FTR that The House was their family now. The challenge for this tag team fight was finally made when Cash and Dax came to the aid of Daniel Garcia and Matt Menard following Garcia’s victory over Brody King. 

So it all comes down to this Saturday night as former 2-Time AEW World Tag Champions FTR meet The House of Black as honored by Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews; the tension, the animosity, the vitriol between these two units has reached a fever pitch, and it will explode live on COLLISION come Saturday night! With as personal as their issue has gotten, the AEW official tasked with maintaining order is going to have their hands full… 


Eddie Kingston(c) vs. Trent Beretta

This is a match full of firsts; not only is it the first defense of the Continental Crown since its creation at WORLDS END last Saturday night, it is also the first time Eddie Kingston and Trent Beretta will step into the ring for a fight! They stood on the same side of the ring at ALL IN: LONDON in Stadium Stampede, and both were part of the ALL OUT 2020 Casino Battle Royale, but this will be the first time they’ve ever been foes in a traditional match.

But this isn’t just a match is it? This is Eddie Kingston fighting for his life’s work, something he already put at risk when he laid the ROH World Championship and NJPW STRONG Openweight Title on the line to create, along with the AEW Continental Title, this Continental Crown. Every fight Kingston had during the Continental Classic Tournament put his status as a double champion at risk, but “The Mad King” persevered through adversity and loss to win the Blue League, capping it off with a victory over Jon Moxley in the Finals at WORLDS END.

There is no way Kingston will let this crown slip off his head easily, Trent Beretta is going to have to utterly incapacitate Eddie in order to win this match, but there’s just something about Beretta as of late that makes it seem like he’d be willing to go to such lengths. Fans have seen the man get down and dirty in Parking Lot Brawls before, so they know Trent Beretta is capable of the violence it may take to put Eddie Kingston down.

The thing with Eddie though is that he knew the second he beat Jon Moxley, he’d become a target for any individual striving for championship success. It’s not a matter of shattering a dream, Kingston isn’t a dreamer, he’s a fighter and one who knows that as long as he laces up the boots, the fight will never end. Every day someone will be gunning for him, after all he’s a man hoarding three different championships from three different companies, making him a target for people from every single one. Trent Beretta just happens to be the first, and even if Kingston makes it past him, there will be another and another and another waiting to take their shot at the Continental Crown upon The Mad King’s head!


Darby Allin & Sting vs. The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

Ahead of their fight with The Don Callis Family on ,,DYNAMITE: HOMECOMING 2024 in Jacksonville, Darby Allin and “The Icon” Sting will be in tag team action this Saturday night! It’s a huge opportunity for The Workhorsemen of Anthony Henry and JD Drake, facing Darby and Sting, given the amount of respect and admiration the pair have for “The Icon”, but it’s also so much more than that. See this night at Bojangles Coliseum will be Sting’s last fight in Charlotte, a wrestling city synonymous with his career, where he’s fought Eddie Gilbert, battled inside War Games, as well as fought the likes of Sid Vicious, Cactus Jack, and yes, Ric Flair, for championship gold!

In fact, the last match Sting had in Charlotte took place at the Bojangles almost five years ago to the day, and featured him defending a World Championship! So now he returns to Charlotte, with both Darby Allin and Ric Flair at this side, to bid farewell to the fans of the Queen City, and give The Workhorsemen the kind of wrestling lesson that can only be given by someone with his experience! Join AEW this Saturday night in Charlotte as we continue on the Road to ,,REVOLUTION 2024 and Sting’s final professional wrestling match.


At WORLDS END 2023 Adam Copeland managed to experience ultimate triumph and catastrophic tragedy within minutes of one another. In a vicious No DQ Match with Christian Cage, Copeland defeated “The Patriarch” to become the new TNT Champion but taking advantage of the situation, Killswitch brutally assaulted Copeland in hopes of using the TNT Championship match contract he’d earned during ZERO HOUR. Unfortunately for the former Luchasaurus, he was convinced by Christian to hand over the contract, and the ex-champion took back the TNT Championship he’d lost only moments earlier.

Well the world heard what Christian Cage had to say about the situation this past Wednesday on DYNAMITE, basically denying he ever lost the title and this is one continuous run, so this Saturday night we will hear from the other half of that equation! Adam Copeland has to have a lot on his mind about this situation, and we will get a piece of it on COLLISION!

All Elite Wrestling is back in Charlotte, NC at the ,,Bojangles Coliseum this Saturday night with the first COLLISION of 2024! In one of the most anticipated tag matches in recent memory, FTR will finally fight The House of Black as honored by Buddy Matthews and Malakai Black, and Eddie Kingston will defend his Continental Crown for the very first time against Trent Beretta after that Best Friend won DYNAMITE’s Four Way bout! Those two stellar contests, and more, are set to come your way when COLLISION kicks off at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT. All you need to do is get prepared by dropping in on the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from this week’s editions of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as events from WORLDS END 2023, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Kicking off the first Dynamite of the new year… “The Devil” Adam Cole came to the ring to explain his shocking betrayal of MJF!

Cole was accompanied by Roderick Strong, Wardlow, and the ROH World Tag Team Champions—The Kingdom—Mike Bennett and Matt Taven.

Strong: “Everybody shut up and listen to my best friend Adam!”

Cole: “You guys don’t have sympathy for me? I find it ironic that so many people were shocked by what happened at Worlds End, which means you’re all stupid, and you don’t know right from wrong. You think we’re the bad guys because we betrayed MJF? The guy who has run his mouth about everyone in the locker room and all of you fans? If that makes me the devil, then buy me a first class ticket straight to hell.

“MJF is a narcissist. The only person that MJF cares about is MJF. And he’s had his claws hooked in AEW for far too long. And I think it’s a time for a change. Someday most of that locker room will thank me. Hell, someday Tony Khan will thank me because MJF is gone and he’s never coming back.

“There’s a lot of reasons why I did what I did. MJF would have done the same to me, I just beat him to the punch. Adam Cole never needed MJF. MJF needed Adam Cole. I sacrificed everything for that friendship. That’s how I broke my ankle. I’m the one that lost something! Not him!

“MJF needed Adam Cole. None of you would have been cheering for MJF without Adam Cole. Better Than You BayBay—that’s me. In the beginning this was all about the AEW World Championship. But then it turned out to be something more. This is about ripping out a man’s heart and bringing him to his knees. MJF is dead!

“I’ll tell you who is very much alive. That is the Undisputed Kingdom. And aside from our disdain for the guy who doesn’t work here anymore, that is to win championship gold. We have the ROH World Tag Team Champions The Kingdom. My real best friend Adam Cole who is going to go after the International Championship. And Wardlow, finally with a group who respects him, he will go after the AEW World Championship. And when the time is right, Wardlow will forfeit the AEW World Championship and give it to me.

“And speaking of that, congratulations to Samoa Joe. It was a real pleasure doing business with you. It was a pleasure to take out Hangman Adam Page. And by the time Wardlow is ready, I hope you are not the AEW World Champion, because it would suck to hurt you as a friend. AEW needed change and we gave it to you. The Undisputed Kingdom starts a new era, and the devil is here to stay, baybay!”

“Switchblade” Jay White walked onto the ramp!

Jay White: “My good friend Adam Cole, baybay. Or as we now know you to be, the Devil, huh? I’m glad to see you haven’t lost your edge after all. What I don’t like is being collateral for your cause and for making me the catalyst when you had your friends jump me. And I’m not alone.”

Colten and Austin Gunn came out and the Gunns and Jay White jumped into the ring and began brawling with the Undisputed Kingdom! Bullet Club Gold were outnumbered until The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass charged to the ring! The Undisputed Kingdom retreated!

“The Acclaimed came to the aid of Bullet Club Gold is not how I expected to begin this year,” said Excalibur.

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin!

Dante and Orange exchanged pinning combinations at the start of the match. They continued to chain wrestle. Dante remained composed despite facing the veteran Cassidy. Dante applied a deep cradle for a near fall, and then Orange slid out of the ring to slow down Dante’s momentum. 

Cassidy baited Dante to the outside and then followed up with an elbow suicida. Orange rammed Dante into the steel barricade. Cassidy ran towards Dante Martin and dropkicked him. Dante reversed a suplex attempt and nailed Orange with a snap suplex onto the arena floor. Dante flew at Cassidy with a tope suicida, pushing the pace. Dante followed up with a springboard crossbody press for a two-count.

“When Dante gets up in the air it’s almost like time stops for a moment,” said Taz.

Dante began to play mind games with the champ, brushing him with light kicks and strikes. Cassidy had enough and connected with a thrust kick. Cassidy stomped at Dante in the corner, the intensity picking up with each subsequent strike. Cassidy spiked Dante with a DDT for a near fall!

“That was a crazy landing on that DDT! Talk about an exclamation point,” said Taz.

Orange blasted Dante with a diving DDT, driving Dante’s head down into the mat, good for another near fall. Dante ducked an Orange Punch. Dante escaped the Beach Break and then rocked Orange with a knee strike to the face! Dante hit a senton to Orange’s back. Dante climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Cassidy rolled, trying to get out of the ray. Dante walked the ropes and flew across the ring, splashing Orange! The champ moved out of the way of a senton. Orange crushed Dante with the Orange Punch and then pinned Dante!

FTW Champ Hook and Danhausen came down to check on Orange Cassidy, while Action Andretti and Darius Martin came to collect Dante. Orange offered his hand to Dante and shook it, showing good sportsmanship. 

Private Party—Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen made their returns!

Marq Quen: “Allow me to reintroduce ourselves! We’ve been keeping tabs on the tag division. The tag division has been missing some flavor! And most importantly the tag division has been missing Private Party!”

Isiah Kassidy: “We’re putting every tag team on notice. That means all of you, FTR, the Young Bucks, and the Hardys. We say new year, new champs!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and Luther the Butler!

Toni: “This isn’t New York. This is New Jersey. I belong on Broadway. So, I’m going to call it a night. I’m not going to watch Mariah May’s debut. She needs to pay her dues, and what better way than wrestling in New Jersey!

Malakai Black and Buddy Matthews accepted FTR’s challenge! 

The House of Black said if they beat FTR, Cash and Dax would need to disown their family and walk back with their new family—the House of Black! It’s set for this Saturday live on Collision!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland!

Prince Nana: “Daniel Garcia is a respected competitor, but does he know he’s getting into the ring with the boss of bosses?”

Swerve: “Earlier tonight Daniel was talking about big pressure. It’s not about making diamonds with us, it’s about making pain. And in 2024 I’m looking for championship gold. So, I guess it’s up to you, Samoa Joe, so be ready!

Mariah May vs. Queen Aminata!

Mariah May blasted Queen Aminata with an open palm strike. Mariah chopped at Aminata. Mariah followed up with a solid dropkick. Aminata was tied up in the ropes and Mariah May blasted her from behind with another running dropkick!

Queen Aminata fired back with a few slaps to Mariah’s face. Aminata kicked Mariah in the spine and then followed up with a running knee strike. Mariah May exploded out of the corner with a sling blade. Mariah finished off Queen Aminata with the May Day and pinned Aminata!

Renee Paquette interviewed Mariah May in the ring after the match.

Mariah May: “I can’t believe it! I won my AEW debut! I’ve wanted to be a wrestler since I was a little kid, so the fact that I’m in this ring on AEW is surreal to me. And I hope Miss Toni Storm is watching wherever she is. This is the first Dynamite of the New Year and it’s all about Mariah. But my only regret is we had to do this in New Jersey.”

“The Virtuosa” Deonna Purrazzo walked down to the ring, upstaging Mariah May!

Deonna: “Renee, I’m sure you know this but I’m from New Jersey! And if Toni Storm doesn’t want to be here, then trust me, we all don’t want her here either. But Mariah, I have a message that you can pass along to Miss Storm. It doesn’t matter where she runs or hides, I will find her because Mariah I am All Elite! And we are in the Age of the Virtuosa!”

Mariah May: “Okay, well, Deonna, I’m not the messenger so tell her yourself!”

Mariah May slapped Deonna and Deonna slapped back, knocking Mariah off her feet!

2x TNT Champion Christian Cage gave his 2024 State of The Union!

Christian Cage came to the ring with Shayna Wayne, “the Prodigy” Nick Wayne, and Killswitch!

Shayna Wayne took the microphone from Tony Schiavone and addressed the fans. “You boo me? You boo a mother? How dare you? I demand you people get on your feet right now and pay respect to the greatest TNT Champion that ever lived, our father, “the Patriarch” Christian Cage.”

Christian Cage: “Tony, it has been 200 days since I won this championship on the very first episode of Collision. It has been an historic run for sure. And if you interrupt me again, I’m going to have Mother Wayne put you across her knee and discipline you.

“I went through a war at Worlds End and there are a few people I need to thank. First of all, Mother Wayne, for understanding the vision. A mother’s work is never done. Secondly, I’d like to thank my pride and joy, the apple of my eye, Nick Wayne, who put his body on the line. Adam Copeland tried to put Nick’s career to an end at the age of 18. I just want to say I love you, Nick. 

“And lastly, I’d like to thank the man that sealed the victory at Worlds End, the man that put the final nail in the coffin that is Adam Copeland. I would like to thank myself!”

The fans chanted “Luchasaurus! Luchasaurus!”

Christian Cage: “I’d like to address Adam Copeland for the final time. I’ve beaten you twice. It’s to the back of the line and there’s no more title shots for you. I could make fun of you and say you grew up without a father. Or I could mention how your mother is no longer with us. But all I need to say is Christian Cage is superior to you. I’d like to think we left a little bit of our souls in the ring at Worlds End, but the difference is, one of us doesn’t have a soul. And that’s why I stand before you as the TNT Champion.

“So, this is a warning for anyone that has eyes for my TNT Championship. What happened at Worlds End is just a glimpse at what I’ll do to hold onto my title! This is the most important championship in this company. And I will remain the TNT Champion for as long as I want until I decide to hand off this title to Nick Wayne to carry on my legacy. We are the faces of AEW, now and forever!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Harley Cameron, Saraya, and Ruby Soho!

Ruby thanked Harley for her help this past Friday. 

Harley: “I’ll do anything!”

Saraya: “I said she’d do anything. I didn’t say she’d be sane.”

Saraya warned Harley to cool it. Renee wondered what was going on before the Outcasts walked off.

Darby Allin vs. The Don Callis Family’s Konosuke Takeshita!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

Takeshita grabbed Darby and planted him hard on the mat. Takeshita went for a wheelbarrow suplex, but Darby landed on his feet. Takeshita hit Darby with a big back body drop, with Darby arcing high into the air before crashing hard.

Darby rocketed out of the ring with a tope, but Takeshita countered with a wicked knee strike! Takeshita nailed Darby with a rolling German Suplex on the ramp! Darby managed to get to his feet and fly out of the ring with a tope like a human battering ram at Takeshita!

Takeshita countered the Code Red, planting Darby for a near fall. Takeshita was looking for a running knee strike in the corner, but Darby escaped the ring. Takeshita charged at Darby, but Darby dodged it, sending Takeshita crashing into the guardrail. Darby connected with a Coffin Drop on the outside!

“Darby will throw caution at the wind. He doesn’t care,” said Taz.

Darby was waiting for Takeshita as Takeshita entered the ring. Darby blasted Takeshita with a Code Red for a two-count. Darby went for another Coffin Drop but Takeshita lifted his knees, blocking the move and punishing Darby at the same time. Takeshita made Darby eat a lariat, dropping Darby. Don Callis signaled for Takeshita to finish it. Takeshita rocked Darby with a running boot in the corner. Takeshita hoisted Darby up on the top rope and followed up with an avalanche German Suplex! Takeshita connected with the power drive knee and then pinned Darby!

“A statement victory for the ‘Alpha’ to start the New Year,” said Excalibur.

After the match, Don Callis made a challenge! Callis invited Sting and Darby Allin to face Takeshita and Hobbs at Daily’s Place!

Continental Title Eliminator Match!

Trent Beretta vs. ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion Brian Cage vs. “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith vs. AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo!

The winner fights Eddie Kingston on Collision.

Danhausen was watching from ringside. 

Brian Cage plowed into Trent and Bryan. Vikingo connected with a tope suicida to Cage. Keith clobbered Trent with forearms. Keith connected with a high boot to Trent’s jaw. Vikingo used a big arm drag on Bryan Keith.

Brian Cage blocked a hurracanrana from Vikingo and then Cage hurled Vikingo overhead. Trent jumped over the top rope and landed on Cage with a cross body on the arena floor. Cage stunned Trent with a brain buster on the floor!

Vikingo dropkicked “the Machine” from the top rope. Vikingo climbed to the top, but Bryan Keith stopped him with a jumping headbutt. Cage kicked Keith in the midsection. Trent threw Cage with a release German Suplex from the top and then connected with a running knee strike. 

Cage power bombed Trent for a near fall. Danhausen jumped into the ring and cursed Cage. Brian Cage picked up Danhausen but Keith and Vikingo landed thrust kicks and took down Cage. Keith charged at Trent with the diving battering ram head butt for a two-count on Trent. Keith was looking for a Tiger Driver, but Trent countered, planted Keith and pinned him!

Trent has earned a shot at Kingston’s Continental Crown Championship this Saturday at Collision!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Daddy Magic to interview him when they were interrupted by “Hangman” Adam Page!

Adam Page: “A few weeks ago Samoa Joe had a bunch of goons put me through a car windshield. So, I am here tonight to beat somebody’s ass! And if I can’t find the World Champion, it’ll be Adam Cole. If it’s not Adam Cole, it’ll be you. I dare somebody to give me a reason!”

Main Event Time!

Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) vs. Daniel Garcia!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the broadcast team for this match.

Swerve knocked Garcia to the mat with a shoulder block. Swerve rolled up Garcia for a near fall. Garcia sent Swerve spilling to the outside with a jumping knee strike. Garcia whipped Swerve into the barricade. Garcia and Prince Nana had a dance off! Garcia heard Swerve coming up from behind, but Garcia was waiting for him and rammed him into the ring post. 

Prince Nana grabbed Garcia’s boot. Swerve booted Garcia and then drilled Daniel Garcia with a Death Valley Driver on the ring apron! Swerve created distance with a European Uppercut. Garcia pounded Swerve down to the mat. Garcia dropkicked Swerve. Garcia grabbed a near fall after a stalling suplex on Swerve.

Swerve nailed Garcia with a back breaker. Swerve got into Daddy Magic’s face. Garcia bulldozed Swerve. Garcia put Swerve in the sharpshooter on the announcer’s table. Swerve managed to escape as they both rolled off the table and onto the floor. 

Garcia superplexed Swerve back into the ring. Swerve hung on and served up a suplex of his own! Swerve had the upper hand, but just barely. Garcia grabbed Swerve by the wrists and yanked him right into a knee strike. Swerve lured Daniel into a flatliner! Swerve connected with the House Call, but Garcia kicked out at the two-count!

Swerve climbed to the top and crushed Garcia with the Swerve Stomp for another near fall! Garcia rolled up Swerve with a crucifix for a near fall. Swerve cracked Garcia with the House Call and finished off Garcia with the JML Driver, pinning Garcia!

“Is 2024 going to be the year of Swerve Strickland? He put AEW World Champion Samoa Joe on notice,” said Excalibur.

Swerve offered his hand to Garcia, and as Garcia went to accept, Prince Nana clocked Garcia with a low blow! Daddy Magic had enough! Daddy Magic began to bludgeon Swerve with strikes until Swerve kicked him low. “Hangman” Adam Page stormed to the ring with purpose!  Page struck Swerve and they began to brawl, both men throwing bombs! Security tried to separate the two men! Page broke free and jumped on Swerve! Page was peeled off Strickland. Then Swerve broke free and lunged at Page until they were pried apart again!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

WORLDS END proved to be exactly that for Maxwell Jacob Friedman as, in front of his hometown audience, he saw the AEW World Championship slip away to Samoa Joe and witnessed his best friend Adam Cole reveal himself as The Devil. Flanked by The Kingdom of Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, Roderick Strong, and Wardlow, Cole watched as his associates demolished the dethroned champion. Why Cole and these men have traveled this path remains to be learned, though it’s been clear for months Wardlow’s wanted Max’s head, and perhaps we will find out more soon.

In addition, the bums around the world rejoiced as Eddie Kingston defeated Jon Moxley in the finals of the Continental Classic to not only retain his ROH World & NJPW STRONG Openweight Titles, but to also become the first Continental Champion, and the holder of the Continental Crown! It was one of the most emotional moments in AEW’s history, and likely the biggest in the career of Eddie Kingston. WORLDS END was also a night that saw the wildest TNT Championship situation imaginable, including the shortest title reign in history, and Killswitch make a surprising decision in the heat of the moment. Toni Storm retained her AEW Women’s World Championship, as did Julia Hart with the TBS Title, and so much more went down on AEW’s final PPV presentation of 2023!

With a new year upon us, and a new AEW World Champion at the helm, All Elite Wrestling embarks down a new path but starting on familiar territory. The Prudential Center in Newark, NJ will host the first DYNAMITE of 2024 and with it comes an AEW International Championship Match where Orange Cassidy will defend against Top Flight’s Dante Martin! In addition, after two months of anticipation, Mariah May will finally make her in-ring debut this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE! 

The first AEW event of 2024 begins at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so be sure to drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, for highlights from WORLDS END, as well last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, the newest CONTROL CENTER, and more!


At WORLDS END this past Saturday, the longest reigning ROH World Champion and ROH World Television Champion of all-time added another accolade to his resume: AEW World Champion. Samoa Joe, after eighteen minutes of a tremendous fight, choked Maxwell Jacob Friedman unconscious to end the longest and most successful AEW World Championship reign experienced since Chris Jericho first won the crown at ALL OUT 2019. 

While the way the remainder of the evening played out for MJF will haunt him for some time, knowing that he is no longer the champion will likely linger the longest, especially as he watches DYNAMITE this Wednesday night, healing up from the various injuries sustained over his championship run, and sees Samoa Joe walk to the ring with the AEW World Championship over his shoulder. The added knowledge that the Triple B is in a dumpster somewhere on Long Island may just make it even more painful…

But that’s MJF’s burden to handle; the question at hand is where does Samoa Joe go from here? He made it abundantly clear in the Media Scrum that anyone can try to step to the champ, that he’d fight Hangman Page and Swerve Strickland and anyone else who wants a piece of the action. So who will be brave enough to be the first? We already witnessed Hangman and Joe have a confrontation in recent weeks, will it be him? Will it be Swerve who said his road to the title started December 31st? We will find out soon enough if anyone is willing to put it all on the line for a shot at greatness…


Why Adam? Why? That’s the question on everyone’s mind after seeing Adam Cole sitting in that chair Saturday night, surrounded by Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Wardlow, and Roderick Strong, with The Devil’s Mask tossed on the broken body of former AEW World Champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman. After spending months tolerating Max’s behavior, helping him grow into a legitimately better version of himself, and seemingly driving a wedge into his relationship with Roderick Strong, why did Adam Cole put in all that effort to drive a knife between the shoulder blades of MJF? Has this been the plan since the Blind Eliminator Tournament over the summer? Since after ALL IN: LONDON? Or maybe after Cole got hurt at GRAND SLAM 2023 trying to help MJF in his first match with Samoa Joe? 

It’s all speculation at the moment, but tonight on DYNAMITE, we expect to get some answers from Adam Cole about why he donned The Devil mask and betrayed Maxwell Jacob Friedman!


Orange Cassidy(c) vs. Top Flight’s Dante Martin

The last time Dante Martin challenged for a singles championship was on the June 3, 2022 edition of RAMPAGE when he challenged Scorpio Sky for the TNT Championship. Obviously that was not his night to claim a singles title, but it was one of many nights that proved with getting experience under his belt, Dante was destined for success with his brother, as well as on his own. Unfortunately a freak injury at SUPERCARD OF HONOR 2023 derailed Dante’s career for months on end, but in truth he’s fortunate the injury didn’t flat out end his wrestling journey.

But since returning from that injury with a November 29th Trios victory on DYNAMITE, Dante has looked superb both in AEW and ROH action. He’s racked up victories in five of the six matches he’s been involved in, the only loss coming to Daddy Ass and The Acclaimed in an AEW World Trios Championship bout, and seemingly hasn’t missed a step. Dante’s confidence is high, something that can often be lacking when returning from injury, and that helped boost his trio to a victory last Friday night on RAMPAGE over Roppongi Vice and AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy.

It may not have been a pinfall on Orange Cassidy, but it was still Dante scoring the pinfall win over his OC’s team, and as such the fighting International Champion is willing to give this half of Top Flight an opportunity to end the run! Can Dante begin the new year by marking the first title change of 2024? Or will “Freshly Squeezed” ground the man’s dream and move forward into the year with the title still in his backpack? 


Mariah May vs. Queen Aminata

November 8th; that is the day All Elite Wrestling officially announced the signing of Mariah May. May, a standout from the Japanese promotion Stardom reigned as a Goddesses of Stardom Champion alongside Mina Shirakawa during her tenure with the company, with her primary motivation for touring there being to follow in the footsteps of Toni Storm. See “The Timeless One” called Stardom home from 2016 until 2019, and even reigned as the World of Stardom Champion for 258 days, so being thus inspired by the path of Toni Storm, it was an experience Mariah May had to take.

After wrapping up in Stardom on September 30th, May showed up in AEW with aspirations of meeting Toni Storm, becoming friends with Toni Storm, and just being in the proximity of the current AEW Women’s World Champion. Mariah’s even asked Toni to be at ringside for this debut match, but it seemed like “Timeless” couldn’t even be bothered to acknowledge the request being made by a woman whose name she couldn’t be bothered to remember.

Still, even if Toni Storm can’t remember her name, it’s clear from the reaction of the AEW faithful in the arenas, as well as those online, that they know who Mariah May is and have been patiently waiting for her in-ring debut. Well that day is finally upon us, so it’s all on Mariah to make it a memorable one and leave an impression on the AEW Women’s World Champion, otherwise it will be Queen Aminata who makes her mark by spoiling the AEW premiere of “The Glamour”!


Swerve Strickland vs. Daniel Garcia

The last several months in the careers of these two men could not be more different; since WRESTLEDREAM, Swerve Strickland has been on an absolute tear in All Elite Wrestling, winning nine of his last twelve bouts, including that unforgettable Texas Death Match with Hangman Page at FULL GEAR 2023, and had the best pinfall ratio in the Continental Classic. After scoring three straight victories in the Gold League, Swerve experienced his first pinfall loss at the hands of Jon Moxley. Still, with a victory in his final points match-up, Strickland managed to work his way into a Three Way League Final with Mox and Jay White, only to see Moxley pin White to advance to the overall Finals. But with Moxley losing to Eddie Kingston in the tournament finals, that means Swerve was the only man in the entire Continental Classic to only be pinned one time, and he capped off his year with a win over Dustin Rhodes in lieu of Keith Lee being unable to compete.

As for Daniel Garcia, he’s experienced just three victories in his last twelve matches with two of those coming over the course of the last week. It’s been a rough road for the man as of late, a frustrating one that’s often put him at odds with friend Matt Menard, but when he pinned Brody King in their final Blue League match, it felt like perhaps it had all been worth it. That feeling was further amplified at WORLDS END where, as part of the All-Star Eight-Man Tag, Garcia actually scored the winning pinfall for his team, a unit consisting of Blackpool Combat Club members Bryan Danielson and Claudio Castagnoli, as well as Mark Briscoe. 

It was a triumphant way to end the year for both men, but DYNAMITE marks the beginning of a new one for All Elite Wrestling, and that means nose right back to the grindstone. Swerve stated in the WORLDS END Media Scrum that his mission of becoming World Champion began the day after the pay-per-view, and that means a fight with Daniel Garcia on his plate for Wednesday night! For both men this is the kind of fight that can shape the rest of the year, and neither wants to let 2024 start on a bad foot. This will be two men fighting with every thing they’ve got in their body and soul; may the best one win…


What on Earth just happened? That had to be the thought spiraling through the mind of Adam Copeland after seeing the TNT Championship ripped away just minutes after he pinned Christian Cage to claim it for himself. From the moment Paul Turner’s hand counted three to end Cage’s first TNT Championship run to the second it hit three to begin his second, just three minutes and thirty-two seconds had passed, officially making Copeland the shortest reigning champion in AEW history. It should have been a moment of triumph for Adam, putting to rest the toxic relationship with Christian Cage, but ever the opportunist, “The Patriarch” managed to take Killswitch’s moment and make it his own. Whatever Cage whispered to the former Luchasaurus was enough to make the monster surrender the TNT Championship match he’d earned earlier in the night into Christian’s hands after Killswitch had done all the dirty work to incapacitate Copeland.

So now Christian Cage walks into DYNAMITE as a 2-Time TNT Champion, and it looks like we will all have to suffer through him delivering a State of the Union-style address to the AEW faithful. It will undoubtedly be filled with heaping of self-praise, with little credit given to Killswitch for doing the actual work, and likely little acknowledgment of the fact Adam Copeland beat him in the middle of the ring at WORLDS END. The question Christian Cage should be asking himself as he prepares to deliver this speech is whether or not Adam Copeland will be watching, listening, waiting, for his opportunity to deliver much-deserved retribution?

A new era is upon us with 2023, the era of AEW World Champion Samoa Joe, and it begins when All Elite Wrestling returns to the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ for the first DYNAMITE of 2024! On tap is an AEW International Championship Match pitting Orange Cassidy against challenger Dante Martin, as well as the greatly anticipated in-ring debut of Mariah May, and so much more! 

It all begins again at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so be sure to drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, for highlights from WORLDS END, as well last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, the newest CONTROL CENTER, and more!


AEW presented Worlds End live from the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Long Island, NY!

It’s Saturday and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off! 

Your announce team for Zero Hour was Excalibur, Taz, and Nigel McGuinness.

Kris Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale!

Stokely Hathaway joined the commentary team for this match.

Willow connected with a crossbody press off the middle rope for a near fall. Willow followed up with a running clothesline and then flipped off the apron, landing on Statlander. Back in the ring, Statlander applied the pressure with body scissors. Willow got to her feet and scored with a kick to Kris. Willow nailed Kris with a massive spinebuster for a two-count. 

Kris hoisted Willow up on her shoulders and planted her on her face. Willow fired back with a running pounce! Willow cannonballed Kris in the corner and followed up with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Kris blasted Willow with a scissor kick across the spine. Willow grabbed Kris off the top turnbuckle and power bombed her onto the apron!

Willow reversed Saturday Night Fever will a roll-up for a near fall. Kris tried for a 450 but Willow dodged it. Willow hit the Doctor Bomb and pinned Statlander!

A vignette aired showcasing the impending return of Serena Deeb!

TNT Championship #1 Contender’s Battle Royale!

The winner of this 20-man battle royale will earn a shot at the TNT Championship anytime, anywhere.

Lance Archer and Killswitch were buried under tables while the other competitors whacked away at them with steel chairs. Trent whipped Serpentico over the top rope and eliminated him. Kip Sabian charged at Dalton Castle and knocked him to the arena floor.

Danhausen kicked Johnny TV out of the ring as Johnny was trying to pull Trent out. Lee Johnson connected with a body press to Kip Sabian. Angelo Parker eliminated Lee. Dark Order tossed out Cool Hand Ang. Kip cannonballed Alex Reynolds and then eliminated Reynolds. 

Butcher sent John Silver packing. Trent and Rocky rocked Kip with a double knee strike. Bryan Keith kicked Kip out. Danhausen tried to curse Keith, but Butcher cut him off. Keith suplexed the Butcher. Blade charged at Keith and rammed him out to the floor. Lance Archer escaped the pile of lumber and entered the match. Daddy Magic chopped at Archer. The MurderHawk Monster clubbed Daddy Magic and made him vanish from the match. Archer eliminated Christopher Daniels.

Archer picked up Rocky and threw him over the top and sent him crashing onto Daniels. Darius Martin and Action Andretti worked in tandem on Archer. Killswitch emerged and choke slammed Darius and Action. Archer and Killswitch threw Action and Darius out of the ring. Blade ate a big boot from Archer before being tossed out. Killswitch booted Blade out of the match.

Trent and Danhausen grabbed Lance Archer and flipped him over the top and to the floor. Trent and Danhausen hugged, but then Trent eliminated Danhausen. Trent charged at Killswitch with a running knee strike. And then a second, and then a third knee strike! Killswitch caught Trent and planted him with a chokeslam. Killswitch clobbered Trent with a European Uppercut on the apron and then won the match!

FTW Championship Match/FTW Rules!

HOOK (c.) vs. ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta!

Yuta charged at Hook as Hook was making his entrance. Hook pounded away with strikes at Yuta in the corner. Hook headbutted Yuta. They brawled onto the ramp. Hook sent Yuta for a ride with a suplex. Yuta grabbed a trash can lid from under the ring and swung for the fences, clocking Hook in the head.

Yuta whipped Hook into the steel barricade. Yuta was grinding his boot into Hook’s head. Hook jumped into the ring, but Yuta was waiting for him. Yuta had a stop sign and slammed it into Hook’s back. Yuta sat out with a senton for a near fall on Hook. 

Hook suplexed Yuta with a Northern Lights throw for a near fall. Yuta countered the Red Rum with a release German Suplex. Yuta chomped on Hook’s forehead and then connected with a fisherman’s suplex. Hook caught Yuta and suplexed him into the trash can with a high cradle. Hook tried for the Red Rum, but Yuta sat back and smashed Hook onto the trash can. Yuta spiked Hook with a DDT on the stop sign for a two-count. 

Yuta grabbed a two-by-four, but Hook found a hockey stick. Hook cracked the hockey stick over Yuta’s back. Hook used the remnants of the stick, applied Red Rum, and made Yuta tap out!

The pay-per-view portion of the night kicked off with…

All Star 8-Man Tag Match!

Claudio Castagnoli, Bryan Danielson, Mark Briscoe, & Daniel Garcia


Brody King, Jay White, Jay Lethal, & Rush!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined the commentary team for this match.

Rush and Claudio started shoving one another. It escalated to stiff chops and forearms. Claudio booted Rush but Rush retaliated with a German Suplex. Jay Lethal and Mark Briscoe tagged in for their respective teams.

Lethal dropkicked Mark but Mark answered with some redneck kung fu. Danielson and Jay White grabbed tags. The crowd came alive at the sight of these two competitors entering the ring to square off. Danielson tried for the Le Bell Lock, but Jay White quickly grabbed the ropes to force the ref to break the hold. The “Switchblade” chopped Danielson in the chest, lighting him up. Danielson whipped White into the turnbuckles and then walloped White with round kicks.

Danielson took down Jay White with a hurracanrana. Bryan fired off more round kicks and then Daniel Garcia grabbed a blind tag. Danielson wasn’t happy. Brody King entered the ring and Garcia tried to use his quickness against Brody. Brody blasted Garcia with a Bossman Slam! Brody got in Matt Menard’s face and taunted him.

Garcia’s nose was busted, and Jay White body slammed him. Garcia finally reached the corner and tagged Mark Briscoe. Mark took down Jay White with a flying forearm. Briscoe dropped a Cactus elbow off the apron onto Rush. Back in the ring Briscoe planted Jay White with a fisherman’s bomb for a near fall!

Jay Lethal tagged in and superplexed Mark Briscoe from the top! Brody King and Claudio Castagnoli tagged in. Claudio hit a vertical suplex on Brody! Rush charged at Danielson’ with the Bull’s Horns while Brody cannonballed Claudio. But Claudio answered with the Giant Swing, and then Danielson punctuated it with a dropkick to Brody’s head!

“We’ve got bodies flying everywhere!” said Matt Menard.

Garcia got rocked by Jay’s Lethal Combination. Jay Lethal applied the figure four on Garcia. Briscoe stunned Lethal with the Froggy Bow off the top. Claudio sent Jay White flying with a pop up uppercut. Garcia bypassed the Lethal Injection and folded up Lethal for the pin!

“Garcia said he thinks he fits in, and boy did he prove it here tonight,” said Excalibur.

Brody King blindsided Daddy Magic. Sonjay Dutt came out to give Lethal a talking to.

“The Redeemer” Miro vs. Andrade El Idolo (with CJ Perry)!

Miro bulldozed Andrade from behind as Andrade was entering the ring. Andrade tried for a tope suicida, but Miro cut him of at the pass with a stiff shot. Miro turned Andrade inside out with a suplex overhead, throwing him with ease.

Miro shouted at CJ Perry, “Is this what you wanted?!”

Andrade shoved Miro and Miro went flying over the commentary team’s desk. Andrade whipped Miro into the ring steps. They both got into the ring and traded stiff chops. Andrade used a dragon screw leg whip out of nowhere and followed up with a crossbody off the top turnbuckle. Andrade moonsaulted out of the ring and onto Miro on the arena floor. Andrade connected with another moonsault, this time in the ring, for a near fall on Miro. 

Andrade charged at Miro, but Miro made him pay with a massive boot to the face! Miro was feeding off his fury. Miro stomped on Andrade’s back and then applied Game Over. CJ Perry yelled at Andrade, “Do not tap!” Andrade managed to reach the ropes and forced the ref to break the hold. Miro shouted at CJ Perry, “You should cheer for your husband!”

Andrade rocked Miro with the spinning back elbow for a two-count. Andrade applied the figure four leg lock. Andrade transitioned into the figure eight but Miro countered, reversing it. Andrade turned it back over, applying the pressure to Miro. Andrade bridged up, but CJ Perry swept out Andrade’s arms while the ref wasn’t looking! Miro scored with a kick for a near fall on Andrade. Miro trapped Andrade in the Game Over submission and forced Andrade to tap out!

CJ Perry blew a kiss at Miro after the match!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

“Timeless” Toni Storm (c.) (with Luther the Butler) vs. Riho!

Toni body slammed Riho and covered her, but Riho bridged right out of it. Riho used a bulldog out of the corner, but Toni kicked out at the one-count. Riho jumped off the apron, but Luther caught her, and then Luther handed Riho to Toni. “Timeless” Toni body slammed Riho on the arena floor.

Riho tried to body slam Toni, but Riho’s back seized up. Toni spotted it and went to work on Riho’s lower back. Toni applied the Texas Cloverleaf, punishing Riho’s lower back. Riho tried to reach the ropes, but Luther pulled the ropes back. The ref saw this and ejected Luther from ringside. 

Riho connected with the area code shot! Riho body slammed Toni Storm. Riho jumped off the top and crashed down on the champion with a diving cross body! Riho double stomped Toni on the apron. Riho nailed Toni with a dragon suplex!

Toni Storm retaliated with the Storm Zero, but somehow Riho kicked out! Riho climbed the turnbuckles, but Toni yanked her down. Toni spiked Riho with a DDT and pinned Riho, retaining her championship!

Mariah May came to the ring with a bucket of rose petals. Mariah poured the petals over Toni, helping her idol celebrate her victory tonight.

Lexy Nair was backstage to interview Dante Martin!

Dante: “I’ve been doing good, but good’s not good enough. Last night I got the pin on Rampage.”

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy walked onto the set. Orange told Dante to try to take his title his Wednesday on Dynamite!

Dustin Rhodes vs. Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)!

Dustin was taking the place of Keith Lee, who wasn’t cleared by the doctor to wrestle today due to injury.

Prince Nana set up a cinder block and put Dustin’s ankle on it. Swerve jumped off the apron with a double stomp, smashing Dustin’s ankle and the cinder block! The match hadn’t even officially started. The AEW medical staff and referees help Dustin up, trying to walk him to the back. Dustin couldn’t put any weight on his ankle. Dustin refused to give up and forced his way back to the ring!

“This is ill advised by Dustin Rhodes tonight,” said Excalibur.

Dustin told the ref to ring the bell. Swerve came in hot with a kick to Dustin’s head! Swerve dropkicked Dustin in the knee. Swerve set up Dustin for a superplex. Dustin headbutted his way out of it, knocking Swerve down to the mat. Dustin connected with a crossbody press for a near fall.

Dustin stunned Swerve with a Canadian Destroyer and then a snapping powerslam for a two-count. Prince Nana looked panicked. Dustin blasted Swerve with the UnNatural Kick. Dustin spiked Swerve with a piledriver and then the Cross Rhodes for a two-count!

“If Dustin wins this, what a comeback it would be,” said Tony Schiavone.

Swerve rolled through with a flatliner! Swerve applied a single leg crab on Dustin. Swerve transitioned to a stretch muffler and then stomped on Dustin’s head. Dustin made it to the ropes, showing off his mat sense and toughness. Dustin popped middle fingers at Swerve and then spat at Swerve! Swerve was infuriated and nailed Dustin with the House Call! Swerve wrecked Dustin with a second House Call kick! Swerve finished off Dustin with the Double Stomp from the top rope and pinned Dustin!

“Swerve is victorious but not a happy expression on his face,” said Excalibur.

“I will not have my time wasted anymore,” Swerve said, as he looked into the camera.

8-Man Tag Match!

Chris Jericho, Darby Allin, Sammy Guevara, & Sting


AEW World Tag Champions Big Bill & “Absolute” Ricky Starks, and The Don Callis Family—Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs!

Takeshita dropped Sammy with a headbutt. Sammy tagged Jericho in, and Jericho ate a Takeshita line. Starks grabbed a tag and Starks flipped off Jericho. Hobbs tagged himself in and Starks wasn’t happy. Hobbs rammed into Jericho with a shoulder tackle.

Big Bill tagged in and battered Jericho with clubbing shots. Darby jumped in with a dropkick to Big Bill. Takeshita entered the fray, but Darby connected with a lateral press. Darby drilled Takeshita with a Code Red for a near fall! Darby climbed the top for a Coffin Drop but Don Callis distracted him from the apron. Takeshita hoisted up Darby and decimated him with an avalanche helicopter blue thunder bomb!

Hobbs and Big Bill grabbed Darby and swung him across the ring like a sack of potatoes! Starks entered the match and went for a Stinger Splash, but Darby dodged it. Sting tagged in and threw haymakers all over the ring! 

Starks walked the rope and dropped an elbow on Sting’s arm. Sting drove Sting to the mat and stomped him. Sammy tagged himself in. Sammy came off the turnbuckles with a cutter. Big Bill jumped in the ring and planted Sammy with a Bossman Slam. Jericho came to even up the odds and smashed Big Bill with a Code Breaker. Hobbs wrecked Jericho with a spinebuster from behind. Hobbs pancaked Jericho with the World’s Most Dangerous Slam. Darby splashed Jericho into Hobbs! Darby impaled Hobbs with a Scorpion Death Drop! 

Takeshita suplexed Darby and Sammy with a German Suplex! Sting swept out Takeshita’s leg and applied the Scorpion Death Lock! Callis jumped into the ring with Sting’s baseball bat, forcing Sting to let go of the hold. Callis backed off when Sting saw him. Jericho applied the Walls of Jericho to Hobbs. Starks popped Jericho in the face with a thrust kick. 

Darby rocketed out of the ring at Big Bill like a human battering ram! Starks speared Sammy for a near fall! Sammy rocked Starks with a thrust kick and then the GTH! Sammy climbed to the top and walloped Starks with a shooting star press, scoring the pin on Starks!

TBS Championship Match! House Rules Match!

Julia Hart (c.) vs. Abadon!

Abadon chose the stipulation to have biting made legal for this match!

The crowd chanted “This is spooky! This is spooky!”

Abadon hit a cutter out of the gate! Abadon battered Julia in the corner with lariats. 

“Those shots will wear Julia out,” said Taz.

Julia fired back, ramming Abadon’s head into the mat! Julia grabbed Abadon in a crucifix for a near fall. Julia hurled Abadon through the ropes and onto the arena floor. Julia suplexed Abadon onto the cold arena floor. Abadon chomped down on Julia’s arm, taking a bite out of the champion!

Abadon followed up with a lung blower for a near fall. Julia came back with a superplex. Julia blindsided Abadon with a running lariat to the back of the head. Abadon caught Julia in the side of the head with a running knee strike. Abadon bit Julia’s forehead. Skye Blue crawled out from beneath the ring and hit Abadon while the ref was distracted. Skye hid back under the ring, but Abadon pulled her out and cracked Skye with a jumped knee strike! Julia Hart blindsided Abadon again, bashing Abadon’s head into the steel steps. Julia Hart scored the victory after a backflipping knee strike from the top rope onto Abadon’s chest!

TNT Championship No Disqualification Match!

“The Patriarch” Christian Cage (c.) (with Mother Wayne & Nick Wayne) 

vs. “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

Copeland charged at Christian Cage as Christian was making his entrance. Cope hammered Christian Cage with fists. Copeland sent Christian flying into the barricade. The fans chanted “We want tables!” and Copeland smiled. Christian Cage retreated from the ring. Copeland followed him but Cage was waiting with a thrust kick.

Adam Copeland whipped Christian into the steel ring steps. Christian tried to escape, walking up the arena steps. Copeland followed him. Copeland jumped off the top of the 100 section with a crossbody press onto Christian Cage!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Copeland ran across the barricade, jumped off, and clotheslined Christian Cage! Copeland tried to spear Christian, but Christian dodged it and sent Copeland flying into the steel ring post. Christian stomped on Copeland’s neck on the ring steps! Copeland’s eye began to swell up, blood trickling down his face.

Christian Cage grabbed a kendo stick. Christian cracked Copeland in the back over and over with the kendo stick! Christian was using the kendo stick to choke Copeland. Nick Wayne tossed a couple of chairs to Christian. Christian put the chair across Copeland’s back, sat on it, and applied a Boston Crab. All of Christian’s body weight was on the chair, punishing the back of Copeland. 

Christian had a metal rod, swung it at Copeland, but Copeland ducked it. Copeland planted Christian onto the mat and then bashed him with the kendo stick! Copeland applied the cross face in the center of the ring, putting the metal rod in Christian’s mouth and pulling back! Christian managed to grab the bottom rope and pull himself free. Copeland pulled a ladder from beneath the ring!

Copeland catapulted Christian Cage face-first into the ladder, which was wedged between the ropes. Christian swung the kendo stick at Copeland. Christian Cage climbed the ladder. Copeland got to his feet and climbed the other side of the ladder. Christian whiplashed Copeland with a sunset powerbomb from the top of the ladder for a near fall!

Christian Cage pulled two tables from beneath the ring. Christian and Nick Wayne set up a table near the ring. Copeland went for a spear, but Nick Wayne pulled Christian away. Copeland cracked Christian with a chair across the spine. Copeland nailed Christian Cage with an Impaler on the chair!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Copeland was going for the conchairto, but Nick Wayne pulled the chair out of Copeland’s hands. Christian Cage blindsided Copeland with a low blow. Nick Wayne pushed a table into the ring. Christian Cage propped up the table against the turnbuckles. Christian tried to spear Copeland, but Copeland avoided it. Copeland answered with a spear of his own, putting Christian through the table! Copeland went for the cover, but Shayna Wayne pulled the ref out of the ring!

Nick Wayne rammed the TNT Title into Copeland’s head. Nick Wayne followed up with the Wayne’s World, bashing Copeland’s head onto the arena floor. Cage used the Killswitch for a near fall!

Christian Cage and Nick Wayne poured lighter fluid on a table! Nick Wayne lit the table on fire! Copeland speared Cage! Copeland put more lighter fluid on the table! Copeland power bombed Nick Wayne off the apron and through the burning table!

Christian tried to hit Copeland with the title belt, but Copeland blocked it and stopped Christian in his tracks with a low blow! Copeland smashed Christian with the Killswitch and pinned him!

New TNT Champion…” The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

Killswitch appeared out of nowhere! Killswitch choke slammed Copeland! Killswitch set up a chair and then choke slammed Copeland on it! Killswitch had his TNT Title contract and was about to hand it to the ref. Christian Cage jumped in between Killswitch and the ref. Christian demanded the contract from Killswitch. Christian made Killswitch surrender the contract after whispering into Killswitch’s ear. Christian signed the contract, handed it to the referee. The ref rang the bell, and we had another TNT Title Championship Match! Christian Cage speared Adam Copeland and pinned him!

And new TNT Champion… “The Patriarch” Christian Cage!

Continental Classic Championship Finals Match!

Gold League Winner Jon Moxley vs. Blue League Winner Eddie Kingston!

The “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson joined the commentary team for this match.

Moxley took down Eddie with a drop toe hold. Eddie went into the guard and blew a kiss to Moxley. Eddie kicked Moxley, forcing Moxley to take a few steps back. Moxley used a snap mare and then kicked Kingston in the lower back. 

Kingston and Moxley traded chops in the center of the ring. Kingston caught Moxley with a kick to the back of the head. Kingston followed up with a tope suicida, but Eddie landed hard on his neck and shoulder. 

Moxley baited Kingston and then German Suplexed him. Moxley spiked Kingston with the Paradigm Shift on the floor. Moxley punished Kingston with kicks to the chest. Kingston got to his feet and chopped at Moxley. Moxley blocked one of the chops with his forearm and Kingston felt pain right away. Moxley drove Kingston down on his neck with a piledriver for a near fall.

“Kingston is the hometown favorite, but Moxley just let the oxygen out of the arena,” said Excalibur.

Moxley applied an STF, but Kingston bit Moxley’s hand. Moxley began to get frustrated. Kingston chopped Moxley and brought Moxley down to his knees with it. They traded more chops. Moxley went to the ropes and Eddie tossed him with an exploder suplex! Eddie followed up with a spinning backfist. Both men went down.

Kingston dropped Mox with a DDT. Moxley retaliated with a cutter. Kingston connected with a second spinning backfist, but Moxley answered with a lariat. Kingston smashed Mox with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall. Kingston put Mox in a bulldog choke. Kingston transitioned to hammer and anvil elbows. He went to the bulldog choke on Moxley again. Moxley escaped and put Kingston in a bulldog choke of his own!

Kingston escaped and cracked Mox with a spinning backfist. Kingston planted Mox with another Northern Lights Bomb for a two-count! Mox wrecked Kingston with a lariat. Moxley was clutching his arm afterwards. They traded headbutts from their knees. They got to their feet and traded open palm strikes. Eddie spun around with the backfist and pinned Moxley!

“Oh man, Eddie Kingston did it!” said Taz.

The referee handed the three belts to Eddie Kingston and the crowd chanted “You deserve it! You deserve it!”

Moxley and Kingston hugged after the match.

“Eddie Kingston is the first ever Continental Crown Champion,” said Excalibur.

Tonight’s Main Event! AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Samoa Joe!

The sold out arena chanted “He’s our scumbag! He’s our scumbag!”

MJF pointed to the entrance ramp and Adam Cole’s music hit, baybay! Adam Cole came down to the ring on crutches. Cole stood in his best friend’s corner, and MJF smiled. 

MJF thumbed Samoa Joe in the eye and then kicked him. MJF charged at Samoa Joe, but Joe grabbed him and slammed him to the mat. MJF clutched his arm. Samoa Joe punched MJF in the shoulder and then stomped a mudhole into him. Samoa Joe hit a leg drop on MJF’s arm. Samoa Joe put a tight grip on MJF’s shoulder. MJF fought out of it with a series of chops. Samoa Joe booted the champ in the face!

“Max is in deep you know what right now,” said Taz.

Samoa Joe went for the muscle buster, but Max escaped. MJF grabbed an inside cradle for a near fall. MJF tried to schoolboy Samoa Joe and Joe kicked out of it. MJF went for the kangaroo kick, but Samoa Joe anticipated it and blocked it. MJF went to skin the cat, but as MJF was inverted, Samoa Joe kicked MJF in the head. Samoa Joe dived out of the ring with an elbow suicida and mowed down MJF.

Samoa Joe planted Max with a Death Valley Driver in the center of the ring. Joe nailed MJF with a German Suplex and then a dragon suplex. Samoa Joe followed up with a straitjacket suplex! Samoa Joe decimated MJF with a muscle buster on the ring apron! MJF landed directly on his injured left shoulder. Joe covered MJF but MJF managed to kick out at two.

MJF headbutted Joe. MJF connected with a rolling elbow strike to the back of Joe’s head. MJF chomped on Samoa Joe’s forehead. MJF tried for the kangaroo kick, but Samoa Joe booted Max out of the air. MJF thumbed Samoa Joe in the eyes. MJF tried to hoist up Samoa Joe, but MJF collapsed under the weight. MJF ran into Samoa Joe, throwing his body at Joe. MJF landed the heat seeker on Samoa Joe for a two-count! MJF applied the Salt of the Earth armbar on Samoa Joe. The challenger escaped and put MJF into an arm bar. Samoa Joe wrenched upwards. Adam Cole cheered on MJF, and MJF was able to reach the bottom rope to break the hold.

Samoa Joe applied a sleeper. MJF pushed backwards, inadvertently shoving Samoa Joe into the referee. The ref collapsed. MJF smiled. MJF stunned Samoa Joe with a low blow. MJF hoisted up Samoa Joe and pancaked him! The ref finally turned around and began to count the pin, but Samoa Joe kicked out at two! MJF signaled for the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Adam Cole had trouble finding it, and in the meantime, Samoa Joe grabbed Max from behind. Samoa Joe wrapped MJF in a deep submission. The referee lifted up MJF’s arm three times and MJF didn’t respond. MJF was choked out!

And new All Elite World Champion Samoa Joe!

Adam Cole got into the ring to console MJF. The Devil’s masked men surrounded the ring. They swarmed MJF and Adam Cole! 

Adam Cole said, “Hey, hit me!”

One of the masked goons had a steel chair. MJF yelled, “No, don’t hit him! Hit me!”

The masked goon with the chair turned around and raised the chair, about to swing it at Adam Cole. 

The arena lights went dark!

When the lights returned, Adam Cole was free, and he was sitting in the chair! The masked goons stood behind Cole. The masked goons removed their masks—it was Roderick Strong, Mike Bennett, Matt Taven, and Wardlow!

MJF, with tears streaming down his face, in complete disbelief, yelled, “How could you do this, man?”

Roderick Strong rammed into MJF with a jumping knee strike! Taven and Bennett began to pound MJF with fists. Wardlow power bombed MJF! Adam Cole sat on the chair the entire time. Cole pulled the Devil mask out from behind his jacket. Adam Cole dropped the mask onto MJF and laughed!

“Why? The question is how long have they been planning this!” wondered Tony Schiavone.

“The world of MJF has ended,” added Excalibur.

Missed what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? Order the replay of the historic AEW Worlds End 2023! It’s available on all traditional cable and satellite providers in the United States and Canada, Bleacher Report, Fite International, PPV.COM, and more! See AEW Worlds End 2023 for yourself!

Catch the fallout from Worlds End on AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Prudential Center in Newark, NJ!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!