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Tonight’s AEW COLLISION was broadcast live from the Oakland Arena in Oakland, CA!

Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Saturday night and you know what that means! Saturday night’s alright for fighting!

Andrade El Idolo vs. Daniel Garcia (with Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)!

Before the match began, CJ Perry walked down the ramp and stood next to Andrade. They nodded and smiled at one another.

“It looks like Andrade and CJ Perry have made an agreement,” said Tony Schiavone.

Miro was watching on a monitor backstage.

Garcia and Andrade locked up with a stiff collar and elbow tie up. Andrade grabbed a full arm twist, but Garcia escaped. Andrade applied a side headlock.

Garcia was about to perform his dance, but Andrade rocked him with a shoulder tackle. Garcia fired off forearm shots to Andrade El Idolo. Garcia dropkicked Andrade. Garcia missed a knee drop. Andrade jumped off the top turnbuckle with a big crossbody to Garcia.

Daniel Garcia caught Andrade with a dragon screw leg whip through the ropes. Garcia charged at Andrade El Idolo with a running knee strike. Garcia danced in front of CJ Perry.

Daniel Garcia nailed Andrade with a German Suplex. Garcia attempted a superplex but Andrade El Idolo headbutted Garcia, knocking him to the mat. Garcia grabbed an ankle lock on Andrade. Garcia wrenched on the leg. Andrade tried to fight the pain instead of going to the ropes. Garcia chop blocked Andrade, but Andrade retaliated with two dragon screw leg whips. Andrade hit Garcia with a running forearm shot!

Andrade got a full head of steam and rammed Garcia with a double knee strike in the turnbuckles! Garcia managed to pick up Andrade with a vertical suplex. Andrade returned the favor with vertical suplexes of his own. Garcia answered with a brainbuster for a near fall!

Andrade scoop slammed Daniel Garcia. Andrade climbed to the top turnbuckle and connected with a moonsault for a two-count.

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Garcia absorbed a flurry of forearms from Garcia. Andrade connected with a pump kick and applied the figure four. Andrade transitioned into the figure eight and forced Daniel Garcia to tap out!

CJ Perry hugged Andrade after the match. Miro was watching backstage, grinning at the sight of CJ Perry and Andrade celebrating Andrade’s victory.

Nick Wayne (with TNT Champion Christian Cage & Luchasaurus)


Dalton Castle (with The Boys)!

Dalton Castle grappled Nick Wayne to the mat. Dalton Castle suplexed Nick Wayne and rammed his knee into Wayne’s back. Castle rocked Wayne with another gut wrench suplex.

Nick Wayne stunned Castle with a flying forearm shot. Nick Wayne followed up with a snap mare. Nick Wayne countered a German Suplex attempt with a forward roll. Dalton Castle threw Nick Wayne with a suplex. Nick Wayne tried for Wayne’s World, but Castle blocked it with a German Suplex.

Luchasaurus chokeslammed the Boys on the arena floor! Dalton charged at Nick, but Nick moved, sending Dalton right into the ring post. Nick Wayne planted Dalton with Wayne’s World and won the match via pin fall!

“Hangman” Adam Page was backstage with words for Swerve Strickland!

Page: “At Full Gear, I take you down into a fiery abyss for eternity. And you’ll face me in a Texas Death Match!

“Take some time and look around your house. Look at pictures of your family and imagine every single moment that you could have had with them. I want you to know that you will never be there, not while you can walk, not while you can talk, Swerve. Because at Full Gear I take you to the bottom. I take you to the abyss. And every November, I’ll walk with my son, and I’ll piss on your grave. Swerve Strickland, what could have been.”

LFI’s RUSH & Dralistico (with Jose the Assistant & Preston Vance)


The Workhorsemen—Anthony Henry & JD Drake!

Dralistico and Henry chain wrestled at the start of the match. Henry back kicked Dralistico in the stomach. JD Drake tagged in and splashed Dralistico. Dralistico chopped Drake but Drake absorbed it.

Rush tagged in and traded chops with JD Drake. Rush rocked Drake with a shotgun dropkick and then stomped Drake. Henry ran in but Rush shoved Henry over the top rope, sending Henry tumbling to the arena floor.

Rush and Dralistico connected with a double dropkick on JD Drake. The Workhorsemen double teamed Dralistico. Rush tagged in and cleaned house on the Workhorsemen. Rush clobbered Henry with a spinning forearm.

JD Drake and Anthony Henry staggered Dralistico with tandem offense. Drake connected with a cannonball on Dralistico. Drake went for a moonsault, but Dralistico dodged it. Rush charged at Drake with the Bull’s Horns and pinned JD Drake!

“A great win for the LFI,” said Tony Schiavone.

The House of Black were backstage!

Malakai Black: “Perhaps we have not been direct enough. How about we obtain the one thing that you desire the most in this company and make you chase us?”

Brody King: “Big Bill, Ricky Starks, the Kings of the Black Throne are coming for the AEW World Tag Team Championships.”

Julia Hart: “How about if I beat Willow tonight on Collision, you, Kris Statlander, have to give me a rematch for the TBS Title at Full Gear?”

Darius Martin (with Action Andretti) vs. Roderick Strong (with The Kingdom)!

The Kingdom rolled Roderick to the ring in a wheelchair.

Strong bullied Darius into the corner. Strong wrenched on Martin’s arm and wrist. Darius retaliated with a beautiful dropkick.

Darius connected with a big cross body off the top rope for a near fall on Roderick Strong. Roddy lured Darius in and then blasted him with a back breaker. Roddy chopped Darius in the corner. Roderick followed up with another back breaker.

Roderick hit Darius with a perfect dropkick. Darius stunned Roderick with a jawbreaker. Darius battered Roderick in the corner with chops. Roderick waffled Darius with the Sick Kick and finished him off with the End of Heartache, scoring the pin on Darius!

“The King of Neck Health Awareness, Roderick Strong, victorious tonight,” said Nigel.

The Kingdom assaulted Darius after the match with the wiener punch and then a spiked piledriver. Action Andretti sprinted to the ring, but the Kingdom ran away.

The House of Black’s Julia Hart (with Brody King) vs. Willow Nightingale!

Willow pointed at her eye, remembering what Julia Hart did to her. Willow hurled Julia across the ring. Willow body slammed Julia Hart.

Skye Blue was watching on a monitor backstage.

Willow planted Julia with a side slam. Outside the ring, Julia and Willow traded strikes. Willow connected with a vertical suplex on Julia on the arena floor.

Back in the ring, Julia stomped on Willow’s left arm and hand. Willow powered out with a clothesline to Julia Hart. Willow splashed Julia with a hip attack in the corner. Willow booted Julia in the chest. Willow planted Julia with a spinebuster for a near fall.

Julia charged at Willow with a hip check in the corner. Julia applied the Heartless Lock, but Willow stood up. Julia hammered away at Willow’s back. Willow pounced Julia! Outside the ring, Willow shoved Julia into the steel ring steps. Willow charged at Julia, but Julia moved, sending Willow crashing into the steps. Willow slammed Julia with a half and half full nelson for a near fall. Julia cracked Willow with a lariat to the back of the head. Julia scored the pin after a moonsault press!

“The bride of darkness wants revenge!” said Nigel.

Powerhouse Hobbs (with Don Callis and Kyle Fletcher) vs. Alexander!

Paul Wight joined the commentary team for the next match.

Hobbs clubbed his opponent and then planted him with a spinebuster. Hobbs quickly pinned his opponent and then stared at Paul Wight.

Don Callis: “I have one thing to say. The Don Callis Family is the greatest family in the history of professional wrestling. In just a few short days the family will be involved in the street fight on Dynamite. Not too long enough Will Hobbs broke Chris Jericho. So, what did Jericho do? Jericho found the last friend he had after I deserted him and he picked up the phone and he called the last friend he could call, would just happens to be the biggest man in professional wrestling, Mr. Paul Wight.

“And when Chris called, I’m sure Paul said, ‘Anything you need my friend.’ Paul, I’m thinking you got shortchanged in the brain department because only an idiot would face the Don Callis Family after what we’ve done to Omega, Jericho and Ibushi. But Paul, it’s not too late. Paul, we both know Jericho is going to try to use you like he tried to use me.

“Paul, I’m a big fan of your work. It’s not too late to pull the pin and leave Jericho hanging in the street fight. I see a scared giant. It’s okay to be scared of me because I run things up in here. I think I might just have to do a little something here. I buried two giants in my career and I’m happy to do it to a third. Will, bury this fool!”

Hobbs taunted Paul Wight and Paul Wight did not back down!

Main Event Time!

Trios Match!

Sting, Darby Allin, & “The Rated R Superstar” Adam Copeland


“The MurderHawk Monster” Lance Archer, & The Righteous—Vincent & Dutch (with Jake “The Snake” Roberts)!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Big Dutch knocked Copeland down to the mat. Copeland connected with a flying lariat and tagged out to Darby Allin.

Darby put Vincent in a side headlock. Vincent kicked Darby in the face and headbutted Darby’s jaw. Lance Archer tagged in, and Sting demanded Darby tag him in.

Sting ducked a lariat from Archer. Sting chopped at Archer. Sting knocked Archer over the top rope with a clothesline.

Sting punted Dutch off the top turnbuckle pad. Archer caught Sting midflight and planted him. Archer and the Righteous worked over Sting in their corner. Vincent chomped down on Sting’s forehead. The Righteous collided with Sting in the corner with running elbows, one after another. Lance Archer stomped on Sting.

Sting rocked Vincent with a shoulder tackle. Darby tagged in and blasted Vincent with a shotgun dropkick. Darby tried for a Code Red on Vincent but Dutch nailed Darby with a lariat.

Lance Archer launched Darby with a suplex. The Righteous tried tandem offense but Darby shoved Vincent into Dutch! Archer pulled Sting off the apron and rammed him into the guardrail. Copeland tagged in and flew off the top turnbuckle with a double clothesline for the Righteous. Copeland speared Lance Archer. Copeland jumped through the rope with a tope suicida onto the Righteous and Archer!

Darby Coffin Dropped Archer outside the ring. Copeland went for the spear, but Dutch countered with a Bossman slam! Sting grabbed Dutch in a Scorpion Death Drop and Copeland dropped an elbow on Dutch! Sting splashed Vincent in the corner and Copeland speared Vincent for the pinfall victory!

“Big win, to say the least,” said Tony Schiavone.

TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and Nick Wayne walked onto the ramp!

Christian Cage raised his title overhead and smirked at Sting, Copeland, and Darby!

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

After an impactful RAMPAGE Friday night in Oakland, All Elite Wrestling is right back at it this Saturday with a tremendous edition of COLLISION also emanating from The Oakland Arena! Friday we saw AEW World Tag Champ Ricky Starks conquer Preston Vance, albeit with a little help from his partner Big Bill, which brought Rush to the rescue. Plus, Ruby Soho got a surprise gift during the midst of her match with Red Velvet, a gift that very well may have cost her the match, and is clearly creating some issue within The Outcast members and the former J.A.S. To top it all off, FTR were victorious in a must-see classic against two of AAA’s finest champions in El Hijo Del Vikingo and Komander!

Now on Saturday night, we’ve got a huge Trios match pitting two nascent units against one another: The Righteous and Lance Archer clash with Adam Copeland, Darby Allin, and Sting as the latter trio prepare for their FULL GEAR 2023 battle! COLLISION is coming to you this Saturday night on TNT, beginning at 8pm ET/7pm CT, so before the night begins swing over to the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and so much more!


Adam Copeland, Darby Allin, & Sting vs.

The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent) and “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer

In a week’s time, the trio of Darby Allin, Sting, and Adam Copeland will lock horns at FULL GEAR 2023 with TNT Champion Christian Cage, Luchasaurus, and young Nick Wayne. Though that bout is rife with history, some of it dating back decades, this trios match taking place on Saturday night has history just over a week old.

Last Saturday night, after Darby found a way to best “The Murderhawk Monster”, Jake “The Snake” Roberts brought out The Righteous of Dutch and Vincent as his newest pieces of “artillery”, leaving Darby distracted and vulnerable for Archer to drop him with a Blackout. Still, ever resilient, Darby bounced back on Wednesday night to team with Sting for a victory over The Outrunners, looking battered and bruised but still quite game.

Still, between everything he’s gone through since Christian Cage’s merciless assault at WRESTLEDREAM 2003, particularly the fight with Lance Archer last week, Darby has to be feeling perpetual pain throughout his body. That doesn’t mean he’s going to stop the fight, after all Darby has friends to rely on, friends to count on, and friends to fight alongside both this Saturday night on COLLISION and next Saturday at FULL GEAR 2023 as well!

This Saturday will give everyone a taste of what this Copeland/Allin/Sting trio looks like in action, but so too will it give the world a look at the devastation that the Dutch/Vincent/Archer/Roberts quartet can unleash upon the world! Come to think of it, given the Jake Roberts and Sting dynamic involved here as well, this is a battle with roots thirty-plus years old, roots that ironically first grew in the Jacksonville Coliseum down in Florida…


Daniel Garcia vs. Andrade El Idolo

He’s been frustrated by the last several months of not getting to demonstrate his full potential, but last Wednesday night on DYNAMITE, when Daniel Garcia had the opportunity to fight MJF for the AEW World Championship, he finally got a chance to be the professional wrestler that fans have wanted to see for quite some time. The sports entertainer died, making way for one of the best technical wrestlers in the game today, but unfortunately it wasn’t enough to bring Garcia the AEW World Title.

But Garcia isn’t crying over spilled milk; he allowed himself that privilege in the immediate aftermath of the loss to MJF, but clearly Daniel is ready to get right back on the horse and ride it straight into the toughest fights he can find.

So for this first foray back into the fray Garcia has picked himself quite the challenge; one of the hardest-hitting men in AEW, one of the most complete professional wrestlers competing today, none other than Andrade El Idolo! Andrade is coming off a classic fight with Bryan Danielson, albeit one he lost, and certainly looking to redeem himself from that defeat, but so too is he coming into the fight with the specter of CJ Perry hanging over his head.

Andrade has promised to answer Perry’s offer of managerial services, but will that pull the attention of “The Redeemer” Miro as it did when Ryan Nemeth and Action Andretti tried to acquire CJ’s services over the last few weeks?


Roderick Strong vs. Darius Martin

Lexy Nair asked a perfectly reasonable question; is Roderick Strong even cleared to compete in All Elite Wrestling?After all, he’s been wearing this neck brace for a ridiculous amount of time and though the last nights have seen Roddy miraculously rip off the brace to do some damage to The Kingdom’s foes, he still wants to claim injury as much as possible.

Yet, when The Kingdom were confronted by Darius Martin and Action Andretti, it wasn’t Matt Taven and Mike Bennett who jumped up to fight foes who’d previously bested The Kingdom, but rather Roddy Strong who put himself out there for the fight!

Apparently, neck brace or not, this fight is going to take place on Saturday night’s COLLISION, Strong’s first bit of combat since his September 13th fight with Samoa Joe! Is Roderick Strong up for the task, or will Darius rise up and prove himself the better man?


Willow Nightingale vs. Julia Hart

The future of the TBS Championship hangs in the balance of this of this rematch from the September 27th edition of DYNAMITE! Their last fight took place just a few days after Julia assaulted, and misted, Willow prior to COLLISION on the 24th, and then when Willow Nightingale and Julia Hart collided on AEW’s flagship, it was The House of Black member who scored the victory with her impressive moonsault.

Unlike Skye Blue, Willow Nightingale was not changed by her exposure to Julia’s poison, but that doesn’t mean the former NJPW STRONG Women’s Champion doesn’t want revenge for all that’s been done to her and her friends. The fact that a future TBS Championship match hangs in the balance is icing on the cake, the cherry on the sundae, the prize awaiting the winner of this one-on-one fight!

Will Julia Hart get her rematch with Kris Statlander and put the fight with Willow to rest on Saturday night? Or will it be Nightingale who gets another shot at the TBS Championship, another opportunity to finally score that AEW championship victory that’s alluded her thus far?


LFI (Dralistico & Rush) vs. The Workhorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake)

It’s very clear that many forces are amassing to challenge Big Bill and Ricky Starks for the AEW World Tag Team Championships, and despite the loss Preston Vance sustained at the hands of “Absolute” Ricky Starks on Friday night’s RAMPAGE, La Faccion Ingobernable are chief among those potential challengers. Whether it’s Rush and Vance, Rush and Dralistico, or Dralistico and Vance, LFI has designs on the titles, and nothing is going to stop these paragons of violence from getting what they desire.

With that in mind, the Dralistico/Rush pairing will be in tag team action against The Workhorsemen, a duo who had their brush with greatness several months ago the night they almost eked out a World Tag Team Championship victory over FTR. JD Drake and Anthony Henry have been craving that feeling ever since, and hope to get near to it once again by scoring a victory over LFI this Saturday night on COLLISION!





Before the evening gets underway, be sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel for highlights from this week’s episodes of DYNAMITE and RAMPAGE, the latest editions of CONTROL CENTER, and much, much more!


Tonight’s episode of AEW RAMPAGE was broadcast live from the Oakland Arena in Oakland, CA!

Your broadcast team was Nigel McGuinness and Tony Schiavone!

It’s Friday night and you know what that means!

AEW World Tag Team Champion “Absolute” Ricky Starks (with Big Bill)


LFI’s Preston Vance (with Jose the Assistant)!

Big Bill joined the broadcast booth for this match.

Vance pushed Starks into the corner turnbuckles. Preston Vance stomped on Starks. Preston Vance followed up with a big pump kick to Ricky Starks. Preston whipped Starks into the steel guardrail. Starks reversed things, ramming Preston into the steel ring post!

Starks suplexed Preston onto the entrance ramp! Back in the ring, Vance regained momentum by planting Starks with a massive spinebuster! Starks fired back with discus lariat. Preston tried for this full nelson, but Ricky countered with a cradle for a near fall.

Big Bill jumped up onto the apron and distracted Preston Vance. Starks seized the opportunity to spear Preston Vance and pin him! The AEW World Tag Champs double teamed Preston until Rush and Dralistico ran to the ring to even up the odds for their LFI partner Preston Vance. Big Bill and Ricky Starks quicky retreated out of the ring!

Renee Paquette was backstage with Chris Jericho!

Jericho: “Takeshita has been on a roll lately. He’s one of the best pro wrestlers in the world today. But you’re facing one of the best pro wrestlers in the history of the business. Takeshita, this Sunday, in Tokyo, I am going to get my revenge on you. I’m going to teach you a lesson at DDT in Tokyo. You’re facing Chris Jericho. I’ve done it all. And Takeshita, as good as you are, I am better. And I’m going to show you what it’s like to be in the ring with an angry and pissed off Chris Jericho. This Sunday in Tokyo, Japan, Takeshita, I am going to get my revenge on you!”

Lexy Nair was backstage with Don Callis and Prince Nana!

Nana: “Lexi, I’m doing my due diligence. When you dig deep into your pockets, Don, what happens?”

Callis: “Sammy is on the shelf. Jericho is going to get taken care of by Takeshita. And I have made a deal with Prince Nana to rent the services of “the Machine” Brian Cage to team up with my family this Wednesday in the Man Who Erased His Name Street Fight!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Jay Lethal, Jeff Jarrett, Karen Jarrett, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt.

Jay Lethal: “I’m going to prove to the world that I outclass ROH World Champion Eddie Kingston in every way.”

Ortiz walked onto the scene!

Ortiz: “You had a lot to say about me last week. How about you say it to my face?”

Karen Jarrett: “If I were you, I’d watch what you say.”

Jay Lethal: “You might get jumped.”

Ortiz: “See, Jay, you need all these people to fight for you.”

Ortiz swung at Jay Lethal. Satnam Singh grabbed Ortiz and planted him hard on a cargo case!

Red Velvet vs. Ruby Soho (with Saraya)!

Tony Schiavone reminded us that Ruby said she wanted to do this alone, so Saraya went to the back.

Ruby got right in the face of Red Velvet. Ruby stomped on Red Velvet’s foot and then rammed her with a shoulder block. Red Velvet retaliated with a big leg lariat, staggering Ruby into the corner. Red Velvet worked over Ruby with body shots.

Red Velvet rammed Ruby with double knees and followed up with a standing moonsault for a near fall. Ruby hoisted Red Velvet on the top rope and then rocked her with a running kick. Ruby nailed Red Velvet with two consecutive back drop drivers!

“Ruby is relentless!” said Tony Schiavone.

An AEW production assistant delivered flowers to Ruby Soho during the middle of the match.

“Apparently she’s got a secret admirer,” said Tony Schiavone.

Red Velvet ducked punches from Ruby. Red Velvet cracked Ruby with a kick and pinned her!

“Clearly the distraction from the bouquet of flowers played into this match,” said Nigel.

“Wow! What a win for Red Velvet!” replied Tony Schiavone.

The Kingdom—Matt Taven & Mike Bennett (with Roderick Strong)


Two Local Wrestlers!

The Kingdom made short order of the competition, finishing them off with the Neck Check and grabbing a decisive victory. After the match, Roderick Strong ripped off his neck brace, jumped in the ring, hit a back breaker on one of the Kingdom’s downed opponents, and then ran back to his wheelchair!

Lexy Nair was backstage with Daniel Garcia, Matt Menard and Angelo Parker!

Garcia: “I am really sick of being sad. I went through the AEW roster page. I found Andrade El Idolo. This Saturday on Collision, let’s get it on!”

Ruby Soho and Saraya walked by. Saraya was clearly upset with the bouquet of flowers that Ruby was sent. Saraya looked at Matt Menard and said, “We’ve got big problems.” Menard agreed!

After a commercial break, Lexy Nair was backstage with The Kingdom and Roderick Strong!

Action Andretti and Darius Martin interrupted. Action said last time the four of them wrestled, he and Darius beat the Kingdom. Roderick Strong said he found his first victim. “Darius!” he shouted, and pointed at Darius Martin.

Main Event Time!

AAA Cruiserweight Champion Komander (with Alex Abrahantes)

& AAA Mega Champion El Hijo del Vikingo


FTR—Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood!

Komander swiped at Dax’s thigh with a stiff kick. Dax fired back with a snap mare and a shoulder block. Komander dropkicked Dax Harwood. El Hijo del Vikingo and Cash Wheeler tagged in for their respective teams.

Vikingo, unabated, flipped off the top rope into a hurracanrana on Cash. Vikingo rocketed out of the ring with a tope suicida straight at Cash. Vikingo’s momentum sent him crashing headfirst into the commentary team’s table!

FTR used tandem offense in the ring to double team Vikingo. Komander and Vikingo utilized their own tandem offense with a fiery flurry. Vikingo dropkicked Dax from the top rope. Komander took down Dax with a hurracanrana for a near fall!

The fans chanted “This is awesome! This is awesome! This is awesome!”

Dax Harwood superplexed Vikingo, but Vikingo countered midflight and landed on top of Dax. Vikingo and Komander hit stereo 630 splashes on FTR for a near fall! Dax countered a shooting star press from Vikingo with a piledriver for a near fall!

Dax used a slingshot powerbomb on Vikingo, but Komander was there to break up the pin attempt. Komander walked the ropes, but Dax dodged it and FTR smashed Komander with the Big Rig, scoring the pin on Komander!

All four competitors embraced after the match.

“Pro wrestling at its best,” said Nigel.

After the match, the House of Black were seen watching the match backstage.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Toyota Arena in Ontario, CA!

Don’t miss AEW Collision tomorrow on TNT at 8/7c from the Oakland Arena in Oakland, CA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

For the first time, All Elite Wrestling is coming to Oakland, CA and bringing a live edition of RAMPAGE with it! With a week to go until FULL GEAR 2023, The Oakland Arena will be rocking with all the athletes of AEW jockeying for superiority before that pay-per-view extravaganza, including a huge tag match pitting former 2-Time AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR against AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo and AAA World Cruiserweight/World Tag Champion Komander! Plus those in attendance on Friday night will get to see COLLISION one day early, featuring another big tag team bout with La Faccion Ingobernable’s RUSH and Dralistico, as well as Edge, Sting, and Darby Allin putting in Trios work against The Righteous and Lance Archer!

Live action begins at at 10pm ET/9pm CT live on TNT, and at for international fans, but if you’ll be in attendance in Oakland, the party begins at 6:30pm PT! Before the night begins, make sure to visit the official AEW YouTube channel to watch highlights from this week’s DYNAMITE, previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, as well as this week’s CONTROL CENTER, and much more!


FTR (Cash Wheeler & Dax Harwood) vs. AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo & AAA World Cruiserweight/World Tag Champion Komander

It was just over a month ago that FTR were enjoying their second reign as AEW World Tag Team Champions, a goal finally accomplished after fighting since FULL GEAR 2020 to reclaim the titles they lost to The Young Bucks. Over the span of 185 days, Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood had toppled The Gunns, BULLET CLUB GOLD in an epic 2/3 Falls Match, Jarrett and Lethal, Better Than You BayBay, Big Bill and Brian Cage, The Young Bucks at ALL IN: LONDON, Aussie Open at WRESTLEDREAM, all en route to matching the record of nine successful title defenses held by both The Young Bucks in their first reign, as well as by Kenny Omega/Hangman Page during theirs.

The along came Big Bill and Ricky Starks, in just their second match as a team, to smash their way through FTR and end that run in just under five minutes. It was a beating unlike any Cash and Dax had taken since coming to AEW in 2020, one that kept them out of action for a few weeks as they recovered, only to be waylaid in their return to competition by The House of Black. FTR would however be back in the ring last week as part of a wild eight-man tag pitting Cash, Dax, Preston Vance and Rush against The Gates of Agony and the AEW World Tag Champions. Despite the rather uneasy alliance of FTR and LFI, that foursome did manage to secure the victory, only for LFI to bail and for FTR to get attacked by The House once more. The surprising arrival of Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta brought that to an abrupt end though, creating another rather unusual alliance between FTR and the BCC in the face of that common enemy.

But this week FTR will be right back in the mix as they take on two of Lucha Libre’s finest athletes, both champions in their own right with the AAA promotion, the team of Komander and El Hijo Del Vikingo! Now as a result of their rivalry with The Lucha Brothers, Dax and Cash have had some experience fighting competitors versed in the Lucha style, but as superb as Penta and Fenix are, they’re approach is quite different than Vikingo and Komander, and FTR is going to be in for a wild ride this Friday night!

Can Dax and Cash overcome? Will they need eyes in the back of their heads where The House of Black is concerned? Or will we see the two AAA champions reign supreme over the former 2-Time AEW Tag Champs?


Ahead of the LIKE A DRAGON GAIDEN STREET FIGHT going down on Wednesday night’s DYNAMITE, we will hear from Chris Jericho on RAMPAGE on Friday night! What will “The Ocho” have to say before he goes to war with The Don Callis Family? Tune into TNT to find out!

RAMPAGE begins at at 10pm ET/9pm CT live on TNT, and at for international fans, but if you plan to be at the Oakland Arena for the action, the night gets underway at 6:30pm PT! Prior to the fights, drop into the official AEW YouTube channel to catch highlights from Wednesday’s DYNAMITE, as well as previous episodes of RAMPAGE and COLLISION, this week’s CONTROL CENTER, and much more!

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Power Book 4 Force Season 2 Episode 10
Power Book…


Tonight’s special episode of AEW DYNAMITE was broadcast live from the Moda Center in Portland, OR!

Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz were the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Tony Schiavone was backstage with AEW World Champion MJF to kick off the show!

MJF: “Congratulations Jay White, because you are not going to pin me again like you did last week!”

MJF’s phone began to vibrate, and it was Adam Cole calling.

MJF: “Adam, what’s going on?”

Adam Cole: “Hey man, I’m really worried about you man. It kills me that I can’t be there with you, but I have to tell you this as your best friend. Full Gear is coming up. This match against the Gunns and I know you really don’t want to hear this but if you want to win this match, I think you’ve gotta take Samoa Joe up on his offer.”

MJF: “Again with this? You’ve been telling me all week. It’s not happening, and I don’t need him. I can defend our titles and that’s a promise. I’m going to handle Bullet Club Gold after I handle Daniel Garcia.”

Daniel Garcia interrupted MJF by walking onto the set with Matt Menard and Angelo Parker!

Garcia: “You’re going to handle me, huh?”

MJF: “You want to have a chat? Why do you think I agreed to this World title shot tonight? Do you think it’s because of your perfect win-loss record? Nah, I don’t think so. It’s because I believe in you. It’s because I see a little bit of myself in you back when I would listen to quote-unquote veterans, trying to tell me how to run my business. I’ve proven it’s talent over tenure. So, tonight am I getting Danny Garcia the sports entertainer or am I getting the professional wrestler?”

Garcia: “Tonight, you get a professional wrestler.”

Roderick Strong and the Kingdom rolled onto the set.

Roderick Strong: “Yo, Max, I know you already know this, but I am a wrestling legend, and I could easily give you some tips, dude.”

MJF: “You know what’s funny? You were a wrestling legend. You have turned into a complete joke. Adam, I’ve gotta go wrestle. I love you.”

Roderick: “Adam, don’t you see that. That’s exactly what the devil would do, dude. He would walk away.”

Adam Cole hung up.

Roderick: “It’s time to remind everyone exactly who the hell I am!”

AEW World Championship Match!

MJF (c.) vs. Daniel Garcia (with Matt Menard & Angelo Parker)!

MJF locked up with Garcia and then taunted Garcia by doing Garcia’s dance. Garcia grappled MJF to the mat. MJF offered his hand to Garcia as a sign of sportsmanship. Garcia slapped it away and MJF thumbed Garcia in the eyes.

MJF began to work over Garcia’s arm, concentrating his offense there. Garcia fired back with a flurry of forearms and strikes. Garcia followed up with a high release German Suplex. Garcia nailed MJF with a brainbuster for a near fall.

MJF double stomped on Garcia’s elbow. MJF rocked Garcia with a shoulder breaker. MJF stunned Garcia with a DDT for a near fall.

“Garcia deserves a lot of credit kicking out of that hammer lock DDT because that was nasty,” said Taz.

Garcia dodged a Panama Sunrise from MJF and then chopped the champ down with kicks to the legs. Garcia spiked MJF with a piledriver for a near fall. Garcia locked in the Dragon Tamer! MJF countered and transitioned with the Salt of the Earth arm bar, forcing Garcia to tap out!

MJF offered his hand to Garcia as a sign of respect. Garcia reached for it, but Angelo Parker and Matt Menard pulled Garcia away.

Darby Allin & Sting vs. The Outrunners—Turbo Floyd & Truth Magnum!

The Outrunners double teamed Darby in their corner of the ring. Sting tagged in and he and Darby chopped Turbo Floyd. Sting knocked Turbo over the top with a lariat. Truth pulled Darby out of the ring and whipped him into the barricade. Sting clubbed the Outrunners with lariats. Sting applied the Scorpion Death Lock and won via tap out!

Earlier in the day there was a sit-down interview between AEW Women’s World Champion Hikaru Shida & “Timeless” Toni Storm, conducted by Tony Schiavone!

Shida: “What happened to you Toni Storm? You want this title? I don’t think so. You want attention paid to your silly acting!”

Toni Storm: “You happened to me, darling. I was meant to walk into Wembley with that title, and then you happened. You don’t happen anymore. I happen. I couldn’t make history, so I became history. You may have that title, but you will never have the spotlight.”

Shida: “You know what? What will happen is what always happens. I will beat you at Full Gear.”

Toni: “Very well. There’s a saying in showbusiness. Chin up, t!ts out, and watch for the shoe!”

Shida knocked the shoe away and Shida and Toni glared at one another.

Swerve Strickland (with Prince Nana) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (with Alex Abrahantes)!

“Hangman” Adam Page was banned from ringside for this match.

Swerve nailed Penta with a diving European uppercut. Swerve wrenched down on Penta’s fingers. Penta El Zero Miedo and Swerve traded chops. Swerve stomped on Penta’s fingers.

Penta planted Swerve with a backstabber. Swerve rolled out of the ring, Penta ran for the tope suicida, but Swerve countered with a European Uppercut. Swerve dropped Penta on the steel ring steps. Penta jumped over the top rope with a tope con hiro on Swerve!

Swerve blocked the Made in Japan. Swerve was looking for the JML Driver, but it was blocked. They knocked each other down with lariats, each man having the same idea! Penta hit two sling blades on Swerve. Penta hit a driver on Swerve for a two-count.

Penta El Zero Miedo blasted Swerve with a destroyer on the apron! Penta connected with diving foot stomps for a two-count on Swerve.

“What a match! Holy smokes,” said Tony Schiavone.

Swerve stomped Penta over the top rope, landing on Penta’s ribs! Swerve climbed to the top turnbuckle and attempted a 450 splash, but Penta dodged it. Penta snapped back on Swerve’s arm! Penta crushed Swerve with the Made in Japan but Swerve kicked out at two!

Penta punted Swerve on the arm. Penta tried for the Fear Factor, but Swerve escaped. Swerve drove Swerve down hard and then stomped on Penta’s arm. Swerve stomped, crashing down on Penta and pinning him for the victory.

After the match, Swerve began to pull at the mask of Penta El Zero Miedo, but “Hangman” Adam Page ran into the ring with a steel chair. Page chased Swerve out of the ring and waffled Swerve in the back with a steel chair!

“Hangman is like a man possessed! He’s crazy,” said Tony Schiavone.

Hangman jumped off the stage with Swerve, spiking him through a table with the Dead Eye!

Alex Marvez was backstage with Bullet Club Gold’s “Switchblade” Jay White, Juice Robinson, and the Gunns!

Jay White: “I am here with the Bang Bang Belt. We took a vacation, but I still turned in to Collision and what did I see? After I pinned MJF last week on Dynamite, he said, ‘Hey Jay, what don’t you go compare our names on some graph chart on the internet. Max, you want me to play along? I’ll indulge you. Maybe the graphs are like that because you spend all your time searching your name hoping one day, you’ll see those graphs in a way that will appease all those insecurities of yours.

“Jay White will always be better than you and everybody knows it. I am truly elite, and I will show that tonight against Mark Briscoe. MJF you just sit back, watch, and breathe.”

Renee Paquette interviewed the Golden Jets—Chris Jericho & Kenny Omega, ahead of their Dynamite match against The Don Callis Family that’ll be taking place next Wednesday.

Jericho: “I think when Don proposed this match, he didn’t think that Kota Ibushi and Paul Wight would have our backs and be our partners. You see, we’ve got some good friends.”

The Young Bucks—Matt and Nick Jackson, walked onto the set and interrupted.

Matt Jackson: “You know, we actually set up camp with the extras in the broom closet. Because there’s no space in our locker room. Chris’ bag is so big. Hey, but I like what you’re doing here. This whole tag team thing? Sweet promo. I even heard you had a really cool, new name. The Golden Jets! I bet you came up with that, huh, Chris?

“You know another cool name? I remember one. The Elite. The guys who started this whole damn place. That’s a cool name too.”

Jericho: “That’s so funny, you didn’t have Kenny’s back when Will Hobbs was beating the hell out of him a few weeks ago with a steel chair. I remember essentially it was the four of us starting AEW, who helped get this company off the ground.”

Matt Jackson: “You would say that. You would put yourself up on the pedestal with us. Because the way I remember it, we created the revolution and you just waltzed in and cashed another big check, didn’t you Chris?”

Jericho: “I want you to remember who you’re talking to here. You’re talking to Kenny F’n Omega and Chris Jericho. We’re two of the greatest to ever do this in the history of pro wrestling. So even though you might be the greatest tag team in the world, I’ll give you all the credit for that. I still think that Jericho and Omega can beat you.”

Nick Jackson: “Can beat us? There’s a big show coming up.”

Matt Jackson: “The light bulb just went off. I don’t think you guys are booked either. It’s called Full Gear. How about Kenny Omega, our best friend, and Chris Jericho, against Nick and Matt Jackson, the Young Bucks, the best damn tag team of all time. You said it yourself.”

Chris Jericho: “Well, uh, I kinda like that idea. But let’s put a little more steam on it. How about when Jericho and Omega beat the Young Bucks at Full Gear, and we will beat you, that guaranteed title shot that you’re sitting on, goes to us.”

Matt Jackson: “I like the way you’re thinking here Chris. How about when we beat you, and we will, right in the middle, clean as a whistle, how about this whole Golden Jets thing is no more. And we can start doing the Elite again, how about that Kenny?”

Kenny Omega: “Look, if this is about who is the greatest tag team of all time, it’s you. I don’t want to wrestle you guys. But if you’re asking me, do I think I can beat you? We’ve been down that road. I’ve done it before. You want to talk about Ibushi? You want to talk about Hangman? Kenny Omega and Chris Jericho can rise to the challenge. We can do it. So, if you guys really want to face us, we’ll do it. And then maybe you’ll clean up your act and then maybe you’ll start acting like real adults instead of sissy, bitchy children. I think you had to hear it from someone like me. So, see you in L.A. at Full Gear.”

Jericho: “Bucks, I’ll be happy to take you to the woodshed and beat your little spoiled brat asses. And by the way, I have my own dressing room.”

ROH World TV Championship Match!

Samoa Joe (c.) vs. “Limitless” Keith Lee!

Samoa Joe and Keith Lee locked horns like two massive bulls. Samoa Joe took a side headlock on Keith Lee. Joe gouged Keith’s eyes and then dropped him with a running shoulder block.

Keith Lee fired back with a shoulder tackle of his own. Keith Lee pounded Joe in the corner with big hooks. Samoa Joe chopped at Lee and then began to work over Lee’s body with jabs, pounding him down in the corner.

Keith Lee came back with a cross body to Samoa Joe. The champ hoisted up Keith Lee and dropped Lee with a knee breaker. Samoa Joe began to stomp Keith Lee.

Keith Lee got back up to his feet, but Samoa Joe took him down with a dragon screw leg whip. Joe followed up with a Manhattan drop. Keith Lee countered the senton with a German Suplex to Samoa Joe!

Keith Lee blocked a lariat from Samoa Joe. Keith Lee smashed Samoa Joe with a pop up powerbomb for a near fall. Samoa Joe slipped behind Keith Lee, locked in the hooks for the rear naked choke, and the ref stopped the match. Samoa Joe was awarded the match as Keith Lee faded.

Samoa Joe: “What stands before you is the greatest Ring of Honor Television Champion of all time. But I did not come here to merely be your television champion. I said hunger is what defines the greats. Well consider me officially hungry.

“As of tonight, I vacate the ROH Television Championship. Because the next gold that is going to be on my shoulder will be the AEW World Championship whether you like it or not, Max!”

AEW International Champion “Freshly Squeezed” Orange Cassidy and FTW Champion HOOK were backstage!

Orange Cassidy: “Jon Moxley, you must have lost your mind, saying that I overlooked you, that I don’t respect you. You are the only person that I have been thinking about since you left me in a pool of my own blood in Chicago after taking my International Championship. And I’m sorry that when the opportunity knocked, I didn’t pick up the piece of Rey Fenix, I picked up the pieces of the International Championship that you dropped. And now holding it, it doesn’t feel the same. Because I need to beat you. I have to beat you in order to be the International Champion that I know I am. And at Full Gear, I will beat you.”

The Gunns—Austin & Colten (with Juice Robinson)


The Bollywood Boyz!

The Gunns quickly hit the 3:10 to Yuma and won the match, right out of the gates!

Colten: “Hey Max, you are a liar. You have been lying to these people for years. You are not a generational talent. You’ve been telling sob story after sob story. That’s not what a generational talent does. Me and Austin, we were made for TV. We’ve been doing this for three years. We are former AEW Tag champs. We are about to be ROH Tag Champs because we are generational talents.”

Austin: “Max, you’re an embarrassment as a champion. For the past three months, you’ve defended the ROH Tag titles one time! Now the only friends you have left are on the other side of this guardrail. And I pray to God you pick one of them as your partner for Full Gear so we can send them on a ride on the 3:10 to Yuma. Max, Full Gear, November 18th, the ROH Titles go back in the hands of a real tag team!”

AEW World Champion and ROH Tag Team Champion MJF was watching on a monitor backstage when Samoa Joe approached him. MJF walked away.

Jon Moxley was backstage with Wheeler Yuta!

Moxley: “We heard what Orange Cassidy had to say and I knew it! I’ve been getting calls all week to let Orange off the hook. I knew that Orange knew exactly what he was doing. It’s about the laws of nature. This business is a jungle. And the BCC are a dominant pack of predators. What kind of example would I be setting for young Wheeler if I didn’t beat the piss out of you, Orange? What kind of example would you be setting for Hook? Teaching him he can just do and say what he wants, and it’ll be fine? You don’t even deserve to get to Full Gear. So, the minute we land at LAX, it’s on. Gang warfare. You and whoever you want to bring.”

Wheeler: “Hook, you might think you’re some tough guy, but I guarantee you, you crossed the wrong crew. See you in Cali, pretty boy.”

The House of Black’s Julia Hart vs. Red Velvet!

Julia shoved Red Velvet into the turnbuckles. Red Velvet rolled up Julia Hart for a pin attempt. Red Velvet used an arm drag to take down Julia Hart.

Red Velvet hammered Julia in the corner with body strikes. Red Velvet splashed Julia Hart with double knees and then a standing moonsault press for a two-count. Red Velvet pulled Julia off the top turnbuckle with an iconoclasm.

Julia stomped on the ribs of Red Velvet. Julia smashed Red Velvet with a moonsault and pinned Red Velvet! Julia locked in Heartless after the bell.

Skye Blue came down to the ring and had a stare down with Julia Hart. TBS Champion Kris Statlander and Willow Nightingale walked to the ring. Willow checked on Red Velvet. Julia glanced over at Kris Statlander and then left.

RJ City was backstage to introduce the newest AEW signing…Mariah May!

Mariah May: “I’m so excited to be in AEW. I’ve wrestled all over the world. I just came from Stardom in Japan and I’m so excited to be a part of the AEW Women’s division. And I’m a big fan of your work. Toni Storm is the reason I’m here. I went to Japan because Toni went to Japan. Toni’s in AEW so I’m in AEW.”

RJ: “Maybe next week I could introduce you.”

Mariah May: “You’re going to introduce me to Toni Storm?!”

Main Event Time!

“Switchblade” Jay White (with Bullet Club Gold) vs. Mark Briscoe!

The Full Gear 2023 title shot is on the line here.

Mark Briscoe spiked Jay White with a side suplex. He followed up with a vertical suplex for a two-count on Jay White. Mark knocked Jay White out of the ring with his redneck kung fu. Mark jumped off the apron with a running elbow to Jay White on the arena floor!

Juice Robinson diverted the attention of the ref while the Gunns grabbed Mark Briscoe’s boot. Jay White dodged Mark Briscoe and planted Mark with a DDT!

Jay White pretended his knee was injured. The ref turned to check on Jay White while Bullet Club Gold stomped on Mark Briscoe outside the ring.

Mark Briscoe tried to build some momentum with a dropkick off the top rope. Mark and Jay White traded shots in the center of the ring. Mark hammered away with chops and elbow strikes. Mark Briscoe nailed Jay White with a neck breaker for a near fall.

Mark Briscoe hit a fishermen’s buster on Jay White for a two-count, Jay White just barely escaping. Jay White gouged at Mark’s eyes. Jay White connected with a dragon screw on Mark’s leg. Mark fired back with a Death Valley Driver. Mark climbed to the top for the froggy bow, smashed Jay, and covered him for a near fall!

Jay White rocked Mark Briscoe with a uranage. Jay White planted Mark with the Kiwi Crusher for a two-count! Jay White chop blocked Mark Briscoe. Mark escaped the Blade Runner with an exploder suplex. Mark walloped Jay with a lariat. Mark called for the Jay Driller, but Jay White backdropped his way out of it. Jay White targeted the neck of Mark with a sleeper suplex. Jay spiked Mark with a brainbuster.

Mark countered the Blade Runner with redneck kung fu. Jay served up with sleeper suplex and then spiked Mark! Jay White finished off Mark with the Blade Runner and pinned Mark Briscoe!

After the match, MJF snuck into the ring and cleaned house on Bullet Club Gold with the Dynamite Diamond Ring. Only Jay White was left in the ring with MJF! “Switchblade” Jay White retreated out of the ring!

MJF: “Look at me Jay White. I hope you’ve had fun playing dress up as top guy. Because pretty soon play time is almost over. Because you’ll have to get in the ring with the real World champion. With a generational talent. With MJF! When I won that title, I made a promise to myself that I was going to go down as the greatest AEW World Champion of all time or die trying. And that’s what you’ll be dealing with Jay.

“You’ll have to kill me to beat me. I’m not fighting just for me anymore. For the first time in my life, I’m fighting for everyone who has been on this journey with me since day one. I am fighting for Adam Cole. I am fighting for you watching at home. I am fighting for everyone in this arena! ‘Cause I’m not just a scumbag. I’m their scumbag! So, I got one question Jay. Full Gear, will the leader of the Bang Bang Gang, will you be able to be the first man to pull the trigger?!”

The arena lights went out! Footage played from backstage of masked men attacking the Acclaimed and Billy Gunn!

“It seems like whoever helps MJF is in harm’s way,” said Excalibur.

The footage scrambled and then a person wearing a devil mask appeared on the screen for a split second!

The lights turned back on in the arena and MJF was standing in the ring alone. MJF sprinted to the back to check on the Acclaimed!

Samoa Joe approached MJF backstage. “Looks like you’re running out of friends, champ,” said Samoa Joe, as he laughed and walked away.

Catch AEW DYNAMITE on TBS next Wednesday live at 8/7ct from the Toyota Arena in Ontario, CA!

Special Programming note: This Friday tune in to AEW RAMPAGE live at 10/9c on TNT!

Don’t miss AEW Collision on Saturday on TNT at 8/7c from the Oakland Arena in Oakland, CA!

And remember…the home of professional wrestling is All Elite Wrestling!

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