Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Paul Wight, and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

AAA Mega Champion El Hijo del Vikingo


Penta El Zero Miedo


AAA World Cruiserweight Champion Komander!

Penta hit the Made in Japan on Vikingo, but Komander broke up the pin attempt. Vikingo flew out of the ring with a tope suicida crashing into Komander. Penta served up sling blades to Komander and El Hijo del Vikingo!

Vikingo connected with a phoenix splash onto Komander for a near fall. Penta ran in with a foot stomp to Vikingo. Penta El Zero Miedo flipped over the top rope and wiped out Vikingo and Komander. The QTV crew were watching the match on a monitor backstage.

Penta El Zero Miedo chopped Komander on the chest. Penta cracked Vikingo with a kick in the corner. Vikingo was looking for a dropkick off the ropes, but Komander countered with a powerbomb. Komander attempted a shooting star press, but Penta anticipated it and blocked it with a lung blower.

Vikingo smashed Penta with a poison rana on the ring apron! Penta rocked Komander with the Fear Factor on the edge of the ring. Penta planted Vikingo for a near fall. Vikingo fired back with a kick to Penta’s jaw. Vikingo stunned Penta with a 630 senton but Komander broke up Vikingo’s pin attempt.

Komander used an implosion phoenix splash on Vikingo. Penta grabbed Komander and nailed him with the Fear Factor on top of El Hijo del Vikingo. Penta covered Komander and grabbed the pinfall victory!

Alex Marvez was backstage with Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh!

Sonjay: “Last week I saw that Ortiz was a man down on his luck, defeated by his former best friend. So, I extended an invitation to him to the hottest group in pro wrestling today. And can you believe he said no to me! And there’s no man that knows Eddie Kingston better than Ortiz. He could have ben a big help for us guys.”

Karen Jarrett: “We don’t need him! We never needed him!”

Jeff Jarrett: “Sonjay does everything he can for this group, but the fact of the matter is you’re looking at the greatest faction in all of AEW. And we don’t need any help. And Jay Lethal is the next ROH World Champion.”

Jay Lethal: “You’re damn straight. Ortiz isn’t even a factor. Because when I cash in my ROH champion shot, it’s a one on one, it’s me against Eddie. I will be the next Ring of Honor World Champion. You can bet on that!”

They walked away and then Ortiz walked onto the set!

Ortiz: “Damn, my ears are burning. Somebody was definitely talking about me. I’ll deal with them next week, though.”

The Gunns—Austin & Colten Gunn (with Bullet Club Gold)


“Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal!

Daniels and Sydal used tandem offense on Austin Gunn. Daniels chopped at Austin. Colten clocked Daniels with a sucker punch.

Colten tagged in and grounded and pounded Daniels. Colten dropkicked Daniels. CD German Suplexed the Gunns and tagged into Sydal. Matt Sydal smashed Austin with the meteora but Colten was there to break up the pin. The Gunns hit the 3:10 to Yuma on Sydal and Austin pinned him!

Austin: “MJF, Dynamite belongs to the Bang Bang Gang. Collision belongs to the Bang Bang Gang. And now Rampage belongs to the Bang Bang Gang. And at Full Gear, November 18th, we take the ROH Tag Team Championships!”

RJ City was backstage with Danhausen!

Danhausen: “No, no, no. I made a mistake. The return is actually next week. Sorry!”

RJ City: “Well, there you have it. Next week, the return of Danhausen.”

Danhausen: “Thank you!”

Alex Marvez was backstage with Ruby Soho and Saraya!

Ruby: “Yeah, I’d say I’ve been having a rough go at it in the ring as of late. I mean, ever since Toni Storm left the Outcasts, we’ve been in a downward spiral. Saraya lost the title. And I lost my opportunity at the title. I really wish you were there for that, Saraya, I’m not going to lie to you.”

Saraya: “Ruby, shut up. Be quiet. You keep talking about Toni like she’s a big star and without her we’d be nothing, when actually it’s the other way around. And without me, you wouldn’t be on TV. I’m sorry, I feel like I’m taking this whole thing out on you. And I just want the best for you. Stick with me and you are going to be a star, kid.”

Angelo Parker walked onto the set and offered to comb Ruby’s hair. “Don’t even think about it,” she said.

Matt Menard walked onto the scene and asked Parker what happened last Wednesday night. “All you had to do was take the bat and take two years of frustration out on Chris Jericho. Smash him in the face and win the match, but you couldn’t do it. You don’t have the dog in you, that’s why you couldn’t do it. I don’t think you have the dog in you. How about it?”

Parker: “Did you ever think that maybe not everyone is as frustrated as you are? I’m gonna go be a friend to Garcia. He’s got a big match tonight.”

Marina Shafir (with Nyla Rose) vs. Skye Blue!

Skye Blue stomped on Marina’s feet, but Marina didn’t even flinch. Marina kicked Skye away. Skye Blue spiked Shafir with a DDT on the apron! Skye Blue clubbed Marina with aggressive forearm shots on the floor.

Marina planted Skye with a Judo throw for a near fall. Skye Blue fired back with a dropkick. Blue blasted Marina with a boot. Marina applied a neck crank on Blue. Skye Blue bit Marina to escape. As Marina was telling the ref, Skye Blue rolled her up for a near fall.

Skye Blue crumbled Marina with a thrust kick and then pinned her after the Code Blue!

Main Event Time!

Daniel Garcia vs. Trent Beretta!

Garcia chopped Trent. Trent charged at Daniel Garcia. Trent hit Garcia with a moonsault off the middle turnbuckle. Trent spiked Garcia on the arena floor with a brainbuster!

Trent superplexed Garcia for a near fall. Trent knocked Garcia down with a short arm lariat. Garcia backdropped Trent. Garcia punched and stomped down Beretta. Garcia charged at Trent with a double knee strike in the corner. Garcia followed up with a brainbuster for a near fall.

Trent rocked Garcia with a half and half suplex and then the Death Valley Driver for a two-count. Garcia came back with German Suplexes of his own. Trent and Garcia battered one another with elbow strikes. Trent spiked Garcia with a piledriver for a two-count!

Garcia did his dance and the blasted Trent with a piledriver. Garcia applied the cross face and Trent tapped out!

Garcia: “Man, I don’t know about y’all, but Daniel Garcia has a very good track of time. And I’ve been keeping score, alright. So, because I’m so good at keeping time, it has been six months since Daniel Garcia has had a singles match at AEW. I feel like there’s one way to jump in the line at AEW. And that is winning a title.

“I have a fetish for greed. I have a fetish for gold. That’s why I’m calling out the biggest dog…MJF! I know you got a lot of targets on your back. But I promise you there’s not a person in the back that wants that belt more than I do. So, Max if you’re up for the test to step in the ring with one of the best professional wre—, sports entertainers in the world, you know where to find me!”

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, KS featuring:

-AEW World Trios Champs The Acclaimed’s 69 Day Championship Celebration!

-Swerve Strickland vs. AR Fox!

-Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura!

-Darby Allin vs. The “MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer!

-8-Man Tag Match: FTR, Rush, & Preston Vance

vs. AEW World Tag Champs Ricky Starks & Big Bill, & ROH 6-Man Champs Gates of Agony!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Last Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, fans were witness to a must-see clash between Orange Cassidy and Claudio Castagnoli over the AEW International Championship, and in the aftermath, with OC still standing as champ, we all witnessed Jon Moxley’s response to the win. In addition, while AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida bested Willow Nightingale, AEW World Champion MJF and The Acclaimed fell to BULLET CLUB GOLD with Maxwell himself getting pinned by “Switchblade” Jay White. Plus, Adam Copeland agreed to side with Sting and Darby against TNT Champion Christian Cage and company, Julia Hart returned only to be surprised by Skye Blue, and The Elite lost their ROH World Six-Man Championship back to The Mogul Embassy!


AEW RAMPAGE get underway this Friday beginning at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international audiences, just be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel before the show begins to catch highlights from last Wednesday’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, THE CONTROL CENTER, and a great deal more!

Lucha del Día de los Muertos…

AAA Mega Champion El Hijo del Vikingo vs. AAA World Cruiserweight Champion Komander vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

What a match this will be when three of the world’s premier Luchadores collide in a Three Way bout this Friday night on RAMPAGE! All three of these individuals are quite familiar with one another, particularly Penta El Zero Miedo and El Hijo del Vikingo whose relationship dates back to 2019 bouts in AAA, and they even teamed up a pair of times on episodes of ROH ON HONOR CLUB (www.watchroh.com) during the summer, but this will be the first time they’ve competed against one another in this format! Penta and Vikingo clashed in singles competition for AAA in April 2020, Komander won the ROH World Title #1 Contender’s match on RAMPAGE a month ago that also featured Penta, while Vikingo holds seven singles victories over Komander as well as an additional six in multi-man matches that featured both men, including a AAA Mega Championship match on RAMPAGE back on June 2nd.

Suffice to say there is a great deal of history between Vikingo and Komander, and with both reigning as champions in AAA, there are a great many eyes on this contest, and given the skill sets of both men, it is quite the unpredictable bout! Now add in Penta El Zero Miedo, himself a former champion in AAA, and this is going to be one of the wildest fights could hope for! They can all fly, they can all hit, and Penta especially has a sadistic streak when it comes to inflicting pain; one can’t help but wonder, with two AAA champions involved, if this outcome could have an impact on those title pictures, but even if not, this match honoring Dia de los Muertos will be a showstealing affair!

Click here for detailed information on just what Dia de los Muertos means, and to read about its history.


Marina Shafir vs. Skye Blue


As seen in the above embedded clip, this past Wednesday night fans finally got a clearer idea of where Skye Blue’s head has been since being misted by Julia Hart. Though we’ve all seen her adopt a darker look, bend the rules a bit, and repeatedly refuse the handshake/help of Kris Statlander, she hadn’t gone full-Julia in this descent from the bright, shiny disposition the AEW faithful had grown to know and love. There was certainly a fear that was Skye’s trajectory, but on Wednesday night, when she misted Julie with her own blue-tinted variation on the theme, it became clear that while Skye had been changed by her experience, she was not signing on with Julia and The House!

So with that in mind, this Friday night on RAMPAGE Skye will back in action against a familiar foe! Marina Shafir and Skye Blue have gone into battle eight previous times against one another since 2022, three of those in singles competition, with “The Problem” holding a 5-3 edge overall, and a 2-1 in their singles matches. Their most recent bout went down on September 13th in Cincinnati and was won by Skye, leaving Shafir hungry to get one back.

With the skies looking a little more clear, and fans seeing what Blue meant when she said she’d handle Julia, it will be interesting to see how she approaches this next fight with Marina Shafir! Though Skye Blue will likely never be the same woman she was when 2023 began, will she continue forward with a bent towards the shadows, or will the light of friends like Willow Nightingale shine through the darkness?

Tag Team Action…

The Gunns (Austin & Colten Gunn) vs. Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal

Coming off The Bang Bang Gang’s major victory on DYNAMITE, and with their ROH World Tag Team Championship opportunity pending during FULL GEAR 2023: ZERO HOUR, Austin and Colten Gunn will be in tag team action this Friday on RAMPAGE! Looking to build greater momentum before they get to L.A., the Gunns will take on two men who held the ROH World Tag Team Championship over 15 years ago, and who now want to add the phrase “2-Time” to their resume!

Christopher Daniels and Matt Sydal reigned from November 25, 2006 until February 24, 2006, dethroning The Kings of Wrestling (Claudio Castagnoli & Chris Hero) before being bested by Jay & Mark Briscoe, and netted themselves three successful championship defenses during that time. Though the partnership was short-lived, the bond remained strong, and in the new era of honor Daniels and Sydal have reunited to once again pursue ROH championship success.

So to see The Gunns jump the line and basically corner MJF into a championship shot at FULL GEAR 2023: ZERO HOUR has not sat well with the two veterans of the squared circle, and this Friday on RAMPGE they mean to teach The Gunns about repercussions for their actions! Austin and Colten are riding high after Wednesday night’s victory, as are the rest of BC GOLD, so you know they won’t be traveling alone to this shindig. Can the former ROH Tag Champions contend with the BC GOLD numbers and put a damper on the Bang Bang Gang party?

Singles Match…

Daniel Garcia vs. Trent Beretta

It’s been awhile since the AEW fans have seen Daniel Garcia in a singles match on TV, since May 24th to be exact when Roderick Strong defeated him, with his last one overall taking place at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023 when he was part of the AEW International Championship Four Way with Shibata, Zack Sabre Jr., and defending champion Orange Cassidy. That’s quite a long time for the self-proclaimed “greatest technical sports entertainer in the world” to go competing in only tags, trios, and battle royals, but this Friday night Garcia is back at it!

His opponent for this return to singles action is none other than Trent Beretta who, while certainly versed in singles competition, has spent a great deal of his AEW career embroiled in tag team action with Chuck Taylor, or Trios situations with Orange Cassidy. With Chuck on the injury list and Cassidy engaged in his work as a 2-Time International Champion, Beretta is going it solo once again!

Both are hungry for competition, and to prove their skills once more, but who’s will to win will prove stronger this Friday night on RAMPAGE?

RAMPAGE begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international audiences, so be sure to drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel before to the show for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, plus previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more! This Friday night, with the Lucha del Dia de Los Muertos Three Way, Skye versus Shafir, Garcia taking on Beretta, and The Gunns in tag team action, is going to be action-packed!


Following the Massive Success of “AEW: All In London,” AEW Returns to Wembley Stadium on Sunday, August 25

— Tickets for “AEW: All In London” On Sale Friday, Dec. 1; Pre-Registration Available for Early Access —

November 1, 2023 During tonight’s live episode of “AEW: Dynamite” from Louisville, Ky., AEW CEO Tony Khan announced that tickets for the second “AEW: All In London” will go on sale to the general public on Friday, Dec. 1, at 9 a.m. BST via Ticketmaster.co.uk. The highly anticipated event will take place at iconic Wembley Stadium on Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024.

Fans can pre-register now for early access to purchase tickets for AEW’s return to Wembley Stadium by visiting www.ticketmaster.co.uk/AEWWembley2024. Pre-registered access and priority presales will take place beginning Monday, Nov. 27 just prior to the general on sale. Ticket information will be sent via email to registered fans only.

AEW’s return to the UK comes on the heels of its spectacular debut of “AEW: All In London” this past August, when more than 80,000 fans from over 70 countries converged on Wembley Stadium to witness a thrilling night of match-ups featuring the biggest names in wrestling today. With 81,035 tickets sold, the epic show shattered the world record for the largest ever paid attendance at a professional wrestling event.

“‘AEW: All In London’ permanently etched AEW in the history books, setting the world record for most tickets sold for any show in the history of professional wrestling,” said Tony Khan. “Wembley Stadium also holds a special place in my heart as I’ve now been there as part of three different sports properties, and have witnessed over 80,000 fans in the stands for all three. In addition to Fulham earning two promotions with playoff wins at Wembley Stadium, and the Jaguars winning our ninth ‘home’ game there a few weeks ago, I’ll remember the thunderous cheers from the crowd during ‘AEW: All In’ for the rest of my life.

“Stay tuned for more updates this month ahead of the general public on sale on December 1, and reminder to pre-register on November 27 for access. I can’t wait to return to Wembley Stadium for our second London show next August, which will be even bigger and more spectacular for fans in attendance and those watching around the world.”

“AEW: All In London” will feature the biggest names in professional wrestling from a roster that includes stars such as Chris Jericho, Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, Claudio Castagnoli, Jon Moxley, “Hangman” Adam Page, Adam Copeland, Saraya, Christian Cage, Adam Cole, FTR, Bryan Danielson, Kris Statlander, Orange Cassidy, Miro, Dr. Britt Baker, Hikaru Shida, Samoa Joe, Powerhouse Hobbs and many more. Additional information and matches will be announced in the near future. The event will be produced in conjunction with Live Nation Entertainment.

“AEW: All In London” continues the legacy of Khan family properties enjoying signature moments in the iconic venue. Shahid Khan is Chairman of Fulham Football Club, which earned promotion to the English Premier League with playoff wins at Wembley Stadium in both 2018 and 2020. He is also owner of the Jacksonville Jaguars, who have regularly hosted a home game at the stadium since 2013 and will return once again in 2024 for the franchise’s tenth home game overall at Wembley.

About AEW

Founded by CEO, GM and Head of Creative Tony Khan in 2019, AEW is a red-hot professional wrestling promotion featuring a world-class roster that is injecting new spirit, freshness and energy into the industry. “AEW: Dynamite” airs every Wednesday from 8-10 p.m. ET on TBS, “AEW: Rampage” airs every Friday from 10-11 p.m. ET on TNT, and “AEW: Collision” airs every Saturday from 8-10 p.m. ET on TNT. AEW’s multi-platform content also includes “Being the Elite,” a weekly behind-the-scenes YouTube series, and “AEW Unrestricted,” a weekly podcast series. For more info, check out Twitter.com/AEW; Instagram.com/AEW; YouTube.com/AEW; Facebook.com/AEW

About Live Nation Entertainment

Live Nation Entertainment (NYSE: LYV) is the world’s leading live entertainment company comprised of global market leaders: Ticketmaster, Live Nation Concerts, and Live Nation Sponsorship. For additional information, visit www.livenationentertainment.com.

“AEW: WrestleDream” PPV Available in Select Out-Of-Home Establishments this Sunday, October 1

Sept. 26, 2023 – AEW and Joe Hand Promotions will bring AEW’s highly-anticipated “AEW: WrestleDream” pay-per-view event to select out-of-home establishments across North American this Sunday, October 1 starting at 7 p.m. ET. The inaugural “AEW: WrestleDream” event will honor New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s (NJPW) founder, Antonio Inoki, on the one-year anniversary of his passing. To locate a participating establishment, fans in North America can check the Joe Hand Promotions website HERE. The card for “AEW: WrestleDream” includes the following exciting match-ups:

  • AEW World Tag Team Title Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) (c) vs. Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis)
  • AEW TNT Championship (Two Out of Three Falls): Christian Cage (c) vs. Darby Allin
  • AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Julia Hart
  • ROH World Tag Team Championship: Better Than You Bay Bay (Adam Cole & MJF) (c) vs. The
    Righteous (Vincent and Dutch)
  • ROH World Championship and NJPW Strong Openweight Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata
  • Dream Match: Bryan Danielson vs Zach Sabre Jr.
  • Swerve Strickland vs Hangman Adam Page
  • Chris Jericho and The Golden Elite (Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi) vs. Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara, and Will Ospreay)
  • The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn)
    vs. Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo) vs. Orange Cassidy and HOOK

*Card subject to change
“Through our collaboration with AEW to deliver these historic events for fans to enjoy in social settings,
we are committed to keeping the wrestling community connected throughout the year. We aim to foster
a collective love for the sport, forging enduring memories that will last a lifetime,” said Joe Hand, Jr.,
President of Joe Hand Promotions. AEW consistently orchestrates thrilling gatherings that unite fans in communal atmospheres. Enthusiasts
can anticipate witnessing this event at handpicked Dave & Buster’s and Tom’s Watch Bar venues. “AEW:
WrestleDream” will also illuminate screens in numerous esteemed movie theaters across the United

Founded by CEO, GM and Head of Creative Tony Khan in 2019, AEW is offering an alternative to mainstream wrestling, with a roster of world-class talent that is injecting new spirit, freshness and energy into the industry. “AEW: Dynamite” airs every Wednesday from 8-10 p.m. ET on TBS and attracts the youngest wrestling audience on television. The fight-forward “AEW: Rampage” airs every Friday from 10-11 p.m. ET on TNT, and the new “AEW: Collision” airs every Saturday from 8-10 p.m. ET on TNT. AEW’s multi-platform content also includes “Being the Elite,” a weekly behind-the-scenes YouTube series, and “AEW Unrestricted,” a weekly podcast series. For more info, check out Twitter.com/AEW; Instagram.com/AEW; YouTube.com/AEW; Facebook.com/AEW

Joe Hand Promotions brings fan communities from mainstream sports and entertainment into the top corporate and independently owned bars and restaurants, theaters, casinos, and other commercial establishments to provide the best viewing experience outside of the arena.
As the commercial content partner for some of the nation’s top live-sports media properties, Joe Hand Promotions is the leader in the out-of-home live sports and entertainment media distribution industry. For over 50 years, Joe Hand Promotions has seamlessly connected commercial establishments with live sports and entertainment, which has successfully driven traffic and increased revenues, time and time again. The Joe Hand Promotions team is more than the distributor, but also the advisor in this fast-growing industry.

The Big Gold Belt Podcast is LIVE & jam packed with major wrestling news to discuss!

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Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam was broadcast live from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Title vs. Title Match!

ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli (with Wheeler Yuta)


NJPW STRONG Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston!

Ian Riccaboni joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Claudio rushed at Eddie and booted him in the face. They traded chops and forearms. The fight spilled outside of the ring! Eddie whipped Claudio into the steel guardrail. Eddie headbutted Claudio but Claudio fired back with a lariat.

Back in the ring Claudio gut wrenched Eddie nearly into a doctor bomb, planting him hard on the mat. Eddie German suplexed Claudio. Eddie tried for a backfist, but Claudio countered with the crown of his head. Claudio back suplexed Eddie Kingston onto the ramp!

Claudio clotheslined Eddie over the top rope and back into the ring. Claudio double stomped down onto the left arm of Claudio. Eddie moved out of the way of Claudio’s diving headbutt.

Claudio battered Eddie in the corner turnbuckles. Claudio nailed Eddie with a TKO for a near fall. Claudio blasted Eddie with boots to the face. Kingston baited Claudio in and nailed Claudio with two suplexes for a two-count. Eddie fired off a straight right to Claudio’s jaw, knocking Claudio to his knees. Claudio answered with a right hand of his own.

Claudio staggered Eddie with European uppercuts. Claudio headbutted Eddie and followed up with a short arm lariat. Claudio went for the ricola bomb, but Eddie reversed it for a near fall. Claudio hit the ricola bomb, but Eddie kicked out at the two-count!

“This crowd coming unglued in support of their own Eddie Kingston,” said Excalibur.

Eddie clocked Claudio with three back fists and followed up with a Northern Lights Bomb for a near fall on Claudio. Kingston fired off another backfist and then powerbombed Claudio for the pinfall victory!

And new Ring of Honor World Champion Eddie Kingston!

Claudio extended his hand and Eddie accepted. The Code of Honor was adhered to.

“It’s a great moment in the long history of Dynamite,” said Tony Schiavone.

Footage was shown from earlier of the Kingdom watching over an ‘injured’ Roderick Strong in a hospital bed.

Adam Cole came to visit.

“Where have you been?” asked Matt Taven.

Cole said he got there as fast as he could.

Cole: “I’m glad you’re doing okay, but I have to go. Max has a huge match against Samoa Joe.”

Roderick Strong: “Just go. Just friggin’ go.”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus!

Christian Cage: “Rampage: Grand Slam, we are going to walk through Sting and Darby Allin. And Darby I am ready to move on. I am bored with you. I have a little proposition for you Darby. This Saturday on Collision how about you step in the ring for a three-way match for the TNT Championship against me and Luchasaurus. If you want this shot, Darby, then Sting isn’t allowed at ringside.”

Chris Jericho vs. Sammy Guevara (with Monteasy)!

Monteasy rapped Sammy to the ring. Sammy was wearing a light up vest, an homage to Chris Jericho when he faced Shawn Michaels 21 years ago.

Sammy and Jericho exchanged chops right out of the gate. Jericho tripped and Sammy seized the moment with a corkscrew dropkick. Jericho hoisted up Sammy with an underhook and then hit a backbreaker. Sammy fired back with a corkscrew tornillo over the top rope onto Jericho on the arena floor.

Jericho countered a GTH attempt with the Codebreaker. Jericho suplexed Sammy off the apron and down onto the arena floor! Back in the ring Sammy lured in Jericho for a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Jericho retaliated with two nasty lariats.

Sammy grabbed Jericho and smashed his face with the Code Breaker for a two-count! Sammy charged at Jericho, knocking Jericho off the apron and onto the front of the announcer’s desk. Sammy jumped off the top rope with a moonsault onto Jericho. Sammy connected with a cutter.

“Both of these men have gone through a lot in a short amount of time,” said Tony Schiavone.

Jericho countered the GTH with the Walls! Sammy twisted his hips and escaped. Sammy cracked Chris with a rising knee strike. Sammy and Jericho jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Sammy got the upper hand with a cutter off the top rope!

Sammy attempted a top rope lionsault, but Jericho countered by raising his knees. Jericho hit a running bulldog on Sammy. Jericho nailed Sammy with the lionsault for a near fall. Sammy caught Jericho with a GTH! Sammy went for the shooting star press, but Jericho countered with the Code Breaker and scored the win!

Jericho and Sammy hugged after the match. Sammy kicked Jericho with a low blow!

“What have you done, Sammy?” asked Excalibur.

Don Callis walked down the ramp and into the ring! Don Callis patted Sammy on the shoulder and the two men left the ring together.

Earlier in the day MJF pulled up to the arena in his exotic sports car with Adam Cole!

MJF had strong words for Samoa Joe. Adam Cole’s phone rang and when he answered, it was Roderick Strong. Cole told Strong to calm down and walked away from MJF to console Roddy.

Renee Paquette tried to interview Sammy Guevara and Don Callis backstage!

Don said all would be revealed this Friday on Rampage.

Daniel Garcia got in Sammy’s face, but Callis insisted they walk away.

AEW International Championship Match!

Jon Moxley (c.) vs. Rey Fenix!

Fenix met Moxley on the ramp and they began to brawl before the bell even rang. Fenix jumped off the ramp, over the cameraman, and onto Moxley on the arena floor!

Moxley rocked Rey Fenix with a forearm and then stomped him face first into the mat. Moxley grounded and pounded Rey Fenix. Moxley tossed Rey Fenix over the barricade. Moxley drilled Rey Fenix with a draping DDT onto the arena floor!

“Fenix is in a world of hurt right now from Mox,” said Taz.

Rey Fenix caught Mox flush in the face with a kick and then followed up with a cutter. Rey Fenix frog splashed Moxley for a near fall! Rey Fenix charged at Moxley, but Moxley wiped him out with a King Kong Lariat!

Fenix propped Moxley onto the steel barricade, draping him over it. Rey Fenix jumped off the top rope and landed on Moxley with a leg drop to the back of the head! Back in the ring Moxley regained momentum with a Gotch style piledriver. But Rey retaliated with a diving double foot stomp for a two-count.

Moxley curb stomped Rey Fenix on the stage ramp! Moxley spiked Rey Fenix with a piledriver for a two-count. Rey Fenix hit Moxley with a senton atomico and then a piledriver. Fenix hit a second piledriver and pinned Moxley!

And new AEW International Champion Rey Fenix!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Saraya (c.) (with Ruby Soho) vs. Toni Storm!

Saraya slapped Toni in the face. Toni Storm smiled and chopped at Saraya. After a distraction from Ruby, Saraya capitalized with a thrust kick to Toni.

Toni swept out the leg of Saraya. As the ref was distracted, Toni Storm cracked Saraya in the head with a high heel shoe for a near fall!

Toni Storm pulled off the bottom turnbuckle pad. Toni had a can of spray paint, but Ruby grabbed it out of Toni’s hands and tossed it to Saraya. Saraya sprayed it in Toni’s eyes and went for the pin after a DDT, but Toni kicked out. Saraya grabbed Toni to ram her head into the exposed turnbuckle, but Saraya didn’t have the heart to do it.

Toni Storm grabbed Saraya, kissed her on the mouth, and then spiked her with the Storm Zero for a two-count! Saraya dodged the Hip Attack and nailed Toni with the Knight Cap, grabbing the pinfall victory!

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe!

The fans chanted “He’s our scumbag! He’s our scumbag!”

MJF thumbed Samoa Joe in the eye. MJF jumped on the back of Samoa Joe, but Joe shrugged him to the mat. Tony Schiavone pointed out that Adam Cole was not ringside for Adam Cole’s match, despite Adam Cole promising MJF he’d be there for him tonight.

Samoa Joe began to work over MJF’s neck. MJF thumbed Samoa Joe in the eyes again. Joe ran MJF over with a boot to the head. Samoa Joe attempted the muscle buster, but MJF escaped. MJF staggered Samoa Joe with three short arm lariats. MJF went for a fourth, but Samoa Joe swung for the fences and nearly decapitated MJF with a lariat.

Samoa Joe headbutted MJF but MJF fired up and raked Samoa Joe’s back! MJF hammered Samoa Joe with punches to the head. MJF bit down on Samoa Joe’s forehead. MJF connected with the kangaroo kick!

MJF ran for a tope, but Samoa Joe countered with a kick. Samoa Joe spiked MJF with a Death Valley Driver on the apron!

“That’ll change your career, man,” said Taz.

Samoa Joe pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Samoa Joe pulled MJF out of the ring and planted him through the table!

“Samoa Joe can feel the AEW World Championship in his grasp,” said Excalibur.

Samoa Joe pulled the padding off the floor, exposing the concrete beneath it. Samoa Joe was looking for a piledriver, but MJF bit him. MJF attempted a piledriver, but he had to let go because his injured neck began to spasm. Samoa Joe stuck MJF with a piledriver on the exposed concrete!

Samoa Joe told MJF to give up, but MJF spat at Samoa Joe. MJF pulled out a Liger Bomb out of nowhere on Samoa Joe for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Samoa Joe and MJF traded strikes in the center of the ring. Samoa Joe applied a sleeper. MJF pulled the ref in close and while the ref was distracted, MJF kicked back with a low blow to Samoa Joe. MJF pulled out the Dynamite Diamond Ring from his trunks.

MJF was about to clock Samoa Joe with the Dynamite Diamond Ring, but Samoa Joe pulled the ref in front of him, and the ref spotted the illegal object! As ref Paul Turner threw the diamond ring to the outside, Samoa Joe kicked MJF with a low blow!

Samoa Joe nailed MJF with the muscle buster but somehow MJF kicked out at the two-count! Samoa Joe applied a sleeper. Adam Cole sprinted down to the ring and tried to motivate MJF! MJF got to his feet! MJF applied the sleeper on Samoa Joe, but Joe shoved MJF into the corner. Adam Cole jumped onto the ring apron. Samoa Joe tried to take a swing at Adam Cole. As Samoa Joe and the ref had their backs turned, MJF used his wrist tape around Samoa Joe’s neck! MJF choked out Samoa Joe and the ref stopped the match, with MJF retaining! MJF dropped the evidence and Adam Cole quickly picked it up and hid it in his pocket.

Samoa Joe got to his feet, and he shoved Adam Cole. MJF jumped in between them, acting as a human shield. Samoa Joe offered his hand to MJF. Samoa Joe shook MJF’s hand, giving the devil his due.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, CO!

This Friday tune in to a stacked two-hour episode of AEW RAMPAGE: Grand Slam beginning at 10pm ET on TNT featuring:

-Mixed Trios Match!

Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK, & TBS Champion Kris Statlander


Anna Jay, Daddy Magic, & Cool Hand Ang!

-Mike Santana in action!

-Skye Blue vs. Julia Hart!

-The Kingdom vs. The Hardys vs. The Righteous vs. Best Friends!

The winner gets an ROH World Tag Team Championship Match at Wrestledream!

-AEW World Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c.) vs. Dark Order!

-Darby Allin & Sting


Christian Cage & TNT Champ Luchasaurus!

-ROH World 6-Man Championship Match!

The Mogul Embassy (c.)


“Hangman” Adam Page & The Young Bucks!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, MI!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Fyter Fest was broadcast live from Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

The show opened with a graphic paying tribute to Terry Funk: 1944-2023.

Trios Match!

The Elite—Kenny Omega, & The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


Juice Robinson & The Gunns—Austin & Colten!

The Elite charged up the ramp and attacked Bullet Club Gold, wasting no time! Juice Robinson decked ref Rick Knox. The Bucks superkicked Juice Robinson. Jay White, who wasn’t even in the match, began to stomp Matt Jackson.

The Gunns blasted Nick Jackson with the 3:10 to Yuma! Matt superkicked the Gunns. Jay White planted Matt and then Kenny Omega ran in. Omega nailed Colten with a snapdragon. Austin was looking for a fameasser, but Kenny blocked it. Kenny blasted Jay White with a V-Trigger! Kenny went for another V-Trigger, but Takeshita ran in and rocked Kenny with a lariat.

“This match has been thrown out,” said Excalibur.

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler—ran out to even up the odds for the Elite. Back in the ring, Takeshita battered Kenny with elbow strikes. Kenny fired back with a knee strike. Kenny lifted Takeshita for the one-winged angel, but Takeshita escaped Kenny’s grasp and ran out of the ring.

Renee Paquette spoke with AEW World Champion MJF backstage!

MJF: “If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I can’t get enough of people chanting my name. When it’s time for the main event at All In: London, I want you to cheer me on. Let’s make this this loudest chant in the history of professional sports.

“The old me would have BS’ed you and said there was no pressure, but main eventing this Sunday, I feel an immense amount of pressure. This is the biggest event in the history of professional wrestling, bar none. None of this happens without my own talent, without all the fans, and not without all the people who have paved the road for professional wrestling prior.

“I’m about to be the biggest headliner in the history of professional wrestling and that’s insane. Think about all the people that came before me: Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino, Dusty Rhodes, John Cena, the Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Undertaker, the list goes on and on. I am standing on the shoulders of giants. And on Sunday, August 27th, if I win, I might become a giant myself. So yeah, there’s a lot of pressure but frankly it’s a pressure I’m ready for.

“Look, this is all really new for me. I’ve never had a genuine friend before in my entire life. That’s not me trying to work you guys. That’s real. Adam Cole has made me a better person in a really short amount of time. He taught me I can trust, and I can let my guard down. Frankly, Adam’s not just my friend, he’s my brother. Yeah, brothers fight, but at the end of the day, brothers hug it out. And we always hug it out.

“And I understand why you guys would have reservations about trusting me. I’m far from perfect. Think about the worst thing you’ve done in your life…I’ve probably done that twice. However, I’ve been vulnerable for the first time in my life. And I’m asking you people to go on this journey with me. Be vulnerable with me and I promise you, you will be rewarded. And that’s the first promise in my life that I intend to keep. Because I’m not just a scumbag, I’m your scumbag.”

Jon Moxley vs. Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Mox and Fenix traded chops. Mox ducked a kick. Rey Fenix connected with a dropkick on target. Rey Fenix followed up with a tope suicida, and then a second tope to Moxley.

Moxley tore at Rey Fenix’s mask. Moxley curb stomped Rey Fenix on the arena floor. Moxley drove the flat of his boot against the face of Rey Fenix.

Rey Fenix stunned Moxley with a kick to the back of the head. Moxley charged and scored with a lariat to Fenix. Moxley captured Rey Fenix’s arms and then began to stomp Fenix.

Rey Fenix scored with a kick to Moxley. Fenix was looking for a cutter, but Mox caught him. Fenix escaped and stomped Moxley, and then followed up with the cutter for a near fall.

Rey Fenix walloped Moxley with a frog splash for a near fall! Moxley countered a fireman’s carry with elbows to Fenix. Moxley tried for the Death Rider, but Fenix countered with a cradle for a near fall. Fenix jumped off the ropes, but Moxley countered with a big antiair uppercut.

Rey Fenix connected with a thrust kick. Moxley dug his fingers into Rey Fenix’s back. Moxley bit the face of Rey Fenix. Moxley nailed Fenix with an avalanche Death Rider for a near fall! Moxley applied the sleeper, trapping Rey Fenix, and forcing Fenix to sleep.

Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli jumped into the ring with crowbars! Penta El Zero Miedo and Eddie Kingston tried to come out to make the save, but Ortiz, holding the madball, got in between them and the ring!

Santana made his return! He charged right at Penta El Zero Miedo. Rey Fenix got whacked by a crowbar in the side of the head by the BCC!

“Mike Santana making his return! Ortiz making his return!” said Excalibur.

Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, and Trent came down the ramp!

“The Best Friends now coming down,” said Tony Schiavone.

Doc Sampson had to get in the ring to check on Rey Fenix.

“I think Fenix is in bad shape here. He got cracked in the side of the head with the crowbar,” said Taz.

Rey Fenix was carried out on a stretcher and then loaded into an ambulance.

Backstage, Renee Paquette attempted to interview Eddie Kingston.

Kingston: “You saw what your husband did?! You want me to fix it? Yeah, I’m gonna fix it at Wembley, watch!”

Earlier in the day, Renee Paquette interviewed Sammy Guevara!

Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Daniel Garcia interrupted Sammy before Sammy could get a word out.

Menard: “Sammy, what are you doing? You realize Jericho accepted the offer? He said yes. And the only reason things went south was because of that stupid painting. Don Callis is exactly who we thought he was!”

Sammy: “Yeah, but Chris isn’t who you think he is. I’ve known him since day one of Dynamite. We’ve had our ups, we’ve had our downs, and yeah, I don’t agree with everything he does, but he’s blinded by friendship. He’s known Callis for 30 years. When your friends are in the wrong, that’s when you need to be there for them even more. I told Chris I’m always going to have his back, and I meant that.”

Angelo Parker: “Sammy, understand this, as your friends, we’re trying to make sure you don’t make that same mistake of being blinded by friendship. You see the trend here? It’s always Sammy who’s there for his friend. But when it comes down to it Sammy, is your friend going to be there for you? It’s just something to think about.”

Garcia stared at Sammy and then walked away without saying anything.

Up next: The Chris Jericho vs. Will Ospreay All In: London Contract Signing!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring with security.

Will Ospreay walked to the ring with Don Callis.

Chris Jericho came to the ring with Sammy Guevara.

Don Callis: “Everybody wants to know why I did what I did last week, Chris. It’s real simple. The reason I did what I did can be summed up in four words. Will By God Ospreay! Because I realize the only thing better for me than having Chris Jericho in the Don Callis family was if I could play a part in ending the career of the greatest of all time.

“And I had to make an offer to this kid that no one else could. You know what I offered him? Your head on a platter at Wembley. So yeah, I threw away 34 years of friendship, I chose money and power over our friendship. I chose writing history rather than watching it and I chose Will Ospreay over you.

“So, Chris, on a serious note, a couple years ago you nearly died in England. Well Chris, this Sunday at Wembley, I’m going to be in Will Ospreay’s corner to make sure that that job gets done to you once and for all.”

Will Ospreay: “Chris, are you actually taking this match seriously or is this some type of vanity project to get your band to play at Wembley Stadium? Do you understand what Wembley Stadium is? It is the biggest venue in the entire U.K. This match is going to change by life, bruv. The day before I wrestle Chris Jericho, I’m doing an indie. I’m trying to put as much money together to put my kid through school. This match changes my life, bruv.

“After this, after I beat you in wrestling’s biggest event, I’m going to be the only man to say I’ve beaten Kenny Omega, Okada, and Chris Jericho in two months. And that goes very well in six months’ time, because my contract comes up from New Japan Pro-Wrestling. And who is going to pay millions of dollars for Will Ospreay? Because I know I’m the best wrestler. I’m better than the Elite. I’m better than Danielson. I’m better than Punk. I’m better than you!

“All your championships, your legacy, I respect it all mate, but all it is is rocket fuel for me and my future.”

Will Ospreay signed the contract.

Chris Jericho: “Let’s talk about your future, Will. No, let’s talk about your present. And congratulations to all the things you’ve accomplished in the last six months. But I don’t think you’d have accomplished those things if it wasn’t for me. Because five years ago when the entire wrestling world was all predicting you were going to be in a wheelchair before you were 30 years old, like your hero the Dynamite Kid, because you were so reckless, I called you.

“I got your number, and I told you to tone it down because if you didn’t, you’d never have the longevity of Chris Jericho and you would never be what I’d knew you’d be before anybody else, which is one of the top stars in this business.

“And hey, you listened to me, Will, and now here we are, Wembley Stadium, Jericho versus Ospreay. And you didn’t have to attack me from behind last week to get this match, Will, because this match has been in the works for years. This match was supposed to happen in 2021 at the Tokyo Dome before the lockdown, but there’s no lockdown now. This is Wembley. This is the biggest show in pro wrestling history, which means it’s the biggest show of my career. Almost 33 years, don’t tell me this is a vanity project for me. This is bigger than any WrestleMania, this is bigger than any Tokyo Dome, this is bigger than anything!

“This match means more to me than it does to anybody else. Because you’re coming at this from the bottom. I’m coming at it from the top of the effin’ mountain with everyone trying to knock me off.

“Every hater on social media is trying to predict my demise. So that means I have to be the best Chris Jericho that I’ve ever been to beat you Will Ospreay. But in return, you have to be the best Will Ospreay you’ve ever been to beat me.”

Chris Jericho signed the contract.

Jericho: “So prove it to me Ospreay. Prove it to your family at Wembley sitting in the front row. Your mother, your father, you missus, your four year old stepson that you’ve got to put through school. Prove it to them in front of 80,000 of your countrymen that you can beat Chris Jericho. And don’t make me regret the fact that I picked up the phone and called you five years ago. And don’t make me forget that I kept you from being in a wheelchair—”

Will Ospreay slapped the microphone out of Jericho’s hand! Jericho slapped Will Ospreay in the face! Security had to keep Jericho and Ospreay separated.

Renee Paquette spoke with Adam Cole backstage!

Adam Cole: “It’s so bizarre, never in a million years would you think a guy like Adam Cole and MJF would not only get along but become best friends. I think the world of him professionally. He’s an absolutely amazing professional wrestler. We’ve had a ton of fun together.

“But the thing I appreciate the most about MJF is he helped me find myself again. When I came back from my injury, my confidence was at an all time low. This relationship that I’ve formed with Max, he’s reminded me who the real Adam Cole is. And I’ll love him forever for that.

“When I got into pro wrestling, I never got into it with the intention of being a wrestler. I got in with the intention of being the best pro wrestler. I’ve won world championships all over the globe, but the AEW World Championship solidifies you as the best pro wrestler on the planet. This match is everything. I don’t want to win the match. I need to win the match. And I will.

“I don’t understand how people find it so hard to process that two people can be friends. Is it that hard? Is it that hard? I’m gonna say this one time and one time only. There are no issues with me and Max. None! Thank you, Renee!”

Tornado Tag Team Match!

Mogul Embassy’s Swerve Strickland & AR Fox (with Prince Nana)


Darby Allin & Nick Wayne!

Swerve threw Darby hard into the barricade. AR Fox nailed Nick Wayne with a German suplex off the top rope. AR Fox hit an implosion senton to the outside on Nick Wayne and Darby Allin!

Nick Wayne’s mother was in the front row.

Swerve spiked Nick on the apron. Nick Wayne jumped off the turnbuckle and blasted Swerve and Fox with a double cutter on the arena floor!

“Double Wayne’s World on the outside!” said Excalibur.

Darby nailed Swerve and Fox with a Coffin Drop from the turnbuckle to the arena floor!

Nick Wayne tried for Wayne’s World again, but Fox and Swerve countered with a brutal neck breaker! Darby came over the top with a stunner to Fox and then rocketed to the outside like a missile to Swerve!

Swerve crushed Darby on the arena floor with a Swerve Stomp from off the apron! Swerve booted Nick in the face. Fox hit a corkscrew brainbuster on Nick Wayne, but Nick kicked out at two! Fox did it again, but Nick Wayne kicked out again! Swerve kicked Nick in the back of the head…Nick kicked out of the pin attempt again!

“He has great resilience,” said Taz.

Swerve and Fox hit double pump kicks in the corner on Nick Wayne. Fox went for the 450 splash but Nick Wayne rolled out of the way! Nick Wayne cradled Fox and pinned him while Darby held back Swerve!

Swerve: “This is so disappointing. And by disappointing, I mean you Fox. How come every time you get the opportunity of a lifetime, you blow it! I tried. Why are you such a loser Fox? Little did you know this was a test for you. This was all a test. You can’t be an 18-year-old child Nick Wayne, who I wiped the floor with. I can’t trust you Fox. I can’t trust you in this match. I damn sure can’t trust you in front of 80,000 people at Wembley.”

Prince Nana: “On behalf of the Mogul Embassy, AR Fox you are fired!”

“The Machine” Brian Cage jumped into the ring from out of nowhere and rocked Fox with a spinning lariat. Cage planted Fox with the Drill Claw.

Darby Allin and Nick Wayne came back down to the ring, but this time they brought Sting with them! The Mogul Embassy retreated, leaving behind AR Fox.

Darby: “AR Fox, I wouldn’t be here today without you. You changed my life. You took me in when I was homeless. And no matter what you did to me, I’m always going to credit you for helping me make it here. Take my hand. I love you, man.”

Darby Allin and AR Fox hugged.

Darby: “Swerve, you’re stupider than I thought. 80,000 people in London, this Sunday, what are you going to do? Who do you got?”

Swerve and Prince Nana were standing beside Brian Cage and laughing. Christian Cage and the TNT Champion Luchasaurus walked out.

Christian Cage: “You guys shouldn’t be so surprised. The true greats are always two steps ahead, ain’t that right, Stinger? Darby, Sting, are you going to introduce me to your little friend? I think I know who this guy is. I heard a lot about you, Nick Wayne. It’s nice to meet you in person finally. I heard about your story. And I understand you have a father, and your father is dead.

“I also understand that your father was a professional wrestler. Well, I’ve never heard of your father, Buddy Wayne before, so he must not have been very good. The good news for you, Nick, is because your father was such a talentless hack, you don’t have a lot to live up to. And if I were you, I’d still clear of Wembley Stadium this Sunday, because I’d hate for you to have déjà vu and watch that coffin door close on someone you love for the second time in your life.

“But hey Nick, if you play your cards right, kid, I’ll be there to mentor you when it’s all over. Because we all know that every fatherless child needs a true mentor and there’s no better mentor than the TNT Champion!”

“Reminder that the TNT Champion is Luchasaurus and not Christian Cage,” said Excalibur.

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler had a face-to-face interview with the Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson!

Cash: “We need to know once and for all, and same for you guys I’m sure, who is better—FTR or the Young Bucks. No excuses.”

Renee: “Each team has one apiece. We’re now going into the rubber match for the championship in front of 80,000+ fans in a packed Wembley Stadium. Does this feel like the biggest match in your career?”

Matt Jackson: “Yeah, when we first did All In all those years ago, it seemed impossible to do 10,000 in an arena. And now here we are 8 times over. Biggest match of our career…understatement of the century.”

Nick Jackson: “I feel like Matt and I are made men. We don’t need to win this match. These guys need to beat us for their legacy to be cemented on the top. I feel strongly about that too.”

Dax: “This goes far beyond business. This is personal to us. It’s about the AEW World Tag Team Championships. But I think it goes far beyond the AEW World Tag Team Championships. And I’ve said it to the point where it annoys me. The legacy. FTR’s legacy. And the only tag team that stands in our legacy is the Young Bucks. And on Monday morning I don’t want to wake up to explain to my family that I lost.”

Matt Jackson: “I’d love to remind you, how do you feed your daughter? Do you remember we brought you here? We were the reason you have jobs here. You want to talk about legacy? I hate to do this, and I know this just got awkward, but this is the truth. One day when this is all said and done, and we decide to hang up our sneakers and say that’s it, you know what people are going to say about the Young Bucks? ‘The Young Bucks…let’s finally give them their damn flowers. That’s the best damn tag team that has ever competed in pro wrestling.’

“And do you know what they’re going to say about you? They’re not going to say it. They’re going to whisper it. They’re going to say, ‘And those guys, those are the guys the Young Bucks named on their YouTube show.’ And that’s the truth.” Dax: “You guys had to jump on our name, and on our popularity and insult us, because you wanted to be on our level. There ain’t no way. But here’s the thing. 80,000 people, we will make you guys. Every time you get a chance you say you’re the foundation. Well, we’re the foundation here now.”

Matt Jackson: “We’ll see you at Wembley.”

Skye Blue vs. The Outcasts’ Ruby Soho!

Ruby dumped Skye to the outside. Skye swept out Ruby’s leg on the apron. Skye connected with a thrust kick and then whipped Ruby into the guardrail.

Ruby chopped at Skye in the corner. Ruby gouged Skye’s eyes. Sky rocked Ruby with a jumping knee strike. Skye jumped off the apron and hit Ruby with a diving crossbody press.

Skye jumped off the top rope with another diving crossbody for a near fall on Ruby. Skye planted Ruby with a spinning neck breaker. Skye Blue nailed Ruby with Skye Fall for a two-count!

Ruby countered the Code Blue attempt. Ruby cracked Skye with the No Future kick! Ruby spiked Skye with the Destination Unknown and then pinned her!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Roderick Strong and The Kingdom!

Strong: “At the end of the night at All In, we’re going to find out who the real MJF is and we’re going to find out who the real Adam Cole is.”

The Acclaimed—Max Caster and Anthony Bowens came to the ring!

Bowens: “No more games! We’re still standing! House of Black, get your asses to this ring right now! Let’s fight!”

The arena went black as the lights switched off!

The AEW World Trios Champs—The House of Black—walked down the ramp with Julia Hart!

The House of Black surrounded the Acclaimed, who were standing in the ring outnumbered. Both teams began to brawl, 3 on 2! The Acclaimed were outnumbered and were being pummeled by the House of Black.

Daddy Ass stormed to the ring and the House of Black retreated!

Daddy Ass: “Hold on just one second! You wanted my attention, well, now you’ve got it. So let me try to explain to you kind of what you’ve done. A couple of weeks ago after you beat me for the second time, I sat right there, unlaced my boots, and I did the two hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my entire life. Walk out on Max and Anthony and leave behind a really good career. And I was okay with that but then last week you jumped Max and Anthony.

“You busted Max open. You hurt one of my kids. But that wasn’t good enough. Then you took my boots, and you destroyed them. You tried to tear down a legacy that has taken me 32 years to build. I’ve done stuff in this business that will go down in wrestling history. I am a hall of famer and you just pissed all over it.

“So, for that, for that, one more time, it’s all or nothing, All In, Wembley Stadium in front of 80,000 people. Look in my eyes. I take everything from you. Because at All In it’s the House of Black against the Acclaimed and well, unfortunately that fun loving Daddy Ass can’t make the trip. But there is a guy I thought we’d never see again. And I guarantee you never wish you saw him either because there’s a bad ass coming to London and his name is Billy Gunn!”

Main Event Time!

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match!

Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis (c.)


The Hardys—Matt & Jeff Hardy!

Aussie Open came in hot, charging right at the Hardys. Matt and Jeff began to fire back.

The fans chanted “Let’s go Hardys! Let’s go Hardys!”

Jeff launched off Matt’s back and splashed Mark Davis in the corner. Jeff did it again, this time to Kyle Fletcher!

The Hardys hit clotheslines on Aussie Open, sending the champs over the top rope and spilling to the arena floor.

Jeff Hardy jumped off the top turnbuckle and wiped out Aussie Open. Matt back body dropped Kyle Fletcher. Matt DDT’ed Davis and then hit the Side Effect on Fletcher for a near fall. Matt dropped an elbow across the base of Fletcher’s neck.

Matt superplexed Fletcher and then Jeff splashed Fletcher for a near fall. Davis was there to break up the pin attempt. Fletcher powerbombed Matt Hardy. Davis muscled up Jeff Hardy and then planted him right into a kick by Fletcher! Aussie Open double teamed Jeff with the Aussie Arrow and pinned Jeff!

“Hey man, you get a win over the Hardys, that’s impressive,” said Taz.

Kyle Fletcher: “Wembley Stadium, there will be no double clothesline. There will be no kangaroo kick. And Aussie Open will still be your Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions, baybay!”

The fans erupted as AEW World Champion MJF and Adam Cole headed to the ring shoulder to shoulder. They faced off with Aussie Open and had a stare down. Things broke down and MJF and Cole brawled with Aussie Open. Aussie Open beat down Cole and MJF. Aussie Open were going for the double clothesline on Adam Cole until MJF jumped on Davis’ back. Adam Cole wiped out Fletcher with a pump kick, and then he served up a pump kick to Davis!

MJF and Cole called for the double clothesline! Davis bailed out of the ring, though. MJF was about to go for the kangaroo kick on Fletcher when Davis hit MJF from behind! Cole wiped out Davis with a superkick! Fletcher charged at Cole, but MJF saved him by clocking Fletcher with a back elbow. MJF held Fletcher back for Adam Cole to superkick Fletcher. Fletcher escaped and Adam Cole almost inadvertently superkicked MJF, but MJF caught the kick with his hands and blocked it.

MJF held up his AEW World Championship Title. Adam Cole offered his hand, but MJF pushed past him. MJF pulled out his Dynamite diamond ring and put it on his finger. He turned around, but then removed it and put it back in his pocket. MJF called for Cole and then they hugged!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c!

Be a part of history! This Sunday order All In: London from Wembley Stadium, live on pay-per-view at 6pm BST / 1pm ET! Zero Hour begins at 5pm BST / Noon ET / 9am PT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

AEW has been selected for SXSW 2024’s panel picker competition, with two separate panel concepts eligible to be showcased during next year’s conference, taking place March 8-16 in Austin, Texas. We need YOUR help to send AEW to Austin – you can vote for each panel on SXSW’s panel picker website between now and Sunday, August 20 at 11:59 p.m. PT. The two panels eligible for next year’s conference include:

Making Professional Wrestling a More Inclusive Space

Description: Professional wrestling existed essentially as a monopoly for nearly two decades, until Tony Khan launched All Elite Wrestling in January 2019. Since then, the industry has experienced a reinvigoration, not only in terms of competition at the highest level, but also as a welcoming place for fans from all walks of life. From launching as a minority-owned promotion to crowning the first trans champion in a major promotion in history, the past four years have represented a turning point for diversity and inclusivity in an industry that had for many years been going in the wrong direction.


Tony Khan, CEO, GM, Head of Creative, All Elite Wrestling

Anthony Bowens, Professional Wrestler, All Elite Wrestling

Nyla Rose, Professional Wrestler, All Elite Wrestling

Megha Parekh, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, All Elite Wrestling

Disrupting the Long-Monopolized Pro Wrestling Industry

Description: In 2018, Tony Khan identified an opportunity to provide fans with an alternative, mainstream pro wrestling product for the first time in decades. The birth of All Elite Wrestling forever changed the industry, and five years later, not only has the promotion improved competition and lifted smaller promotions, but also pushed the boundaries of compelling professional wrestling, creating new fans in the process. From showcasing real-life entrepreneurialism to giving wrestlers the capacity to reinvent themselves on their own terms, AEW’s rise is based on an unprecedented playground for creativity.


Tony Khan, CEO, GM and Head of Creative, All Elite Wrestling

Britt Baker, Talent, All Elite Wrestling

Chris Jericho, Talent, All Elite Wrestling

Justin Barrasso, Author, Sports Illustrated

Make sure to cast your vote and share the panel picker links on social media to help AEW’s incredible roster take center stage at SXSW. Thank you!

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