Eric Bischoff Talks About If Vince Can Still Be Creative In This Age Of Pro Wrestling

February 9, 2021

Over the past few years, Vince McMahon has drawn the ire of WWE fans for producing a product that no longer excites WWE fans like it used to. As diehard WWE fans compare the product to NXT, they feel there’s a gap in quality and for a while, many people NXT TakeOvers were outdoing their pay per view counterparts. It’s had fans debating if Vince is now out of touch with today’s wrestling fan, and it’s had people question if Vince finally needs to step down.

One person still thinks he has potential to still do something huge, and that’s Eric Bischoff.

Bischoff talked to Lucha Libre Online, and he was asked if Vince was still capable of creating good stories for the WWE and Bischoff spoke positively about it, thinking Vince still has a little magic left.

“Well, I think so. I think so but I think the WWE business model has become so much more complex. And just the sheer volume of wrestling that WWE produces has changed the creative process dramatically. So, it’s hard for me to comment. I certainly think at any given point Vince McMahon can pull a rabbit out of his hat and create something very spectacular. So I think Vince McMahon has clearly his demonstrated a tremendous amount of creative horsepower and intellect.”

While it remains debatable, Bischoff still thinks Vince can do something great that captures the attention of everyone. He’s worked close with Vince and been one of his biggest competitors, so he has a perspective of him that few really do. Only time will tell if Bischoff is right. You can watch the interview with Bischoff below.

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