Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Toyota Arena in Ontario, CA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy & FTW Champion HOOK


Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley & Wheeler Yuta!

Cassidy and Hook ran into the crowd to get the jump on Mox and Yuta! The fight broke out onto the arena floor with all four men brawling! Moxley stomped on Orange. Yuta and Hook got in the ring and the match was officially underway!

Yuta body slammed Hook. The FTW Champ threw Yuta with the El Camino. Moxley tagged in and ate an elbow strike from Hook. Moxley held onto Hook and Yuta dropkicked Hook after a tag. Hook t-boned Moxley and tagged out to Orange Cassidy. Orange planted Mox with a diving DDT! Orange was holding his ribs.

Cassidy was looking for a DDT, but Mox held onto him, and Yuta rushed in with a lariat to Orange. The BCC were working beautifully as a team. Moxley taunted Orange with kicks and slaps. Orange fired back with a dropkick.

Hook tagged in, as did Yuta. They traded strikes in the center of the ring. Hook backed Yuta into the corner with a headbutt and followed up with a Northern Lights Suplex. Yuta tossed Hook with a German Suplex. Yuta followed up with a rolling elbow strike. Moxley ran in and nailed Hook with a blindside shot.

Hook leveled Yua with a lariat. Moxley ran in and stunned Hook with a cutter. Orange blasted Moxley with the Orange Punch and Moxley simply absorbed it, eating it for lunch. Hook tried to apply the Red Rum, but Yuta hit Hook from behind. Moxley impaled Hook with the Death Rider and Yuta pinned Hook with the seatbelt rollup!

“We just saw the FTW Champion get pinned by Wheeler Yuta!” said Excalibur.

“You ain’t pinning Hook and walking away. This is just getting started. I promise you,” added Taz.

Mox: “Orange Cassidy, you are nothing, you ain’t never been nothing, this weekend at Full Gear, I’m gonna grind you into dust and walk out International Champion and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop me!”

Ahead of their Texas Death Match this Saturday at FULL GEAR, Swerve Strickland and “Hangman” Adam Page had a face-to-face with Tony Schiavone in the ring!

If the two men attack each other tonight, both will be banned for the rest of 2023.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana came to the ring first. “Hangman” Adam Page came out next, and he marched straight to the ring, his eyes locked with Swerve.

Hangman Page: “Why did Swerve go into my house? Because you are a coward. You are a fraud. You are a worthless waste of human life. You told me two months ago that you wanted to be World Champion, but I can look at you and you don’t have it in you. You can’t cut it. You are not the man that you think you are. Look at me! You’re the one who wanted to make this personal!

“You surround yourself with ‘yes men’. And if you weren’t so dumb, you’d realize Nana is just here to use you. Swerve, Prince Nana makes his living off of your back. Look at me! You are not a man at all. You are a child. I worked with kids for a long time, and I taught them a lot of lessons, and this Saturday I teach you the last lesson of your pathetic life. You should never have come into my house. We don’t need lawyers or cops because at Full Gear I am your judge, jury and executioner.

“And Swerve, one thing I forgot to mention. Tonight’s stipulation was that you and I couldn’t lay hands on one another. But Nana, they didn’t say anything about us!”

Hangman Page jumped on Prince Nana and grounded and pounded him! Security separated Page from Nana and Page nailed the security team, blasting one with the Buckshot Lariat!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Roderick Strong and the Kingdom!

Roddy said he knew who the devil was and needed to call his best friend, Adam Cole. They called Adam Cole over Skype. “It’s definitely Max!”

Adam Cole: “Max is not the devil! With all the accusations, maybe you’re the devil, Roddy.”

Adam Cole hung up.

“Why will he not listen to me?” asked Roderick Strong.

TBS Title Eliminator Match!

Red Velvet vs. Skye Blue

The winner moves on to the TBS Title Match at Full Gear on Saturday.

Red Velvet grabbed a wrist lock on Blue but Blue escaped and countered with a hammer lock. TBS Champion Kris Statlander was watching the match from backstage.

Red Velvet swept out Skye’s legs and hit her with a standing moonsault. Red Velvet boxed Blue in the corner. Skye Blue rocked Red Velvet with a DDT on the apron. Blue whipped Red Velvet into the steel guardrail.

Skye Blue cracked Red Velvet with a thrust kick. They exchanged rollups and then knocked each other down with simultaneous thrust kicks. Red Velvet nailed with double knees to the back. Skye Blue hit the Skye Fall on Red Velvet for a near fall! Red Velvet countered a rising knee from Skye Blue with a powerbomb for a two-count!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Skye Blue countered the Just Desserts with a thrust kick. Red Velvet returned first. Skye Blue intercepted a corkscrew and pinned Red Velvet after the Code Blue!

Julia Hart was seen watching from backstage.

“The Redeemer” Miro had words for CJ Perry!

“My eyes have been open for awhile now. Truth is, CJ doesn’t just bring out the worst in herself. She brings out the worst in me too. Let the Redeemer give you a piece of advice Daniel Garcia. I don’t pray to God anymore, but you should start. This is the word of the Redeemer!”

Mariah May was backstage with RJ City, waiting to meet Toni Storm!

Mariah knocked on the door and the butler let her in. Toni Storm was on a couch, resting. Toni Storm didn’t give much time for Mariah, and then told Luther to have him contact Tony Khan to book her a tune-up match for Friday.

Samoa Joe vs. Jon Cruz!

Samoa Joe jabbed at Cruz. Samoa Joe splashed him in the corner. Samoa Joe leveled Cruz with the lariat and then won via tap out!

Samoa Joe: “My name is Samoa Joe. And I come from Southern California. So MJF, since you’re in my hood, once again I extend my offer of friendship. And trust me, the time is limited Max, because you’re going to find out whether you have my friendship or not, because I am Samoa Joe and I am inevitable!”

The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


Penta El Zero Miedo & Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Komander and Nick Jackson traded a flurry of fiery offense. All four men entered the ring and the Bucks superkicked their opponents, while Penta and Komander had the same idea with thrust kicks. The Bucks shook the hands of their opponents and then superkicked them!

“The Bucks firing on all cylinders here tonight,” said Excalibur.

Komander connected with a crossbody on Matt Jackson. The Bucks were there waiting though and hit Komander with their tandem offense. Komander took down Nick Jackson with a step up hurracanrana. Komander did the tightrope walk into a hurracanrana on Nick, and then sent Nick flying onto Matt Jackson on the arena floor!

Penta flipped over the top rope and crashed onto Nick with a tope con hiro! Penta blasted the Bucks with thrust kicks. Komander nailed the Bucks with a double DDT off the shoulders of Penta. Penta rocked Matt with a Made in Japan for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Matt Jackson tossed Komander and Penta with a double Northern Lights Suplex! The Bucks were looking for a Meltzer Driver, but Komander sent Matt crashing into Nick. Penta destroyed Nick with a Fear Factor on the apron! Komander surprised Matt with a hurracanrana for a near fall!

“That was super close!” said Taz.

“I’ve seen things here in this match that I’ve never seen before,” replied Tony Schiavone.

Matt Jackson and Penta El Zero Miedo traded shots in the center of the ring. Penta stunned Matt with a thrust kick, but then Matt fired off a superkick. Nick Jackson tagged in and scored with a superkick. Komander springboarded but Nick Jackson cracked him with a low blow and followed up with the Judas Effect! The Bucks bashed Komander with the BTE Trigger and scored the pin!

“I’ve seen the Bucks stretch the rules before but never blatantly kick a man between the legs when the ref’s back was turned,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Will this be a taste of what the Golden Jets get on Saturday at Full Gear?” wondered Excalibur.

Lexy Nair was backstage with the Young Bucks after a commercial break.

Kenny Omega approached them and questioned why they cheated during their match tonight.

Nick Jackson: “Our heat is not with you. It’s with Jericho.”

Chris Jericho: “Don’t waste your time with these jackasses. We’ve got a match to win tonight.”

Matt Jackson shoved Chris Jericho and security had to separate them.

The Gunns—Austin and Colten Gunn (with Juice Robinson)


Peter Avalon and Jacoby Watts!

The Gunns made a statement win with the 3:10 to Yuma, quickly winning the match!

Colten: “Max, that match was two on two, so imagine at the pay-per-view when it’s two on one. Those titles are about to be gone!”

“Who will MJF find? Will he turn to Samoa Joe to tag with him this Saturday to defend the ROH World Tag Team Championship? Or will it go to Bullet Club Gold?” asked Excalibur.

A highlight package aired of Wardlow!

“Max, as God as my witness, I’m going to make the devil my b—ch!”

Like A Dragon Gaiden Street Fight!

Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, Kota Ibushi, & Paul Wight


“The Machine” Brian Cage, & The Don Callis Family—Konosuke Takeshita, Kyle Fletcher, & Powerhouse Hobbs!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

The teams began to brawl on the ramp! Jericho hit Fletcher with his baseball bat. Hobbs went right after Paul Wight. Paul Wight choke slammed Fletcher off the stage and through a table!

Takeshita hit Ibushi with an elbow strike, but Ibushi absorbed it. Omega jumped in the ring and face planted Takeshita. Paul Wight smacked Hobbs into a car outside the arena. Jericho rattled Cage with a crate over the head!

Takeshita whipped Omega headfirst into a sign! Ibushi rode a bike down the ramp, but Cage struck him with a lariat! Hobbs body slammed Paul Wight onto the hood of a car! Takeshita swung the bike around the ring and hit Jericho, Omega, and Ibushi. Takeshita nailed Ibushi with a brain buster on the bike!

Omega pulled a table out from beneath the ring and set it up. Takeshita and Jericho brawled out to the VIP Club area of the arena. Cage and Fletcher isolated Omega in the ring. Cage and Fletcher suplexed Omega onto a pallet in the ring! Omega connected with a jumping knee strike and followed up with a snap dragon suplex on Cage. Omega had a bottle in his hand and smashed it on Fletcher’s head!

Takeshita jumped off a refrigerator, but Jericho sprayed a fire extinguisher at him and then nailed him with the Judas Effect. Hobbs charged in the ring and nailed Omega and Ibushi with double clotheslines. Hobbs drove Omega down with the World’s Most Dangerous Slam! Brian Cage superplexed Omega out of the ring and through the tables on the arena floor! Hobbs planted Ibushi with a spinebuster!

Hobbs splashed Jericho in the corner. Fletcher rocked Omega with a snap dragon suplex. Fletcher grabbed Ibushi and spiked him with a piledriver off the apron and through a sign that was propped up on steel chairs!

Omega connected with a rising knee strike to Hobbs and Jericho followed up with the Judas Effect! Jericho and Omega taped Hobbs to the ropes! Omega smacked Hobbs with a glass bottle! Cage drove Jericho down into the mat and then tried for a Drill Claw on Omega. Omega escaped and spiked Cage with a reverse hurracanrana! Omega fired off the V Trigger on Cage and then on Hobbs. Omega pinned Cage after spiking him with the One Winged Angel!

AEW World Champion & ROH World Tag Team Champion MJF had some strong words after last week’s brutal attack on the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass!

MJF: “It’s become very apparent to me that no matter how hard I try to outrun my past, it’s going to catch up with me. And every time I try to open myself up, those people get hurt. So, what I’d like to say to the Acclaimed is the same thing I said to Adam Cole—I’m sorry that you got hurt and I hope you feel better.

“Ever since I could remember all I wanted to be was a World Champion and I have spent every moment of my life trying to make that happen. I am proud to say that I have made it to that mountain top. The air up here is thin. And as I look down this mountain, I see men climbing with the only intention to shove me off the top.

“And I’m afraid I could lose everything I worked for in the blink of an eye. And I’m afraid I’m going to let you guys down. The old me in this situation would have tucked and ran. But I’m done letting the past dictate my future. Yeah, I’m afraid, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to give up my spot at the top of the mountain. You’d better send a whole damn army up that mountain to knock me down!

“Jay White, November 18th at Full Gear, you have a chance to take my spot. But I don’t think you can. I don’t think anyone can because my name is MJF, and I am better than you and you know it! And a message to the man who stole my devil mask who hired those goons. I am going to find out who you are and when I do there will be hell to pay!”

“Switchblade” Jay White walked onto the ramp!

Jay White: “Max, you’re going to make me sick so just stop. Drop the act because you are embarrassing yourself. You’re trying so hard to be the hero and that’s not who you are. You are the villain. Always have been, always will be. And you’re not fooling anyone. You’ve told us time and time again, you are the devil. You’re not the hero, Max. You’re not these peoples’ hero.

“Max you should know better. You should know how quickly they will drop you because you mean nothing. You haven’t changed. I know that you know that I am speaking truth right now. And I know that you know your days as the AEW World Champion are numbered. You know at Full Gear you will bleed with the Switchblade. And if you’re not down with that I have two words for you: get him.”

Bullet Club Gold jumped into the ring. Max was able to fend off the Gunns for a bit but then Juice Robinson blasted MJF with his infamous left hand punch. The Gunns spiked MJF with the 3:10 to Yuma. Switchblade rocked MJF with the Blade Runner and mockingly pinned him for the three count!

Samoa Joe was watching on a monitor backstage.

“That offer still stands, MJF. You might want to take Joe up on it,” said Taz.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL!

Special Programming note: this Friday tune in to AEW COLLISION at 8/7c and then RAMPAGE at 10/9c on TNT!

This Saturday witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW FULL GEAR 2023 from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s special episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Tony Schiavone was backstage with AEW World Champion MJF to kick off the show!

MJF: “Congratulations Jay White, because you are not going to pin me again like you did last week!”

MJF’s phone began to vibrate, and it was Adam Cole calling.

MJF: “Adam, what’s going on?”

Adam Cole: “Hey man, I’m really worried about you man. It kills me that I can’t be there with you, but I have to tell you this as your best friend. Full Gear is coming up. This match against the Gunns and I know you really don’t want to hear this but if you want to win this match, I think you’ve gotta take Samoa Joe up on his offer.”

MJF: “Again with this? You’ve been telling me all week. It’s not happening, and I don’t need him. I can defend our titles and that’s a promise. I’m going to handle Bullet Club Gold after I handle Daniel Garcia.”

Daniel Garcia interrupted MJF by walking onto the set with Matt Menard and Angelo Parker!

Garcia: “You’re going to handle me, huh?”

MJF: “You want to have a chat? Why do you think I agreed to this World title shot tonight? Do you think it’s because of your perfect win-loss record? Nah, I don’t think so. It’s because I believe in you. It’s because I see a little bit of myself in you back when I would listen to quote-unquote veterans, trying to tell me how to run my business. I’ve proven it’s talent over tenure. So, tonight am I getting Danny Garcia the sports entertainer or am I getting the professional wrestler?”

Garcia: “Tonight, you get a professional wrestler.”

Roderick Strong and the Kingdom rolled onto the set.

Roderick Strong: “Yo, Max, I know you already know this, but I am a wrestling legend, and I could easily give you some tips, dude.”

MJF: “You know what’s funny? You were a wrestling legend. You have turned into a complete joke. Adam, I’ve gotta go wrestle. I love you.”

Roderick: “Adam, don’t you see that. That’s exactly what the devil would do, dude. He would walk away.”

Adam Cole hung up.

Roderick: “It’s time to remind everyone exactly who the hell I am!”

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Daniel Garcia (with Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)!

MJF locked up with Garcia and then taunted Garcia by doing Garcia’s dance. Garcia grappled MJF to the mat. MJF offered his hand to Garcia as a sign of sportsmanship. Garcia slapped it away and MJF thumbed Garcia in the eyes.

MJF began to work over Garcia’s arm, concentrating his offense there. Garcia fired back with a flurry of forearms and strikes. Garcia followed up with a high release German Suplex. Garcia nailed MJF with a brainbuster for a near fall.

MJF double stomped on Garcia’s elbow. MJF rocked Garcia with a shoulder breaker. MJF stunned Garcia with a DDT for a near fall.

“Garcia deserves a lot of credit kicking out of that hammer lock DDT because that was nasty,” said Taz.

Garcia dodged a Panama Sunrise from MJF and then chopped the champ down with kicks to the legs. Garcia spiked MJF with a piledriver for a near fall. Garcia locked in the Dragon Tamer! MJF countered and transitioned with the Salt of the Earth arm bar, forcing Garcia to tap out!

MJF offered his hand to Garcia as a sign of respect. Garcia reached for it, but Angelo Parker and Matt Menard pulled Garcia away.

Darby Allin & Sting vs. The Outrunners—Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum!

The Outrunners double teamed Darby in their corner of the ring. Sting tagged in and he and Darby chopped Turbo Floyd. Sting knocked Turbo over the top with a lariat. Truth pulled Darby out of the ring and whipped him into the barricade. Sting clubbed the Outrunners with lariats. Sting applied the Scorpion Death Lock and won via tap out!

Earlier in the day there was a sit-down interview between AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida & “Timeless” Toni Storm, conducted by Tony Schiavone!

Shida: “What happened to you Toni Storm? You want this title? I don’t think so. You want attention paid to your silly acting!”

Toni Storm: “You happened to me, darling. I was meant to walk into Wembley with that title, and then you happened. You don’t happen anymore. I happen. I couldn’t make history, so I became history. You may have that title, but you will never have the spotlight.”

Shida: “You know what? What will happen is what always happens. I will beat you at Full Gear.”

Toni: “Very well. There’s a saying in showbusiness. Chin up, t!ts out, and watch for the shoe!”

Shida knocked the shoe away and Shida and Toni glared at one another.

Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)!

“Hangman” Adam Page was banned from ringside for this match.

Swerve nailed Penta with a diving European uppercut. Swerve wrenched down on Penta’s fingers. Penta El Zero Miedo and Swerve traded chops. Swerve stomped on Penta’s fingers.

Penta planted Swerve with a backstabber. Swerve rolled out of the ring, Penta ran for the tope suicida, but Swerve countered with a European Uppercut. Swerve dropped Penta on the steel ring steps. Penta jumped over the top rope with a tope con hiro on Swerve!

Swerve blocked the Made in Japan. Swerve was looking for the JML Driver, but it was blocked. They knocked each other down with lariats, each man having the same idea! Penta hit two sling blades on Swerve. Penta hit a driver on Swerve for a two-count.

Penta El Zero Miedo blasted Swerve with a destroyer on the apron! Penta connected with diving foot stomps for a two-count on Swerve.

“What a match! Holy smokes,” said Tony Schiavone.

Swerve stomped Penta over the top rope, landing on Penta’s ribs! Swerve climbed to the top turnbuckle and attempted a 450 splash, but Penta dodged it. Penta snapped back on Swerve’s arm! Penta crushed Swerve with the Made in Japan but Swerve kicked out at two!

Penta punted Swerve on the arm. Penta tried for the Fear Factor, but Swerve escaped. Swerve drove Swerve down hard and then stomped on Penta’s arm. Swerve stomped, crashing down on Penta and pinning him for the victory.

After the match, Swerve began to pull at the mask of Penta El Zero Miedo, but “Hangman” Adam Page ran into the ring with a steel chair. Page chased Swerve out of the ring and waffled Swerve in the back with a steel chair!

“Hangman is like a man possessed! He’s crazy,” said Tony Schiavone.

Hangman jumped off the stage with Swerve, spiking him through a table with the Dead Eye!

Alex Marvez was backstage with Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White, Juice Robinson, and the Gunns!

Jay White: “I am here with the Bang Bang Belt. We took a vacation, but I still turned in to Collision and what did I see? After I pinned MJF last week on Dynamite, he said, ‘Hey Jay, what don’t you go compare our names on some graph chart on the internet. Max, you want me to play along? I’ll indulge you. Maybe the graphs are like that because you spend all your time searching your name hoping one day, you’ll see those graphs in a way that will appease all those insecurities of yours.

“Jay White will always be better than you and everybody knows it. I am truly elite, and I will show that tonight against Mark Briscoe. MJF you just sit back, watch, and breathe.”

Renee Paquette interviewed the Golden Jets—Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega, ahead of their Dynamite match against The Don Callis Family that’ll be taking place next Wednesday.

Jericho: “I think when Don proposed this match, he didn’t think that Kota Ibushi and Paul Wight would have our backs and be our partners. You see, we’ve got some good friends.”

The Young Bucks—Matt and Nick Jackson, walked onto the set and interrupted.

Matt Jackson: “You know, we actually set up camp with the extras in the broom closet. Because there’s no space in our locker room. Chris’ bag is so big. Hey, but I like what you’re doing here. This whole tag team thing? Sweet promo. I even heard you had a really cool, new name. The Golden Jets! I bet you came up with that, huh, Chris?

“You know another cool name? I remember one. The Elite. The guys who started this whole damn place. That’s a cool name too.”

Jericho: “That’s so funny, you didn’t have Kenny’s back when Will Hobbs was beating the hell out of him a few weeks ago with a steel chair. I remember essentially it was the four of us starting AEW, who helped get this company off the ground.”

Matt Jackson: “You would say that. You would put yourself up on the pedestal with us. Because the way I remember it, we created the revolution and you just waltzed in and cashed another big check, didn’t you Chris?”

Jericho: “I want you to remember who you’re talking to here. You’re talking to Kenny F’n Omega and Chris Jericho. We’re two of the greatest to ever do this in the history of pro wrestling. So even though you might be the greatest tag team in the world, I’ll give you all the credit for that. I still think that Jericho and Omega can beat you.”

Nick Jackson: “Can beat us? There’s a big show coming up.”

Matt Jackson: “The light bulb just went off. I don’t think you guys are booked either. It’s called Full Gear. How about Kenny Omega, our best friend, and Chris Jericho, against Nick and Matt Jackson, the Young Bucks, the best damn tag team of all time. You said it yourself.”

Chris Jericho: “Well, uh, I kinda like that idea. But let’s put a little more steam on it. How about when Jericho and Omega beat the Young Bucks at Full Gear, and we will beat you, that guaranteed title shot that you’re sitting on, goes to us.”

Matt Jackson: “I like the way you’re thinking here Chris. How about when we beat you, and we will, right in the middle, clean as a whistle, how about this whole Golden Jets thing is no more. And we can start doing the Elite again, how about that Kenny?”

Kenny Omega: “Look, if this is about who is the greatest tag team of all time, it’s you. I don’t want to wrestle you guys. But if you’re asking me, do I think I can beat you? We’ve been down that road. I’ve done it before. You want to talk about Ibushi? You want to talk about Hangman? Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho can rise to the challenge. We can do it. So, if you guys really want to face us, we’ll do it. And then maybe you’ll clean up your act and then maybe you’ll start acting like real adults instead of sissy, bitchy children. I think you had to hear it from someone like me. So, see you in L.A. at Full Gear.”

Jericho: “Bucks, I’ll be happy to take you to the woodshed and beat your little spoiled brat asses. And by the way, I have my own dressing room.”

ROH World TV Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. “Limitless” Keith Lee!

Samoa Joe and Keith Lee locked horns like two massive bulls. Samoa Joe took a side headlock on Keith Lee. Joe gouged Keith’s eyes and then dropped him with a running shoulder block.

Keith Lee fired back with a shoulder tackle of his own. Keith Lee pounded Joe in the corner with big hooks. Samoa Joe chopped at Lee and then began to work over Lee’s body with jabs, pounding him down in the corner.

Keith Lee came back with a cross body to Samoa Joe. The champ hoisted up Keith Lee and dropped Lee with a knee breaker. Samoa Joe began to stomp Keith Lee.

Keith Lee got back up to his feet, but Samoa Joe took him down with a dragon screw leg whip. Joe followed up with a Manhattan drop. Keith Lee countered the senton with a German Suplex to Samoa Joe!

Keith Lee blocked a lariat from Samoa Joe. Keith Lee smashed Samoa Joe with a pop up powerbomb for a near fall. Samoa Joe slipped behind Keith Lee, locked in the hooks for the rear naked choke, and the ref stopped the match. Samoa Joe was awarded the match as Keith Lee faded.

Samoa Joe: “What stands before you is the greatest Ring of Honor Television Champion of all time. But I did not come here to merely be your television champion. I said hunger is what defines the greats. Well consider me officially hungry.

“As of tonight, I vacate the ROH Television Championship. Because the next gold that is going to be on my shoulder will be the AEW World Championship whether you like it or not, Max!”

AEW International Champion “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and FTW Champion HOOK were backstage!

Orange Cassidy: “Jon Moxley, you must have lost your mind, saying that I overlooked you, that I don’t respect you. You are the only person that I have been thinking about since you left me in a pool of my own blood in Chicago after taking my International Championship. And I’m sorry that when the opportunity knocked, I didn’t pick up the piece of Rey Fenix, I picked up the pieces of the International Championship that you dropped. And now holding it, it doesn’t feel the same. Because I need to beat you. I have to beat you in order to be the International Champion that I know I am. And at Full Gear, I will beat you.”

The Gunns—Austin & Colten (with Juice Robinson)


The Bollywood Boyz!

The Gunns quickly hit the 3:10 to Yuma and won the match, right out of the gates!

Colten: “Hey Max, you are a liar. You have been lying to these people for years. You are not a generational talent. You’ve been telling sob story after sob story. That’s not what a generational talent does. Me and Austin, we were made for TV. We’ve been doing this for three years. We are former AEW Tag champs. We are about to be ROH Tag Champs because we are generational talents.”

Austin: “Max, you’re an embarrassment as a champion. For the past three months, you’ve defended the ROH Tag titles one time! Now the only friends you have left are on the other side of this guardrail. And I pray to God you pick one of them as your partner for Full Gear so we can send them on a ride on the 3:10 to Yuma. Max, Full Gear, November 18th, the ROH Titles go back in the hands of a real tag team!”

AEW World Champion and ROH Tag Team Champion MJF was watching on a monitor backstage when Samoa Joe approached him. MJF walked away.

Jon Moxley was backstage with Wheeler Yuta!

Moxley: “We heard what Orange Cassidy had to say and I knew it! I’ve been getting calls all week to let Orange off the hook. I knew that Orange knew exactly what he was doing. It’s about the laws of nature. This business is a jungle. And the BCC are a dominant pack of predators. What kind of example would I be setting for young Wheeler if I didn’t beat the piss out of you, Orange? What kind of example would you be setting for Hook? Teaching him he can just do and say what he wants, and it’ll be fine? You don’t even deserve to get to Full Gear. So, the minute we land at LAX, it’s on. Gang warfare. You and whoever you want to bring.”

Wheeler: “Hook, you might think you’re some tough guy, but I guarantee you, you crossed the wrong crew. See you in Cali, pretty boy.”

The House of Black’s Julia Hart vs. Red Velvet!

Julia shoved Red Velvet into the turnbuckles. Red Velvet rolled up Julia Hart for a pin attempt. Red Velvet used an arm drag to take down Julia Hart.

Red Velvet hammered Julia in the corner with body strikes. Red Velvet splashed Julia Hart with double knees and then a standing moonsault press for a two-count. Red Velvet pulled Julia off the top turnbuckle with an iconoclasm.

Julia stomped on the ribs of Red Velvet. Julia smashed Red Velvet with a moonsault and pinned Red Velvet! Julia locked in Heartless after the bell.

Skye Blue came down to the ring and had a stare down with Julia Hart. TBS Champion Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale walked to the ring. Willow checked on Red Velvet. Julia glanced over at Kris Statlander and then left.

RJ City was backstage to introduce the newest AEW signing…Mariah May!

Mariah May: “I’m so excited to be in AEW. I’ve wrestled all over the world. I just came from Stardom in Japan and I’m so excited to be a part of the AEW Women’s division. And I’m a big fan of your work. Toni Storm is the reason I’m here. I went to Japan because Toni went to Japan. Toni’s in AEW so I’m in AEW.”

RJ: “Maybe next week I could introduce you.”

Mariah May: “You’re going to introduce me to Toni Storm?!”

Main Event Time!

“Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold) vs. Mark Briscoe!

The Full Gear 2023 title shot is on the line here.

Mark Briscoe spiked Jay White with a side suplex. He followed up with a vertical suplex for a two-count on Jay White. Mark knocked Jay White out of the ring with his redneck kung fu. Mark jumped off the apron with a running elbow to Jay White on the arena floor!

Juice Robinson diverted the attention of the ref while the Gunns grabbed Mark Briscoe’s boot. Jay White dodged Mark Briscoe and planted Mark with a DDT!

Jay White pretended his knee was injured. The ref turned to check on Jay White while Bullet Club Gold stomped on Mark Briscoe outside the ring.

Mark Briscoe tried to build some momentum with a dropkick off the top rope. Mark and Jay White traded shots in the center of the ring. Mark hammered away with chops and elbow strikes. Mark Briscoe nailed Jay White with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Mark Briscoe hit a fishermen’s buster on Jay White for a two-count, Jay White just barely escaping. Jay White gouged at Mark’s eyes. Jay White connected with a dragon screw on Mark’s leg. Mark fired back with a Death Valley Driver. Mark climbed to the top for the froggy bow, smashed Jay, and covered him for a near fall!

Jay White rocked Mark Briscoe with a uranage. Jay White planted Mark with the Kiwi Crusher for a two-count! Jay White chop blocked Mark Briscoe. Mark escaped the Blade Runner with an exploder suplex. Mark walloped Jay with a lariat. Mark called for the Jay Driller, but Jay White backdropped his way out of it. Jay White targeted the neck of Mark with a sleeper suplex. Jay spiked Mark with a brainbuster.

Mark countered the Blade Runner with redneck kung fu. Jay served up with sleeper suplex and then spiked Mark! Jay White finished off Mark with the Blade Runner and pinned Mark Briscoe!

After the match, MJF snuck into the ring and cleaned house on Bullet Club Gold with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Only Jay White was left in the ring with MJF! “Switchblade” Jay White retreated out of the ring!

MJF: “Look at me Jay White. I hope you’ve had fun playing dress up as top guy. Because pretty soon play time is almost over. Because you’ll have to get in the ring with the real World champion. With a generational talent. With MJF! When I won that title, I made a promise to myself that I was going to go down as the greatest AEW World Champion of all time or die trying. And that’s what you’ll be dealing with Jay.

“You’ll have to kill me to beat me. I’m not fighting just for me anymore. For the first time in my life, I’m fighting for everyone who has been on this journey with me since day one. I am fighting for Adam Cole. I am fighting for you watching at home. I am fighting for everyone in this arena! ‘Cause I’m not just a scumbag. I’m their scumbag! So, I got one question Jay. Full Gear, will the leader of the Bang Bang Gang, will you be able to be the first man to pull the trigger?!”

The arena lights went out! Footage played from backstage of masked men attacking the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn!

“It seems like whoever helps MJF is in harm’s way,” said Excalibur.

The footage scrambled and then a person wearing a devil mask appeared on the screen for a split second!

The lights turned back on in the arena and MJF was standing in the ring alone. MJF sprinted to the back to check on the Acclaimed!

Samoa Joe approached MJF backstage. “Looks like you’re running out of friends, champ,” said Samoa Joe, as he laughed and walked away.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Toyota Arena in Ontario, CA!

Special Programming note: This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE live at 10/9c on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Oakland Arena in Oakland, CA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Michael Yezerski Interview by Big Gold Belt MediaMichael Yezerski (Composer – Netflix’s Cabinet of Curiosities; Starz’s Blindspotting)-Synopsis:Rhapsody PR is thrilled to present SUPERSONIC, the 15th annual Behind-the-Music panel at this year’s Comic-Con. A behind-the-scenes look at…

Sherri Chung Interview by Big Gold Belt MediaSherri Chung (Composer – HBO Max’s Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai; The CW’s Batwoman),-Synopsis:Rhapsody PR is thrilled to present SUPERSONIC, the 15th annual Behind-the-Music panel at this year’s Comic-Con….

Chris Bacon Interview by Big Gold Belt MediaChris Bacon (Composer – Netflix’s Wednesday; Sony Pictures’ Men In Black: International)-Synopsis:Rhapsody PR is thrilled to present SUPERSONIC, the 15th annual Behind-the-Music panel at this year’s Comic-Con. A behind-the-scenes…


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AR Fox vs. “Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold)!

Jay White grappled Fox to the mat with a side headlock takedown. Fox came back with a cutter. Fox followed up with a swift kick to Jay White, knocking White out of the ring. Fox nailed Jay White with a shooting star press, posting off the turnbuckles and landing on White on the arena floor.

Back in the ring, Jay White threw Fox into the turnbuckles with a half and half suplex. Jay White spiked AR Fox with a DDT. AR Fox regained momentum, hitting Bullet Club Gold with a tope con hiro, and then he hit one on Jay White! AR Fox smashed Jay White with a twisting vertical suplex and then a 450 splash off the top for a near fall on “Switchblade”!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Jay White rocked Fox with a half and half suplex and then finished him off with the Blade Runner, scoring the pin.

“You make one mistake against Jay White, and he will make you pay every single time,” said Kevin Kelly.

After the match, MJF snuck to the ring in a hoody and tried to steal his world title back from Jay White. He was outnumbered by Bullet Club Gold and had to leg go of the title, discretion being the better part of valor.

AEW Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass said next week on Collision they’re going to celebrate 69 days as champs!

The Boys—Brandon & Brent (with Dalton Castle)


The Gunns—Austin & Colten (with Bullet Club Gold)!

The Boys showed off their quickness, getting in some great tandem offense on Austin. The Gunns fired back with the 3:10 to Yuma and won in decisive fashion.

The Gunns will be facing MJF and a yet-to-be-named partner at AEW Full Gear: Zero Hour, on Saturday, November 18th for the ROH World Tag Team Championship.

Lexy Nair was backstage with “Hollywood Hunk” Ryan Nemeth!

Ryan: “I have a huge surprise. Big movie coming out next month. National comedy tour. But I want the success I’m having in Hollywood translate to success in AEW, which is why I brought you here.”

Nemeth turned and pointed to the dressing room door of “Hot And Flexible” CJ Perry.

Nemeth knocked on the door and “The Redeemer” Miro answered! Miro invited him in, the door closed, and Miro mauled Nemeth!

Fright Night Fight!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Hikaru Shida (c.) vs. Abadon!

Shida and Abadon locked up. Abadon was looking to bite Shida, but Shida kicked her away. Abadon grabbed a skeleton bone and swung it at Shida, but Shida countered with a dropkick.

Abadon hid under the ring and tried to pull Shida under the ring. Abadon snuck up from the other side and ambushed Shida. Abadon cracked Shida across the back with a trash can lid.

Abadon and Shida collided against each other with double clotheslines, both having the same idea. Abadon found a baseball bat, but Shida got behind Abadon and choked her with it. Abadon cracked Shida with a kick in the face. Abadon poured out a bucket of candy and smashed Shida with a blockbuster on the candy!

Shida rocked Abadon with a shot from the kendo stick. Shida placed a pumpkin on top of Abadon’s head and smashed her with the katana kick, scoring the pinfall victory!

“What a win for Shida,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Timeless” Toni Storm came out and pranced around the ring.

ROH World Television Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Rhett Titus!

Rhett wrenched on Samoa Joe’s wrist. Samoa Joe bulldozed his way right through Titus. Samoa Joe drove Titus down with jabs in the corner. Samoa Joe chopped at Titus. Rhett Titus jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Samoa Joe simply walked out of the way.

Rhett Titus ran into Samoa Joe with two big boots. He went for a third time, but Samoa Joe planted Titus and then forced Titus to tap out!

“Domination made flesh!” said Kevin Kelly.

Footage aired from last night’s Rampage of Renee Paquette interviewing the QTV crew!

QT Marshall said that when he won the AAA Latin American Title, he told the world he was going to defend it with honor and prestige across the world. “I’m back in AEW and I plan on defending it against some of the luchadores because I’m told AEW has the best luchadores in the world.”

Up Next: An Injury update on the “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Claudio Castagnoli said Danielson had a broken orbital bone and it was either from the Orange Punch or the Rainmaker. “I don’t know, and I don’t care because I’m going to make both of you pay for what you’ve done for my friend. Okada, be it in the Unites States or Japan, I am coming for you. I will find you and I will make you pay.

“Orange, you and me on Wednesday on Dynamite for your International Championship. I know what I’m going to do and what I’m capable of and it frightens me. You hurt one of the Blackpool Combat Club and now I’m going to hurt you. See you on Wednesday. Good luck.”

FTR’s Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler)


AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks (with Big Bill)!

Before the match began the lights in the arena went dark.

The lights came back on, and The House of Black were seen scouting the match.

Dax and Starks chain wrestled. They traded arm drags. Dax grabbed a side headlock takeover.

“What is the House of Black’s motivation for being here?” wondered Tony Schiavone.

Dax tried for a diving headbutt, but Ricky moved out of the way. Starks nailed Dax with a leg drop across the throat while Dax was on the edge of the ring. Dax went for a baseball slide, but Starks trapped him in the ring skirt. Starks started to pummel him with shots and then nailed him with a suplex on the ramp.

Dax rallied back and superplexed Ricky Starks. Both men hit the mat hard! Ricky rammed Harwood with a lariat. Dax clobbered Ricky with strikes. Dax grabbed an inside cradle for a near fall.

Dax blocked a tornado DDT and countered with a brainbuster for a near fall on Starks. Starks went for the spear, but Dax cracked him with a rising knee. Dax spiked Ricky with a piledriver. Dax went for the cover, but Big Bill pulled Dax out of the ring by the boot. Back in the ring, Ricky crushed Dax with a piledriver and pinned him!

“That’s the door closing on FTR, at least for the time being,” said Kevin Kelly.

“I’m not so sure about that,” replied Tony Schiavone.

The arena went dark again. This time when the lights returned on, Julia Hart was standing on the ramp surrounded by a shroud of fog. The lights went back out and this time when the came back on, the House of Black were in the ring, circling Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

“They’ve surrounded the champions,” said Kevin Kelly.

The House of Black then turned their attention to FTR!

La Faccion Ingobernable stormed down to the ring!

“It’s LFI!” said Tony Schiavone.

“Who are they looking at?” asked Kevin Kelly.

LFI helped FTR and began to slug it out with the House of Black! Big Bill and Ricky Starks retreated!

“LFI and FTR together in the ring! Incredible! Who would have thought this?” said Schiavone.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Andrade El Idolo!

Lexy asked about Andrade’s dealings with CJ Perry, as well as the return of LFI.

Andrade El Idolo: “I am a businessman. This is my business. Nobody else.”

TBS Champion Kris Statlander was backstage with Lexy Nair.

Statlander asked for some time to speak with Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue. Statlander said whatever was going on between Willow and Skye needed to be settled now.

Willow: “Skye, I felt this tension between us, and it’s growing stronger. And ever since we both got misted from Julia, something is getting worse with you.”

Skye: “Anything that I have to say with Julia is between her and I.”

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli


“Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams!

Claudio Castagnoli clobbered Tracy Williams with repeated European Uppercuts! Claudio clubbed Tracy with lariats. Claudio finished off “Hot Sauce” with a European Uppercut and then pinned him.

MJF was seen getting warmed up backstage.

MJF was approached by Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe: “I could be your friend, Max. You just need to give me a rematch at your championship. If you find yourself in a bad way tonight, you just gotta scream my name and I’ll be your friend. Good luck. Dangerous opponent. I’ll keep my ears pricked up.”

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Kenny Omega!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Both men had each other scouted out early in the match, going hold for hold with one another. MJF offered his hand to Omega as a sign of good sportsmanship. Omega accepted and then MJF poked Omega in the eyes.

Omega backdropped MJF out of the ring. Omega hit the Terminator Dive on MJF! The champ fired back, jumping over the top rope and flipping onto Omega!

Omega jumped off the top rope with a cross body press to MJF. Omega tried for a hurracanrana, but MJF countered with a powerbomb back breaker combo. MJF planted Kenny with a stuffed DDT, good for a near fall.

Omega nailed MJF with a snapdragon suplex. Omega dropkicked MJF’s kneecap. Omega wiped out MJF with a lariat, sending MJF to the arena floor. Omega followed up with a moonsault to MJF. Omega rocked MJF with a missile dropkick from the top rope to the back of the head. Omega went for a moonsault, but MJF countered by raising his knees!

MJF chomped down on Omega’s forehead. MJF arm whipped Omega into the turnbuckles. MJF cracked Kenny with the kangaroo kick.

Omega connected with a sliding baseball kick, sending MJF into the broadcast booth. Kenny pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Back in the ring, they exchanged cradles. Kenny buckle bombed MJF, but the champ came out of the corner with a massive lariat to the Cleaner!

They battled on the ring apron. Kenny drilled MJF with a snapdragon suplex on the edge of the ring! Omega powerbombed MJF off the apron and through the table on the floor!

“My God what a main event here on Collision!” said Jim Ross.

Back in the ring, Kenny connected with a knee strike. MJF countered the One Winged Angel with a Poison Rana! Omega fired back with a Poison Rana of his own!

“Back and forth, back and forth!” said Jim Ross.

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

MJF hit a double stomp on Omega’s arm. Omega rallied back with a jumping knee strike. MJF planted Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

“State of the art pro wrestling,” said Nigel.

MJF stunned Omega with a thrust kick. Omega came back with a piledriver, but MJF got his boot on the rope to stop the ref’s count. Omega powerbombed MJF on the guardrail. Omega removed the protective guard from the rail. He threw MJF back into the ring, so they didn’t get counted out.

Kenny was on the top turnbuckle, but MJF charged into the ropes, knocking Omega down. MJF climbed to the top, but Omega countered with a snake eyes from the top. Omega drove his knee into the back of MJF’s head. Omega blasted MJF with a snap dragon suplex and a running knee strike for a near fall! Kenny smashed MJF with the V Trigger. He followed up with another V Trigger. Omega hoisted up MJF for the One Winged Angel, but Don Callis ran to the ring. Omega put MJF down when he saw Callis.

As Omega was distracted by a screwdriver wielding Callis, MJF rolled up Omega from behind. Omega countered by reversing the rollup. MJF kicked out but Omega came back with a running knee strike! MJF kicked out of the pin attempt!

Don Callis climbed the ring steps. Ref Paul Turner ejected Don Callis. Omega hoisted up MJF for the One Winged Angel again, but MJF rolled forward for a pin. Omega rolled back to counter. It was another stale mate.

MJF caught Kenny in the Heat Seeker, but Kenny kicked out at the two-count! MJF went for the Panama Sunrise on Kenny and Kenny ended up countering with a pin attempt, but MJF kicked out! MJF kicked Kenny in the face and drilled Kenny with the Panama Sunrise. MJF finally finished off Omega with another Heat Seeker, pinning the Cleaner!

Samoa Joe was shown watching the match from backstage. Wardlow was also seen scouting the match from backstage. Powerhouse Hobbs was watching the match too. Jay White and Bullet Club Gold were taking mental notes as well.

“Everybody gunning for MJF,” said Tony Schiavone.

Kenny Omega and MJF hugged after the match.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Tonight’s AEW COLLISION & Battle of the Belts VIII was broadcast live from the FedExForum in Memphis, TN!
Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.
It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!
Dream Match!
Andrade El Idolo
Blackpool Combat Club’s “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!
They chain wrestled to start the match, both men having a feeling out process. Bryan wrenched Andrade’s neck with a bow and arrow type submission. Andrade escaped and smiled at Danielson.
Andrade was looking for the figure four, but Danielson kicked him away. Danielson and Andrade traded chops. Bryan began switching it up with kicks to Andrade. And then a headbutt. Danielson jumped off the apron with a running knee strike to Andrade.
Andrade connected with a flying forearm. Andrade sent Danielson outside with a springboard dropkick. Andrade moonsaulted out of the ring and onto Danielson.
The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”
Andrade smashed Danielson with a split legged moonsault for a near fall. Danielson headbutted Andrade and followed up with a dropkick from the top rope. Andrade came back with a dragon screw leg whip. Andrade had Bryan in the Tree of Woe and squashed him with a double stomp from the top.
Danielson countered Andrade’s moonsault by raising his knees. He stomped on Andrade’s head and then applied the LeBell Lock. Andrade escaped and trapped Danielson in the figure four. Danielson grabbed the ropes to force the ref break. Danielson and Andrade traded cradles and pin attempts, with Danielson ultimately getting the win!
“Both men wanted the best, and they got the best. But it was Bryan Danielson who got lucky tonight with a quick rollup of Andrade El Idolo,” said Nigel.
The arena lights went dark!
They turned back on, and Malakai Black was in the center of the ring! Black knocked out Danielson with a spin kick! The BCC ran to the ring, but the lights went out again. When the lights returned, Malakai Black had vanished.
Skye Blue vs. Hollyhood Haley!
Skye Blue shoved Haley. Blue knocked Hollyhood off her feet, mounted her, and grounded and pounded her. Skye connected with a thrust kick and followed up with a running powerbomb. Skye Blue rolled up Haley and pinned her.
Bullet Club Gold’s The Gunns—Austin & Colten Gunn (with “Switchblade” Jay White)
Turbo used an arm drag on Colten. Colten fired back with a stiff strike and then he stomped Turbo in the corner of the ring.
Austin tagged in and rammed the Outrunners together. The Gunns finished things off with the 3:10 to Yuma and pinned Turbo.
“Mission statement from the Gunns tonight, they want gold,” said Kevin Kelly.
After the match, the lights in the arena went dark! A man in a Devil mask was watching on from somewhere in the arena.
“Man, Jay White looks spooked,” said Kevin Kelly.
The fans chanted “MJF! MJF! MJF!”
Memphis Street Fight!
ROH World & NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston
Jeff Jarrett (with Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, and Jay Lethal)!
If Jeff Jarrett wins, Jay Lethal get a Ring Of Honor World Championship Match.
Legendary Memphis announcer Dave Brown joined commentary for this match.
Jarrett swung a trash can lid at Kingston and Kingston blocked it. Kingston whacked Jeff with a kendo stick. Jarrett blasted Eddie with a cooler. Jeff rammed Eddie into the guardrail.
Kingston squeezed ketchup and mustard on Jarrett. Karen distracted Eddie and then Jay Lethal rocked Eddie with a cutter off the ramp and then through a table!
Back in the ring, Jeff cracked Eddie with a lead pipe on the leg. Jarrett went to work on Eddie’s leg and knee with a trash can! Jarrett bashed Eddie with a bar tabletop. Jarrett locked in the figure four in the center of the ring. Eddie flipped off Jeff!
Kingston reversed the figure four. Jay Lethal jumped off the top rope but Eddie rolled out of the way. Eddie chopped Lethal and Jarrett in the chest. Kingston fired off machine gun chops. Karen got in the ring and distracted Eddie, but Eddie cracked Jeff with a spinning back fist for a near fall.
Jeff Jarrett went for the Lethal Injection, but Eddie countered with a half and half. Kingston wiped out Satnam with a guitar shot. Jeff smashed Eddie with the Stroke for a near fall! Satnam choke slammed Eddie and then Jarrett hit another Stroke. Lethal connected with the Lethal Injection. Jarrett covered Eddie and pinned him.
“This is an absolute mugging,” said Nigel.
Action Andretti vs. “The Redeemer” Miro!
“Hot and flexible” CJ Perry came down to the ring before the match started, taking a ringside seat to scout things.
Miro battered Action in the corner. Andretti dropkicked Miro as Miro came rushing in. Miro clubbed Andretti with a lariat. Action came back with a jawbreaker to Miro.
Miro ate a kick from Andretti. Action rocked Miro with shots in the corner, but Miro shoved him away. Action flipped over the top rope with a tope con hiro and landed on Miro, right in front of CJ Perry on the floor.
Miro countered a cross body by planting Andretti. Miro went for the Game Over, but Action slipped out and then spiked Miro with a DDT! Action followed up with a shotgun dropkick! Action hit a springboard 450 but Miro kicked out immediately. Miro stunned Action with a thrust kick and then applied the Game Over. The ref stopped the match and awarded the victory to Miro.
Eddie Kingston was backstage getting stitched up.
Kingston: “Jay Lethal, do you know why I made you jump through hoops to earn this title shot? It’s because you call a man who’s not your blood ‘uncle.’ The Jay Lethal I knew used to love pro wrestling, until you started hanging out with Jeff Jarrett. You are not a pro wrestler anymore, Jay. You are Jeff Jarrett’s bitch. You’ve lost your way. Get your title shot. Go ahead, congrats, but you better find your way before you come at me again.”
FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler
Bad Thad Brown & Darian Bengston!
Bad Thad took advantage of Cash having his back turned but Cash came right back with a press slam.
The arena lights went out again! When the lights returned, Malakai Black was standing in the ring!
“It’s Malakai Black again!” said Tony Schiavone.
The lights went back out. This time when the lights came back on, the House of Black were standing there, and they ambushed FTR! Brody King cracked Cash with the cast on his wrist!
“The House of Black returning to Collision tonight with authority,” said Kevin Kelly.
Main Event Time!
AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!
Big Bill & “Absolute” Ricky Starks (c.)
Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta!
Jim Ross joined the broadcast team to provide his main event analysis.
Big Bill mauled Yuta with overhead chops. Wheeler fought back but after being distracted by Starks, Big Bill shoved Yuta off the apron. Starks whipped Yuta into the guardrail.
Big Bill planted Yuta with a Big Bossman slam! Bill hammered Yuta with an elbow drop. Claudio tagged in and cleaned house on Starks with European Uppercuts! Claudio clubbed Starks with lariats in the corner, shot after shot stinging Starks. Claudio dropkicked Starks after a single ax handle off the ropes.
Claudio had a full head of steam and ran around the ring and cracked Starks with a European Uppercut, and then dished out a massive uppercut to Big Bill! Claudio connected with a running lariat on Starks in the center of the ring.
Claudio put Starks in the Giant Swing! Yuta dropkicked the head of Starks. Big Bill ran in and tried to chokeslam Claudio and Yuta at the same time, but the BCC fought out of his grip. Yuta climbed to the top of Claudio’s back for the Fast Ball Special, but the House of Black ran to the ring and knocked Claudio down. Starks speared Yuta and pinned Yuta after the Rochambeau!
The House of Black circled the tag champs after the match. The House of Black triple teamed Wheeler Yuta. Danielson sprinted down but Starks and Brody stomped on him. FTR intervened, trying to even up the odds, but the House of Black had them outnumbered with the assistance of Big Bill and Ricky Starks.
Jon Moxley returned! He entered the fray, and he threw Buddy Matthews out of the ring! The FTR and the BCC teamed up, forcing the House of Black and Starks and Big Bill to retreat! Starks entered the ring again, thinking the House of Black were behind him, but they left him on his own. FTR hit Starks with the Big Rig!
“The House of Black have made their statement tonight!” said Nigel.
Battle Of The Belts VIII began…
AEW International Championship Match!
“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.)
Dark Order’s John Silver (with Alex Reynolds)!
As Orange Cassidy was making his entrance, Moxley was leaving the ring. They bumped into each other on the ramp and then had to be pulled apart. Moxley had to be held back.
John Silver cracked Cassidy with kicks on the ring apron. Orange climbed to the top turnbuckle. Silver grabbed him and planed him face first across the ring apron! Back in the ring, Orange tried for a backslide, but Silver escaped. Orange came back with the Stun Dog Millionaire and then the Beach Break for a near fall!
Alex Reynolds grabbed the title belt and cracked Cassidy in the head with it. Silver rolled up Orange for a near fall. Silver nailed Orange with an airplane spin type maneuver for a two-count. Orange pulped Silver with the Orange Punch and pinned Silver!
Lexy Nair interviewed Andrade El Idolo backstage!
Andrade was interrupted by CJ Parker. She said with a little guidance, he could become the biggest wrestling star in the world.
Tony Nese (with “Smart” Mark Sterling)
ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe!
Samoa Joe jabbed at Nese. Tony Nese kicked Joe and back elbowed him. Nese went for a moonsault, but Joe stepped out of the way. Samoa Joe steamrolled right over Tony Nese! Samoa Joe finished off Tony Nese with the Muscle Buster and pinned him!
Samoa Joe: “MJF…tonight I bring you a gift, my friend. The gift of foresight and what you foresee is that I am coming for the AEW World Heavyweight Championship. Now Max, what you do with this gift is very, very important.
“You can give me what I want, or Max, I can put you in a position where you are forced to give me what I want. Because I am Samoa Joe, the one true king of television, and I will be the next AEW World Heavyweight Champion!”
TBS Championship Match!
Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Willow Nightingale!
Kris leapfrogged Willow and then knocked her down with a shoulder tackle. Outside the ring, Willow rammed Kris into the steel post. Willow followed up with a cannonball against the steel steps.
Willow cracked Kris with rapid fire headbutts. Willow hurled Kris across the ring. She caught Kris in the corner and clocked her with rapid fire lariats. Kris swept out Willow’s legs and connected with a somersault senton. Kris dazed Willow with a Saturday Night Fever Blue for a near fall.
Willow charged at Kris with a big pounce! Kris spiked Willow with a DDT for a near fall! Willow hoisted up Kris and planted her with an avalanche Death Valley Driver off the top for a two-count!
Willow choked Kris and crashed into Kris with a cannonball in the corner. Willow climbed to the top, but Kris got up and powerbombed Willow! Kris splashed Willow with a 450 and pinned Willow!
Kris offered her hand to Willow but Skye Blue ran down and told Willow to refuse. Willow thought about it and then accepted Kris’ hand. Willow walked away without Skye Blue.
Skye Blue looked disgusted as Willow walked away from her.
Lexy Nair interviewed AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy backstage!
“Jon Moxley, you got in my face. Your friends, Claudio, Bryan, they got in my face. I don’t care about Yuta. How about Bryan and Claudio meet me and Okada in Philadelphia this Wednesday on Dynamite. And then we can fight.”
Main Event Time!
AEW World Trios Championship Match!
The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens and Max Caster, & Daddy Ass (c.)
Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, & Daniel Garcia!
Anna Jay jumped into the ring to stop Garcia from doing his dance. The ref ejected Anna Jay from the ring. Matt Menard seized the moment and blindsided Bowens.
Bowens fought back with strikes to Menard and Parker. Daddy Ass tagged in, and he and Bowens dropped a double elbow on Menard. Caster hit a double ax handle from the top rope on Menard. Garcia tagged in and put the boots to Caster.
Bowens was triple teamed in the corner. Daddy Ass tagged in and cleaned house on all three members of the competition. He scoop slammed Menard. Bowens smashed Menard with the Scissor Me Timbers.
Garcia went to do his dance, but Caster rolled him up from behind for a near fall. Garcia clotheslined Caster and then danced. Daddy Ass smashed Garcia with the Fame Asser. The Acclaimed planted Garcia and Bowens pinned him!
“He shouldn’t have danced,” said Tony Schiavone.
Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA!
And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!
Article source: allelitewrestling.com


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City, UT!

Nigel McGuinness and Ian Riccaboni were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AEW World Tag Team Title Match!

FTR (c.)—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler


“Absolute” Ricky Starks & Big Bill!

Starks charged FTR! He nailed Dax with a satellite DDT after bashing Dax’s shoulder into the steel ring post. Big Bill tagged in a slugged Dax with a vicious lariat, knocking Harwood over the top rope and onto the arena floor.

Doc Sampson was checking on Cash on the arena floor. Starks ordered Big Bill to attack Cash. Big Bill choke slammed Wheeler onto the announcers’ table!

Back in the ring, Dax avoided Big Bill, dodging several splash attempts. Dax had no one to tag out to. Big Bill choke slammed Harwood! Starks ordered Big Bill to hit the move again, and Big Bill choke slammed Harwood a second time. Starks said, “One more time!” Big Bill choke slammed Cash a third time! Big Bill held Harwood while Starks speared Harwood. Starks covered Harwood and pinned him!

New AEW World Tag Team Champions… “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson


Aussie Open’s Kyle Fletcher!

Fletcher blasted Bryan with a shoulder block. He followed up with a kick to Bryan Danielson’s bad arm.

Bryan Danielson regained momentum, applying a surfboard submission onto Fletcher. Bryan transitioned into the mount and grounded and pounded Kyle Fletcher.

Fletcher rocketed outside the ring with a tope suicida toward Danielson. Fletcher connected, but his own force carried him into the steel guardrail! Fletcher got back to his feet. Fletcher body slammed Danielson. Bryan got up and drilled Fletcher with round kicks for a near fall.

Fletcher clipped Danielson with a kick and followed up with a brainbuster for a two-count. Danielson blocked a thrust kick and applied an ankle lock on Fletcher. Danielson threw Kyle overhead with a German Suplex. Fletcher fired back with a dragon suplex on the American Dragon!

Fletcher planted Danielson with a Michinoku driver! Fletcher locked in a dragon sleeper!

“That was vicious!” said Nigel.

Fletcher put Danielson on the top rope. Fletcher hit a reverse suplex and went into the dragon sleeper again, but Danielson countered! Danielson escaped and put Fletcher in a European Clutch and pinned him!

After the match the Gates of Agony—Kaun and Toa—ambushed an exhausted Danielson and assaulted him! They wanted to soften him up ahead of his match this Tuesday against Swerve Strickland!

Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring to save their Blackpool Combat Club partner!

Bullet Club Gold—Juice Robinson, and Austin & Colten Gunn


Metalik, Gravity, & Angelico (with Serpentico)!

“Switchblade” Jay White accompanied the Bang Bang Gang, wearing the AEW World Championship around his waist.

Austin decked Gravity on the chin. Juice and Metalik tagged in for their respective teams. Metalik nailed Juice with a sling blade bulldog!

Angelico tied up Juice and Gravity jumped from the top with a double foot stomp. Colten tagged in and drove his forearms into Gravity. Juice entered the fray and jabbed at Gravity. Austin wanted in. Austin used his left handed jabs on Gravity. Colten wanted in. Gravity could barely get to his feet and then rolled up Colten with an inside cradle for a near fall.

Angelico applied a double submission to the Gunns. Juice ran in and punched Angelico right in the face! Metalik tagged in and hit a high cross body on the Gunns. He planted Austin with a hurracanrana. But the Gunns fired back with the 3:10 to Yuma. Juice planted Metalik on his head and scored the pin!

Jay White: “Guys, we’re missing somebody. Card blade! We need the whole gang! The Collision Cowboys are back on Collision together. Except this time, we didn’t come empty handed. This time we brought some gold!

“To your scumbag, MJF…Max, I told you last week, we need a truly elite champion, and I told you that’s not you. And I told you I’d lead by example. And Max, take some notes, example number one, I am here. And where are you? At home nursing your wounds? Nursing Adam Cole’s wounds? I expected you to care a little bit.

“Example two, a champion needs challengers. So ‘Hangman’ Page, you want to challenge me on Dynamite Tuesday? You haven’t earned a chance at the championship, but our match can be an eliminator match. But you will do what you do so well. You will breathe with the Switchblade. And Max, sit back and take notes because I do it better than you and everybody knows it. And if you ain’t down with that, we have two words for you: ‘Guns up!’”

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed (c.)—Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, & Daddy Ass


The Iron Savages— “Sauce Boss” Beefcake Boulder, “Dirty Bulk” Bronson, & Jacked Jameson!

Bronson and Boulder double teamed Bowens. Bronson smashed him with a senton. The Iron Savages isolated Bowens.

Boulder went for a moonsault, but Bowens rolled out of the way. Caster tagged in and cleaned house on the Iron Savages, dishing out back fists and thrust kicks. Caster connected with a cross body press on Jacked Jameson for a near fall.

The Iron Savages double choke slammed Caster. Bowens came to the aid of his partner and broke up the pin attempt. Daddy Ass and Caster double suplexed Beefcake Boulder. Bowens hit Beefcake with the Scissor Me Timbers! Caster planted Jameson with the Arrival. Caster hit the Mic Drop and pinned Jameson!

Kiera Hogan vs. “Timeless” Toni Storm!

Toni handed Kiera a script and Kiera ripped it up! Hogan dodged the hip attack. Hogan hit a hip attack of her own.

Toni flung Kiera across the ring by the hair! Hogan jumped off the top with a cross body for a two count. Toni knocked Hogan out of the ring with a hip attack.

Kiera blasted Toni Storm with a missile drop kick. Kiera rammed into Toni with a hip attack and then a baseball slide for a two-count. Hogan hit a step-up leg drop on Toni Storm.

Toni Storm nailed Hogan with a German Suplex. Storm rattled Hogan with her hip attack and then finished her off with the Storm Zero, grabbing the pinfall victory on Hogan!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Ruby Soho!

Ruby: “You can clearly see that I had Shida pinned to the mat. If it wasn’t for her and her fat fingers knocking out the referee, I’d be facing my girl Saraya for the World Championship. But I’ll be cheering her on at ringside.”

Renee: “I’ve been informed that you’ve been banned from ringside.”

Ruby: “That’s fine. Saraya doesn’t need me on Tuesday to beat Shida.”

Main Event Time!

ROH World Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Komander!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Komander was frustrating Kingston with his lucha prowess. Kingston nailed Komander with rapid fire strikes to the chest and then an exploder suplex.

Komander used a twisting corkscrew cross body and then a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Komander ran across the edge of the ring, flipped over the ring post and landed on Kingston on the arena floor. Komander followed up with a 450 splash for a near fall on the champ!

Kingston knocked Komander from his perch on the top rope. Eddie met him up there and they jockeyed for position. Kingston headbutted Komander and then superplexed him, but Komander countered.

“That was a great act of wrestling. They’re impressing me,” said Jim Ross.

Kingson clocked Komander with a short arm lariat. Eddie was looking for the Northern Lights Suplex, but Komander countered with a DDT. Kingston rocked Komander with a spinning backfist and pinned Komander!

“He’s tougher than a two dollar steak, is Eddie Kingston,” said Jim Ross.

The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland made his Collision debut to respond to Christian Cage!

Adam Copeland: “If you watched Dynamite on Wednesday, you know things didn’t go according to my plan. And I don’t get it. I’m really confused. The whole idea with me coming to AEW was for me to team with Christian Cage.

“I’ve got to rewind a bit. For nine years I was told I could never do this again. But I am standing here in an AEW ring through a hell of a lot of hard work and persistence. For seven years Christian Cage was told he could never do this again. And through a lot of work and persistence, he is here in AEW.

“Somewhere along the line he stopped taking my phone calls. I’ve said it before but he’s a dick. I love him and he’s been my best friend for 40 years. He’s in his Bond villain phase. I get it. So really what I’m out here for is some answers. I want to find out what is going on. I’m highly confused. So Christian, can you get out here and just tell me what’s going on since you won’t take my calls? What is up?”

TNT Champion Christian Cage appeared on the screen!

Christian Cage: “Same old Adam. You think you call the shots. As the TNT Champion, I come and go as I please. As far as your request for an answer, you’ll get it this Tuesday live on Dynamite. I’ll be there on Tuesday. The question is: are you going to make it?”

Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne walked out onto the ramp!

“This doesn’t look good for Adam Copeland whatsoever,” said Jim Ross.

Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne circled the ring. Adam Copeland booted Nick Wayne. He speared Luchasaurus.

Luchasaurus grabbed Adam Copeland and choke slammed him! Luchasaurus planted Adam Copeland with the Extinction!

“Copeland is not moving,” said Nigel.

Luchasaurus grabbed a steel chair and placed it under Adam Copeland’s head, looking for a con-chair-to!

Darby Allin jumped into the ring and swung a steel chair at Luchasaurus! Nick Wayne dropkicked Darby Allin! Luchasaurus whipped Darby into the corner turnbuckles! Luchasaurus held down Darby while Nick Wayne bashed Darby’s arm between two steel chairs!

***Special night*** Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday on TBS this Tuesday live at 8/7ct from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO featuring:

-AEW International Championship Match—Rey Fenix (c.) vs. Jon Moxley!

– “Switchblade” Jay White vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

-#1 Contenders Match for the TNT Championship: Swerve Strickland vs. Bryan Danielson!

-Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Chris Jericho!

-AEW Women’s World Championship Match—Saraya (c.) vs. Hikaru Shida!

– “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland vs. Luchasaurus!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Recap review by @CamsCollection of Big Gold Belt Media-Today Hasbro celebrated the fans with Hasbro Pulse Con 2023! This year, Pulse Con was all about the products and Hasbro delivered with tons of new products and…


AEW presented WrestleDream live from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA!

It’s Sunday and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off!

AEW CEO and GM Tony Khan was in the ring with an opening ceremony to honor the legendary trailblazer and dreamer Antonio Inoki. Tony Khan was with some great representatives from New Japan Pro-Wrestling, including the grandsons of Antonio Inoki—Naoto Inoki and Hirota Inoki.


Your announce team for Zero Hour was Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Nigel McGuinness.

8-Person Mixed Tag Team Match!

Diamante, Lee Moriarty, Mercedes Martinez, & Shane Taylor


ROH Women’s World Champion Athena, Billie Starkz, Keith Lee, & Satoshi Kojima!

Athena ducked a kick from Diamante and then suplexed her. Athena and Billie Starkz hit tandem tope suicidas on Diamante and Martinez.

Shane Taylor charged into Keith Lee but Lee barely budged. Lee took down Taylor with a hurracanrana. Taylor walloped Keith Lee with a cheap shop. Lee Moriarty tagged in, but Keith Lee hurled him across the ring and tagged in Kojima. Kojima lit up Lee Moriarty with rapid fire chops. Kojima spiked Moriarty with a DDT for a near fall.

Athena rocked Lee Moriarty with the O-Face. Keith Lee planted Moriarty. Kojima nailed Lee Moriarty with a lariat and pinned him for the victory!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli (with Jon Moxley)


“The War Master” Josh Barnett!

“Josh Barnett is the most feared catch wrestler in the world today,” said Nigel.

Jon Moxley joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Barnett and Claudio grappled to the mat. Barnett went for a knee bar. Claudio spun out of it. Claudio began to connect with the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Barnett fired back with a dragon screw leg whip.

Barnett kicked to the inside of Claudio’s leg. Claudio retaliated with European Uppercuts. They traded forearms. Barnett blasted Claudio with a spinning leg kick. Claudio grabbed the legs of Barnett and put him in the Giant Swing!

Josh Barnett threw Claudio with a double underarm suplex. Claudio transitioned from an octopus submission to a crucifix and pinned Josh Barnett!

Barnett: “Heard a lot about you, Claudio. You’re highly regarded. Hearing about it is one thing, experiencing it is another, and they’re all correct. They don’t understand how great you actually art. I promise you. Inoki-San would approve of you. I came in with no expectations and I leave with only the highest expectations for you. Tonight, I gave you a challenge, and you overcame. I’m very proud of you. However, this ain’t over. You owe me more time. And I will come, someday, some place, for that time.”

Claudio: “Anytime, anyplace.”

Luchasaurus vs. Nick Wayne!

Luchasaurus planted Nick Wayne on the back of his neck with a German Suplex. Nick Wayne’s mother was watching from the front row.

Nick Wayne connected with two thrust kicks. Luchasaurus headbutted Nick Wayne in the midsection. Luchasaurus picked up Nick Wayne and choke slammed him over the ropes and onto the ring apron!

Nick Wayne used a moonsault to take down Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus countered Wayne’s World with a nasty shot to the back of the head and pinned Nick Wayne.

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c.)


TMDK—Bad Dude Tito, Mikey Nichols, & Shane Haste!

Max fought out of TMDK’s corner and tagged Billy Gunn into the match. Billy Gunn hit a shoulder tackle on Shane Haste. As the ref was distracted, TMDK double teamed Bowens. Bad Dude Tito sent Bowens soaring with an exploder suplex.

Bowens peppered Bad Dude Tito with elbow strikes. Tito cracked Bowens with a spinebuster. Billy Gunn tagged in and cleaned house on TMDK. Bad Dude Tito German Suplexed Billy, but Caster was there to break up the pin. Bowens smashed Bad Dude Tito with the Arrival. Max Caster hit the Mic Drop and pinned Bad Dude Tito!

The pay-per-view portion of WrestleDream kicked off with…

ROH World Tag Team Championship 2-on-1 Handicap Match!

AEW World Champion MJF (c.) vs. The Righteous—Dutch & Vincent!

“The Human Suplex Machine” Taz joined the broadcast booth.

MJF: “It appears the devil has arrived in Seattle! I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little mad about the rumors that I attacked Jay White. I had nothing to do with it. To top it off, someone went into my locker room and stole my mask out of my bag. And to make matters worse, my boy Adam Cole is hurt and isn’t here tonight.

“But it’s all good because I’m going to make sure when he comes back these ROH World Tag Titles are here waiting for him. I’m gonna hit Dutch with a body slam. And Vincent, I’m going to grab you by your dirty dreads and shove your head up Dutch’s a–!”

When the match started, the Righteous swarmed MJF and stomped a mudhole into him. Dutch connected with a rip cord lariat and Vincent followed up with a low flatliner for a near fall. MJF tried to go for a tag, his tag team instincts kicking in, but then he realized his partner Adam Cole was out with an injury.

Dutch power bombed MJF and then Vincent swooped down with the Death From Above senton for a two-count on MJF. Vincent drilled MJF with the Bossman slam. Dutch distracted the ref while Vincent grabbed the block of wood and a steel chair, intending to break MJF’s legs. MJF grabbed Vincent in the groin before Vincent could swing the chair!

Vincent rattled MJF with a pump kick. Vincent tried for a senton, but MJF sat up, dodging it in time. MJF chomped down on Vincent’s forehead. MJF body slammed Dutch!

“The slam that shook Seattle, maybe the world,” said Taz.

MJF grabbed Vincent by the hair and rammed him into Dutch’s backend. MJF followed up with a double kangaroo kick! MJF drilled Dutch with the heat seeker and pinned Dutch with his feet on the ropes!

“MJF, somehow, someway, has retained the ROH World Tag Team Titles to kick off WrestleDream,” said Excalibur.

ROH World & NJPW Strong Openweight Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata!

Shibata put Eddie in deep water with a knee bar. Kingston managed to crawl to the ropes, forcing the ref to break the hold. Shibata locked on the figure four in the center of the ring. Eddie grabbed the ropes, managing to escape again, but he was wearing agony on his face.

Shibata put Eddie in a bow and arrow. He transitioned to a side headlock. Kingston threw Shibata with a high angle back driver. Kingston fired off machine gun chops. Shibata rocked Eddie in the corner with a running dropkick.

It broke down into a slugfest with Shibata and Kingston exchanging strikes. Kingston nailed Shibata with an exploder. Shibata swept Kingston’s leg and drove him into the mat. Shibata applied a cobra twist. He transitioned into a ground octopus submission, and Kingston was fading. Kingston forced the rope break, grabbing the bottom rope.

Kingston walloped Shibata with a spinning backfist. Kingston drilled Shibata with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall! Kingston came back with another spinning backfist and then a powerbomb for the pin on Shibata!

“What a match, what a win, for Eddie Kingston! It was a war,” said Excalibur.

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. The House of Black’s Julia Hart (with Brody King)!

Tony Schiavone joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Statlander charged with a knee, but Julia moved out of the way. Kris plowed into Julia Hart with a shoulder tackle. Julia Hart connected with a thrust kick to Statlander. Julia pulled Kris out of the ring with a handful of hair. Statlander picked up Julia and carried her up the ring steps. Julia escaped after a distraction from Brody King and swept out Kris’ legs on the apron.

Julia whipped the TBS Champ into the steel guardrail. Julia mounted Kris and bounced her head off the mat repeatedly. Julia rammed her knee into Kris’ ribs. Julia launched herself off Kris’ back and squashed her with a senton. Out of desperation, Kris powerslammed Julia Hart.

Statlander charged into the corner with a knee to the side of Julia’s head. Statlander rattled Julia with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Julia was about to spray the mist into Kris’ eyes, but Kris slapped it right out of her mouth! Kris climbed to the top rope, but Julia met her up there and launched Kris into the ring with a spider German suplex. Julia connected with a moonsault press and went for the pin, but Kris got her boot on the ropes.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Julia applied the Heartless submission, but Kris stood up and smashed Julia with Sunday Night Fever, scoring the pinfall victory over Julia Hart!

AEW World Tag Title #1 Contender Match!

The Gunns—Austin & Colten


ROH World Six-Man Champions The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


The Lucha Brothers—Penta El Zero Miedo & Rey Fenix


FTW Champion HOOK & Orange Cassidy!

Nick Jackson and Rey Fenix traded forearms, then superkicks. Cassidy tagged himself in and dared tried for the Orange Punch on Rey Fenix, but Fenix countered with a thrust kick. The Gunns swarmed the Lucha Bros outside the ring, battering them with cheap shots.

Colten blocked a DDT from Orange Cassidy. The Bucks served up a pair of superkicks to the Gunns. Hook tagged in and lit up Matt Jackson with big right hands. Matt Jackson sent Hook overhead with a Northern Lights Suplex. Hook retaliated with a Northern Lights Suplex of his own. Hook sent Matt Jackson for a ride with a high crotch suplex.

Orange Cassidy and Hook double suplexed the Gunns. Orange flew out of the ring with a tope suicida on the Young Bucks. Penta entered the fray and staggered the Gunns with thrust kicks. Colten hit Penta with a blindside shot.

Penta El Zero Miedo jumped off the top rope with a double cross body press to the Gunns. Penta dropped Austin Gunn with a thrust kick. He planted Colten with the Made in Japan for a near fall.

Austin Gunn got rocked by the Orange Punch from Cassidy. Hook locked in RedRum, but Nick Jackson grabbed a tag and hit a 450 on Austin and Hook! The Bucks superkicked Hook, and then Colten Gunn. The Bucks bashed Penta with the BTE Trigger and Nick pinned Penta!

ROH World Six-Man Champion “Hangman” Adam Page


Mogul Embassy’s Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)!

Swerve cracked Page in the face with a strike. Page sent Swerve overhead and to the mat with a fallaway slam. Hangman connected with a lariat. Hangman power bombed Swerve onto the apron and then onto the barricade.

Page soared from the ring post and crashed onto Swerve with a moonsault. Hangman followed up with a pop-up Liger Bomb for a near fall. Hangman smashed into Swerve with a tope!

Hangman went after Swerve’s injured hand. Hangman nailed Swerve with a flying forearm off the top rope. Swerve took down Page with a flatliner. Swerve rattled Hangman with a backbreaker. Swerve squashed Page with a double foot stomp and then rocked Hangman with the House Call for a very close near fall!

“Hangman Adam Page is hurt and hurt bad,” said Nigel.

Swerve was looking for a piledriver on the steel ring steps but Page countered with a Dead Eye! Page bit Swerve’s injured hand. Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Swerve countered with a drop toehold.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Swerve snapped back Page’s arm, hyperextending Page’s elbow. The AEW medical staff were checking on Hangman, but Swerve didn’t care, hitting the double foot stomp. Swerve drilled Page with a 450 on the injured arm!

Hangman shocked Swerve with the comeback lariat. Swerve retaliated with an arm bar. Page escaped and hammered away at Swerve’s damaged hand.

“We are in the middle of a classic!” said Nigel.

Hangman dodged the double lariat and countered with the Buckshot Lariat! Hangman was clutching his injured right arm. He covered Swerve for the pin, but Prince Nana pulled Swerve’s boot onto the bottom rope. Ref Paul Turner ejected Prince Nana from ringside.

As Prince Nana was arguing with the referee, Page went for the Buckshot Lariat, but Swerve countered by hitting him with Prince Nana’s crown! Swerve covered Page but Page kicked out at two! Swerve blasted Page with the House Call! Swerve served up a second House Call! Swerve planted Page with the JML driver and scored the pin!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta vs. “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Jon Moxley joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Starks and Yuta chain wrestled during the early goings of the match. Starks and Yuta turned it into smashmouth wrestling, trading stiff strikes with one another. Starks suplexed Yuta.

“Wheeler isn’t going to wilt under pressure,” said Moxley.

Big Bill walked down to the ring. Starks rolled up Yuta for a two-count. Starks spiked Yuta with a DDT! Starks power bombed Yuta! Starks used the hammer and anvil elbows on Yuta, but Yuta grit his teeth and got to his feet!

Yuta shoved Starks off the apron, but Big Bill caught Starks. Yuta applied the seatbelt on Starks for a near fall. Starks speared Yuta. Starks followed up with the Rochambeau and pinned Yuta!

Starks was staring at Jon Moxley, smirking.

Dream Match!

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. NJPW TV Champion Zack Sabre, Jr.!

“This is a human game of chess, and we are going to watch a masterclass,” said Nigel.

Zack tried to work over Bryan’s arm. They exchanged submissions and Zack was looking for an arm bar. Danielson escaped and put an Indian Death Lock on Sabre. Zack escaped and went into a full mount.

“Stalemate here in the early goings,” said Excalibur.

Danielson escaped a bow and arrow from Sabre. Danielson went for a European Uppercut, but Sabre countered and then stomped on Danielson’s arm! Danielson battered Zack’s leg with a dragon screw but then Zack cranked Bryan’s neck!

Danielson had Sabre in the tree of woe and brutalized him with body shots. They jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Danielson drilled Zack with an avalanche butterfly suplex. Danielson followed up with a single leg crab, but Zack reached the ropes with his boot.

Danielson nailed Sabre with stiff kicks! Danielson captured Sabre’s wrists and stomped on his head! Danielson and Sabre traded European clutches!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson applied Cattle Mutilation, but Zack countered, cranking on Danielson’s wrist. Danielson spat at Sabre and slapped him in the mouth. Sabre uppercutted the inside of Danielson’s arm.

Zack blistered Bryan with the PK kick to the inside of the arm. Danielson escaped a submission attempt from Zack by reaching the bottom rope with his boot. Danielson stopped Sabre in his tracks with a roundhouse kick. Danielson stomped Sabre’s head. Danielson nailed Sabre with a shoulder capture suplex!

“Zack is on wobbly legs,” said Moxley.

Danielson scored with the knee strike and pinned Sabre!

“What a match! What a physical war. What a hell of a match,” said Jim Ross.

“That was one of the finest displays of wrestling I’ve ever seen in my life. What an experience this was for everyone,” said Moxley.

Trios Grudge Match!

Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, & Kota Ibushi


The Don Callis Family— “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara,

& IWGP UK Champion Will Ospreay!

Jericho chopped Sammy’s chest. Sammy tagged out to Will. Jericho chopped at Will’s chest, taking Will right off his feet. Jericho and Omega used a double suplex to further punish Will.

Both teams entered the ring, and a hockey fight broke out! The ref restored order in the ring. Takeshita connected with a Takeshita-line to Omega. Ospreay tagged in and put Omega in an abdominal stretch. Omega back body dropped Ospreay. Takeshita planted Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb!

Ibushi drilled Sammy with a high round kick and followed up with a moonsault for a near fall. Jericho dropped down on Sammy with a lionsault! Jericho was looking for the lion tamer, but Takeshita entered the ring and sent Jericho flying with a German Suplex. Takeshita walloped Ibushi and Omega with suplexes!

Omega flew over the top with a tope con hiro onto Ospreay and Takeshita. In the ring, Sammy rocked Jericho with a Spanish Fly. Sammy jumped off the top rope with a shooting star press onto Omega outside the ring!

Sammy clocked Omega with a cutter off the ropes. Ospreay power bombed Ibushi onto the back of his head. Takeshita and Ospreay hit Jericho with a pair of high boots. Sammy used a Code Breaker on Jericho. All three members of the Don Callis Family attacked Jericho. Ibushi decked Ospreay. Ibushi decked Sammy. Ibushi and Takeshita traded strikes and then Takeshita leveled Ibushi with a lariat. Ibushi fired back with a lariat of his own!

Ospreay countered Omega’s One-Winged Angel and then collided with Omega with the Sky Twister Press. Jericho was looking for the Judas Effect on Sammy. Ospreay shoved Sammy out of the way and ate the Judas Effect from Jericho for his troubles.

Jericho took down Sammy with a hurracanrana. Jericho covered Sammy but Ospreay held the ref back long enough for Sammy to gather himself. Jericho countered Sammy’s GTH and was looking for the Walls. While Will had ref Aubrey Edwards distracted, Don Callis cracked Jericho with Jericho’s baseball bat! Sammy covered Jericho and scored the pin while Takeshita held back Omega and Ibushi from making the save!

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!

FTR (c.)—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis!

Cash sent Fletcher towards the sky with a back body drop. Dax tagged in and he and Davis traded chops. Davis body slammed Dax and stuck him with a senton.

“Mark Davis wanted to make a statement there and did he ever,” said Nigel.

Dax hit a snap suplex and then a snap leg drop on Fletcher. FTR double teamed Davis with chops. Aussie Open lifted up FTR and rammed them together, smashing the spins.

Davis threw Cash into Fletcher and Fletcher power bombed Cash! Cash superplexed Fletcher from the top. Dax tagged in and jabbed at Kyle. Dax neutralized Davis and focused his firepower on Fletcher. Dax German Suplexed Fletcher and followed up with a diving headbutt but Fletcher moved out of the way.

Dax drilled Fletcher with a slingshot powerbomb for a near fall. Fletcher hoisted up Cash and Davis jumped off the top turnbuckle with a straight crescent kick to Cash! Dax superplexed Davis and Cash splashed him. Fletcher broke up the pin attempt. Aussie Open sandwiched FTR with lariats. Aussie Open smashed Cash with the Shatter Machine! They followed up with the Coriolis, but Dax ran in to break up the pin. FTR rallied back with a spiked piledriver on Davis on the apron! After a super shatter machine, Cash pinned Fletcher!

Main Event Time!

TNT Championship 2 Out of 3 Falls Match!

Christian Cage (c.) vs. Darby Allin!

Christian Cage sent Luchasaurus to the back to prove he could do it alone.

Darby used a back heel kick on Christian. Darby followed up with an arm drag. Darby held onto a side headlock. Christian Cage got to his feet and punished Darby’s chest with chops. Darby pulled Christian’s turtleneck over Christian’s head and scored the first fall with a jackknife pin.

Nick Wayne’s mother was watching from the front row.

Christian Cage stomped on Darby’s head. Darby dodged a diving headbutt. Darby surprised Christian with the Code Red for a near fall. Outside the ring, Christian whipped Darby into the steel barricade.

Christian approached Nick Wayne’s mother and she threw a drink into his face! Darby rocketed out with a Coffin Drop! Darby tried for another Coffin Drop, this time in the ring, but Christian countered by raising his knees. Christian charged at Darby, knocking him off the edge of the ring and down onto the announcers’ desk.

Christian suplexed Darby onto the steel ring steps! Christian slammed Darby off the apron, driving him into the edge of the ring steps! Darby was counted out and the second fall was awarded to Christian Cage.

While Doc Sampson and the referee were checking on Darby, Christian began tearing the padding off the ring. The medical team brought down a stretcher and placed Darby on it. Christian frog splashed Darby who was on the stretcher!

Christian Cage picked up Darby and placed him back in the ring. The pine boards were exposed. Christian nailed Darby with the Kill Switch on the exposed pine boards! Darby side stepped a spear attempt. Christian Cage applied a Scorpion Death Lock on Darby. Darby was able to crawl and reach the bottom rope, forcing the ref to break the hold.

The fans chanted “Let’s go Darby! Let’s go Darby!”

Darby gouged Christian’s eyes. Darby planted Christian with a Scorpion Death Drop. Darby nailed Christian with the Coffin Drop for a near fall! Darby went up for a second Coffin Drop, but Christian pushed him onto the turnbuckles. Christian rocked Darby with a sunset flip powerbomb on Darby. Christian tried for the spear, but Darby moved, sending Christian into the ref! Christian dropped Darby with a low blow. Christian grabbed his TNT Title, but Nick Wayne ran down and pulled it away from him!

Nick Wayne took the title and clocked Darby in the head with it!

“What the hell?” asked Taz.

“What a betrayal,” said Excalibur.

Christian Cage covered Darby and pinned him, retaining the TNT Title!

Christian Cage kissed Nick Wayne on the top of his head after the match. Christian Cage held Darby by the arms and Nick Wayne began to pummel Darby.

Sting came to the ring! Sting struck Nick Wayne and Christian Cage! Luchasaurus popped Sting in the face after Nick grabbed Sting’s leg. Christian placed a chair under Sting’s head. Christian was about to hit Sting with the con-chair-to when the arena lights turned off!

When the lights came back on, the “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland walked onto the ramp to a massive ovation!

The “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland got in the ring and asked for the chair from Christian. Adam Copeland clobbered Nick Wayne with the chair! Copeland speared Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne! Christian Cage retreated!

Copeland shook hands with Darby and Sting in the ring!

“What an unforgettable moment!” said Excalibur.

Missed what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? Order the replay of the historic AEW WrestleDream 2023! It’s available on all traditional cable and satellite providers in the United States and Canada, Bleacher Report, Fite International, PPV.COM, and more! See AEW WrestleDream 2023 for yourself!

Catch the four year anniversary of AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

SAW X review by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:John Kramer (Tobin Bell) is back. The most chilling installment of the SAW franchise yet explores the untold chapter of Jigsaw’s most personal game. Set between the events of…


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Blackpool Combat Club—Bryan Danielson & ROH World Champ Claudio Castagnoli


“Absolute” Ricky Starks & Big Bill!

Ricky Starks was playing mind games with Danielson and immediately tagged out to Big Bill before any contact was made. Big Bill shoved Bryan into the corner and chopped away at him. Danielson dropkicked Big Bill’s knee. Big Bill was thrown backwards into the corner. Claudio tagged in and Big Bill challenged him to a test of strength. Big Bill kicked Claudio in the midsection.

Claudio clocked Big Bill with a European uppercut. Big Bill hit Claudio and Danielson with a double clothesline and tagged out to Starks. Danielson walloped Starks with round kicks. Danielson unleashed a flurry of offense in the corner. Starks distracted Danielson long enough for Big Bill to sneak in a massive boot to Danielson’s head.

Claudio and Big Bill tagged in for their respective teams. Claudio served up multiple European uppercuts, staggering Big Bill. Claudio hoisted up Big Bill and then drove him down onto the mat for a near fall. Claudio was looking for the Big Swing, but Big Bill escaped and choke slammed Claudio for a two-count.

Ricky Starks tagged in, but Claudio grabbed him and twirled him around the ring like helicopter blades with the Big Swing! Danielson hit a tope suicida on Big Bill. Meanwhile, Starks transitioned into a DDT on Claudio for a near fall.

Starks charged at Claudio, but Claudio countered with a devastating uppercut for a near fall. Danielson tagged in and dished out his trademark kicks to Starks. Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock, but Starks escaped and speared Danielson. Claudio jumped in to break up the pin attempt.

Danielson went for a belly to back suplex from the top rope, but Starks shifted his momentum midflight. Starks connected with a low blow when the ref was distracted. Starks rocked Danielson with the roshambo and pinned Danielson!

The Young Bucks were backstage with “Hangman” Adam Page!

The Bucks and Page challenged the Mogul Embassy to an ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship match on AEW Rampage: Grand Slam next week!

Powerhouse Hobbs said no one is safe in the next chapter in the Book of Hobbs!

Hobbs: “No one is safe!”

“The Redeemer” Miro said Hobbs should be thanking him and they’ll have to meet again someday! There is unfinished business between the two of them Miro also questioned his God about the temptation of Miro’s hot and flexible wife.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!

FTR (c.)—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


Iron Savages—Bronson & Boulder (with Jakked Jameson)!

The fans chanted “FTR! FTR! FTR!”

FTR quickly hit the Shatter Machine on Jakked Jameson, who taunted Dax before the match began.

Bronson and Boulder drilled Cash with splashes, but Dax jumped in to break up the pin attempt. The Iron Savages rocked Cash with a back breaker and then a powerbomb for a near fall.

Dax Harwood tagged in, but Boulder knocked him down with a shoulder tackle. Boulder went for a moonsault, but Dax dodged it. FTR rocked Bronson with the Shatter Machine. FTR finished off Boulder with the Power and Glory combo, with Cash scoring the pin!

The Workhorsemen jumped into the ring after the match and challenged FTR to an upcoming title match. Aussie Open were watching backstage on a monitor.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Keith Lee!

The interview was interrupted by Shane Taylor and Lee Moriarty! Shane said Lee was the newest member of Shane Taylor Promotions. Things got tense between Keith Lee and Shane Taylor Promotions.

The Acclaimed’s Anthony Bowens (with Max Caster & Billy Gunn)


The Dark Order’s John Silver!

Before the match, John Silver grabbed a microphone.

Silver: “This contract you signed, I guess you didn’t read it, because it said Caster and Billy are banned from ringside. So hit the bricks.”

Silver attacked Bowens from behind. Bowens countered with strikes to Silver in the corner. Bowens body slammed Silver.

Bowens took down Silver with a leg lariat. Bowens and Silver exchanged forearms. Bowens blasted Silver with a clothesline. Silver fired back with explosive offense including a German suplex.

Bowens clocked Silver with a knee strike. Silver rolled out of the ring. Evil Uno climbed out from beneath the ring and blindsided Bowens! Silver took advantage of this, cracked Bowens and pinned him!

“What an upset!” said Nigel.

NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston was backstage!

Kingston said Claudio decided not to respect him. “He left potholes in that road that many of us had to clean up. Renee told me to fix it and I’ve been trying to fix it! You know what Claudio? This will be it. I don’t care, win or lose, this will be it! You think I’m going to let you come to New York and end this with my shoulders on the mat? You are out of your mind! All of New York has my back! You ain’t ready for the misery!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Orange Cassidy and FTW Champ HOOK!

Orange: “We should do a tag match or something. Grand Slam?”

HOOK: “Let’s do it.”

Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis


Pretty Boy Smooth & Wes Barkley!

The United Empire’s Aussie Open made quick work of their opponents and pinned Barkley after the pendulum spinebuster!

Davis: “FTR- you paying attention?”

Fletcher: “Yesterday we did the job in under a minute and I’m gonna guess we did it even quicker tonight! You talk about winning championships everywhere you’ve been, but so have Aussie Open. Right now, right here, we are calling our shot. October 1st, 2023, one year to the day since we last stepped into the ring together. Wrestledream. Seattle. Live on pay-per-view, AEW Tag Team Championships on the line or not, Aussie Open versus FTR!”

RJ City interviewed Toni Storm ahead of her match on Wednesday against AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya!

Toni Storm: “I haven’t changed. This business has. I thought this business was about being stars and making money. If it makes me the odd woman out, then so be it.”

Andrade El Idolo vs. Scorpio Sky!

Andrade offered to shake Scorpio Sky’s hand, but Sky declined. Andrade El Idolo worked over Sky’s arm. Sky tripped up Andrade and they chain wrestled. Andrade El Idolo punished Sky with a dragon screw leg whip. Andrade climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Andrade shoved him off, with Andrade’s back crashing onto the edge of the ring!

Back in the ring, Andrade pummeled Sky with a series of dragon screw leg whips. Sky rallied back with a flip over the top rope, crashing onto Andrade El Idolo. Sky got up, clutching his knee.

“Not the best of landings,” said Kevin Kelly.

Back in the ring, Andrade rocked Sky with a vicious back elbow. Andrade locked on the Figure Eight and Scorpio Sky tapped out!

Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White walked out with the Gunns and Juice Robinson!

Jay White: “I wasn’t here last week but I was watching my boys. And I was watching you watching my boys. It looked like you were having a lot of fun watching the Bang Bang Gang. Andrade, these are my boys, you can’t have them.

“But I think you want that Switchblade spotlight. Everyone wants it, no one can handle it. How about next week you can learn firsthand that those lights are too bright? This is the Switchblade Era! And if that doesn’t work for you, we can do it right now.”

Security had to separate Andrade El Idolo and Jay White!

Tony Schiavone was backstage with ROH Pure champion Shibata!

(Via his iPhone translator) Shibata: “Today I am one of the best wrestlers in the world. October 1st at Wrestledream, I’m coming.”

Up next: The Hardys—Jeff & Matt


The Righteous—Dutch & Vincent!

“You can feel the momentum starting to build with Matt and Jeff,” said Kevin Kelly.

Vincent grounded and pounded Matt Hardy. Matt got up and rammed Vincent’s head onto the turnbuckles. Jeff tagged in and connected with a jawbreaker on Vincent.

Dutch got a blind tag and planted Matt with the Black Out slam. Matt rallied back with a Side Effect to Vincent. Jeff tagged in and cleaned house on the Righteous. Matt and Jeff knocked Dutch over the top rope with a double clothesline.

Jeff was looking for the Swanton bomb, but Dutch knocked him down. Vincent rocked Jeff and pinned him!

“Can you believe it! This is a night of upsets like no other!” said Nigel.

Dutch: “We are the Righteous. Two believers who see truth in the liars’ eyes.”

Vincent: “Speaking of truth, man, we just defeated one of the greatest tag teams in the world. And like it or not, man, the people in the world are just prisoners to false icons. Fooled by the con man. Listening to the devil on their shoulder. But I don’t believe in the devil, man. We are here to tell you the truth.”

Vincent made it clear that the Righteous wants a piece of the team of Better Than You BayBay.

Tony Schiavone was backstage with “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Starks: “Bryan Danielson, next week on Collision it’s you and me in a Texas Death Match! I’m going to put a whole end to this fiasco that’s known as Bryan Danielson.”

Main Event Time!

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team to provide his main event analysis.

Statlander had the strength advantage and body slammed Baker. Britt fired back with a forearm. Things broke down and they traded strikes with one another. After dodging a sling blade attempt, Statlander powerslammed Baker for a near fall.

Statlander took down the champ with two sling blades! Kris rallied back with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Kris planted her with another Bomb for a two-count. Baker curb stomped Kris.

Baker applied her surgical glove. Baker was looking for the Lock Jaw, but Kris blocked it. They got to their feet and traded shots again. Kris clocked Baker with a high kick, but Baker fired back with a thrust kick of her own. Statlander reared back and walloped Baker with a lariat.

Baker went for the Pittsburgh Sunrise, but Statlander blocked it. Kris went for a powerbomb, but Baker escaped. Baker planted Kris with the Angel’s Wings and followed up with a curb stomp for a near fall. Baker managed to apply the Lock Jaw, but Statlander cradled her and pinned Baker!

“That was a hell of a counter. She saved her championship,” said Jim Ross.

Julia Hart was seen watching from the rafters.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, “The Ocho” Chris Jericho, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Quarter-Final Match!

Jay Lethal vs. Penta El Zero Miedo!

Lethal and Penta began shoving one another. Penta escaped a wristlock. Penta El Zero Miedo connected with a thrust kick. They traded chops. Penta hit a double foot stomp on Jay Lethal.

Jeff Jarrett swiped at Penta’s foot from the outside, but Penta outsmarted him. Penta jumped over the top rope, but Satnam Singh caught him and smashed him into the ring post as the ref was distracted by Jeff Jarrett. Karen Jarrett tied the back of Penta’s mask onto the ropes. The ref saw it and ejected Lethal’s entire squad from ringside. Lethal stomped on Penta while the ref tried untying him.

Penta El Zero Miedo dropped Lethal with two sling blades. Penta crushed Lethal with a tope con hiro! Penta squashed Lethal with another foot stomp for a near fall. Lethal fired back with a Lethal Combination for a two-count.

Jay Lethal pulled Penta’s mask off! Penta immediately covered his face. Lethal tried to grab the guitar that Jeff Jarrett left behind, but Alex Abrahantes pulled it away from Lethal. Penta rocked Lethal with a backstabber and then spiked Lethal with the Fear Factor for the pin fall victory!

Sammy Guevara came out with a microphone with words for Chris Jericho!

Sammy: “You’re pissing me off and I want to punch you in the face.”

Jericho: “It’s funny you say that. I want to punch you in the face, too.”

Sammy: “I want to punch you right now.”

Jericho: “Let’s be honest here. We’re obviously getting on each other’s nerves and that’s okay because we’re brothers. We’re on our way to becoming AEW World Tag Team Champions but we still can’t seem to get over this little bit of animosity. We need to get this out of our system. Do you agree?”

Sammy: “I agree.”

Jericho: “So why don’t we have a match against each other. That way we can get all this crap out of our system.”

Sammy: “Now the question is where do you want to do that?”

Jericho: “How about one of the biggest shows in AEW history? New York City. Grand Slam.”

Sammy: “Hell yeah, let’s do it.”

Trios Match!

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., Hikaru Shida, & Skye Blue


Anna Jay, Taya Valkyrie, & The Bunny (with Penelope Ford)!

Skye rolled up Bunny for a near fall early on. Taya tagged in and blasted Skye with a forearm and then a chop. Sky hit Taya with a thrust kick and tagged in Shida.

Shida cleaned house and peppered Anna Jay with elbow strikes. Bunny tagged in but Skye Blue ran in to make the save. Taya speared Skye. Britt grabbed a tag and dropped the Bunny with a thrust kick. Baker suplexed Anna Jay. Shida and Britt inadvertently collided. Baker applied the Lock Jaw and forced the Bunny to tap out!

Baker tried to explain herself to Shida after the match, but Shida walked off.

The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


Angelo Parker & Matt Menard (with Jake Hager)!

Nick and Matt used tandem offense on Parker and then on Menard, coming out of the gates hot. Matt hit a neck breaker on Parker and then Nick took down Daddy Magic.

Parker thumbed Matt Jackson in the eyes. Matt rocked Parker with a series of Northern Lights suplexes.

“Great strength,” said Tony Schiavone.

Matt Menard tagged in and suplexed Matt Jackson. The fans were taunting Jake Hager, chanting “Where’s your hat? Where’s your hat?”

Parker and Menard double teamed Matt Jackson. Parker got a near fall on Matt Jackson after a snap suplex. Nick Jackson tagged in and wiped out both opponents with a double crossbody press. The Bucks dished out a superkick party! They cracked Matt with the BTE Trigger and Nick grabbed the pin!

“A return to form for the Young Bucks, potentially building up some momentum in the tag team division,” said Excalibur.

Main Event Time!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Quarter-Final Match!

ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe vs. Jeff Hardy!

Hardy hit Samoa Joe with a basement dropkick. He followed up with a diving lariat to take Joe down. Samoa Joe gouged Jeff’s eyes and then connected with jabs.

Jeff Hardy stunned Samoa Joe with a jawbreaker. Jeff attempted a running cross body, but Samoa Joe side stepped it. Samoa Joe sent Jeff Hardy crashing to the floor with a sliding dropkick.

Samoa Joe softened up Jeff Hardy in the corner with body shots. Jeff jumped off the top rope with Whisper in the Wind, throwing his entire body at Samoa Joe.

“A desperation move but it worked,” said Tony Schiavone.

Jeff Hardy hit a Manhattan Drop on Samoa Joe. Jeff dropped an elbow for a near fall on Samoa Joe. Jeff Hardy went for the Twist of Fate, but Samoa Joe had it anticipated. Samoa Joe locked Jeff Hardy in the submission Clutch and put Jeff to sleep!

“Samoa Joe is one step closer to MJF,” said Excalibur.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, OH!

Don’t miss AEW Collision live on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, OH featuring:

-We’ll hear from AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya & Ruby Soho!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Semifinal Match: Roderick Strong vs. Darby Allin!

-We’ll hear from AEW World Trios Champions the Acclaimed & Daddy Ass!

-Bullet Club Gold will be in action!

-We’ll hear from “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

-AEW International Championship Open Challenge Match: Jon Moxley (c.) vs. Action Andretti!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


AEW presented All Out 2023 live from the United Center in Chicago, IL!

It’s Sunday and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off! Your announce team for Zero Hour was Excalibur, Kevin Kelly, and Nigel McGuinness.

The Over Budget Charity Battle Royale!

The winner earns $50K to give to the charity of their choice!

Tony Nese began the match by doing pushups. He was quickly eliminated. Serpentico was swarmed by Menard, Hager, Garcia, and Parker. They quickly tossed him out. Aussie Open knocked Shawn Spears out with stereo thrust kicks.

Brian Cage powerbombed Komander and then the Mogul Embassy hurled Komander over the top. The Boys eliminated Angelo Parker, and then Cage clocked Dalton Castle with a discus lariat, sending Castle to the floor. Garcia threw Action Andretti over the top rope. Best Friends blasted Brian Cage with a double chokeslam. “Hangman” Adam Page knocked Bishop Kaun to the floor with a clothesline. Scorpio Sky threw Jake Hager out.

Trent and Page worked in tandem to eliminate Mark Davis. Sky flung Garcia over the top. The Mogul Embassy worked together to take out Scorpio Sky. Fletcher knocked out Andretti with a leg lariat. Trent planted Kyle Fletcher with a half and half suplex on the apron, sending Kyle to the arena floor. Cage chucked out Trent. The final three entrants were Toa, Cage, and Page.

Page scored with a Buckshot Lariat to Toa and then sent him over the top. Cage clobbered Page with a neck breaker. Cage and Page battled on the ring apron. Adam Page nailed Brian Cage with the Deadeye and won the match!

Trios Match!

ROH Women’s World Champion Athena, Diamante, & Mercedes Martinez


Hikaru Shida, Skye Blue, & Willow Nightingale!

Skye Blue jumped off the top turnbuckle and landed on the opposition. Diamante hit a neck breaker on Skye Blue and then tagged out to Mercedes. Diamante and Mercedes used tandem offense on Blue.

Athena grabbed Blue, preventing her from making the tag. Athena powerbombed Skye Blue for a two-count. Willow grabbed a tag and clobbered Athena with a lariat and then a splash in the corner. Diamante ate a Falcon Arrow from Shida. Martinez dumped Skye with a Spider German Suplex. Athena smashed Willow with the O-Face. Shida, not impressed, entered the ring and shoved Athena. Shida and Athena traded strikes. Shida dropped Athena with a strike. Willow pounced Athena outside the ring! Skye Blue pinned Diamante after hitting the Code Blue!

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed (c.)—Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, & Daddy Ass (with Dennis Rodman)


Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, & Satnam Singh (with Sonjay Dutt & Karen Jarrett)!

Daddy Ass said he had his own referee and called out Aubrey Edwards to the ring. Bowens dropped the Scissor Me Timbers on Jeff Jarrett. Lethal tagged in and stomped a mudhole in Caster in the corner.

Bowens clipped Lethal with a series of thrust kicks. Billy Gunn tagged in and cleaned house until running into a massive boot from Satnam Singh! As Aubrey was ejecting Karen from ringside, Dennis Rodman smashed Jeff Jarrett’s guitar over the head of Satnam! Bowens hit the Mic Drop on Lethal and pinned him!

The pay-per-view portion of All Out kicked off with…

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match!

Better Than You BayBay—AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole (c.)


Dark Order—Alex Reynolds & John Silver (with Evil Uno)!

The fans were chanting “Double Clothesline! Double Clothesline!”

Reynolds pulled Silver out of the ring before Cole and MJF could hit the double clothesline. MJF and Reynolds shook hands and then MJF thumbed him in the eyes. MJF got his neck banged up and the Dark Order blindsided MJF when Reynolds hit MJF with a chair to the base of the neck. Ref Paul Turner didn’t see it. Doc Sampson examined MJF on the arena floor.

“It appears they’ve taken MJF out of the equation,” said Excalibur.

Dark Order had Adam Cole to themselves and used their tandem offense on him. Cole went for the Panama Sunrise on Silver, but Silver avoided it. Silver lit up Cole with vicious kicks and followed up with a fisherman’s buster for a near fall.

Dark Order smashed Cole with a double clothesline. Silver grabbed one of the tag titles while Evil Uno distracted the ref. It didn’t matter as Cole served up superkicks in a last ditch effort.

MJF came back to the ring, holding his neck. He fought through adversity to assist his best friend, Adam Cole. MJF chomped on Reynolds’ forehead. MJF clobbered Dark Order with the kangaroo kick! Better Than You BayBay hit the double clothesline on Reynolds and Cole scored the pin!

ROH World Television Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Shane Taylor!

As Samoa Joe was making his entrance, he shoved MJF (who was still making his way to the back after his match)! MJF sprinted back to the ring and began to brawl with Samoa Joe! Joe locked MJF in a guillotine choke until AEW security separated the two men!

Shane Taylor dropped Samoa Joe after some stiff shots. Joe pulled Shane out of the ring and began to chop away at him. They slugged it out ringside. Back in the ring, Shane Taylor splashed Samoa Joe for a near fall.

Samoa Joe cracked Taylor with an elbow suicida. Joe used a Manhattan Drop and followed it up with a running senton. Joe jabbed away at Shane Taylor, but Taylor countered with a short arm clothesline.

“This isn’t boxing but it has a big fight feel,” said Kevin Kelly.

Shane Taylor rocked Samoa Joe with a hanging stunner! Taylor splashed Samoa Joe off the middle rope for a near fall on the champ. Taylor crumbled after a lariat from Samoa Joe! Taylor rallied back with body shots. Samoa Joe overwhelmed Taylor with knee strikes and then locked on the submission to force Taylor to tap!

TNT Championship Match!

Luchasaurus (c.) (with Christian Cage)


Darby Allin (with Nick Wayne)!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Darby charged right at Luchasaurus, swarming the champ. Luchasaurus whipped Darby into the steel guardrail. The champ swung Darby into the metal ring steps. Darby was busted open. Christian Cage ordered Luchasaurus to maim Darby.

Luchasaurus put the steps on Darby’s back and then walked up them, putting all of his weight on Darby. Nick Wayne lifted the steps off Darby, but the damage had been done already. Back in the ring, Luchasaurus hit Darby with a huge overhand chop. Luchasaurus headbutted Darby on the chin.

“Damn. It’s getting ugly. It’s getting uncomfortable,” said Jim Ross.

Somehow Darby mustered the strength to do a somersault off the top turnbuckle onto Luchasaurus on the arena floor! Back in the ring, Darby hit a crucifix bomb for a near fall! The fans rallied behind Darby. Luchasaurus caught Darby and suplexed him!

Christian Cage wanted Nick Wayne to toss in the towel. Darby rocketed out of the ring with a tope to Christian! Darby smashed Luchasaurus with an avalanche Code Red for a very near fall! Christian Cage whacked Nick Wayne with a chair. Darby saw it and got distracted. Luchasaurus seized the moment and hit Darby with two tombstones and then a lariat to the back of the head, more than enough to score the pin!

“Wow! Impressive victory for Luchasaurus,” said Jim Ross.

Christian Cage got in the ring, setting Darby up for a con-chair-to. Luchasaurus held Nick Wayne back. The locker room ran down to intervene and stop Christian Cage.

“Darby Allin dodged a hell of a bullet,” said Jim Ross.

“My heart was in my throat,” added Excalibur.

“This looks like a crime scene,” said Nigel.

“The Redeemer” Miro vs. Powerhouse Hobbs!

They locked horns right out of the gate! Both men refusing to yield ground. Miro shoved Hobbs to the mat and then ripped off his shirt. Hobbs was beaten down in the corner. Hobbs steamrolled Miro with a shoulder block.

“Two big meaty men slapping meat and this match has lived up to those expectations,” said Excalibur.

Miro used his quickness to hit Hobbs with a leg lariat.

Hobbs hurled Miro with a belly to belly suplex, sending the Redeemer for a ride.

The fans chanted “Slap that meat! Slap that meat!”

Miro and Hobbs exchanged strikes in the center of the ring. Miro knocked Hobbs down after several lariats. Miro superplexed Hobbs! Powerhouse Hobbs dodged a kick and then powerslammed Miro!

Miro nailed Hobbs with a thrust kick for a two-count. Miro stomped Hobbs’ lower back. Miro applied the Game Over submission. Hobbs escaped, rising up and squashing Miro into the corner. Hobbs blasted Miro with a spinebuster for a near fall! Miro answered with a spinebuster of his own! Miro locked in Game Over for a second time and Hobbs tapped out!

“Hobbs ran out of options,” said Jim Ross.

“One of the best big man matches I’ve ever seen. And the fans are giving this a standing ovation,” replied Nigel.

Hobbs and Miro shook hands after the match. Miro turned to walk away, and Hobbs blindsided the Redeemer. Hobbs grounded and pounded Miro.

Miro’s wife ran to the ring and cracked Hobbs with a steel chair! Hobbs was distracted and Miro grabbed the chair and smashed it into Hobbs’ head! Miro walked away, without embracing his wife.

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Ruby Soho (with AEW Women’s World Champion Saraya)!

Kris cracked Ruby with a running knee strike. Kris whipped Ruby into the guardrail. Ruby rallied back, ramming Statlander’s head into the guardrail. Saraya hammered Kris with shots behind the ref’s back.

Kris nailed Ruby with a back breaker. She followed up with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall. Kris walloped Ruby with an avalanche powerslam for a near fall! Ruby nailed Kris with a poison rana, a DDT, and then a low hurracanrana for a two-count! Ruby smashed Kris with the No Future Kick and then Destination Unknown for a near fall.

Saraya distracted the ref while Ruby grabbed a can of spray paint. Toni Storm crawled out from beneath the ring and took the can away! Statlander spiked Ruby with the Sunday Night Fever and pinned Ruby Soho!

No Disqualification Strap Match!

“Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Starks attacked Danielson before the match began. Starks whipped Danielson with his weight belt! Starks targeted Bryan’s head and hit him with the buckle of the belt, busting Bryan Danielson wide open!

Starks stomped on Danielson’s head, sandwiching it on the steel ring steps. Starks used the strap around Danielson’s throat. Starks whipped Danielson with the strap.

“This is my house!” said Ricky Starks.

Danielson headbutted Starks and fired off round kicks. Starks walloped Bryan on the side of the head with the strap! Danielson rallied back and whipped Starks on the back over and over again! Danielson knocked Starks to the floor with a sliding dropkick. Bryan was going to jump out of the ring, but Starks countered by clocking him with the strap. Danielson pulled on the slack of the strap and pulled Starks headfirst into the steel ring post!

Danielson charged at Starks, but Starks turned Bryan inside out with a lariat! Bryan and Ricky nailed each other with the strap. Big Bill came down to the ring and jumped on the apron! Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat pulled Big Bill down to the floor! Danielson jumped off the turnbuckles and wiped out Starks and Big Bill!

Back in the ring, Starks speared Danielson for a near fall. Starks grounded and pounded Danielson. Danielson got to his feet and nailed Starks with the charging knee strike!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Danielson stomped on Starks. Danielson applied the Le Bell Lock! Danielson took the strap and wrapped it around Starks’ throat, pulled back, and Starks lost consciousness!

“Bryan Danielson returns from injury and defeats Ricky Starks,” said Excalibur.

“Starks made a statement in defeat. He refused to quit no matter what Bryan Danielson did to him,” replied Nigel.

NJPW STRONG Open Weight Champion Eddie Kingston

& ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata


Blackpool Combat Club—ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli & Wheeler Yuta!

Taz joined the commentary team for this match.

Shibata cracked Yuta with Kawada style kicks. Claudio tagged in and blasted Shibata with a European uppercut. Claudio dodged the PK from Shibata.

Eddie Kingston tagged in, and Claudio tagged out to Wheeler Yuta. Kingston charged out of the ring at Claudio, and they exchanged shots. Yuta blindsided Eddie with a tope. Eddie used a butterfly suplex on Wheeler in the ring.

Claudio tagged in and stomped on Kingston’s chest. Yuta tagged in and Eddie took him down with an STO leg sweep. Shibata grabbed a tag and rocked Claudio with rapid fire elbows in the corner. Shibata ran across the ring and dropkicked Claudio in the corner. Claudio escaped an arm bar with a powerbomb. Claudio and Wheeler hit the fastball special on Shibata for a near fall.

Shibata knocked Yuta off his feet with a spinning backfist. Shibata had Yuta in an inverted leg lock and then put Claudio in an ankle lock. Eddie tagged in and DDT’ed Yuta. Kingston charged in with a lariat in the corner on Yuta. Kingston threw Yuta with an exploder suplex. Claudio came in on Kingston’s blindside and kicked him in the head.

Shibata hit Yuta with a pump kick and Eddie hit a side suplex on Yuta. Claudio jumped into the ring and exchanged uppercuts with Shibata. Claudio whipped Shibata into the guardrail. Yuta German Suplexed Kingston for a near fall.

Claudio took down Kingston with a short arm lariat. Claudio used hammer and anvil strikes and followed up with the Neutralizer for a near fall on Kingston! Eddie knocked down Claudio with a spinning backfist. Kingston rocked Claudio with a Northern Lights Bomb but Yuta jumped in to break up the pin attempt. Claudio wrecked Kingston with a European Uppercut and pinned a stunned Kingston.

“The Cleaner” Kenny Omega vs. Konosuke Takeshita!

Takeshita hit a dropkick on Omega. Takeshita followed up with a high angle back drop driver! Outside the ring, Omega used a moonsault off the barricade onto Takeshita.

Omega jumped at Takeshita with a springboard dropkick and followed up with the face dunk. Omega applied an Indian Death Lock on Takeshita.

Outside the ring, Takeshita spiked Omega with a brainbuster on the floor! Takeshita distracted ref Paul Turner while Don Callis piled chairs onto Omega’s injured midsection. Takeshita splashed Kenny with a senton. Takeshita wiped out Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb in the ring.

Takeshita dropped Omega with a forearm shiver. Takeshita attempted a senton, but Omega countered by raising his knees. Omega smacked Takeshita with Polish hammers. Takeshita charged at Omega with a jumping knee, Omega moved, and the momentum sent Takeshita spilling out of the ring. Omega took flight with the Terminator Dive!

Omega blasted Takeshita with a missile dropkick! Omega followed up with a snap dragon suplex. Omega stuck Takeshita on the back of his neck with a second snap dragon suplex. Omega spiked Takeshita with a reverse hurracanrana for a near fall.

Takeshita dodged a V Trigger, but Omega scored with the second attempt. Takeshita swung for the fences with a lariat to Omega. Kenny powerbombed Takeshita and then cracked him with a knee strike! Bang! Omega connected with a V Trigger! Takeshita countered the One Winged Angel! Takeshita got a near fall with a deadweight German Suplex on Omega.

Omega hoisted up Takeshita and began climbing up the turnbuckles, carrying the weight of Takeshita. Omega was looking for an avalanche One Winged Angel, but Takeshita escaped. Takeshita rocked Omega with an avalanche Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall on Omega!

“Man, I don’t know. This Kenny Omega is made out of something special,” said Taz.

Takeshita scored with a powerdrive knee right on target. Takeshita distracted the ref while Callis tried to spike Omega with a screwdriver. Omega dodged it. Omega nailed Takeshita with a V Trigger. Omega lifted up Takeshita for the One Winged Angel. Takeshita had the screwdriver, but ref Paul Turner saw it and pulled it away. Takeshita removed his knee pad and decimated Omega with a knee strike, and then pinned Kenny Omega!

“We just found out what Kenny Omega’s limit is,” said Nigel.

Eight-Man Tag!

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood & The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


Bullet Club Gold—Austin & Colten Gunn, “Switchblade” Jay White, & Juice Robinson!

Colten and Cash chain wrestled. Austin got a blind tag and tripped up Cash Wheeler. Cash sent Austin flying with a hurracanrana. Matt Jackson tagged himself in. The Bucks hit tandem offense on Austin. Dax Harwood tagged himself in.

Dax and Jay White locked up. Jay White chopped Dax. Juice Robinson and Jay White worked over Dax in their corner of the ring. Cash Wheeler grabbed a tag and FTR double teamed Jay White.

Juice jabbed at Cash Wheeler. Juice gouged at Cash’s eyes. All eight men were in the ring and began brawling! FTR and the Bucks hit quadruple atomic drops and then quadruple sharpshooters!

Dax dodged a cannonball from Juice Robinson. Matt Jackson smoked Juice with a superkick. The Bucks used a classic combo on Jay White.

“Superkick party in Chicago,” said Nigel.

The fans chanted “Young Bucks! Young Bucks!”

Matt and Cash dished out superkicks. Matt and Dax stuffed Austin with a spiked piledriver. Dax superplexed Austin and Cash, Matt, and Nick all hit high risk moves off the top turnbuckles on Austin. Dax and Austin rattled each other with double clotheslines.

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Dax and Jay traded chops. Dax walloped Jay with a short arm lariat. Juice saved Jay from the Shatter Machine. Nick and Dax hit the Shatter Machine! Matt and Dax grabbed Jay and bashed him with the BTE Trigger! Colten made the save, breaking up the pin attempt. Jay White hit the Blade Runner on Cash and Austin was there to pin him!

Main Event Time!

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshley Squeezed” Orange Cassidy vs. Jon Moxley!

Cassidy was playing mind games, not looking at challenger Jon Moxley. Orange went to put his hands in his pockets and Mox decked him! Moxley stalked Cassidy, giving him no time to breathe. Moxley bit the head of Orange Cassidy.

Cassidy fired back with a shotgun dropkick. Mox suplexed Orange and Orange immediately clutched his neck. Moxley sent Cassidy flying with a second suplex. Orange connected with a diving crossbody press but Mox rolled through and stomped on Orange’s head.

Orange flew at Mox with an elbow suicida. Moxley countered a DDT, turning Orange inside out. Moxley took his boots to Orange’s head again. Moxley mauled Cassidy, whipping him into the steel ring post. Cassidy was split open. Moxley bit Orange’s forehead.

“Orange Cassidy is gushing,” said Nigel.

“There is a pool of blood at our feet,” added Excalibur.

Moxley spiked Orange with a stalling piledriver for a near fall. Moxley battered Orange with clubbing shots. Orange dug his nails into Moxley’s back and then hit Moxley’s head! Orange cracked Mox with a diving DDT and then a second DDT!

Cassidy rocked Mox with the PK. He followed up with the Orange Punch for a near fall! Mox countered the Beach Break with a Gotch Style piledriver! Mox locked in the bulldog choke. Mox transitioned to an arm bar. Mox put Orange in the Le Bell Lock. Moxley transitioned to the bulldog choke, but Orange forced the ref break by reaching the ropes with his foot.

Moxley pulled the protective padding off the floor, exposing the concrete. Moxley tried for a piledriver, but Orange countered with a Beach Break on the floor! Orange dropkicked Moxley’s head into the steps!

Orange cracked Moxley with two straight Orange Punches! Orange went for a third, but Moxley countered with a cutter! Orange hit another Orange Punch and then speared Moxley for a near fall! Moxley nearly decapitated Orange with two King Kong lariats! Moxley smashed Orange with the Death Rider for a near fall!

Orange flipped off Moxley. Jon Moxley grabbed Orange and spiked him with a high angle Death Rider and pinned Cassidy!

And new AEW International Champion…Jon Moxley!

Missed what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? Order the replay of the historic AEW All Out 2023! It’s available on all traditional cable and satellite providers in the United States and Canada, Bleacher Report, Fite International, PPV.COM, and more! See AEW All Out 2023 for yourself!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


AEW presented All In: London live from Wembley Stadium today!

It’s Sunday and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off! Your announce team for Zero Hour was Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, & Taz!

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match!

Aussie Open (c.)—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis


Better Than You BayBay—AEW World Champion MJF & Adam Cole!

Aussie Open blindsided Cole and MJF at the start of the match. They bashed Cole and MJF with the collider outside the ring!

Davis planted MJF and splashed him for a two count. Fletcher whipped Cole into the steel guardrail. MJF was looking for the kangaroo kick, but Davis clipped him from behind. Cole made the tag and kicked Davis in the jaw, and then dished one out to Fletcher.

Fletcher charged at Cole and Cole superkicked him. MJF and Cole went for the double clothesline, but Davis pulled Fletcher out of the ring. Aussie Open pulled out Cole and swarmed him before MJF could do his dive. Aussie Open nailed MJF with the Aussie Arrow for a near fall.

MJF connected with the kangaroo kick on Aussie Open! MJF and Cole hit the double clothesline on Kyle Fletcher and Cole pinned Fletcher!

Your new ROH World Tag Team Champions…Better Than You BayBay!

Seven-Time Women’s World Champion Mercedes Mone was shown watching the action in the stadium seats!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth for the second half of Zero Hour!

FTW Championship Match!

Jack Perry (c.) vs. HOOK!

Jack Perry arrived in a limo. Jack Perry exited the vehicle and stood on the roof, holding up his FTW Championship. Hook walked up the ramp and the two began to brawl! Hook hurled Jack Perry across the hood of the vehicle. Hook sent Jack Perry hard into the open door of the limo. Jack Perry suplexed Hook on top of the car!

Jack Perry channeled RVD and used a Rolling Thunder on Hook on the hood of the car. Hook planted Perry with a fisherman buster suplex onto the front windshield! Jack Perry fired back with a draping DDT on Hook. Jack Perry teased going Coast-to-Coast but then gave the packed stadium the double middle fingers instead.

Perry crunched Hook with three German Suplexes. Hook rallied back with a German Suplex of his own for a near fall. He hit a second German on Perry! Hook T-boned Perry into the turnbuckles! Perry nailed Hook with a Tiger Driver for a two-count. Hook dodged a moonsault. Hook bashed Perry with a trashcan on the skull. Hook locked in Red Rum and forced Jack Perry to tap out!

Your new FTW Champion…HOOK!

Nigel McGuinness joined the broadcast booth for the next match.

The broadcast team to start the pay-per-view portion of the event was Excalibur, Jim Ross, and Nigel McGuinness.

“Real World Championship” Match!

CM Punk (c.) vs. Samoa Joe!

Samoa Joe and CM Punk locked up, with Joe muscling Punk into the turnbuckles. Punk smiled as he put Joe in a headlock. Samoa Joe slid out of the ring and chopped at Punk. Back in the ring, Samoa Joe rattled CM Punk with chops and a headbutt.

CM Punk dumped Samoa Joe on his head with a hurracanrana. CM Punk tried for a dive over the top rope, but Samoa Joe moved, with Punk crashing onto the arena floor. Punk tried for a hurracanrana, but Samoa Joe caught him and swung him through the bottom of the broadcast table. Punk was busted wide open! Samoa Joe targeted the laceration with jabs.

Samoa Joe clocked CM Punk with a high boot and then sat out with a senton splash for a near fall. CM Punk got in an instinctive headshot, dropping Samoa Joe with a roundhouse kick. CM Punk hit a leg drop on Samoa Joe, but Joe kicked out at the one-count. Samoa Joe powerslammed CM Punk. Samoa Joe countered an incoming knee strike with a powerbomb. Joe transitioned into an STF on Punk. CM Punk escaped and collapsed Joe with a roundhouse kick.

CM Punk paid homage to Terry Funk with a spinning toe hold on Samoa Joe. CM Punk attempted the rising knee strike again, but Samoa Joe countered with the STJoe! Samoa Joe was looking for an avalanche brainbuster, but Punk chomped down on Joe’s head. CM Punk nailed Samoa Joe with the Pepsi Plunge and pinned him!

Trios Match!

The Golden Elite—Kenny Omega, “Hangman” Adam Page, & Kota Ibushi


Bullet Club Gold—Juice Robinson, Jay White—& Konosuke Takeshita (with Don Callis)!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match. The Gunns were ringside with Bullet Club Gold.

Omega and Hangman ping ponged Juice with chops! Ibushi tagged in and Juice immediately tagged out to Jay White. Ibushi tried for a roundhouse kick, but Jay ducked it. Jay smashed Ibushi with forearms, but Ibushi didn’t budge. Ibushi blasted Switchblade with a hard kick.

Takeshita entered the fray, but Omega took him down with a hurracanrana. Omega wiped out Takeshita and Jay White with the Terminator Dive!

Ibushi and Takeshita squared off and exchanged forearms. Takeshita clocked Omega with the Takeshita line! Hangman grabbed a tag and Page cleaned house on Juice and Switchblade. Hangman hit Jay White with a dive from the top rope for a near fall. Jay White escaped a Dead Eye attempt. Ibushi tagged in and nailed White with a standing moonsault press.

Ibushi, Omega, and Page triple teamed Jay White. Ibushi planted Jay White with a German Suplex for a near fall. Jay White rallied back, spiking Ibushi with a uranage. Omega and Takeshita tagged in for their respective teams. Omega dished out snapdragon suplexes all around. Takeshita was there to wallop Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall!

Omega cracked Takeshita with a poison rana! Hangman was looking for the Buckshot Lariat, but the Gunns jumped up on the apron. Page knocked them to the floor and then took them out with a moonsault. Page went for the Buckshot Lariat on Takeshita but Jay White shoved Takeshita out of the way. Switchblade sent Page flying with a half and half suplex. Ibushi rocked Jay White with a running knee strike.

Juice Robinson scored with a leg lariat on Ibushi, but Omega was there to facepalm and dunk Juice onto the mat. Takeshita decimated Ibushi with a jumping knee strike!

“Ibushi is in dire straits,” said Jim Ross.

Hangman hit Takeshita with a blindside Buckshot Lariat! Jay White was trying for a Blade Runner on Omega, but Omega escaped and countered with a massive knee strike. Omega cracked Juice with a knee strike! Omega connected with a V Trigger on Jay White! Out of nowhere, Takeshita rolled up Omega and pinned him!

“Did you see that?! We just changed the world,” said Don Callis.

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match!

FTR (c.)—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson!

The Young Bucks’ attire was an homage to Freddie Mercury.

There were dueling chants for “Let’s go Young Bucks! F-T-R!”

Nick Jackson scoop slammed Cash Wheeler. Cash answered with a slam of his own onto Matt Jackson. FTR employed quick tags, but the Bucks had a similar strategy. The Bucks sent FTR over the top rope and down onto the arena floor with stereo clotheslines. Nick connected with a corkscrew over the top onto FTR!

“The Bucks have found their groove,” said Jim Ross.

Nick Jackson stuck Cash with a senton for a near fall. Matt Jackson dropped an elbow on Cash, ala Bret Hart. Cash tried to tag out to Dax but Matt superkicked Dax, preventing the tag. Matt DDT’ed Cash. Nick Jackson springboarded but Cash fended it off with a forearm.

Dax grabbed a tag and suplexed Nick onto Matt Jackson. Dax nailed Matt with three German Suplexes. Matt answered with his locomotion Northern Lights. Matt used a stalling Northern Lights Suplex on Dax for a two-count. Dax answered with a German of his own!

“This is an outstanding match,” said Jim Ross.

Dax applied a sharpshooter to Matt. Cash put Nick in a sharpshooter on the apron! FTR spiked Nick with a piledriver, with Cash getting a near fall. Matt saved Nick from the Shatter Machine! The Bucks blasted Dax with superkicks! The Bucks spiked Dax with a piledriver, and Nick scored a near fall.

Dax dodged the BTE Trigger and then Cash speared Nick through the ropes! FTR nailed Matt with the FTR Trigger and followed up with the Shatter Machine! Matt kicked out at the two-count!

Cash attempted a springboard 450 but Matt moved out of the way! He superkicked Cash and scored a near fall! The Bucks hit Cash with the BTE Trigger, but Dax broke up the pin attempt that followed. The Bucks smacked Dax with a Shatter Machine! The Bucks rocked Cash with a second BTE Trigger, but Cash kicked out of the pin attempt!

Wembley chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

The Young Bucks were thinking Meltzer Driver, but FTR countered with the Shatter Machine on Nick, with Cash pinned Nick!

FTR offered their hands as a sign of respect to the Young Bucks, but the Young Bucks turned away and left the ring.

Stadium Stampede Match!

Jon Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta & Mike Santana and Ortiz


Eddie Kingston, Penta El Zero Miedo, Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta & Chuck Taylor!

Tony Schiavone joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Kingston charged straight for Claudio! Both teams paired off and brawled around the ring! Santana and Ortiz and the Best Friends traded strikes in the ring.

Moxley used a branding iron on his opponents! Penta smacked Santana and Ortiz with a steel chair! Penta dropped both of them with sling blades!

Moxley planted Penta with a cutter. He followed up with a Paradigm Shift on Penta. Moxley pulled out skewers, but Penta whacked Mox with a steel chair! Penta spiked the skewers in Moxley’s head and followed up with the Made in Japan!

Claudio and Kingston brawled throughout the concourse! Mike Santana powerbombed Penta onto two steel chairs in the ring! Moxley mauled Orange Cassidy with a fork! Orange was busted wide open! Moxley planted Orange with a brainbuster onto a steel chair! Moxley raked a barb wire board onto Trent’s face.

Ortiz cracked Trent with a kendo stick that was wrapped in barb wire. Kingston jabbed Wheeler with an umbrella in the mouth. Santana and Ortiz powerbombed Trent onto a ladder in the corner. Moxley sent Trent flying onto a plank covered in barb wire. Ortiz splashed Trent for a near fall.

Moxley spiked Trent with a piledriver onto the ring steps! Ortiz continued to attack Orange with a fork to the head!

A white minivan pulled up. It was Trent’s mom Sue! Mox kissed her and Trent began smashing the BCC with trays of Sue’s cookies! Music began to rumble, and Penta Oscuro came out through the entrance!

“Penta looking for revenge for what was done to his brother!” said Excalibur.

Penta and Santana traded stiff shots on top of the ladder and then the ladder collapsed under their combined weight. Penta went back up and smashed Santana with a sunset powerbomb through two tables!

Orange and the Best Friends swarmed Wheeler Yuta in the ring. Ortiz punished Chuck Taylor with baking sheet shots. Yuta pulled out a screwdriver and charged at Chuck Taylor, but Taylor dodged the attack. Chuck planted Wheeler with the Awful Waffle, but Claudio jumped into the ring and broke up the pin. Moxley rocketed out of the ring, through the ropes and straight at Chuck Taylor!

Claudio grabbed Orange Cassidy and put him in the Giant Swing! Trent superplexed Ortiz off the top turnbuckle and through tables on the arena floor! Cassidy clocked Claudio with three Orange Punches for a near fall! Orange wrapped tape around his fist, broke a bottle into a bucket, and then placed his fist in there. Orange pulled out his taped fist and it was covered in broken glass! Moxley dropped Orange with his right hand before Orange could do any damage to Claudio.

Orange DDT’ed Mox into the broken glass! Claudio hoisted up Orange and pulped him with a European Uppercut!

Eddie Kingston marched to the ring with a steel chair wrapped in barbed wire, like Terry Funk, battering anyone in his path! Kingston smacked Claudio repeatedly with the chair! Moxley pulled the chair out of Kingston’s hands, and they had a bloody stare down! Moxley was looking for the Paradigm Shift, but Kingston countered with a spinning backfist. Kingston tackled Moxley through a table. Orange connected with a broken glass Orange Punch to Claudio and pinned him!

“Holy smokes he won it!” said Tony Schiavone.

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Hikaru Shida (c.) vs. Saraya vs. Toni Storm vs. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.!

Saraya made her entrance with her family and Queen’s “We Will Rock You” playing!

Toni Storm walked to the ring with “God Save the Queen” echoing throughout Wembley.

Saraya and Storm worked in tandem to powerbomb Shida. Baker hit a neck breaker on Saraya for a near fall. Toni smashed Baker with a hip attack in the corner. Saraya and Toni began to argue as they both went to cover Baker for the pin attempt.

“Things are breaking down before our eyes,” said Excalibur.

Shida stacked the Outcasts in the corner and then charged at them with a running knee strike. Shida suplexed Saraya into Toni Storm. Baker walloped Storm with the sling blade. Saraya blindsided Baker with a thrust kick.

Saraya’s mom was in the front row and held back Baker while Storm chopped Baker. Storm charged at Baker, but Baker dodged her, and Storm inadvertently collided with Saraya’s mom! Saraya clubbed Toni with her forearm. Toni answered in kind! Toni Storm stripped off the bottom turnbuckle pad and propped Saraya against it. Storm was setting her up for the hip attack when Ruby Soho sprinted to the ring, trying to restore some order between her fellow Outcasts.

Ruby pleaded with Storm, but Storm knocked her down! Saraya got up and connected with a thrust kick to Toni Storm. Shida rocked Saraya with a missile dropkick. Baker dropped Shida with a swinging neck breaker.

“So many moving parts,” said Excalibur.

Saraya tied up Storm in a submission, but Baker was there to curb stomp Storm! Shida hammered Baker with strikes. Shida hoisted up Baker and planted her with the Falcon Arrow on Saraya! Shida crushed Saraya with a meteora for a near fall.

Shida walloped Saraya with the Katana Kick, but Baker broke up the pin attempt. Baker was trying to apply the Lock Jaw on Shida. Saraya grabbed a can of paint and sprayed it into Toni Storm’s eyes! Saraya spiked Storm with the Knightcap and pinned her!

Your new AEW Women’s World Champion…Saraya!

Coffin Match!

Darby Allin & Sting


Swerve Strickland & Christian Cage (with TNT Champion Luchasaurus)!

Sting and Christian Cage had a stare down, but Swerve attacked Sting from behind. Sting knocked down Swerve with a lariat. Darby opened the coffin and pulled out a jacket covered in thumbtacks. Sting had a cricket bat! Sting cracked Prince Nana with the cricket bat! Then he hit Swerve with it. Sting and Darby put on thumb tack jackets! Sting and Darby used Stinger Splashes and Coffin Splashes on Swerve and Prince Nana in the corner!

Swerve speared Sting and Christian speared Darby! Christian used wrist tape and tied up Darby’s arms behind his back. Swerve drove the cricket bat into Sting’s throat. Darby dodged and spear from Christian and followed up with a moonsault with his wrists still taped behind his back! Darby connected with a cannonball dive to Swerve outside the ring!

Sting spinebustered Swerve onto the coffin! Christian Cage blindsided Sting and rammed him into the steel ring steps. Christian attempted the con-chair-to on Darby, but Darby escaped. Darby blasted Christian with a shotgun dropkick. Swerve grabbed Darby but Darby countered with an over the top stunner on the apron. Sting jumped off the apron and splashed Swerve, who was on top of a table on the arena floor! Sting went back up and dropped an elbow, this time pushing Swerve right through the table, splitting it in half!

Darby jumped off the top turnbuckle and dropkicked Christian Cage, who was propped up on a chair on the arena floor! Darby and Sting propped up the coffin against the ring and tried to slam the lid shut on Christian, but Christian pushed the lid back to prevent it from closing. Luchasaurus hit Sting and Darby from behind, saving Christian Cage. Luchasaurus threw Darby like a lawn dart against the coffin! Nick Wayne ran down and hit Luchasaurus in the back with a skateboard!

Luchasaurus dropped Nick Wayne with a headbutt. Luchasaurus choke slammed Nick Wayne onto the skateboard! Luchasaurus picked up Nick Wayne and carried him on his shoulders to the back.

Darby went for a Coffin Splash off the top turnbuckle and down onto Swerve who was on top of the coffin, but Swerve moved!

“It was a Coffin Flop for Darby Allin!” said Excalibur.

Sting splashed Christian and Swerve in the ring. Sting put the Scorpion Death lock on Christian. Swerve cracked Sting in the back with a steel chair.

“That just pissed him off!” said Excalibur.

Christian Cage used a baseball bat to low blow Sting! Swerve jumped off the top rope and hit the double stomp on Sting! The coffin was placed into the ring. Swerve shoved Sting into the coffin. Swerve tossed the bat into the coffin, wanting to bury Sting and the bat together. Swerve tried to shut the coffin lid, but Sting used the baseball bat to prevent the lid from closing.

Swerve bodyslammed Sting on top of the coffin. Swerve went for a 450 splash onto Sting on the coffin, but Sting rolled out of the way! Darby gouged Christian Cage in the eyes. Sting nailed Swerve with a Scorpion Death Drop on top of the coffin! Darby smashed Swerve with the Coffin Drop…onto the lid of the coffin and slid the coffin lid shut on Swerve!

Chris Jericho (with Sammy Guevara) vs. IWGP United Kingdom Heavyweight Champion Will Ospreay (with Don Callis)!

Fozzy played Jericho to the ring, as Jericho sang “Judas”!

Jericho took down Will with a shoulder tackle. Ospreay dropkicked Jericho. Ospreay followed up with Sky Twister Press to Jericho on the floor!

Ospreay and Jericho exchanged forearms. Jericho caught Ospreay flush in the face with a springboard dropkick. Jericho followed up with a sliding baseball dropkick. Jericho rocked Will with a German Suplex on the ring apron!

Ospreay rallied back with a corkscrew kick to Jericho. He followed up with a standing shooting star press to Jericho for a near fall. Jericho had a lot left in the tank, though, and took down Will with a hurracanrana off the top rope.

The lionsault was countered by Ospreay. Ospreay followed up with a shooting star press onto Jericho, who was draped across the ropes. Jericho came back with a Code Breaker on the Aerial Assassin.

Will blocked the Judas Effect and countered with a hook kick to Jericho. Will spiked Jericho with the Os-cutter for a near fall. Jericho countered the Storm Breaker and put Will in the Walls of Jericho! Don Callis jumped on the ring apron. While the ref was dealing with Don, Sammy hit Will in the head with Jericho’s bat!

Jericho charged at Will, but Will countered with a Spanish Fly for a two-count. Jericho stunned Will with the Code Breaker. Jericho hit Will with an Os-cutter! Jericho nailed Will with a low blow and then cracked him with the Judas Effect for a near fall! Ospreay clocked Jericho with a combination Judas Effect/Hidden Blade. Will followed up with the Storm Breaker for a near fall on Jericho!

“Chris Jericho refusing to quit!” said Nigel.

Will rocked Jericho with the Hidden Blade. Will nailed Jericho with a second Storm Breaker and pinned Jericho!

After the match, Sammy helped up Jericho. A dejected Jericho pushed Sammy away.

Nigel McGuinness was in the ring with a microphone!

“London, England, what a moment! What a night. 81,035 fans! Tonight, we made a new world record in pro wrestling paid attendance!”

House Rules Match!

AEW World Trios Championship Match!

House of Black (c.)—Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, & Brody King


The Acclaimed—Anthony Bowens, Max Caster, & Badd Ass Billy Gunn!

The stipulation was No Holds Barred.

Buddy Matthews flew over the top rope and wiped out both members of the Acclaimed. Brody King hit a tope on the Acclaimed. Julia Hart entered the ring, but Billy Gunn and Max held her down while Anthony Bowens dropped the Scissor Me Timbers!

Brody charged at Billy, but Billy dodged him, sending Brody crashing into the steel guardrail. Malakai and Matthews double teamed Billy but Billy took them down with stiff shots. He splashed them in the corner.

Bowens planted Malakai with the Arrival. Buddy prevented the Mic Drop, shoving Caster. Buddy dropped the meteora on Caster. The House of Black swarmed Bowens in the corner with the three headed hydra.

Brody wrapped a steel chain around his fist and went to crack Bowens with it. Bowens escaped Malakai’s grasp and Brody accidentally hit Malakai! The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn each hit fame-assers on Buddy. Billy went for the pin, but Julia Hart pulled referee Aubrey Edwards out of the ring, preventing her from making the count.

Malakai rocked Billy with the End kick, but Billy kicked out! Bowens smashed Brody with the Arrival and Caster followed up with the Mic Drop. Billy hit the Fame Asser, and the Acclaimed followed up with a second Arrival and Mic Drop, covering Brody for the pin!

New AEW Trios Champions…The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn!

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Adam Cole!

The match began with two friends taking in the moment, displaying good sportsmanship, but it quickly broke down. Cole stomped MJF in the corner after pulling ref Bryce Remsburg in MJF’s path.

Cole grabbed a handful of MJF’s hair and yanked him to the mat. MJF responded in kind.

“MJF is upset with his best friend,” said Excalibur.

Cole attacked with a thrust kick. “We may be friends but I’m better than you,” said Adam Cole.

Cole ripped MJF’s t-shirt off him. MJF blocked a superkick and scoop slammed Cole. MJF whipped Cole into the turnbuckles.

“That was a terrible landing on multiple levels,” said Excalibur.

MJF hit a dive through the ropes onto Cole! MJF and Cole traded pinfall attempts, neither man with the clear advantage. Cole stunned MJF with a pump kick. MJF powerbombed Cole onto his outstretched knee!

MJF was looking for the Panama Sunset but Cole superkicked MJF. Cole nailed MJF with the heat seeker! Cole whipped MJF into the steel ring steps. Cole drilled MJF with a sheer drop brainbuster on the steel ring steps!

“Is Cole concerned about his friend or concerned about MJF being counted out?” asked Nigel.

Cole was about to hit the Panama Sunrise, but MJF couldn’t get to his feet and stumbled out of the ring. MJF dismantled the top of the broadcast booth. MJF was going to tombstone Cole on top of the booth, but MJF put him down, unable to put his friend through the table. Instead, Cole spiked MJF with a tombstone on top of the broadcast table!

Cole rolled MJF back into the ring, but MJF kicked out at the two-count! MJF thumbed Cole in the eye. MJF nailed Cole with a rolling elbow strike. Cole fired back with a Canadian Destroyer, but Max retaliated with a last ditch kick.

“Both men down flat, exhausted, from physical punishment from each other,” said Taz.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

The champion and challenger called for the double clothesline! They ran into each other with clotheslines, falling on top of each other! The ref counted to three and it was declared a draw!

“A double pin! It’s a draw!,” said Excalibur.

Ring Announcer Justin Roberts announced the match was a draw.

Adam Cole grabbed a microphone and said, “No freakin’ way! Max, five more minutes!”

MJF replied, “No. Five minutes isn’t enough, Adam. We’re going until we’ve got a winner in Wembley!”

MJF blocked a superkick from Cole, but then Cole thumbed MJF in the eyes. Cole charged at MJF and MJF ducked, with Adam Cole inadvertently running into the referee and knocking him down!

“Bryce Remsburg just got decked!” said Excalibur.

“He got popped inadvertently there,” replied Taz.

MJF sat up with a big grin on his face!

“It’s playtime now for Max with the referee down,” said Taz.

MJF grabbed a steel chair and threw it to Adam Cole. Cole threw it back. Neither wanted it. Max placed the chair around his head to make it look like Cole hit him with it. The ref got to his feet and questioned Cole. MJF rolled up Cole for a near fall. MJF followed up with a thrust kick! MJF drilled Cole with the heat seeker! Cole kicked out at two!

Cole nailed MJF with a straitjacket German Suplex on the apron! Cole spiked MJF with a Panama Sunrise off the apron and onto the floor! Cole rolled MJF into the ring, but MJF kicked out at two!

Cole was setting up MJF for another Panama Sunrise. MJF pulled the ref into Cole’s way, and Cole inadvertently hit the ref with the Panama Sunrise! MJF pulled the Dynamite Diamond Ring out of his trunks. MJF was on the verge of tears, torn, not sure what to do! He pulled the ring off and put it back in his trunks. Out of nowhere, Roderick Strong jumped in the ring behind MJF!

Roderick Strong kicked MJF between the legs! Cole climbed back up and drilled MJF with the Panama Sunrise. Cole dropped his kneepad and lowered the boom with the knee strike. The ref was still out. The ref finally crawled over and started to make the count. MJF kicked out at two!

“Wembley Stadium is on its feet!” said Excalibur.

Roderick Strong threw the AEW World Title into the ring and told Cole to use it on MJF! “Do it, Adam! I’m your best friend!” screamed Roderick.

Cole picked up the title and then threw it out of the ring. Roderick Strong walked out on Adam Cole! MJF cradled Adam Cole and pinned him!

Still AEW World Champion…MJF!

After the match, MJF said it was okay and that the people still loved Cole. MJF brought the ROH World Tag Team Titles into the ring and handed one to Cole, but Cole threw it down!

“I get it. You never cared about me! You only cared about the belt. You’re a fake!” said MJF.

MJF picked up the AEW World Championship and tossed it at Adam Cole. MJF told Cole to get it over with, turning his back to Cole. Adam Cole picked up the title. Roderick Strong jumped on the apron and ordered Adam Cole to hit MJF with it! Adam Cole was tempted but threw the belt down. MJF and Adam Cole hugged it out!

The Kingdom held back Roderick Strong as MJF and Adam Cole celebrated in the ring.

Excalibur announced that AEW will be returning to Wembley on Sunday, August 25th, 2024!

Missed what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? Order the replay of the historic AEW All In: London! It’s available on all traditional cable and satellite providers in the United States and Canada, Bleacher Report, Fite International, PPV.COM, and more! See AEW All In: London for yourself!

Catch all the fall out on AEW DYNAMITE on TBS this Wednesday live at 8/7ct from NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE: Fyter Fest was broadcast from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone!

The show opened with a graphic paying tribute to Windham Rotunda 1987-2023.

It’s Friday and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. QTV’s Aaron Solo (with Harley Cameron)!

Solo kicked Orange in the midsection. Orange countered with a side headlock takeover. Orange had Solo’s ankles trapped and then he sent Solo to the arena floor with an arm drag. Solo pulled Orange out of the ring. Orange went to strike Solo when Solo used Harley as a human shield. Orange wasted no time, moved around them, and connected with a tope suicida on Solo.

Cassidy climbed to the top rope, but Harley interfered and pulled Orange down. Solo seized the opportunity to go on the attack. Solo closed the distance, charging at Cassidy in the corner with a running elbow.

The champ took flight, jumping off the top rope and connecting with a crossbody press. Solo ducked the Orange Punch. Orange nailed Solo with the Stun Dog Millionaire and followed up with a DDT for a near fall.

Harley grabbed a microphone and began to sing to distract Orange. Solo landed a corkscrew dropkick and then planted Orange on his shoulders. Solo squashed Orange with a diving double stomp for a two-count. Harley removed her boot and while the ref was distracted, Solo struck Cassidy in the head with it!

Orange rocked Solo with the Orange Punch. He followed up with the Beach Break and pinned Aaron Solo!

From earlier in the week, footage aired of Jim Ross’s sit down interview with AAA Latin American Champion QT Marshall!

“Now it’s time I get the respect I feel I’ve earned. Ever since I started in AEW, people always think I’ve aligned myself with other guys. Cody Rhodes, Powerhouse Hobbs. When in actuality, they’ve aligned themselves with me.

“But that’s not the story that you guys on commentary wanted to tell. And I never complained. I just sat there and smiled because I’m a pro. I’m not just a pro, I put the pro in professional wrestling.

“I was taught: be a good soldier and opportunities will arise. Speaking of opportunities, it seems there’s this narrative that because of my relationship with Tony Khan, I get said opportunities. But if that were the case, why did I have to go to another country? Why did it take management of Triple A to see in me everything I’ve been saying since day one.

“The other night in front of 20,000, you’re right, I beat three of the best wrestlers in the world. And how’d I do it? By being one of the best wrestlers in the world. I don’t have a backup plan. This is it. I don’t have a degree from university, but I learned a long time ago I have a PhD in professional wrestling. I have passion, I have heart, I have determination to be the absolute best that ever stepped inside the ring.

“This is about me getting everything I’ve ever wanted in AEW. I’m not on the posters. I’m not on the trucks. I don’t even have an action figure. So now I’m going to defend this AAA Latin American Title with pride starting this Friday night. And I’ll finally get the respect I’ve earned, even from you.”

AAA Latin American Championship Match!

QT Marshall (c.) (with Johnny TV) vs. Gravity!

Gravity dropkicked QT out of the ring. Gravity went over the top and nailed QT with a tope con hiro. Gravity jumped off the ropes, but QT took down Gravity with a stiff forearm.

Gravity attempted a hurracanrana off the apron, but QT caught him and countered with a powerbomb onto the apron! Back in the ring, Gravity crushed QT with a Destroyer for a near fall! QT hit a combination on Gravity, making him pay.

Gravity reversed a suplex and nailed QT with several thrust kicks. Gravity landed a 21-plex on QT Marshall for a near fall. Gravity and QT jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Gravity dropped QT back down onto the mat for a near fall. QT hit the Diamond Cutter and then used the Dirt Sheet Driver on Gravity, scoring the pin!

TNT Champion Luchasaurus vs. R. Jones!

Luchasaurus clocked his opponent with a massive boot to the face! Luchasaurus chokeslammed him. After hitting him with a lariat to the back of the head, Luchasaurus pinned his opponent!

Christian Cage, holding the TNT Championship, was watching on a monitor backstage.

Main Event Time!

AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida & Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.


The Outcasts’ Toni Storm & Saraya (with Ruby Soho)!

Saraya hammered away at Baker with elbows. Toni tagged in and stomped Britt Baker in the corner. Toni took Baker down with a snap suplex. Toni smashed Baker with the hip attack, sending Britt crashing on the arena floor. Ruby Soho was kicking Britt until TBS Champion Kris Statlander sprinted to the ring, hoisted up Ruby, and carried her all the way to the back!

Baker rallied back with a neck breaker to Toni Storm. Baker tagged in Shida and Shida cleaned house on Storm and Saraya! Shida suplexed Saraya onto Storm!

Shida and Storm exchanged forearms and chops in the center of the ring. Saraya heaved Britt by the hair. Storm squashed Baker in the corner with the hip attack. The Outcasts hit a tandem powerbomb on Baker. Shida cracked Storm with a question mark kick. Saraya knocked down Shida with a thrust kick, but Baker was there to dish out a thrust kick of her own to Saraya!

“Kicks all around,” said Excalibur.

Baker connected with a ripcord elbow strike to Saraya. Shida dropped Toni Storm. Shida planted Saraya with the falcon arrow. Baker rocked Saraya with a swinging neck breaker. Britt Baker applied her surgical glove, getting ready to apply the Lockjaw to Saraya. Saraya grabbed the ref’s leg to distract him. Toni Storm pulled out a can of spray paint. Shida tried to pull the can away but Storm sprayed Shida in the eyes. Baker landed a thrust kick on Storm. Baker went to check on Shida, but Shida, who was temporarily blinded, struck Baker! Saraya spiked Baker with the Nightcap and pinned her!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c!

Be a part of history! This Sunday order All In: London from Wembley Stadium, live on pay-per-view at 6pm BST / 1pm ET! Zero Hour begins at 5pm BST / Noon ET / 9am PT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

*CONTAINS SPOILERS** Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the MVP Arena in Albany, NY! Your broadcast team was Excalibur…

All Elite Wrestling returns to pay-per-view this Sunday night, live from Las Vegas and the T-Mobile Arena, with DOUBLE OR NOTHING 2023!

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