Steve Austin Says He Didn’t Quit Drinking Permanently

November 16, 2018

What?! Stone Cold said earlier in the week that he would be cutting back on drinking. The Texas Rattlesnake came out later on this week saying that this will not be a permanent thing and the Stevewisers will be around eventually.

Stone Cold Steve Austin explained to WrestleZone:

To answer the question, to put all of the rumors to rest, and I’d hate to even go down this road. Everybody started spreading the word, my phone started ringing off the hook, people were texting me, people were emailing me or sending me direct messages. Some people were flat-out upset and heartbroken that I had stopped drinking beer. I had many people who are recovering addicts saying ‘hey man, congratulations on your newfound sobriety.’ To those people, I say thank you so much for caring about me, but that was a rumor. I’m fine, I’m on a diet. That’s why I quit. When you try to drop some pounds, you get down to your desired weight, you don’t level off on the calories and throw some alcohol back in there and go hog wild, but that’s what we did every year down there in South Texas, Kristin. Long story short, end of story, I quit drinking temporarily to reach a goal weight. I did not quit drinking temporarily to improve my health or because I was in harm’s way.

(H/T to WrestleZone for the transcript)

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