Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from 1stBank Center in Broomfield, CO!

Excalibur and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Open Challenge Match!

Rey Fenix (c.) (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Jeff Jarrett (with Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, Satnam Singh, and Jay Lethal)!

Rey Fenix hit a high crossbody press to the outside onto Jarrett as Jarrett was making his entrance. Fenix followed up with a moonsault for a near fall. Jarrett DDT’ed Rey Fenix after Satnam tried distracting Fenix.

Jarrett tripped up Fenix and Fenix rolled to the outside. Jarrett ordered his posse to swarm Fenix, but ref Aubrey Edwards stopped them. Rey Fenix fired back with a double foot stomp to Jeff Jarrett for a two-count. Fenix followed up with a thrust kick, trying to fight through the pain. Fenix ran the top rope and punted Lethal. Sonjay distracted the ref while Jarrett hit Fenix with a low blow!

Jarrett spiked Rey Fenix with the Stroke but Fenix broke the count when his boot touched the bottom rope. Jarrett tried to apply the figure four, but Fenix countered with a cradle and pinned Jeff Jarrett!

Footage was shown from Long Island with AEW World Champion MJF taking Adam Cole out on a boat trip to try to cheer up Cole after his recent leg injury.

MJF: “You were on the phone with Roddy a pretty long time.”

Cole: “Yeah, I was worried about him.”

MJF: “So long that you couldn’t come up to the ring with me last week?”

Cole: “Max, you didn’t bring me out here to hit me with the Dynamite diamond ring and then throw me overboard, did you?”

MJF: “No, no,” said Max, as he was hiding the ring behind his back.

Cole: “Having more than one friend is normal.”

MJF: “Plus last time I almost got caught when I was trying to throw someone overboard.”

Footage was shown from earlier in the week of Don Callis and Takeshita hunting for Ibushi in Tokyo!

Renee Paquette was in the ring to interview Don Callis and “The Alpha” Takeshita after their actions last week!

Don Callis: “I have something to say. I am so happy that Sammy Guevara is free of the toxic influence of Chris Jericho that I wanted to bring him out here myself. Ladies and gentlemen, the newest member of the Don Callis Family…Sammy Guevara!”

Sammy Guevara walked down to the ring.

Sammy embraced Don Callis in the ring.

Don Callis: “You want to know about Tokyo now? I said that Ibushi wasn’t safe so the Alpha and I went to Tokyo. I brought my personal camera crew, and we captured it all.”

Footage was shown of Callis and Takeshita invading Ibushi’s dojo. Takeshita attacked one of Ibushi’s students. Ibushi ran in and grounded and pounded Takeshita. Callis hit Ibushi with an umbrella. Takeshita blasted Ibushi in the head with a kettle bell! Callis screamed at Ibushi saying Ibushi wasn’t safe in Tokyo or in Seattle!

Don Callis: “The Don Callis Family has never been stronger with Takeshita, Will Ospreay, and Sammy Guevara going to WrestleDream!”

Sammy: “I’m the hero. Chris Jericho is the villain! For four years he was holding me back. I was champion without him. I did pay-per-views without him. Every time I would start to fly high, he would clip my wings. He was never going to pass me the torch. Chris Jericho is selfish. It is time for me to become the champion and the star I was meant to be.”

Don Callis: “At WrestleDream we are going to take everything from Omega, Jericho, and Ibushi until there is nothing left but the tears!”

Footage was shown from after Collision last Saturday of “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Starks said he survived against Danielson. Wheeler Yuta approached Ricky and said Ricky was all style and no substance. Yuta challenged Starks to a match on October 1st in Seattle!

It was announced that Tony Khan signed a grudge match for WrestleDream between Ricky Starks and Wheeler Yuta!

3-Way Blind Eliminator Match for an International Title Shot Next Week!

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion Nick Jackson


“The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)


Claudio Castagnoli!

Brian Cage tossed Nick Jackson over the top rope and out of the ring! Claudio and Cage locked up for a test of strength. Claudio suplexed Cage! Brian Cage retaliated with a vertical suplex of his own.

Nick Jackson jumped back into the ring and wiped out Claudio and Cage at the same time! Nick then flew over the top rope and knocked both of them down on the arena floor! Nick displayed creative, fluid offense to clean house on both opponents!

Brian Cage planted Claudio with a German Suplex. Nick Jackson blasted Brian Cage with a bulldog. Jackson moonsaulted off the apron but Claudio caught him, and then Nick nailed him with a DDT! Nick Jackson splashed Brian Cage with a 450 for a near fall in the ring!

Claudio whipped Nick Jackson into the steel ring steps. Claudio put Brian Cage in the Giant Swing!

“It’s like he’s swinging a Volvo,” said Taz.

Brian Cage suplexed Claudio from outside the ring to the inside, while Cage was on the second rope! Nick drilled Claudio and Cage with superkicks. Claudio rammed Cage with a European Uppercut. Claudio clocked Cage with a lariat. Claudio transitioned to hammer and anvil strikes, punishing the jaw of Brian Cage. Claudio hit the Ricola Bomb on Cage. Nick springboarded with a hurracanrana onto Claudio and then landed on Cage, with Nick Jackson grabbing the pin fall victory!

Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions Adam Cole & AEW World Champion MJF came to the ring!

Adam Cole was on crutches and his left leg was completely bandaged up.

MJF: “Cut the music! Ladies and gentlemen, the devil has arrived in Colorado. Adam Cole, talk to ‘em.”

Cole: “Who’s ready for story time with Adam Cole baybay? Unfortunately, this is a sad chapter in the story. Last week I got hurt. My ankle broke in three different places, and I tore ligaments last week. I have to go get surgery. There is nothing more soul crushing than hearing this, but I will do everything in my power to get back as soon as possible.

“But me and my good friend Max are the ROH World Tag Team Champions. And because we can’t defend these titles, we will have to relinquish—”

MJF: “Whoa, whoa, whoa! I didn’t wrestle twice in one night to win these and then have to relinquish our titles to the Righteous! Let’s keep it real. You wouldn’t be hurt if I didn’t need your help at Grand Slam. I know how much those ROH World Tag Team Titles mean to you. And I want to make sure that when you come back here, and you will, these will be waiting for you. Righteous, October 1st, I’m going to defend these titles against you in a handicap match and we are going to win!”

The Kingdom rolled Roderick Strong onto the ramp in a wheelchair!

Strong: “Adam! I need you now more than ever! It’s an emergency!”

MJF: “As much as I think Roderick Strong is a simp, I learned on the boat that he is your boy. I may not like him, but I know he’s your boy. Go do what you need to do, Adam, and I’ll be waiting for you when you come back.”

Cole hugged MJF. Adam Cole got on his crutches and walked up the ramp to Roderick Strong and the Kingdom.

MJF: “Everybody give it up one more time for Adam Cole. Now we all know I’m not a big fan of—”

“Switchblade” Jay White and the Bullet Club Gold walked onto the ramp, interrupting the AEW World Champion MJF!

“Switchblade” Jay White sent the Bang Bang Gang to the back and then walked to the ring himself.

Jay White: “Shut up, Max! We’ve all heard you talk enough. Everybody would like to hear this sweet, exotic accent for a change. Don’t worry, I sent everybody to the back. You can have your one on one time with the Switchblade and revel in your moment.”

MJF: “Boy, you must be smoking some strong Colorado grass. That mid mic work ain’t gonna work with MJF. You come at the king you’d better not miss. That first shot was a little hairy. Now Jay hear me out. In my career I’ve been compared to a lot of people. They say, ‘MJF is good but he’s no blank.’ And as my star rose the names got bigger and bigger and the goal posts moved. It never bothered me until I read, ‘MJF is good but he’s no Jay White.’

“It’s become very apparent why it offends me now that I’m standing in the ring with you. I’m like filet mignon. Much like when I’m inside this ring, the show is all about MJF because no one is on the level of the devil. Because I’m a generational talent, babe.

“And then there’s you. You are very talented, however, you’ve managed to convince the fans that you are also filet mignon when in reality you are tofu. Funny thing about tofu. It takes on the flavor of whatever you want it to. But you need to add something to it in order to trick yourself into believing it has taste. And you have been given everything. You were handed the keys to one of the greatest wrestling factions of all time. However, if I pluck it all away, I am left with nothing but boring, bland, tasteless tofu.

“And now here you are, Jay, trying to hop on my plate and trying to steal some of the champ’s flavor. I see through you, Jay. You are all hype. Allow me to give you some advice from a real top guy. If I were you, I would leave this ring and I wouldn’t keep talking smack to my poors. Because if you don’t, for the rest of your career, whenever our names are mentioned in the same sentence, it’ll read as follows: ‘Sure, Jay is good, but he’s no MJF,’ because I’m better than you and you know it!”

Jay White: “That’s what I came out here for, my very own personalized authentic MJF experience. But I have to be honest with you. I’m a little bit let down. Something’s a little bit off about you these days. I don’t know if it’s the injuries, but personally I think you’re distracted by Adam Cole.

“I just don’t think they love you like they love Adam Cole. And you know this whole situation with Adam Cole, it’s kinda my fault. Let me explain. If I didn’t temporarily end Adam Cole’s career after Forbidden Door 1, you wouldn’t have developed a soft spot for him, but I guess you got him back because he broke his ankle and that was your fault. And I’m sure your neck isn’t feeling good after Samoa Joe last week. So, I think I’ve been ruining your life for a little bit now. But I’m here to ruin your life in the flesh.

“You call yourself the devil. You need to find another level to stop me from taking that title away from you. You don’t seem so elite when compared to me. I’m the catalyst of professional wrestling. And I will be a truly elite champion when I pull that title away from your carcass!

“Don’t worry, Max, you will have your fans, they will have you, and I will have the Triple B, and you can all breathe with the Switchblade, because it’s still my era. This is the Switchblade Era because you’ve gone soft, and you know it!”

MJF: “You don’t have a clue what I’m capable of so why don’t I show you!”

Jay White tried to lure MJF in with mind games and then Jay White rolled out of the ring after getting under MJF’s skin!

Ahead of their 2/3 Falls Match for the TNT Title at WrestleDream, Jim Ross had a sit down interview with Darby Allin and new TNT Champion Christian Cage!

Christian Cage: “I’ve been the TNT Champion for months now and I proved I’m far superior to Darby Allin this past Saturday when I wrestled on Collision. I will walk out of Seattle as the TNT Champion because I know in my heart, Darby, that you’re nowhere near the man I am. You’re nowhere near the wrestler I am. I asked for this 2 out of 3 match because I want to see what you can do when you actually have to wrestle.

“Is your uncle going to be in attendance? What happened to him?”

Darby: “He’s dead. You think I’m afraid of dying? You think I’m afraid of losing? You cannot beat me. I’m going to win this Sunday.”

Christian Cage: “Why don’t you bring all the family. Bring Nick, bring Nick’s mother—”

Darby: “You want me to bring Nick so you can take advantage of him. I’ll tell him not to show up. If you had the balls, you’d tell Luchasaurus not to show up.”

Christian Cage: “He needs a man! I will always be the face of TNT! Get used to it!”

Four-Way WrestleDream Preview Match!

Austin Gunn


Matt Jackson


Orange Cassidy


Penta El Zero Miedo!

Partners were banned from ringside.

Austin sent Orange hard into the barricade. Matt Jackson DDT’ed Penta El Zero Miedo. Austin rolled up Orange from behind for a near fall. Penta connected with a thrust kick to Matt Jackson. Penta blasted Orange with a thrust kick. Austin ambushed Penta! Austin dropped Orange with a big right hand shot!

Orange peppered Austin with elbow strikes. Austin countered a hip toss with a neck breaker to Orange Cassidy. Penta nailed Orange with a destroyer. Matt Jackson hit a destroyer on Penta. Orange rocked Matt with a destroyer! Orange smashed Austin with a destroyer!

“All four men are on roller skates and all four men go down!” said Excalibur.

Matt Jackson wiped out Orange with the locomotion Northern Lights suplexes. Matt followed up with a double Northern Lights to Penta and Austin!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Penta blocked the BTE Trigger from Matt. Penta took down Austin with a sling blade. Austin smashed Orange with the fame-asser from a near fall, almost stealing a victory. All three men superkicked Austin. Penta and Matt traded kicks. Orange pulped Matt Jackson with the Orange Punch and pinned him!

“Timing is everything and Orange’s timing was perfect,” said Taz.

The House of Black’s Julia Hart (with Brody King) vs. Willow Nightingale!

Willow’s left eye was bandaged up, a result of the mist attack last week from Julia.

Willow poured on the punishment, charging at Julia Hart and hitting her with a flurry of offense. Julia jumped on Willow’s back and grabbed at the bandage over Willow’s eye.

“Willow is fighting for purpose, not just for revenge,” said Excalibur.

Willow grounded and pounded Julia Hart. Willow body slammed Julia. Julia retreated out of the ring and crawled under the ring. Julia snuck up behind Willow and chop blocked her.

Julia locked in Heartless, but Willow reached the ropes, forcing the break. Willow pounced Julia out of the corner! Willow hoisted up Julia and placed her upside down in the corner. Julia dodged the cannonball splash. Julia hit the moonsault press and pinned Willow!

Julia placed Willow in the Heartless submission after the match! TBS Champion Kris Statlander sprinted to the ring to save her friend. Julia hid behind Brody King and laughed.

It was time for the contract signing between “Hangman” Adam Page & Swerve Strickland ahead of their match at WrestleDream!

The Elite and the Mogul Embassy were banned from ringside.

Renee Paquette was in the ring to help officiate the contract signing.

Swerve and Page sat across from each other at a table in the ring.

Swerve: “Before you sign that paper, I gotta admit I’ve been impressed with the fire you’ve been showing the past few weeks. But it’s a little too late for that. We are four days out from our match. Do you understand what you’re walking into? The lion’s den. This is unlike anything you’ve ever dealt with. We are two competitors who couldn’t be more opposite from one another. You are not the wrestler I am, and I am never going to be the wrestler you are. What’s a buckshot to a kill shot?”

Hangman: “It sounds like you’re fired up for this, and good, you should be. You said a few things to me a few weeks ago that stung. And I’ve had time to think about it. For a year and a half, every day that I came to work I felt there was a little dark cloud hanging over my head that I could not get rid of. And sure, the sun would shine. I beat Jon Moxley in a Texas Death Match. I reunited with my friends in the Elite. It felt like I should have been the happiest man in the world but every time I started to smile, that little cloud came back, and it started to rain.

“And I couldn’t do anything about it. I had a little umbrella next to me and as long as God let it rain on me, I didn’t open it. But that’s over with. I weathered the storm. And I am still here! And through that downpour it washed something out of me. I don’t know if it was hope, or passion, but it washed out of me. But I recognized it, and these people deserve more of me. They deserve the best of me. And I deserve it for myself. So, Swerve that’s what you’ll get in Seattle at WrestleDream. You’ll get the best of Hangman!”

Swerve: “That was quite beautiful, but it was the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen. This isn’t a personal thing. It could have been anyone in the position that I want. Truth be told, I might have mental health problems because I make an enemy every single day. I am going to take this position from you at WrestleDream. And by the way, it rains an awful lot in Seattle.”

Hangman: “You tell me you want this spot. You’re telling me you want a main event spot? Swerve, I don’t know, we could sit here and go back and forth about whether these opportunities were handed to me, but for every opportunity I’ve had, I knocked it out of the park!

“So, Swerve, you tell me you want this spot? You’re damn right, you should want this spot. But you don’t have what it takes to fill my boots!”

Swerve slapped Hangman and then went to sign the contract! Hangman stabbed Swerve in the hand with the pen! Security had to keep the two men separated!

Backstage, camera crews filmed a gang of men dressed in black from head to toe, wearing masks, swarming “Switchblade” Jay White and attacking him! One of the attackers looked into the camera and cocked his head to the side. He was wearing a devil mask!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Catch the four year anniversary of AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, WA!

And this Sunday, witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW WrestleDream!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

“AEW: WrestleDream” PPV Available in Select Out-Of-Home Establishments this Sunday, October 1

Sept. 26, 2023 – AEW and Joe Hand Promotions will bring AEW’s highly-anticipated “AEW: WrestleDream” pay-per-view event to select out-of-home establishments across North American this Sunday, October 1 starting at 7 p.m. ET. The inaugural “AEW: WrestleDream” event will honor New Japan Pro-Wrestling’s (NJPW) founder, Antonio Inoki, on the one-year anniversary of his passing. To locate a participating establishment, fans in North America can check the Joe Hand Promotions website HERE. The card for “AEW: WrestleDream” includes the following exciting match-ups:

  • AEW World Tag Team Title Match: FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) (c) vs. Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis)
  • AEW TNT Championship (Two Out of Three Falls): Christian Cage (c) vs. Darby Allin
  • AEW TBS Championship: Kris Statlander (c) vs. Julia Hart
  • ROH World Tag Team Championship: Better Than You Bay Bay (Adam Cole & MJF) (c) vs. The
    Righteous (Vincent and Dutch)
  • ROH World Championship and NJPW Strong Openweight Championship: Eddie Kingston (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata
  • Dream Match: Bryan Danielson vs Zach Sabre Jr.
  • Swerve Strickland vs Hangman Adam Page
  • Chris Jericho and The Golden Elite (Kenny Omega and Kota Ibushi) vs. Don Callis Family (Konosuke Takeshita, Sammy Guevara, and Will Ospreay)
  • The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. The Gunns (Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn)
    vs. Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero Miedo) vs. Orange Cassidy and HOOK

*Card subject to change
“Through our collaboration with AEW to deliver these historic events for fans to enjoy in social settings,
we are committed to keeping the wrestling community connected throughout the year. We aim to foster
a collective love for the sport, forging enduring memories that will last a lifetime,” said Joe Hand, Jr.,
President of Joe Hand Promotions. AEW consistently orchestrates thrilling gatherings that unite fans in communal atmospheres. Enthusiasts
can anticipate witnessing this event at handpicked Dave & Buster’s and Tom’s Watch Bar venues. “AEW:
WrestleDream” will also illuminate screens in numerous esteemed movie theaters across the United

Founded by CEO, GM and Head of Creative Tony Khan in 2019, AEW is offering an alternative to mainstream wrestling, with a roster of world-class talent that is injecting new spirit, freshness and energy into the industry. “AEW: Dynamite” airs every Wednesday from 8-10 p.m. ET on TBS and attracts the youngest wrestling audience on television. The fight-forward “AEW: Rampage” airs every Friday from 10-11 p.m. ET on TNT, and the new “AEW: Collision” airs every Saturday from 8-10 p.m. ET on TNT. AEW’s multi-platform content also includes “Being the Elite,” a weekly behind-the-scenes YouTube series, and “AEW Unrestricted,” a weekly podcast series. For more info, check out Twitter.com/AEW; Instagram.com/AEW; YouTube.com/AEW; Facebook.com/AEW

Joe Hand Promotions brings fan communities from mainstream sports and entertainment into the top corporate and independently owned bars and restaurants, theaters, casinos, and other commercial establishments to provide the best viewing experience outside of the arena.
As the commercial content partner for some of the nation’s top live-sports media properties, Joe Hand Promotions is the leader in the out-of-home live sports and entertainment media distribution industry. For over 50 years, Joe Hand Promotions has seamlessly connected commercial establishments with live sports and entertainment, which has successfully driven traffic and increased revenues, time and time again. The Joe Hand Promotions team is more than the distributor, but also the advisor in this fast-growing industry.


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, MI!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, OH!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Match!

Jon Moxley (c.) vs. Big Bill (with “Absolute” Ricky Starks)!

Moxley used some round kicks to try to topple Big Bill. Bill blasted the champ with a massive right hand. Big Bill followed up with overhand chops. Big Bill was taking the fight right to Moxley and manhandling him.

Moxley fired off two clotheslines, but Bill booted Mox in the head, knocking him out of the ring. Ricky Starks kicked Moxley outside the ring. Moxley reversed an Irish whip and sent Big Bill into the steel ring steps.

Big Bill sent Jon Moxley over the timekeeper’s table. Moxley was busted wide open! Back in the ring, Moxley regained momentum and dug his fingers into Big Bill’s flesh! Moxley superplexed Big Bill.

Big Bill hit the Bossman Slam on Jon Moxley for a near fall. Moxley and Big Bill traded shots in the center of the ring. Moxley countered a boot with a King Kong lariat for a two-count. Moxley punished Big Bill with the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Moxley planted Big Bill with a cutter, but Big Bill rolled out of the ring. Moxley climbed to the top rope, but Ricky shoved Mox as the ref was checking on Big Bill.

Bryan Danielson sprinted to the ring and peppered Ricky Starks with right hands, evening up the odds! Starks whipped Danielson into the ring steps. Big Bill chokeslammed Big Bill for a near fall on Moxley.

“Mox is losing a lot of blood right now. It looks like a crime scene,” said Taz.

Big Bill tried to hoist up Moxley with a chokeslam, but Moxley countered with a submission hold and forced Big Bill to tap out!

After the match Ricky Starks and Big Bill tried to continue their attack. ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli ran down to help his BCC teammates. Starks was furious with these developments. Starks and Big Bill retreated.

It was announced that Moxley will put his title on the line next week on Dynamite against Rey Fenix!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Roderick Strong and the Kingdom!

Adam Cole interrupted the interview and said Strong wrestling Samoa Joe was a horrible idea.

Strong: “You’re only worried about Max. And you should be because after I beat Joe, I’m going to beat MJF next week. Because I am a wrestling legend!”

Tony Schiavone was in the ring so Don Callis and Konosuke Takeshita could reveal their next target!

Callis: “We just beat Kenny Omega twice in one week. Show some respect! We’ve been celebrating. I’ve learned a lot from Takeshita about Japanese culture. When you’re the top wrestler in a promotion, they call you the Ace. He’s better than Okada. Better than Inoki. When you beat Kenny Omega once, they call you the Ace. When you beat Omega twice in seven days, they call you the Alpha!

“Henceforth you will all refer to Takeshita as the Alpha. I never had the empathy thing. Because when you’re the Alpha, you don’t feel anything, you take. Kenny, beating you twice isn’t enough for us. We broke your body. Now we’re going to break your heart.

“I promise to reveal through our creation who the next target of the Alpha will be, and Kenny, this one is going to kill you. The next target is none other than the former IWGP Heavyweight Champion, Kota Ibushi!

“And Kenny, I want you to know right now, we’re not just going to beat Ibushi, we’re going to butcher him. We’re going to burn him. And I’m going to love the fact that while we’re spilling his blood in the ring, you’re going to be at home helpless, watching like the pathetic cuck that you are.”

Alex Marvez was backstage with the BCC!

Danielson: “We love it when things escalate. So, here’s a challenge. This Saturday at Collision, Ricky Starks, Big Bill, you two against me and Claudio Castagnoli!”

Rey Fenix entered the fray and began to shout at Moxley, but Alex Abrahantes and the refs held him back. Meanwhile, Eddie Kingston laughed in Claudio’s face and said, “One more week!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with FTW Champion HOOK!

Orange Cassidy interrupted!

Orange: “I was walking around and saw Hook all mad about something. What do you have to be mad about?”

Hook: “You were a great champion.”

Orange: “Thanks, you are too!”

They fist-bumped and Orange said he was still so tired.

Women’s World Title Eliminator Four Way Match!

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. Hikaru Shida vs. Nyla Rose vs. Toni Storm!

The winner will face AEW Women’s Champion Saraya next week at Grand Slam.

Nyle Rose plowed into Baker and Shida with double clotheslines. Toni Storm shoved Shida into Britt Baker, with Baker tumbling out of the ring. Shida followed up with a crossbody onto the women on the arena floor!

Shida nailed Baker with a brain buster. Baker was looking for a thrust kick on Shida, but Shida turned around and Baker stopped herself. Nyla Rose chokeslammed Britt Baker. Shida cracked Nyla with the Katana Kick. As Shida was going for the cover, Britt Baker blasted Shida with a thrust kick. Toni Storm saw the opening, rolled up Britt Baker, and pinned her, stealing the victory!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Women’s Champion Saraya and Ruby Soho!

Saraya: “Congrats, Toni, you did it and you did it without us. But Toni lost everything to me. She lost her top spot, and she lost her mind. She’s crazy. But she’s also going to lose the match against me at Grand Slam and then she’ll be left with nothing!”

Up Next: Le Sex Gods— “The Ocho” Chris Jericho and “The Spanish God” Sammy Guevara had their face to face!

Jericho and Guevara will be wrestling each other next week on Dynamite: Grand Slam.

Jericho: “Next week, right here on Dynamite at Grand Slam in New York City, it’s Le Sex Gods going one on one, Jericho versus Guevara, for the first time ever. Lots of history between us. We’ve been together since the first episode of Dynamite.”

Jericho introduced a highlight package showing all the pivotal moments from Le Sex Gods’ history over the past four years.

“That was beautiful,” said Taz.

Sammy: “Chris, I have a confession. I still don’t know the lyrics to ‘Judas.’”

Jericho: “I saw a kid on one of the NWA pay-per-view prelim matches and I was blown away and told Tony Khan, we need to sign this kid Sammy. I knew he had what it took to be a big star and I wanted him to be with me so I could help him out as much as I possibly could.

“Over the years I’ve watched Sammy grow from a boy to a man. I’ve seen him win titles, get married, and now your wife is ready to give birth to a baby girl. I’m really proud of all you’ve accomplished over the past four years.”

Sammy: “I know the typical wrestling thing is to talk trash, but I don’t want to do that. I want to come out here before one of the biggest matches of my career and say thank you. Thank you for changing my life and for changing the lives of so many people in the back. Without Chris Jericho there is no AEW.

“But truthfully Chris, I didn’t come to this company to just be your sidekick. I want to become world champion. I want them to look at me the way they look at Mox or the way they look at you. I don’t want to be in your shadow, so that’s why I need to beat you next week.”

Jericho: “You were never brought in to be Chris Jericho’s side kick. You were brought in to be a main event player and you are getting closer and closer every week. And that’s why I told you that you have to do it on your own. Next week you have that opportunity. You have to beat me to get to the next level. But if you’re going to beat Chris Jericho, you’re going to have to be the best Sammy Guevara ever if you’re going to have a chance to beat me. But I don’t think you’re ready to beat me yet.”

Sammy: “And there it is. It’s whatever Jericho wants. So next week I’m going to beat you as this man, not the 2018 me at the NWA pay-per-view, but this Sammy is going to beat you, we’re going to shake hands, and we’re going to win some tag team titles.”

Jericho: “Let me make something perfectly clear, Sammy. Next week I’m going to give you the match of your life. And I’m not going to go easy on you. I’m going to beat the living hell out of you. And I expect the exact same thing from you.”

Sammy: “I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

Excalibur: “I think we might have a battle for the ages next week.”

Taz: “Sammy is a pro, and he knows what’s at stake.”

Clips were shown from after Dynamite last week with Renee Paquette interviewing MJF!

MJF was told he wasn’t cleared to wrestle until Grand Slam.

MJF: “There are two talents I want to make it to the finals because I hate their guts: Roddy Strong, if you make it through this tournament, I will rip your head off. You’re a manipulative person. Samoa Joe, you think I’m afraid of you? Nah. You might not realize this, but this New York Pitbull has got a lot of bite. If you wrestle me, I’m going to choke you out!

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)!

Cage clocked Page with an elbow strike. Page retaliated with two big boots to Brian Cage. Hangman hit a lariat off the turnbuckles to the Machine. Hangman went over the top rope, but Brian Cage intercepted him. Page reversed a powerbomb with a hurracanrana, sending Brian Cage into the steel ring post!

Brian Cage nearly decapitated Page with a lariat. Page sent Cage into the ropes after a hurracanrana. Page hit the area code shot on Cage.

Swerve Strickland’s music hit, and Swerve walked out onto the ramp!

Cage took advantage of the distraction and hurled Cage from the ring apron on the outside to the inside of the ring with a German Suplex! Brian Cage powerslammed Page and followed up with a moonsault, but Hangman dodged it.

Hangman rocked Brian Cage with a lariat, the momentum carrying both men over the top rope and onto the floor. Hangman jumped off the top rope and Cage caught him again. Adam Page countered with a crucifix bomb.

Hangman climbed to the top turnbuckle and hit Cage with a moonsault on the arena floor! Hangman followed up with a big crossbody press for a near fall on the Machine. Brian Cage dazed Page with a German Suplex.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Hangman swept out Cage’s legs. Hangman attempted the Buckshot Lariat, but Cage countered, but Page fired back with a Deadeye in the center of the ring, scoring the pin!

“Hell of a match by these two men,” said Taz.

“If Swerve was mad before, he has to be pissed off now,” added Excalibur.

“Well, he poked the bear,” added Taz.

Hangman Page: “What passion, what drive, just oozing out of your body as you brood on top of the ramp as you watched me kick Cage’s ass. Last week you said you wanted my spot, but you sent Cage out. Last week I thought you had some balls but tonight I’m pretty sure you’re just keeping them stowed away in Prince Nana’s Burger King crown.”

Swerve: “What up, turd? Them sound like fighting words to me, Hangman. You think this’ll be solved tonight? We do this when I say, where I say. And it just so happens I chose the great state that birthed Swerve Strickland. October 1st, in the City of Seatle, WrestleDream. Me and you, Hangman. But I’m going to make sure you don’t get comfortable by the time you get there, isn’t that right Brian Cage?”

Brian Cage ambushed “Hangman” Adam Page from behind! The Young Bucks jumped into the ring and superkicked the Machine! The Bucks served up superkicks for Prince Nana as well!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Daniel Garcia!

Garcia: “I thought you came here to talk about me but you’re asking about Sammy or Jericho. Why don’t we talk about the career of Garcia”

Don Callis interrupted!

Callis: “The Don Callis family is going to create a Utopian Meritocracy—”

Garcia got in Callis’ face and did his dance, and then walked off!

Callis: “Wow, that’s money! Renee, that’s money!”

Don Callis chased after Daniel Garcia, grinning ear to ear.

Darby Allin & Nick Wayne


Matt Menard & Angelo Parker (with Jake Hager and Anna Jay)!

As the match started, Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus walked onto the ramp and then joined the broadcast booth.

Christian Cage said Nick Wayne needed a better mentor than Darby Allin.

Nick Wayne clipped Matt Menard with an enziguri. Jake Hager grabbed Darby from outside the ring. Matt Menard powerbombed Nick Wayne.

Darby tagged in and nailed Menard and Parker with the Coffin Splash! He followed up with a dropkick in the corner on both men. Darby connected with a Code Red on Parker for a near fall.

“Darby has issues with the back from that Coffin Match, you can tell,” said Taz.

Nick grabbed a blind tag and walloped Parker with Wayne’s World. Matt Menard pulled Parker out of the pinning predicament. Darby flew off the apron with a senton on Menard. Darby hit the Coffin Drop on Parker and pinned him!

Christian Cage stood up, saying he was getting tired of these guys.

Christian Cage: “Very impressive victory. Nick Wayne, after I went home last week, I was scrolling through your mom’s Instagram account. Your mom doesn’t post enough bikini pics. But don’t worry. I sent her a special request on the side.

“There’s still a lot of talk about Darby and Sting’s win in London, and as the Franchise here, it’s embarrassing. Now I just want to remind everyone I did not take the loss for that match, and I didn’t have my regular partner with me. So, I propose next week, Darby Allin and Sting against me and Luchasaurus. If you’ve got the balls, I’ll see you in New York City!”

Main Event Time!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Finals!

ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe vs. Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom)!

Samoa Joe applied a wrist lock and then headbutted Roddy’s hands, trying to neutralize Roddy’s infamous chops. Roderick Strong was wiped out with a shoulder tackle from Samoa Joe. Joe followed up with jabs in the corner, breaking down Strong in the corner.

Roddy rallied back with a quick kick to Samoa Joe’s face. Strong connected with a dropkick. Strong cranked on Joe’s neck. Samoa Joe nailed Roddy with the Manhattan Drop and followed up with a senton.

Samoa Joe powerslammed Roderick Strong for a near fall. Roddy escaped a powerbomb and staggered Joe with a shoulder tackle. Roddy blasted Joe with a knee strike underneath the jaw. Samoa Joe planted Strong with a uranage! Samoa Joe was looking for the Muscle Buster, but Mike Bennett jumped on the apron to distract Samoa Joe. Roderick Strong stunned Samoa Joe with the Sick Kick for a near fall.

“What a battle here,” said Taz.

Samoa Joe battered Roderick Strong out of the air and then applied the submission, forcing Roderick Strong to tap out!

Samoa Joe will be facing AEW World Champion MJF next week on Dynamite: Grand Slam!

Samoa Joe: “Oh Max! It seems my little prophecy has come true and next week, I go to your backyard and I’m coming for you. Because I’m going to beat you down and take everything you have kid. Everything.”

Adam Cole came down to the ring. Roderick fell to the mat, clutching his neck. The Kingdom told Adam Cole that this was his fault.

Excalibur questioned whether or not Roderick Strong was really injured or if this was a ruse.

The medical staff placed Roderick Strong on a backboard and stretchered him to the back. The Kingdom told Adam Cole not to follow them or Roderick to the back. Samoa Joe struck from behind, blindsiding Adam Cole and choking him out!

“I’m going to take everything from you, Max!” said Samoa Joe.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Grand Slam on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, NY!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bryce Jordan Center in State College, PA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy came out to kick off the show!

“One of the greatest champions of all time in All Elite Wrestling, but after All Out, a former champion,” said Excalibur.

The fans chanted “Thank you Orange! Thank you Orange!”

Orange Cassidy: “Hey. Thank you. So, they told me to stay home. But I was like, nah, I’m not gonna do that. Championship or no championship, I will be here, every single week. Because I am ‘Freshly Squeezed’ Orange Cassidy, and I do not have a catchphrase.”

As Orange Cassidy was leaving the ring, out came the new AEW International Champion…Jon Moxley, and ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli! Orange stood on the ramp and watched as Moxley entered the ring.

AEW International Championship Open Challenge Match!

Jon Moxley (c.) vs. AR Fox (with Darby Allin)!

Fox dodged a lariat from Moxley, but Mox was there to chop away at Fox in the corner. Fox connected with a springboard dropkick. Fox flew over the top rope and wiped out Moxley on the floor!

Fox DDT’ed Moxley for a near fall. Moxley whipped AR Fox into the steel barricade. Fox rallied back with a thrust kick to the champ. Fox blasted Moxley with a cutter for a near fall.

Darby Allin and Nick Wayne were backstage watching the match on a monitor.

AR Fox vaulted off the ring post with a moonsault onto Moxley. Fox hit Mox with a 450 splash for a two-count. Moxley captured Fox and nailed him with hammer and anvil elbows. Moxley followed up with the King Kong Lariat and then the Death Rider to score the pin on AR Fox.

Darby Allin checked on AR Fox after the match. Nick Wayne was watching from the back when he was approached by Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus.

Christian Cage told Nick Wayne that if he wanted a true mentor, Nick should be looking at him. “And say hi to your mom for me,” said Christian Cage.

TBS Championship Open Challenge Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Emi Sakura!

Sakura tried to surprise the champion with a quick roll-up. She followed up with a Tiger Driver on Statlander. Emi drove Statlander to the arena floor with a running crossbody press. Outside the ring, Emi nailed Kris with a crossbody press against the steel ring steps!

Back in the ring Emi stunned the champ with a lariat. Both women collided in the center of the ring with dueling lariats.

“Both women same idea and both women go down,” said Excalibur.

Statlander was brought back down with a swinging neck breaker and then a nasty vertical back breaker from Emi Sakura. Statlander connected with a discus lariat. Statlander smashed Emi with Wednesday Night Fever and pinned Emi!

Roderick Strong was backstage with The Kingdom—Matt Taven and Mike Bennett.

Strong: “Wrestling gave me an opportunity to be something I was not. No one was judging me for what my parents were not doing. Professional wrestling is not just a business to me. It is my everything. But Adam Cole already knew that. I grew up alone and I’m going to win this Grand Slam Tournament alone!”

Le Sex Gods—Chris Jericho & Sammy Guevara


Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Davis and Jericho started things with a collar and elbow tie up. Jericho chopped at Davis, but Davis returned fire. Sammy tagged in and Jericho and Sammy took Davis down with a double shoulder tackle.

Mark Davis did a cartwheel and then hit a double clothesline on Jericho and Sammy. Kyle Fletcher tagged in, and body slammed Sammy. Sammy hit Kyle with a corkscrew dropkick. Jericho tagged in and he and Sammy nailed Kyle with a delayed vertical suplex.

Davis and Fletcher smashed Jericho with stereo forearm smashes. Sammy came in with a cutter on Davis. Jericho fired back with a Code Breaker on Fletcher. Jericho connected with a dropkick off the turnbuckles. Sammy rocketed over the top with a tornillo onto Aussie Open on the arena floor!

Jericho went over the top rope but inadvertently landed on Sammy. Aussie Open made the dash around the ring with Jericho and Sammy and bashed them with the Collider. Aussie Open nailed Jericho with the Aussie Arrow with Davis grabbing a near fall on Jericho.

Jericho swept out the legs of Fletcher and tried for the Walls, but Fletcher escaped. Fletcher spiked Jericho with a brainbuster for a near fall.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Jericho charged at Fletcher, but Fletcher ducked, and Jericho inadvertently hit Sammy. Jericho cracked Fletcher with the Judas Effect and pinned him!

After the match, Sammy shoved Jericho. Jericho shoved back. AEW security had to separate the two men. Sammy walked out on Jericho.

“Sammy wants nothing to do with Jericho at this point in time,” said Excalibur.

“I’m sure they can patch it up,” replied Taz.

“The cracks in their relationship widening,” added Excalibur.

Renee Paquette interviewed Don Callis and Takeshita backstage!

Don Callis: “We made history and beat Kenny Omega twice in seven days. We’re going to have a celebration next week as well as the unveiling of our next target!”

Out Next: One-half of the ROH World Tag Team Champions and AEW World Champion MJF!

MJF: “I got a question, who’s your daddy? As you know, this past Sunday, Adam Cole and I successfully defended our ROH World Tag Team Championships. And that mark Tony Khan says I have to wrestle again on September 20th. That’s Grand Slam. That’s the Devil’s Den. MJF is coming back to New York, New York. And whoever wins that Grand Slam Tournament is going to find out the hard way that no one is on the level of the devil.

“But there is one person that needs to be taught a lesson, and that…”

ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe came down to the ring!

Samoa Joe: “Now pardon the interruption champ, but I was in the back, and I heard a little piss and vinegar in your voice, and I wanted to get a front row for what was about to be said. What seems to be the problem, kid?”

MJF: “Kid? Joe, this must be really embarrassing for you. You must have confused my entrance for an ice cream truck.”

Samoa Joe: “That’s good. But to be quite honest, the last time I had anything to do with an ice cream truck, I was busy being the biggest star of the company’s other network. No, Max, I am here out of genuine concern. So, what’s the problem, kid?”

MJF: “That’s kid twice. You called me kid twice. You know what’s funny about me, Joseph? I’m pretty creative myself. Hey everybody look, it’s Pillsbury Joeboy. No, wait, that’s Samoa Dough.”

Samoa Joe: “Oh, jokes and venom. Now Max it seems that you’re having a hard time comprehending what is going on. So, I’m going to ask you again, Max, what is your problem, kid?”

MJF: “You call me kid one more time I’m going to knock your teeth down your throat! Time out, time out. That’s how you want me to react. Yeah, because you want to skip the line. I’m sorry, there’s a whole tournament if you want to wrestle the champion.

“To coin a phrase from my bro, who’s ready for story time with MJF? Back when I was 19 years old, I had a tryout with the WWE. I knocked it out of the park because I’m that damned good. I was pulled aside by William Regal, and we know the story. He said he would have signed me, but I was too young. He blew me off.

“And we all know how that story ended. I knocked his British ass packing and I sent him back to NXT where he belongs. And funny enough Joe, if you play your cards right, you’re next. Later on, that evening I was informed I would get to be security to walk a wrestling legend down the aisle. I was going to meet the great Samoa Joe.

“But what did you do, Joe? You decided to take a 19-year old kid who was just trying to do his job and you shoved me into a brick wall and you laughed. And let’s be honest Joe. I know why you did that. I know how scumbags think because I’m their scumbag.”

The fans chanted “He’s our scumbag! He’s our scumbag!”

MJF: “You did it because I was a kid, and you could get away with it. I’m not a kid anymore. I’m full grown and I am the AEW World Champion. I am the best wrestler on God’s green earth, and I headlined the most historic pay-per-view of all time, and I am MJF! So, Joey, if I were you, I’d stay out of my way or else I am going to kill you. And do you want to know why Joe? Because my name is MJF, and I am better than you and you know it!”

Samoa Joe: “That was a point beautifully made except there is one problem with it. I didn’t think of you as a kid when I pushed you. You know what I thought about you? I didn’t think you were a kid, Max, I thought you were a little bitch.”

MJF slapped Samoa Joe!

Samoa Joe: “Now this is you trying to provoke me. I’m not going to take your bait. I’m going to go through that tournament and beat everyone in it and then I’m going to come for you. Until then, champ, have a nice day.”

As MJF was walking through the ropes, Samoa Joe kicked the ropes and then stomped on MJF. Samoa Joe held up the AEW World Title until MJF kicked Samoa Joe between the legs! MJF charged at Samoa Joe, but Samoa Joe spiked him! Samoa Joe was looking to hit the Muscle Buster, but Adam Cole sprinted to the ring to even up the odds! Samoa Joe left the ring laughing.

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Quarter-Final Match!

Trent Beretta (with Chuck Taylor) vs. Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom)!

Strong grappled Trent to the ground. Strong applied a front face lock. Strong hit a shoulder tackle but Beretta came back with a knee strike. Roderick Strong cracked Trent with a back breaker.

Trent launched off the top roe with a DDT on Strong, targeting the neck. Strong shoved Trent into the ring post. Strong planted Trent on the edge of the ring!

Roderick rocked Trent with the Sick Kick right on target! Trent used a hurracanrana off the top rope for a near fall on Roddy. Trent followed up with a half and half suplex. Trent spiked Strong with a piledriver, but Roddy got his boot on the rope to stop the ref’s count.

Strong cracked Trent with a knee strike and then finished him off with the End of Heartache, scoring the pin on Trent!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Toni Storm, and she asked Toni about the can of spray paint!

Toni: “It was such a blur. We must look forward. Renee, you are so nosey. You just poke. Next week I’ll be doing a sneak peek into my life.”

Tony Schiavone interviewed “Hangman” Adam Page in the ring!

Page: “I got a call Saturday night that there’d be a battle royal with the winner getting to donate $50,000 to the charity of their choice. So, I booked a flight, and I won the match and I got to donate money to teachers.

“I wanted to look forward. We’ve got a few months left in 2023 and I wanted to talk about what I wanted to do with the rest of—”

Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland interrupted, walking down to the ring!

Prince Nana: “Tony, you’ve done enough so far. Goodnight, my friend. Ladies and gentlemen, show some respect for Swerve Strickland.”

Swerve: “Being in a coffin for almost two weeks you get some clarity. You get some clarity. The first person that I thought of as soon as I got out was you, Hangman. Charity? Really? What are you some kind of mascot for AEW? You’re doing charity for Chicago Elementary System for children that are just going to flunk out anyway. And you weren’t on the main card at All Out competing for any championships.

“When All Elite started up, you were the cornerstone of this company. You were handpicked to be the franchise player and look what you’ve done. Former AEW World Tag Team Champion to former AEW World Champion. And now I’m looking at you on preshows. Or you lost your spot. Or you don’t even want it anymore.

“You got a whole new contract extension, so you’ve been eating good. Yeah, it’s been showing. You don’t have singles matches or promos on Dynamite anymore. You don’t even have title matches anymore. You took a backseat to the Elite.

“You’ve been handed a silver platter. If I would have gotten the opportunities that you got a year ago, I’d be the first AEW World Champion by now. So, I’ll leave you with this. Option A., ride off into the sunset. Move out of the way and let me take that slot that you don’t want. Or option B., you man up, you cowboy up to get that confidence, show these people what cowboy s—t is all about!

“Or we could this and you could fight me for that spot but forewarning, I have no regard for anybody. You choose to do this with me, I will walk you like a dog. Either way, I’m coming for that spot that you act like you don’t even want.”

Page: “If you want a match with me you go to the back and you get it. But I’m done with this s—t right now.”

Swerve: “It’s a shame that your wife and kid got to see their husband and father walk away from more responsibilities.”

Page returned to the ring and got in Swerve’s face! “The Machine” Brian Cage ambushed Page and nailed him with the Drill Claw!

“Like it or not, a phenomenal set up,” said Taz.

Main Event Time!

Grand Slam World Title Eliminator Tournament Quarter-Final Match!

Darby Allin vs. Nick Wayne!

Darby and Nick shook hands before the match began.

Darby and Nick traded pin fall attempts. Darby grabbed a side headlock. Darby went for a tope suicida, but Nick dodged it, sending Darby crashing into the steel guardrail!

Nick Wayne superplexed Darby and followed up with a fisherman’s buster for a near fall. Nick tried for a frog splash, but Darby raised his knees! Darby blasted Nick with a shotgun dropkick. Darby locked on a figure four leg lock. Nick Wayne reversed it, but Darby grabbed the ropes.

Nick and Darby collided with double crossbodies, knocking one another to the mat.

“Sternum to sternum, that’s tough full speed,” said Taz.

Darby and Nick traded strikes in the center of the ring. Darby asked for a microphone.

Darby: “You hit like an 18 year old. Hit me like you really want to win this!”

Darby put his hands behind his back and invited Nick to hit him. Nick nailed Darby with a thrust kick!

Christian Cage and TNT Champion Luchasaurus walked onto the ramp and joined the broadcast booth.

Nick flipped over the top rope and landed on Darby. Nick whipped Darby into the steel guardrail. Nick hit a frog splash off the ring post and down onto Darby on the arena floor! Nick followed up with the Wayne’s World for a near fall.

Nick Wayne attempted a Wayne’s World off the top rope, but Darby held on, knocking Nick to the mat. Darby was contemplating the Coffin Drop but had second thoughts. Nick applied the Last Supper for a near fall on Darby.

Darby stunned Nick with the Code Red for a two-count. Darby grabbed Nick’s arms and stomped the back of Nick’s head, knocking out Nick! Darby advances in the tournament!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Heritage Bank Center in Cincinnati, OH!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c!


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Jon Moxley vs. Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Moxley wiped out Komander with a big boot as the bell rang. Moxley jabbed and chopped at Komander in the corner turnbuckles. Komander fired back with head scissors. He jumped off the top rope and connected with a high cross body press to Moxley on the arena floor.

“He caught all of Moxley,” said Taz.

Back in the ring, Moxley dug his nails into Komander, clawing at his back. Komander missed a Cancun Tornado, as Moxley moved out of the way. Komander countered a powerbomb with a facebuster to Mox.

Komander nailed Moxley with clotheslines, but Moxley didn’t budge. Finally, Komander connected with a dropkick to the inside of Moxley’s knee and then DDT’ed him. Komander cracked Mox with a lung blower for a near fall.

Komander walked the ropes and jumped off with a 450 but Mox countered by raising his knees. Mox spiked Komander with a piledriver for a near fall. Moxley pounded Komander with the hammer and anvil elbows and then applied the rear naked choke, forcing Komander to tap out!

Footage was shown from backstage at All In! AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR were talking with the Young Bucks when Bullet Club Gold interrupted.

And it was announced that Tony Khan made it official!

This Sunday at All Out, it’ll be an 8-Man Tag Match!

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR & the Young Bucks vs. Bullet Club Gold!

Renee Paquette interviewed Toni Storm backstage!

Storm: “Don’t get me wrong. I’ve very happy for Saraya but she went completely off script and now I have no title, no friends. Ruby hates me. Wimbley went tits up! I can’t trust anyone. I can’t Saraya. I can’t trust Ruby!”

Chris Jericho came out to the ring alone!

Jericho: “I will never forget the show at Wembley, but there is something I would like to forget. And that is how I treated my brother, Sammy Guevara, after the match. Sammy if you’re back there, please come out now.”

Sammy Guevara walked down to the ring.

Jericho: “I know I pushed you after my match. I was frustrated after losing to Will Ospreay. I should have never taken it out on you. I didn’t know if you did everything on your end to help me, but watching back, I saw what you did. We all lie, cheat, and steal here, and you did that, and I want to apologize for not thinking you did everything you could have done.”

Sammy: “I told you Chris, I always have your back, and a little push isn’t going to break us up.”

Jericho: “I’m still replaying the Ospreay match in my head, questioning what I could have done to win it. Maybe you could have hit him harder with the baseball bat.”

Sammy: “When I was watching it, Chris, I thought in my head, maybe if you hit him a little harder with the Judas Effect, maybe you could have gotten it done. Maybe.”

Jericho: “Sometimes when I ask you to do something, it doesn’t turn out like I envisioned it. That’s all.”

Sammy: “Maybe if I wasn’t so worried about having your back, maybe I could have wrestled at Wembley.”

Jericho: “Maybe if you continue to follow my advice, then maybe next year you will wrestle on that show next year at Wembley Stadium.”

Sammy: “I’ll follow that advice and maybe I won’t lose next year at Wembley Stadium like you did.”

Sammy threw his microphone down and had a stare down with Chris Jericho.

Jericho: “Hold on. Let’s not say something that we’re going to regret later. We’ve been together since day one here in AEW. So, let’s get back to what we do best. Let’s reunite Le Sex Gods. Next week let’s start on the road to becoming the AEW World Tag Team Champions.”

Sammy and Jericho hugged and smiled.

NJPW Strong Openweight Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. BCC’s Wheeler Yuta!

Kingston and Yuta locked up. Yuta slapped Kingston. Yuta began to work over Kingston’s taped up elbow. Moxley and Claudio were watching the match on a monitor backstage.

Kingston used an exploder suplex on Yuta for a near fall. Yuta blocked the spinning back fist and fired back with a German Suplex for a two-count on Eddie.

Kingston chopped Yuta until Yuta blocked one. Yuta nailed Eddie with repeated elbows. Kingston came back with a half and half suplex. Eddie rocked Yuta with two spinning backfists and pinned Yuta!

ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli walked to the ring and helped Yuta to his feet. Claudio didn’t look at Kingston once, showing a complete lack of respect.

Footage was shown from backstage after the main event of All In: London. Adam Cole and MJF were talking. MJF said Tony Khan informed him that there’d be a battle royal on Rampage to determine who will face Adam Cole and MJF for the ROH World Tag Team Titles at All Out this Sunday in Chicago. MJF also said there was going to be a tournament kicking off next week to decide who gets to face MJF for the Triple B at Dynamite: Grand Slam on September 20th. But first, MJF was going to have a week off to spend some time in Paris.

Adam Cole: “If anyone’s earned a week off, champ, it’s you. I love ya, man.”

Renee Paquette was interviewing Sammy Guevara backstage when Don Callis interrupted!

Callis: “It’s hard being Jericho’s friend, isn’t it? Don’t you find it challenging having to deal with a sociopath like that?”

Sammy: “Stop talking, I know what you’re up to. I have a family. I didn’t leave my family to come to Chicago to come talk to you. So, get lost!”

ROH World Tag Team Champion Adam Cole came out to the ring!

Adam Cole: “I lost in the main event at Wembley, and that hurt, but I know at some point I’ll get another shot for the AEW World Title. Now concerning my good friend, MJF, his neck is pretty banged up. But I promise you this Sunday at All Out live in Chicago, MJF is going to be ready to go.”

Roderick Strong came to the ring with the Kingdom! “Adam!” yelled Strong.

Strong: “So you care more about the fact that Max’s neck is bad than you care about my neck? Is my neck health not important to you?”

Cole: “This is getting absurd.”

Mike Bennett: “Let me take you back 2010, Ring of Honor. It’s a 21 year old Adam Cole versus a 25 year old Mike Bennett. We got each other signed to Ring of Honor that night and I felt like we were bonded for life. You were at my wedding, man. You hosted my bachelor party the night before.

“We picked each other up during our worst moments and celebrated during our best moments. But you forgot what we meant to you.”

Matt Taven: “Shut your mouth, Cole. This is just who you are. You needed us. You needed the Kingdom to take over Ring of Honor and once you did you jumped ship to join the Bullet Club. Then you went to Florida and surrounded yourself with all our friends. And now you want to come here and say you’re a changed man? You’re a liar. You’re still the same leech. When you look at pictures of the past, do you ignore all the people around you? Because I think you believe you’re standing there alone. Because that’s the only person you care about.”

Cole: “You know for a fact that that’s not true. If I made you feel that way, I am so sorry. We were all close at one point. But the three of you need to accept that not only is Max my friend, but he’s also my best friend.”

Strong: “I can’t accept that. I’m entering that Grand Slam Tournament and I’m going to do what you can’t do. I’m going to beat MJF and become the new AEW World Champion and I’m going to do that with my real friends in the Kingdom by my side.”

Cole: “You know your neck is not in good shape.”

Strong: “Oh, Cole is pretending to care about me. I don’t need a neck that’s 100 percent to win. Bad neck or not, I’m going to break everyone’s back and win that tournament because I am a wrestling legend!”

Trios Match!

TBS Champion Kris Statlander, Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D., & Hikaru Shida


Nyla Rose, Emi Sakura, & Marina Shafir!

Baker bludgeoned Sakura with forearms and then took her down with a sling blade. Shafir distracted the ref while Nyla hit Baker with a knee.

Rose, Shafir, and Sakura employed quick tags to work over Baker in their corner, isolating her. Statlander grabbed a tag and cleaned house, hammering Shafir. Statlander slammed Shafir onto the mat from off her shoulders. Baker inadvertently connected with a thrust kick to Shida. Nyla chokeslammed Baker.

Statlander climbed to the top and jumped onto the pile of opponents on the arena floor! Kris nailed Shafir with the Wednesday Night Fever tombstone piledriver and pinned Shafir. After the match, Ruby Soho jumped into the ring, ambushed Kris, and leveled her with the No Future kick! Ruby walked away with Statlander’s TBS championship!

It was announced that Shane Taylor will be facing Samoa Joe for the Ring of Honor World TV Championship this Sunday at All Out!

The AEW World Trios Champions the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass came out to the ring!

Daddy Ass: “Chicago, I have some really good news I’d like to share with you. Daddy Ass is back. Last Sunday was a really good day for us. At Wembley, we became Trios Champions.”

Max Caster: “80,000 people witnessed us capture the Trios titles. But we thought it was fitting that we come back to this crowd in Chicago and promise that we will lift these titles with pride as we dominate the trios division. I wanted to start with a ribbon cutting ceremony.”

Anthony Bowens: “There is a new era in the trios division and this is our house now. Chicago, welcome to the House of Ass. And in this house, we wear pink, which is why Billy, if you take a look at these titles, these are kind of dull. So, Max and I have a little surprise for you.”

Bowens and Caster revealed brand new custom AEW World Trios Championship belts with a hot pink leather strap.

Bowens: “Saturday night, live on Collision, we’re going to defend the Trios Titles!”

Main Event Time!

AEW International Championship Match!

Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)!

The winner faces Jon Moxley this Sunday at All Out on pay-per-view.

Orange and Penta had a stale mate early in the match, each countering one another’s moves. Orange tried for a tope, but Penta caught him, and press slammed him into the steel barricade!

Cassidy finally connected with a tope suicida. Cassidy went for the Orange Punch, but Penta countered with a thrust kick. Penta flipped over the top rope and crashed right down onto Orange’s hand!

Orange countered a suplex with a Stun Dog Millionaire and then a DDT on Penta for a near fall. Penta punted Orange in the ribs. Penta followed up with a backstabber for a two-count on the champ.

Penta chopped down the champ with thrust kicks, and continued the assault on Orange’s right arm, looking to neutralize the threat of the Orange Punch. Orange and Penta traded Canadian Destroyers!

“What the hell are we watching? My God! It’s amazing,” said Tony Schiavone.

Penta blasted Orange with the Made in Japan for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Orange nailed Penta with the Beach Break for a near fall. Orange went for the punch, but Penta countered with a thrust kick to Orange’s hand. Cassidy ate a thrust kick on the apron. Penta smashed Orange with the Made in Japan on the ring apron! Somehow Orange kicked out of the pin attempt at the last possible moment.

Penta stomped on Orange’s right arm. Penta pulled back on Orange’s arm. Penta crushed Orange with the Fear Factor for a near fall. Orange held on, cradled Penta, and pinned him!

“Penta was stunned that Orange Cassidy was able to kick out of the Fear Factory and Orange took that moment to score the victory,” said Excalibur.

Orange: “I don’t usually like to talk but yet here we are. I am so tired. My body hurts. And every single time I have a title defense, the backpack gets a little heavier. But I’m here. I’m wrestling. I’m defending the International Championship because this means everything to me. This is what AEW is. It’s about putting a person that was told, ‘You’ll never do anything,’ I’m the champion.

“And I will continue to defend my championship for as long as I want and there is nothing anyone can do to take it from me. Jon Moxley, you’d better bring more than a fork. Because I am ‘Freshly Squeezed’ Orange Cassidy and I do not have a catch phrase.”

Moxley stormed down to the ring! Moxley shoved Orange and Orange slapped Moxley! Moxley flipped off Orange and walked away.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Indiana Farmers Coliseum in Indianapolis, IN!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c!

— Global Pay-Per-View Event Becomes AEW’s Highest Grossing Event in History and Biggest Pro Wrestling Event Ever Held in Europe

August 27, 2023 – All Elite Wrestling (AEW) announced tonight that “AEW: All In London” shattered multiple records across the professional wrestling industry. The sold-out event, which was broadcast worldwide, saw 81,035 fans from more than 70 countries converge on Wembley Stadium in London, marking the largest crowd in history to ever attend a pro wrestling event in Europe.

In addition, “AEW: All In London” became AEW’s highest grossing event ever and one of the largest pro wrestling gates of all time, generating more than $10 million.

“‘AEW: All In London’ marked a monumental achievement, and showed the world that AEW is not only here to stay, but also a formidable force worldwide,” said Tony Khan, CEO, GM and Head of Creative of AEW. “This success wouldn’t have been possible without ourincredible roster and talented staff, as well as our colleagues at WBD, who passionately believe in the AEW brand as much as I do, and our amazing partners at Wembley Stadium, Live Nation UK and ITV who worked tirelessly to make this dream a reality.

“Most importantly, we thank AEW’s incredibly loyal fans, many of whom travelled to London from around the world to be part of the event, and have been with us from the beginning. We celebrate this long-awaited moment with all of you and look forward to our return to Wembley Stadium in 2024, where we will once again make history.”As announced during tonight’s event, “AEW: All In London” will return to Wembley Stadium on Sunday, August 25, 2024. Fans can register for additional information on the event by clicking ,here.

About AEW
Founded by CEO, GM and Head of Creative Tony Khan in 2019, AEW is offering an alternative to mainstream wrestling, with a roster of world-class talent that is injecting new spirit, freshness and energy into the industry. In the U.S., “AEW: Dynamite” airs every Wednesday night on TBS and attracts the youngest wrestling audience on television, the fight-forward “AEW: RAMPAGE” airs every Friday night on TNT, and the new “AEW: Collision” airs every Saturday night on TNT. AEW’s multi-platform content also includes “Being the Elite,” a weekly behind-the-scenes YouTube series, and “AEW Unrestricted,” a weekly podcast series. For more info, check out Twitter.com/AEW; Instagram.com/AEW; YouTube.com/AEW; Facebook.com/AEW.


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE: Fyter Fest was broadcast from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone!

The show opened with a graphic paying tribute to Windham Rotunda 1987-2023.

It’s Friday and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. QTV’s Aaron Solo (with Harley Cameron)!

Solo kicked Orange in the midsection. Orange countered with a side headlock takeover. Orange had Solo’s ankles trapped and then he sent Solo to the arena floor with an arm drag. Solo pulled Orange out of the ring. Orange went to strike Solo when Solo used Harley as a human shield. Orange wasted no time, moved around them, and connected with a tope suicida on Solo.

Cassidy climbed to the top rope, but Harley interfered and pulled Orange down. Solo seized the opportunity to go on the attack. Solo closed the distance, charging at Cassidy in the corner with a running elbow.

The champ took flight, jumping off the top rope and connecting with a crossbody press. Solo ducked the Orange Punch. Orange nailed Solo with the Stun Dog Millionaire and followed up with a DDT for a near fall.

Harley grabbed a microphone and began to sing to distract Orange. Solo landed a corkscrew dropkick and then planted Orange on his shoulders. Solo squashed Orange with a diving double stomp for a two-count. Harley removed her boot and while the ref was distracted, Solo struck Cassidy in the head with it!

Orange rocked Solo with the Orange Punch. He followed up with the Beach Break and pinned Aaron Solo!

From earlier in the week, footage aired of Jim Ross’s sit down interview with AAA Latin American Champion QT Marshall!

“Now it’s time I get the respect I feel I’ve earned. Ever since I started in AEW, people always think I’ve aligned myself with other guys. Cody Rhodes, Powerhouse Hobbs. When in actuality, they’ve aligned themselves with me.

“But that’s not the story that you guys on commentary wanted to tell. And I never complained. I just sat there and smiled because I’m a pro. I’m not just a pro, I put the pro in professional wrestling.

“I was taught: be a good soldier and opportunities will arise. Speaking of opportunities, it seems there’s this narrative that because of my relationship with Tony Khan, I get said opportunities. But if that were the case, why did I have to go to another country? Why did it take management of Triple A to see in me everything I’ve been saying since day one.

“The other night in front of 20,000, you’re right, I beat three of the best wrestlers in the world. And how’d I do it? By being one of the best wrestlers in the world. I don’t have a backup plan. This is it. I don’t have a degree from university, but I learned a long time ago I have a PhD in professional wrestling. I have passion, I have heart, I have determination to be the absolute best that ever stepped inside the ring.

“This is about me getting everything I’ve ever wanted in AEW. I’m not on the posters. I’m not on the trucks. I don’t even have an action figure. So now I’m going to defend this AAA Latin American Title with pride starting this Friday night. And I’ll finally get the respect I’ve earned, even from you.”

AAA Latin American Championship Match!

QT Marshall (c.) (with Johnny TV) vs. Gravity!

Gravity dropkicked QT out of the ring. Gravity went over the top and nailed QT with a tope con hiro. Gravity jumped off the ropes, but QT took down Gravity with a stiff forearm.

Gravity attempted a hurracanrana off the apron, but QT caught him and countered with a powerbomb onto the apron! Back in the ring, Gravity crushed QT with a Destroyer for a near fall! QT hit a combination on Gravity, making him pay.

Gravity reversed a suplex and nailed QT with several thrust kicks. Gravity landed a 21-plex on QT Marshall for a near fall. Gravity and QT jockeyed for position on the top turnbuckle. Gravity dropped QT back down onto the mat for a near fall. QT hit the Diamond Cutter and then used the Dirt Sheet Driver on Gravity, scoring the pin!

TNT Champion Luchasaurus vs. R. Jones!

Luchasaurus clocked his opponent with a massive boot to the face! Luchasaurus chokeslammed him. After hitting him with a lariat to the back of the head, Luchasaurus pinned his opponent!

Christian Cage, holding the TNT Championship, was watching on a monitor backstage.

Main Event Time!

AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida & Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D.


The Outcasts’ Toni Storm & Saraya (with Ruby Soho)!

Saraya hammered away at Baker with elbows. Toni tagged in and stomped Britt Baker in the corner. Toni took Baker down with a snap suplex. Toni smashed Baker with the hip attack, sending Britt crashing on the arena floor. Ruby Soho was kicking Britt until TBS Champion Kris Statlander sprinted to the ring, hoisted up Ruby, and carried her all the way to the back!

Baker rallied back with a neck breaker to Toni Storm. Baker tagged in Shida and Shida cleaned house on Storm and Saraya! Shida suplexed Saraya onto Storm!

Shida and Storm exchanged forearms and chops in the center of the ring. Saraya heaved Britt by the hair. Storm squashed Baker in the corner with the hip attack. The Outcasts hit a tandem powerbomb on Baker. Shida cracked Storm with a question mark kick. Saraya knocked down Shida with a thrust kick, but Baker was there to dish out a thrust kick of her own to Saraya!

“Kicks all around,” said Excalibur.

Baker connected with a ripcord elbow strike to Saraya. Shida dropped Toni Storm. Shida planted Saraya with the falcon arrow. Baker rocked Saraya with a swinging neck breaker. Britt Baker applied her surgical glove, getting ready to apply the Lockjaw to Saraya. Saraya grabbed the ref’s leg to distract him. Toni Storm pulled out a can of spray paint. Shida tried to pull the can away but Storm sprayed Shida in the eyes. Baker landed a thrust kick on Storm. Baker went to check on Shida, but Shida, who was temporarily blinded, struck Baker! Saraya spiked Baker with the Nightcap and pinned her!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c!

Be a part of history! This Sunday order All In: London from Wembley Stadium, live on pay-per-view at 6pm BST / 1pm ET! Zero Hour begins at 5pm BST / Noon ET / 9am PT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION: Fight for The Fallen was broadcast live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY!

Nigel McGuinness and Kevin Kelly were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Tonight’s opening contest: ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe vs. The Golden Vampire!

The Golden Vampire went right after Joe and rocked him with a rising knee strike. He hit the GTS on Samoa Joe and unmasked—it was CM Punk!

CM Punk: “I accept, bitch!”

“That took about a minute,” said Kevin Kelly.

“Samoa Joe challenged Punk to a match. Joe asked a second time and choked out Punk. Now Samoa Joe has his answer. CM Punk may have just awoken a sleeping giant,” said Nigel.

“And Tony Khan has just made it official. Next Sunday at All In: London, for the “Real World Championship”, CM Punk against Samoa Joe,” added Kevin Kelly.

“Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold) vs. Dalton Castle (with The Boys)!

Dalton grappled Jay White to the mat, showing off his high level amateur wrestling background. Jay White chopped Dalton Castle to the mat and then tossed him out of the ring. The Boys helped Dalton back into the ring and he took down White.

“The party peacock getting back on offense,” said Nigel.

Dalton charged Jay with a running knee, but Jay White moved out of the way and Dalton flopped out of the ring. Jay White planted Dalton on the edge of the ring!

“Switchblade” Jay White and Dalton Castle traded chops in the center of the ring until Jay White hit a low dropkick to Castle’s leg. Dalton fired right back with one of his trademark suplexes. Dalton attempted a running bulldog, but Jay White pushed him away. Dalton hurled Jay White overhead with two suplexes. Dalton followed up with a deadlift German Suplex for a near fall on White.

Dalton charged at Jay White but White pulled the ropes down and Dalton’s momentum carried him out and to the arena floor. Dalton connected with a rana on Jay White.

“This peacock can fly,” said Nigel.

Bullet Club Gold surrounded Dalton Castle, but the Boys left the nest, flying over the top rope and wiping out Bullet Club Gold. Jay White nailed Castle with a sleeper suplex. Jay White smashed Dalton with the Blade Runner and pinned him!

“Switchblade Jay White continues on the march, beating a former Ring of Honor World Champion,” noted Kevin Kelly.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Bullet Club Gold, asking them about their match at All In: London against Kenny Omega, “Hangman” Adam Page, and Ibushi!

Jay White: “Tony, we talk about what we want to talk about. First up, guns up for my Lexington Gold members! What I want to talk about, I got a message for my old friend Kenny Omega in his hospital bed. So, Kenny, I hope you’re paying attention. Because if the so-called god of professional wrestling doesn’t want to be exposed at the biggest professional wrestling event of all time in Wembley Stadium, then I think Mr. Omega, you’d better stay in that bed.

“We’ve known you for almost a decade now, Kenny, myself and Juice here. We sat back for too long while you and your friends deceive the entire professional wrestling world. No, they have deceived all of you into believing the Elite is the peak of Bullet Club. But Tony, we’re here to set the record straight. So, at London: All In, Bullet Club Gold, the Bang Bang Gang, show they’re a cut above the Elite, and it doesn’t matter who Kenny brings with him. Ibushi, ‘Hangman’ Page, it doesn’t matter. We’ve beat them before, we’ll beat them again.”

Juice Robinson: “Hangman, I heard what you said. You think it’s funny that we drove from Orlando to Jacksonville to beat the crap out of Kenny Omega You think it was a little two minute beatdown? Well, it took us two minutes to put the great Kenny Omega into the hospital. What do you think we’re going to do to you at the biggest pro wrestling show ever, you idiot!”

Colten Gunn: “Hey Young Bucks, you had to cheat to beat us on Wednesday because you know me, and Austin are the best brother tag team in AEW. And instead of giving us a rematch, you grabbed your friend Kenny.”

Austin Gunn: “Guess what Kenny? We have friends too, and ours are juicier, way more rock hard, and way more eliter than you!”

Colten: “You guys may have started this company but now we run it. The Bang Bang Gang! The Collision Cowboys! Tony Khan send out three before Fyter Fest. We want to get warmed up right now!”

The Iron Savages came out and answered the open challenge!

Juice Robinson and The Gunns vs. The Iron Savages—Bronson, Boulder, and Jacked Jameson!

The Iron Savages used quick tags and triple offense on Austin, until Austin was finally able to tag out to Colten. Juice tagged in then and stomped a mudhole into Bronson.

Boulder tagged in and cleaned house on Bullet Club Gold! Juice jumped off the top rope, but Boulder caught him midflight and slammed him onto the Gunns. Boulder splashed them for a near fall.

Colten rocked Boulder with the Fame Asser! They hit Bronson with the 3:10 to Yuma. Juice nailed Jameson with a leg lariat and then pinned him after planting him with the facebuster!

This Wednesday on Dynamite: Fyter Fest, it’ll be The Elite vs. Juice Robinson & The Gunns!

The House of Black sent in a video message!

Malakai Black: “Billy Gunn, you were living a shadow of what you once were. Rest in pain, Billy Gunn!”

Black had placed Billy Gunn’s wrestling boots into a trash compactor, and they were crushed with garbage.

Tony Schiavone was in the locker room with “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Starks: “You told people I was suspended for 30 days.”

Schiavone: “I was wrong. It’s actually 4 weeks—28 days.”

Starks: “And I’ve already served half of that. I feel like this is all a big joke. My rage comes from all of this type of stuff. I said I was going to bring a war to AEW, and I meant every single word of it. For everybody watching, I am going to bring chaos, and I’m going to do it live tonight.”

Big Bill was standing next to Starks. “Absolute” Ricky Starks smiled at Big Bill and the two walked off.

Big Bill (with “Absolute” Ricky Starks) vs. Derek Neal!

Big Bill splashed Neal in the corner! Big Bill clocked Neal with a massive boot! Big Bill chokeslammed Derek Neal, stood on top of him and pinned him.

“Derek Neal was absolutely swallowed by Big Bill,” said Kevin Kelly.

“Who is next for ‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks?” asked Nigel.

Ricky whipped Derek Neal with a leather belt after the match.

“Ricky Starks has procured the services of Big Bill,” said Kevin.

Diamante vs. Willow Nightingale!

Willow hit a beautiful vertical suplex on Diamante. Willow charged at Diamante, but Diamante dodged her. Diamante hammered Willow with shots to the back. She clubbed Willow with forearms. Willow caught Diamante and planted her hard on the mat.

Willow clotheslined Diamante on the apron. Mercedes Martinez walked out and down to the ring. Willow bodyslammed Diamante but Diamante clipped Willow. She followed up with a buzzsaw kick to Willow.

Willow hit a spinebuster on Diamante for a two-count. Diamante rallied back with double knees on Willow. She followed up with Sliced Bread. Willow blasted Diamante with a thrust kick. Willow rammed Diamante into the turnbuckles.

Willow took down Diamante with a missile dropkick. Kris Statlander rushed to the ring and suplexed Martinez on the ramp! Willow pounced Diamante right into the barricade! Willow finished off Diamante with the doctor bomb and pinned her!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Toni Storm!

Toni: “I don’t know who you are but the last girl who interviewed me was very rude. There will be a preview next week of the upcoming four way match at Wembley. After that, Shida and Baker won’t even make it to Wembley Stadium. Don’t ever question the friendship of the Outcasts. They’ve had my back since day one. And at Wembley, I will be elevated when I became the first ever three-time AEW Women’s World Champion.”

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Kevin Ku!

Powerhouse powered Ku to the mat. Ku attempted to crossbody Hobbs, but Hobbs stuffed him! Hobbs splashed Kevin Ku in the turnbuckles. Hobbs suplexed Ku off the turnbuckles. Hobbs nearly decapitated Ku with a vicious clothesline. Hobbs smashed Ku with a spinebuster and pinned him!

After the match, Hobbs locked Ku in Miro’s own clutch finisher.

“The Redeemer” Miro appeared on the big screen!

Miro: “Hobbs we have a lot in common. We used to rely on a book for guidance. I too used to surround myself with distractions but now the Redeemer walks alone, no matter how much my heart breaks for her. Even when my puny God is trying to push me down, but Hobbs, I am not here to feud with my God. I am here to replace him. Redemption is coming for you and it’s going to piss on your cold, dead body. I am godless but I know you are not. Because you pray to me now.”

Main Event Time!

Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage (with TNT Champion Luchasaurus)!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team for the main event.

Christian Cage wore the TNT Championship belt to the ring.

“It means so much to him, a title he never won,” said Jim Ross.

Christian worked over Darby’s arm. Christian whipped Darby into the turnbuckles. AR Fox and Swerve Strickland were watching the match backstage on a monitor. Christian nailed Darby with a single arm DDT.

Darby cradled Christian for a near fall. Christian walloped Darby with a right hand. Darby tried a backslide on Christian for another near fall.

Chrisitan Cage continued to focus on Darby’s injured left shoulder. Christian went for the spear, but Darby countered it. Darby rocked Christian with the Code Red. Darby and Christian collided into one another, their heads butting off one another’s.

Darby splashed Christian in the corner twice and then hit a shotgun dropkick! Darby went for a Coffin Drop to Luchasaurus who was on the outside, but Luchasaurus caught Darby and shrugged him off. Christian Cage snuck around the ring and took down Darby with a lariat.

Christian Cage whipped Darby into the guardrail. Chrisitan charged at Darby, but Darby used a drop toe hold and slammed Christian’s head into a steel chair. Darby soared off the top rope with a John Woo style dropkick to Christian who was still sitting on the steel chair that had been propped up on the arena floor!

Darby tried for the Coffin Drop on Christian who was on the apron, but Luchasaurus pulled Christian away. Darby ricocheted off the apron!

“Luchasaurus proving he’s a difference maker,” said Jim Ross.

The ref ejected Luchasaurus from ringside! While the ref was distracted by Luchasaurus, Christian Cage smashed the TNT Championship belt into Darby’s skull! Christian went for the pin, but Darby got his foot on the bottom rope, stopping the count.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Christian Cage went for the spear, but Darby dodged it. Darby nailed Christian with a shotgun dropkick. Christian rocked Darby with a sunset powerbomb and then speared Darby! Christian went for the pin, but Darby was able to kick out somehow! Darby jumped over Christian with a jackknife and pinned Christian!

Tony Schiavone interviewed Darby in the ring after the match!

Luchasaurus came back to the ring. Christian Cage decked Darby from behind! Luchasaurus chokeslammed Darby! Christian covered Darby. Luchasaurus ordered Tony Schiavone to count the pin. Christian Cage demanded Tony Schiavone announce him as the winner! Tony had no choice but to comply.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Fyter Fest on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Last week on COLLISION, Ricky Starks was informed about a thirty-day suspension for his assault on Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat but he essentially didn’t care, instead promising that he and his newly acquired manager’s license would set the company on fire starting this week! The Acclaimed returned to tag team action with a victory over The Iron Savages, Willow Nightingale and TBS Champion Kris Statlander were defeated by Diamante and Mercedes Martinez, and The House of Black retained their AEW World Trios Championship over CMFTR, thanks in no small part to ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe removing CM Punk from the equation.


Plus we heard Powerhouse Hobbs call out Miro for a fight, and actually lay “The Redeemer” out, and Luchasaurus retained the TNT Championship in an impromptu match versus Brock Anderson that led to this week’s fight between Christian Cage and Darby Allin!


This week, as ALL IN: LONDON approaches, COLLISION: FIGHT FOR THE FALLEN 2023 is heading to Lexington, KY and the Rupp Arena with more of the best professional wrestling on the planet today! We know Darby Allin and Christian Cage will lock horns in singles action, their first such fight, and after how their tag match went down last week, Willow Nightingale will take on Diamante in their third AEW match.


The show begins at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for AEW’s international fans, so make it a point to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest edition of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Darby Allin vs. Christian Cage (w/ TNT Champion Luchasaurus)


It would be more than accurate to say that Darby Allin has his AEW plate quite full at the current moment. Not only is he heading into ALL IN: LONDON for a Tag Team Coffin Match pitting him and Sting against AR Fox and Swerve Strickland, he’s also got a TNT Championship match scheduled for ALL OUT 2023 in Chicago just one week later, and that impending title match has been occupying a great deal of his time on Saturday nights.

Last week, after Luchasaurus took on the impromptu challenge of Brock Anderson, a challenge made into a TNT Championship match by Tony Khan, Darby would come onto the scene to challenge Christian Cage to step up to the plate against him. Though Cage claims to be the actual TNT Champion, despite the fact Luchasaurus was the one who defeated Wardlow on the first COLLISION and is the one who has defended it ever since, this will not be a title fight on Saturday night in Lexington, but rather a standard singles match in an arena where Christian has won five of the seven matches he’s fought inside Rupp across his career.

For Darby, with so much going on in his AEW career at this moment, every night is a crucial one for one reason or another, and after his tag team victory over The Gates of Agony on Wednesday, he’s going to be ready for another fight on Saturday. While DYNAMITE impacted Darby’s ALL IN: LONDON future, this one is all about his ALL OUT 2023 one, as well as his championship endeavors.

Ahead of that TNT Championship fight with Luchasaurus, can Darby take down the faux-champion? There’s no question that Cage will have his Right Hand of Destruction at ringside with him, but just who that will effect the match remains to be seen. A victory here would go a long way towards a psychological advantage going into the United Center on September 3rd, but a loss could affect that bout as well as Darby’s mindset heading into the Coffin Match at Wembley.


Diamante vs. Willow Nightingale


Last week Willow Nightingale united with TBS Champion Kris Statlander in a tag team bout opposite Diamante and former ROH Women’s World Champion Mercedes Martinez. The match came about as a result of Diamante’s assault on Statlander following the champion’s victory over Martinez the week prior. Mercedes and Martinez joining forces brought together the two baddest Latinas in professional wrestling, and they made sure Stat and Willow felt their wrath as they walked away, no matter how it came to pass, with a victory over one of AEW’s champions and a former NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion.

But this Saturday night it isn’t going to be a tag team affair, Diamante is going to have to square up with Willow Nightingale one-on-one, and in their AEW history of doing so, the women have split the pair. Diamante won the first in 2021, Willow the second in March of this year, so consider this a rubber match that will likely the eyes, if not the presence, of Kris Statlander and Mercedes Martinez.

Who will score the victory in this third contest between the women? Will it have any implications in the TBS Championship situation? Tune in Saturday night to see how it all unfolds!


“Switchblade” Jay White vs. Dalton Castle


-We will hear from Miro!

-And Powerhouse Hobbs will be in action!

AEW COLLISION comes to Lexington, KY and the Rupp Arena for a grudge match between Willow Nightingale and Diamante, as well as one between Darby Allin and Christian Cage ,and more! The night kicks off at 8:00pm ET/7:00pm CT, as well as at AEWPlus.com for AEW’s international fans, so be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from last week’s COLLISION, this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest edition of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!

Big Gold Belt Wrestling Podcast LIVE (8/17/23)

Your Big Gold Belt Podcast is LIVE talking everything pro wrestling including:

Edge celebrates his 25th anniversary with a match versus Sheamus in his hometown of Toronto, the site of…


Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Fight for The Fallen was broadcast live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville, TN!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta!

Orange and Wheeler traded arm drags. Then they exchanged stiff chops and forearms. Wheeler suplexed but then Orange countered with one of his own.

“These guys are going move for move,” said Taz.

Wheeler blasted the champ with a tope suicida. Orange suplexed Yuta on the arena floor. Yuta spiked Orange on the ramp! Wheeler followed up with a thrust kick to Orange’s head.

Back in the ring Orange blasted Yuta with the Beach Break! Wheeler chomped down on Orange’s hand and then stomped on it, trying to neutralize the hand that Cassidy uses for the Orange Punch.

Orange took flight with a tope suicida. Orange climbed the turnbuckles, but Wheeler kicked him in the head. Wheeler rocked Orange with a massive superplex! Wheeler crashed down onto Orange with a diving splash for a near fall. Cassidy clocked Yuta with the PK and then DDT’ed Yuta.

Jon Moxley and Claudio Castagnoli walked out of the stands and glared at Orange from ringside. Orange looked over at Moxley and nailed Yuta with a Paradigm Shift!

“He looked right at Moxley when he executed the Paradigm Shift,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Moxley’s not too impressed,” replied Taz.

Orange connected with the Orange Punch on Wheeler Yuta. Orange immediately grabbed his hand.

“Oh, man, Orange Cassidy is hurting,” said Tony Schiavone.

Yuta locked up Orange in the seat belt for a near fall. Orange rolled up Wheeler, held onto his jean pockets, and pinned Wheeler!

Immediately after the match, the BCC swarmed Orange Cassidy and began to pummel him!

Best Friends—Trent and Chuck Taylor, sprinted to the ring to even up the odds. But the Best Friends still were not at 100%. The Lucha Bros came down to the ring with Alex Abrahantes. The Lucha Bros dished out stereo thrust kicks to Claudio. Moxley took a powder, leaving the ring before anyone could get their hands on him.

“Moxley got out of town,” said Schiavone.

Claudio and Moxley grabbed steel chairs and were about to enter the ring again when Eddie Kingston’s music hit! Kingston ran to the ring and began to brawl with Claudio!

“This has just broken down!” said Excalibur.

Eddie Kingston: “Hey, guess what? Wembley Stadium, boys. All In, boys! Us against you and whoever you can find! In a Stadium Stampede Match!”

Jim Ross had a sit-down interview with The Elite’s Kenny Omega at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL!

Jim Ross wanted to know about Omega’s plan for All In: London, and he wanted to know how Omega could even consider doing business with Don Callis.

Omega: “Uncle Don was just a friend of my real uncle, Uncle Larry, the Golden Shiek. And whether it was Christmas or my birthday, he was always there. Now that I look back it was really an odd childhood. I didn’t have friends, Don doesn’t like friends. I wasn’t able to have afterschool parties. Don gave me my first weight set. My first tub of protein. He’d say, ‘Take your vitamins.’

“And the way he guided me made me the best athlete possible. I try everyday to remember that version of Uncle Don. You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. And I found myself trying to justify what this guy has done. I’m trying to find a reason not to make my entire existence one of revenge.

“I just want to move on. I don’t want him to get into my head. I don’t want this to all be about Don and the people he chooses to be part of his family. Takeshita and I go way back. I saw a lot of myself in him when I was in DDT in Japan. I thought this is the kind of guy you want to guide the right way.

“As the god of pro wrestling, I have the power to giveth, and I have the power to taketh away. And Don, this new cash cow of yours, that you think means the world to you, I’m going to take him away.”

Don Callis interrupted the interview!

Callis: “Whoa, J.R., I didn’t know you were a psychotherapist now. How is your mental health, Ken, I’m really concerned.”

“Switchblade” Jay White and Juice Robinson ambushed Omega! Takeshita joined in on the beatdown as Don yelled “More! More!”

“Hangman” Adam Page had followed his friend Omega to the hospital.

Adam Page: “If you’re going to drive all the way to Jacksonville to do a beatdown, it’s at least got to be good. It’s got to be longer than two minutes. If you’re going to start a beatdown, you have to finish it.

“I’m outside of the hospital, with Kenny inside of it. It may seem like he is, but Kenny’s not finished. And neither is he friendless. Because in London Kenny will have two of his greatest friends. And not to flatter myself, two of his greatest tag team partners of all time, in ‘Hangman’ and Ibushi. A dream team, if you will, in front of one of the largest crowds in the history of pro wrestling. Juice, Jay, Takeshita, this little beatdown you started, at Wembley, we finish it.”

Don Callis was in the ring!

Callis: “It looks like everyone wants a piece of the Don Callis family. Ladies and gentlemen, we know the world is waiting. Without further ado, we’re going to get the answer. It’s my pleasure to introduce the greatest of all time. And my best friend for 34 years, Chris Jericho!”

Chris Jericho came down to the ring!

Jericho: “What happened last week broke my heart, when all the members of the Jericho Appreciation Society walked out on me, it made me reevaluate myself. It made me reevaluate who I am as a person.

“Like I told you Don, Chris Jericho doesn’t join factions. Chris Jericho creates them. And after what happened last week, it’s obvious what the answer is. So, my answer, if I want to be a part of the Don Callis family, is yes!

“The answer is yes. I’ll tell you why, Don. When the Jericho Appreciation Society walked out on me, I realized I needed to get back to my roots. I need to align with a man who is just as low as I am. The answer is yes!”

Jericho and Callis hugged!

Callis: “This is great! Let’s go drink Broadway dry and beat up some rednecks, just like back in the day.”

Jericho: “Before we go, what’s with the picture there?”

Chris Jericho turned back and looked at a picture set up in the ring that had a black cloth draped over it.

Callis: “Oh, I got another picture of you, me and Bad News. Which one of your houses do you want it sent to?”

Jericho: “No, no, seriously, if you’ve got a painting for me, I want to see it. Let’s check this out.”

Callis: “Chris, Chris…”

Jericho: “If it’s a gift for me, I want to see it.”

Jericho pulled the cloth off the painting, and it was revealed to be a portrait of Don Callis holding up Jericho’s decapitated head!

“No wonder Don Callis was so surprised by Jericho’s answer,” said Excalibur.

Jericho: “What is this?”

Callis: “What do you think it is? It’s a joke. It’s a practical joke.”

Jericho: “Did you think I was going to say no? So, over a business decision you were going to have me assassinated? You were going to have me beheaded if I said no to you?”

Callis: “No, you don’t understand, this is very embarrassing for me. I paid a lot of money for you to have a painting of you, me, and Bad News, and the artist screwed it up.”

Jericho: “Stop, stop, stop! I have known you since 1989. I know when you’re telling the truth and I know when you’re lying. You’re lying to my face right now, Don. For the first time in your life, you scumbag lowlife, be honest with me and tell me the truth. Be a man and tell me the truth!”

Callis: “You want the truth? Okay, you’re right! I did not think in a million years you would say yes to me Chris. I thought you would say no because of your massive ego. I’ve known you for 34 years and it’s always been about you. So yes, I thought you’d make a stupid decision and say no. So, Chris in a business full of egomaniacs, you truly are the greatest at that. You are a narcissistic ego maniac who is too stupid to see what’s good for him and you don’t deserve to be a part of the Don Callis family!”

Jericho: “The Don Callis family? Who the hell is Don Callis? Three years ago, you weren’t even in the wrestling business, and nobody cared. And now because of me you’re in AEW at the top of your career, and compared to me, still, nobody cares! And this is why, Don, you have lost everything. You lost your family, you lost Kenny Omega, you lost your friends because you don’t have me, you have messed up every single personal relationship you’ve had in your life. And you want to know why? Because you’re a low life. You’re a worm. You’re a piece of trash. And Don Callis, you are an a—hole!”

Don Callis slapped Jericho!

Jericho shoved Don Callis against the turnbuckles. Takeshita jumped into the ring with a steel chair, but Jericho cut him off! Will Ospreay jumped into the ring and blindsided Jericho!

“Don Callis called in reinforcements!” said Excalibur.

Will Ospreay cracked Jericho in the skull with the steel chair and busted him wide open! As Takeshita and Ospreay held up Jericho, Don Callis smashed the picture frame over Jericho’s head!

Sammy Guevara ran to the ring with Jericho’s baseball bat and Callis, Takeshita, and Ospreay retreated out of the ring!

Jack Perry said next week on Dynamite he is going to retire the FTW Championship!

Darby Allin & Nick Wayne


Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona!

The Gates of Agony rushed at Darby and Nick as Darby and Nick were making their entrance!

Swerve Strickland and AR Fox walked onto the ramp with steel chairs.

Nick Wayne rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida onto Bishop Kaun! The Gates of Agony hip tossed Nick into the barricade.

The Gates of Agony double teamed Darby Allin. Nick Wayne sent Toa flying off the apron with a hurracanrana. He followed up with a cutter to Bishop. Darby splashed Bishop with a Coffin Drop and pinned him!

Darby and Nick were ready for the fight with Fox and Swerve, as the Mogul Embassy members inched closer to the ring.

Sting appeared on the big screen! “Who’s house?” asked Sting.

Sting: “C’mon, I’ve got something I want to talk to you about. I’m directing movies, yes. Stinger is making movies now and I’ve got a great leading man. And I’m going to get into that in a minute. But first, Fox, this is for you. You better have eyes on the back of your head from this moment forward. Why? Because we have a Coffin Match in nine days at Wembley Stadium. I love it! The red blood cells are already moving. Tell ‘em, leading man.”

Sting pulled Prince Nana into frame!

Prince Nana: “Actually, 11 days away, sir.”

Sting: “Well, I guess the only thing left to say is, ‘It’s showtime!’”

Out next: AEW World Champion MJF and Adam Cole!

MJF: “Cut our music! The Devil has arrived!”

Adam Cole: “We are a week and a half away from the biggest pro wrestling event of all time, I’m talking about All In. And during Zero Hour, Adam Cole and MJF are going to become your new Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions. And we’re going to do it—”

MJF: “With a kangaroo kick, baby!”

Adam Cole: “Max I was going to say we’re going to win with a double clothesline! But that is not the only match taking place that night. Because in the main event we have Adam Cole against MJF for the AEW World Championship. And this is going to go down as the most important match in my entire life. Because nine months ago I was told by multiple doctors that I may never wrestle again. Fast forward and now I’m in the biggest pro wrestling show of all time, challenging for the most prestigious prize in our sport, the AEW World Championship. And I’m doing it with one of my best friends. I’m talking about you Max.

“This match is so important for my legacy. For 15 years I’ve been at the top of every wrestling promotion I have ever worked for. I’ve broken records with my championship runs, and this match with Max, that solidifies my legacy in AEW. But not just being in the match but winning the match. Because Max, I love you, but I need to win this match more than you could ever imagine. And I’m just telling you this out of love, but the second that bell rings, I will do anything and everything to win that AEW World Title.”

MJF: “That was a great story. Too bad mine is better. When I first got into this sport, on my first day at wrestling school, we were told to write down dream opponents. I wrote down two names. Cody Rhodes. And Adam Cole, baybay. Fast forward, the year is 2018, I for one year have had a brand new Dodge Ram truck and in that one year I put 90,000 miles on it, because I busted my ass trying to make a name for myself on the independent circuit.

“And then a little birdie tells me in 2018 there’s going to be a show in Chicago, a show that would be the biggest show in wrestling outside of the WWE in decades, and that show was called All In. So, I shot my shot. I DM’ed Cody Rhodes and I said, ‘Sir, you don’t know me all that well and you don’t owe me a damn thing, but if you give me an opportunity, I promise you I will not disappoint. Some time went by, the show was getting closer and closer, and my hopes of getting on it were getting thinner and thinner until I got a response from Cody Rhodes. He said to me, ‘Kid, you’re all in.’

“That was the biggest night of my career and I got to open a pay-per-view I had no right being on. And yes, I may have lost that night, however, I managed to turn some pretty important heads. One of them being a man by the name of Tony Khan. After that match Tony Khan offered me a contract to a company called All Elite Wrestling.

“The fact of the matter is, if there’s no All In, there’s no MJF, and that’s a fact. Fast forward the year is 2023 and I went from being an unknown and I scratched, and I clawed my way up from the undercard and I grew up in front of your very eyes. I became a generational talent. I became the devil himself. I became the AEW World Champion!

“And now once again I’m looking at the opportunity to be on a show called All In and it will be in front of the biggest crowd in the history of this sport and I’m going to be in the main event with a guy who on day one was my dream opponent, and who I can proudly say has become my best friend. This means so much to me, you have no idea. However, it doesn’t mean everything to me. There is only one thing that means everything to me and that is the Triple B. This is not simply just a title. This symbolizes all my blood, sweat, tears, countless hours training in the gym. All so I could obtain this! And if you think just because I’m your bud I’m going to lay down on August 27th, you’re out of your mind. I love you like a brother but a win in Wembley will make me legendary and I’m going to win Adam, because nobody is on the level of the devil!”

Adam Cole: “Well Max, may the best man win.”

MJF: “I have a feeling the best man is going to win because I’m MJF and I’m better than you and you know it!”

Adam Cole: “That’s interesting because I’m pretty sure your new AEW World Champion’s name is Adam Cole baybay!”

ROH World Tag Team Champions Aussie Open emerged from the crowd and attacked MJF and Adam Cole!

Adam Cole and MJF turned the tables and got the upper hand on Aussie Open! They tried for the double clothesline on Mark Davis, but he jumped out of the ring and pulled Kyle Fletcher with him.

Roderick Strong as watching on a monitor backstage with the Kingdom—Mike Bennett and Matt Taven.

Chris Jericho was backstage being stitched up!

Jericho: “Ospreay, at Wembley Stadium, your home turf, you want a piece of Chris Jericho. Jericho versus Ospreay at All In! I’m going to make you bleed and drink your blood. I’m going to get inside your head and embarrass you. You don’t know what you got into, but you’ve opened hell and the Ocho is coming for you!”

Texas Chainsaw Massacre Deathmatch!

“The Last Outlaw” Jeff Jarrett vs. Jeff Hardy!

Absolutely anything goes and the only way to win is by pinfall.

Jeff Jarrett ambushed Jeff Hardy. Hardy whipped Jarrett into the wall and then bludgeoned Jarrett with a crutch.

Satnam Singh grabbed Jeff Hardy by the neck and hoisted him up against the wall. Matt Hardy, Brother Zay and Ethan Page came out to even up the odds.

“This is one of the most bizarre matches we’ve seen in All Elite Wrestling,” said Excalibur.

Jeff Hardy dropkicked Jarrett on the ramp. Smoke began to billow out from beneath the ring. Hardy smacked Jarrett with a kendo stick. Jeff Hardy connected with a swanton, crushing Jarrett through a table! Jay Lethal jumped into the ring to break up the pin attempt.

Ethan Page blasted Lethal with a shoulder tackle. Matt Hardy hit the Twist of Fate on Lethal! Karen Jarrett hit Matt Hardy from behind with a cheap shot. Jeff Jarrett grabbed his guitar, but Jeff Hardy pulled it away and smashed it over Jarrett’s head!

Leatherface came to the ring and kicked Jay Lethal in the midsection. Leatherface chased Karen Jarrett to the back! Satnam Singh grabbed Jeff Hardy and then Jay Lethal cracked Jeff Hardy in the back with a hammer! Satnam Singh choke slammed Jeff Hardy! Lethal placed Jeff Jarrett on top of Jeff Hardy and then Jarrett scored the pin!

All In: London Women’s Championship Qualifier Match!

Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. vs. The Bunny (with Penelope Ford)!

Bunny charged at Britt, but Britt rolled up Bunny for a near fall. The Bunny stomped on Britt’s hand. She followed up with a knee lift to Baker.

Penelope Ford jumped on the ring apron and distracted Britt long enough for the Bunny to hit a lariat. Britt fired back with forearms. Britt battered Bunny with elbow strikes. Britt hit the Sling Blade.

Britt nailed Bunny with a swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Baker landed a thrust kick and then the curb stomp and she pinned the Bunny!

“She punched her ticket!” said Taz.

The Acclaimed—Max Caster & Anthony Bowens


Before the Acclaimed’s opponents were introduced by Justin Roberts, the arena lights went dark!

When the lights came back on, the AEW World Trios Champions the House of Black were standing behind the Acclaimed in the ring!

The House of Black ran over the Acclaimed like a freight train! Brody had a chain wrapped around his hand and he clocked Max Caster with it! Brody planted Bowens in the center of the ring!

Julia Hart had Billy Gunn’s wrestling boots. They were handed over to Malakai Black!

Main Event Time!

The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


The Gunns—Austin & Colten Gunn!

The Bucks superkicked the Gunns as the Gunns were making their entrance! The Bucks double suplexed Colten in the ring. They hip tossed Austin.

The Bucks cleaned house with a flurry of offense. The Gunns gained some traction, working over Matt Jackson with tandem offense.

Matt Jackson rallied back and tagged Nick. Nick took down the Gunns with a huge double crossbody. Nick superkicked Austin! Nick punt kicked Colten!

Matt Jackson tagged in and he superkicked Austin. Nick smashed Austin with a knee strike. Colten saved his brother from the Bucks. Colten tagged in, but Matt rolled him up for a near fall. The Gunns hit Matt with the 3:10 to Yuma but Nick used an elbow drop to break up the pin attempt.

Matt German Suplexed Austin Gunn. Matt pinned Austin with some leverage from his brother. Juice Robinson and Jay White jumped into the ring after the match and began to ground and pound the Young Bucks! They placed Matt Jackson’s injured arm between a steel chair, and they were about to crush the arm when FTR’s music hit! FTR jumped in the ring, and they cleaned house on Bullet Club Gold! The Bucks and FTR cooperated to clear out the ring of Bullet Club Gold!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday live on TNT at 8/7c from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, KY featuring!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

AEW has been selected for SXSW 2024’s panel picker competition, with two separate panel concepts eligible to be showcased during next year’s conference, taking place March 8-16 in Austin, Texas. We need YOUR help to send AEW to Austin – you can vote for each panel on SXSW’s panel picker website between now and Sunday, August 20 at 11:59 p.m. PT. The two panels eligible for next year’s conference include:

Making Professional Wrestling a More Inclusive Space

Description: Professional wrestling existed essentially as a monopoly for nearly two decades, until Tony Khan launched All Elite Wrestling in January 2019. Since then, the industry has experienced a reinvigoration, not only in terms of competition at the highest level, but also as a welcoming place for fans from all walks of life. From launching as a minority-owned promotion to crowning the first trans champion in a major promotion in history, the past four years have represented a turning point for diversity and inclusivity in an industry that had for many years been going in the wrong direction.


Tony Khan, CEO, GM, Head of Creative, All Elite Wrestling

Anthony Bowens, Professional Wrestler, All Elite Wrestling

Nyla Rose, Professional Wrestler, All Elite Wrestling

Megha Parekh, Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, All Elite Wrestling

Disrupting the Long-Monopolized Pro Wrestling Industry

Description: In 2018, Tony Khan identified an opportunity to provide fans with an alternative, mainstream pro wrestling product for the first time in decades. The birth of All Elite Wrestling forever changed the industry, and five years later, not only has the promotion improved competition and lifted smaller promotions, but also pushed the boundaries of compelling professional wrestling, creating new fans in the process. From showcasing real-life entrepreneurialism to giving wrestlers the capacity to reinvent themselves on their own terms, AEW’s rise is based on an unprecedented playground for creativity.


Tony Khan, CEO, GM and Head of Creative, All Elite Wrestling

Britt Baker, Talent, All Elite Wrestling

Chris Jericho, Talent, All Elite Wrestling

Justin Barrasso, Author, Sports Illustrated

Make sure to cast your vote and share the panel picker links on social media to help AEW’s incredible roster take center stage at SXSW. Thank you!

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