, By Kevin Eck Before proceeding with this week’s column, here is an official statement from ROHWrestling.com: “In an article on the website this week about Brian Johnson’s tainted victory over Danhausen in their Final

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, By Kevin Eck A huge eight-man tag match will take place on “Ring of Honor Wrestling” the weekend of Feb. 6, as La Facción Ingobernable (ROH World Champion RUSH, ROH World Television Champion Dragon

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, By Kevin Eck “The Mecca” Brian Johnson is always ranting about not getting the opportunities he deserves and how all fans are bozos. As he loves to say, it’s Mecca versus everybody. Well, Johnson

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, By Kevin Eck Shane Taylor isn’t the only one who feels he deserves an ROH World Title shot. Taylor was the winner by a wide margin of a poll on the ROH The Experience

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