Matthew Cherry & Mark Davis Interview by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:The Max Original animated series YOUNG LOVE (9/21) expands on the animated short “Hair Love,” from creator Matthew A. Cherry and Sony Pictures Animation, which centered…

Creators: Alyson Levy & Alissa Nutting Interview by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:Teenage Euthanasia centers on the Fantasy Family: Grandma Baba, her adult children Uncle Pete and Trophy, and Trophy’s teenage daughter, Euthanasia (“Annie”), a name accidentally…


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bojangles Coliseum in Charlotte, NC!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

“The Nature Boy” Ric Flair walked down the ramp at the start of the show, accompanying Sting and Darby Allin for the opening match!

Sting & Darby Allin vs. The Workhorsemen—JD Drake & Anthony Henry!

Anthony Henry blindsided Darby before the match began. Sting pursued Henry, but JD Drake tried to hit Sting in the back with a chair. Sting turned around and smacked the chair back into Drake’s face, only for Flair to chop Drake! Flair sent Drake ping ponging the other way into a lariat from Sting!

Anthony Henry swept out Darby’s legs on the apron. After wiping out Sting, Henry splashed Darby against the barricade. Henry powerslammed Darby and then Drake splashed Darby off the top turnbuckle for a near fall. 

Henry tagged in and nailed Darby with a backstabber. Drake grabbed a tag and chopped Darby. JD Drake cut off Darby from making a tag to Sting. Drake muscled over Darby with a belly to belly suplex. Darby dodged a moonsault and tagged Sting. Drake got splashed by the Stinger. Darby nailed Henry with a Coffin Drop from the top to the arena floor! Sting finished off Drake with a Scorpion Death Drop and pinned Drake!

Continental Crown Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Trent Beretta!

Kingston chopped at Trent and then battered him with kicks to the spine. Trent fired back with a tornado DDT. Trent snap suplexed Kingston. Eddie charged at Trent and blasted him with rapid fire chops. Eddie chopped Trent in the face and then got an earful from the ref. Trent may have suffered a broken nose as the blood began to pour. Kingston hit a suplex on Trent on the arena floor, not letting up at all. 

Trent’s mom, Sue, was sitting in the front row, concerned for her son. Trent stunned Kingston with a jumping knee strike. 

“Sometimes the taste of your own blood fires you up,” said Nigel.

Trent smashed Kingston with forearms. Kingston was on wobbly legs. Trent dropkicked Eddie, sending Eddie out of the ring. Trent flew out of the ring with a tope. Trent power bombed Kingston back in the ring for a near fall. Eddie came back with an Exploder and then a DDT for a two-count! The blood was flowing freely down Trent’s face.

Trent rocked Eddie with three consecutive German Suplexes! Trent crushed Eddie with a charging knee strike. Trent spike Kingston with a Gotch style piledriver for a near fall! Trent tossed Eddie with a half-and-half. Eddie retaliated with an exploder suplex. Kingston pinned Trent after a stalling Northern Lights Bomb!

Footage aired from an interview earlier in the day that Tony Schiavone conducted with Willow Nightingale and Kris Statlander!

Tony Schiavone asked about the interest that Stokely Hathaway has been paying to them, especially to Statlander.

Willow: “You noticed that too, right, Tony? That was weird. Moving on, let’s focus on what we are excited about. In 2024 I’m only focusing on the hot start we’ve had. We had a victory last night. Let’s keep it rolling!”

Kris: “You’re right! Not only was 2023 huge for the both of us, you won the Owen Hart Cup Tournament, I won the TBS Title, and we’re just gonna keep that going. 2024 is going to be bigger and better than ever because we are two of the best wrestlers in AEW!”

Footage played of FTW Champion HOOK, who was issuing a challenge!

Hook: “My winning percentage in this company is second to none. I think it’s time to get after another championship. Samoa Joe, I’m coming for you and your World Title.”

ROH World Tag Team Championship Proving Ground Match!

Undisputed Kingdom (c.)—Mike Bennett & Matt Taven (with Roderick Strong)


Komander & “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

Bennett walloped Komander with chops and then rammed him into a turnbuckle. Taven tagged in and crushed Komander with a back breaker. Komander had his first flurry of offense with a hurracanrana to Taven. Bryan Keith tagged in and booted Taven in the face.

Bennett entered the fray and slugged the Bounty Hunter. Bennett and Taven used their tandem offense on Keith. Taven face planted Keith. Taven connected with a leg lariat. Bennett charged at Keith but Keith suplexed Bennett into the turnbuckles. Komander grabbed a tag and rocked Taven with a spinning DDT. Taven climbed to the top but Komander superplexed Taven from on top of Keith’s shoulders!

Keith flipped Komander overhead, with Komander flying over the ropes and landing on the Undisputed Kingdom on the floor! Keith grabbed underhooks on Taven, but Bennett ran and rocked Keith with a lariat. Bennett spiked Komander with a piledriver. Taven smacked Keith with the Just the Tip knee strike! After double teaming Keith, Taven pinned Keith!

Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Bullet Club Gold— “Switchblade” Jay White and Austin and Colten Gunn!

AEW Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass interrupted the interview!

Billy: “We were walking by, and I couldn’t help but overhear you saying how your dad had to save you again.”

Jay White: “Guys, this is none of your business. The whole thing started with Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom laying their hands on me. So, we’re going to be the ones who handle this and bang bang finish it.”

Caster: “We could put our hands on you right now if you want.”

The Gunns asked how well that worked out for them last time.

Bowens: “First off, don’t say it’s none of our business because they threw me through glass. But everyone calm down. It pains me to say this, and it may be a very crazy idea considering everything we’ve done to each other in the past, but I’ve been thinking about this the last two days. One thing I’ve learned since being in AEW is the only way to get to the top is through factions. I mean, Jay, look what you did with the Bullet Club in Japan. And look at a guy like Billy. Billy knows a thing or two about big factions. All I’m saying is I know it’s crazy. Think about it.”

They all went their separate ways, but not before Austin Gunn looked at Renee and said, “I mean, it made sense.”

“The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland came to the ring!

Adam Copeland: “So in case all of you missed Worlds End, Christian Cage and I beat the living hell out of each other. And I beat him for the TNT Championship. But this past Wednesday on Dynamite, I saw Christian Cage say that Adam Copeland goes to the back of the line.

“I think he’s forgetting that as former champion, I get an automatic rematch. But it’s okay. For our entire careers, he’s said that I’ve been handed all of my opportunities. I’ve had a rocket strapped to my back. Really what the issue is, I just work harder than him. You should be on your hands and knees kissing Killswitch’s ass. So, he wants me to earn my title shot, right? I am going to start doing that right here tonight. I’ll start from the very back. I don’t care. Because like I said, I work hard. I’m here in my gear. I’m ready for a fight. We’re gonna make this an open challenge. We can call it the Cope Open. I’m going to stand here in the middle of the ring and wait for someone to step up.”

Maria Kanellis walked onto the ramp with Cole Karter and Griff Garrison!

Griff Garrison: “I am Griff Garrison! And a lot of you may be asking who is Griff Garrison. Griff Garrison is a guy that steps up to the plate against a hall of famer! Hey bud, I’m over here. How about you look at me and show me some respect, since I’m the one who accepted your open challenge.”

Copeland: “Griff, you know I like you. You remind me a lot of me when I was your age. I appreciate you coming in here. But dude, you are stepping up below sea level to Mount Everest here.”

Garrison slapped Copeland in the face!

Copeland: “You know what, Griff? Strangely that makes me like you even more. But now I am going to have to beat your ass.”

Garrison was smiling but Copeland booted him right in the kisser! Copeland lit up Griff’s chest with stinging chops. Copeland backdropped Griff. Cope smacked Garrison with a running clothesline. Maria grabbed Copeland’s ankle, distracting him. Cole Karter tripped Copeland. Garrison took advantage of the distraction and cracked Copeland with a boot to his face.

Garrison used a hammer throw, sending Copeland hard into the corner. Garrison suplexed Copeland. Adam Copeland ducked a lariat attempt. Copeland climbed to the top turnbuckle and connected with a big cross body for a near fall. Copeland charged in, looking for the spear, but Garrison countered with a discus shot! Garrison climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Copeland hammered him. Copeland wore out Garrison with repeated head butts. Copeland superplexed Garrison! Copeland applied a submission and forced Garrison to tap out!

Cole Karter dropkicked Copeland from behind. Karter went for a 450 splash, but Copeland moved out of the way! Copeland speared Karter!

“Nature Boy” Ric Flair was backstage with Darby Allin and Sting!

Flair: “Next week, a really big week in Jacksonville! It’s where Sting returned to wrestling. AEW, his first match in six years. It’s where Sting and Darby united and became this entity that’s unbeatable.”

Darby: “26 and 0!”

Flair: “After next week, 27 and 0! Stinger, Darby, and the Nature Boy at Daily’s Place!”

Sting: “Yeah, I’m ready! I’m on my way to Jacksonville, Florida and Daily’s Place, and I’ve got a smack talking guy talking about how he’s gonna take us out! Don’t think, Don Callis and company, that the Stinger is just gonna coast his way through the last few weeks. No! That ain’t the case! I’m coming to Jacksonville and the only thing for sure about Sting is that at Daily’s Place, it’s gonna be showtime!”

Skye Blue vs. Kiera Hogan!

They locked up and Skye tripped Hogan. Skye applied a side headlock. Hogan pushed her off but Blue rammed Hogan’s head into the mat. Skye missed a slap, but Hogan connected with a slap of her own. Hogan hip attacked Skye.

Skye grabbed Hogan by the hair and then cracked her with an elbow shot to the back of the head. Skye stomped on Kiera Hogan, showing off more of her demonic side. Skye jumped off the turnbuckles with Kiera countered with a thrust kick, perfectly timed. Hogan dropkicked Skye. Hogan followed up with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Skye Blue trapped Hogan in the ropes and rocked her with a thrust kick. Blue used a fall away slam and then transitioned into a dragon sleeper, forcing Kiera Hogan to tap out!

A vignette aired showcasing the comeback of Serena Deeb, who is returning imminently!

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Andrew Everett!

Before the match, Claudio challenged “Hangman” Adam Page to a match this Wednesday on Dynamite!

Claudio hoisted up Everett and body slammed him. Claudio choke slammed Everett. Claudio put Andrew in the Giant Swing and hurled him halfway across the ring! Claudio whipped Everett into the turnbuckles. 

Andrew sent Claudio to his knees courtesy of a Pele kick. Andrew jumped off the ropes, but Claudio dodged him and spiked him with a piledriver. Claudio clobbered Andrew with a King Kong lariat and pinned Andrew Everett!

“See you on Wednesday Hangman Page!” said Claudio to the camera. 

Lexy Nair was backstage with the AEW World Tag Team Champions “Absolute” Ricky Starks and Big Bill!

Starks: “I know that everybody at Daily’s Place are waiting for the return of Ricky Starks. And how fitting that I made my debut there. And while I wasn’t successful, I return there as one half of the AEW World Tag Team Champions. And Sammy, all the history that we have, that goes out the window next week when I destroy you and cut the legs out from under you.”

Big Bill: “It’s Saturday night and neither of you are here. Next Saturday night, Norfolk, Virginia, for the AEW World Tag Team Titles, at Battle of the Belts, it’ll be ‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks and Big Bill defending against Sammy Guevara and Chris Jericho in a street fight! That is, Sammy, if you make it past Wednesday.”

Main Event Time!

FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood 


House of Black’s Buddy Matthews & Malakai Black!

Matthews pointed at Harwood’s daughter, who was sitting at ringside. Harwood didn’t take this lightly, to say the least! Harwood chopped at Matthews. Dax grabbed a tax and Buddy took him down with a wrist lock. 

Dax hit a drop toe hold and tagged in Cash Wheeler. Malakai Black entered the ring. Dax blocked a kick from Malakai. Dax flipped off Black. Malakai connected with a sliding dropkick. Cash came in and clubbed Black with a forearm, and then delivered a European Uppercut to Matthews. Malakai Black moonsaulted off the second turnbuckle and landed on Cash, who was on the arena floor!

Matthews and Black doubled teamed Cash Wheeler in the corner. Cash sent Black hard into Buddy. Cash crawled to make the tag, but Buddy cut him off with a kick! Dax tagged in and cleaned house…on the House of Black! Dax nailed Black with a brain buster for a near fall!

Black back elbowed Dax, after some assistance from Buddy. Black cracked Dax with a knee. Dax pulled Black down hard onto the turnbuckles as Black was climbing. FTR hit the power and glory suplex and splash on Black! Dax covered Black, but Matthews mauled Cash with the meteora, knocking Cash into Dax and breaking up the pin attempt!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Cash went for a tope, but the House of Black blasted him with stereo knees and then hurled him onto the announcer’s desk! Black grabbed a steel chair and brought it into the ring. Black was staring at Dax’s wife and daughter in the front row. While Black was taunting them, Dax drilled Black with a stiff shot, and then hit Matthews! FTR rocked Buddy with the Shatter Machine, but Black broke up the pin attempt they had on Buddy!

FTR spiked Black with a package piledriver on the apron! Brody King walked down the ramp, but Daniel Garcia chased after him, waffling Brody with a steel chair, helping FTR!

“What a standup guy Daniel Garcia is,” said Kevin Kelly.

As Dax was entering the ring, Buddy curb stomped him. Buddy power bombed Dax and went for the cover, but Dax countered with a pin of his own and scored the victory! After the match, the House of Black triple teamed FTR and Daniel Garcia! Buddy curb stomped Cash on the steel chair. Brody held a chair against Dax’s face and Black hit him with a spin kick, right in front of Dax’s family! TBS Champion Julia Hart rang the bell over and over.

“The bell tolls for thee,” said Kevin Kelly. 

“That was a ten bell salute from Julia Hart. Is this the death of FTR?” wondered Nigel.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Homecoming on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from Daily’s Place in Jacksonville, FL featuring:

-AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Sammy Guevara!

-AEW World Champion Samoa Joe will be in the house!

-Claudio Castagnoli vs. “Hangman” Adam Page!

-Konosuke Takeshita & Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Darren Mann review by Big Gold Belt Media-Synopsis:Dovey (Darren Mann), a young, impressionable ex-con breaks his parole to do a solid for his prison mentor, a conniving inmate by the name of Ray Childress (Dermot Mulroney)….


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION: Winter Is Coming was broadcast from the Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, TX!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Continental Classic Tournament: Blue League Match!

Andrade El Idolo (9) vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli (3)!

Claudio Castagnoli locked up with Andrade and back him into the corner. Andrade powered out and rammed Claudio with a shoulder block. Claudio fired back with a standing clothesline. Andrade connected with a crossbody for a two-count. 

Andrade jumped over the top rope to Claudio on the arena floor, but Claudio countered with a European uppercut. Andrade used two dragon screw leg whips, but Claudio couldn’t be contained and blasted Andrade El Idolo with a pop up European uppercut.

Claudio hurled Andrade around the ring with the Big Swing! Claudio applied the sharpshooter. Andrade escaped and reversed the sharpshooter into a figure four!

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen that!” said Tony Schiavone.

Claudio used his upper body strength to reach the bottom rope and force the ref to break the hold. Andrade climbed to the top turnbuckle, but Claudio met him up there. Andrade took down Claudio with a sunset flip powerbomb. Andrade charged at Claudio and crashed into him with a running knee strike. Andrade exposed the top turnbuckle but Claudio superplexed him. Andrade rallied back with two suplexes of his own. Andrade blasted Claudio with a pump kick and then a spinning back elbow for a near fall!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Claudio knocked Andrade off the top turnbuckle and Andrade landed hard on the exposed turnbuckle. As the ref turned his back to put the turnbuckle pad back on, Claudio cracked Andrade with a low blow. Claudio followed up with a Gotch style piledriver and pinned Andrade!

“Claudio stays alive, and this tightens things up in the Blue League!” said Kevin Kelly.

Abadon vs. Jazmin Allure!

Abadon grounded and pounded Allure. Jazmin retaliated with a thrust kick, but Abadon absorbed it. Abadon ended things with the Black Dahlia and pinned Allure.

The arena lights went out! Julia Hart appeared in the ring and dangled the TBS Championship in front of Abadon. 

Abadon lunged at Julia and then nailed Julia with a running knee strike. Abadon picked up the TBS Championship. Skye Blue ran into the ring and attacked Abadon! Skye Blue held Abadon while Julia hit Abadon.

Thunder Rosa charged into the ring and hit Skye Blue! Julia Hart and Skye Blue retreated out of the ring. Rosa offered her hand to Abadon and Abadon accepted!

AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass were backstage with Renee Paquette!

Daddy Ass: “You know, Renee, I don’t mean to cut you off, but we have the problem. The problem is Daddy Ass and the Acclaimed are now pissed off. You might have knocked us down, but the problem is we got back up!”

Max Caster: “Calm down. What Billy means is we’re coming for whoever’s under that Devil mask. And MJF, we’re friends, but now I want nothing to do with you. Because you put us in danger, and you didn’t care.”

Anthony Bowens: “What it boils down to is there’s a group of individuals that tried to end our careers. So, consider this the Acclaimed’s search and destroy mission because we’re going to beat your goofy asses the second we figure out who you are! And on top of that, Renee, we’re going to get back to being the best damn Trios in all of AEW history because everyone loves the Acclaimed!”

Top Flight and Action Andretti interrupted them! They said they wanted to clarify that they weren’t the ones who attacked the Acclaimed. They issued a challenge to the Acclaimed. Bowens said he appreciated it, but “wrong place, wrong time. Challenge accepted for next week on Collision. Be ready to fight.”

AEW International Title Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.) vs. “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

Orange tried mind games, but Keith chopped at Cassidy. Orange ran off the ropes, but Keith countered with a boot to Orange’s head. Orange Cassidy fired back with a tornado DDT and then a tope suicida to Bryan Keith!

Bryan Keith headbutted Orange and followed up with an exploder suplex off the top rope. Orange countered a gut wrench suplex attempt with a Beach Break for a near fall on Bryan Keith! The Bounty Hunter fired back with a stunner for a near fall on the champ. Cassidy rolled up Keith out of nowhere and pinned him!

Orange offered his hand, but Keith slapped it away. Bryan Keith then tipped his hat at Orange out of respect. 

A vignette aired of “The Redeemer” Miro!

“I am the Redeemer. I don’t want to fight Andrade because he is my wife’s client. I want to fight him because he is an a——! His losing to Claudio in this tournament brings him one step closer to being eliminated. I am done avoiding people to please my wife. I am ready to kill everyone to please myself. I fought the light for so long that I let my darkness consume me. This is the word of the Redeemer.”

Lexy Nair was backstage with Komander to interview him!

They were interrupted by Roderick Strong and the Kingdom—Mike Bennett and Matt Taven!

Roderick Strong: “Hey, despite all the good things she’s saying about you, you didn’t win last night, and that’s not good. You see, I am a former Ring of Honor Television Champion. And a Survival of the Fittest winner.”

Matt Taven: “I won the TV Title my very first night under contract.”

Roderick Strong: “So I just wanted to let you know this. I myself am looking to get back on the horse, pun intended. And fellas, I think I found my next victim: Komander!”

FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler came down to the ring!

Cash Wheeler: “House of Black, let me say first and foremost, if you have a problem with us, no more magic, no more sneak attacks. Come out here and speak to us face to face. I’ll tell you I think your problem is you’ve seen the success we’ve had in the past three years here in AEW. We came here and we’ve had the best run of our careers. 

“We have been the Ring of Honor, the Triple A, the New Japan, and two-time AEW World Tag Team Champions. And you two, you’re still just unrealized potential. I think you’re mad at yourselves. I think you see the success that Brody has had in the Continental Classic and you’re jealous of that. I think you’ve seen the success that Julia has had and you’re jealous of that. But you’re not going to take your anger out on yourselves. You’re not going to direct it at yourselves. You’re going to direct it at the living legends.”

Dax Harwood: “You can say we’re not the best looking, and that’s ok. You can say we’re not the flashiest. I’ve even heard we’re hard to do business with. But there’s one thing that you can’t say about FTR and that’s we’ll back down from a fight.

“I don’t mind taking an ass whooping. Half of my life I’ve fought men for money. And that’s ok but I do have a problem with a sucker punch from behind. And I’m going to lay out a challenge, first time ever. House of Black—”

Dax’s microphone went dead and then the arena lights went dark!

The House of Black appeared on the big screen. Buddy Matthews told FTR that they were here to prove a point that no one in the back has FTR’s back. “Mark Briscoe, he won’t save you. Dax, your wife, your kid, they won’t save you. Everyone you love won’t save you. But I want to direct this question to Cash. Who loves you? All these people love Dax, but who loves you? I’ll tell you who loves you. We love you. We embrace you. We welcome you. We welcome both of you. Be in our family.”

Malakai Black: “See there’s this thing, this constant here, that this is personal. It’s not personal. No, this is what happens when we have to prove a point so aggressively that it even hurts us. Because this is love. Because let me ask you this question. When we attacked you, who came to save you? No one. So, did we lie? No, we did not lie.

“And if I were to make it personal, I would have a picture of you, of your wife, and your daughter, and I would do this to it.”

Buddy held up the picture while Malakai lit it on fire. 

Malakai Black: “Symbolic. Like it or not, we’re your family now.”

Texas Street Fight Match!

Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale vs. Mercedes Martinez & Diamante!

Mercedes smashed a bottle over Willow’s head! Kris spiked Diamante with a DDT onto a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. Kris and Willow rammed Mercedes with a metal step ladder!

Mercedes cracked Willow with a crowbar across the back. Mercedes booted Willow in the head. Willow pounced Diamante and then smashed a board against Diamante’s back. Statlander rocked Mercedes with Saturday Night Fever for a near fall!

Diamante cracked Kris with a briefcase. Diamante opened the briefcase and dumped the contents all over the mat—shards of glass and thumbtacks! Mercedes dug Kris’ face into the tacks. Mercedes power bombed Willow off the apron and through a table on the arena floor!

Kris Statlander had her hand wrapped with a steel chain. Statlander hit the knockout blow on Diamante and then pinned her!

Renee Paquette was backstage with AEW Women’s World Champion “Timeless” Toni Storm and Mariah May!

Renee said whoever won between Saraya and Riho would face Storm at World’s End, and she asked Storm if she had a preference of who she faced.

Storm: “Not really.”

Renee asked Mariah if there was any update on who were debut opponent might be.

Mariah May: “Well Tony Khan helped me apply for my American wrestling license so very soon and Miss Storm you were sensational on commentary on Dynamite. And I was hoping you could commentate my first match.”

Toni Storm: “Darling, I am very busy.”

Mariah May: “That’s okay. Maybe you could check it out and offer some pointers.”

Toni Storm: “Darling, I am very busy but next time I hold a seminar you’ll be the very first to know. And as for Riho and Saraya, go ahead and go out there and slap each other around. Rip each other’s hair out. And at Worlds End I’ll be facing either one of two bland baldies. 

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion “The Machine” Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)


Kerry Wright!

Cage clobbered Kerry right out of the gate! Cage German suplexed Wright. Cage power bombed Kerry and then crushed him with the Drill Claw, scoring the pin!

“Who’s going to stop that monster?” asked Kevin Kelly.

Lexy Nair interviewed Brian Cage, the Gates of Agony, and Prince Nana backstage!

They said they were on a roll, this was Swerve’s house, but they were living in it.

“Limitless” Keith Lee interrupted.

Keith Lee: “Congratulations are in order. However, to celebrate, you can tell him, my patience runs thin, and time is running out.”

Continental Classic Tournament: Blue League Match!

ROH World Champion/NJPW Strong Openweight Champion Eddie Kingston (3)


Daniel Garcia (0)!

Matt Menard joined the broadcast booth for this match. 

Daniel Garcia and Eddie Kingston traded chops. Eddie used a back heel trip on Garcia. Daniel Garcia stunned Kingston with a dragon screw leg whip off the apron. Kingston fired back with a belly to belly suplex. Kingston nailed Garcia with a DDT.

Kingston blasted Garcia with machine gun rapid fire chops. Kingston was like a man possessed. Garcia mocked Kingston. Garcia got his second wind and broke through the defense of Kingston. Garcia applied a kneebar on Kingston, but Kingston managed to reach the ropes.

Garcia put Kingston in a leg lock, but Eddie grabbed the ropes and escaped one more time. Garcia charged at Kingston, but Kingston countered with an exploder and then a spinning back fist for a two-count!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Garcia rocked Kingston with a suplex. Kingston’s leg gave out and Garcia grabbed him and hurled him with another stiff suplex for a near fall. Kingston fired back with a half and half suplex and then a spinning back fist and scored the pin on Garcia!

Continental Classic Tournament: Blue League Match!

House of Black’s Brody King (6) vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Bryan Danielson (6)!

Danielson kicked at Brody’s legs. Brody went after Bryan’s surgically repaired eye. Brody chopped Danielson in the throat! Brody splashed Danielson in the corner with a cannonball!

Brody smashed Danielson’s head across the announcers’ desk. Brody whipped Danielson into the steel barricade. Brody put Danielson on a chair and then splashed him, sandwiching Danielson between himself and the barricade!

Danielson was able to regain some momentum with a diving knee off the apron. Danielson hit a missile dropkick. Danielson returned to kicking Brody and inflicting damage to Brody’s knee. Brody retaliated with a lariat off the second turnbuckle.

Brody was looking for a cannonball, but Bryan tripped up Brody and applied a single crab. Brody kicked himself free, stunning Danielson. The American Dragon chopped away at big Brody with round kicks. Danielson grabbed Brody’s wrists and began stomping on him. Danielson switched to the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Brody mustered the strength for a Death Valley Driver on Danielson for a near fall. 

Danielson used his trademark knee strike on Brody, but Brody kicked out at one! Brody smashed Danielson with a lariat for a near fall! Danielson smacked Brody in the face with the running knee and then caught him in the back of the head with another knee strike, finally scoring the pin on Brody King!

“What a battle,” said Tony Schiavone.

“Bryan Danielson has inched forward to nine points,” added Kevin Kelly. 

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Paycom Center in Oklahoma City, OK!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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Tonight’s special 4th Anniversary episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Stockton Arena in Stockton, CA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Renee Paquette interviewed Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega backstage!

Adam Copeland interrupted and shook Jericho’s hand, saying it was good to see him. He introduced himself to Kenny Omega and said it was good to meet him. Kenny said Copeland had kept him on the edge of his seat the other night during the WrestleDream pay-per-view.

AEW International Championship Match!

The Lucha Bros’ Rey Fenix (c.) (with Alex Abrahantes & Penta El Zero Miedo)


ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champion The Young Bucks’ Nick Jackson (with Matt Jackson)!

Rey Fenix and Nick Jackson traded and countered a flurry of offense. Rey Fenix rolled out to the edge of the ring, checking on his injured back. Nick tried to powerbomb Rey onto the floor, but Rey Fenix countered with an arm drag off the post and onto the arena floor. Nick stood up clutching his back.

Nick took down Fenix with a hurracanrana off the guardrail. Nick nailed Fenix with a backstabber in the ring. Rey Fenix kicked Nick Jackson’s leg out from beneath him, with Nick landing on the crown of his head on the ring apron!

Fenix connected with a thrust kick, but Nick answered with two superkicks of his own. Both men had the same idea, Fenix with a strike, Nick with a round kick, and they knocked one another down. Fenix got a near fall with a hurracanrana. Nick blasted Fenix with a cutter on the arena floor!

Nick planted Rey with a facebuster for a two-count! Nick rocked Rey with a roundhouse kick. Nick drilled Fenix with an avalanche cutter but somehow Fenix was able to kick out! The fans erupted in applause!

Nick had Fenix rattled after a poison rana and then a destroyer, but Fenix kicked out at two! Nick nearly took off Fenix’s head with a running knee strike. Nick smashed Fenix with a BTE Trigger to the back of the head for a near fall!

Rey Fenix rallied back with a punt kick to the side of Nick’s head. Fenix used a frog splash on Nick Jackson for a near fall. Nick rolled up Rey Fenix, but Fenix countered with a roll-up of his own and pinned Nick Jackson!

“A tip of the cap to both men,” said Tony Schiavone.

Footage was shown from earlier in the day with Adam Cole visiting Roderick Strong’s house.

Roddy was there with the Kingdom. Roddy was rolling around in a wheelchair and had a scooter for Cole as a present. “I couldn’t be the only one on wheels,” said Roddy. They did laps in the house while the Kingdom watched on. Roddy said he had an emergency and wanted Cole to move some furniture for him. Again, the Kingdom simply watched as Cole did all the work.

Wardlow vs. Griff Garrison!

Wardlow charged Griff when the bell rang! Wardlow stomped Garrison in the corner. Wardlow powerbombed Griff! He hit Griff with a second powerbomb, and then a third! Wardlow powerbombed Garrison a fourth time! Griff was hearing the notes of the powerbomb symphony! After five consecutive powerbombs, the ref stopped the match and awarded the match to the returning Wardlow!

Renee Paquette interviewed Don Callis and Takeshita backstage.

Don Callis: “AEW has been shaken to its foundation by Sammy pinning Chris Jericho at WrestleDream. So much so, the crack AEW medical staff has deemed Sammy unable to perform. At the recommendation of Will Ospreay, I have requested Kyle Fletcher to be the partner of the ‘Alpha’ Takeshita tonight. I’m going to win this war, no matter what it takes.”

AEW Trios Championship Match!

The Acclaimed & Daddy Ass (c.)


The Butcher, The Blade, & Kip Sabian (with Penelope Ford)!

Butch dropped a leg on the chest of Caster. Kip Sabian moonsaulted onto the Acclaimed, wiping them out on the arena floor.

Bowens cleaned house on Sabian, the Butcher and Blade. Bowens dropped the Scissor Me Timbers on Blade. After tandem offense, Bowens pinned Sabian!

“Hard fought victory right there by the Acclaimed but they pulled it off,” said Taz.

Up next: We heard from Juice Robison and The Gunns after last week’s mysterious attack on “Switchblade” Jay White!

Austin Gunn: “Who’s ready for story time with the Bang Bang Gang? We came out to address the one they call ‘the devil.”

Colten Gunn: “You mean the people’s scumbag? Max, the reason you jumped Jay is because you’re scared. You know you’re about to suffocate when you breathe with the ‘Switchblade.’”

Juice: “MJF, get your ass out here! You’ve got some explaining to do! If you’re a man, you’ll come out here and face us like one. But you’re not a man, are you?”

AEW World Champion MJF’s music hit!

MJF: “Cut my music! It appears the devil has arrived in Stockton! And we’ve got an interesting trio here making a lot of accusations. We’ve got the assboys. And then we’ve got their best friend, Juice Robinson, aka talentless taint.

“Just call me mystic Max, I have a premonition that we’re going to have a dueling chant of ‘Ass Boys’ and ‘Talentless taint’. Stockton, I’m magic. Isn’t that nuts! It’s our four year anniversary of Dynamite, so I thought I’d list some of my highlights. I whipped Cody Rhodes with a belt. I threw Chris Jericho off a cage. And I almost got us kicked off TV when I called my boss Tony Khan a mark!

“I know for a fact that I didn’t attack your boy, Jay White. But if you don’t want to talk it out like gentlemen…I’ve got an idea. How about right here, right now, we have ourselves a Stockton Street Fight!”

MJF went to the ring and Bullet Club Gold backed out. “Switchblade” Jay White ambushed MJF from behind with the Blade Runner!

Jay White left with the AEW World Title belt!

“Switchblade” Jay White: “Max, I don’t know what type of caliber athlete you’re used to dealing with, but I’m a cut above. You got the best of me last week, but you’re not fooling anybody. We’re not buying what you’re selling. We use our brains. We know the real MJF. We know that MJF is a pathetic, dirty liar, a slimy gutless coward. And we need a truly elite champion. And you are not him, MJF.

“But hey, I’m a fair man. You want to prove me wrong. Put it all on the line at Full Gear! MJF versus ‘Switchblade’ Jay White for the AEW World Championship. You can try to prove me wrong, and you will fail. But don’t worry, I’ll lead by example tonight, and I’m taking this belt. And I’ve got two words for you: guns up!”

MJF: “Nah, you want me at Full Gear? Well, I’ve got two words for you: you’re on!”

Renee Paquette was backstage with FTW Champion HOOK and Orange Cassidy!

Orange: Hook is a great champion because he has a great championship.”

Hook: “It should be you next week against Rey Fenix instead of Mox.”

Orange: “Whatever.”

The Golden Jets—Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega


The Don Callis Family’s Konosuke Takeshita & Kyle Fletcher!

Don Callis joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Takeshita hit Jericho with a shoulder block. Jericho got back up to his feet and traded strikes with Takeshita. Jericho fired back with a shoulder block of his own.

Omega tagged in and he and Jericho hit tandem offense on Takeshita. They double suplexed Takeshita. Takeshita blasted Jericho with the Takeshita-line.

Jericho drilled Kyle with a lionsault! Omega tagged in and Omega dished out Polish Hammers to the opposition. Omega hoisted up Takeshita, vaulted off his chest, and nailed Fletcher with a backstabber.

Fletcher sent Omega flying with a half and half suplex. Fletcher rocked Jericho with a thrust kick. Takeshita and Fletcher used a Blue Thunder-Michinoku Driver combo on Omega and Jericho.

Kenny planted Kyle with a snap dragon suplex. Jericho tagged in and dazed Fletcher with a running clothesline. Jericho sent Fletcher flying with a hurracanrana. Takeshita laid out Jericho with a lariat. Omega cracked Takeshita with a jumping knee strike. Fletcher fired back with a thrust kick to Omega and followed up with a brainbuster!

The fans chanted “A-E-W! A-E-W! A-E-W!”

Jericho and Fletcher had the same idea—going for lariats—and they knocked one another down. Omega tagged in and powerbombed Fletcher. He followed up with a knee strike to Kyle for a near fall. Omega got wiped out with a leg lariat from Fletcher. Jericho rattled Fletcher with the Code Breaker and Omega was there to finish off Fletcher with the One-Winged Angel, pinning Fletcher!

Powerhouse Hobbs ambushed Jericho and Omega after the match! He knocked them both down with lariats. Don Callis was smiling. Hobbs smashed Jericho with a spinebuster! Hobbs whipped Omega into the guardrail. Hobbs hurled Omega over the timekeeper’s table, over the barricade, and onto a row of chairs. Hobbs punished Omega out on the arena floor. Hobbs slammed a guardrail onto Omega. Hobbs trapped Omega’s throat in the guardrail.

Back in the ring, Don Callis taped Omega by the wrists to the top rope. Takeshita dropkicked Jericho out of the ring. Hobbs whacked Jericho with the chair, as Jericho was trying to take the bullet for Omega.

Hobbs was about to waffle Omega with the chair, but Don Callis asked for the chair. Callis smacked the chair over Omega’s head!

“Look at the dent left in that chair,” said Excalibur.

Renee Paquette was in the trainer’s room with AEW World Champion MJF!

Renee asked how MJF was doing.

MJF: “It’d be an easier pill to swallow if Adam was here.”

Max Caster snuck up behind MJF and MJF freaked out and told Caster to leave. “Stop stalking me!” MJF said he was going to call Adam Cole. The call went to voicemail.

“Timeless” Toni Storm vs. Skye Blue!

Toni hit Skye with a short arm lariat. Toni Storm whipped Skye across the ring by the hair! Skye fired back with a dropkick. Skye slugged Storm with a forearm. Toni sent Skye crashing to the floor with a hip attack.

Skye Blue was relentless with elbow strikes to Toni Storm. Skye connected with a high roundhouse and then a big cross body press for a near fall. Toni rattled Skye with a powerbomb.

Toni sent Skye flying with a German Suplex. Storm cracked Skye with the hip attack and finished her off with the Storm Zero for the pin!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Stokely Hathaway!

Hathaway said this Friday on Rampage there would be a four way match to determine the next challenger for Eddie Kingston’s ROH World Championship!

The Rated-R Superstar Adam Copeland made his Dynamite debut!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring and asked everyone to welcome to Dynamite— “The Rated-R Superstar” Adam Copeland!

Adam Copeland: “Tony, I grew up and your voice was the soundtrack to my childhood. So, to stand in the ring with you is a pretty big deal for me.

“I came out here to talk to you all. Let’s rewind back to 2011, I’m told I can never do this again. But guys, we’re in 2023 and I am standing in an AEW ring! There’s quite a few reasons why I came here. There’s one major one but I’ll get to that last.

“I’m pretty sure the AEW World Championship would look good around my waist. Check it out, we’re talking first ever matches. Adam Copeland versus Jon Moxley, Adam Copeland versus Kenny Omega, versus Miro, versus Powerhouse Hobbs, versus Juice Robinson. So those are all amazing reasons to be here, to challenge myself 31 years into my career.

“And I’ve already said this before, and this’ll be the last time I say it. The main reason I decided to come to AEW is I sat with my family. I asked my daughter Lyric, ‘Should I retire?’ She said, ‘You should go have fun with Uncle Jay.’

“So, I’ll call him what you all call him—Christian Cage. And I’d like him to come out here so I can tell him the real reason why I’m here. C’mon Jay.

TNT Champion Christian Cage came down to the ring!

Adam Copeland: “For 40 years we’ve been best friends. But it was this industry that made us realize we’d be best friends for life. And I know what you’re thinking. Why did I do those things at WrestleDream to Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus? And even though I know that about you, I still love you. That’s never gonna go away. But I saw you standing over Sting. A guy whose poster you took to the barber and put it on the mirror so she could give you the same haircut.

“And I see you standing over Sting. A man who has entertained people for four decades. My wife’s parents couldn’t speak English, but they loved Sting. I know that Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne are going to drop you like a bad habit as soon as they’ve sucked all the information from your brain.

“You’re so egotistical that you can’t see it. But Jay, it’s time. For the first time since 2011, for the first time properly in over 20 years, it’s time for you and me to team together again. To face a team like FTR. To face a team like the Young Bucks. To show an entire generation of fans why we are inarguably one of the greatest tag teams of all time! So, I am out here, hat in hand, and I am asking you, let’s do it. Let’s end our careers together as a team. Let’s show them all what we can do.”

Christian Cage hugged Adam Copeland.

Christian Cage: “Go to hell!”

Christian Cage walked out of the ring, leaving Adam Copeland behind.

Christian Cage: “Just a quick reminder of what you’ll be up against this Tuesday, live on Dynamite.”

Luchasaurus walked onto the ramp, with Nick Wayne by his side. They all stared at Adam Copeland!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

***Special night*** Catch AEW DYNAMITE: Title Tuesday on TBS next Tuesday live at 8/7ct from the Cable Dahmer Arena in Independence, MO!

***Special start time*** Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 7/6c from the Maverik Center in Salt Lake City, UT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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Tonight’s episode of AEW DYNAMITE: Fyter Fest was broadcast live from Gas South Arena in Duluth, GA!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

The show opened with a graphic paying tribute to Terry Funk: 1944-2023.

Trios Match!

The Elite—Kenny Omega, & The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson


Juice Robinson & The Gunns—Austin & Colten!

The Elite charged up the ramp and attacked Bullet Club Gold, wasting no time! Juice Robinson decked ref Rick Knox. The Bucks superkicked Juice Robinson. Jay White, who wasn’t even in the match, began to stomp Matt Jackson.

The Gunns blasted Nick Jackson with the 3:10 to Yuma! Matt superkicked the Gunns. Jay White planted Matt and then Kenny Omega ran in. Omega nailed Colten with a snapdragon. Austin was looking for a fameasser, but Kenny blocked it. Kenny blasted Jay White with a V-Trigger! Kenny went for another V-Trigger, but Takeshita ran in and rocked Kenny with a lariat.

“This match has been thrown out,” said Excalibur.

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR—Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler—ran out to even up the odds for the Elite. Back in the ring, Takeshita battered Kenny with elbow strikes. Kenny fired back with a knee strike. Kenny lifted Takeshita for the one-winged angel, but Takeshita escaped Kenny’s grasp and ran out of the ring.

Renee Paquette spoke with AEW World Champion MJF backstage!

MJF: “If there’s one thing I know about myself, it’s that I can’t get enough of people chanting my name. When it’s time for the main event at All In: London, I want you to cheer me on. Let’s make this this loudest chant in the history of professional sports.

“The old me would have BS’ed you and said there was no pressure, but main eventing this Sunday, I feel an immense amount of pressure. This is the biggest event in the history of professional wrestling, bar none. None of this happens without my own talent, without all the fans, and not without all the people who have paved the road for professional wrestling prior.

“I’m about to be the biggest headliner in the history of professional wrestling and that’s insane. Think about all the people that came before me: Hulk Hogan, Bruno Sammartino, Dusty Rhodes, John Cena, the Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Undertaker, the list goes on and on. I am standing on the shoulders of giants. And on Sunday, August 27th, if I win, I might become a giant myself. So yeah, there’s a lot of pressure but frankly it’s a pressure I’m ready for.

“Look, this is all really new for me. I’ve never had a genuine friend before in my entire life. That’s not me trying to work you guys. That’s real. Adam Cole has made me a better person in a really short amount of time. He taught me I can trust, and I can let my guard down. Frankly, Adam’s not just my friend, he’s my brother. Yeah, brothers fight, but at the end of the day, brothers hug it out. And we always hug it out.

“And I understand why you guys would have reservations about trusting me. I’m far from perfect. Think about the worst thing you’ve done in your life…I’ve probably done that twice. However, I’ve been vulnerable for the first time in my life. And I’m asking you people to go on this journey with me. Be vulnerable with me and I promise you, you will be rewarded. And that’s the first promise in my life that I intend to keep. Because I’m not just a scumbag, I’m your scumbag.”

Jon Moxley vs. Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Mox and Fenix traded chops. Mox ducked a kick. Rey Fenix connected with a dropkick on target. Rey Fenix followed up with a tope suicida, and then a second tope to Moxley.

Moxley tore at Rey Fenix’s mask. Moxley curb stomped Rey Fenix on the arena floor. Moxley drove the flat of his boot against the face of Rey Fenix.

Rey Fenix stunned Moxley with a kick to the back of the head. Moxley charged and scored with a lariat to Fenix. Moxley captured Rey Fenix’s arms and then began to stomp Fenix.

Rey Fenix scored with a kick to Moxley. Fenix was looking for a cutter, but Mox caught him. Fenix escaped and stomped Moxley, and then followed up with the cutter for a near fall.

Rey Fenix walloped Moxley with a frog splash for a near fall! Moxley countered a fireman’s carry with elbows to Fenix. Moxley tried for the Death Rider, but Fenix countered with a cradle for a near fall. Fenix jumped off the ropes, but Moxley countered with a big antiair uppercut.

Rey Fenix connected with a thrust kick. Moxley dug his fingers into Rey Fenix’s back. Moxley bit the face of Rey Fenix. Moxley nailed Fenix with an avalanche Death Rider for a near fall! Moxley applied the sleeper, trapping Rey Fenix, and forcing Fenix to sleep.

Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castagnoli jumped into the ring with crowbars! Penta El Zero Miedo and Eddie Kingston tried to come out to make the save, but Ortiz, holding the madball, got in between them and the ring!

Santana made his return! He charged right at Penta El Zero Miedo. Rey Fenix got whacked by a crowbar in the side of the head by the BCC!

“Mike Santana making his return! Ortiz making his return!” said Excalibur.

Orange Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, and Trent came down the ramp!

“The Best Friends now coming down,” said Tony Schiavone.

Doc Sampson had to get in the ring to check on Rey Fenix.

“I think Fenix is in bad shape here. He got cracked in the side of the head with the crowbar,” said Taz.

Rey Fenix was carried out on a stretcher and then loaded into an ambulance.

Backstage, Renee Paquette attempted to interview Eddie Kingston.

Kingston: “You saw what your husband did?! You want me to fix it? Yeah, I’m gonna fix it at Wembley, watch!”

Earlier in the day, Renee Paquette interviewed Sammy Guevara!

Matt Menard, Angelo Parker, and Daniel Garcia interrupted Sammy before Sammy could get a word out.

Menard: “Sammy, what are you doing? You realize Jericho accepted the offer? He said yes. And the only reason things went south was because of that stupid painting. Don Callis is exactly who we thought he was!”

Sammy: “Yeah, but Chris isn’t who you think he is. I’ve known him since day one of Dynamite. We’ve had our ups, we’ve had our downs, and yeah, I don’t agree with everything he does, but he’s blinded by friendship. He’s known Callis for 30 years. When your friends are in the wrong, that’s when you need to be there for them even more. I told Chris I’m always going to have his back, and I meant that.”

Angelo Parker: “Sammy, understand this, as your friends, we’re trying to make sure you don’t make that same mistake of being blinded by friendship. You see the trend here? It’s always Sammy who’s there for his friend. But when it comes down to it Sammy, is your friend going to be there for you? It’s just something to think about.”

Garcia stared at Sammy and then walked away without saying anything.

Up next: The Chris Jericho vs. Will Ospreay All In: London Contract Signing!

Tony Schiavone was in the ring with security.

Will Ospreay walked to the ring with Don Callis.

Chris Jericho came to the ring with Sammy Guevara.

Don Callis: “Everybody wants to know why I did what I did last week, Chris. It’s real simple. The reason I did what I did can be summed up in four words. Will By God Ospreay! Because I realize the only thing better for me than having Chris Jericho in the Don Callis family was if I could play a part in ending the career of the greatest of all time.

“And I had to make an offer to this kid that no one else could. You know what I offered him? Your head on a platter at Wembley. So yeah, I threw away 34 years of friendship, I chose money and power over our friendship. I chose writing history rather than watching it and I chose Will Ospreay over you.

“So, Chris, on a serious note, a couple years ago you nearly died in England. Well Chris, this Sunday at Wembley, I’m going to be in Will Ospreay’s corner to make sure that that job gets done to you once and for all.”

Will Ospreay: “Chris, are you actually taking this match seriously or is this some type of vanity project to get your band to play at Wembley Stadium? Do you understand what Wembley Stadium is? It is the biggest venue in the entire U.K. This match is going to change by life, bruv. The day before I wrestle Chris Jericho, I’m doing an indie. I’m trying to put as much money together to put my kid through school. This match changes my life, bruv.

“After this, after I beat you in wrestling’s biggest event, I’m going to be the only man to say I’ve beaten Kenny Omega, Okada, and Chris Jericho in two months. And that goes very well in six months’ time, because my contract comes up from New Japan Pro-Wrestling. And who is going to pay millions of dollars for Will Ospreay? Because I know I’m the best wrestler. I’m better than the Elite. I’m better than Danielson. I’m better than Punk. I’m better than you!

“All your championships, your legacy, I respect it all mate, but all it is is rocket fuel for me and my future.”

Will Ospreay signed the contract.

Chris Jericho: “Let’s talk about your future, Will. No, let’s talk about your present. And congratulations to all the things you’ve accomplished in the last six months. But I don’t think you’d have accomplished those things if it wasn’t for me. Because five years ago when the entire wrestling world was all predicting you were going to be in a wheelchair before you were 30 years old, like your hero the Dynamite Kid, because you were so reckless, I called you.

“I got your number, and I told you to tone it down because if you didn’t, you’d never have the longevity of Chris Jericho and you would never be what I’d knew you’d be before anybody else, which is one of the top stars in this business.

“And hey, you listened to me, Will, and now here we are, Wembley Stadium, Jericho versus Ospreay. And you didn’t have to attack me from behind last week to get this match, Will, because this match has been in the works for years. This match was supposed to happen in 2021 at the Tokyo Dome before the lockdown, but there’s no lockdown now. This is Wembley. This is the biggest show in pro wrestling history, which means it’s the biggest show of my career. Almost 33 years, don’t tell me this is a vanity project for me. This is bigger than any WrestleMania, this is bigger than any Tokyo Dome, this is bigger than anything!

“This match means more to me than it does to anybody else. Because you’re coming at this from the bottom. I’m coming at it from the top of the effin’ mountain with everyone trying to knock me off.

“Every hater on social media is trying to predict my demise. So that means I have to be the best Chris Jericho that I’ve ever been to beat you Will Ospreay. But in return, you have to be the best Will Ospreay you’ve ever been to beat me.”

Chris Jericho signed the contract.

Jericho: “So prove it to me Ospreay. Prove it to your family at Wembley sitting in the front row. Your mother, your father, you missus, your four year old stepson that you’ve got to put through school. Prove it to them in front of 80,000 of your countrymen that you can beat Chris Jericho. And don’t make me regret the fact that I picked up the phone and called you five years ago. And don’t make me forget that I kept you from being in a wheelchair—”

Will Ospreay slapped the microphone out of Jericho’s hand! Jericho slapped Will Ospreay in the face! Security had to keep Jericho and Ospreay separated.

Renee Paquette spoke with Adam Cole backstage!

Adam Cole: “It’s so bizarre, never in a million years would you think a guy like Adam Cole and MJF would not only get along but become best friends. I think the world of him professionally. He’s an absolutely amazing professional wrestler. We’ve had a ton of fun together.

“But the thing I appreciate the most about MJF is he helped me find myself again. When I came back from my injury, my confidence was at an all time low. This relationship that I’ve formed with Max, he’s reminded me who the real Adam Cole is. And I’ll love him forever for that.

“When I got into pro wrestling, I never got into it with the intention of being a wrestler. I got in with the intention of being the best pro wrestler. I’ve won world championships all over the globe, but the AEW World Championship solidifies you as the best pro wrestler on the planet. This match is everything. I don’t want to win the match. I need to win the match. And I will.

“I don’t understand how people find it so hard to process that two people can be friends. Is it that hard? Is it that hard? I’m gonna say this one time and one time only. There are no issues with me and Max. None! Thank you, Renee!”

Tornado Tag Team Match!

Mogul Embassy’s Swerve Strickland & AR Fox (with Prince Nana)


Darby Allin & Nick Wayne!

Swerve threw Darby hard into the barricade. AR Fox nailed Nick Wayne with a German suplex off the top rope. AR Fox hit an implosion senton to the outside on Nick Wayne and Darby Allin!

Nick Wayne’s mother was in the front row.

Swerve spiked Nick on the apron. Nick Wayne jumped off the turnbuckle and blasted Swerve and Fox with a double cutter on the arena floor!

“Double Wayne’s World on the outside!” said Excalibur.

Darby nailed Swerve and Fox with a Coffin Drop from the turnbuckle to the arena floor!

Nick Wayne tried for Wayne’s World again, but Fox and Swerve countered with a brutal neck breaker! Darby came over the top with a stunner to Fox and then rocketed to the outside like a missile to Swerve!

Swerve crushed Darby on the arena floor with a Swerve Stomp from off the apron! Swerve booted Nick in the face. Fox hit a corkscrew brainbuster on Nick Wayne, but Nick kicked out at two! Fox did it again, but Nick Wayne kicked out again! Swerve kicked Nick in the back of the head…Nick kicked out of the pin attempt again!

“He has great resilience,” said Taz.

Swerve and Fox hit double pump kicks in the corner on Nick Wayne. Fox went for the 450 splash but Nick Wayne rolled out of the way! Nick Wayne cradled Fox and pinned him while Darby held back Swerve!

Swerve: “This is so disappointing. And by disappointing, I mean you Fox. How come every time you get the opportunity of a lifetime, you blow it! I tried. Why are you such a loser Fox? Little did you know this was a test for you. This was all a test. You can’t be an 18-year-old child Nick Wayne, who I wiped the floor with. I can’t trust you Fox. I can’t trust you in this match. I damn sure can’t trust you in front of 80,000 people at Wembley.”

Prince Nana: “On behalf of the Mogul Embassy, AR Fox you are fired!”

“The Machine” Brian Cage jumped into the ring from out of nowhere and rocked Fox with a spinning lariat. Cage planted Fox with the Drill Claw.

Darby Allin and Nick Wayne came back down to the ring, but this time they brought Sting with them! The Mogul Embassy retreated, leaving behind AR Fox.

Darby: “AR Fox, I wouldn’t be here today without you. You changed my life. You took me in when I was homeless. And no matter what you did to me, I’m always going to credit you for helping me make it here. Take my hand. I love you, man.”

Darby Allin and AR Fox hugged.

Darby: “Swerve, you’re stupider than I thought. 80,000 people in London, this Sunday, what are you going to do? Who do you got?”

Swerve and Prince Nana were standing beside Brian Cage and laughing. Christian Cage and the TNT Champion Luchasaurus walked out.

Christian Cage: “You guys shouldn’t be so surprised. The true greats are always two steps ahead, ain’t that right, Stinger? Darby, Sting, are you going to introduce me to your little friend? I think I know who this guy is. I heard a lot about you, Nick Wayne. It’s nice to meet you in person finally. I heard about your story. And I understand you have a father, and your father is dead.

“I also understand that your father was a professional wrestler. Well, I’ve never heard of your father, Buddy Wayne before, so he must not have been very good. The good news for you, Nick, is because your father was such a talentless hack, you don’t have a lot to live up to. And if I were you, I’d still clear of Wembley Stadium this Sunday, because I’d hate for you to have déjà vu and watch that coffin door close on someone you love for the second time in your life.

“But hey Nick, if you play your cards right, kid, I’ll be there to mentor you when it’s all over. Because we all know that every fatherless child needs a true mentor and there’s no better mentor than the TNT Champion!”

“Reminder that the TNT Champion is Luchasaurus and not Christian Cage,” said Excalibur.

AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR—Dax Harwood & Cash Wheeler had a face-to-face interview with the Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson!

Cash: “We need to know once and for all, and same for you guys I’m sure, who is better—FTR or the Young Bucks. No excuses.”

Renee: “Each team has one apiece. We’re now going into the rubber match for the championship in front of 80,000+ fans in a packed Wembley Stadium. Does this feel like the biggest match in your career?”

Matt Jackson: “Yeah, when we first did All In all those years ago, it seemed impossible to do 10,000 in an arena. And now here we are 8 times over. Biggest match of our career…understatement of the century.”

Nick Jackson: “I feel like Matt and I are made men. We don’t need to win this match. These guys need to beat us for their legacy to be cemented on the top. I feel strongly about that too.”

Dax: “This goes far beyond business. This is personal to us. It’s about the AEW World Tag Team Championships. But I think it goes far beyond the AEW World Tag Team Championships. And I’ve said it to the point where it annoys me. The legacy. FTR’s legacy. And the only tag team that stands in our legacy is the Young Bucks. And on Monday morning I don’t want to wake up to explain to my family that I lost.”

Matt Jackson: “I’d love to remind you, how do you feed your daughter? Do you remember we brought you here? We were the reason you have jobs here. You want to talk about legacy? I hate to do this, and I know this just got awkward, but this is the truth. One day when this is all said and done, and we decide to hang up our sneakers and say that’s it, you know what people are going to say about the Young Bucks? ‘The Young Bucks…let’s finally give them their damn flowers. That’s the best damn tag team that has ever competed in pro wrestling.’

“And do you know what they’re going to say about you? They’re not going to say it. They’re going to whisper it. They’re going to say, ‘And those guys, those are the guys the Young Bucks named on their YouTube show.’ And that’s the truth.” Dax: “You guys had to jump on our name, and on our popularity and insult us, because you wanted to be on our level. There ain’t no way. But here’s the thing. 80,000 people, we will make you guys. Every time you get a chance you say you’re the foundation. Well, we’re the foundation here now.”

Matt Jackson: “We’ll see you at Wembley.”

Skye Blue vs. The Outcasts’ Ruby Soho!

Ruby dumped Skye to the outside. Skye swept out Ruby’s leg on the apron. Skye connected with a thrust kick and then whipped Ruby into the guardrail.

Ruby chopped at Skye in the corner. Ruby gouged Skye’s eyes. Sky rocked Ruby with a jumping knee strike. Skye jumped off the apron and hit Ruby with a diving crossbody press.

Skye jumped off the top rope with another diving crossbody for a near fall on Ruby. Skye planted Ruby with a spinning neck breaker. Skye Blue nailed Ruby with Skye Fall for a two-count!

Ruby countered the Code Blue attempt. Ruby cracked Skye with the No Future kick! Ruby spiked Skye with the Destination Unknown and then pinned her!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Roderick Strong and The Kingdom!

Strong: “At the end of the night at All In, we’re going to find out who the real MJF is and we’re going to find out who the real Adam Cole is.”

The Acclaimed—Max Caster and Anthony Bowens came to the ring!

Bowens: “No more games! We’re still standing! House of Black, get your asses to this ring right now! Let’s fight!”

The arena went black as the lights switched off!

The AEW World Trios Champs—The House of Black—walked down the ramp with Julia Hart!

The House of Black surrounded the Acclaimed, who were standing in the ring outnumbered. Both teams began to brawl, 3 on 2! The Acclaimed were outnumbered and were being pummeled by the House of Black.

Daddy Ass stormed to the ring and the House of Black retreated!

Daddy Ass: “Hold on just one second! You wanted my attention, well, now you’ve got it. So let me try to explain to you kind of what you’ve done. A couple of weeks ago after you beat me for the second time, I sat right there, unlaced my boots, and I did the two hardest things I’ve ever had to do in my entire life. Walk out on Max and Anthony and leave behind a really good career. And I was okay with that but then last week you jumped Max and Anthony.

“You busted Max open. You hurt one of my kids. But that wasn’t good enough. Then you took my boots, and you destroyed them. You tried to tear down a legacy that has taken me 32 years to build. I’ve done stuff in this business that will go down in wrestling history. I am a hall of famer and you just pissed all over it.

“So, for that, for that, one more time, it’s all or nothing, All In, Wembley Stadium in front of 80,000 people. Look in my eyes. I take everything from you. Because at All In it’s the House of Black against the Acclaimed and well, unfortunately that fun loving Daddy Ass can’t make the trip. But there is a guy I thought we’d never see again. And I guarantee you never wish you saw him either because there’s a bad ass coming to London and his name is Billy Gunn!”

Main Event Time!

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match!

Aussie Open—Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis (c.)


The Hardys—Matt & Jeff Hardy!

Aussie Open came in hot, charging right at the Hardys. Matt and Jeff began to fire back.

The fans chanted “Let’s go Hardys! Let’s go Hardys!”

Jeff launched off Matt’s back and splashed Mark Davis in the corner. Jeff did it again, this time to Kyle Fletcher!

The Hardys hit clotheslines on Aussie Open, sending the champs over the top rope and spilling to the arena floor.

Jeff Hardy jumped off the top turnbuckle and wiped out Aussie Open. Matt back body dropped Kyle Fletcher. Matt DDT’ed Davis and then hit the Side Effect on Fletcher for a near fall. Matt dropped an elbow across the base of Fletcher’s neck.

Matt superplexed Fletcher and then Jeff splashed Fletcher for a near fall. Davis was there to break up the pin attempt. Fletcher powerbombed Matt Hardy. Davis muscled up Jeff Hardy and then planted him right into a kick by Fletcher! Aussie Open double teamed Jeff with the Aussie Arrow and pinned Jeff!

“Hey man, you get a win over the Hardys, that’s impressive,” said Taz.

Kyle Fletcher: “Wembley Stadium, there will be no double clothesline. There will be no kangaroo kick. And Aussie Open will still be your Ring of Honor World Tag Team Champions, baybay!”

The fans erupted as AEW World Champion MJF and Adam Cole headed to the ring shoulder to shoulder. They faced off with Aussie Open and had a stare down. Things broke down and MJF and Cole brawled with Aussie Open. Aussie Open beat down Cole and MJF. Aussie Open were going for the double clothesline on Adam Cole until MJF jumped on Davis’ back. Adam Cole wiped out Fletcher with a pump kick, and then he served up a pump kick to Davis!

MJF and Cole called for the double clothesline! Davis bailed out of the ring, though. MJF was about to go for the kangaroo kick on Fletcher when Davis hit MJF from behind! Cole wiped out Davis with a superkick! Fletcher charged at Cole, but MJF saved him by clocking Fletcher with a back elbow. MJF held Fletcher back for Adam Cole to superkick Fletcher. Fletcher escaped and Adam Cole almost inadvertently superkicked MJF, but MJF caught the kick with his hands and blocked it.

MJF held up his AEW World Championship Title. Adam Cole offered his hand, but MJF pushed past him. MJF pulled out his Dynamite diamond ring and put it on his finger. He turned around, but then removed it and put it back in his pocket. MJF called for Cole and then they hugged!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from NOW Arena in Chicago, IL!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c!

Be a part of history! This Sunday order All In: London from Wembley Stadium, live on pay-per-view at 6pm BST / 1pm ET! Zero Hour begins at 5pm BST / Noon ET / 9am PT!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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