Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Holiday Bash was broadcast live from the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, OK!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Continental Classic: Gold League Standings!

Jon Moxley (12)

Swerve Strickland (9)

Jay White (9)

RUSH (6)

Mark Briscoe (0)

Jay Lethal (0)

Continental Classic Gold League Match!

Mogul Embassy’s Swerve Strickland (9) vs. LFI’s Rush (6)!

Rush and Swerve grappled to the mat, chain wrestling. Rush got to his feet and landed big chops. Both men used arm drags, resulting in a stalemate early on. Rush knocked Swerve out of the ring and followed up with a running flip over the top and down onto Swerve. Rush’s leg was all taped out and he began to limp slightly after landing on Rush.

Out of nowhere, Swerve jumped on Rush and applied an arm bar. Rush escaped but Swerve went to work on Rush’s injured let, pulling him down with a dragon screw leg whip. Ref Aubrey Edwards checked on Rush, who was writhing in pain.

Rush grabbed Swerve’s leg, tripping him up and Swerve landed hard on the edge of the ring. Swerve fired back with a German Suplex on the arena floor, but Rush retaliated with a shotgun dropkick, knocking Swerve into the barricade.

Back in the ring, Rush and Swerve stunned one another with rolling elbow strikes. They each went to boot the other and they knocked the other down to the mat, with both competitors having the same idea. Rush was looking for the Bull’s Horns, but his leg gave out on him. Swerve grabbed Rush’s legs and applied a stretch muffler. Rush countered with a cradle for a near fall.

Rush put Swerve in a straitjacket arm lock and then spiked Swerve with a piledriver for a two-count. They traded chops on the apron. Swerve charged at Rush, but Rush sent Swerve flying with a belly-to-belly suplex. Swerve landed hard on the arena floor, as Rush used Swerve’s own momentum against him. 

Rush struggled to climb to the top turnbuckle. Rush went for a senton, but Swerve moved out of the way. Swerve hit Rush with a 450 splash, but Rush managed to kick out of the pin attempt. Swerve smashed Rush with a brain buster for a two-count. Swerve connected with the House Call kick. Swerve rocked Rush with the Swerve Stomp from the top and pinned Rush!

“Tip your cap off to Rush. He kept it competitive with an injury, but Swerve pulled off the victory,” said Taz.

Chris Jericho was backstage with an important announcement!

Jericho: “Last week, on the Thursday after Dynamite, Kenny Omega ended up in the hospital after suffering the effects of diverticulitis. And as he shared on social media, we now have the news that Kenny Omega is out of AEW indefinitely. 

“We don’t know how long or how short that’s going to be. But one thing that’s affected is the Golden Jets’ opportunity to become the AEW World Tag Team Champions by beating Ricky Starks and Big Bill at Worlds End. And while we decide what we’re going to do in the meantime, the most important thing is Kenny’s health. And I just wanted to let you know. We’re all pulling for you Kenny. 

“We’re pulling for you Kenny, the AEW fans as you can hear, the entire locker room, and most importantly, me. And take as long as you need to get healthy, but when you come back, we’re all going to be here and I’m going to be waiting for you. And the Golden Jets will resume. Goodnight and goodbye, but only for now. We’re pulling for you Kenny. We’ll see you soon.”

Continental Classic Gold League Match!

Jay Lethal (0) vs. Mark Briscoe (0)!

The fans chanted “Dem Boys! Dem Boys!”

Mark used an inside trip into a side headlock on Jay Lethal. Lethal slapped Mark Briscoe in the face. Mark smiled and chopped Jay in the chest. Lethal hip tossed Mark and then dropkicked him in the face. 

Lethal and Mark jockeyed back and forth for position on a vertical suplex, but Lethal won the battle. Jay Lethal followed up with a tope suicida, knocking Mark Briscoe into the safety rail. Lethal tried for another tope, but Mark caught him and countered with a vertical suplex on the arena floor. 

Lethal clocked Mark with the Lethal Combination! Lethal was looking for the King’s Elbow, climbing to the top. Mark met him up there, tried for a superplex, but Lethal brought his base down and rocked Mark with an elbow to the back of the neck. Mark knocked Jay off the turnbuckles with his Redneck Kung Fu. Mark pulled up a steel chair, ran across the ring and used the chair as a launching pad to fly over the top and land on Jay outside the ring!

Lethal hoisted up Mark in a torture rack, transitioning to a back breaker. Lethal dropped an elbow from up top and Briscoe kicked out at the two-count! Mark countered the Lethal Injection. Mark Briscoe nailed Lethal with a fishermen’s buster for a near fall.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Mark planted Lethal with a Death Valley Driver. Mark tried for the Froggy Bow but Lethal countered. Jay Lethal spiked Mark with the Jay Driller for a near fall! Briscoe blasted Lethal with a burning hammer, followed up with the Jay Driller, and pinned Jay Lethal!

Reach for the sky, boy!

“Look at this, a standing ovation, deserved for both men,” said Taz.

Footage was shown from earlier of the week of AEW World & ROH World Tag Champion MJF being inducted in the National Jewish Sports Hall of Fame!

A vignette aired of Wardlow! 

“Max, we are getting closer to your world ender. Soon the world will see you broken. Max, the payment for your sins cannot be delayed any longer. And I will be the one to bring the devil to his knees!” said Wardlow.

Samoa Joe came out to the ring!

The fans chanted “Joe! Joe! Joe!”

Samoa Joe: “My name is Samoa Joe. And once again I have come here seeking answers. Last week I was asking the right questions but maybe I wasn’t asking the right questions. Even though Roderick Strong may be the dimmest bulb on the Christmas tree, he brings up a good point.

“Week after week, we are assaulted by the devil, and it seems are illustrious World Champion isn’t the only victim. As a matter of fact, for some odd reason, Hangman Adam Page was a victim. And then we think back to the malicious attack on our World Champion, and it seems every time the devil attacks someone, we get plenty of footage of them getting stomped out, but our World Champion was just found gingerly laid down in the back passed out. Very conveniently on the ground. So once again I have come asking the right questions, but maybe not to the right people. So MJF, why don’t you come out here right now!”

AEW World & ROH World Tag Champion MJF walked down the ramp to the ring!

MJF: “Cut my music! Joe, let me get this straight. So, I get jumped in the back by a bunch of goons, I get hit in the back by a beer bottle, and you’re out here accusing me of being the man behind the mask. The devil. Is that correct?”

Samoa Joe: “Correct.”

MJF: “That’s really interesting, Joe. I recall that you said you were going to protect me in our main event going out to Long Island for the World Title. Matter of fact, I think you said, ‘From hence forth, MJF, you are my property.’ So ‘No Show Joe’ it’s become pretty clear that you care about your property about as much as you care about your diet. 

“So, if we’re throwing accusations around, Joey, I got some accusations of my own. So, I get jumped in the back, the goons surround the ring, but I don’t recall them laying a finger on you, Joe. So, let’s see. I don’t like you. Now, I don’t trust you. So, why am I waiting until December 30th at Worlds End when I can end your world right now?”

MJF shoved Samoa Joe. A swarm of masked men ran into the ring and Samoa Joe and MJF had to beat them away! MJF and Samoa Joe fought off the masked assailants but even more came over the barricade and surrounded the ring. MJF and Samoa Joe were back to back and had to work as a unit because the entire ring was surrounded by masked men!

The arena lights went dark!

The man in the devil mask appeared on the big screen! There was a graphic scrawled across the screen that read: 

“Where can you go? Who can you trust? Next week, will you accept a challenge…for your ROH World Tag Team Championship? Are you a hero, Max?”

MJF: “Joe, I know what you’re going to say. You’re going to say no again. But I made a promise to my best friend that I would defend those tag team titles, no matter what, until he comes back.”

Samoa Joe: “We accept! Seems the best way to handle a devil is with our bare hands. Next week we beat his boys’ asses!”

“Allies again for a moment,” said Taz.

“Wow, blockbuster announcement as MJF and Samoa Joe united in the face of this devil. But at Worlds End they will not be partners. Champion MJF, challenger Samoa Joe on pay-per-view, one week from Saturday,” said Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was backstage with the Best Friends—Kris Statlander, AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Trent, and Rocky Romero!

Rocky: “Renee, I just spent 329 days as a CMLL World Historic Welterweight Champion until last week when I lost it. But I’m just looking for new international opportunities and I just want to bring gold around this waist.”

Orange: “Oh, ok, I get it. Fine. I’ll see you Friday, Rocky.”

Renee: Sounds like it’s official for this Friday on Rampage. Orange Cassidy versus Rocky Romero for the AEW International Championship.”

Saraya vs. Riho!

Winner faces “Timeless” Toni Storm for the AEW Women’s World Title at AEW Worlds End!

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm joined the broadcast booth for this match. 

Ruby Soho was watching the match from backstage.

Riho charged at Saraya, but Saraya rolled out of the ring. Riho followed Saraya and rocked her with her innovated offense. Saraya hid behind an AEW security guard and then hit Riho with a cheap shot. Saraya swung Riho into the ringside barricade, bouncing her off it!

Riho countered a suplex attempt with an inside cradle for a near fall. Riho brought down Saraya with a Northern Lights Suplex for a two-count. Riho jumped off the top rope with a double stomp and followed up with charging double knees, pinning Saraya and becoming the #1 contender for Worlds End!

Luthor carried Toni Storm to the ring. Storm got in the ring and Riho began to clobber her with strikes. Riho blasted Storm with a Tiger Faint Kick but out of nowhere Mariah May smashed Riho with the AEW Women’s World Title Belt!

Tony Schiavone read a prepared statement from TNT Champion Christian Cage!

Tony Schiavone: “Schiavone, you’d better read this statement word for word. As the biggest, hottest, and most talked about star in AEW, I have no double the hole my absence has left in your lives. After my career-defining victory over Adam Copeland, I decided to take my prodigy Nick Wayne on a well deserved vacation. 

“I understand that the Rated R Superstar has challenged me to a No Disqualification Match at Worlds End on December 30th. So just to put all your tiny minds at ease, I want everyone to know that I will make my triumphant return this Saturday live on TNT on Collision, where I will address Adam Copeland and address any lingering questions people may have about what’s transpired a couple of weeks ago on Dynamite in Montreal. I expect nothing less than a hero’s welcome upon my return. Sincerely the TNT Champion, the Patriarch of AEW, Christian Cage.”

AEW World & ROH World Tag Champion MJF was walking backstage!

Max stopped in his tracks when he saw a black mask on the floor. It was right in front of the Mogul Embassy’s dressing room. MJF knocked on their door. Prince Nana opened the door and Max grabbed him!

Max: “Explain this black mask! What the hell is it?”

Swerve walked out into the hallway and Max let Prince Nana go. 

Swerve: “Be careful handling my property. Nice to finally see you out. I feel like you’ve been ducking me my whole time here in AEW.”

MJF: “Shane Strickland! Swerve! Look at you, man. See a lot of people don’t know this but we’ve got a big history. We used to do these long car rides on the road every single week when we were trying to make a name for ourselves on the independents. And now look at you! All grown up! All the momentum in the world, beating some of the biggest stars this company has to offer. Man, I’m so proud of you. However, I haven’t been ducking you.

“The reason you and I haven’t made eye contact in this place is because unfortunately there’s levels to this. And you’re just not on mine. And to make matters worse, I don’t hear your theme music. Therefore, neither is your star power.”

Swerve: “It’s funny you brought up those car rides, those were amazing. You remember that. You were the best chauffeur I ever had in my life. Thank you, man. Let’s go back to the interaction between you and William Regal years ago. Didn’t you bring up an email about a tryout that you just failed at and turned you into the whiny little guy that you are today? Yeah, you’re right, there are levels to this. You do tryouts. I sign contracts. And be careful how you talk to me. Because the last person that did, I hung him outside the ring in front of 13,000 people by a chain.”

MJF: “Solid monologue, bro. You’re starting to get so good at talking. I’m proud of you. But you talk about Hangman an awful lot. It’s almost obsessive. Now it’s funny you’re talking about respect because I’m your World Champion, kid. So, I think you need to check your tone and watch your mouth. But I do have a question for you. I find a couple things odd. Let me run them by you.

“You hate Hangman. More than anything you want to be AEW World Champion. So, putting those things together when I’m really thinking about it, why wouldn’t you frame Hangman with a beer bottle. Why wouldn’t you consistently try to get inside my head? And your goons in the Mogul Embassy are jumping people creating a clear path for you to finally be a world champion, be on top like yours truly. So, are you the devil? A part of me really hopes so. You say this is your house. Well, you’re looking at the Big Bad Wolf of professional wrestling. And when I feel like it, I’ll blow your house down. And then while I’m at it, I’ll break both your arms so you can always swerve while you drive.”

Swerve: “I ain’t the devil you’re looking for, but you keep waving that championship in front of me, I’m gonna be the one to bring you hell.”

Prince Nana opened the door and Brian Cage and the Gates of Agony stood behind Swerve!


Samoa Joe walked up to MJF, put his arm around him, and said to Swerve, “Well what is all good on this side of the hood, my friends? My associate and I have business elsewhere.”

Swerve: “Go handle it.”

Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs. Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Roddy used a leg sweep to trip Komander and grounded him. Roderick smashed Komander with a running knee strike. Roddy rocked Komander with stiff chops to the chest. Komander leveled Roddy with a dropkick. 

Roddy knocked the wind out of Komander with a back breaker. Komander dodged a charging knee from Roddy. Komander cracked Roddy with a round kick. Komander stunned Roddy with elbow strikes. Komander connected with a Phoenix Splash for a near fall on Roddy!

Komander climbed back to the top, but the Kingdom pulled Roderick out of harm’s way to the arena floor. Komander did a backflip and wiped out all three men on the floor! Komander went for a springboard, but Roderick countered with a jumping knee strike to Komander’s face! Roderick finished off Komander with the End of Heartache and pinned Komander!

After the match the Kingdom passed out signs to the fans that said: “MJF is the Devil”!

After the match Renee Paquette interviewed Roderick Strong in the ring!

Roderick Strong: “Oh Renee! I’m so happy you’re here! Samoa Joe, please listen to me! It is so, so obvious now that Max is the devil. I mean look, Hangman mentions Max as the devil, and he gets taken out. C’mon Joe, it’s time to wake up. It’s time to believe me. Samoa Joe is my best friend by proxy. Joe listen to me!”

Main Event Time! Continental Classic Gold League Match!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley (12) vs. Bullet Club Gold’s Jay White (9)!

Jim Ross returned tonight to provide his main event analysis! 

Moxley went for the sleeper right away. Jay White escaped but Moxley nailed him with the hammer and anvil elbows Moxley sat out with a piledriver for a near fall on Switchblade. 

Jay White whipped Moxley into the steel ring steps outside the ring. Jay White stomped on Mox in the corner. Moxley slugged Jay White. Moxley back dropped Jay White on the ramp. Moxley chomped on the head of Jay White. Mox charged at Jay, but Jay dodged it and then clipped Moxley’s legs.

Moxley absorbed forearms from Jay White. Mox set Jay White on the top turnbuckle. Moxley gouged at White’s back, digging his fingers into Jay White’s flesh. Moxley superplexed Jay White. Moxley hit a lariat on White, knocking him over the top rope. Mox followed up with a tope suicida. Moxley may have buckled his knee when he landed, immediately grabbing his knee.

Jay White countered a suplex and planted Moxley across the steel ring steps! Jay White grabbed two steel chairs. The ref admonished White and Jay White tossed one of the chairs in the ring. The ref went to grab the chair in the ring, unbeknownst to him that Jay White had a second chair. Jay White smashed the chair into Moxley’s leg.

Moxley jumped into the ring, barely beating the 10-count. Moxley countered the Blade Runner with a Paradigm Shift for a near fall! Jay White wiped out Moxley with a dragon screw leg whip. Moxley smashed Jay White with a knee strike for a two-count!

Moxley grabbed White and planted him with a cutter! Jay White fired back with a sleeper suplex for a near fall! Jay White spiked Mox with the Kiwi Crusher! Moxley fired up and fired back with a lariat! Moxley curb stomped Jay White! Switchblade escaped the Death Rider! Jay White drilled Mox with the Blade Runner and scored the pin!

“Jay White beats Jon Moxley! What a hell of a match!” said Jim Ross.

“And now we know one week from tonight in the Gold League Finals it’ll be a three-way match! Jay White and Swerve Strickland and Jon Moxley! There’s no man with a clear tiebreaker win over the other so it’ll have to be a three-way match one week from tonight,” added Excalibur.

After the match, Swerve Strickland walked onto the ramp and stared at Moxley and Switchblade in the ring! Moxley managed to get to his feet, but Jay White clipped him from behind!

“That changed the game,” said Jim Ross.

“This could be disastrous for Jon Moxley,” replied Excalibur.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Addition Financial Arena in Orlando, FL!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision: Holiday Bash on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Frost Bank Center in San Antonio, TX featuring:

-TBS Champ Julia Hart & Skye Blue vs. Thunder Rosa & Abadon!

– Continental Classic Blue League Match!

Andrade El Idolo vs. ROH World Champ/NJPW Openweight Champ Eddie Kingston!

-AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c.) vs. Top Flight & Action Andretti!

– Continental Classic Blue League Match!

Daniel Garcia vs. Brody King!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

For the first time in AEW history, All Elite Wrestling heads to Oklahoma and the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City! With WORLDS END just ten days away, the last bouts of the Continental Classic Gold League will go down Wednesday night, setting up the Finals in Orlando next Wednesday on DYNAMITE!

Jon Moxley versus Jay White, Swerve Strickland versus RUSH, and Jay Lethal versus Mark Briscoe are all on tap for this Wednesday with the potential for some intriguing results to be explored shortly. Suffice to say, while Jon Moxley may not be as comfortable as his twelve points would make it seem. In addition, Roderick Strong goes one-on-one with Komander, Saraya faces Riho for the right to challenge Toni Storm on the line, and we will hear from both AEW World Champion MJF and his WORLDS END challenger Samoa Joe!

DYNAMITE gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, so be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch highlights from last week’s episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as the newest CONTROL CENTER, and don’t forget to check out one of the best professional wrestling events of the year FINAL BATTLE 2023 over at ROH Honor Club (!



Jon Moxley (12)

Swerve Strickland (9)

Jay White (9)

RUSH (6)

Mark Briscoe (0)

Jay Lethal (0)

Jon Moxley(12) vs. Jay White(9)

For the last week, Moxley has been on top of the Continental Classic’s Gold League with 12 points, but as soon as the night begins on Wednesday, there’s the possibility that he will not get any higher and could even end up sharing the top spot depending on how RUSH/Swerve plays out. It’s a sure thing that Jon Moxley will end up in the Finals of the Gold League next week in Orlando, it’s just a matter of what things will look like once the former 3-TIME AEW World Champion gets there. The man who could stop Moxley from being the undisputed points king of the Gold League is none other than “Switchblade” Jay White!

Now White has managed, on his own merit and without BULLET CLUB GOLD involvement, to bounce back from his loss to Swerve Strickland and win his last two tournament bouts to net a total of nine points. Those wins have put him on the precipice of tying up the top spot with Moxley at twelve points, all “Switchblade” has to do is repeat the performance he had against Moxley in their 2019 G1 Climax bout for New Japan. That night, in the first and last singles match between the two prior to this Wednesday, it was White who took home the victory en route to his loss in the tournament finals against Kota Ibushi, and helped stifle Moxley’s strong push towards winning the B Block that year. 

Will this Wednesday be a repeat of that outcome with a “Switchblade” Jay White victory? Or will we see Moxley run the table, net 15 points, and head to Orlando to meet one of the several possibilities that await him in the Gold League Finals? What are those possibilities? Read on to see how this half of the Continental Classic could play out…

Swerve Strickland(9) vs. RUSH(6)

Undaunted; that is what Swerve Strickland appears to be following his loss to Jon Moxley last week, a loss that kept him from claiming the position as points leader in the Gold League, at least for the time being. Strickland seems to garner motivation from loses such as that one, loses he can learn from to become a better competitor, loses that push him to improve and come back stronger. When that loss comes against one of the best in the game, well there is a great deal to take away form it but it call comes down to if a competitor is capable of seeing their flaws and getting better, or if they’re only capable of placing blame elsewhere. In this instance, Swerve seems completely capable of seeing where he went wrong to insure he doesn’t make the same mistake when he and Moxley meet again, and the possibility is very real they could fight against next week in the Gold League Finals.

The match of it breaks down like this: Moxley is at the top of the field with 12 points but both Jay White and Swerve Strickland could move up to into a tie with the former 3-Time AEW World Champion, and “Switchblade” would be doing so at the expense of Moxley. Should Moxley lose to Jay White, and Swerve beat RUSH, then we have ourselves a three-way tie at the top with each man sporting 12 points. Should Moxley win, he is the undisputed points winner of the Gold League and it’s just a matter of whether Swerve or RUSH wins this fight. See RUSH saved himself last week with that victory over Jay Lethal, staying alive for another week, but entirely dependent on how others perform in these last matches to make it to the second spot in the finals, and even then he won’t be alone.

As stated, a Moxley win nets 15 and makes him the king of the Gold League in terms of points, whereas a “Switchblade” victory ties them up at 12. Should Swerve win to get 12, he’s either tied with Jay White at 12 or there’s a three way tie at 12, but if RUSH wins to bump to 9 points, then both he and Swerve sit at 9 with the potential that Jay White could also end up at 9, creating a three way tie for the second spot in the Gold League Finals. Either that or, worst case scenario for the two men in this match, White wins and RUSH wins, tying “Switchblade” up with Moxley at 12 points, and insuring a rematch between the two in the Finals. That’s just scratching the surface of what could happen without looking at the possibility of draws in either match!

There are a multitude of ways this could go down, but nothing will be for sure until the final bell rings on the last Continental Classic match of the night! The only thing we know for certain at this moment is that neither of the men involved in the third Continental Classic bout of the night will be a factor in the Gold League Finals…

Mark Briscoe(0) vs. Jay Lethal(0)

Here we have two men with, on paper, nothing left to fight for in the Continental Classic. They both lost their previous four matches, have scored zero points despite their best efforts, and yet in the face of what could be a depressing, heartbreaking situation leading either man to throw in the towel, Jay Lethal and Mark Briscoe have found something to fight for: honor.

The history of these two men dates back twenty years to the formative days of each man’s career, and even saw The Briscoes face the Special K duo of Lethal (then Hydro) and Deranged as part of a Gauntlet Match for the ROH Tag Team Titles at GLORY BY HONOR II in 2003. The two would have their first singles match of record at GATEWAY TO HONOR 2011, a Proving Ground match during Lethal’s 1st ROH World TV Title reign, and would go one-on-one several more times in ROH, with Lethal getting the victory in all but one situation, and only because that one time ended in a No Contest.

In AEW they’ve had one match, back on the January 25th edition of DYNAMITE, a bout to honor the late Jay Briscoe, and one of the most emotional matches ever presented on AEW television. Mark finally got a victory over Jay Lethal on that night, and as sweet as that may have been, ultimately the fight was about honoring the memory of our fallen brother more than about who actually won the contest.

Though they’ve had their issues, primarily stemming from Lethal’s choice to associate with The Jarretts, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh, Jay Lethal and Mark Briscoe are still bonded, through shared history, through the fights they’ve had together, and through their experiences with Ring of Honor. There’s something unique to those men and women who came through the ROH ranks during the first twenty years, especially those who were there in 2002 when The Murphy Rec Center in Philly was the home of honor. Mark and Jay are two such competitors, and it seems they found their reason to fight this Wednesday night by looking back to that history, focusing on those letters, and putting Honor before everything else.


Roderick Strong vs. Komander

Roderick Strong is clearly just picking fights now that he’s decided to get back into active competition; he did it with Action Andretti and now he’s doing it with Komander, a man who did nothing more than have the audacity to show up and show out at both FINAL BATTLE 2023 ( and on last week’s RAMPAGE. Komander may not have been on the winning end of either Survival of the Fittest 2023 or that epic Trios Match, but he absolutely showed he’s got the tools to be a top tier player in AEW or ROH, as well as add more titles to a mantle already holding the AAA World Cruiserweight Championship.

So it will be this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE that Roderick Strong and Komander go head-to-head in their first meeting, and there’s little doubt that The Kingdom will be close at hand. Wherever Roderick goes, so too do Matt Taven and Mike Bennett, and Komander might want to bring some back-up of his own to even the odds lest he fall victim to a piledriver and a…groin…punch from Bennett to soften him up for Roddy!


Riho vs. Saraya


When she last stepped onto the AEW stage Riho back in April, it was with the dual purpose of fighting for the AEW Women’s World Championship held at the time by Jamie Hayter and in defense of the AEW Women’s locker room in the face of The Outcasts. Unfortunately the former AEW Women’s World Champion failed in both missions, losing to Hayter on the April 5th edition of DYNAMITE, and being decimated by The Outcasts one week later following a tag match loss to Ruby and Toni Storm.

So it came as no surprise that, upon her return to the fold, Riho’s first order of business was last week’s match with Ruby Soho, a match that ended in Riho’s favor, and now this week it continues with a bout against Saraya. Not only is it a fight with the Outcast member, but it is also one upon which the future of the AEW Women’s World Championship hangs!

See to the winner of this contest on Wednesday night go the spoils of fighting “Timeless” Toni Storm at WORLDS END with the AEW Women’s World Championship at stake! So there is still the possibility for Riho to achieve one of the goals she first set for herself last Spring; as for the other one, well The Outcasts did a grand job of imploding all by themselves, starting with Toni Storm being blackballed from their stage, and continuing with this separation of Saraya and Soho:

So that will be the question this Wednesday won’t it? Can Saraya pull off this all-important victory by herself, without Ruby Soho in her corner, or has she pulled Anna Jay into her corner based on their mutual issues with the entire Cool Hand Ang/Ruby situation? After all, Anna was Saraya’s side a week ago when she interrupted Parker and Menard’s words before their tag match in Montreal…


When last we saw AEW World & ROH World Tag Champion MJF, he was face down on the concrete after apparently being struck in the head with a beer bottle. The conclusion was made by Samoa Joe that the presence of the beer bottle meant Hangman Page was responsible, and the confrontation earlier in the night between the former AEW World Champion and the current further reinforced Joe’s beliefs.

Well the last time we saw Samoa Joe, he was standing face-to-face with that former World Champion and telling Page straight up that he knows Hangman was responsible for the attack on Max and thus, presumably, was also the man behind the devil’s mask that’d been stolen from MJF’s bags weeks ago. 

At the end of the night last Wednesday, fans all witnessed Hangman end up another victim of The Devil’s masked men, this time in the parking lot outside the arena, and essentially eradicating any notion that Page was still a suspect. After all, if it’s possible to believe Hangman staged his own assault, than one must accept the possibility that MJF staged his own, or Jay White staged his, or that even The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn stage theirs. Occam’s Razor would suggest removing any victim of The Devil or his ilk from suspicion, and looking elsewhere for suspects.

So perhaps this Wednesday night, when we hear from both champion and challenger, we will all get fresh illumination on the subject. Perhaps MJF saw something or heard something during his attack that points a finger in the right direction, any clue would help unravel this tangled web, and perhaps allow MJF to focus solely on this impeding fight with Samoa Joe.

DYNAMITE debuts in Oklahoma City, OK this Wednesday night Paycom Center and we’ve got the three final bouts in Continental Classic: Gold League on tap! Jay White and Jon Moxley, the winless Mark Briscoe versus the winless Jay Lethal, and RUSH fighting Swerve! Plus former ROH Women’s World Champion Riho battles Saraya for the right to move on to a WORLDS END championship fight with Toni Storm, Roderick Strong will be in action against Komander, and we will hear from both AEW World/ROH World Tag Champion MJF and Samoa Joe!

The bouts begin at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at for international fans, just be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for all the highlights from recent episodes of DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, as well as this week’s CONTROL CENTER!

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Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Winter Is Coming was broadcast live from the College Park Center in Arlington, TX!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Continental Classic: Gold League Standings—

Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley (9)

Swerve Strickland (9)

Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White (6)

LFI’s Rush (3)

Mark Briscoe (0)

Jay Lethal (0)

Continental Classic: Blue League Standings—

House of Black’s Brody King (6)

Andrade El Idolo (6)

Blackpool Combat Club’s “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson (6)

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli (3)

ROH World Champion/NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (3)

Daniel Garcia (0)

Samoa Joe walked to the ring to kick off the show!

Samoa Joe: “I have come here tonight looking for answers. Not a long time ago I made a promise to MJF that I would keep him whole until World’s End when I would dismantle him myself. Last week I was made into a liar when I came out here to the machinations of a devil. I looked up at that screen and saw MJF laying in the back, potentially jeopardizing my AEW World Championship opportunity.

“Now one can’t stand on the tracks of destiny and not get run over. So let me explain to you what’s going to happen tonight. You see when I walked in the back last week with MJF laying on the ground, I saw a beer bottle, a certain beer brand, that a certain cowboy likes, busted over MJF’s head.

“And then as I got closer, I noticed a certain scent of Stetson and disappointment. And I said to myself, I’ve smelled this before. And then as I walked around the building, searching high and low for this cowboy, it seemed like a certain Hangman was missing.”

“Hangman” Adam Page’s music hit, and Page came down to the ring!

“What if someone is trying to frame ‘Hangman’ Adam Page? What if MJF is trying to frame Adam Page?” asked Excalibur.

“Hangman” Adam Page: “Joe if there’s something you want to accuse me of, why don’t you just say it like the man I thought you were. If you think it’s me, if you think I have anything to do with it, if you think I give a damn about the Devil, you’d be so wrong, because I don’t care.”

Samoa Joe: “Hangman you may not care, but you see you made the mistake of thinking I came out here like a detective. I’ve already made up my mind. I’m an executioner.”

Hangman Page: “Well Joe, if there’s something you want to do about it, why don’t you do it?”

Roderick Strong walked onto the ramp with the Kingdom, and he was screaming “Samoa! Samoa Joe, you are so lucky that they didn’t hurt you last week. But I hate to say this, you gotta listen to Hangman. I mean he is my young boy and all. I never forgot about that.

“And listen, have you seen the things that have been happening, Joe? Jay White asked for a World title match, he gets attacked. The Acclaimed lose a tag match for Max and they get attacked. The goons attack Max on November 29th, but they don’t lay a single shot on him, and you come to his aid.

“And then last week, we never saw them physically touch him. We just saw him lying there. C’mon, Joe, think! It’s obviously Max. Max is the devil. C’mon, Joe, I wouldn’t like to you. I’m not talking to you Adam, I’m talking to my best friend by proxy, Samoa Joe!”

Adam Page swung at Roderick Strong and knocked him to the mat!

Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) 


“Hangman” Adam Page!

Samoa Joe left the ring and pointed at Adam Page as he was exiting. As Page had his back turned, Roderick Strong blindsided Page! Strong stomped on Page in the corner. Hangman retaliated with stiff chops to Roderick Strong.

Page sent Strong flying with an overhead slam. Page hit a standing shooting star press for a near fall. Roderick connected with a back breaker. Page blasted Roddy with a high cowboy boot to the face.

Roddy used a single leg takedown and then drove his knee into Page’s chest. Roddy charged at Page, but Page flipped him over the top rope and followed up with a tope, crashing down on Roddy on the arena floor. Page climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Matt Taven grabbed a hold of Page’s boot. Mike Bennett distracted ref Aubrey Edwards while Roddy kicked Page in the head. 

“The opening was there, Roderick took advantage of it, the referee couldn’t see it,” said Taz.

Roderick Strong nailed Hangman Page with a backbreaker on the turnbuckles! Roddy grabbed a top wrist lock. Page escaped and exchanged forearms with Roderick. Both men went for rolling elbows and they collided with one another, each being knocked down.

Adam Page got a second wind and began to stomp a Texas mudhole in Roddy. Hangman planted Roddy with a Death Valley Driver for a two-count! Adam Page chomped on Roddy’s forehead. Page went for a moonsault press, Roddy dodged it, but Page landed on his feet! Roddy charged at Page, but Page took him down with a pop-up powerbomb for a near fall!

Page was looking for the Dead Eye, but Roddy broke free and pancaked Page for a two-count. Roderick followed up with a suplex and then a Tiger Driver for a near fall. Roderick locked on the Strong Hold, but Page reached the ropes, forcing the ref to break the hold.

Page was searching for the Buck Shot Lariat, but Taven grabbed Page’s boot. Bennett distracted the ref on the other side. Page wiped out Taven with a moonsault. Page went back up top and tore down the Kingdom with another moonsault, this time from the ring post!

Hangman went for the Buck Shot, but Roddy had it scouted and went to apply the Strong Hold. Page countered with a roll-up, but Roddy kicked out. Page hit the Dead Eye on Strong and pinned him!

“Both these guys left it all in the ring,” said Taz.

“A great return to form for ‘Hangman’ Adam Page,” replied Excalibur.

Continental Classic Blue League Match!

Andrade El Idolo vs. House of Black’s Brody King!

Brody back up Andrade into the ropes. Andrade applied a headlock and took Brody down to the mat. Brody escaped and squashed Andrade with a senton. Big Brody pummeled Andrade in the corner with chops and then landed a solid elbow strike. 

Andrade connected with a big cross body press, but Brody kicked out at the one-count. Brody rolled out of the ring, but Andrade followed up with a moonsault on the middle turnbuckle to Brody on the arena floor.

Andrade dropkicked Brody in the knee and Brody’s momentum sent him crashing into the turnbuckles. Andrade nailed Brody with two dragon screw leg whips. Andrade took Brody down with a flying elbow strike. Andrade El Idolo body slammed Brody. Andrade followed up with a split legged moonsault for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Brody rocked Andrade with a lariat for a two-count! Brody connected with a cannonball splash in the corner on Andrade El Idolo. Brody and Andrade exchanged chops. Brody stunned Andrade with a forearm, but Andrade answered with a spinning back elbow!

Andrade El Idolo climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Brody got to his feet. Brody knocked Andrade down with an elbow strike. Both men jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Andrade pulled Brody’s head down, spiking it on the exposed turnbuckle! Andrade followed up with a hammerlock DDT and pinned Brody King!

“Andrade has picked up three crucial points in the Blue League,” said Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was backstage with the legendary Von Erichs—Kevin Von Erich, and his sons, Marshall and Ross Von Erich—who made their return to Dallas!

Kevin Von Erich: “Renee, I love AEW. The style, and I’ve got so many friends here, too.”

Danhausen walked onto the scene, interrupting, along with International Champion Orange Cassidy and Trent!

Orange: “Hey, I got a match on Rampage this week, and I need two partners. How about you two guys tag up with me on Rampage?”

Danhausen: “Hey, you’re betraying us.”

Orange: “What? No, we’re in Texas. So, what do you guys say?”

Marshall and Ross Von Erich agreed, saying they’d gladly have Orange’s back!

Out next: The Golden Jets—Kenny Omega & Chris Jericho!

Jericho: “Dallas, welcome to the return of the Golden Jets! I think that was the first ever Golden Jets chant,” Jericho said with a smile. 

Jericho: “The reason why it’s been a while since we’ve been here is because of Big Bill and Ricky Starks. They attacked me after Full Gear, pretty much dislocated my elbow, put me out for three weeks. Last week after Kenny’s great match with Ethan Page, Big Bill kicked Kenny in the face and put him down to the ground. I spent three weeks thinking of what I was going to say to Big Bill and Ricky Starks. It’s pretty simple: Hey boys, get your sorry asses out here!”

AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill walked onto the ramp!

Starks: “Wow, did you miss me? Point proven, Chris. I find this whole situation to be funny. I have no problem with you Kenny. I want to thank you for this great place we have called AEW. And you, Chris, there’s nothing to really thank, because you just suck the life out of every single thing. And it makes me question, you, though, Kenny, because do you really think you can trust a guy like Jericho? I mean, look at the Inner Circle. Look at JAS. Look at what he’s done to those people in the past.”

Big Bill: Kenny, look at the things that Chris has actually done to you. If Chris attacked you randomly on the drop of a dime, me, Ricky, nobody here, would actually be surprised. Just saying.”

Kenny Omega: “So you’re basing this off of my trust between myself and Chris Jericho? Do I trust Chris Jericho? Chris, you know I don’t trust you. Look, Big Bill, you’re talking about track records. Let’s take a look at something from your past, the Firm, for example. Everyone remember the Firm? I can’t say that I do.

“I would say that that Firm angle you had with MJF is more like the flaccid, looking less firm and a little more up your alley, something say, I don’t know, soft. But hey, when it comes to beatdowns, I’m pretty much the king of receiving them. So hey, you guys think you can talk a big game, that’s fine. We’ve earned ourselves a tag team title shot down the road, and guess what? On December 30th at World’s End, we’re thinking maybe the Golden Jets can maybe take those two titles off of your waist and place them firmly around ours. What do you say to that?”

Ricky Starks: “That’s all well and good and we understand you two are the number one contenders and I’m going to speak for both of us and say, hey, guess what, you’re on! But before we even get to World’s End, let me just remind you Chris, I hope you remember January. Because back in January, I actually beat you on Dynamite.”

Big Bill: “Correction. You actually beat him twice. You beat him on a pay-per-view also.”

Starks: “So as far as I’m concerned, I’ve already done half of the work. I know you in and out and I know what you’re all about. We are the best tag team that there is because we are the AEW Tag Team Champions, without a name!”

Chris Jericho: “It’s funny, Starks, you keep bragging that you don’t have a name. I think you need a name. How about this? The Absolute S—ts? I got it! How about we take his first name and then his last name, ladies and gentlemen, AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Billy Starks!”

Starks: “Well that one fell flat.”

Jericho: “Kinda did.”

Starks: “I can excuse the name, but I cannot excuse the outfit where you went to a local Hot Topic and said, ‘Hey, give me the best stuff that you’ve got!’”

Jericho: “Listen, you said I’m a clown vampire, believe me, if I was going to suck my fangs into somebody, I’d do it with somebody with a lot more clout than you. Because from where I’m standing, all I see is a better dressed, less charismatic version of Enzo Amore.”

Omega: “Hey, let’s give Enzo credit. At least he would hype up Big Bill and not take all the spotlight.”

Starks: “Well I think you guys have taken the spotlight a little too far in my opinion, but regardless, I want you to know something. You talk about the way I dress. You talk about Big Bill. Chris Jericho, no one cares anymore. I am sick and tired of you. And Kenny, you’re starting to piss me off, brother. You want the war? Bring it! World’s End, me and Big Bill will take you two on, because we are the best damn tag team there is. Bar none! Nobody better! And if you think you’ve got something better than me and Big Bill, prove it, you two Winnipeg scumbags!”

Omega: “Well, now that you’ve brought out the big guns, I might need to sit and stew on that for a minute. So, much like those tag team belts on December 30th, I must bid you good-bye, bang!”

Jericho: “We’ll see you on December 30th Starks and Big Bill!”

The Outcasts’ Ruby Soho vs. Riho!

AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm joined the broadcast booth for this match. She was accompanied by Mariah May. 

Ruby stomped Riho in the corner. Ruby body slammed Riho, but Riho followed up with a dropkick. Riho suplexed Ruby and then squashed her with a double foot stomp. Riho climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Ruby knocked her off balance. Riho managed to secure herself and then crashed down on Ruby Soho like a bolt of lightning, double stomping her!

Riho connected with a big cross body press for a near fall. Ruby rocked Riho with a kick to the side of the head. Riho planted Ruby with a crucifix bomb for a near fall! Ruby fired back with the No Future Kick, but Riho kicked out at the two-count! Riho stunned Ruby with a dragon suplex and then pinned Ruby after a running knee strike!

Continental Classic Gold League Match!

LFI’s Rush vs. Jay Lethal!

Rush splashed Lethal in the corner. Lethal fired back with a basement dropkick and the did his strut. Rush hit a German suplex and followed up with a knee strike. Rush whipped Jay Lethal into the steel guardrail outside the ring. 

Lethal chopped Rush off the turnbuckles. Lethal shocked Rush with the Lethal Combination. Lethal tried to apply the figure four but Rush rolled him up for a near fall. Lethal countered Rush’s discus lariat with a kick to the head. Lethal charged at Rush but Rush nailed Lethal with a belly to belly suplex in the turnbuckles. Rush countered the Lethal Injection with a sleeper and Lethal tapped out!

“Rush has not forgotten how Jon Moxley put him to sleep one week ago,” said Excalibur.

Continental Classic Gold League Match!

Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White vs. Mark Briscoe!

Briscoe wasted no time, going right after Jay White! Briscoe hit a Death Valley Driver!

The fans chanted “Dem Boys! Dem Boys! Dem Boys!”

Briscoe climbed to the top and smashed White with the Froggy Bow. White rolled out of the ring. Mark chopped at Jay White back in the ring. Briscoe chomped on Jay White’s head. Jay White hurled Mark out of the ring, and Mark’s shoulder collided on the ring apron. 

Mark blocked the Blade Runner with redneck Kung Fu. Jay White hit a basement dropkick and then a DDT on Mark Briscoe. Mark Briscoe wiped out White with a massive lariat! Mark employed the redneck Kung Fu once again. Mark nailed Jay with the Cactus elbow drop off the ring apron!

Jay White escaped Mark’s attempt at Splash Mountain. White connected with elbow strikes. Mark signaled for the Jay Driller but White countered with a dragon screw leg whip out of nowhere. Briscoe was clutching his knee. White walloped Mark with a sleeper suplex. White served up a second sleeper suplex on Mark! Mark countered the Blade Runner with a side suplex. Mark went for a Froggy Bow, but Jay White countered by raising his knees into Mark’s ribcage. White pinned Mark Briscoe after planting him with the Blade Runner!

Main Event Time! Continental Classic Gold League Match!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley vs. Swerve Strickland!

The fans were on their feet as the match began, chanting “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Mox applied a hammerlock. Swerve escaped and taunted Moxley. Both men were playing mind games early on. Moxley and Swerve traded strikes in the center of the ring. Swerve kicked out Moxley’s legs and then spiked Mox with a DDT off the turnbuckles!

Swerve rammed Mox into the steel ring post. Mox retaliated with a lariat out of the corner. Mox planted Swerve with a stalling piledriver for a near fall. Moxley trapped Swerve in the apron skirt and then crotched him on the apron skirt cord. Moxley launched Swerve into the steel ring steps!

Back in the ring, Mox clocked Swerve with a clothesline at the halfway mark. Swerve smashed Mox with a back breaker. Swerve accelerated off the ropes with a back elbow. Moxley nailed Swerve with a cutter, but Swerve kicked out of the cover. Mox spiked Swerve with a Gotch style piledriver for a two-count!

Swerve and Mox exchanged headbutts. Swerve rocked Mox with a flatliner. Swerve connected with a high boot right on target for a near fall. 

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Swerve used hammer and anvil elbow strikes on Moxley. Swerve followed up with the House Call kick. Swerve was looking for the Swerve Stomp, but Mox knocked Swerve off the top turnbuckle. Swerve fell to the arena floor! Moxley mauled Swerve with a curb stomp as Swerve rolled back into the ring!

Moxley applied a cross arm breaker on Swerve’s injured right arm. Swerve managed to reach the ropes with his boot to force the ref to break the hold. Moxley grabbed a steel chair from outside the ring, but Swerve jumped over the top rope and crashed onto Moxley. Swerve landed on Moxley with a Swerve Stomp outside the ring!

Swerve climbed to the top rope and hit the Swerve Stomp on Mox, but Mox kicked out at two! Moxley countered a JML Driver with a roll thru cradle and he pinned Swerve!

“Jon Moxley, I think he may have even grabbed the belt for that added leverage,” said Excalibur.

“He sure did! He grabbed it with both hands,” replied Tony Schiavone. 

“Jon Moxley stealing a victory and stealing three crucial points. Jon Moxley now sits at the top of the table with 12 points, the highest overall total,” said Excalibur.

Outside the arena, four masked assailants with the Devil’s mask logo on the back of their hoodies, attacked “Hangman” Adam Page! 

“He’s outnumbered four to one,” said Excalibur.

“Someone’s in that car,” added Taz.

The person in the Devil mask exited the car and nodded at the assailants. The masked men power bombed Adam Page through the glass windshield of the car!

“The devil and his goons just destroying ‘Hangman’ Adam Page,” said Excalibur, as Page was writhing in pain.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, OK!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Witness history by watching ROH: Final Battle 2023, this Friday, December 15th, exclusively for subscribers on Ring of Honor HonorClub at!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, TX!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Wednesday night was a wild on at the Target Center as the Gold League in the Continental Classic resumed action with three huge matches! Opening the night, Jon Moxley defeated Jay Lethal to mark himself the first competitor with six points in the league while Lethal continued without a point to his name. Then, fighting through tremendous pain, “El Toro Blanco” Rush managed to score his first 3 points over Mark Briscoe, leaving “The Sussex County Chicken” in the same boat as Jay Lethal. Finally, in the main event, Jay White and Swerve Strickland battled it out to see who would join Moxley with six point status, with the head of The Mogul Embassy notching the victory!

In addition, fans witnessed a tense confrontation between TNT Champion Christian Cage and Adam Copeland that has led to a championship bout next week in Montreal, saw Julia Hart retain her TBS Championship over Emi Sakura, and heard AEW World Champion MJF, whether Samoa Joe likes it or not, accept a challenge from The Devil!

Things are back to normal this Friday night as RAMPAGE begins at its regularly scheduled 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans. Drop by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, before showtime to up to speed with highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and this latest CONTROL CENTER!


AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK, Danhausen, & Trent Beretta vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno), Angelo Parker, & Matt Menard

This one is stacked! Last week we saw Danhausen return to the AEW stage to lend a hand to his friends and now he’s jumping right into the fray this Friday night on RAMPAGE alongside them! Orange Cassidy, HOOK, and Trent Beretta welcome Danhausen to the fight as they take on a very unlikely quartet in The Dark Order’s Evil Uno and Alex Reynolds who are joined by Angelo Parker and Matt Menard!

The Dark Order have had issues with Parker and Menard dating back at least two years so it will be quite intriguing to see how they work together despite those past problems, just as it will be interesting to see if the tensions between Parker and Menard swirling around the former’s…interest…in Ruby Soho interfere in their ability to function as a team. Oh, and what about that hat?


Hikaru Shida, Kris Statlander, & Skye Blue vs. Anna Jay and The Outcasts (Ruby Soho & Saraya)

Just last week, on the Thanksgiving Eve edition of DYNAMITE, we witnessed Skye Blue take advantage of the Angelo Parker distraction and pin Anna Jay while Ruby Soho was otherwise occupied. To say all of this has been a major annoyance to Saraya and Matt Menard would be an understatement, and it has certainly cost all parties victories since it first began some weeks ago. The fact that Saraya is now going to play nice with Anna Jay, perhaps because Anna’s also the one for her group trying to keep focused, is not going to sit well with Ruby either, but that’s a bit of the case for both sides of this Trios contest.

Ever since Skye Blue was misted by Julia Hart, with the subsequent transformation that has stemmed from it, she and Kris Statlander have been at odds. They haven’t come to blows, save for the TBS Championship victory Stat holds over Skye, but they are certainly not the friends they were six months ago. That leaves Hikaru Shida as the woman whose responsibility it will be to keep her partners on the same page, and not let their personal issues get in the way of winning this fight. For at least five of the six women involved this is about getting back into championship contention, for Ruby Soho, well one can only speculate if her head is on business or more personal matters, but both trios are capable of great things if they can stay on a unified front. Will that be the case this Friday night on RAMPAGE, or will one teams problems sink this opportunity?


ROH World Six-Man Champion Brian Cage & The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake) vs. El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander, & Penta El Zero Miedo

With The Gates of Agony embroiled in New Japan Pro Wrestling’s 2023 World Tag League that lasts until December 10th, The Mogul Embassy is down a few soldiers, and Brian Cage is out his ROH World Six-Man Championship partners. For Prince Nana that means recruitment season is upon us, and it begins (possibly also ends) with The Workhorsemen of JD Drake and Anthony Henry getting their opportunity to impress!

Unfortunately for this newborn trio, they’ve got their handful with another rather nascent unit in the form of Lucha Libre’s finest: former ROH World Tag & AEW World Tag Champion Penta El Zero Miedo, AAA Mega Champion El Hijo del Vikingo, and AAA World Cruiserweight Champion Komander! Now these three men have worked together before, but as a quartet with Rey Fenix on several ROH ON HONOR CLUB events, and they’ve also fought as foes on several occasions, though always for the competition rather than any animosity.

With the Lucha contingent clearly looking ahead towards Top Flight and Action Andretti, will they be focused on the task at hand? Or will fans see two new men join The Mogul Embassy should JD Drake and Anthony Henry impress the Prince?


-The Don Callis Family in action!

-“The Icon” Sting & “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair!!

-And more!!!

RAMPAGE returns to its regularly scheduled 10pm ET/9pm CT time slot on TNT this Friday night, as well as at for international fans, and it is loaded with multi-man action all night long! Eight man tags, a huge Women’s Trios bout, The Mogul Embassy giving The Workhorsemen a tryout, and unfortunately Don Callis leading his “Family” into action! Be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s assorted social media platforms, before showtime to up to speed with highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and this latest CONTROL CENTER!