Cash Wheeler Busted open During Tag Match With Proud And Powerful

July 29, 2021

During last night’s tag match featuring FTR and P&P Cash wheeler was busted open in a big way. We now have an update on how the Pinnacle star is doing.

Wheeler was taken out of the match so ringside doctors could tend to him when it was realized he was bleeding out of his arm. Dax was able to finish the match and pick up the win for FTR.

According to PW Insider, Wheeler will be okay. He was taken to the back to be fixed up. There is no word at this time whether he will miss any time from the ring.

The injury took place when Wheeler was shoved off the ropes and his arm hit the metal ring post between the turnbuckles. He was sliced open and “it was completely a freak accident.”

We are wishing Cash a speedy recovery. stick with for any updates.

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