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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AR Fox vs. “Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold)!

Jay White grappled Fox to the mat with a side headlock takedown. Fox came back with a cutter. Fox followed up with a swift kick to Jay White, knocking White out of the ring. Fox nailed Jay White with a shooting star press, posting off the turnbuckles and landing on White on the arena floor.

Back in the ring, Jay White threw Fox into the turnbuckles with a half and half suplex. Jay White spiked AR Fox with a DDT. AR Fox regained momentum, hitting Bullet Club Gold with a tope con hiro, and then he hit one on Jay White! AR Fox smashed Jay White with a twisting vertical suplex and then a 450 splash off the top for a near fall on “Switchblade”!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Jay White rocked Fox with a half and half suplex and then finished him off with the Blade Runner, scoring the pin.

“You make one mistake against Jay White, and he will make you pay every single time,” said Kevin Kelly.

After the match, MJF snuck to the ring in a hoody and tried to steal his world title back from Jay White. He was outnumbered by Bullet Club Gold and had to leg go of the title, discretion being the better part of valor.

AEW Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass said next week on Collision they’re going to celebrate 69 days as champs!

The Boys—Brandon & Brent (with Dalton Castle)


The Gunns—Austin & Colten (with Bullet Club Gold)!

The Boys showed off their quickness, getting in some great tandem offense on Austin. The Gunns fired back with the 3:10 to Yuma and won in decisive fashion.

The Gunns will be facing MJF and a yet-to-be-named partner at AEW Full Gear: Zero Hour, on Saturday, November 18th for the ROH World Tag Team Championship.

Lexy Nair was backstage with “Hollywood Hunk” Ryan Nemeth!

Ryan: “I have a huge surprise. Big movie coming out next month. National comedy tour. But I want the success I’m having in Hollywood translate to success in AEW, which is why I brought you here.”

Nemeth turned and pointed to the dressing room door of “Hot And Flexible” CJ Perry.

Nemeth knocked on the door and “The Redeemer” Miro answered! Miro invited him in, the door closed, and Miro mauled Nemeth!

Fright Night Fight!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Hikaru Shida (c.) vs. Abadon!

Shida and Abadon locked up. Abadon was looking to bite Shida, but Shida kicked her away. Abadon grabbed a skeleton bone and swung it at Shida, but Shida countered with a dropkick.

Abadon hid under the ring and tried to pull Shida under the ring. Abadon snuck up from the other side and ambushed Shida. Abadon cracked Shida across the back with a trash can lid.

Abadon and Shida collided against each other with double clotheslines, both having the same idea. Abadon found a baseball bat, but Shida got behind Abadon and choked her with it. Abadon cracked Shida with a kick in the face. Abadon poured out a bucket of candy and smashed Shida with a blockbuster on the candy!

Shida rocked Abadon with a shot from the kendo stick. Shida placed a pumpkin on top of Abadon’s head and smashed her with the katana kick, scoring the pinfall victory!

“What a win for Shida,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Timeless” Toni Storm came out and pranced around the ring.

ROH World Television Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. Rhett Titus!

Rhett wrenched on Samoa Joe’s wrist. Samoa Joe bulldozed his way right through Titus. Samoa Joe drove Titus down with jabs in the corner. Samoa Joe chopped at Titus. Rhett Titus jumped off the top turnbuckle, but Samoa Joe simply walked out of the way.

Rhett Titus ran into Samoa Joe with two big boots. He went for a third time, but Samoa Joe planted Titus and then forced Titus to tap out!

“Domination made flesh!” said Kevin Kelly.

Footage aired from last night’s Rampage of Renee Paquette interviewing the QTV crew!

QT Marshall said that when he won the AAA Latin American Title, he told the world he was going to defend it with honor and prestige across the world. “I’m back in AEW and I plan on defending it against some of the luchadores because I’m told AEW has the best luchadores in the world.”

Up Next: An Injury update on the “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson!

Claudio Castagnoli said Danielson had a broken orbital bone and it was either from the Orange Punch or the Rainmaker. “I don’t know, and I don’t care because I’m going to make both of you pay for what you’ve done for my friend. Okada, be it in the Unites States or Japan, I am coming for you. I will find you and I will make you pay.

“Orange, you and me on Wednesday on Dynamite for your International Championship. I know what I’m going to do and what I’m capable of and it frightens me. You hurt one of the Blackpool Combat Club and now I’m going to hurt you. See you on Wednesday. Good luck.”

FTR’s Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler)


AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks (with Big Bill)!

Before the match began the lights in the arena went dark.

The lights came back on, and The House of Black were seen scouting the match.

Dax and Starks chain wrestled. They traded arm drags. Dax grabbed a side headlock takeover.

“What is the House of Black’s motivation for being here?” wondered Tony Schiavone.

Dax tried for a diving headbutt, but Ricky moved out of the way. Starks nailed Dax with a leg drop across the throat while Dax was on the edge of the ring. Dax went for a baseball slide, but Starks trapped him in the ring skirt. Starks started to pummel him with shots and then nailed him with a suplex on the ramp.

Dax rallied back and superplexed Ricky Starks. Both men hit the mat hard! Ricky rammed Harwood with a lariat. Dax clobbered Ricky with strikes. Dax grabbed an inside cradle for a near fall.

Dax blocked a tornado DDT and countered with a brainbuster for a near fall on Starks. Starks went for the spear, but Dax cracked him with a rising knee. Dax spiked Ricky with a piledriver. Dax went for the cover, but Big Bill pulled Dax out of the ring by the boot. Back in the ring, Ricky crushed Dax with a piledriver and pinned him!

“That’s the door closing on FTR, at least for the time being,” said Kevin Kelly.

“I’m not so sure about that,” replied Tony Schiavone.

The arena went dark again. This time when the lights returned on, Julia Hart was standing on the ramp surrounded by a shroud of fog. The lights went back out and this time when the came back on, the House of Black were in the ring, circling Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

“They’ve surrounded the champions,” said Kevin Kelly.

The House of Black then turned their attention to FTR!

La Faccion Ingobernable stormed down to the ring!

“It’s LFI!” said Tony Schiavone.

“Who are they looking at?” asked Kevin Kelly.

LFI helped FTR and began to slug it out with the House of Black! Big Bill and Ricky Starks retreated!

“LFI and FTR together in the ring! Incredible! Who would have thought this?” said Schiavone.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Andrade El Idolo!

Lexy asked about Andrade’s dealings with CJ Perry, as well as the return of LFI.

Andrade El Idolo: “I am a businessman. This is my business. Nobody else.”

TBS Champion Kris Statlander was backstage with Lexy Nair.

Statlander asked for some time to speak with Willow Nightingale and Skye Blue. Statlander said whatever was going on between Willow and Skye needed to be settled now.

Willow: “Skye, I felt this tension between us, and it’s growing stronger. And ever since we both got misted from Julia, something is getting worse with you.”

Skye: “Anything that I have to say with Julia is between her and I.”

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli


“Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams!

Claudio Castagnoli clobbered Tracy Williams with repeated European Uppercuts! Claudio clubbed Tracy with lariats. Claudio finished off “Hot Sauce” with a European Uppercut and then pinned him.

MJF was seen getting warmed up backstage.

MJF was approached by Samoa Joe.

Samoa Joe: “I could be your friend, Max. You just need to give me a rematch at your championship. If you find yourself in a bad way tonight, you just gotta scream my name and I’ll be your friend. Good luck. Dangerous opponent. I’ll keep my ears pricked up.”

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Kenny Omega!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast booth to provide his main event analysis.

Both men had each other scouted out early in the match, going hold for hold with one another. MJF offered his hand to Omega as a sign of good sportsmanship. Omega accepted and then MJF poked Omega in the eyes.

Omega backdropped MJF out of the ring. Omega hit the Terminator Dive on MJF! The champ fired back, jumping over the top rope and flipping onto Omega!

Omega jumped off the top rope with a cross body press to MJF. Omega tried for a hurracanrana, but MJF countered with a powerbomb back breaker combo. MJF planted Kenny with a stuffed DDT, good for a near fall.

Omega nailed MJF with a snapdragon suplex. Omega dropkicked MJF’s kneecap. Omega wiped out MJF with a lariat, sending MJF to the arena floor. Omega followed up with a moonsault to MJF. Omega rocked MJF with a missile dropkick from the top rope to the back of the head. Omega went for a moonsault, but MJF countered by raising his knees!

MJF chomped down on Omega’s forehead. MJF arm whipped Omega into the turnbuckles. MJF cracked Kenny with the kangaroo kick.

Omega connected with a sliding baseball kick, sending MJF into the broadcast booth. Kenny pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Back in the ring, they exchanged cradles. Kenny buckle bombed MJF, but the champ came out of the corner with a massive lariat to the Cleaner!

They battled on the ring apron. Kenny drilled MJF with a snapdragon suplex on the edge of the ring! Omega powerbombed MJF off the apron and through the table on the floor!

“My God what a main event here on Collision!” said Jim Ross.

Back in the ring, Kenny connected with a knee strike. MJF countered the One Winged Angel with a Poison Rana! Omega fired back with a Poison Rana of his own!

“Back and forth, back and forth!” said Jim Ross.

The fans chanted “Fight forever! Fight forever!”

MJF hit a double stomp on Omega’s arm. Omega rallied back with a jumping knee strike. MJF planted Omega with a Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall.

“State of the art pro wrestling,” said Nigel.

MJF stunned Omega with a thrust kick. Omega came back with a piledriver, but MJF got his boot on the rope to stop the ref’s count. Omega powerbombed MJF on the guardrail. Omega removed the protective guard from the rail. He threw MJF back into the ring, so they didn’t get counted out.

Kenny was on the top turnbuckle, but MJF charged into the ropes, knocking Omega down. MJF climbed to the top, but Omega countered with a snake eyes from the top. Omega drove his knee into the back of MJF’s head. Omega blasted MJF with a snap dragon suplex and a running knee strike for a near fall! Kenny smashed MJF with the V Trigger. He followed up with another V Trigger. Omega hoisted up MJF for the One Winged Angel, but Don Callis ran to the ring. Omega put MJF down when he saw Callis.

As Omega was distracted by a screwdriver wielding Callis, MJF rolled up Omega from behind. Omega countered by reversing the rollup. MJF kicked out but Omega came back with a running knee strike! MJF kicked out of the pin attempt!

Don Callis climbed the ring steps. Ref Paul Turner ejected Don Callis. Omega hoisted up MJF for the One Winged Angel again, but MJF rolled forward for a pin. Omega rolled back to counter. It was another stale mate.

MJF caught Kenny in the Heat Seeker, but Kenny kicked out at the two-count! MJF went for the Panama Sunrise on Kenny and Kenny ended up countering with a pin attempt, but MJF kicked out! MJF kicked Kenny in the face and drilled Kenny with the Panama Sunrise. MJF finally finished off Omega with another Heat Seeker, pinning the Cleaner!

Samoa Joe was shown watching the match from backstage. Wardlow was also seen scouting the match from backstage. Powerhouse Hobbs was watching the match too. Jay White and Bullet Club Gold were taking mental notes as well.

“Everybody gunning for MJF,” said Tony Schiavone.

Kenny Omega and MJF hugged after the match.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

This Saturday night, at the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, CT, All Elite Wrestling presents the biggest edition of COLLISION thus far as AEW World Champion MJF puts his title on the line against former champion Kenny Omega in their very first meeting inside the squared circle! But it’s more than just the championship at stake, with 343 days as champion to his reign, MJF is just four days away from breaking Omega’s 346 day record as longest reigning champion of all-time. This is history in the making, but it’s not all that’s going down on Saturday night! Abadon will challenge Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women’s World Championship, Jay White will take on AR Fox, and The House of Black are back in action after all the damage they caused a week ago!

COLLISION is coming to you this Saturday night on TNT, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT, so before the night begins swing over to the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


MJF(c) vs. Kenny Omega

343 days; for 343 days Maxwell Jacob Friedman has reigned over All Elite Wrestling as the World Champion, just three weeks shy of completing a full year as the top guy in the company, and three days away from breaking the current record of 346 days held by Kenny Omega. That record, and MJF’s egotistical need to be viewed as the greatest champion of all-time, is why these men are heading for a collision on COLLISION this Saturday night!

It wasn’t Kenny Omega who came seeking Maxwell Jacob Friedman, it wasn’t Kenny who first broached the subject when they two men hadn’t so much as shared the same room over the past four years much less the same ring, it was MJF who sought out Kenny. It was MJF who whispered “13 days” into Kenny’s ear, as if to rub it in Omega’s face that he was going to break the record, and perhaps even thinking Kenny would do nothing about it.

If that was MJF’s thought, well he was dead wrong, because Omega stepped onto the stage following MJF’s fight with Juice Robinson this past Wednesday, and laid the challenge on the table. Would MJF be the kind of champion who would risk it all, knowing he’s got a title fight with Jay White already lined up at FULL GEAR 2023, and give Omega an opportunity to defend his streak? MJF may be a scumbag, but he’s also got an ego that would not allow the moment to pass him by, that wouldn’t let the opportunity to cement himself as the greatest AEW World Champion just slip away. If Max hadn’t accepted the challenge, when Wednesday morning came and he woke up as the longest reigning AEW World Champion in history, he would know there’s an asterisk because he didn’t fight Kenny Omega.

Once MJF made the choice to whisper into Kenny Omega’s ear, he made the choice to take on a fight with Kenny Omega, and risk seeing his title reign end before the 346-day streak was broken. In confronting Kenny, MJF added yet another target on his back, joining those already placed there by Jay White, The Gunns, Juice Robinson, Samoa Joe, and Wardlow. The World Champion is always the most wanted man in any sport, but MJF may have more on this plate than he can possibly eat, and that was before “The Cleaner” was heaped on there as well.

This is the biggest match in COLLISION’s short history, one of the biggest in All Elite Wrestling history, and it is happening on TNT this Saturday night! For the very first time, Kenny Omega and MJF, the AEW World Championship on the line, Omega’s 346-day record at stake, and it’s going down at the Mohegan Sun! History will be made if MJF survives this title fight, with but one World Championship record let to chase, that being the nine successful title defenses Jon Moxley accomplished during his first reign. An Omega victory would make eight for MJF, but regardless of who walks out of Connecticut as AEW World Champion, “Switchblade” Jay White will be waiting at the KIA Forum come FULL GEAR 2023!


Hikaru Shida(c) vs. Abadon

This past Friday night on RAMPAGE Abadon made her return to AEW competition for the first time since June 14th, and did so against some pretty stiff competition with seriously high stakes. Abadon, Willow Nightingale, Skye Blue, and Anna Jay went to battle with a shot at Hikaru Shida on the line, and when the final bell rang, it was Abadon who scored the victory! Luckily for both women, they don’t have to wait long for the championship fight because it is going down this Saturday night live on COLLISION!

This won’t be the first dance for Abadon and Shida, as a matter of fact their very first battle on the March 10, 2020 edition of AEW DARK was also Abadon’s first match in All Elite Wrestling. Unfortunately for her, Abadon’s first match also took place just days before the world shut down, and it would be several months before “The Living Dead Girl” returned to the AEW stage. When she did, Abadon would win six straight matches, positioning herself for a championship opportunity, and thus a rematch with Hikaru Shida with much greater stakes than their first encounter.

Abadon was unsuccessful in this second attempt at conquering Shida, and at claiming her first AEW championship, but it clearly served as a motivational tool because the woman would rack up 18 consecutive victories en route to facing Dr. Britt Baker in a bloody Trick or Treat match. Though Baker was the champion at the time, the title was not on the line, but given how hard the two women fought, one would never have known.

That fight with Baker was the last time Abadon competed on AEW TV before this past Friday, her fights largely taking place on DARK or DARK: ELEVATION, but now she is back in the mix, healed up and hungry, with the opportunity to be champion once more at her feet. It just feels appropriate that it is once again Hikaru Shida who will stand across the ring from Abadon this Saturday given their connection, and the fact that she is the only woman in AEW to hold two victories over Abadon.

Will this night be different than their previous encounters? Can Abadon take everything she’s learned since their last encounter in January of 2021 and put it together to end the 3rd championship reign of Hikaru Shida The pressure is on Abadon in this Fright Night Fight, will she unleash the monster on Shida


AR Fox vs. “Switchblade” Jay White

After the night the Bang Bang Gang had on Wednesday, with Juice being beaten but The Gunns getting their ROH World Tag Team Championship match at FULL GEAR 2023, it’s time for Jay White to step into the ring and fight on Saturday night! His opponent on this explosive edition of COLLISION will be a man in need of finding himself once again, someone who has been out of action since early September, the high-flying AR Fox!

Fox was last seen on the receiving end of a Jon Moxley beating on the September 6th edition of DYNAMITE, his first match after being excommunicated from The Mogul Embassy, and an opportunity to right his ship by winning the International Championship. Unfortunately Fox did not claim the title, leaving him without a championship, and with a great deal of doubt hanging over his head. Darby Allin seemed willing to forgive Fox’s transgressions, Nick Wayne less so, and perhaps that feeds into why Nick chose TNT Champion Christian Cage over his relationship with Darby.

Now that he’s back in action, it’s time for AR Fox to prove he deserves that forgiveness from Darby, and that he’s willing to do the work rather than take another Mogul Embassy type shortcut. Taking on the next challenger to the AEW World Champion is a tremendous way to begin that quest, and a victory over “King Switch” would be a huge boon to Fox’s career moving forward.

Jay White will obviously have one eye on the Omega/MJF match as it shapes White’s FULL GEAR 2023 future; will that distraction give Fox the opening he needs to score the upset victory?


A week ago The House of Black returned to AEW in full force, laying waste to Bryan Danielson after his fight with Andrade El Idolo, taking out FTR before they could even finish their tag team fight, and coming after the rest of the Blackpool Combat Club following their championship loss to Big Bill and Ricky Starks. The chaos that resulted brought Jon Moxley back to the fight for the first time since his AEW International Championship loss to Rey Fenix, and left Ricky Starks laid out by the combined efforts of FTR and BCC.

This Saturday on COLLISION, The House of Black will be back in trios action, but no doubt the men they assaulted a week ago will have a close eye on the situation, and have to have some form of retribution in mind!

This Saturday night AEW returns to the Mohegan Sun in Uncasville, CT for the biggest episode of COLLISION to date with Kenny Omega challenging MJF for the AEW World Championship, Shida defending her AEW Women’s World Championship against Abadon, Jay White in action against AR Fox, The House of Black, and more! Prior to the night getting started, be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Liacouras Center in Philadelphia, PA!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur, Ian Riccaboni and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

No Count Out, No Disqualification Match!

Mike Santana vs. Ortiz!

Mike Santana made the first move, throwing an elbow into Ortiz’s face. The action spilled to the outside with Ortiz grounding and pounding Santana, and then Ortiz smashed a trash can across Santana.

Ortiz whacked Santana with a kendo stick, going after Santana’s surgically repaired knee. Ortiz pulled a table out from beneath the ring. Mike Santana and Ortiz traded open hand shots. Santana suplexed Ortiz back into the ring. Santana wiped out Ortiz on the floor with a moonsault!

Ortiz powerbombed Mike Santana through a table outside the ring. Mike Santana suplexed Ortiz off the apron and onto a pile of chairs on the floor! Back in the ring, Santana and Ortiz traded suplexes!

“Over a decade together, both men with the same idea,” said Excalibur.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Santana spiked Ortiz with a roll-through cutter for a near fall on Ortiz. Ortiz powerslammed Mike Santana and followed up with a brainbuster for a two-count. Mike Santana rocked Ortiz with a nasty lariat. Santana lunged at Ortiz with a cannonball splash in the corner. Mike Santana powerbombed Ortiz and pinned him for the victory.

After the match, Santana wanted to fist bump Ortiz and Ortiz declined. Sonjay Dutt jumped into the ring, trying to get a word with Ortiz. Sonjay Dutt whispered into Ortiz’s ear and seemed to catch his interest.

Kenny Omega was backstage talking about tomorrow’s match with AEW World Champion MJF!

“Switchblade” Jay White interrupted.

Jay White: “All the best and if all goes well, a truly elite champion will be waiting for you at Full Gear. Goodbye. Goodnight. Bang.”

AEW World Champion MJF was backstage ahead of his title match tomorrow against Kenny Omega!

Don Callis entered the room.

Callis: “Think about this: Maxwell Jacob Friedman and the Don Callis Family together.”

MJF: “Don, are you kidding me? This is insane. How did I never think of this? Think of the limitless opportunities for us with me, and with your help, I can move up the ranks around here. I mean maybe one day I can become world champion. Oh wait, that’s right, tough luck but I don’t need your help.”

Kip Sabian was in the ring with Penelope Ford!

Sabian was running down the fans in Philadelphia.

Mark Briscoe’s music hit! Mark heard enough of Kip Sabian and came to the ring, making his return to AEW.

Kip Sabian began to mock Mark and Mark slugged Sabian! Mark hit Sabian with a clothesline and knocked Sabian out of the ring.

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Anna Jay ahead of tonight’s match.

Anna was with Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Jake Hager.

Don Callis interrupted. He said was looking for a good tag team. He told Menard and Parker that if they took care of Jericho and Omega for him, he’d help them out. Garcia wasn’t buying it. Anna Jay told them to get it together because tonight was about her.

Abadon vs. Skye Blue vs. Willow Nightingale vs. Anna Jay!

The winner earns a title shot at AEW Women’s Champion Hikaru Shida tomorrow on Collision.

Abadon German Suplexed Skye Blue. Willow rolled up Abadon, but Abadon rolled through. Abadon chop blocked Willow and Skye. Abadon connected with a double lung blower.

“Timeless” Toni Storm walked onto the ramp with her butler Luther to scout the match.

Willow connected with a double dropkick to Skye and Abadon. Willow splashed Skye and Abadon in the corner with lariats. Willow pounced Anna Jay! Skye connected with a cross body press on Willow for a near fall.

Willow rocked Anna with a spinebuster and then Skye Blue stunned Willow with a thrust kick. Willow countered the Code Blue. Anna was looking for the Queen Slayer on Abadon, but Skye broke it up with a thrust kick to Anna. Willow swept out the legs of Skye Blue and pulled her out of the ring. Abadon planted Skye Blue on the head and pinned her!

AEW World Trios Champions the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass were backstage!

Caster said he had a big surprise. He said they are almost at 69 days as champs, and he wants to celebrate next week on Collision. Caster said he wants MJF to sit in the front row. Bowens said he didn’t want Max there.

Highlights were shown from a press conference last Wednesday with AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Tony Khan, and Claudio Castagnoli. This, ahead of next week’s match between Orange and Claudio on Dynamite.

Orange was wearing a suit and said he just wanted to show everyone he looks better in a suit than Claudio.

Claudio: “Is that it? Mind games?”

Main Event Time!

Konosuke Takeshita of The Don Callis Family (with Powerhouse Hobbs & Don Callis)


Aussie Open’s Kyle Fletch!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match. Hobbs stood behind Callis.

Takeshita hit a shoulder tackle on Fletcher. Kyle Fletcher countered a Blue Thunder Bomb. Fletcher scoop slammed Takeshita.

Fletcher rammed Takeshita into the steel guardrail on the floor. Back in the ring Takeshita blasted Fletcher with the Blue Thunder Bomb for a near fall!

Takeshita cracked Fletcher in the back with a knee strike. Fletcher kicked Takeshita, knocking Takeshita off the turnbuckles. Fletcher flew out of the ring with the Aussie Arrow on the Alpha. Fletcher followed up with a crossbody press for a near fall on Takeshita.

Takeshita connected with a big rolling elbow strike. Takeshita rocked Fletcher with a poison rana. Fletcher rallied back with a brainbuster for a two-count.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Takeshita cracked Fletcher with a wicked knee strike after countering a thrust kick, pinning Fletcher!

Don Callis and Powerhouse Hobbs headed to the ring. Fletcher jumped into the ring and hit Takeshita and Hobbs with a steel chair. Hobbs grabbed Kyle by the throat and muscled him into the corner. Don Callis had Powerhouse Hobbs step aside. Callis told Fletcher, “That was great! That is the hate we want! You earned it!”

“Is he inviting Kyle Fletcher to join the Don Callis Family?” wondered Excalibur.

“Obviously that’s what’s going on,” replied Tony Schiavone.

“Don Callis may have found his young apprentice in Kyle Fletcher,” said Excalibur.

Fletcher left the ring with the Don Callis Family!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, CT featuring AEW World Champion MJF vs. former World Champ Kenny Omega!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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Preview the Lineup for the UK Invasion Tour LIVE October 28th in Coventry News / October 24, 2023 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff On Saturday, October 28th, IMPACT Wrestling rolls into the HMV Empire in

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Preview the Lineup for the UK Invasion Tour LIVE October 29th in Coventry News / October 25, 2023 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Get tickets On Sunday, October 29th, IMPACT Wrestling returns to the HMV

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DYNAMITE in Philadelphia was a wild ride this past Wednesday; not only did “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair arrive on the scene to stand at Sting’s side, but “The Icon” was also challenged to a fight by TNT Champion Christian Cage for FULL GEAR 2023! Plus, we witnessed Kazuchika Okada make his DYNAMITE debut alongside Orange Cassidy to fight The BCC, but unfortunately for the AEW International Champion, it ended with Claudio pinning OC and earning himself a championship fight next week. Hikaru Shida retained her AEW Women’s World Championship over Ruby Soho, The Elite retained their ROH World Six-Man Titles, and not only did MJF keep possession of the Dynamite Diamond Ring, but he also found himself with an unexpected challenger:

That’s right, on COLLISION, MJF will defend his AEW World Championship against former champion Kenny Omega, and should Maxwell retain, he will be on track to break Omega’s 346-day record as the longest reigning champion in AEW history! But that’s on Saturday at the Mohegan Sun, and before we get there, there’s RAMPAGE, and that has three big fights on tap! Ortiz and Mike Santana, the former Proud ‘n’ Powerful, will kick things off with a No DQ, No Countout fight that no one ever thought they would see! Plus, we will find out the next challenger to Shida’s Women’s World Title when four of ROH’s best compete for a title match also set for this Saturday night, and after his falling out with Don Callis’ Family, Kyle Fletcher will clash with Takeshita!

AEW’s Friday night fights get underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so check out the official AEW YouTube channel prior to RAMPAGE begins to see highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and a great deal more!


Mike Santana vs. Ortiz

This has been a long time coming; Mike Santana and Ortiz have been part of each other’s lives for over a decade, they are Tag Team Champions 15-times over across multiple wrestling promotions throughout their careers, and were bonded as Proud & Powerful from the inception of All Elite Wrestling until the injury suffered by Santana at Blood & Guts 2022. At least that was the perception most had following their return to the AEW landscape to compete at ALL IN: LONDON’s Stadium Stampede. Based on the words shared by Ortiz in the video above, it seems the issues between these two men predate that 2022 injury, it’s just that it all finally fell apart in the aftermath.

Since London these two men, once among the upper echelon of tag team wrestling, have engaged in something tantamount to a cold war; a great deal of words exchanged, their feelings and emotions laid bare for the AEW faithful to see, and each looking to the other as the party responsible for how this all started.

For this team who first made their impact on AEW during ALL OUT 2019 at the expense of The Young Bucks, it looks like this Friday night in Philadelphia will be the end of their road traveled together. With no disqualifications and no count outs, Mike Santana and Ortiz will fight each other one-on-one for the first time since 2016, and possibly for the last time ever. Both men want to be done with one another, to put each other in the rear view, and move on with their careers on their own, but before either can, they must put an end to each other.

No one knows Ortiz like Santana, nor does anyone know Santana like Ortiz, and each will bring all that knowledge, all that venom, all those feelings and emotions to this fight, with the hope of being the one still standing at the end of the fight…


Abadon vs. Skye Blue vs. Willow Nightingale vs. Anna Jay

Out of action since June, this Friday night Abadon returns to AEW competition and jumps right into the fire! With a shot at Hikaru Shida’s AEW Women’s World Championship on the line this Saturday night, Abadon will compete against Skye Blue, Willow Nightingale, and Anna Jay in a Four Way bout!

Of these four women, only Skye Blue has never locked horns with Shida, only stood by her side as an ally, and of the three who have been in the ring with the 3-Time Women’s World Champ, not one of them has scored a victory over her. Of the three loses on Abadon’s record, two of them have been to Shida and one in a championship bout while Anna Jay has fallen three times to Shida, twice in title fights, and Willow has just one loss to Shida with no championship involved. Skye Blue is the only one with a clean slate opposite Shida, and that may play in her favor should she make it through this fray on Friday, but she’s got to get to COLLISION first!

Hikaru Shida will be ready for the fight no matter which woman comes out of this contender’s bout on top, but considering she just went through one championship fight already this week, one has to ask how her body’s feeling following a fight with Ruby Soho? At least Shida will have a few days to recover while the winner of this has less than twenty-four hours to prepare for their championship opportunity!


Konosuke Takeshita vs. Kyle Fletcher

When Sammy Guevara went down with injury, Don Callis pulled Kyle Fletcher into his world of drama to be Konosuke Takeshita’s partner against Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho. Though Callis’ duo lost, Fletcher was every bit the impressive athlete in this match that he’d shown to be as a team with Mark Davis. Still, the fact they lost didn’t stop Callis from putting all the blame on Kyle’s shoulders, and thus when Fletcher went head-to-head with Kenny Omega and lost, with Callis sitting there on commentary, it only gave Don more fuel with which to denigrate one-half of Aussie Open.

Well this Friday night on RAMPAGE, Kyle Fletcher will have his opportunity to shove it all right back in Don Callis’ smug face when he takes on “The Alpha” Konosuke Takeshita in singles competition! It’s the second time in their careers these two men have faced off, the first taking place in England back in January 2020 and won by Takeshita. Will the results be the same nearly four years later, or will Kyle Fletcher be able to reckon with the numbers of the Don Callis Family and take home the victory?

RAMPAGE begins at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for our international audiences, so swing by the official AEW YouTube channel before to the show for highlights from Wednesday’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, plus THE CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more! And do not miss the biggest night in COLLISION history this Saturday when MJF and Kenny Omega meet for the very first time and with the AEW World Championship at stake no less!

Joe Bennett & Sean Buckelew Interview Interview by Big Gold Belt MediaJoe Bennett (Co-Creator/EP) & Sean Buckelew (EP)-Synopsis:In this surreal sci-fi animated series from creators Joseph Bennett and Charles Huettner, the remaining crew of a damaged…