NXT North American Champion Velveteen Dream def. Tyler Breeze

June 2, 2019


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The Dream lives on.

Despite the valiant effort by Tyler Breeze, the purple reign of NXT North American Champion Velveteen Dream lives to steal the spotlight once more. Indeed, Prince Pretty brought the fight to His Purple Highness, narrowly slipping the championship away from him at several moments during their dazzling bout.

Where Breeze was determined to knock Dream out of the spotlight, the reigning champion was hellbent on keeping it. Adding new meaning to clash of styles, Dream even went as far as drilling Breeze with his own Unprettier and nearly closed in on victory. However, Breeze refused to be a victim to that embarrassment and followed up with a few counters, such as using his knees to thwart a Purple Rainmaker attempt before nailing Dream with a turnbuckle-trapped Supermodel Kick and a picture-perfect Unprettier. When Dream kicked out of the pin attempt, a visibly frustrated Breeze came back with a spinning wheel kick. But before he could go for the pin, Dream crushed his opponent’s hopes by rolling out of the ring.

Breeze’s fit allowed Dream to distract him by pretending to bring the North American Title to the ring, which led to Prince Pretty snatching it out of his hands. With Breeze’s back turned, the champion seized the opportunity to land a Dream Valley Driver and Purple Rainmaker for the 1-2-3.

After some deliberation, Dream acquiesced to Breeze’s post-match request for a selfie, but His Purple Highness made sure to immediately strike his signature pose after posing for the snapshot.
Article source: WWE.com

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