Power Book III Raising Kanan Season 3 Episode 2 Recap & Review “Flipmode”Power Book III Raising Kanan Season 3 Episode 2 Recap & Review S3E02 *SPOILERS*Power Book 3 Raising Kanan Season 3 Episode 2Power Book III…


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the Target Center in Minneapolis, MN!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

8-Man Tag Match!

AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, FTW Champion HOOK,

Danhausen, & Trent Beretta


Angelo Parker & Matt Menard (with Jake Hager),

and The Dark Order—Alex Reynolds & Evil Uno!

Danhausen cleaned house on the Dark Order. Hook tagged in and suddenly things broke down into a donnybrook with both teams brawling. Menard nailed Hook with a backbreaker. Menard power bombed Trent. Cassidy came in, pushed the pace and DDT’ed Menard. Evil Uno ate a German Suplex from Danhausen. Hook sent Parker for a ride with a T-bone suplex. Hook followed up with a suplex to Evil Uno!

ROH Pure Champion Wheeler Yuta walked onto the ramp and had a stare down with Hook. Menard blindsided Hook as Hook was looking at Yuta.

Wheeler Yuta joined the broadcast booth.

“Hook should really learn not to take his eye off the ball,” said Wheeler Yuta.

The Dark Order double teamed Hook with running lariats. Hook fought back and made a tag to Trent. Trent walloped Alex Reynolds with German Suplexes. Trent hurled Evil Uno overhead with a half and half.

Orange Cassidy tagged in and dropkicked both Dark Order members. Orange staggered Evil Uno with a Stun Dog Millionaire. Reynolds ran in and booted Orange in the face. Trent went to the aid of Orange and tossed Evil Uno with a release German Suplex from the turnbuckles!

Danhausen squared off with Matt Menard, cursing Menard. Danhausen pulled out Jake Hager’s purple hat from his trunks and began to wear it and taunt Hager! Jake Hager was livid, jumping into the ring and immediately spilling out on the opposite side as he charged (and missed) Danhausen. Hook applied Red Rum on Parker while Danhausen cradled Menard and scored the pin!

Renee Paquette was interviewing Anna Jay, Ruby Soho and Saraya backstage!

Angelo Parker ran back from his match and told Anna Jay he was ready to go, and it’d be a team effort. Anna Jay said she didn’t want him out there tonight for the match.

“This is why I love her! Isn’t she great?” said Saraya.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring to interview Sting and “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair!

Sting: “Lots of great memories here. Thank you for the memories, thank you Tony Khan, thank you Tony Schiavone, and the Nature Boy, Ric Flair!”

Ric Flair: “Wow! From 1972 to today and believe it or not, I’m still alive. And that’s saying a lot. Because I’ve covered a lot of ground and had a lot of fun. But there’s three or four people that are always going to be special in my life. Dusty Rhodes, Ricky the Dragon, and the guy I think I’ve wrestled at least 1500 times, Sting.

“To be back in my hometown and to be part of this ride. Think about the history of our business. I’ve been with him since ’88 and I’ll be with him until the end. And man, that doesn’t happen in real life, guys. And we’ve stayed as honest and as respectful with each other as the day we met, and that’s really unusual. We’re gonna dance all night and dance a little longer. Wooooo!”

The Don Callis Family—Powerhouse Hobbs, Konosuke Takeshita, & Kyle Fletcher (with Don Callis)


Three Local Wrestlers!

Hobbs, Takeshita, and Fletcher put on a total display of domination, planting their opponents hard onto the mat. Hobbs scored the pin with ease!

Don Callis: “Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega, the Golden Jets! You put two of the greatest of all time in a tag team and what do you got? You’ve got a team that could be the most dominant of all time. I know that wins and losses matter here in AEW, but in the Don Callis Family, the only thing that matters is winning! The Don Callis Family will continue dominating until there is nowhere for the Golden Jets to hide in All Elite Wrestling!”

Footage played from earlier in the night of Prince Nana with “The Machine” Brian Cage and the Workhorsemen!

Prince Nana: “Hey Brian, it’s an unbelievable time for the Mogul Embassy! We have the Gates of Agony out in Japan, killing it! But tonight, I need to go ahead and hire some people to help us out. Tonight, I’m going to need the Workhorsemen’s services.

“This can be a huge opportunity for both of you guys to prove a point to Swerve Strickland and to the Mogul Embassy. I paid you guys, do the job tonight, and we’ll see if you can be a part of the team. I believe in you guys!”

Trios Bout!

Hikaru Shida, Kris Statlander, & Skye Blue


Anna Jay and The Outcasts—Ruby Soho & Saraya!

Kris powered Anna to the mat and tagged in Shida. Kris and Shida dropped a double elbow on Anna. Skye Blue tagged in and hit a spinning kick on Anna Jay. Shida and Saraya tagged in for their respective teams. Shida hoisted up Saraya in a torture rack.

Kris planted Saraya with a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Anna Jay ran in to break up the pin. Anna tried to apply the Queen Slayer on Statlander, but Statlander escaped. Shida cracked Saraya with a jumping knee strike. Anna walloped Kris with the Flatliner. Ruby Soho inadvertently kicked Anna Jay in the face. Statlander picked up Ruby Soho and planted her. Skye Blue pinned Soho with the Code Blue!

“At the end of the night it was Skye Blue and Kris Statlander working together,” said Excalibur.

Saraya grabbed Ruby by the hair and dragged her away.

Main Event Time! Trios Bout!

ROH World Six-Man Champion Brian Cage & The Workhorsemen—Anthony Henry & JD Drake (with Prince Nana)


El Hijo del Vikingo, Komander, & Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)!

Brian Cage suplexed Komander. Penta tagged in and hit a cross body on Cage from the top rope. Anthony Henry grabbed a tag and ate a missile dropkick from El Hijo del Vikingo.

El Hijo del Vikingo wiped out Henry with an implosion dragon rana. JD Drake grabbed a tag and invited Vikingo to chop him. Vikingo chopped Drake and left a handprint on Drake’s chest. Drake fired back and leveled Vikingo!

Penta and Komander dropped Henry and Cage with stereo thrust kicks. Komander dropkicked Cage out of the ring with a boost from Penta. Cage was taken down with a series of sling blades from Penta. He followed up with a DDT to the Workhorsemen!

Komander used a springboard lung blower on Cage, held him, and allowed Vikingo to drop down with a double foot stomp. Penta followed up with a foot stomp of his own onto Cage for a near fall!

“That’s an amazing escape by Cage because he was hit by all three men,” said Schiavone.

Komander jumped in but got shoulder blocked by Cage in mid-air. Cage monkey flipped Komander into the waiting arms of Drake, who power bombed Komander. Drake catapulted Komander into a thrust kick from Henry! Drake held onto Komander so Henry could drop a double foot stomp from the top rope on Komander. Henry covered Komander for the pin, but Vikingo broke it up!

Henry spiked Vikingo with a piledriver. Penta was there and grabbed Henry and drilled him with the Made in Japan! Drake ran in and wiped out Penta. Cage held onto Komander, and Henry tried to boot Komander in the head, but Komander ducked. Henry inadvertently hit Cage instead!

“A miscommunication there,” said Excalibur.

Cage was furious and rocked Henry with a discus lariat! Prince Nana and Brian Cage walked away from the ring, abandoning the Workhorsemen!

Penta smashed Henry with the Fear Factor! Komander flipped onto Henry with a splash. Vikingo finished off Henry with a 630 senton and pinned Anthony Henry!

“The short fuse of Brian Cage would ultimately lead to the win,” said Excalibur.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Bell Centre in Montreal, QC!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Erie Insurance Arena in Erie, PA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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AEW presented Full Gear live from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

It’s Saturday and you know what that means!

The Zero Hour portion of the show kicked off!

Your announce team for Zero Hour was Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Nigel McGuinness.

ROH World Championship Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. Jay Lethal (with Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, & Satnam Singh)!

Stokely Hathaway joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Kingston clotheslined Lethal over the top rope, sending Lethal crashing onto the arena floor. Back in the ring they traded stiff chops. Lethal pulled Kingston out of the ring and sent the champ headfirst into the steel ring post. Lethal took Kingston down with a snap suplex. Lethal followed up with a beautiful overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Lethal executed the Lethal Combination. Kingston countered the Lethal Injection with a suplex.

Karen Jarrett distracted the ref while Lethal crawled towards Jeff Jarrett’s guitar. Ortiz appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the guitar and smashed it over Dutt’s head. Kingston countered the Lethal Injection again and then pinned Lethal after a spinning backfist!

Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli


House of Black’s Buddy Matthews!

Buddy Matthews went right after Claudio right out of the gate. Claudio blasted Buddy with a European Uppercut outside the ring. Buddy rocked Claudio with a rising knee and Claudio answered with a lariat. Buddy tried for a meteora, but Claudio caught him and countered with the Big Swing!

Buddy employed the hammer and anvil elbow strikes. Claudio deadlifted Buddy into a cutter. Claudio accelerated into an uppercut. Claudio planted Buddy with the Ricola Bomb and then placed Buddy in the sharpshooter, forcing Buddy to tap out!

ROH World Tag Team Championship Match!

MJF (c.) & Samoa Joe vs. The Gunns—Austin & Colten!

MJF stomped Colten in the corner. MJF hit the Gunns with a double clothesline. Samoa Joe tagged himself in. Samoa Joe wiped out the Gunns with a tope suicida. Joe connected with a senton on Colten. Joe jabbed away at Colten.

Colten swiped MJF with a clothesline as the ref was distracted. Austin Gunn grabbed a tag and kicked MJF in the back. The Gunns employed quick tags and worked over MJF with tandem offense.

Samoa Joe tagged in and cleaned house on the Gunns. Samoa Joe powerslammed Austin for a near fall. Samoa Joe was setting up Austin for a muscle buster, but MJF tagged in. MJF went for a muscle buster of his own on Austin but Colten dropkicked MJF. The champ fired back with a double DDT on the Gunns. MJF was looking for the kangaroo kick, but Samoa Joe tagged himself in. The Gunns escaped muscle busters from MJF and Samoa Joe. The Gunns nailed Samoa Joe with the 3:10 to Yuma. MJF broke up the pin attempt.

Adam Cole came out and walked down the ramp on crutches. As the Gunns were distracted, Samoa Joe finished off Colten with a submission. MJF and Adam Cole hugged outside the ring.

After the match Samoa Joe got in MJF’s face. Samoa Joe and MJF shook hands, with MJF being a man of his word. Samoa Joe is now in line for a shot at the World title, as he helped MJF defend the ROH Tag titles tonight. Samoa Joe left and then the Gunns blindsided MJF in front of Adam Cole. Colten held down MJF while Austin cracked MJF in the leg with a steel chair! Adam Cole was forced to watch helplessly on crutches. Ref Paul Turner called for Doc Sampson to check on MJF who was writhing in pain.

MJF was stretchered out of the ring by the AEW medical team. MJF was loaded into an ambulance, and he yelled at Adam Cole, “Promise me you won’t let them take my championship!”

“How can Adam Cole live up to that promise, a man with one leg,” wondered Nigel.

The main portion of Full Gear began.

Trios Match!

“Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland, Darby Allin & Sting (with “Nature Boy” Ric Flair)


TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, & Nick Wayne!

Nick Wayne cracked Darby Allin with a cheap shot. Darby grappled Nick Wayne to the mat. Darby followed up with two deep arm drags. Sting tagged in and threw Nick Wayne through the ropes and to the floor. Sting whipped Nick Wayne into the steel barricade.

Copeland tagged in and Christian Cage immediately tagged out to Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus charged at Cope with a clothesline. Cope escaped a chokeslam attempt. Darby tagged in but ate a right hand from Luchasaurus. Luchasaurus choke slammed Darby over the top rope and onto the ring apron.

Christian Cage stomped on Darby and then tagged out to Nick Wayne. Nick punted Darby in the shoulder. Luchasaurus entered the ring and slammed Darby, and then Nick Wayne followed up with a senton for a near fall. Darby nailed Nick with a Code Red from the top turnbuckle. Christian Cage crawled under the ring, popped up on the other side, pulled Copeland down and rammed him into the ring post! Christian taunted Darby, telling him to make the tag. Christian poured on the punishment.

Adam Copeland entered the match and unleashed hell on Luchasaurus. Copeland rocked Luchasaurus with an Impaler. Copeland threw Wayne over the top rope at Luchasaurus. Darby rocketed out of the ring with a tope at Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus!

Sting and Copeland hammered Luchasaurus. They hit Luchasaurus with a tandem Scorpion Death Drop. Luchasaurus battered Copeland with a lariat to the back of the neck. Christian Cage taunted Ric Flair and Flair chopped Christian. Christian connected with a low blow. Christian Cage tried to hit Copeland with the championship belt, but Copeland ducked, and Cage inadvertently hit Luchasaurus. Christian Cage abandoned his team. Sting splashed Luchasaurus and then Copeland hit the spear! Darby nailed Luchasaurus with the Coffin Drop and then Copeland pinned Luchasaurus!

Tony Schiavone was on the ramp with ref Bryce Remsburg and called out representatives of Bullet Club Gold—The Gunns. Instead “Switchblade” Jay White came out. “Tell them old man,” said Jay White.

Tony Schiavone: “I hate to say this, but unfortunately MJF is injured and will not be able to defend the title tonight. The match tonight between MJF and Jay White has been cancelled. And now by default, your new AEW World Champion is Jay White—”

Adam Cole’s music hit!

Adam Cole: “Jay, there is not a shot in hell you’re leaving the KIA Forum with Max’s championship. I made a promise to my friend, and I had a talk with Tony Khan and if MJF can’t defend his title tonight, I will do it for him, one leg or not. Tonight’s main event will be Jay White versus Adam Cole baybay!”

Jay White: “Let me refresh your damaged memory. I took you out once before. If you want to stick your nose where it doesn’t belong, I’ll take you out once and for all!”

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (with HOOK)

vs. Blackpool Combat Club’s Jon Moxley (with Wheeler Yuta)!

Taz joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Moxley sent Cassidy onto the announcers’ table. Mox hoisted up Cassidy and dropped him across the barricade. Moxley chopped at Orange and taunted him. Moxley drove Orange to the mat with a Bossman slam.

Orange rocked Mox with a diving DDT. Moxley was busted wide open. Orange flew out of the ring with an elbow suicida to Moxley. Orange hit Mox with another one! Orange cracked Mox with a third elbow suicida, right on the jaw!

Orange countered a Death Rider with a Stun Dog Millionaire! Mox grounded and pounded Orange Cassidy and then transitioned into a bulldog choke on Orange! Orange jumped on Mox’s back and applied the Red Rum! Moxley was able to get to the ropes, forcing the ref break. Moxley stunned Orange with a cutter and then a Gotch style piledriver for a two-count!

Orange dropkicked Moxley and Moxley collided headfirst into an exposed turnbuckle corner. Orange pulped Mox with three Orange Punches! And then a fourth! And then a fifth Orange Punch! And a sixth Orange Punch! Orange followed up with the Beach Break and pinned Jon Moxley!

It was announced that Tony Khan made the match official for tonight’s main event: “Switchblade” Jay White vs. Adam Cole for the AEW World Championship!

Additionally, Mark Briscoe was announced as the next participant in the Continental Classic, which begins this Wednesday on Dynamite!

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Hikaru Shida (c.) vs. “Timeless” Toni Storm (with Luther the Butler)!

Storm and Shida exchanged forearms. Shida stormed Toni with a running knee strike. Mariah May was watching on a monitor backstage. Shida chopped Storm in the chest. Toni backed Shida into the corner with rapid fire chops. Storm pounced on Shida with a running bulldog.

Luther handed Toni two shoes. The ref saw one of the shoes and pulled it away, but Storm had a second shoe hidden in her trunks. Storm cracked Shida in the head with the shoe while the ref had her back turned. Shida fired back with a Strong Zero. Shida hit the question mark kick and then a Falcon Arrow for a near fall on “Timeless” Toni Storm!

Storm avoided a meteora and Shida’s ankle buckled on the landing. Storm applied an ankle lock. Shida reached the ropes, forcing the ref to break the hold. Storm pulled off one of Shida’s boots. Shida grabbed a kendo stick, but Luther tried to pull it away. Shida wrecked Luther with the kendo stick.

Storm walloped Shida with a German Suplex. Storm had a metal tray in her trunks. Storm bashed Shida with her hip attack and pinned Shida!

And new AEW Women’s World Champion… “Timeless” Toni Storm!

Mariah May walked out and handed Toni Storm a bouquet of flowers.

Renee Paquette was backstage with ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston!

Eddie Kingston said he had his eyes on the Continental Classic. He said he wanted to up the game a little bit. “I want to put the New Japan Strong Openweight Championship and the ROH World Championship on the line in each of my matches in the tournament. Let’s make this the biggest and best tournament in pro wrestling.”

AEW World Tag Team Championship Ladder Match!

Big Bill & “Absolute” Ricky Starks (c.)


FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood


LFI—Dralistico & Rush


Kings of the Black Throne—Brody King & Malakai Black!

Dax starched Malakai with a right hand. Malakai knocked a ladder into Dax’s mouth. Rush and Cash whacked one another with nasty shots, forearms and elbows. Cash threw his body through the ropes at Brody, Rush, and Big Bill! Dralistico jumped over the top with a tope con hiro and took out the pile!

Ricky Starks climbed to the top, but Malakai knocked him off his perch. Malakai moonsaulted out of the ring and onto the pile! Dax superplexed Starks out of the ring and onto the men outside!

“There are bodies everywhere on the outside. You knew it was going to be physical,” said Taz.

Big Bill and Brody King collided with one another in the center of the ring, exchanging wild, clubbing shots. Rush and Dax rammed them with ladders. Dax threw his ladder at Rush. Dralistico dropkicked Dax, who had his head in between rungs of the ladder. Dralistico staggered Cash with a corkscrew kick. Dralistico climbed the ladder, but Cash shoved the ladder down!

Cash powerslammed Rush, catching Rush midflight. Cash started climbing the ladder, but Malakai pulled Cash down. Black slingshotted a ladder into the face of Wheeler.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Cash Wheeler spiked Black with a piledriver on a ladder! Brody attempted a tope suicida, but Big Bill pulled up a ladder and Brody crashed into it. Starks speared Dralistico and then speared Rush. Starks drilled Dax with a swinging DDT. Starks sent Black overhead with a suplex into a ladder.

Brody King cannonballed Dax, who was against a ladder that was propped against the turnbuckles. Brody began to climb the ladder toward the titles, but Big Bill yanked the ladder out from beneath Brody. Dralistico lunged off the ropes with a lung blower to Big Bill. Rush rammed Big Bill with a ladder, sandwiching Big Bill in the corner. Rush rocked Big Bill with the Bull’s Horns, kicking a ladder into Bill’s face!

Starks and Rush climbed opposite sides of the ladder. Dax grabbed a taller ladder and began the climb towards the titles. Cash grabbed another ladder, but Brody backdropped him. Dralistico planted Brody with a poison rana. Brody decimated Dralistico with a Gonzo Bomb on a ladder that was propped up between the ring and the guardrail!

Cash Wheeler climbed to the top rope and splashed Brody on the ladder, sacrificing his own body. Dax climbed up a ladder toward the titles, but Ricky Starks met him up top. Black pulled Dax down and connected with the End. Starks grabbed the titles and the champions retained!

TBS Championship Match!

Kris Statlander (c.) vs. Julia Hart vs. Skye Blue!

As Skye Blue was making her entrance, she removed her baseball cap, stomped on it, and put a crown on.

Kris body slammed Julia and then body slammed Skye. Skye Blue rolled up Kris from behind for a near fall. Julia jumped on Statlander’s back, but Statlander shucked her off. Skye Blue clocked Kris with a knee strike. Statlander double suplexed Skye and Julia on the arena floor, reversing their attempt on Statlander.

Skye Blue offered her hand to Julia and Julia accepted it…and then began to bounce Skye Blue’s head off the mat repeatedly. Blue mounted Julia and began to pound her with shots. She followed up with the PK to Julia. Kris charged at Skye and Julia with knee strikes.

Skye nailed Kris with a neck breaker. Julia rallied back with an elbow to Skye Blue. Julia took Statlander off her feet with a lariat. Skye Blue rocked Hart with a thrust kick. Julia moonsaulted Skye Blue but Statlander pulled Julia off Blue to break up the pin attempt. Statlander powerslammed Julia on the arena floor. Skye Blue blasted Kris with a Code Blue for a near fall!

Julia applied the Heartless Lock to Skye Blue, but Kris grabbed Julia and sent her overhead with a German Suplex! Then Kris sent Skye flying high with a German Suplex. Kris crushed Skye with the Saturday Night Fever and went for the pin, but instead Julia knocked Kris away, covered Skye, and won the match!

And new TBS Champion…Julia Hart!

“Man, she stole that win and it was perfectly done,” said Taz.

Tony Schiavone was in the ring for the blockbuster contract signing!

“Ladies and gentlemen let’s bring in the newest member of All Elite Wrestling,” said Schiavone.

Will Ospreay walked down to the ring!

Will Ospreay signed the contract and made it official!

Ospreay: “It feels great! Listen up. I’m happy to be a part of the team, but I am not going to come in just yet. When I was 22 years old, I was part of New Japan Pro Wrestling. I’m 30 years old now, so I’m begging all of you, let me finish up, and then I’ll be on the road to Revolution. And then I’ll be all yours, but more importantly, I am All Elite, bruv! Mr. Tony Khan, do us a favor. Line up the best that you got, especially for Wembley Stadium, because I’m going to show ‘em all what elite really looks like, bruv!”

Texas Death Match!

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)!

Page cleaned Swerve’s clock with a Buckshot Lariat right at the bell. Hangman taped Swerve’s wrists together. Hangman had a staple gun and began stapling Swerve’s body! Page plastered Swerve in the side of the head with a steel chair!

“Hangman Adam Page is completely unhinged,” said Excalibur.

Page grabbed a steel chair wrapped in barb wire. Page swung it at Swerve, but Swerve saved himself by kicking Page between the legs. Prince Nana had scissors and cut Swerve free of the tape.

Swerve pulled the staple gun and stapled Page right between the eyes. Swerve sent Hangman headfirst into the barbed wire wrapped steel chair.

“I feel like I’m back in Philly. This is wild!” said Taz.

Swerve pulled a cinder block out from beneath the ring. Hangman and Swerve brawled on the ring apron. Swerve spiked Hangman with a Death Valley Driver on the cinder block!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Swerve delivered a piledriver on top of the guardrail! Back in the ring, Page planted Swerve with a fallaway slam. Page sent Swerve flying with another fallaway slam. Page wrapped barbed wire around Swerve’s head. Page trapped Swerve’s arm against his body by wrapping the barbed wire around him. Page hit another fallaway slam. Page moonsaulted off the post and landed on Swerve with the barbed wire wrapped steel chair!

“This is hard to watch,” said Nigel.

Swerve intercepted the Buckshot Lariat attempt. Swerve booted the chair into Page’s head. Page reversed a tombstone and dropped Swerve onto the barbed wire wrapped steel chair with a tombstone piledriver of his own!

“This goes beyond pro wrestling. This is evolutionary,” said Nigel.

Swerve power bombed Page onto the barbed wire wrapped chair and followed up with the Swerve Stomp! Swerve grabbed a black bag from beneath the ring. Swerve spilled the bag onto Page’s back. It was full of broken glass. Swerve connected with a 450 splash onto Page, who had glass all over his bag. Swerve followed up with the JML Driver!

Swerve placed a board covered with barb wire and bridged it between two chairs in the ring. Page chomped down on Swerve’s forehead. Page planted Swerve with a fallaway slam off the top and followed up with a Dead Eye on the barbed wire!

Page wrapped the barbed wire around Swerve’s head and face. Page blasted Swerve with a Buckshot barbed wire lariat! Prince Nana pulled Swerve out of the ring to break the ref’s count. Brian Cage ambushed Page from behind and power bombed him! Brian Cage pulled out a table and set it up on the arena floor. Page cracked Cage with a barbed wire wrapped rolling elbow. Adam Page almost broke Nana in half with a Dead Eye through the table! Swerve shattered the cinder block on Hangman Page!

Swerve wrapped a chain around Page’s throat, and then Swerve yanked on the chain after it was draped across ring post. Page couldn’t answer the ten count and Swerve was declared the winner!

“By the grace of God, this one is over,” said Nigel.

Tag Team Title Opportunity vs. Tag Team Break-up!

The Golden Jets—Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega


The Young Bucks—Matt & Nick Jackson!

Don Callis joined the commentary team for this match.

Chris Jericho and Matt Jackson chain wrestled. Jericho chopped at Matt and then Omega tagged himself in, allowing Matt some time to step away from Jericho and his swarm of chops. Matt mauled Omega with a flurry of shots to the back of the head. Omega answered with a hurracanrana. Omega launched himself with the Terminator Dive and landed on Matt Jackson!

Chris Jericho slid into Nick Jackson with a baseball dropkick. The Bucks went to work on Jericho’s arm, trying to take out the arm Jericho uses for the Judas Effect. Jericho dropkicked Nick Jackson from the middle rope and then tagged out to Omega.

Omega took Matt down with a snapdragon suplex. Omega wiped out both Bucks with his offense. Omega moonsaulted out of the ring and onto Matt Jackson. Omega followed up with a crossbody press to Nick, but Nick countered by rolling through for a near fall. Omega smashed Nick with a knee strike.

Jericho lionsaulted onto both Young Bucks! Jericho was looking for the Walls, but Matt Jackson kicked Jericho in the injured arm. Nick Jackson connected with a rolling roundhouse to Jericho. Matt was looking for a rana, but Jericho put the brakes on and sat down with the Walls of Jericho. Matt used the heel of his boot to kick Jericho in the arm and escape the hold.

Matt Jackson sent the Golden Jets flying with double Northern Lights Suplexes. Jericho lawn darted Matt Jackson’s face into the mat. Matt held Jericho while Nick connected with a senton. Nick Jackson kicked Jericho between the legs. The ref admonished Nick and while she had her back turned, Matt kicked Omega between the legs!

Nick Jackson rocked Jericho with the Judas Effect! The Bucks bashed Jericho with the BTE Trigger. Somehow Jericho kicked out of Matt’s pin attempt. Nick Jackson superkicked Jericho on the injured arm. Omega tagged in and stunned Nick with a V Trigger. Omega lifted off Nick for a One Winged Angel, but Nick reversed it with a rana. Matt planted Omega with a One Winged Angel and Nick covered Omega, but the Cleaner kicked out!

The fan chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Omega drilled Matt Jackson with a German Suplex. Nick Jackson starched Omega with a superkick. Jericho ate a superkick from Matt Jackson. Omega clocked Matt with a V Trigger and then finished him off with the One Winged Angel to score the pin!

“And now Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho can challenge for the AEW World Tag Team Titles anytime they choose,” said Excalibur.

Nick Jackson was furious at the loss and began tearing apart the announcers’ desk. Omega extended his hand to the Bucks, but the Bucks stormed off.

Main Event Time!

AEW World Championship Match!

Originally scheduled as: MJF (c.) vs. Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White!

Adam Cole came to the ring on crutches.

Jay White was introduced and walked to the ring with the Gunns by his side.

Justin Roberts announced Adam Cole as representing MJF.

“This is going to be a massacre,” said Taz.

Before the bell rang, an ambulance driven by MJF pulled into the back of the arena. MJF hobbled to the ring!

MJF slapped Switchblade in the face, but Switchblade went right to work on MJF’s injured left leg. Jay White diverted the attention of the ref while the Gunns stomped on MJF outside the ring. The ref eventually saw the Gunns interfering and ejected them from ringside.

MJF turned the tables on Jay White and chomped down on White’s forehead. MJF fired up and hit the kangaroo kick on Switchblade. Jay White dropkicked MJF in the bad leg. Jay White spiked MJF with a DDT. Jay White planted MJF with a uranage for a near fall.

“I hate to say it, but I think the presence of Adam Cole at ringside is distracting MJF,” said Excalibur.

MJF gouged at Jay’s eyes and then DDT’ed him on the floor. MJF slammed Jay White onto the announcers’ desk. MJF dropped an elbow from the top turnbuckle right onto Jay White on the arena floor!

The fans chanted “He’s our scumbag! He’s our scumbag!”

Back in the ring, Jay White employed a dragon screw leg whip on MJF. Jay White tied up MJF in the Tree of Woe. Jay White climbed to the top, but MJF yanked White down to the mat. Jay White climbed back up and nailed MJF with an avalanche uranage for a two-count!

MJF countered the Blade Runner with a spinning elbow. Jay White answered with a release German Suplex. MJF spiked White with a tombstone piledriver. MJF jumped over the top rope and caught Jay White with a cutter, planting him on the arena floor!

“We are witnessing MJF take risks like he never has in his entire career,” said Excalibur.

Back in the ring Jay White went back to work on MJF’s injured leg. Jay White spat at Adam Cole and then applied the figure four to MJF. Adam Cole had a towel and was contemplating throwing it into the ring to end the match. MJF reversed the figure four. Jay White made a desperate dive and grabbed the bottom rope to force the break. Adam Cole had his ROH Tag Title and was thinking about using it against Jay White, but Jay White grabbed it away and smacked MJF in the head with it! Jay White covered MJF but MJF kicked out at two!

Jay White was yanking on MJF’s leg, but MJF shoved him away, with White colliding with the ref and knocking him down. Adam Cole slipped the Dynamite Diamond Ring into the ring, but before MJF could retrieve it, Jay White grabbed it. MJF hit White with a low blow before White could use the Dynamite Diamond Ring. MJF slipped the Dynamite Diamond Ring on his hand. The Gunns ran down and MJF clocked them! Jay White was looking for the Blade Runner, but MJF cracked Jay with the Dynamite Diamond Ring and pinned Switchblade!

And still AEW World Champion…MJF!

Missed what the entire wrestling world is buzzing about? Order the replay of the historic AEW Full Gear 2023! It’s available on all traditional cable and satellite providers in the United States and Canada, Bleacher Report, Fite International, PPV.COM, and more! See AEW Full Gear 2023 for yourself!

Catch the fallout from Full Gear on AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

Kevin Kelly, Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Friday night and you know what that means! Friday night’s alright for fighting!

To kick off the show Tony Schiavone was in the ring with TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne!

Christian Cage: “It’s lucky for you that tomorrow night at Full Gear, not only do you get to see Sting’s last match you Los Angeles, you’ll get to see Sting’s last match ever. I’m sick of people calling him an ‘icon.’ Tomorrow night Sting, it’s all gonna be over.

“And what’s interesting to me is what’s going to happen to Darby Allin when he loses that mentor of his. Hey Darby, if you ever find yourself in need of some fatherly guidance, you know who to turn to. And Ric Flair, I know you’ll be ringside tomorrow, but if you stick your nose in our business tomorrow, it’ll be your literal come to Jesus moment.

“Adam Copeland, if you haven’t already, after Full Gear tomorrow you’re going to regret signing that contract with AEW. You came here to try to steal my spotlight. Here’s the thing, Adam, I am not the same person I was back when. I am Christian Cage, the patriarch of AEW. While you were the golden boy, I was in the trenches, clawing and scratching for every inch. And Beth, keep the girls up late and keep them close to the TV, because Adam I’m going to guarantee you that I will break your neck.

“As the TNT Champion, the powers-that-be want me on the program every second I can. So, I’ll be in action tonight in the four-way. After the four-way tonight, I’m going to keep running things here in AEW. I don’t work within the system. I am the system.”

Lexy Nair was backstage with the AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill and “Absolute” Ricky Starks!

Big Bill: “Ricky or myself do not have to be pinned or submitted tomorrow to lose the tag team titles. So, Ricky went and spoke with Tony Khan.”

Ricky Starks: “Tony is a fair man and he allowed me to pick a stipulation in our favor. I am selecting a ladder match. That’s right, a very short climb for Big Bill here. Tomorrow at Full Gear, when we walk out of L.A., we’re walking out as champions, we’re walking out in style, and most importantly, we’re walking out at the greatest tag team champions you’ve ever seen.”

“The Redeemer” Miro vs. Daniel Garcia!

Miro snatched Garcia and threw him overhead with a suplex. Miro stomped on Daniel Garcia in the corner. Miro followed up with another suplex. Miro smashed Garcia with a short arm lariat. He suplexed Garcia yet again!

Miro turned his back for a moment and Garcia charged at him. Garcia jabbed at Miro with right hands. Miro stopped a cross body and planted Garcia hard on the mat. Garcia backed up Miro with strikes after a chop block. Garcia dropkicked Miro. “The Redeemer” clobbered Garcia with a big boot to the face!

Garcia hit a belly to back suplex on Miro. Garcia was about to dance, but Matt Menard ran to the ring, jumped on the apron and told him not to dance. Miro charged at Garcia, but Garcia moved. Miro collided into Matt Menard. Garcia applied a cross face to Miro, but Miro escaped. Miro then muscled his way out of a sharpshooter. Miro locked on the Game Over submission hold and Garcia was out. The ref stopped the match and awarded the victor to Miro!

CJ Perry and Andrade El Idolo were backstage with Lexy Nair!

Andrade: “I’m so happy.”

CJ Perry: “Andrade is the best wrestler in my opinion. And that’s why I have entered him into the Continental Classic.”

Andrade: “You spoke with Tony?”

CJ Perry: “Yes, and if you win, you’re going to get an extra bonus.”

CJ whispered into Andrade’s ear. “Are you sure?” he asked. CJ nodded. Andrade said, “I trust you,” and they shook hands.

Kings of the Black Throne—Malakai Black & Brody King


The Boys—Brent & Brandon!

Malakai Black applied a wrist lock to Brent. Black blasted Brent with a spinning back elbow. Brody King tagged in, and Brent tagged out to his brother Brandon.

Brent grabbed Brody’s leg and Brandon charged at Brody. Brody backdropped Brandon out of the ring. The Kings finished off Brent with Dante’s Inferno and pinned him.

Trent Beretta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. “The Machine” Brian Cage vs. Komander!

The winner receives a TNT Championship match tonight during Rampage.

Penta El Zero Miedo got in Brian Cage’s face, but “The Machine” knocked him right down. Komander and Penta nailed Cage with thrust kicks, knocking Cage out of the ring. Komander followed up with a tornillo. Trent hit Penta with a back elbow.

Trent and Penta traded chops in the middle of the ring. Trent cracked Penta with a knee strike and then sent him flying with a half and half suplex. Komander walked the top rope, but Cage shook the ropes and knocked Komander down. Cage suplexed Komander out of the ring and down onto Trent and Penta on the arena floor!

Brian Cage whipped Trent into the steel guardrail. Cage sent Penta in the guardrail. Cage planted Komander on the ring apron. Penta and Komander teamed up to hit Cage with an assisted cannonball. Trent nailed Komander with a high angle German suplex. Trent rocked Penta with German suplexes. Trent took down Cage with a poison rana, but Cage got up and clobbered Trent with a lariat.

Penta punted Cage in the head. Penta drilled Trent with a thrust kick. Penta walloped Cage with a sling blade. Penta got a near fall on Trent after hitting him with the Made in Japan! Penta jumped off Komander’s back and flew out of the ring with a tope con hiro on Cage. Trent crushed Komander with the Strong Zero and pinned him!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Don Callis and Powerhouse Hobbs!

Don Callis: “Paul Wight is out on the shelf. Done! Powerhouse Hobbs slammed a 450 pound giant, a living legend, through the windshield of a car, and broke him.”

Hobbs: “Anyone can get it! I took out a giant. A multiple time world champion. I’m big, I’m black, I’m jacked. Paul, I know you’re resting away. But stay away because anyone can get it.”

Wardlow vs. Evan Daniels!

Wardlow rushed his opponent and power bombed him! Wardlow followed up with a swanton off the top. Wardlow hit the powerbomb symphony. The ref stopped the match as Daniels was unable to continue.

“Wardlow has only one thing on his mind: MJF,” said Tony Schiavone.

FTR’s Dax Harwood (with Cash Wheeler)


LFI’s Rush (with Dralistico, Preston Vance, & Jose the Assistant)!

AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks joined the broadcast booth for this match. His tag partner Big Bill stood behind him.

Rush rocked Dax with a shoulder tackle. Dax dodged Rush and nailed him with a flying forearm. They brawled outside the ring, with Rush running Dax into the steel guardrail. Back in the ring they traded chops to the chest.

“They’re just wearing the leather out of each other!” said Nigel.

Dax drilled Rush with two German Suplexes. Rush shoved Dax as Dax was on the top turnbuckle. Dax lost his balance. Rush superplexed Dax Harwood for a near fall.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Both men blasted the other with open palm strikes until they knocked one another down! Rush rocked Dax with a belly to back suplex for a two-count. Dax spiked Rush with a piledriver for a near fall!

Rush got out of the ring and shoved Ricky Starks! Rush was about to go for the Bull’s Horns, but Starks jumped into the ring and speared Rush! The match was declared a no-contest.

Cash Wheeler ran down to the ring and began to brawl with Big Bill. The Kings of the Black Throne came down the ramp. Brody King and Big Bill tried to pull a ladder out from beneath the ring, but Cash flew out onto them. Security ran down to break up the melee!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Action Andretti!

The Kingdom and Roderick Strong interrupted Andretti as he was trying to give a medical update on Darius Martin.

Mike Bennett: “He’s got a bruised ego and a weak neck.”

Roderick Strong: “Fellas, I found my next victim.”

Matt Taven: “Who is it?”

Roderick Strong: “Action!”

Blackpool Combat Club’s Wheeler Yuta vs. The House of Black’s Buddy Matthews!

Wheeler dropkicked Buddy and sent him out of the ring. Buddy hip tossed Yuta into the steel guardrail. Buddy blasted Wheeler with a pump kick to the face.

Both men fought on the ring apron. Buddy hurled Wheeler off the apron, sending Wheeler colliding with the announcers’ table. Back in the ring, Buddy unleashed an array of kicks. Yuta connected with a wild swing.

Wheeler tried for a German Suplex, but Buddy broke loose. Buddy walloped Wheeler with a back kick. Yuta grabbed a near fall after a German Suplex. Wheeler rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida. Buddy picked up Yuta and dropped him across the turnbuckles. Wheeler jumped off with a double ax handle to the back of Buddy’s neck and back. Buddy connected with a running powerbomb and then curb stomped Yuta, grabbing the pin!

Buddy Matthews grabbed a steel chair after the match, hoping to continue the punishment. Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring to protect Wheeler.

Claudio: “If you want the attention of the Blackpool Combat Club, you don’t have to cut some spooky promo. All you have to do is ask. You’ve been pissing me off for a few weeks now and honestly, I like to make my challenges here in the light. What do you say if it’s you and me right here tomorrow at Full Gear?”

Buddy Matthews nodded and said “Okay.”

Collision Main Event Time!

AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida & TBS Champion Kris Statlander


The Outcasts—Ruby Soho & Saraya!

Shida hit Ruby with a throwaway slam. Kris tagged in and swept out Ruby’s legs. Saraya grabbed a tag, but Kris shoulder tackled her for a two-count.

Julia Hart was watching Kris with a keen eye backstage on a monitor.

Statlander double suplexed Saraya and Soho. Shida tagged in and knocked down Saraya and Soho with a cross body from the top rope.

Skye Blue was watching backstage on a monitor.

Angelo Parker was sitting in the front row, cheering on Ruby Soho.

Kris connected with a spinning discus lariat on Soho. Kris followed up with a running knee to Ruby Soho. Statlander hit a Blue Thunder Bomb on Ruby for a near fall. Saraya tagged in and she and Ruby tried a double suplex on Shida, but Shida blocked it. Saraya and Shida traded forearms.

Shida wiped out Saraya with a running knee strike. Shida jumped off the top rope, but Saraya countered with a thrust kick. Angelo Parker jumped over the barricade to check on Ruby Soho. Saraya didn’t like what she saw, as she was left alone to fend for herself. Kris Statlander speared Angelo Parker on the arena floor. Meanwhile, in the ring, Shida wiped out Saraya with the Katana and pinned her!

Earlier in the day, Tony Schiavone had a sitdown interview with AEW World & ROH Tag champ MJF!

MJF: “I made a promise and I intend to keep it. As much as I know Austin and Colten Gunn are ugly, they’re very talented. I’m going to do whatever it takes to win during Zero Hour. Because I told my best friend Adam Cole that these ROH Tag titles will be waiting here when he comes back from injury. And let’s be honest, I’m responsible for him being injured.

“When Jay White stole my belt, I realized Jay White is insecure. He stole that belt not to prove anything to the world, but he’s trying to prove something to himself. The championship doesn’t make the man. The man makes the championship. That’s why tomorrow you’re going to lose because nobody is on the level of the devil.

“When you ask me about the likelihood about beating the Gunns and Jay White all in one night, I’d say slim to none. But unfortunately for Jay White and all my detractors, I just so happen to like those odds.”

The Rampage portion of the evening kicked off!

“The Ocho” Chris Jericho joined the broadcast table for Rampage.

TNT Championship Match!

Christian Cage (c.) (with Luchasaurus & Nick Wayne)


Trent Beretta!

Trent flew over the top rope with a huge crossbody to Christian on the arena floor. Nick Wayne grabbed Trent from behind and Christian charged at Trent, nailing him with a cheap shot. Trent speared Christian through the ropes.

Trent went for a spinning DDT, but Christian dodged it. Trent blocked a DDT from Christian. Trent hit a hurracanrana on Christian for a near fall. Christian moved out of the way of Trent’s crossbody press. Trent countered a spear with a knee strike and then spiked Christian with a tornado DDT for a near fall.

“Trent has the momentum here. Christian is on the run,” said Jericho.

Trent clobbered Christian with the Strong Zero for a two-count! Luchasaurus distracted Trent. Christian Cage seized the moment and blindsided Trent. Christian Cage crushed Trent with the Kill Switch and pinned Trent!

After a commercial break, Chris Jericho had a message for the Young Bucks!

Jericho: “Matt and Nick seem to have an issue because I stole their buddy Kenny. I didn’t steal anyone. The Golden Jets are going to beat the Bucks tomorrow and become the number one contenders. See you tomorrow kids!”

“Timeless” Toni Storm (with Luther the Butler) vs. Emi Sakura!

Toni tried to hand Emi a script, but Emi ripped it up. Emi chopped at Toni Storm. Toni knocked Emi out of the ring with her hip attack. Toni stood up on the apron and Emi fired back with a cross body press.

Toni rocked Emi with a running bulldog. Toni was looking for a hip attack, but Emi countered with a Tiger Driver for a near fall. Emi followed up with a backbreaker across the knee for a two-count. Toni dodged a moonsault from Emi.

Toni rammed Emi with a hip attack. Toni planted Emi with a piledriver and pinned Emi!

“Tomorrow is Toni’s Hollywood homecoming as she faces AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida,” said Tony Schiavone.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh. Standing across them was ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston!

Jay Lethal: “I’ve asked for this time because I wanted to make things crystal clear for Eddie Kingston. You have one day left as the ROH World Champion because we have spoken to Stokely, and he has made it official. Tomorrow night at Zero Hour it’s going to be Eddie Kingston versus Jay Lethal for the ROH World Championship. Ever since you lost in that Memphis Street Fight against Jeff Jarrett granting me a shot at your championship, you’ve done nothing but duck and hide from us the whole time.”

Eddie Kingston: “Look at me. You know me. Why are you speaking like them? You know what I can do. And I know what you can do, but not with them. You have become a coward just like them.”

Kingston turned around and Ortiz showed up and nodded at him.

Rampage Main Event Time!

Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett)


Action Andretti!

Strong charged at Action as Action entered the ring. Action hit back with a dropkick to Roderick Strong. Action Andretti chopped Roderick in the chest. Roderick cracked Action with a backbreaker.

Action rocked Roderick with a spinning neck breaker. Action countered a sunset flip with a suplex. Action blasted Roddy with a back elbow. The Kingdom checked on Roddy outside the ring. Action wiped out the Kingdom with a running kick. Action hit a Spanish Fly on Strong.

The fans chanted “Neck Strong!”

Roddy got to his feet! Roddy finished off Action with the End of Heartache and pinned Action Andretti!

Renee Paquette had a sitdown interview with “Switchblade” Jay White!

Jay White: “Who is the devil? In my mind, all you have to focus on is that the AEW World Championship is with someone that lives up to the E in All Elite Wrestling. Remember MJF isn’t going to even make it to the main event with me because the Gunns will take care of him first during Zero Hour.

“MJF is trying to brainwash everyone and make them think MJF belongs in the same breath as J-A-Y. When things go my way, you’re going to get more of the Bang Bang Gang.”

MJF stormed onto the scene and attacked Jay White! “Switchblade” begged Max to stop. Juice Robinson blindsided MJF and then threw MJF into Jay White’s locker room! MJF smashed the TV monitor over Juice Robinson’s head!

MJF chased Jay White to the ring. MJF grounded and pounded Jay White! The Gunns sprinted to the ring to try to help Jay White, but MJF took them down too! MJF picked up his belt and kissed it! MJF was about to bash Jay White with the belt, but the Gunn Club hit MJF from behind! Bullet Club Gold triple teamed MJF and ripped the belt out of his hands! The Gunns held back MJF as Jay White was about to ram the belt into MJF’s head when Samoa Joe ran to the ring!

Bullet Club Gold retreated!

“It looks like MJF has found a tag team partner,” said Nigel.

“But has he?” wondered Tony Schiavone.

Samoa Joe stared at MJF and extended his hand. MJF accepted!

“Joe will team with MJF tomorrow!” said Tony Schiavone.

“The AEW World Champion has made a deal with the devil,” replied Nigel.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Wintrust Arena in Chicago, IL!

This Saturday witness history live on pay-per-view and order AEW FULL GEAR 2023 from the KIA Forum in Los Angeles, CA!

Watch AEW Full Gear Zero Hour at 7:00 PM ET/4:00 PM PT on YouTube, hosted by Renee Paquette, RJ City, and Stokely Hathaway!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, KS!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

AR Fox vs. Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana)!

Fox attacked Swerve as the show was coming onto the air. They brawled onto the ramp. AR Fox jumped off the stage and landed on Swerve with a crossbody press! They made it to the ring and Fox flipped over the top rope and landed on Swerve on the arena floor, Fox clearly taking the fight to Strickland!

Swerve hip tossed Fox onto the ring apron, with Fox’s legs taking the brunt of the impact. Swerve whipped Fox into the steel guardrail. Prince Nana called down the Gates of Agony to ringside.

Back in the ring, Swerve flung Fox onto the top turnbuckle. Swerve superplexed AR Fox, with Prince Nana yelling for Swerve to finish off Fox. AR Fox fired back with an offensive flurry, including a 450 splash off the top for a near fall on Swerve!

“Look at the rotation and the added impact of the 450,” said Nigel.

Swerve stunned Fox with a neck breaker and then a kick to the back of the head. Swerve squashed Fox with a double foot stomp and pinned Fox!

“That is a lethal move, guys,” said Tony Schiavone.

After the match AR Fox was surrounded by the Gates of Agony, Swerve, and Prince Nana! FTR sprinted to the ring and began to brawl with the Gates of Agony! Ricky Starks and Big Bill came down to the aid of the Mogul Embassy. LFI sprinted down and helped clear the ring of the AEW World Tag Champs and the Mogul Embassy! FTR offered to shake LFI’s hands, but LFI declined and left the ring.

The House of Black were watching from somewhere in the arena.

Lexy Nair was backstage with a very angry Kip Sabian!

Sabian said the Workhorsemen are underrated, and if Mark Briscoe can find two partners, Sabian and the Workhorsemen will wrestle them tonight!

The Kingdom came out, wheeling Roderick Strong onto the ramp!

Taven and Bennett charged into the ring against their opponents, James McGregor and Brixton Nash! Mike Bennett nailed McGregor with a Death Valley Driver. Taven jumped off the top rope and they hit a spiked piledriver, quickly pinning their opponent. Roderick Strong jumped into the ring and connected to one of the Kingdom’s opponents with a jumping knee strike, and then quickly rolled out of the ring and back into his wheelchair.

Lexy Nair was backstage interviewing Mark Briscoe when FTR walked onto the scene and greeted their friend Mark!

Cash offered to pull double duty and tag with Mark tonight. Mark said he appreciated that, but he already had partners lined up for his match tonight.

Darby Allin vs. “The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts)!

Lance Archer hurled Darby to the mat. Darby fired back with a big right hand. Lance Archer pounced at Darby Allin, sending Darby crashing outside of the ring. Lance followed up with a knee breaker.

Lance tried to walk the top rope, but Darby knocked him off. Darby rocketed out of the ring and right at Archer with a tope suicida. Lance Archer rocked Darby with a release suplex! Lance cracked Darby with a knee strike in the ring. Darby escaped a Black Out attempt and cradled Archer for a near fall.

Archer blocked Darby’s modified Coffin Drop attempt. Archer drilled Darby with a choke slam! Archer picked up Darby again and choke slammed Darby over the top rope and onto the edge of the ring! Jake Roberts was about to hit Darby with Darby’s skateboard, but the ref saw it and then ejected Roberts from ringside.

Lance Archer clocked Darby with a stiff right hand! Darby scraped at Archer’s back and connected with a Destroyer off the top rope, scoring the pin on Archer!

Jake Roberts came back out and had words for Darby! “You think I came to a fight with only one piece of artillery? No, I’ve got a couple more guys you may have seen on the street!” said Jake Roberts.

The Righteous walked onto the ramp!

Vincent: “Revenge is forever. It’s showtime.”

Archer grabbed a distracted Darby Allin and planted him with the Black Out!

Lexy Nair was backstage with TBS Champion Kris Statlander, Willow Nightingale, and Skye Blue!

Statlander and Willow had requested the time to speak with Skye Blue.

Kris: “You had us going there for a second, but you showed up and picked the right side. I wanted to say thank you for making the right decision.”

Skye: “You don’t have to thank me because I didn’t do anything for you. I did it for Willow because I always have Willow’s back. And good luck out there tonight, Willow.”

Kris: “I have your back too.”

Lexy Nair interviewed Alex Abrahantes next!

Abrahantes said he and Penta El Zero Miedo showed last night that lucha is life.

Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana interrupted.

Alex said it was disgraceful what Swerve did, invading Hangman Page’s house. Alex said the only thing Penta puts ahead of lucha is his family, and he challenged Swerve to a match against Penta El Zero Miedo at Dynamite!

Up next: The AEW World Trios Champions The Acclaimed’s 69 Day Championship Celebration!

Daddy Ass: “It seems everyone here is ready to have a little fun. We have been Trios Champs for 69 days!”

The fans chanted “69! 69! 69!”

Bowens: “It is a very special day because it’s been 69 days of the Acclaimed and we are fired the hell up. So, I wanted to introduce a little surprise. And that surprise is for Max Caster. Because he had a pretty good week. So, Billy and I got you a special gift. Roll the clip please.”

AEW World Champion MJF appeared on the big screen with a message for Caster. MJF said Caster earned his respect. “You’re starting to grow on me, Caster. I’m kind of starting to like the Acclaimed.”

Caster: “Thank you so much! I love it, Billy! Thank you, Anthony! It means a lot and this holiday means a lot to us because it’s a culmination of all of our hard work at the top of the Trios division. And that hard work is symbolized by that trophy sitting on the announce desk right there. As much as that trophy belongs to us, we couldn’t have done it without the people And since we are the people’s choice and the people’s voice, this trophy goes out to all the fans.”

Dalton Castle and the Boys walked onto the ramp, crashing the party!

The Boys grabbed the trophy off the announcers’ table and handed it over to Dalton Castle. Castle threw the trophy to the floor, destroying it! The two teams began to brawl!

Tony Khan made the match official!

Daddy Ass flung Castle overhead. The Boys dropkicked Billy Gunn. Bowens blasted the Boys with a double clothesline.

Dalton Castle was taken down with a fameasser from Bowens. Daddy Ass tagged in, and body slammed a Boy. Bowens jumped from the top with a Scissor Me Timbers. Caster crashed down with the Mic Drop and the Acclaimed and Daddy Ass retained the titles!

“That’s nine title defenses, one more than the House of Black,” said Kevin Kelly.

Lexy Nair was backstage with Andrade El Idolo, asking if he put any more consideration into CJ’s offer.

Andrade: “Next week I will give my answer to CJ face to face.”

Trios Match!

Kip Sabian & The Workhorsemen—JD Drake and Anthony Henry


Mark Briscoe, “The Natural” Dustin Rhodes, and “Limitless” Keith Lee!

Kip cracked Briscoe with a cannonball in the corner. The Workhorsemen came in, but Mark stopped Henry and then threw JD Drake out of the ring. Sabian hit an Arabian moonsault onto Mark Briscoe.

Mark threw Henry down with an exploder suplex and tagged in Dustin Rhodes. “The Natural” powerslammed JD Drake. Keith Lee powerbombed Henry onto Sabian. Mark Briscoe dropped the Froggy Bow on Sabian and pinned him!

Lexy Nair interviewed Mark Briscoe after the match!

Mark Briscoe challenged “Switchblade” Jay White to a singles match on Wednesday at Dynamite!

Willow Nightingale vs. Emi Sakura!

They rammed each other with shoulder tackles. Willow got the upper hand, her power knocking Emi to the mat. Emi slapped Willow in the face. Emi connected with a cross body, knocking Willow off the apron. Emi splashed Willow, sandwiching her against the steel ring steps.

Outside the ring, Willow smashed Emi with a Death Valley Driver on the arena floor. Willow followed up with a shotgun dropkick for a near fall. Emi clobbered Willow with a swinging neck breaker.

Willow dropped Emi with a spinebuster. Willow finished off Emi with the Doctor Bomb, pinning Emi!

Lexy Nair was backstage with ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe!

Samoa Joe: “No, I haven’t heard back from MJF yet. You need me to make moves on your behalf and to watch your back properly. Until you realize that man is me, you will continue to endure that pain week after week.”

Keith Lee walked onto the set and said Samoa Joe hasn’t beaten him yet. Samoa Joe said they could remedy that situation this Wednesday!

Keith Lee: “Count me in.”

Main Event Time!

Eight-Man Tag Match!

FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood, and LFI—Preston Vance & Rush (with Jose the Assistant & Dralistico)


AEW World Tag Champions Big Bill & “Absolute” Ricky Starks,

and Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona!

Jim Ross joined the broadcast team to provide his main event analysis.

Big Bill and Preston Vance locked up. Preston battered Big Bill with forearms in the corner. Big Bill walloped Vance with a lariat. Bishop Kaun tagged in and suplexed Preston Vance.

Cash Wheeler tagged in and jabbed at Bishop Kaun. Dax grabbed a tag and FTR hit Kaun with a drop toehold elbow combo. Toa Liona rocked Dax with headbutts. Dax answered with chops to Toa’s chest. Toa nearly knocked Dax out of his boots with a lariat.

Rush tagged in and rammed Ricky into the guardrails! Rush kicked Ricky in the corner and then powerslammed him for a near fall.

Big Bill blocked a discus elbow from Preston with a chokeslam. FTR were looking for the Big Rig, but Big Bill ran over them with a double clothesline. Ricky Starks speared Rush out of nowhere!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Ricky starched Rush with a thrust kick. Rush fired back and then tagged to Dax. Rush and Dax smashed Kaun with the Big Rig! Rush charged at Kaun and nailed him with the Bull’s Horns, grabbing the pinfall victory on Bishop Kaun!

“A demonstrative victory for the leader of LFI,” said Nigel.

LFI walked away without shaking the hands of FTR.

“Rush is a difference maker,” said Jim Ross.

The House of Black appeared on the big screen, with words of warning for FTR!

It was a ruse, as the House of Black blindsided FTR from behind in the ring!

Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta ran to the ring to even up the odds for FTR! Claudio tried to put the Giant Swing on Malakai Black, but Brody pulled Black out of the ring! The BCC and FTR shook hands.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Tonight’s special episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the KFC Yum! Center in Louisville, KY!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Renee Paquette interviewed AEW World Champion MJF to kick off the show!

MJF: “I’ve got a list of everybody on the roster and hopefully there are three who aren’t complete A-holes. In the meantime, I’ve got my brochacho for life, Adam Cole, on the video chat for some advice.”

Adam Cole: “You know what makes me happy? The fact that you are officially the longest reigning AEW World Champion of all time. At this point you’re the greatest AEW World Champion of all time and that’s something to be really proud of. I wish I could be there right now because it feels like the entire world is gunning for you. I think you should at least consider Samoa Joe’s offer.”

MJF: “The last time I wrestled that guy he almost broke my neck. But listen I gotta go and find three partners for tonight. And just so you know, I promise you I’m going to successfully defend our ROH Tag Titles at the Full Gear pay-per-view. I’ll see you around.”

Roderick Strong rolled up in his wheelchair with the Kingdom!

Strong: “Can you believe Max leaving mid conversation? You know I’d never do that to you, right? But also, serious question, are we still pretending that he’s obviously not the devil? Like, because he seems like the devil to me.”

Adam Cole lost his connection.

Strong: “Adam! Adam!”

The transmission was interrupted by an image of someone wearing the devil mask!

AEW International Championship Match!

“Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy (c.)


Blackpool Combat Club’s Claudio Castagnoli (with Wheeler Yuta)!

Claudio Castagnoli hoisted up Orange and planted him. He followed up with a body slam to the champ, and then a double foot stomp. Claudio began to tenderize the body of Orange with multiple knee strikes and then an uppercut forearm.

Claudio countered a cross body press off the top rope with a back breaker on Orange, and then switched to a gut wrench rib breaker. Orange Cassidy rolled out of the ring, trying to play head games with Claudio, but Claudio ran around the ring and clubbed Orange with a forearm.

Orange shoved Claudio into the steel ring post and followed up with a tope suicida. Orange went for a second attempt, but Claudio caught Orange and dropped him across the top of the steel barricade.

FTW Champ HOOK walked to the ring, but the referee ejected both HOOK and Wheeler from ringside!

Claudio rocked Orange with a delayed vertical suplex back into the ring! Claudio charged at Orange, but Orange dodged him. Claudio collided into the steel ring post. Orange jumped out of the ring and caught Claudio with a DDT on the arena floor.

Orange cracked Claudio with the Stun Dog Millionaire. Orange went for a DDT, but Claudio countered with the Giant Swing! Claudio applied the Sharpshooter. Orange tried to escape but Claudio transitioned into a cross face! Claudio cracked Orange with a European Uppercut for a near fall.

Claudio put Orange in a sleeper hold. Orange began to fade. Orange escaped and clocked Claudio with the Orange Punch! Orange smashed Claudio with the Beach Break but Claudio rolled out of the ring, showing off his tremendous instincts and ring awareness.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Orange began to stomp Claudio. Orange clobbered Claudio with a running PK. Orange pulped Claudio with a DDT for a two-count. Orange got a hurracanrana on Claudio, grabbed his legs, and pinned him!

After the match, Jon Moxley came down to the ring! Orange charged at Mox, but Mox slammed him right down and began to ground and pound him!

“Orange is getting battered alone!” said Excalibur.

“This is an assault were watching right now,” replied Tony Schiavone.

MJF was knocking on Kenny Omega’s door!

Chris Jericho answered the door.

MJF: “Is Kenny in there?”

Jericho smiled and then slammed the door in MJF’s face.

As MJF was walking away, Wardlow shoved MJF against the wall!

Wardlow: “You took everything away from me! Now I’m going to take everything from you when you least expect it.”

Wardlow let go of MJF and MJF huffed away. As MJF turned the corner, The Acclaimed were waiting for him.

Max Caster: “Why don’t you team with us?”

MJF walked away, clearly frustrated.

After a commercial break, Jon Moxley was backstage!

Moxley: “I showed you respect, Orange, when no one would. I let you walk out on your own power in Chicago. I did not have to do that. Did you just write me off like everybody else did? Right now, I’m not doing too good so maybe this isn’t about you.

“Maybe you’re just the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time. It doesn’t matter either way, Full Gear, I’m going to beat you within an inch of your life with my bare hands. And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Just because I can.”

ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match!

“Hangman” Adam Page & The Young Bucks (c.)—Nick & Matt Jackson


The Gates of Agony—Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona, & “The Machine” Brian Cage!

Hangman was fighting this match with revenge on his mind. The Bucks dropkicked Cage and Liona. Hangman jumped off the turnbuckles with a lariat to Kaun. Matt Jackson splashed Kaun with a cannonball in the corner. Nick Jackson smashed Kaun with a senton!

Page hit Toa with a discus lariat. Hangman knocked Toa over the top rope with a lariat. He followed up with a pop-up powerbomb on Bishop Kaun. Page was about to go for the Buckshot Lariat when Swerve Strickland and Prince Nana walked onto the ramp!

Swerve: “Who’s house? As a matter of fact, last week I was at your house!”

Page got a look at Swerve and sprinted up the ramp toward him! Nana and Swerve retreated backstage as Hangman charged after them.

The Bucks were left alone with a three on two situation. Nick Jackson superkicked Bishop Kaun. Brian Cage ate a superkick from Nick Jackson. Cage battered Nick with a lariat and then a suplex from the apron and back into the ring!

Matt Jackson peppered the head of Bishop Kaun with right hands! The numbers were catching up with the Bucks. The Gates of Agony spiked Matt Jackson! Brian Cage shoulder blocked Nick Jackson.

“The odds are against the Bucks right now,” said Tony Schiavone.

“They’re doomed,” added Taz.

Cage powerbombed Nick Jackson and then cracked him with a knee strike. The Gates planted Nick and then Bishop Kaun pinned Nick Jackson.

And new ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions…The Mogul Embassy!

Backstage, Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page had to be pried apart by AEW security!

After the match, Matt Jackson went berserk, hitting a steel chair against the ring post over and over!

“This is about coming after somebody’s family,” said Excalibur.

After a commercial break, MJF’s pursuit to find tag partners continued.

MJF was about to knock on Samoa Joe’s locker room door but thought twice about it. MJF walked down the hall instead. The Acclaimed were there waiting for him. Caster said, “Pick us!” MJF stormed off.

Up next: Tony Schiavone interviewed the “Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland in the ring!

Adam Copeland: “Last week Sting got in my face. He also said we go a long way back. And we do. Because Sting and I have had a lot of the same injuries. So, we’ve been a sounding board for one another, and I respect the hell out of that man.

“I also respect Darby Allin because I think he is one of the lynch pins of this company and of this industry going forward. But Tony, I know you want answers. What am I going to do? Am I going to team with Sting and Darby Allin at Full Gear?”

TNT Champion Christian Cage came out onto the ramp with Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne!

Christian Cage: “Adam, before you give your answer, I just want to paint a little picture for you. I am going to retire Sting at Full Gear whether he likes it or not. And also, you haven’t seen Darby Allin around much lately, and if you have, you’ve noticed he has a gimp arm that’ll never be the same after I dumped him on the stairs at WrestleDream.

“Now I don’t think I need to remind you, Adam, or anybody else of your neck problems. And I’d hate for this fairy tale of yours to turn into a nightmare so I’m going to suggest you back down from me right now. If you know what’s good for you, Adam, you’ll back down from me or else I’m going to snap your neck and leave you in a wheelchair. You used to be somebody, but I can also see this isn’t sinking in. So, guys give him a little preview!”

Luchasaurus and Nick Wayne charged at Adam Copeland in the ring!

Copeland fought off Wayne and Luchasaurus. Christian Cage was in the ring alone with Adam Copeland. Luchasaurus ambushed Copeland as Copeland was staring down Cage. Nick Wayne connected with the Wayne’s World on Copeland!

Sting came to the ring! Sting cracked Nick Wayne with a shot to the face. Darby Allin ran down like a bat out of hell and drilled Christian Cage!

Christian Cage turned things around and began to stomp and kick Darby. Adam Copeland was primed and ready and speared Christian Cage!

Copeland: “You want to snap my neck?! I’m going to beat your ass! It is on! Sting, you were right. Sting and Darby, you want a partner at Full Gear? I’m your man!”

Up Next: An Important Announcement from AEW CEO, President & GM Tony Khan!

Tony Khan was standing next to Nigel McGuinness.

Nigel: “Tony, from what I understand you have a huge announcement for all our fans all over the world.”

Tony Khan: “It’s been a great year for AEW. And now, all over the world, Christmas trees are going up all over the world. It’s the start of the holiday season. I can’t think of a better gift to give to the wrestling fan, your family, your friends, your loved ones, than a ticket to next year’s AEW ALL IN coming August 25th, 2024. Tickets are on sale one month from now, December 1st. But you don’t have to wait until December 1st. You can sign up right now. Get the best tickets early.”

Nigel: “Tony here is my scoop. If you want access to the best tickets before the general public, you can sign up now at Ticketmaster.co.uk/aewwembley2024. Priority and early access presales begin November 27th, with details being emailed to everyone that has registered.”

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard & “Cool Hand Ang” Angelo Parker (with Jake Hager)


Golden Jets—Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega!

The Don Callis Family stood behind the broadcast booth as Don Callis sat in on commentary for this match.

Jericho chopped away at Menard and Parker. Omega tagged in. Omega and Jericho hit a tandem suplex on Menard. The Golden Jets followed up with a double shoulder block on Parker.

Jericho dropkicked Menard and then connected with the Code Breaker on Parker. Omega hit the terminator dive on Hager! Menard smacked Jericho in the face with a bat as the ref was distracted. Parker covered Jericho but Jericho kicked out. Parker swung at Jericho with the baseball bat. Jericho dodged it. Jericho decimated Parker with the Judas Effect and pinned him!

Don Callis: “I’ve got something to say! I’ve gotta give you credit, guys. Takeshita destroyed Kenny. Hobbs broke Jericho in two. And you guys are still back! You’re like cockroaches. You’re hard to get rid of. So maybe we have to take it up a notch.

“Maybe this doesn’t get finished in a wrestling match. Maybe this gets finished on the streets. So, if you’ve got the guts to face the greatest family in professional wrestling in a street fight in Ontario, California on Dynamite, then step up to the plate, you dummies!”

Jericho: “He just called us dummies, Kenny. What are we going to do?”

Omega: “You just said the magic word. You want a street fight. None of this was ever about playing by the rules. None of this was about winning matches. It was all about hurting me and hurting Chris. It was all for you. You want a street fight? Yeah, we accept it, but we’re not going to accept it alone. You want to bring your family along, well trust me, we’ve got an extra spot for Ibushi on our side.”

Callis: “You know I’m not a dummy, so I know by my math you’re still a man short.”

Omega: “I’m all out of ideas, Chris, can you help me?”

Jericho: “I look at Will Hobbs right here, the man that annihilated me a few weeks ago. And Hobbs is a big, big man, but I’ve got a friend who is even bigger.”

Callis: “No one is bigger than Will Hobbs!”

Jericho: “Maybe not a normal man, but as big as Will Hobbs is, he’s not a giant.”

Paul Wight walked onto the ramp! Paul Wight knocked out Kyle Fletcher with one punch!

Excalibur: “A match made! Dynamite in two weeks, the street fight in Ontario, California!”

After a commercial break, Renee Paquette was backstage to interview Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho!

Jericho: “In two weeks, the Don Callis Family has to face the Golden Jets, Kota Ibushi, and the biggest man in pro wrestling, Paul Wight!

The Young Bucks were in the locker room. Matt Jackson interrupted.

Matt Jackson: “Kenny, we’re friends, right? What was the whole point of the Elite getting back together if none of us have each other’s backs anymore. Who invited Jericho into our locker room?”

Jericho: “Don’t take it out on me because you lost your Trios titles. You weren’t good enough tonight. Watch your mouth when you talk to me.”

Omega: “Like Chris, hate Chris, he is aligned with us against the Don Callis Family.”

Matt Jackson: “Him and Don are cut from the same cloth. He’s going to screw you over just like Don did. Enjoy our locker room. Just clean up when you’re done!”

AEW Women’s World Championship Match!

Hikaru Shida (c.) vs. Willow Nightingale!

Willow rolled up Shida for a near fall. Willow followed up with a shoulder block and then a low cross body for a two-count. Shida charged at Willow and rattled Willow with a knee to the back of the head. Shida followed up with a diving cross body to the outside.

Shida suplexed Willow. Shida booted Willow in the face. Willow answered with a high boot of her own. Willow cracked Shida with a spinebuster for a two-count.

Shida dropkicked Willow off the turnbuckles. Shida hit an avalanche falcon arrow, but Willow kicked out immediately! Willow pounced the champion! Willow smashed Shida with the Death Valley Driver for a near fall! Shida cracked Willow with the knee strike. Shida unsheathed the shining katana and pinned Willow!

“Three defenses in seven days. That is an impressive streak for the AEW Women’s World Champion,” said Excalibur.

Willow and Shida hugged after the match, showing mutual respect for one another.

“Timeless” Toni Storm came out onto the ramp after the match! Shida sprinted up the ramp and blasted Toni with a knee strike! Shida chased Storm backstage!

The arena lights went dark! When the lights turned back on, Julia Hart was in the ring, standing behind Willow! Julia offered her hand to Willow. Skye Blue jumped into the ring and got in between Julia and Willow. Skye stared at Julia.

Julia nodded at Skye Blue. Skye turned around, looked at Willow, then turned back around and sprayed mist into Julia’s eyes!

“I think Skye Blue is going to pay for that,” said Taz.

Backstage, MJF was sitting on the floor when the Acclaimed approached him!

Daddy Ass: “Still no luck finding partners?”

Bowens: “Max, no one likes you except for Caster. I don’t know why you haven’t picked us in the first place because everyone loves the Acclaimed.”

Caster: “That’s right and if you team with us, you gotta scissor us and just wear what’s in this bag.”

MJF: “No, we will never tag! Do you understand me? And jokes on you, I’ve got one more group on my list.”

MJF turned around and he should be standing there? Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Satnam Singh, laughing!

Jeff Jarrett: “Max, we’re here to help.”

Renee Paquette was backstage when she was interrupted by Roderick Strong and the Kingdom!

They dialed Adam Cole on speakerphone. Roddy said Cole had to hear this.

Adam Cole: “Hello?”

Strong: “Adam! Hey, can you believe Max didn’t even attempt to ask us to be his tag team partners tonight? Especially after I’ve been so nice to him. What a jerk, huh?”

Cole: “Roddy, shut the hell up, man.”

Cole hung up.

Main Event Time!

8-Man Tag Match!

AEW World & ROH World Tag Champion MJF & Three Mystery Partners


Bullet Club Gold’s Austin & Colten Gunn, “Switchblade” Jay White, & Juice Robinson!

The Acclaimed came out to team with MJF!

MJF made his entrance in Acclaimed-inspired gear!

MJF charged at Jay White but White ducked out of harm’s way and hid behind Bullet Club Gold. Bowens and Juice tagged in. Juice connected with a shoulder block. Bowens clubbed Juice with an elbow.

Daddy Ass and Austin Gunn faced off. Austin jabbed at his father. Daddy Ass fired back with a big right hand. Jay White tagged in and chopped Daddy Ass. But Daddy Ass dropped Jay White with a chop.

Bowens connected with Scissor Me Timbers on Colten Gunn. Colten stomped Caster in the corner. Switchblade cracked Caster with a knife edge chop. MJF tagged in and cleaned house on the Gunns and Juice Robinson! Bullet Club Gold got bounced all over the ring, but Jay White ran out of the ring!

MJF chased Jay White around the ring. Jay White jumped into the ring and MJF followed, but Austin chop blocked him. MJF countered the 3:10 to Yuma with a DDT to Colten! MJF connected with the kangaroo kick on Austin and Juice! Jay White snuck behind MJF and drilled the champ with the Blade Runner! Jay White pinned MJF!

“He just pinned the World Champion!” said Taz.

Jay White was going to hit MJF with the belt after the match but The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass jumped in to save him. They chased Bullet Club Gold out of the ring. MJF was prone and Jay White was still in the ring. Jay White wanted to waffle MJF with the title belt, but Max Caster came in and took the bullet for MJF!

“Max Caster pushed MJF out of the way to save him from that blindside shot from Switchblade Jay White,” said Excalibur.

After the match, MJF, the Acclaimed, and Daddy Ass had a four-way scissor party!

This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE at 10pm ET on TNT featuring:

AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo


Penta El Zero Miedo


AAA World Cruiserweight Champion Komander!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Intrust Bank Arena in Wichita, KS!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!


Saturday night’s edition of COLLISION brought the AEW faithful an epic World Championship match between Kenny Omega and Maxwell Jacob Friedman that saw the defending champion top his challenger to not only retain, but to also cement his status as the longest-reigning AEW World Champion of all time. As of Wednesday November 1st MJF has officially hit the 347-day mark of his reign atop the mountain, thus surpassing Kenny Omega’s record, and leaving him with one World Championship record left to break, that being Moxley’s nine successful defenses. A win over Jay White at FULL GEAR 2023 would tie that marker, but Max still has a ways to go before he gets to The KIA Forum, and part of that is his fight with The Bang Bang Gang on DYNAMITE!

Also last Saturday, Hikaru Shida continued her third reign as AEW Women’s World Champion by defeating Abadon in a Fright Night Fight, the aforementioned BULLET CLUB GOLD was successful in picking up two victories in their Saturday night fights, and Samoa Joe continued his march towards breaking Jay Lethal’s 567-day record reign as ROH World TV Champion with his victory over Rhett Titus!

DYNAMITE is stacked for AEW’s debut in Louisville, KY at the KFC YUM! Center with MJF possibly taking on the entirety of BULLET CLUB GOLD by himself, Hikaru Shida facing Willow Nightingale’s challenge, the AEW International Championship on the line, and more! The night begins at at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, as well as at AEWPlus.com for our international fans, so swing by the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, an unforgettable COLLISION, as well as this week’s CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


AEW World & ROH World Tag Champion MJF, ???, ???, & ???

vs. BULLET CLUB GOLD (Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Jay White, & Juice Robinson)


As of Wednesday, after topping Kenny Omega in their epic COLLISION bout, Maxwell Jacob Friedman has officially become the longest-reigning AEW World Champion in history, surpassing Omega, with the only record associated with that championship left to break being the most championship defenses. That record is currently held by Jon Moxley during his first title reign, holding steady at nine, with MJF having the potential to tie it at FULL GEAR 2023 when he faces “Switchblade” Jay White in his next title defense. The fact that Jay has physical possession of the MJF’s prized Triple B is meaningless to the actual lineage, just merely a tool for “King Switch” to use to antagonize the actual champion as long as the belt sits in the BC GOLD camp.

Clearly the issue is getting to Max as he attempted, despite having that match with Omega on his plate later in the night, to reclaim the title belt following Jay White’s victory over AR Fox. Once again unsuccessful in his attempt, MJF now has to take on the whole of The Bang Bang Gang this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE if wants to get the Triple B back from Jay White. There’s only one problem, Max has essentially told everyone willing to help him out to kick rocks, not The Kingdom, not Roderick Strong, not The Acclaimed and Daddy Ass, and as far as Samoa Joe’s offer, well Max didn’t scream Joe’s name for help, but he didn’t say no either.

So who will it be? Will it even be anyone? Is there anyone MJF will accept help from, or who will even be willing to stick their neck out for him? After all, despite his recent titling towards the side of the angels, this man is still The Devil who perpetrated a great deal of pain and suffering on many individuals throughout All Elite Wrestling, and why anyone would trust him is generally beyond logic. Yet here is Joe offering a hand, albeit with that championship caveat, and Max Caster searching for friendship based on their shared history at the Create A Pro Academy, while The Kingdom and Roderick Strong are doing it to stay in Adam Cole’s good graces.That’s a lot of firepower that could be on Max’s side, but he doesn’t want a part of any of it, even with the full power of BULLET CLUB GOLD standing in front of him. There’s brave, and then there is foolhardy, and it is very clear which of the two that the AEW World Champion is choosing…


Orange Cassidy(c) vs. Claudio Castagnoli

On Wednesday night in Philadelphia, Claudio Castagnoli pinned AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy to win the bout for the Blackpool Combat Club. Unfortunately that victory came at a cost to “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson as Claudio detailed Saturday night on COLLISION. Whether it was The Rainmaker Clothesline or The Orange Punch, the end result was Danielson suffering a fracture to his orbital bone. So while Claudio had the thrill of pinning a champion, he also had the agony of knowing his BCC brother was down at the hands of their opponents.

For Claudio, there can at least be some solace knowing that he can get revenge for Danielson in short order because, as a result of pinning Cassidy on DYNAMITE, the former 2-Time ROH World Champion will challenge for the AEW International Championship! This marks the first time Castagnoli, a former 2-Time ROH World Champion, will challenge for a singles title in All Elite Wrestling, with that recent AEW World Tag Title loss to Big Bill & Ricky Starks being Claudio’s only other AEW title fight.

Orange has proven he won’t back down from any fight, he even had the gumption to shoulder into Jon Moxley unprovoked which nearly led into a brawl of its own at BATTLE OF THE BELTS VIII, and he has stated his intention to move forward in his second reign as International Champion just like he did with the first. That means defending at every opportunity against every opponent who wants an opportunity, despite the physical and mental toll it took on the man. It was obvious, and OC didn’t hide it, that losing the title shook him to the core and he lost some sense of identity without it around his waist. Reclaiming it, albeit from Rey Fenix rather than Mox, restored some of that identity, but it is not a reach to assume Cassidy wants another fight with Moxley; why else purposefully run into the man? But before that’s even a possibility, Cassidy has to survive the onslaught of The Swiss Superman in his next championship defense! Will the AEW International Championship return to The Blackpool Combat Club this Wednesday night in Louisville?


Daddy Magic & Cool Hand Ang vs. Golden Jets (Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega)

Much to the chagrin of Daniel Garcia, and the utter annoyance of Anna Jay, last Friday on RAMPAGE Daddy Magic, Cool Hand Ang, and maybe even Jake Hager, seemed buy into the garbage that Don Callis was selling to them. It certainly took some of the focus of Anna’s attempts to earn that COLLISION title match with Shida, in fact she was the one that Abadon defeated to take the title match, and perhaps knowing that some of her friends were focused on other business kept her from focusing 100% on her own.

Disappointingly, Menard and Parker have decided to take Don Callis up on his offer and this Wednesday night in Louisville, they will face Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho in tag team action! The Golden Jets, as Jericho dubbed them, are coming into this one with Omega fresh off a hard-fought AEW World Championship bout with MJF this past Saturday night and Chris Jericho hopefully recovered from the assault he suffered at the hands of Powerhouse Hobbs!

Will Callis’ newfound allies be successful against the two former AEW World Champions, or will the unlikely allies be victorious and frustrate Callis?


Hikaru Shida(c) vs. Willow Nightingale


Coming off a COLLISION’s Fright Fight with Abadon, the AEW Women’s World Champion is right back in action defending her title against all-comers, and the next one to step up to the plate is fan favorite Willow Nightingale!

As of late Willow has invested her time in whatever is going on with Skye Blue since both were misted by Julia Hart’s “spooky dust” (as Willow dubbed it), and we’ve all seen it bring some changes to Skye while Nightingale has remained true to herself. TBS Champion Kris Statlander tried to bridge the gap on COLLISION to no avail, and now with this opportunity on her table, Willow Nightingale is really going to have to put Skye on the back burner and focus on the task at hand. This is just Willow’s second opportunity at the title, the first coming back at FORBIDDEN DOOR 2023 against Toni Storm, and her second ever match with Hikaru Shida with the first actually taking place on the Jericho Cruise earlier this year.

Will Willow be frustrated by Shida in this championship bid, or can the first-ever NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion add an AEW title to her trophy case as well? Tune in Wednesday night to see how it all goes down!

DYNAMITE comes your way with AEW’s Louisville, KY debut hailing from the KFC YUM! Center. We will see AEW World Champion MJF, and perhaps some partners, taking on the whole of The Bang Bang Gang, Hikaru Shida defends her title against Willow Nightingale, AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy fights The BCC’s Claudio Castagnoli, and much more in store! The show kicks off at 8pm ET/7pm CT live on TBS, and at AEWPlus.com for our international fans, so drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel to catch highlights from last week’s DYNAMITE, RAMPAGE, COLLISION, as well as this week’s CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!

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