Ricochet named Superstar of the Week

June 21, 2019

As a rule, when you beat Cesaro, The Miz, Braun Strowman and Bobby Lashley in the same match, you tend to rise head and shoulders above the rest of the field. Of course, Ricochet is used to being head and shoulders above everyone else — his resting state seems to be about eight feet off the ground — but this, his biggest singles victory yet, was perhaps the most concise example of what the former NXT North American Champion is capable of and what he may achieve.

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Witness, for example, the two 630 Splashes he administered, a maneuver that dazes most WWE.com editors just thinking about it. Also witness his ground game, which was on full display when he powered out of The Miz’s Naitch-adjacent Figure-Four Leglock with all the grittiness of a Mid-South scrapper in the ‘80s. And, finally, witness the finesse with which Ricochet dispatched United States Champion Samoa Joe, who he’ll challenge for the star-spangled title on Sunday by way of the Fatal 5-Way Match victory and who unwisely attempted to jump the speedster after the bell.

No dice. Ricochet showed he won’t be played so easily on Raw. Whether he follows through and takes Joe’s title is — much like the man himself — up in the air. But making it to the dance at all is no small feat. Ricochet is your Superstar of the Week.
Article source: WWE.com

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