Edge Makes Comparison With Drew McIntyre And Christian In The Way They Left WWE For Self-Discovery

November 22, 2018

Drew McIntyre came back to WWE after totally reinventing himself in the indies. He bulked up, improved his moveset, won many championships on the way including a very good run in Impact Wrestling.

Edge spoke to Inside The Ropes, where he said Drew McIntyre deserves to main event Wrestlemania. He then would go on to compare him to Christian. This is what he said:

“You have Christian which to me is really the first guy that left WWE to go somewhere else and he went to a much smaller company and he took a chance. Fast-forward a few years Drew did the same thing.”

“He wasn’t happy with where he was at, he wasn’t satisfied with where he was at so he left and he made changes and he realized that he had to make changes to himself. A lot of times talents don’t want to admit that. A lot of times talents want to think it’s everyone else’s fault. It’s the company’s fault, it the booking. It’s this, it’s this, it’s this.”

“What Drew did is go, ‘Right, I’ll go and I’ll wrestle all across the world. I will rebuild myself into looking like I could kill a country.’ He came back with absolute intensity in his promos. That mindset, that mentality, that focus, that drive and use it and the company has seen that and they’re giving him this opportunity.”

“To that I look at it and say, you’ve got this ‘Get These Hands’ monster, right? Okay, Braun Strowman. But then Drew walks up and stands eye-to-eye with him and I’m like, ‘Oh, okay.’ That kid is marketability to me and he backs it up with great ability and a great mindset and a great attitude and so Drew McIntyre is that guy to me.”

McIntyre is definitely getting a big push and a lot of things are planned for him next year. Which of course, Edge would approve of.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qFBvrgFjpw?feature=oembed&w=696&h=392]
Article source: http://www.bodyslam.net

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