Mojo Rawley Explains Importance of Traditional Wrestlers and Sports Entertainers on WWE Programming

September 17, 2021

Mojo Rawley was recently interviewed by Wrestling Inc, a variety of things were discussed such as the importance of competition on the WWE roster, WWE needing sports entertainers and traditional wrestlers, and more.

Rawley had this to say about WWE needing both traditional wrestlers and sports entertainers:

“I definitely do think you need both. You can’t have a locker room full of guys like me, that came in with zero experience, and no pros to build them up and show them the ropes and train them on the job. At the same time, you can’t have a locker room full of guys that only grew up on the indies.”

Mojo Rawley also discussed the importance of competition on the roster:

“You need everybody coming together to play off each other’s strengths. It’s almost like when the UFC first started and everyone wanted to see which discipline was going to be the best. You kind of create that competition, and it just allows everybody to grow. You pull together all these different lifestyles and that’s what makes it exciting. That’s what makes people wanting to watch, is the diversity of the whole company.”

Rawley lastly spoke on how non traditional wrestlers can gain their own value in WWE:

“The guys coming in from outside markets, of course they’re not going to be nearly as good as the guys in ring that have been doing this for a long time. It’s going to take them years to get to that point, but they’re commanding an audience that those wrestling guys can’t get to. You come from the NFL, you’re bringing in the NFL fans. They want to see how this football player is going to do in a wrestling ring. If they don’t watch wrestling now, they used to at some point. They’re going to be some kind of level of curious, whether it’s an actor coming in or again, the strong man thing. Let’s see how that guy’s going to do when speed and stamina are now a factor and he’s not just throwing heavy weights around.”

Credit to Wrestling Inc for the interview and H/T to 411Mania for the transcription.

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