Steve Loter & Rodney Clouden Interview by Big Gold Belt MediaThe series is produced by Disney Television Animation, and is executive produced by Fishburne and Helen Sugland’s Cinema Gypsy Productions and Steve Loter. Rodney Clouden and…


Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, TX!

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

Continental Crown Championship Proving Ground Match!

Eddie Kingston (c.) vs. “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

Keith and Kingston traded shots, with Eddie rocking Keith with knees to the face. Both tried for suplexes but neither man budged. Kevin Kelly informed us that Bryan Keith just returned from a tour in Japan.

Keith stunned Kingston with a mule kick. Kingston was clutching his jaw. Outside the ring, Keith whipped Kingston into the barricade, with Kingston’s right arm and shoulder taking the brunt of it. 

“Bryan Keith is starting to show he’s got the goods,” said Kevin.

“Giving Eddie one hell of a fight,” replied Schiavone.

Keith headbutted Kingston, knocking Kingston off the turnbuckles and sending Kingston tumbling to the arena floor. Kingston got back up on the apron, but Keith connected with a pump kick. Keith followed up with a cannonball senton. 

Kingston fired back with an exploder suplex. Keith hit one of his own and then rocked Kingston with a Liger Bomb for a near fall. 

“Eddie Kingston is in trouble. You can see it on his face,” said Schiavone.

Eddie blasted Keith with a backfist and then a suplex for a two-count. Kingston blistered Keith’s chest with rapid fire chops. Eddie applied a sleeper and then spiked Keith with a DDT for a near fall. Eddie smashed Keith with the spinning back fist and pinned Bryan Keith!

Tony Schiavone entered the ring to interview Kingston.

Kingston: “Go talk to Bounty Hunter, not me.”

Tony Schiavone: “Starting tonight Bryan Keith is All Elite!”

Kingston hugged Keith.

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson’s music hit! Danielson made his way to the ring, and Nigel said Danielson was trying to steal Keith’s thunder. Kevin Kelly said Danielson was trying to provoke Kingston. Danielson held up Bryan Keith’s arm, congratulating him on joining the AEW roster.

“American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. CMLL’s Hechicero!

“Hechicero is the greatest technical wrestler to come out of Mexico in the last 20 years,” said Nigel.

Hechicero grappled Danielson to the mat. Both men were looking for leg locks. Danielson put Hechicero in a surfboard submission, but Hechicero escaped. Hechicero rolled Bryan around in a surfboard, but Danielson got to the ropes to force the ref to break the hold.

“Danielson looks frustrated,” said Kevin Kelly.

Danielson swatted Hechicero in the thigh with a leg kick. Danielson was stunned by a guillotine leg drop. Hechicero caught Danielson in a rear naked choke, but Danielson grabbed the bottom rope. Hechicero chopped at Danielson’s chest. Hechicero was one step ahead and cracked Danielson with a jumping knee strike in the corner. 

“Put this dragon to sleep!” said Nigel.

Danielson knocked Hechicero off the top rope with a headbutt. Danielson went for a diving headbutt, but Hechicero countered, tying up Danielson in a pretzel and cradling Danielson for a near fall. 

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Hechicero jumped over the top rope with a tope, crashing onto Danielson on the arena floor! Back in the ring, Bryan hit a double underhook suplex. Danielson applied the LeBell Lock. Hechicero escaped and locked up Danielson, but Danielson inched his way to the ropes. 

Danielson found his mark with round kicks to Hechicero’s chest. Hechicero picked up Bryan with a spinning hammerlock into a back breaker! Danielson took down Hechicero with a dragon screw leg whip. Hechicero cradled Danielson but Danielson reversed it and pinned Hechicero!

Hechicero attacked Danielson after the match! BCC’s Claudio Castagnoli sprinted to the ring and forced Hechicero to retreat!

FTW Champion HOOK vs. The Outrunners—Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum!

Hook used a judo throw but was poked in the eyes when the ref was distracted. The Outrunners double teamed Hook. Hook double clotheslined them and sent them flying with overhead suplexes. Hook applied the Redrum to Truth and forced him to tap right out!

“It takes a lot of guts to fight two men,” said Nigel.

Tony Schiavone interviewed Mark Briscoe!

Mark: “I told FTR I’d be there for them last week. I came out to the aid of my blood brothers FTR and my good friend Danny Garcia. That’s what we do. I wasn’t five feet onto that stage when the House of Black threw me off like a sack of taters. But fast forward and it was FTR, Garcia and Briscoe with their hands held high. You knock us down and we get back up. 

“After 20 years of being one half of the baddest tag team on the planet, now all of a sudden, I’m flying solo. Everything didn’t go my way, but that’s alright. You shoot me, you’d better kill me. We fight until we can’t fight no more!”

The arena lights went dark!

The House of Black appeared on the giant screen!

Malakai Black: “Well Mark, that’s beautiful. That’s really touching. You like magic tricks? I love magic tricks. I specifically like the one where the magician makes people disappear. Because that is what we intend to do to you and everything you just spoke about. We are going to eradicate you from the history of professional wrestling, and it’ll happen just like this.”

Malakai Black snapped his fingers and the House of Black disappeared from the screen. The lights in the arena turned back on and Mark Briscoe was alone in the ring. 

Malakai Black: “See, it’s that easy.”

“Mind games from the House of Black,” said Nigel. 

Queen Aminata vs. “The Professor” Serena Deeb!

Deeb grappled Aminata to the mat, showing off why she is a technical tyrant. Deeb applied a half crab, but Queen Aminata reached the ropes. Queen hit a snap suplex on Serena Deeb. Serena Deeb used a guillotine neck breaker. Deeb disoriented Aminata and brought her down with a back slide. Aminata cracked Deeb with a head butt and then a hip attack. 

Deeb dodged a running knee strike from Queen Aminata. Deeb wrapped Aminata’s legs around the ring post and applied the figure four. Deeb applied the Serenity Lock and Aminata tapped out!

Out next: The #1 Contender for the AEW World Championship—Swerve Strickland with Prince Nana!

Swerve: “Hey Tony Schiavone, you know it’s Black History Month, right? I’m noble enough to show appreciation to all the people who paved the way for me to talk to you tonight. People like Ron Simmons. Kofi Kingston. How about Athena, what up sis? And very soon we’re going to add another name to that list. Who’s house? This Wednesday I’ve got an opportunity to become AEW World Champion.

“Now about Hangman Page, this is a man that’s in my way of my quest of becoming great. He has left scars on my body. He has shed my blood. This is a man I’ve beaten twice now. You know what they say, third time is a charge. But when I put him behind him, I become black history, and then I move on to Samoa Joe and I become AEW World Champion.

“Nana, you understand Mogul Embassy is family and it is business? Trust me, I want you there right by my side. No interferences. Because there’s going to be no more excuses. Is that right, Hangman Page? I’ll see you Wednesday. Who’s house?”

Red Velvet vs. Vertvixen!

Red Velvet took down Vertvixen with a leg lariat. Red Velvet planted Vertvixen with a bulldog. She blasted Vertvixen with body shots. Red Velvet smashed Vertvixen with a running knee strike, and then after stirring it up, she pinned Vertvixen. 

Trios Match!

The Patriarchy—TNT Champion Christian Cage, Killswitch, & Nick Wayne


Daniel Garcia & FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood!

“Daddy Magic” Matt Menard joined commentary for this match.

Dax cracked Nick Wayne with a stiff chop. Christian Cage tagged in, but Dax grabbed an inside cradle for a near fall. Nick Wayne tagged back in and slapped Dax in the face! Garcia wanted in so Dax tagged him. 

Garcia hit Wayne with two shoulder tackles. Nick Wayne slapped Garcia in the face and taunted him by dancing. Nick Wayne charged at Garcia, but Garcia chucked Wayne over the top rope. Christian Cage entered the fray again and took some of the steam out of Garcia’s momentum. Christian Cage worked over Garcia in the corner. Garcia fought out of the corner and went for a sunset flip. Christian escaped and went for a diving headbutt, but Garcia rolled out of the way.

Cash Wheeler tagged in and cleaned house on the Patriarchy. FTR knocked down Killswitch with the high-low, but Killswitch wasn’t the legal man. Nick Wayne climbed to the top rope, but Dax met him up there. Dax superplexed Nick Wayne!

Killswitch came in and back body dropped Dax. Killswitch choke slammed Dax after interference from Christian Cage. Chrisitan went for the killswitch, but he and Dax collided heads, both men falling to the mat. Christian tagged out to Nick Wayne, and Daniel Garcia tagged in. 

Garcia tossed Wayne with a suplex. Garcia stomped Wayne in the corner and then pummeled him with strikes. Garcia opened up the ropes so Cash could fly out with a tope suicida on Killswitch! Garcia rocked Nick Wayne with a brain buster for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Nick Wayne hit a fisherman’s suplex for a two-count on Garcia. Daniel Garcia answered with a big swinging neck breaker for a near fall. Garcia climbed to the top, but Christian knocked him down, right into a Wayne’s World! 

Cash jumped in and powerslammed Nick Wayne! Killswitch was there to choke slam Cash! Garcia rammed Killswitch into the steel ring post. Garcia turned around and was flattened by a spear from TNT champ Christian Cage! Dax got back in the ring and applied the sharpshooter on Christian. Nick Wayne jumped off the turnbuckles and drilled Dax with the Wayne’s World cutter.

“Party time for the Patriarchy,” said Nigel.

Nick Wayne attempted to go for the spear, like father like son, but Garcia countered it with a jackknife pin and scored the victory!

“That’s two weeks in a row,” said Daddy Magic.

Garcia started at Christian Cage, who was standing outside the ring. Garcia taunted Christian Cage by doing his dance. Christian Cage eyed Daniel Garcia with a sour look on his face. 

“I think it’s a look of concern from Christian Cage. Daniel Garcia may have staked a claim for a title shot at Christian Cage,” said Tony Schiavone. 

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Footprint Center in Phoenix, AZ featuring:

-Trios Match: The Stars of CMLL vs. Blackpool Combat Club!

-AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match: Toni Storm (c.) vs. Red Velvet!

-Chris Jericho vs. Konosuke Takeshita!

-AEW World Tag Championship Tornado Match: Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c.) vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

-Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Adam Page: Winner Gets a Shot at the AEW World Championship at Revolution!

-Plus, Tony Khan will have a BIG announcement!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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RAMPAGE was wild night, especially with that main event win from the CMLL contingent, and All Elite Wrestling keeps the action going this Saturday night on COLLISION! Emanating from the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, TX, COLLISION will feature Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston battling a man who has made quite an impact on AEW and ROH over the last two months, “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith! And speaking of that CMLL contingent, ahead of their trios match on DYNAMITE, Hechicero will be in action against Blackpool Combat Club representative “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson, plus Serena Deeb takes on Queen Aminata, The Patriarchy battles FTR & Daniel Garcia, and more!!! 

The night gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and the AEW faithful can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


“The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero

He is in the top three for longest reigning NWA World Historic Light Heavyweight Champions, reigned as CMLL World Heavyweight Champions for 409 days, and spent 245 days atop the CMLL Trios division alongside Los Infernales partners Eufora and Mephisto. He is Hechicero, and for twenty three years he has been competing inside the squared circle, primarily in Mexico, but he has competed in the United States for PWG, was part of the original ROH World Six-Man Championship tournament in 2016, and has stepped into the rings of New Japan Pro Wrestling during his career as well. He is known as “The Mad Scientist of CMLL”, “The Alchemist of the Ring”, and “The Man who was born to Wrestle”, and in facing Hechicero, “The American Dragon” Bryan Danielson is going to have his work cut out for him!

Stylistically, this is a sublime pairing, pitting two of the greatest technical wizards of the day against one another, but so too are both men capable of throwing down in a fight when the situation calls, the brazen assault Jon Moxley is proof enough of that.

The world knows Bryan Danielson is winding down his in-ring career, declaring 2024 to be his last full-time year of competition, but we also know he isn’t going out with a whimper. For Bryan this last year is a search for the best fights, the toughest competition, and opponents he never had the opportunity to fight over the years, perhaps even that personal dream match he has with CMLL’s Blue Panther. This battle with Hechicero qualifies as all of the above, with fans getting a glimpse at what he brings to the table just last night on RAMPAGE, and no doubt Danielson was paying close attention to that because, regardless of who wins here, The Blackpool Combat Club has a date with the CMLL contingent this Wednesday night on DYNAMITE! 


Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston vs. “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith

Ever since ROH’s FINAL BATTLE 2023 event, “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith has been building his reputation with the AEW faithful, as well as within the locker room. Orange Cassidy gave him an opportunity to fight for the International Championship on COLLISION: WINTER IS COMING 2023 based on his Survival of the Fittest 2023 performance, Keith competed in a Four Way for a shot at the Continental Crown on the first DYNAMITE of 2024, and less than a week ago, returned from his first trip to Japan where he fought for DDT Pro Wrestling, getting the opportunity to compete in historic Korauken Hall!

After eleven years busting his tail competing everywhere he could, it seems “The Bounty Hunter” is finally getting the eyes of the wrestling world upon him thanks to hard work, grit, and determination, and that is something the Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston can appreciate. That is why this Saturday night on COLLISION, though the championships are not at stake, “The Mad King” will step into the ring with the Bryan Keith for their first-ever meeting, and test the mettle of “The Bounty Hunter”! Should Bryan Keith defeat the Continental Crown Champion, it will no doubt boost his profile and the look he gets when it comes time for the next set of rankings to be reviewed. 

Can Bryan Keith knock the crown off Kingston’s head this Saturday night? Or will Eddie notch his eight consecutive singles victory on COLLISION?


Queen Aminata vs. Serena Deeb

It was a long, hard road back to the ring for “The Professor of Professional Wrestling” but Serena Deeb managed to overcome every bit of adversity thrown her way outside of the ring, so she could step back into the squared circle, and get back to showing the world why she is unquestionably one of the greatest competitors to ever lace up the proverbial boots. Robyn Renegade experienced it last Saturday night, and this week on COLLISION it will be the red-hot Queen Aminata who tests herself against the purveyor of Deeb’s Dojo!

Aminata had an excellent effort against Willow Nightingale on RAMPAGE last night, albeit a losing one, but today is another day and this is another fight, another chance to prove she deserves to dance with the best in the business, to be labeled as an Elite right alongside her contemporaries. Deeb is going to be tested by this fight, she’s going to get hit and get hit hard at that, just look at Aminata’s fights with Thunder, Willow, Shida, and others to see her willingness to throw hands. Will this be Queen Aminata’s night to finally score that big victory, the one that breaks her through to the next level? She was so close on Friday, can this fight be the one that makes her?


The Patriarchy (TNT Champion Christian Cage, Killswitch, & Nick Wayne) vs.

Daniel Garcia & FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood)

Daniel Garcia and FTR cannot possibly be feeling 100%, and we are not talking the general sub-100 that comes from being a professional fighter, we are talking the kind of pain that comes from taking part in a brutal Steel Cage Match against three of the nastiest fighters in All Elite Wrestling. We are talking the pain of being assaulted before the match even starts, and then pushing yourself through that feeling to get back in the fight alongside your friends. That’s what Daniel Garcia had to do last Saturday night when he was left laying backstage prior to the Cage Match, making his status for the fight questionable, but yet he pushed through it, and when they ended up the last two men in the cage, he went toe-to-toe with Malakai Black, and won the match for his trio!

Despite that, despite the aching Garcia, Cash Wheeler, and Dax Harwood have to be feeling deep into their bones, they are stepping back into the fight, and it is with good reason. When the rankings were released on January 31st, FTR and Garcia discovered they were the fourth ranked unit in the Trios Division, meaning a championship opportunity could be within their reach after a few more victories! So back to the grind they go, right back into the fray, and they are doing so against a trio that, while loaded with talent, has only fought together on one other occasion: The Patriarchy of TNT Champion Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, and Killswitch.

We know Adam Copeland is gunning for another shot at Cage, and the TNT Championship, but he’s willing to put in the work with these Cope Open Challenges to get there, but Christian Cage has other business to focus on, business such as building his Patriarchy up into viable trios contenders, and avoiding another fight with his former best friend at all costs. With Nick Wayne and Killswitch at his side, and Mother Wayne ringside, Christian Cage’s “family” is a very dangerous unit, and considering what Garcia and FTR went through in the steel cage, The Patriarchy may find themselves an easier fight than had this gone down two weeks ago. That’s not to say it will be easy, not by any means where these three are concerned, just that FTR & Garcia battered and bruised, potentially making them a little easier for The Patriarchy to take advantage of come COLLISION!

This Saturday night, All Elite Wrestling brings the action to the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, TX with an all-new COLLISION featuring Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston fighting “The Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith,The BCC’s own Bryan Danielson taking on CMLL representative Hechicero ahead of their Trios clash on DYNAMITE, The Patriarchy battling Daniel Garcia & FTR, and Serena Deeb taking on Queen Aminata!

The night gets underway at 8pm ET/7pm CT on TNT, and the AEW faithful can get prepared for the action-packed evening by visiting the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, for highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, as well as the latest CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!

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Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast from the UNO Lakefront Arena in New Orleans, LA!

Your broadcast team was Excalibur and Tony Schiavone.

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!


Top Flight—Dante & Darius Martin (with Action Andretti)


Private Party—Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen!

“Both teams have an abundance of confidence and think they’re the best. You know what? Why not think it,” said Tony Schiavone.

Top Flight used tandem offense on Marq Quen. They isolated Quen in their corner. Darius swept out Quen’s leg and Dante hit Quen with a DDT, demonstrating beautiful combo offense. Quen pulled a dropkick out of midair and then tagged in Isiah.

Isiah rocked Darius with a stunner. Quen came in and drove Darius face first with a stomp. Quen rolled up Darius, holding the ropes, but Andretti caught him red handed and alerted the referee. Darius rocked Zay with a Pele kick and then tagged out to Dante.

Dante connected with a big cross body press on Zay for a near fall. Zay fought his way out of Top Flight’s technical prowess and planted Dante with the Silly String! Quen connected with a shooting star press on Dante, but Darius jumped in to break up the pin attempt. Dante stunned Quen with a thrust kick and then spiked him down on the mat, scoring the pin!

“I would love to see a rubber match between these two teams,” said Excalibur.

Top Flight extended their hands as a sign of good sportsmanship, but Private Party didn’t want any part of it.

Renee Paquette was backstage with Sammy Guevara!

Sammy: “Losing always sucks, but this loss against the tag champs in that Street Fight with Jericho feels different. We were this close to finally becoming the AEW World Tag Team champions, titles we’ve been chasing since 2019. Maybe this loss stings a little bit more because it’s not just about me anymore. I have a little girl at home that depends on me to go to work to provide a better future for her. 

“So those championships don’t just represent the best, they represent a better life. And Will Hobbs and the Don Callis Family took that away from me! My wife! My family! So now this is personal. I’m medically cleared now, but I’m not going to wait for a match. Will Hobbs, I hope you’re watching. You don’t know where, you don’t know when, but I’m coming for you.”

Sonjay Dutt was backstage with Jeff and Karen Jarrett, and Satnam Singh!

Sonjay: “Jay is late as always. Jeff, you think he wants us to really work out?”

Jeff: “Sonjay, I’m a two-time hall of famer. I damn sure ain’t getting in the ring today.”

Jay Lethal walked into the room.

Lethal: “All right, I made it. I’ve got some great drills I want to go over in the ring. Hey, why are you still in your suit, Sonjay?”

Sonjay: “I’m not working out, but Karen has her workout clothes on.”

Karen: “I’m not working out, but I narrowed down the team names and I put up a photoshoot for next week.”

Lethal: “Fine. Satnam, are we working out or not?”

Satnam: “Jay, I’m undefeated. You need to work out. You lost all your matches.”

Lethal: “Fine, no practice today.”

Jeff: “Jay, that’s the problem! I’m sick of it. You’re the problem of the team, and your problem is you’re too damn nice. What brought us together is that we were both ruthless SOBs. That’s what we gotta get back to. I’m running the meeting next week. I’ll tell you boys where and when.”

AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match!

“Absolute” Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c.)


The Dark Order—Alex Reynolds & John Silver!

Darby Allin joined the broadcast booth for this match. 

Silver and Reynolds got the jump on Starks and Bill. Evil Uno grabbed Big Bill’s leg from outside the ring. Silver power bombed Starks onto Reynolds’ knees for a near fall. Big Bill tagged in and bulldozed the Dark Order with a double clothesline.

Big Bill pummeled Reynolds with stiff shots. Evil Uno distracted Big Bill. Reynolds pushed Bill to the outside and followed up with a tope suicida, but Big Bill intercepted him. Silver rammed into Bill with a cannonball senton. 

Back in the ring, Big Bill spiked Reynolds with the Bossman slam. Starks grabbed a tag and clubbed Reynolds with forearms and then body slammed him. Ricky splashed Reynolds in the corner with a flying elbow. Starks was looking for a spear, but Evil Uno tripped him up. Starks got out of the ring and speared Evil Uno on the arena floor! 

Silver peppered Starks with kicks. Starks rallied back with the roshambo and pinned Silver! Darby stared at Starks from the broadcast booth. Big Bill screamed at Darby, taunting him ahead of their match this Wednesday on Dynamite. 

Renee Paquette was backstage with Powerhouse Hobbs and Don Callis!

Don Callis: “I feel sick to my stomach because I’m tired of hearing about Sammy’s family. Congratulations. You’re medically cleared, but you’re obviously not mentally cleared. Because if you were, you’d know that you’re not hunting Will Hobbs, Will Hobbs is hunting you.”

Powerhouse Hobbs: “You see, Sammy, I know exactly what I took away from you and Chris Jericho. But what you don’t realize is I always have a family. I have three mouths at home that depend on their daddy. You think this is the first time in my life that someone tried to hunt me? Check my track record, dawg, you’d just better hope I don’t see you first.”

Willow Nightingale (with Kris Statlander & Stokely Hathaway) vs. Queen Aminata!

Willow flattened out Queen Aminata with a big shoulder tackle. Aminata cradled Willow but Willow kicked out at one. Willow scoop slammed Aminata. Willow dropkicked Aminata from the turnbuckles. 

Queen Aminata swept out the legs of Willow as Willow was looking for a senton from the apron. Aminata headbutted Willow and followed up with a German Suplex. Aminata went for a hip attack, but Willow dodged it. Willow cannonballed Aminata and drilled her with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall. Willow hit the doctor bomb and pinned Queen Aminata!

Renee Paquette was backstage with The Best Friends—AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy, Trent Beretta, Rocky Romero, & Chuck Taylor!

Orange: “I knew if I asked for this time that Roddy and his friends would come in and interrupt us. So, they’re probably going to do that in 3…2…1.”

Trent: “What if they don’t show up?”

Orange: “I didn’t think of that.”

Roderick Strong: “Orange!”

Roderick Strong interrupted the interview, and he had Adam Cole and the Undisputed Kingdom in tow. 

Orange: “Roddy, I was looking for you because everyone knows you and I are going to fight each other March 3rd at Revolution for my International Championship. But you and your friends keep doing things that are making my friends really angry. So why don’t all of you guys get with all of us and then we fight each other?”

Adam Cole: “That’s a great idea. I’d recommend a four on four but ol’ Chuckie T is too injured to compete! So instead, I’m going to recommend a three on three. I’m talking about my best bud Roderick Strong, and Mike Bennett and Matt Taven against you Rocky Romero, you Trent, and you Orange.”

Roddy: “I love that idea. And how about we do it on Rampage next week?”

Renee Paquette was backstage with Willow Nightingale, Kris Statlander, and Stokely Hathaway!

They were interrupted by Saraya, Harley Cameron, and Ruby Soho.

Stokely: “Hey, last time I checked this was Rampage, not Dawson’s Creek.”

Saraya: “I don’t know what that means.”

Willow: “This was my time.”

Stokely: “Listen, if anyone is going to make fun of Willow, it’s going to be me.”

Willow: “Really, you mean that? Listen, Ruby, you’re insulting us, you’re taking up our time. If that’s what you want to do, we can settle this in the ring. Next week! So, we’ll see you there!”

Main Event Time! CMLL’s Hechicero, Mascara Dorada, Mistico, & Volador Jr.


“Cool Hand” Angelo Parker, “Daddy Magic” Matt Menard, “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, & Matt Sydal!

Sydal and Dorada began for their respective teams. Sydal took him down with a hurracanrana. Volador tagged in, but Matt Menard whipped him into the ropes. Volador connected with a thrust kick. 

Mistico and Daniels entered the ring. Mistico nailed Daniels with a big handspring elbow. Mistico kicked Daniels in the corner. Hechicero dropkicked Daniels. Volador planted Daniels with a lung blower. Dorada hit a running shooting star press on Daniels. 

Daniels planted Dorada with a heel trip and tagged out to Parker. Menard, Parker, and Sydal triple teamed Dorada with a flurry of offense. Sydal punished Dorada with a bow and arrow submission hold. 

Hechicero grabbed a tag and dropped Daniels with a running lariat. Hechicero locked on a sleeper on Daniels in the ropes. Hechicero blasted Daniels with a springboard forearm. Daniels retaliated with a flatliner. Things broke down as both teams entered and began to brawl! Volador took out Parker with a tope! Mistico jumped from the top and crashed onto Daddy Magic! Dorado wiped out Sydal with a tornillo into an arm drag. Dorado dived over the top and wiped out the pile! 

Back in the ring, Daniels was looking for the Angel’s Wings on Hechicero, but Hechicero countered with a back drop. Hechicero followed up with a rising knee strike in the corner. Herchicero cradled Daniels and pinned him!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Bert Ogden Arena in Edinburg, TX featuring:

-Queen Aminata vs. Serena Deeb!

-Continental Crown Champion Eddie Kingston vs. “Bounty Hunter” Bryan Keith!

-Trios Match: TNT Champ Christian Cage & The Patriarchy vs. FTR & Daniel Garcia!

– “American Dragon” Bryan Danielson vs. Hechicero!

-And so much more!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Footprint Center in Phoenix, AZ featuring:

-Trios Match: The Stars of CMLL vs. Blackpool Combat Club!

-AEW Women’s World Championship Eliminator Match: Toni Storm (c.) vs. Red Velvet!

-Chris Jericho vs. Konosuke Takeshita!

-AEW World Tag Championship Tornado Match: Ricky Starks & Big Bill (c.) vs. Sting & Darby Allin!

-Swerve Strickland vs. Hangman Adam Page: Winner Gets a Shot at the AEW World Championship at Revolution!

-Plus, Tony Khan will have a HUGE announcement!

Tickets On Sale Now! –

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

Alex Shelley Challenges Moose in TNA World Championship Rematch at No Surrender News / February 1, 2024 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Subscribe to TNA+ Join IMPACT Ultimate Insiders Get tickets Moose ushered in the

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Gisele Shaw Looks to Extinguish the Momentum of Jordynne Grace in Knockouts World Title Clash at No Surrender News / February 1, 2024 / by IMPACT Wrestling Staff Subscribe to TNA+ Join IMPACT Ultimate Insiders

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This Friday’s edition of RAMPAGE comes to you from New Orleans and the UNO Lakefront Arena, beginning at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans, and includes some monumental match-ups! In your main event, the quartet from CMLL will take on the four men who assisted Jon Moxley on Wednesday night, and Willow Nightingale will throwdown with Queen Aminata! Plus, we will hear from AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends, witness a rematch between Private Party and Top Flight, and see AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill and Ricky Starks take on The Dark Order in an Eliminator match! 

Before the show begins, drop in on the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s various social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, COLLISION, and the latest CONTROL CENTER!


Hechicero, Mascara Dorada, Mistico, & Volador Jr. vs. Angelo Parker, Christopher Daniels, Matt Menard, & Matt Sydal

When the announcement was made that four competitors from the CMLL promotion in Mexico would be appearing for All Elite Wrestling, the excitement level was through the roof. Mistico stoked those fires back in October with this 2/3 Falls bout against Rocky Romero, and the additions of Hechicero, Mascara Dorada, and Volador Jr, only amplified AEW fans’ desire to see their brand of professional wrestling injected into All Elite Wrestling.

Well on Wednesday night those four men certainly injected their presence right into the top of AEW by assaulting Jon Moxley following his victory over Jeff Hardy! Without the rest of The Blackpool Combat Club in the house, one would’ve thought Mox was a man on an island, but perhaps due to the amount of respect he’s built over the years, a most unlikely assortment of men from the AEW locker room hit the ring to stand by his side. Christopher Daniels, Matt Sydal, Angelo Parker, and Matt Menard all stepped up in defense of Moxley, as well as AEW, in the face of this assault by the CMLL quartet!

Well this Friday night, in the main event of RAMPAGE, those four AEW stalwarts will have another opportunity to stand tall for the land they love when they fight all four Luchadors in an eight-man tag! This comes less than twenty-four hours before Hechicero battles Bryan Danielson on COLLISION, and is sure to be a wild ride for the fans experiencing it in-person, as well as those watching on TNT! What will this CMLL contingent bring to the table, and will the AEW quartet be prepared?


AEW World Tag Team Champions Big Bill & Ricky Starks vs. The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds & John Silver)

Big Bill and Ricky Starks have a major challenge on their plate next Wednesday night when AEW returns to Phoenix and the Footprint Center for DYNAMITE. It’s not just that they’ll be defending their AEW World Tag Team Championship, it’s that they will be defending them against the unbeaten tandem of Darby Allin and Sting! There’s an irony in the fact that Sting and Darby began their alliance fighting Ricky Starks, and that they could win their first championship together by beating him as well, but that’s something “Absolute” will have to put out of his mind for the time being as this Friday on RAMPAGE, they’ve got potential challengers gunning for them!

The Dark Order of Alex Reynolds and John Silver have been on a bit of a tag team roll lately; they’ve won six straight tag team bouts dating back to November 1st, are 3-0 in 2024, and that record has landed them the number two position in the Tag Team rankings released Wednesday night! In addition, it has earned Silver and Reynolds this Eliminator contest where they could potentially score a championship match with Big Bill and Ricky Starks! The Dark Order has strong momentum heading into this one, but so do the champions, the only difference is Alex and John have nothing else to focus on while Bill and Ricky have Sting and Darby looking over their shoulders and lingering on their brain!

Can that be the key to The Dark Order earning themselves their first AEW Tag Team Championship match in over two years?


Willow Nightingale vs. Queen Aminata

It’s been over two years since these two women last met inside the squared circle, but this Friday night on RAMPAGE, Willow Nightingale and Queen Aminata will lock-up in the first AEW meeting! On September 11, 2021 it was Willow who walked out of the match with the victory, but with how both have grown as competitors in the time since, it’s going to be very intriguing to see how this one plays out. Queen Aminata, though failing to score any victories, has impressed fans and pundits alike with her fights against Thunder Rosa, Mariah May, Hikaru Shida, and Kris Statlander over recent weeks, proving herself to be on the cusp of breaking through to that next level. She hits hard, and she can take the return fire, and that alone will take her right to the brink, but to truly become next level, Aminata has to start picking up the wins. 

Now with all the drama going on between Kris Statlander, Willow, and Stokely Hathaway (or should that be drama created by Stokely), this may be the most opportune time to score a marquee victory for Queen Aminata. If Willow is distracted by that business, especially with both Stat and Stoke coming ringside with her, then Aminata will certainly score her first major victory in All Elite Wrestling. 


Top Flight (Dante & Darius Martin) vs. Private Party (Isiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

Several weeks ago, when DYNAMITE swung through North Charleston, SC, Private Party scored a huge tag team victory over Top Flight in the former’s first match since December 2, 2022. It was a tremendous fight, one that showcased the skills of both young teams, and Private Party looked exceptional despite Marq Quen’s long road to recovery stalling their tag team momentum. Unfortunately, after being unable to put down the Martin brothers for a three count, Marq resorted to a rope-assisted pinfall in order to get the victory, somewhat dampening the overall feel of the contest, and what should’ve been a comeback to celebrate.

That’s not wholely accurate, Private Party has certainly been celebrating the victory like it was perfectly legit, like Marq didn’t mean to hook the ropes for leverage, and he and Isiah are certainly walking around like they proved themselves the better team. Well this Friday night on RAMPAGE, Private Party will have a chance to show once and for all who is the best between these two young teams because Top Flight is getting their rematch! Not only that, but this time Action Andretti has promised to be at ringside to make sure there are no more shenanigans from Isiah or Marq that cost Top Flight the bout!


On Wednesday night we saw The Undisputed Kingdom’s Wardlow decimate Komander, the latest ally of AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy to be targeted by The UK, and as if that wasn’t enough, Roderick Strong, Matt Taven, and Mike Bennett were primed to continue assaulting the man after the bout. Thankfully Rocky Romero, Trent Beretta, and Orange Cassidy were on-the-spot to prevent any further damage from being inflicted on Komander, but rather than fight with them, The Undisputed Kingdom elected to leave the ring.

OC knows that Roderick Strong is trying to drag their potential fight out to REVOLUTION 2024, likely to see “Freshly Squeezed” get worn out the way he was before Jon Moxley ended the last International Championship reign, but Cassidy has made it clear he’s got no intention of stopping his way of doing business. That being said, this Friday night on RAMPAGE, we will hear from Cassidy, Chuck Taylor, and Trent Beretta about this situation!

The UNO Lakefront Arena in The Big Easy is where the fights go down this Friday night on RAMPAGE, and it gets underway at 10pm ET/9pm CT on TNT, as well as at for international fans! We will hear from AEW International Champion Orange Cassidy and The Best Friends, as well as witness four of CMLL’s best take on four of AEW’s best, Willow and Queen Aminata go head-to-head, and The Dark Order attempt to earn a shot at the AEW World Tag Titles in an Eliminator fight with the champs! To top it all off, two of AEW’s most impressive young teams will dance again when Top Flight goes a second round with Private Party!

Before the night gets underway, be sure to drop by the official AEW YouTube channel, as well as AEW’s other social media platforms, to catch up on highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE, and COLLISION, plus the latest CONTROL CENTER!

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